Teach me how to dougie dance instructions
How to Dougie dance - Hip Hop dance video
How to Dougie dance – Hip Hop lesson
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Video Transcript:
Alright so this next move we’re going to jump in to is one of my favorites, it’s called the Dougie. It’s a really famous move. A lot of people are doing it in the club nowadays so we’re going to teach you guys here so you can take it to the club tonight and really show off. I want you guys to watch it first and then we’ll break it down step by step. We go five, six, five, six, seven, eight and five, six, seven, eight. Alright so let’s break that down step by step.
This move has a lot of personal style in. So once you get the basics down you really got to add your own personal flare to this move to make it work for you. Okay? So you’re going to start with your feet together, kind of facing this general angle. We’re going to step back with one foot on one. Now when we step in we’re going to turn to face this way on and. Alright I’m just going to step in on my toe.
So step out two, so step in on and. Again, three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight. Alright now the big thing about this move is you’re going to have a little dip when you step that foot in together. So I’m up right here standing up and when I turn that step and foot in I take a little deep, down. So I take a slight [inaudible – 0:01:59.6] I bend at my knees. Stepping up again, out, two, just the step in, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight and.
Alright the next step for this move is as you step out, you almost want to lead with your head kind of looking over your shoulders just slightly. So step one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and. Alright so we’ve got that step back and that turn going. Now let’s add that hand into it as well. Okay so what I want to do now is when we step on the one, our feet altogether here, I step out and this hand comes up just like this. Alright, now as I step in my hand is just going to fall down to step in, then the other hand comes up, two, to step in and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and.
Alright before we speed it up at all, let’s take a look from the back so you ca see all the little details. Alright let’s turn around starting from that same starting position, nice and slow, five, six, seven, eight, we go one and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and. Good job guys let’s turn around. So you’ve got all the basic parts of this move down. Now what you’re going to do is add your own style to it. Okay so what I want you to do this time is really step up as far as you can to give yourself a nice dip when you step together. Again, up and down, up and down. Alright so what I want to do right now is try it with counts again a little bit faster, those same single counts.
Remember all those parts working together, we’ll make that move look really good. From that starting position, five, six, seven, eight, we go one ,and two, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and again. We go one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, seven, and eight and. Alright now we’re going to add one more element to it, we’re going to add a single, single double step with this. Now we’ll speed it up and try it with music. So all you got to do is do that from the first step, you step out like normal, one, step in and two, and from here you’re going to double it up, just slide your leg out, one and two. Alright and then you’re going to step back out together and three, and four, double it up, one and two, together, out, together, out, together, double it up, together, out, together, out, together, double it up. Again, out, together, out, together, double it up, together, out, in, out, in, double it up, and stop.
Alright so we’re going to take that basic system we just learned, that basic rhythm and pattern and start speeding it up now. One more time with music, a little bit faster and then we’ll try it one more time with counts a little bit faster and then we’ll give it a shot with music. Same starting position, five, six, seven, eight, we go single, single, double it up, and single, single, double it up, we go one, two, three, four and five, and six, and seven, again we go one, two, three, four, and five, six, seven and eight. Alright so take that in practice till you get over and over till you get those steps together. When you’re ready we’re going to try it with music.
So now what I want to do is give it a shot with the music, it’s going to be a little bit faster now, listen to these counts. You’re going to go one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven and eight. Alright we’ll try that same single single double we just did stepping out on this leg first. From that beginning position we’re going to give it a shot. Here we go, and five, six, five, six, seven, eight. Good, get that deep in your knees, have fun with it, let’s see how people add their little own flavor to it let’s check out Jamel, hey, nice, check out KC, good. One more time and one, two, three, four and five, six, seven, eight.
More Hip Hop Dance videos
How do you Dougie for beginners?
How do you Dougie for beginners?
0:051:46How To Dougie Fast And Easy(Beginners) - YouTubeYouTubeDébut de l'extrait suggéréFin de l'extrait suggéréRemember to brush your hair alright. Oh. There are so many different styles of the dougie. DifferentMoreRemember to brush your hair alright. Oh. There are so many different styles of the dougie. Different kinds of ways you can do it you know it's just keep on practicing it. And you'll get better.
How do you Dougie properly?
0:261:30How to Dougie - YouTubeYouTubeDébut de l'extrait suggéréFin de l'extrait suggéréAnd turn your wrists while raising your shoulder slightly move to the left twice on the third beatMoreAnd turn your wrists while raising your shoulder slightly move to the left twice on the third beat before swaying back to the right on the fourth feet completing the pattern.
How do you do the Dougie for kids?
0:303:25How to Dougie | Kids Hip-Hop Moves - YouTubeYouTubeDébut de l'extrait suggéréFin de l'extrait suggéréSo get used to it you're going to do step-touch step-touch double it up got it step-touch step-touchMoreSo get used to it you're going to do step-touch step-touch double it up got it step-touch step-touch double it up that was your single Single Double alright so we're going to do it again.
How do you Dougie advanced?
3:295:55King of the Dougie Tutorial 2012 |ADVANCED| - YouTubeYouTubeDébut de l'extrait suggéréFin de l'extrait suggéréSo beep on. So if you're listening to any song when you're bouncing you're gonna want to come downMoreSo beep on. So if you're listening to any song when you're bouncing you're gonna want to come down you want to bounce it down on the clap. Every time you should hit down on the club.
What Dougie means?
The Dougie (/ˈdʌɡi/ ( listen) DUG-ee) is a hip-hop dance generally performed by moving one's body in a shimmy style and passing a hand through or near the hair on one's own head. The dance originated in Dallas, Texas, where it took its name from similar moves performed by 1980s rapper Doug E. Fresh.
Who does the best Dougie?
Its signature shoulder drop and head rub are homages to legendary rapper Doug E. Fresh....It's tough to explain the Dougie, but you'll see it throughout this slideshow.
- The Oregon Duck.
- Nate Robinson. ...
- Glen Davis. ...
- The Golden State Warriors Rookies. ...
- Taylor Mays Does the Dougie. ...
- Anthony Armstrong. ...
Why is it called the Dougie?
The dance originated in Dallas, Texas, where it took its name from similar moves performed by 1980s rapper Doug E. ... The Dougie gained notoriety through rapper Lil' Wil, whose song "My Dougie", released in late 2007, became a local hit.
What year did the Dougie come out?
2010 Teach Me How to Dougie/Date de sortie
Who sang teach me how do you Dougie?
Cali Swag District Teach Me How to Dougie/Artistes
How old is Dougie?
Dougie B's actual age is 25 years old, he was born in the year 1996.
How do you Dance the Dougie?
- The Dougie (/ˈdʌɡi/ ( listen) DUG-ee) is a hip-hop dance generally performed by moving one's body in a shimmy style and passing a hand through or near the hair on one's own head.
How to do the Dougie?
- 1) Get yourself prepared and play the rock music that creates a vibration in your body. ... 2) In the next step, you have to make an impressive start by bowing your body to one side. ... 3) While having the Dougie Dance or learning the Dougie Dance, you must not use the arms until you start the third step. ... 4) In the fourth step, try to drop your weight on your hips at once and sit like a cat. It will be the most thrilling moment of the dance. 5) To create more fun and excitement, while having Dougie Dance, try to move in a circle without leaving your place like wheel chair. ... 6) You can download tutorial videos of dougie dance from you tube and follow step mentioned in the video this is another easy way to learn the Dougie dance.
... 7) Go to dance training schools as they are providing the services at a very cheap rates. Plus there are qualified teachers with lots of experience under their belts. 8) Hire a personal trainer if you can't go to any school or trainer due to some problems. ...
How do you "Dougie?
- 1) Try the "Cat-Daddy," another popular Dougie move. Punch down by your hip with the arm of the opposite side (e.g. right hip, left arm). 2) Try the "Wheelchair" move. With both your arms, make forward circles to your sides like you're pushing yourself in a wheelchair (you probably saw that one coming). 3) Now do the Dougie "Fresh! " This move is signature for all styles of Dougie. ... 4) Don't forget to be loose with your knees. Otherwise you're going to look very stiff! ...
Kindergarten №19 "Kapitoshka", Orsk
“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life.
nine0014 We are pleased to welcome you to the official website of the Municipal Preschool Educational Autonomous Institution "Kindergarten No. 19 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils "Kapitoshka", Orsk" (MDOAU "Kindergarten No. 19, Orsk")And how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become.
V.A. SukhomlinskyAlways Kindergarten "Kapitoshka" is happy to meet its little friends, their parents, guests and opening its doors to you, it fully relies on its sincerely kind heart, clear conscience, decency and professionalism. As "Kapitoshka" knows how to love and cherish feelings, no one knows how! And he says to you not just: "Hello!" - But he also thanks you for your trust and wishes with all his bright soul: "Be in good health, friends and welcome!" nine0013
We do not have the right to deprive children of their childhood, that is a legitimate time intended for psychological, moral development, let them learn friendliness and tolerance, emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, readiness to display a humane attitude in activities, in due time, behavior and actions towards others, learn to overcome their emotional distress, get a positive attitude towards the world around them, get to know themselves, if only for the sake of our children being strong and strong-willed in the future, individuals with a stable psyche, benevolent and decent, ready to stretch themselves a helping hand to those in need, and they will receive much-needed scientific knowledge in their own time, allotted by nature for this! nine0013
"Kapitoshka" is a kind and cheerful drop of summer rain, it carries the colors of the rainbow, the energy of the sun and the life-giving power of water.
Friends sometimes call him Kapi or Kapitoshey - the hero of animated films and children's books. Plot: Once Kapitoshka appeared in the house of a little Wolf cub. The wolf cub is kind and affectionate, and this is what upsets his parents. He is a loving son, and in order to please mom and dad, he decided to improve and become real - Right! - a wolf, ferocious, evil, cruel and cunning. So it is necessary according to the laws of the wolf, and so it is written in the tutorial for real wolves. The wolf cub intensively learns the rules from the textbook and trains scary poses. Kapitoshka helps Little Wolf to get rid of these complexes, to realize himself and becomes his great friend. nine0013
Kapitoshka is not just a kind and cheerful iridescent drop of pure summer rain. This is still, though small, but very reliable, a strong drop of creativity, friendship, respect and love, knowledge, loyalty, honesty, courage, which is so necessary to fight a drop of evil - after all, it can suddenly appear out of the clear sky.
Phones of the "Hot Line" for education and guardianship in Orsk
Designation Phone number Orsk Administration Education Department 21-26-67
25-37-32[email protected] Department of guardianship and guardianship 25-98-51 [email protected] MDOAU "Kindergarten No. 19 of Orsk"
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21-20-38How to learn to dance shuffle - Lifehacker
December 15, 2019 Likbez Sports and fitness
Master the basic moves, then improvise and have fun.
Iya Zorina
Author of Lifehacker, athlete, CCM
This dance style includes a lot of freedom and improvisation.
That is why he is so good. You can master the basic movements in a couple of hours, and then complicate them to infinity and combine them with each other, create your own combinations and spy on others. nine0013
Dance in sneakers, socks or barefoot, in any outfit, anywhere.
Master the basic movements of the shuffle
In this style, you do all the basic movements with your feet, the hands most often move freely - according to the heart.
Running man
This is the most basic and essential shuffle movement. You can do it in three different ways.
Full foot
The movement begins by bending your knee and lifting one leg. Next, you need to simultaneously put both legs - supporting and raised - at a distance of one step from each other. nine0013
The raised leg is placed forward on a full foot, the standing one behind slips back on the ball of the foot and remains on it - the heel is not placed on the floor.
The weight is evenly distributed between the two legs.
After that, it remains to return to the starting position. To do this, the front leg slides back, and at the same time, the back leg is pulled up. You find yourself in the starting position and repeat the cycle. The movement itself is soft and springy: do not stick into the floor, keep your legs relaxed. nine0013
This is a lighter and faster running man look that may be needed for some combinations. Here you put your foot not on the whole foot, but on the heel. At the same time, the one standing behind remains on the toe.
On pads
In this variation, the foot is placed forward on the pad. At the same time, the one standing behind also remains on the ball of the foot, and the body leans slightly back.
In this movement, one foot constantly makes a “herringbone” - turns the heel in and out - and the second touches the floor and immediately rises back. nine0013
When the heel of the skating leg turns inward, the toe of the other leg touches the floor, when outward, the other leg rises, turning the knee inward.
It turns out two positions: closed - when the legs are wrapped with the knees inward, and one leg is raised, and open - when the legs are turned out with the knees outward, and the toe touches the floor. Practice doing the T-step in both directions: slowly at first, then with acceleration.
You jump on one foot while the other touches the floor in different places: on the side of the supporting leg, across, behind - anywhere you want. You can put your foot on the toe or on the heel - the latter is called a kick. The supporting leg can simply rise low or perform a T-step - move the heel out and in. nine0013
To begin, you turn your knees and toes inward and lift one leg. Then turn your toes and knees outward, and put your raised leg forward crosswise. Repeat the same with the other leg.
All movement takes place on the balls of the feet, the heels do not fall to the floor. You can move both forward and backward.
First you put your feet crosswise with your toes outward with a jump, then you also spread your legs apart with a jump.
One leg is straight, stands on the whole foot, the other is with a bent knee on the pad. Leaning on the pad, you slip the foot of a straight leg back, as if wiping the sole on the floor.
Immediately after the slip, you turn around. In the turn, the straight leg bends and goes to the pad, and the one that was on the pad, on the contrary, turns on the heel. After that, it remains only to change legs and move in the same way in the other direction.
From the starting position - standing with a raised leg, as in Running man - you turn your hips to the side with a jump and put your legs crosswise.
The front foot is on the heel, the back foot is on the ball. Then you jump back to the starting position and do the same on the other side.
From the starting position, you turn your hips to the side with a jump and spread your legs a step apart from each other. The standing foot in front is placed on the heel, the standing one behind remains on the pillow.
Then, with a jump, you collect your legs and do the same on the other side. nine0013
Try other variations of the basic shuffle movements
You can perform basic movements in different directions: forward and backward, turning around. This will give you more freedom to improvise.
Variations Running man
Do several times in place and then turn around. You can also try walking this way to the side. Each time the leg will need to be placed slightly crossed in order to slowly move to the side.
Variations T‑step
You can lower your foot on the toe, on the whole foot, touch the floor to the side of the supporting leg or forward and behind it.
You can also keep the other leg on the floor at all - leave it on the toe and turn the knee in and out.
Variations Diamond
Here, another element is added to the movement - the heel strike. In the starting position, you wrap the toes of the feet and knees inward, and then jump on the heels, turning the socks to the sides.
From this position, without jumping, turn your toes and knees inward, cross your legs with a jump, turning your feet with your toes outward, and then return to the starting position.
Charleston Variations
After three turns of the Charleston, turn both toes in one direction and then in the other. At the end, you can turn the knee to the side.
Combine familiar shuffle moves
While you lack the skills to move freely and come up with something of your own, learn a few combinations. They contain interesting movements that will replenish your dance vocabulary. nine0013
Combination 1
This is a simple combination of two basic movements - Running man and T-step. First take five Running man steps, then four T-steps to the side and repeat the same in the opposite direction.
Combination 2
Another combination of two basic movements. Here you do three Running mans, then one T‑step with a back foot touch, and two front heel touch kicks.
The same on the other side.
Combination 3
There are no standard steps here, but there are already familiar Sidekick and transition from heels to toes. nine0010
Learn more difficult combinations
We will add some videos with good combinations.
1. Cool video for beginners: movements are repeated in slow motion to make it easier to dance to the music.
2. And here the combination is analyzed step by step in slow motion, dividing it into three parts. Very comfortably. Look for more on this channel, there are several such analyzes.
3. No slowdown here, just a great combination. But you already know almost all the movements, so you can figure it out. If something is not clear, watch the video at a speed of 0.
25. nine0013
Pick some music and improvise
You probably have a favorite song to shuffle to. Include them and start with basic movements: just do the Running man and periodically add different elements when you want. Move in different directions, relax and have fun.
If you don't have favorite tracks, try our selection.
I must say that the shuffle is an amazing cardio workout. In just a couple of tracks, you will be out of breath and sweat, like after a run, but you will feel absolutely happy! nine0013
What's more, if you have to force yourself to keep going while running, shuffle will require you to stop and not dance. As a bonus - a short video from a beginner after a couple of hours of practice.
Shuffle is cool!
Read also 🕺💃🤸♀️
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- Dance movement therapy: how to discover and change yourself through movement
- How to learn to dance: video lessons for those who are not afraid to try
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