How to rock war on the dance floor lyrics Offizielle deutsche Nickelodeon Startseite Offizielle deutsche Nickelodeon StartseiteAlle Serien
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Life on the Dance floor lyrics complete
My love, you got me dreamin'
That you're next to me
And my love, there's no place
I would rather be
You make everything right, babe I think
You're the angel that I can't be
You amaze me, you complete me
And you turn me on, that cannot be wrong
Hold on tight, gotta get it right
When you take all night
(For whatever it needs to be done)
Hold on tight, let it go all night
Gotta get it right, right
Life on the dance floor, here we go once again
Life on the dance floor, here we go once again
Life on the dance floor, here we go once again
My love, your body's screamin'
I can hear my name, I can hear my name
I don't know what is doing to me
It's kinda mental, driving me insane
Driving me insane
'Cause you amaze me, you complete me,
And you turn me on,
Girl, you turn me on!
And whatever you're doing to me, I hear my heart sing
How can that be wrong? How can that be wrong?
Hold on tight, gotta get it right
When you take all night
(For whatever it needs to be done)
Hold on tight, let it go all night
Gotta get it right
Life on the dance floor, here we go once again
Life on the dance floor, here we go once again
Life on the dance floor, here we go once again
Come on baby, I can understand
I feel your heartbeat
Let me be that man,
Let me be that man!
Hold on tight, gotta get it right
When you take all night
(For whatever it needs to be done)
Hold on tight, let it go all night
Gotta get it right
Life on the dance floor, here we go once again
Life on the dance floor, we'll be here to the end
Life on the dance floor, there she goes once again
Life on the dance floor, there she goes, there she goes!
Redzone Killer
Let Yourself
Half a Heart
The Big Love Has Died
Thundered guards rock and roll / Concepts / Nezavisimaya Gazeta
An invitation to the disco club of the Tamanskaya motorized rifle division was considered a significant encouragement
Tags: army, rock music, rock and roll, beatles, disco club, Taman division, gagarin, beatles , rolling stones, queen, ac dc, led zeppelin, pink floyd, deep purple, black sabbath, slade, ussr, wikileaks, kiss
The Beatles did not shy away from military paraphernalia. Promotional photo for the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Do not believe the tales that the military only loves marches or, at best, songs like "Tanks rumbled on the field." Also, do not believe if someone will blow into your ears about the ban on rock music in the Soviet Union. In 1980, in the Kalininets garrison near Moscow, where the 2nd Guards Tamanskaya motorized rifle division is stationed to this day, a disco club was opened and began to regularly arrange evenings. For three years, permanent disc jockeys (then only DJs were called that) were two senior lieutenants who served in the Tamanets divisional newspaper.
Actually, this subsequently long-playing session was conceived by my classmate at the Faculty of Journalism of the Lviv Higher Military-Political School (LVVPU) Valentin Cherkasov. Oh, how I envied his rich collection of foreign vinyl... I sifted out passwords and appearances leading to the possession of the cherished discs of my favorite rock bands. True, when Valentin said that one layer of black market traders cost almost half of the lieutenant's monetary allowance, the fulfillment of my desires moved far into the future. Valentine, as it turned out, almost every month made such a sacrifice in the name of love of art. And I didn't decide. That is why he was incredibly delighted at the sudden proposal of a friend. Having once entered my office in the editorial office of our newspaper, Cherkasov asked: “Can you help stir up a disco in Taman? You're shooting for color - you should make a bunch of slides with different groups.
But in those unforgettable times, not a single cultural event in a military garrison could take place without the knowledge and approval of the political agency. So the already developed army reflex led us to the head of the political department of the division, Colonel Zolotarev. Having instantly caught the idea, Oleg Valentinovich pleased with the quick decision:
- Well, modern. And this obligatory theme program of yours at the beginning of every evening is just brilliant. I appreciate the educational impulse ... In short, write a plan-scenario of the event.
- And how is it spelled?
- Here, go to the head of the garrison House of Officers, he will explain everything to you. Are you going to spend there?
Presenter of thematic programs in the disco club of the Taman Division Valentin Cherkasov (right) and sound engineer Sergei Ignatenko. Photo of 1980 |
The direction to the citadel of the cultural, social and party life of the military town immediately illuminated our initiative with the high confidence of the division command. And the head of the garrison House of Officers (GDO), Major Vladimir Mebuke, also endowed the nascent disco club with the status of special significance. He allocated for our evenings a spacious room on the top floor of the building, where, according to the major himself, the division's management periodically held private banquets. Well, as expected, Mebuke gave expert advice on writing a scenario plan.
- What topic will you spend the first evening on? the major asked.
- God Himself ordered - by the Beatles.
- Indeed, there are no options. Did they have any protests?
- Well, John Lennon returned his MBE to the Queen by opposing British support for the Vietnam War.
- Excellent! Add a couple of similar facts, mix with the most important dates in the band's history, and your plan will go with a bang ...
But there was another moment that played an important role in the successful start of the disco club. So it was in the garrisons of the Soviet army - all the humanitarian aspects of the life of military camps were supervised by women's councils. And they were traditionally chaired by the wives of the commander of the formation (unit) or the head of the political department (commander of the regiment). The wife of Colonel Zolotarev Galina Leonidovna came to us for the general run of the first program. She sat down at the table furthest from the disc jockey podium among the two dozen others that had already been brought up to the top floor from the buffet downstairs. And without uttering a word, she sat through the entire rehearsal. Only at the end she said: “It was amazing! At least it stuck."
There were plenty of opportunities for the disc jockey on the dance floor to help the Taman officers and their girlfriends vent their energy. Photo of 1980 |
Portrait caricatures of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, painted by an army artist, hung all over the walls of the hall. On both sides of the podium, spotlights taken from the helipad for that evening, enriched with multi-colored filters and turned into a light and music installation, stood on the floor. Powerful sound equipment, prepared by an officer of the communications battalion, captain Sergei Ignatenko and radio engineer Sergei Smirnov, put such a load on the connecting cables that the atmosphere of the disco club was supplemented by a very specific smell of overheated wires. Well, the projection of dozens of slides with concert and everyday pictures of the Beatles, their album covers created on that first evening of the disco club an atmosphere of immersion in some other, unusual reality. Very different from the cultural norms promoted then by the official ideology. Then many guests admitted that they listened to the story of the presenter Valentin Cherkasov, literally holding their breath. But…
By the end of the hour of the thematic program, someone could not stand it, shouted: “Stop pushing - let's dance!” And the hall exploded: "You're in the wrong place, boy!.. You're in the village club..." The situation immediately made it obvious that the Taman officers, their wives, and girlfriends considered their visit to the disco club to be such an aesthetic refinement. And the songs of the Beatles occupied a prominent place in their lives.
It was natural. In 1980, school graduates of the late 60s and early 70s became commanders of platoons, companies, and even battalion commanders. As teenagers, they heard the first Soviet record with the Beatles song “Girl” (“Girl”). On dance floors, say, in summer pioneer camps, this thing was almost always launched as a “white dance” ... And for many, the completion of the Beatles project at 1970 coincided with high school or graduation. It was interesting to observe lively discussions on one topic in different groups of guests of the Taman disco club: which album of the Beatles should be considered the final one? Really the last disc “Abbey Road” recorded and released during the existence of the group? Or the previously collected disc “Let It Be”, the release of which the manager, in a feud with the musicians, dragged out and made public only when the group was gone.
In general, we were not at all surprised to notice how some Taman officers, sitting at the tables during the thematic program, quietly sang along with the Beatles. Well, during the dance continuation of the evening, they bawled with all the force of command voices, almost blocking the powerful vibrations of the acoustic speakers. We were all so similar. Maybe that's why, with some special excitement, they lit up together to the song "Back In USSR". We really wanted to believe in the words of the Beatles' song: "And I'm back in the USSR, / I haven't been here for a long time ... / If anyone knew how much I wanted / To return to the USSR."
On subsequent evenings, of course, there were songs from other groups elevated to the rank of classic rock idols: Rolling Stones, Who, Doors, Queen, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Bee Gees, Status Quo . .. All the guests of the evening literally took off from their seats to shake themselves to the track composition "Satisfaction" ("Satisfaction"). The Quinns with their hit "We Will Rock You" ("We Will Rock You") caused no less impetus. And yet, the Beatles' joke about visiting the USSR turned into something special, in fact, into the musical talisman of our divisional disco club.
The popularity of rock parties grew rapidly. In the GDO hall, where they were held, it was possible to organize a maximum of a hundred seats for a thematic program. That is how many invitation cards we printed at the Tamantsa printing house. And they were distributed, at the suggestion of the political department of the division, through the Komsomol committees of the regiments and individual battalions. Political workers in units were scratching their heads: how and on what basis to distribute 8-10 tickets to a disco club among 150 officers? The secretary of the VLKSM committee of one regiment confessed: “Now we have other guidelines in the socialist competition - not pennants with diplomas. The best encouragement was a ticket to you for the evening. Much appreciated."
Meanwhile, the search of demand over supply only worsened with the spread of rumors already in the capital about rock parties in some military garrison near Moscow. As usual in such cases, influential people began to look for access to the deficit. Once a dapper major came to the editorial office of our newspaper. He said that he was the adjutant of the deputy commander of the troops of the Moscow Military District, with whose request he actually came to us. “The lieutenant general has two student daughters,” said the major. – One studies at MGIMO, the other at Pleshka. Smart and pretty girls, and all his ears buzzed about what you did here. In general, the general and his wife were even delighted with the opportunity to send their daughters to a fashionable place where single officers are most likely to be. Do not refuse the request of the deputy commander.”
Major left us, of course, with two invitation cards in his hands. And then there were visits from other petitioners, regular calls from the district headquarters, from various military institutions. For some reason, their frequency has noticeably increased after the thematic program on hard rock. It seemed that hard rock is perhaps the most attractive musical style for young officers.
First, we reduced the story of the most prominent groups in this direction into one program. But later they devoted separate evenings to the compositions of almost each of the outstanding teams. Hard guitar riffs and piercing Led Zeppelin vocals. Meditative chants and acoustic experiments of Pink Floyd. Mystical motives, in fact, the founders of the style of the heavy metal band Black Sabbath. The virtuosity of musical instruments and the mesmerizing voices of Deep Purple. An extremely interesting enrichment of heavy rock with chips from various other styles, spectacular backing vocals from Uriah Heep. The outrageous guitar and vocal attacks of AC/DC. And heavy rock artfully diluted with blues and reggae from Nazareth.
But here's what's interesting: sincere admiration among the guests of the disco club was caused not only by the "cool slaughter" of these groups, but also by melodic rock ballads. Moreover, it was precisely those compositions that are commonly called "slow", somehow accidentally exposed the mentality of military natures. I remember very well how there were no non-dancing couples in the hall at all, the sad song “Soldier of Fortune” barely began to sound, which was performed with inimitable sensuality by the lead singer of Deep Purple, David Coverdale. Of course, in the English lexicon of graduates of command schools, terms gleaned from special tactical classes on the topic “Interrogation of a prisoner” prevailed. But even this knowledge was enough to understand that David sings not about something purely military, but about some abstract wanderings, searches for adventures and impressions, about experienced trials and unfulfilled hopes. Anyway, the key for the Tamans was the very name of the song - "Soldier of Fortune", which was also repeated throughout the entire composition.
Whirling smoothly to their favorite tune, the officers' wives could not hold back their tears, and some of the servicemen's eyes also shone treacherously. At such moments, it seemed to me that for some reason the rock ballad was in tune with the romance of the wonderful duet of Tatyana Ruzavina and Sergey Tayushev, which became a Soviet hit right at the very beginning of the 1980s: “A high melancholy is ringing, inexplicable in words ...” However, we have an emotional outburst was explainable. After all, some of the Tamanians already had Angola or Ethiopia behind them, and someone knew that they would go to Afghanistan from day to day.
The commitment of the officer brethren to one or another rock group was sometimes amazing. Well, imagine young people accustomed from morning to evening to be buttoned up, pulled into belts and strictly following the norms of military discipline, orders, but literally melting with pleasure to the songs of the so-called glam rock. The teams that were considered representatives of this style were distinguished by outrageous behavior at concerts, extravagance of stage images expressed in theatrical brightness of costumes, and, of course, musical originality that combined classic rock and roll, hard rock, art rock and pop. -rock.
The band Kiss, for example, who stood at the origins of glam rock, stunned the audience with downright crazy make-up on their faces and a grandiose pyrotechnic show during concerts. Or take the group Smokie, which, at the suggestion of the All-Union record company Melodiya, conquered the Soviet youth with tasty melody, spectacular arrangements and performing exaltation. However, the compositions of the British group Slade, a real icon of glamorous style, were the most desirable in the Taman disco club. As soon as a concert photo of the musicians in shiny suits, tight leggings, boots on a thick platform and top hats decorated with mirror roundels appeared on the big screen behind the backs of the disc jockeys, a friendly applause began in the hall. Although, of course, in the first place, the audience was excited by the rashness of the “gorlopan” roulades by Noddy Holder, the soloist of Slade. The commanders of motorized rifle, tank, artillery units with undisguised delight echoed the charmingly wheezing tenor: "I'm far, far away" ("I'm already far, far away").
It's time to remember how a slide library with photos of almost a hundred groups was assembled, how information was searched for thematic programs. Yes, rock music was not banned in the USSR, but, let's say, it was not very encouraged. Only at the initiative of individual enthusiasts have there been any local breakthroughs in this area. Therefore, attempts to collect the necessary content for the first evenings in the Taman disco club were ... somewhat strained. But since they took up the tug ... Many rich sources of the desired texture were quickly discovered around.
A real treasure trove of information about foreign rock musicians, photographs of popular bands turned out to be the Soviet magazine "Club and Amateur Art". A lot of useful information was extracted from the musical magazine "Krugozor" and the youth "Rovesnik". And sometimes we got our hands on issues of the glossy publication "Amerika", which was published in Russian (oh, horror!) by the US State Department, and which had not yet begun to write in Russian Reader's Digest at that time. There, too, there was something to learn on the subject of rock. It remained only to patiently accumulate and sort information by topic.
And yet, the officers of the division themselves became the richest source of the desired information. Many of them managed to serve in four groups of Soviet troops - in Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. They carried to the editors of "Tamanets" magazines of various contents from countries, as they said then, of people's democracy, where there were illustrated publications about rock musicians. Sometimes they brought at all once torn pages with the necessary material. Most importantly, the officers acquired many branded discs abroad, issued in colorful envelopes with high-quality photos of the performers. In a word, the problem of collecting textures for reshooting on slides and compiling texts for thematic programs was completely closed.
The collections collected by officers in the Warsaw Pact countries also contributed to the wide representation of Eastern European musical groups in the disco club. At the evenings, compositions were constantly played by rock bands from the GDR Kreis and Puhdys, the Polish Czerwone Gitary, the Czechoslovak Olympic, the Hungarian Omega ... The last of these groups, for example, was popular all over Europe in those years thanks to its incredibly melodic and lyrical song " Gyongyhaju lany" ("Girl with Pearl Hair"), which turned into an international hit for two decades. We then, of course, could not know that this song at 19In 1995, the group Scorpions will perform with different words and under the name “White Dove” (“White Dove”), which in the dying USSR and the emerging Russian Federation will establish itself in the position of the most beloved Western team. However, in the early 1980s, disco club guests listened to and admired the song in Hungarian.
Or take another noteworthy detail. Imagine how Soviet officers, brought up and served under the symbolism of the "red star", say with reverence: "Byaly kshish." This was the name of the famous composition of the group Czerwone Gitary - "Bialy Krzyz" ("White Cross"). It was dedicated to the fallen soldiers, who, regardless of belonging to the pro-Western Home Army or the pro-Soviet Army of People, were always buried in accordance with the Polish tradition under a birch cross. It sang: “There is a white cross in the gray field, / And I don’t remember anymore, / Who sleeps under it.” The officers of the Taman division were also not interested in what banners the Poles were dying under. All of them were our military allies in World War II.
These events and pictures came to life in such detail for a reason. Recently, digging through materials published on the scandalous website WikiLeaks, I came across secret reports from the American ambassador to Moscow, Walter Stessel. The diplomat in the mid-1970s strongly recommended that the State Department actively use well-known rock musicians who "should finally be allowed to perform in the Soviet Union." Stessel argued that their tour would help undermine the foundations of Soviet society, change the established system of values of the "oppressed population of the country." It was proposed to organize concerts of such performers as Bob Dylan, James Taylor, Don McLean, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Crosby Stills & Nash. Like, in the compositions of the listed musicians there is the very content that should properly influence the brains of Soviet citizens.
Almost none of the rockers recommended by the ambassador ever performed in the USSR. Only in 1985 in Moscow, at the Luzhniki Stadium, at the Evening of World Poetry, one could see Bob Dylan, who came at the invitation of Andrei Voznesensky. Witnesses of that visit say that the audience in the half-empty hall reacted sluggishly to the most famous songs of the rock and roll pillar, and the frustrated musician ran off the stage almost in tears. Voznesensky took him to his dacha to solder with cognac. But tell me, how else could you react to Dylan's song "With God on our side" ("With God on our side")? There are lines like this: “I have been learning to hate the Russians / All my life. / If a new war starts, / It is with them that we will have to fight, / Hate them and fear them, / Run away and hide from them.” Apparently, for such texts, Dylan was already awarded the Nobel Prize in ... literature in 2016.
Paradox. 40 years ago, they wanted to change us, to turn our minds around with the help of rock music, when we sincerely, with all our hearts, fell in love with this brilliant invention of the Anglo-Saxons. That love gave us a feeling of complete freedom. Because the choice was made by ourselves, without anyone's prodding, without imposing, and nothing could interfere or suppress our appreciation of true talents either. “Everything is explained simply,” my old friend Valentin Cherkasov recalled the other day. “We were full of youthful energy then. And it absolutely coincided with the energy of rock, especially heavy rock. Well, the military profession is distinguished by a powerful drive.
In the Taman disco club, playing one song has become a kind of indispensable ritual of every evening. Actually, it was a clockwork little thing that for many years became a cult for all the youth of the country and was known everywhere under the wonderful name "Shizgara". Launching it, at first they announced according to all the rules: they say, the Dutch rock band Shocking Blue will perform their famous song “Venus” (“Venus”). But pretty soon, the host on the dance floor (at the suggestion of one of the guests) began to briefly shout into the audience: “And now - guards rock and roll!” And everyone knew that the lively chords of "Shizgara" would now sound along with the juicy chest voice of the soloist Mariska Veresh.
Today, those young officers who came to the disco club of the Taman division in the early 1980s are over 60. I happened to see some of them at the turn of the 1990s and later. We met some people in the hot spots of the dying USSR and in the post-Soviet space, already as lieutenant colonels or colonels. And, of course, we remembered our Guards rock and roll. So I didn’t notice that at least one of these gray-haired participants in the former rock parties abandoned their musical passions or, conversely, for their sake, despised the traditional values of their country, their people. Moreover, almost all of them had a sharply negative attitude towards persistent attempts to impose on our society the so-called Western values, unacceptable if only because they were distinguished by arrogant diktat, poorly concealed coercion and obviously alien nature. After all, this was a generation of officers who did not allow the Armed Forces of the former USSR to be completely ruined and the Russian Army turned into a funny army.
So that my statements do not look like some kind of abstract conclusion, I will give as an example a person who at one time, as a leader, supported the opening of a disco club and, in fact, made him happy in every possible way. Colonel Oleg Zolotarev, who headed the political department of the Taman division, in 1983 became the head of the LVVPU, which is dear to me and Valentin Cherkasov, and commanded it for almost six years. And he retired from the Russian army in 2008 with the rank of lieutenant general, having reached the position of head of the department of military-political sciences of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. However, having removed his epaulettes, he was a professor at an elite university for a long time. He wrote many books, the titles of which speak for themselves: "Faith and Courage in the Russian Army", "To the Feelings and Mind of a Warrior", "Army and Culture", "The Key to Success in the Spiritual Sphere", "War and the Army in Russian Religious Thought”, “Moral Muscles of Moral and Combat Strength”, “Strategy of the Spirit of the Army”, etc. Is it necessary to explain what values Oleg Valentinovich consistently defended and tried to convey to his listeners?
Well, in conclusion - one significant remark. Let no one think that everything that was told about here took place in a certain reserve, was an exceptional phenomenon. Then, in the 1980s, disco clubs sprang up in many military garrisons throughout the army. I myself attended similar rock evenings in a tank division of the Belarusian Military District, in a road-building brigade in the distant Transbaikalia, in an aviation regiment of the North Caucasian Military District. I know that they were carried out in units of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany and on ships of all four fleets of the USSR. And almost every second military school. None of the Soviet military was embarrassed to recognize rock music as a truly great achievement of Western culture. This was their completely conscious choice, which did not in the least interfere with the faithful service of their native country.
“This is called war, and we are used to it. Looking at all this, we can drink tea”
Late the night before, a concert of the current domestic social rockers, the Ufa group Lumen, took place at the recently opened Reborn Concert Hall. The BUSINESS Online correspondent, having visited this energetic event, found out where creative people gather in Kazan, thought about the problems of globalization and happily got wet to the skin.
Surely everything new is the well-forgotten old. The Reborn Concert Hall, where the Lumen concert took place the day before, is nothing but the former club Boomerang, Wings, a rollerdrome - whatever they tried to do from this room, located not far from the Kremlin. Even the Theater on Bulak, located in the same building, tried to use the first floor for its theatrical experiments. But in the middle of the 2000s, it was almost the main rock venue in Kazan. Therefore, returning to the "old abode" was damn nice. Although the service has remained at the level of ten years ago. In the cloakroom, the checks quickly ran out, in the men's room, despite the current law prohibiting tar in public institutions, to spite the guards, it was smoky - in general, everything was the same as before, so nostalgia was definitely inevitable. However, the sound and light in the concert hall was a pleasant surprise. And there is much more space for the public on the dance floor than in the usual Kazan clubs for such events. And the fact that the audience after the concert was soaked through with stuffiness, apparently, is not the fault of the administration of the institution. This Lumen is so cool "annealed". I even had to open the door that led from the dance floor directly to the street for additional ventilation.
To characterize the audience that came to the concert, we need to make an unexpected digression. In the morning, a meeting of the Calvert Forum was held in the IT park, where measures to form a creative cluster in Tatarstan were discussed. And a major domestic politician of the liberal wing Aleksey Kudrin in a discussion named one of the prerequisites without which the formation of such a space in Kazan is simply impossible: “Freedom is important for the creative class and the creative industry. We need to talk to each other openly and directly on any topic. Including political ones... Creative people are free people, they are always looking for the truth.” The Lumen concert just became such a platform where you could meet "freaks" with original defiant hairstyles, with the same unusual hair color, but the majority of the audience is just thinking and not indifferent to everything that happens.
Ufimtsy Lumen, one of the most popular domestic rock bands, despite rare appearances in the "box", brought their electric program "Sky on Fire" to Kazan. The Tatarstan public has not seen a Bashkir band in such a classic weighted sound for a long time. In addition, many expected that the leader of the team, Tam Bulatov , would start to burn with a verb about the current situation between Russia and Ukraine, given his previous statements in songs about the “lawlessness of cops” in Blagoveshchensk and rallies on Bolotnaya Square. But Tam turned out to have much more restraint, so as not to get personal. Although Lumen's songs are still about the injustice of the world or the inability of each of us to adequately resist the external environment - from the influence of the television picture to globalization.
The team has not lost its rebellious spirit: "Always 17, always war and eternal rain on both sides of the window." It's scary to think, but the band really turns 17 this year... Sometimes, between songs, the vocalist addressed the audience with some regular maxim: “In the world, here and there, fires break out in front of the indifferent looks of the majority. “Gradually, the boundaries of the reasonable begin to blur. A person in front of the TV sees one large group of people destroying another such group. This is called war, and we are used to it. Looking at all this, we can drink tea. The same thing happens with words. People talk about something every day, often without thinking about the meaning. And words are more painful than iron and fire. Tam himself was on a roll this evening. The group played in a slightly accelerated rhythm, thereby setting a frantic pace for the concert. Sometimes Bulatov switched to growling. This technique is often seen in metal, when the vocalist's voice becomes roaring. However, there was a place in the concert for slow compositions.
“The world is becoming so small that sooner or later it will have to be of the same color and blood. At least in my head. The fact is that every day there are more problems in the world, to which the prefix “global” is added. Warming, man-made disasters, global cataclysms, endless wars, terrorist threats, epidemics. And this list goes on. Even the most powerful and developed countries are unable to solve these problems alone. Over the past decade, we have seen this more than once. And for the time being, we can only wait until everyone realizes that the world needs to unite in the face of at least these dangers. On the other hand, in this world there are almost no quiet corners in which to hide. Nobody is protected. No one can be left behind, ”applause was heard after each such speech.
In fact, through the songs of Lumen one can measure the state of today's Russian society. Tam, as it were, invites his audience to stop, look around him and think a little: “The world has become different from the news, I don’t have time to remain myself”, “Digitized films, digitized songs, the world is gradually being eaten by digitized mold”, “And in a stuffy concrete box you can to be just happy, and even, probably, it is necessary, otherwise it is unbearable here. The faithful audience shared the views of the Bashkir rockers, and the audience sang almost every song in chorus: “Let go and calm down, don’t torment yourself in vain, if everyone around you agrees, then our life is beautiful.