How to dance like a dancing doll
Dancing Doll Pattern -
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Doll haircut. Dancing grass doll
Haircut doll is a popular doll among the Slavs. Children especially like it, as a properly made haircut can dance. Such toys are made from natural materials: from grass, hay or straw with the interweaving of fragrant healing herbs - thanks to which playing with them turns into a healing action - into aromatherapy.
The main feature of this doll is that its bottom is not braided, but on the contrary, it unwinds so that it looks like a straw skirt. And this skirt is cut evenly so that the doll can stand on any horizontal surface. That's why people call her a haircut. nine0003
To make the Shearer dance, they put her on a plank, wooden table, stool or other surface and knock next to her with fists or palms. From vibration, the doll literally starts dancing, spinning and spinning, which gives extraordinary pleasure to children, especially the smallest ones. And if such a doll is not one, but their whole company, then such a dance turns into a whole performance, where the dolls become in pairs, spin in round dances. So a simple and unpretentious toy gives a truly joyful feeling and has a beneficial effect on the players: both children and adults. nine0003
These dolls have a long history.
When you used to have to take your children to work in the fields, you had to keep them busy. Then they collected everything that was at hand, and most often it was grass or straw, and in a couple of minutes they twisted a doll out of this, which they gave to the children.
Those dolls that were made at home were created without haste, used more materials, and they were much more elegant than their field sisters. Such haircuts were dressed in bright skirts with aprons, scarves with warriors, they were decorated with braid, beads, embroidery and other decorative elements. If you try, then on the basis of a haircut you can create a real work of art - an author's doll. nine0003
As items of Russian antiquity, shear dolls are even presented in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and the State Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad near Moscow.
How to make a shearing doll
Making such a toy is easy, but the process and the result are a lot of fun.
- Making a doll is the development of motor skills and logical thinking.
- This is the inhalation of phytoncides from fresh herbs, admiring the greenery.
- This is the ability to interact in a team, work together, help each other. nine0028
- This is the formation of ecological consciousness: children learn to understand the importance of caring for the planet's resources, learn to enjoy the simple and see the beauty in the natural. People spend a lot of resources, literally depleting the planet, and we can make a toy from natural resources with our own hands, which will please us and, returning back to nature, will not harm it.
- A toy made by hand is warmer and closer to the heart.
- And also knowing how to make all sorts of items such as these dolls, we can live calmly and confidently, because we know that we can do everything that we need, we will be able to do it ourselves. We will be able to survive in any difficult conditions, and we will help others.
Whatever the haircut doll is - the most ordinary one made of grass or an elegant souvenir with a whole wardrobe, the process of its creation is the same in all cases.
To make a shearing doll, dry straw, dry grass or fresh grass, as well as bast, thin twigs of grass, shrubs and trees are suitable. Some craftswomen recommend steaming the straw in hot water, or at least holding it a little over hot steam so that it does not break when it needs to be bent almost in half. nine0003
As for grass, only certain grass is suitable for products. It is long and thin, grows around trees in small bushes and looks like a lawn. The structure of the plant is very beautiful, it is easy to work with, and in addition, such a product is stored for a long time.
So, a bunch of grass, straw or other suitable material is taken, cut evenly around the edges, and folded in half. In the upper part, at the level of the neck, the bundle is tied with a red thread or ribbon to make a kind of roundness that will represent the head. nine0003
Next, you need to make hands for the doll. The arms are made from a new bundle of straw that can be twisted or simply tied at the ends with strings. The resulting hands are inserted into the body of the doll, below the red thread (neck), after which the main bundle is tied up again below the hands - at the waist.
You can also make miniature braids out of straw, which you then need to attach to your head. After that, you need to trim the bottom of the doll so that it is a kind of straw skirt. nine0003
You can choose healing herbs for weaving into a doll, depending on what kind of healing effect you want to achieve, here or here.
A sundress can be specially sewn for a shearer from different fabrics with embroidery and braid. Do not forget about the hands, armlets are made for them or a shirt is cut out. Bast or straw are perfectly combined with natural fabrics and in this case you get an original, interesting doll. Sometimes they even make a papier-mâché head and draw a face. But this is already in the order of creative search, each master determines for himself the limits of permissible liberties. nine0003
The shearing doll is ready.
Grass dolls from time immemorial were amulets and protectors against diseases for children. In our time, many folk recipes and secret actions for making such dolls have been forgotten. However, nothing disappears into nowhere, just as nothing is taken from nowhere. And forgotten recipes come from the past and new ones come into the light.
So while the herbs are fragrant and juicy, collect them and create charms for yourself and your loved ones. Prepare medical supplies for the winter. nine0003
© Methodological Center "Tree of the Family"
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Casanova's dance with a doll to music that seems to come from…
Casanova's dance with a doll to music that seems to come from a mechanical music box. nine0088
Kalugin's "Casanova's Dance", generally a cosmic dance of Death. Dead Casanova dances with a living doll.
"So stand still in front of the dead showcase,
where my corpse is displayed..."
Fellini dances a live Casanova with a dead doll.
This is, of course, Hoffmann's "Sandman", where Nathanael fell in love with the doll Olympia. I immediately remembered this work when I saw Fellini's Casanova dancing.
"Nathanael incessantly shouted in a terrible voice: "Chrysalis, whirl, whirl!" - and blindly beat around him with his fists." nine0088 In another translation: "Live-live-live, spin, fire
Or another piece of Hoffmann's "Automata". And "The Nutcracker"? In its own way, also a revived doll.
In general, this couple worries me a lot: a living person and a mannequin.
This is the film "Mr. Designer", where the Designer does not dance, but fights with his brainchild. Dance of death.
“- Do you know this one with a halo on his head? Well, here we are: we are rivals! He will do it, and I will finish it.” Platon Andreevich Grillo says the same. nine0088 And when you see the face of a doll from a Fellini film, you immediately remember how the Designer made a mask from Anna.
And in the same film there are various mechanisms: a mannequin is collecting a watch, a music box is playing (this is the name of Kuryokhin's musical composition "The Casket"), a mannequin is driving a car (one mechanism is driving another). love with a hunchback, then the girl is like a winding mechanism. She stops, the music subsides, and then the process resumes, as if the key was turned several times.0003
And here is a completely free association: Burgess "A Clockwork Orange".
"And besides, in your youth, you're just kind of like an animal, or something. No, not even an animal, but rather some kind of toy that is sold on every corner - sort of like a tin man with a spring inside, which you turn on with a key from the outside - - dr-dr-dr,
and he kind of went on his own, damn it, but he only walks in a straight line and bumps into all sorts of vestshi-bang, bang, besides, if he has already gone, he can’t stop for anything .In youth, each of us is like such a groovy shtutshku malennkuju." nine0088 "And so in a circle until the very end of the world - in a circle, in a circle, in a circle, as if some kind of
huge giant, some God or Gospodd (thanks to the bar "Korova") twists and turns everything in his huge hands voniutshi griaznyi orange."
A work I love (for some time now) :))
We are all toys in our hands .... (any word can be inserted), and Casanova too ...
Is it possible to be a Pygmalion in life? Casanova in the film talks about this (we are talking about a woman, breathe life into her.