Learn how to dance corridos
【How to】 Dance Corridos Step By Step
video which is on the spin some spinning
and then are maybe a little lift in
there you know
so get your partner get your mom your
sister your aunt whatever you guys have
get your partner and then you want to
grab them the same way so remember guys
under than here under the here put your
arm like right here not too far out not
to him and we actually said the same
instruction in the bundle so only link
that one below so you guys could watch
that one too in case you guys did it so
it's kind of the same thing as the bond
that video which is really to learn a
little bit better is dance by yourself
in here so it's just gonna be a
different puzzle which is they come it's
one two so it's kind of like going
sideways right yeah it's exactly the
same for the girls too all you got to do
is just follow the guy step and just two
steps exactly and this is how it looked
ugh you're going sideways this way it's
like one two one two one
so you're going left and right but with
the arm like this
you just keep on doing this over and
over again guys pause this video if you
have to and just keep on doing with your
partner once you get that down okay and
then once you guys think you guys got
the the basic step one two down then you
do it again and then you watch this
video again and then until you get it
and then we're gonna show you guys how
to do the spins so when we're doing
spins guys like I said it's three steps
once you get the basic step down like
she said we're gonna be teaching you
guys how to do spins and this is how we
do it so you like this so like I said
the same thing the basic one two step
right um and then you slide this way
it's kind of like of a skip motion so
what you kind of get on like this and
you kind of hop into the spin
everybody's different tongue song
whoa what are you doing like I said guys
practice by yourself practicing by
yourself makes a big difference I'm
telling you right now so just do the
two-step do the two-step and then you
want to start it looks I know
it does but it's gonna help you I
promise okay and some advice for the
girls all you gotta do is just really
follow them it's kind of like a hopping
motion or like yeah you're just kind of
just hop in and then just turning at the
same time but you have to also hold on
the guys cuz they're the ones that do
all the dance me so once you guys get
that down um like she said pause the
video practice by yourself we played if
you have to just keep practicing in the
mirror too so you can see what you're
doing exactly and once you get those two
steps down um we're gonna be teaching us
how to do a lift
not everybody does it but I'm telling
you I mean I think it looks pretty cool
right and this is how it looks so I'm
gonna show you guys first so you do the
two-step doing the two-step and then you
do a lift so you lift up the girl in
this boom and a big mistake on this that
everybody makes is that the guys tend to
lift up the girls with just their knee
like they use the power with just their
knee and that's gonna hurt them trust me
don't don't use just your knee it's all
in the hands both hands and your knees
so what you do is you grab them by the
waist right here you kind of push up you
kind of like lift it up like this I'm
sorry you lift up like that and you push
up at your hand and you do those three
at the same time and then as a girl what
you need to do is you kind of have to
like once you cuz they grab you and then
they start putting their hand in the rib
so then once you start doing this you
know it's gonna be the lift the lift and
then you just kind of hop up because
then if he just does all the work is
kind of gonna hurt your ribs so you're
and also this back leg needs to come up
so it doesn't look weird cuz then if you
leave it like this looks like a stiff
snake yeah yeah so what you do is you
bend this mean
you bend this knee and then this leg
stays straight now what you just help
jump yeah you kind of jump into toe more
like this ready like that so see how she
bend this knee and then this one stays
straight one from the time I remember
how okay and then watch how she jumps
into the lift watch see that felt so
light like I'm not the strongest person
ever but when you guys do it right when
you guys both connect at the same time
there's just two it goes out by itself
so yeah and it shouldn't hurt by the way
yeah if it's hurting the girl maybe you
guys need you know more practice no big
deal so once you guys get all those
three steps down guys try to connect all
them together I'm telling you they look
really cool so much so it's the basic
two steps right once you get that down
you already comfortable starting to spin
just to remind you guys we are not the
best dancers but we are just trying to
show you guys the basic steps so when
you guys go out you have enough
confidence to ask or throw out like to
ask her to dance cuz you somewhat know
so then this is just to help you guys
it's exactly guys it's all about having
you're just having fun having a good
time with your family with your friends
don't take this dancing things too
seriously in competitive nowadays people
will be taking this like a sport and got
it before this video ends I'm gonna be
doing another giveaway if you guys want
to win a put away down the Hat I put a
vanload shirt long sleeves are coming
out this fall the way you guys enter is
you guys have to be post this video on
your Instagram story tag me a Buddha way
down low that way I see it make sure you
guys subscribe and comment down below
when you guys are done again guys make
sure you guys like this video subscribe
comment down below we also need more
ideas like more challenges and stuff so
if you guys could like help us out and
comment on some stuff not some cheesy
things but like some you know what you
see em what you what you think other
people might want to
exactly so make sure you have subscribe
guys coming down below like this video
and I will see you guys on my next video
and third
Journal of Folklore and Education
Año de 1900
Presente lo tengo yo
En un barrio de Saltillo
Rosita Alvírez murió
Rosita Alvírez murió
Rosita ya está en el cielo
Dándole cuenta al Creador
Hipólito está en la cárcel
Dando su declaración
Dando su declaración
The year 1900
Is present in my mind
In a Saltillo neighborhood
Rosita Alvírez died
Rosita Alvírez died
Rosita is now in Heaven
Giving accounts to the Creator
Hipólito is in jail
Giving his statement
Giving his statement
Imagine real-life events, from horse races to assassinations and other true stories, captured in rhythmic poetry and put to simple music. That is what corridos are, yet corridos are so much more. The two stanzas above are the first and last from “El Corrido de Rosita Alvírez.” This corrido relates a story that took place in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico (Santos 2010) about the beautiful, 20- or so-year-old Rosita Alvírez who, despite her mother’s warnings, went to a dance one night and ended up being shot by Hipólito, a drunk whose invitation to dance she had declined. This corrido is somewhat uncommon in that the last line is repeated and belongs to the Public Domain (PD) as the author is unknown, which was the case with most corridos in the past.
An important part of the Mexican and Mexican American oral tradition, corridos are a way of documenting the experiences of people who often have no other voice. They are always written from the perspective of el pueblo, everyday people (Fernández and Officer 1989).
Originally popular in central Mexico by the 1830s (Mendoza 1954), corridos also became common by the end of the 1800s along both sides of the 2,000-mile U. S.-Mexico border (Paredes 1959). Today, they remain a popular means of documenting and remembering events about or inspired by life in Central Mexico, the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, and wherever Mexicans and Mexican Americans reside.
Border corridos albums on Folkways.
It should be noted that although the overwhelming majority of corridos are based on fact and inspired by real-life events, a few are not, even some famous corridos such as “El Corrido del Caballo Blanco.” Additionally, even factual corridos may contain errors in dates and names (which is even the case with official government documents throughout the world, including birth, marriage, and death records), or may include exaggerations and other distortions. Also, some corridos have inspired variants with additional or different stanzas from the original corrido (Paredes 1959). Still, the expectation from the audience is that corridos be factual, and it can be disappointing to learn that sometimes that is not the case.
Much like the editorial page of the local newspaper, the corrido takes a topic of importance and accurately (mostly) and poetically documents the essential points, interprets them (often through a moral lens), provides commentary, and may offer advice or recommendations (Griffith and Fernández 1988). However, the corrido always takes the point of view of the working class; it is from this perspective that an issue is documented, analyzed, and interpreted. In a world in which common people have little economic or political power and influence, cultural expressions such as corridos play an important role in amplifying the voice of el pueblo.
The ballad tradition of narrative folk songs is not unique to corridos. Throughout the world, including in England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, South America, the Philippines, and the U. S., for example, various forms of ballads have told the stories of the folk. However, the corrido tradition may be unique in its lasting, wide, and continuing popularity throughout Mexico and in the U. S. with Mexican Americans for over 150 years. The corrido is one of Mexico’s primary musical genres.
Because corridos generally are so detailed, they have been an important source of historical information along with other historical documents. Merle E. Simmons (1957), for example, uses corridos as source documents in his study of modern Mexico. Several corridos have preserved stories that otherwise would have been lost or only known locally. The stories in some corridos are so interesting that they have inspired commercial films such as The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez starring Edward James Olmos, El Moro de Cumpas, La Carcel de Cananea, and La Banda del Carro Rojo, to name a few.
Corridos, the songs of the people, the ballads of Mexican music, have a long history of commenting on topics pertaining to the U.S.-Mexico border—usually on its activities and characters (see Folkways album covers). For example, “El Moro de Cumpas” documents the famous horse race that took place in Agua Prieta, Sonora, across the border from Douglas, Arizona, between the Moro (from Cumpas, Sonora) and the Saino (from Agua Prieta). Perhaps the best-known border corrido, “El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez,” documents the heroic events of a Wild West “outlaw” near the Texas-Mexico border. The folklorist Américo Paredes wrote his celebrated book about this corrido and its many variants (Paredes 1959). “El Corrido de Juaquín Murrieta” explores the life of a man known as the Robin Hood of Mexicans in Southern California (Ridge 2018). There are literally hundreds of examples of border corridos.
Since corridos center on themes important to el pueblo, they are deeply influenced by the changing atmosphere of the border. For example, the prevalence of drug violence spurred creation of the subcategory narcocorridos (Holscher and Fernández 2003). Two of the most famous Norteño bands, Los Tigres del Norte and Los Tucanes de Tijuana, regularly focus on drug-related themes in their music. Since the mid-1970s, Los Tigres have rarely released an album without including at least one narcocorrido; they even recorded an entire album devoted to these songs as have Los Tucanes and many other performers. Because these corridos tend to glamorize the drug trade and negatively influence young men, they have been banned by radio stations in several cities, including Tijuana, Mexico. Yet they continue to be popular and several drug lords have commissioned corridos about them and their power and heroics; of course, such commissioned corridos always paint the narcos in a positive light.
The themes of narcocorridos, such as drugs, money, sex, continue in an emerging subgenre known as corridos tumbados that have quickly become popular with urban youth. These corridos are performed in rap style and in first-person; traditional corridos are performed in third-person. The performers dress in hip-hop style attire, including hats, tennis shoes and bling. The most popular composer/singer of corridos tumbados is 19-year-old Natanael Cano, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, and now residing in Los Angeles, California. He has become an overnight sensation, inspiring others to perform corridos tumbados, including Ivonne Galaz, the first woman to record such corridos on her album Voy En Camino.
Trapcorridos, performed with trap music, are a newer subgenre. The word “trap” has become a common prefix for hip hop-influenced subgenres, even if they do not share the qualities of trap music, which is characterized by sharp snares; booming bass; and hazy, minor-key melodies. Trapcorridos are primarily composed and performed by Mexican Americans around urban themes or personalities. Examples include Nipsey Hussle, the American rapper, activist, and entrepreneur killed March 30, 2019, outside his store (“Corrido de Nipsey”), and Kobe Bryant, the famous basketball player who died in a helicopter crash January 26, 2020 (“Corrido del 24”).
Popular Corrido Themes
The corrido has documented and provided commentary on a wide range of events and personalities of local, national, and international importance that remain in common memory (Fernández and Officer 1989). Although any topic may inspire a corrido, some themes have been covered extensively by this folk tradition (Fernández 2020), such as:
- Wars and armed conflicts: Most notably the Mexican Revolution is a subject, but so are WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf War, and the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Some of the best-known classic corridos are about the Mexican Revolution, such as “Corrido Villista,” “La Persecucíon de Villa,” and “Carabina 30-30.”
- Immigration: These corridos discuss many aspects of the Mexican immigration experience: leaving the family in Mexico, details of the trip, crossing the border, encounters with the U.S. Border Patrol, migrant deaths in various forms (in the desert, automobile accidents, inside locked train boxcars, and in overcrowded trailers of semi-trucks).
This author has collected over a hundred migration corridos.
- Folk heroes: Many folk heroes have been memorialized through corridos, including Gregorio Cortez and Fernando Valenzuela, a pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 1980s who was recruited from the Mexican state of Sonora and in his first year won the Cy Young and Rookie of the Year Awards. Various authors have discussed the archetypes of corrido subjects (Herrera-Sobek 1990).
- Personalities: Barack Obama’s 2008 candidacy drew worldwide attention since he was the first Black person with a chance of winning the U.S. presidential election and several corridos were penned and performed about him. Likewise, when Hillary Clinton was a candidate in 2015, the famous Mexican singer Vicente Fernández (no relation to this author) performed a corrido about her. Shortly after Michael Jackson died June 25, 2009, several corridos documented his life and death.
- Tragedies: Train accidents, earthquakes, and the terrorist acts that brought down the Twin Towers (“Tragedia en Nueva York”) are but a few of the tragedies reflected in corridos.
- Horses and horse races: Some of the most notable corridos on this topic include “El Corrido del Caballo Blanco,” “Caballo Prieto Azabache,” and “El Moro de Cumpas.” There also are corridos that involve other animals such as heroic dogs, cockfights, and bullfights.
- Miraculous events: Two individuals associated with miracles depicted in corridos include Jesús Malverde and St. Toribio Romo. Malverde has a public shrine (he is not recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church) in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, and is credited as a Robin Hood character while alive and since the 1970s has been known as the “narco saint,” the “saint” of drug traffickers; he apparently helps them move drugs going north and deliver them to the U.S. St. Toribio Romo González (an official saint of the Catholic Church, canonized May 21, 2000) is said to appear to distressed migrants making their way across the U.S.-Mexico border and cures them as well as gives them food, water, money, and even directions.
Today, St. Romo’s image can be seen everywhere, including on religious cards carried by immigrants. His shrine in Santa Ana, Jalisco, Mexico, is visited by 5,000 tourists and migrants every week.
- Assassinations: U.S. President John F. Kennedy and Mexican presidential candidate Donaldo Colosio (“El Corrido de Luis Donaldo Colosio”) are two conspicuous examples.
- Towns and regions: These corridos usually document, with much pride, the special characteristics and features of a town or state, for example, “Corrido de Mazatlán” and “Corrido de Chihuahua.”
Corridos are of the moment; they capture and commemorate people or important events. For example, several were composed about the Covid-19 Pandemic, including “El Corrido del Covid-19” (Homero Guerrero, Jr., y Los KDTs de Linares) and “Corrido del Coronavirus” (Los Potrillos De Turicat). The 2020 killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis and subsequent demonstrations against police brutality sparked throughout the U. S and across the world have also been documented in corridos, including “No Puedo Respirar/El Corrido de George Floyd” (Ayalas Band) and “8 Minutos de Infierno” (Pedro Rivera). “El Corrido de George Floyd” (Humberto Reyes el HR), is an eerie corrido sung acapella, clearly by a nonprofessional, that provides details of the killing of Mr. Floyd by the police, including the date, the policeman’s knee on his neck, and George’s pleas, “I can’t breathe,” as the following stanzas indicate:
Un 25 de mayo A 25th of May
En tierras americanas In the United States
El racismo acabó Racism ended
Con una vida humana With a human life
El autor un policía At the hands of a policeman
Y tres mas telamerada And three more of the same cloth
“Ya no puedo respirar” “I can’t breathe”
Aquel hombre pronunciaba That man said
Ya por favor oficial Please, police officer
La vida a mí se me acaba My life is ending/I’m dying
Mas las suplicas, señores But the pleas, ladies and gentlemen,
Nunca fueron escuchadas Were never heeded
Characteristics of Traditional Corridos
Although there are exceptions, there are clear patterns in the form and structure of corridos. Some of the more salient characteristics of the older, standard, more common corrido style follow (Fernández 2020).
- Perspective: Since corridos take the perspective of everyday people, they are composed in vernacular language, generally by well-informed observers, in some cases eyewitnesses, situated in or intimately knowledgeable of the culture of the working class.
- Meter and rhyme: Meter refers to the number of syllables in each line and traditional corridos are composed mostly in six or eight counts per line. Stanzas can be either four or six lines. If the verse is four lines, the rhyme scheme is ABCB, so the end of the last word of the second- and fourth-lines rhyme. If six lines, the rhyme pattern is ABCBDB, the last words of lines two, four, and six rhyme.
Four-line Pattern
Las mujeres de mi tierra The women of my country
No saben ni dar un beso Do not even know how to kiss
En cambio las Mexicanas On the other hand, Mexican women
Hasta estiran el pescuezo Even stretch their necks [to do so]
–Stanza from “La Cucaracha’
Six-line Pattern
Ya con ésta me despido With this I bid farewell
Y si me voy, no es por mi And if I leave, it’s not because of me
Es que tengo quien me compre It’s that I have someone who’ll buy
En el pueblo, mi maíz My corn in town
Al mejor precio del año At the best price of the year
Que no paga el Chapulín That Chapulín won’t pay
–Last stanza from “El Corrido de Don Chapulín”
- Length: Old-style corridos are long (20–30 stanzas), providing rich detail as they narrate an event.
In fact, when corridos were first audio recorded, many did not fit on one side of a record, and it was common to record “Part 1” on one side and “Part 2” on the other. Now corridos tend to be much shorter (8–10 stanzas), easily falling within the standard time for songs aired on commercial radio.
- Opening, middle, and closing: The permiso (permission) and despedida (leave-taking or farewell) serve as markers to the performance, the bookends so commonly used in The permiso lets the audience know that they are about to hear a story and should pay attention to the words (McDowell 2000). Thus, many corridos begin by noting that, indeed, this is a corrido. Some familiar lines include Este es el corrido (This is the ballad) or Señores, pongan cuidado (Ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears). Generally, the first stanza provides a setting by giving a specific date, place, or person. The middle is the longest section and relates the story details.
Finally, the listener is frequently alerted that the story is coming to an end in either a penultimate or final stanza with the despedida, for example, Así termina el corrido (That’s how the corrido ends). Also, it’s in either the penultimate or last stanza that one may find the moral of the story. If the corrido has described death, the penultimate or the final stanza begins with Vuela, vuela, palomita (Fly, fly, little dove), referring to the spiritual afterlife.
- Performance space: Traditionally, corridos were performed wherever people gathered, such as plazas, mercados (marketplaces), and ferias (fairs). Even today, it is common to hear corridos wherever people gather, including in the plazas of large cities and at family gatherings.
Corrido performers in Summer 2010, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. The woman both played the vihuela (small, rounded-back guitar) and sang. The man in the wheelchair had a cast on his left ankle. Photo by Kim Fernández,
wife of the author.
- Singers: Throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s, trovadores (wandering singers) would reflect on the news of the day in their corridos as they travelled from town to town. They played mostly for tips, although some also sold broadsheets with the words of corridos they were performing. In earlier periods, broadsheets with lyrics to ballads were also common in England, France, Spain, and other parts of the world, often with artistic borders and printed lyrics (see broadsheets below).
Although historically males overwhelmingly have been the composers and singers of corridos, women also have been involved in all aspects of the tradition, as composers, musicians, and performers (see the photograph above). Even today, one can see married couples performing corridos in plazas and marketplaces in Mexico; however, seldom is a woman street corrido performer seen alone. Additionally, women have been the protagonists of numerous corridos.
Examples of two corrido broadsheets. “Los Siete Fusilados” is from 1902 and “Corrido de la Revolución de México” is from 1913. Public Domain.
- Singing style and accompaniment: Because corridos emphasize the words and the story, old-style corridos were performed by individuals accompanied by a basic tune on their acoustic guitars, without embellishment, additional instrumentation, or complicated musical interludes. Today, corridos are performed by both individuals and groups and in almost all genres, from mariachi to norteño, and with all the instrumentation of such bands. Still, the emphasis remains on communicating the words clearly so that the listener can follow the story; thus, corridos are sung as a sequence of stanzas with the same melody.
Why should the corrido tradition continue?
Although mass media and scholars regularly document, analyze, and interpret important events, such documentations and interpretations are seldom from the perspective of the common folk, el pueblo. The corrido “Viaje,” included in Mexican musicologist Vicente Mendoza’s book (1954), summarizes the importance of the corrido tradition:
Nuestra música preciosa Our precious music
Tenemos que propagar We must spread
Y nuestros víreles cantos As our great songs
Por nuestra raza hablarán Will speak for our people
Instructions for Composing a Corrido and organizing a schoolwide Corrido Writing Contest are in the sidebar Classroom Connections. Let the corrido speak for the people!
Celestino Fernández is a Cultural Sociologist whose research and teaching interests include equity in education at all levels. He was a founding board member of a high school, serves on two other school boards, and has a charter high school named after him. Other specialty areas include Mexican music, particularly mariachi, norteños, and especially corridos. He has studied and led workshops on corridos and is preparing a CD of some of his compositions. He also focuses on happiness and created a course that enrolled 500 students each semester and lectured throughout the U.S. and abroad on this topic. He earned his MA and PhD in Sociology from Stanford University and is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona and a Consultant in several areas, including accreditation, happiness, corridos, and other genres of Mexican music.
Works Cited
Fernández, Celestino. 2020. Running Tales of the Times. BorderLore: Heritage and Culture of the U.S. Southwest and Northern Mexico, https://borderlore.org.
Fernández, Celestino and James E. Officer. 1989. The Lighter Side of Immigration: Humor and Satire in the Mexican Corrido. Journal of the Southwest. 31.4:471–96.
Griffith, James S. and Celestino Fernández. 1988. Mexican Horse Races and Cultural Values: The Case of Los Corridos del Merino. Western Folklore. 47:129–51.
Herrera-Sobek, María. 1990. The Mexican Corrido: A Feminist Analysis. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Holscher, Louis M. and Celestino Fernández. 2003. Contrabando y Corrupción: The Rise in Popularity of Narcocorridos. In California’s Changing Majority: Historic and Contemporary Dynamics, eds. Steven M. Miller, Louis M. Holscher, and Iris M. Jerki. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, 249-59.
McDowell, John H. 2000. Poetry and Violence: The Ballad Tradition of Mexico’s Costa Chica. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Mendoza, Vicente T. 1954. El Corrido Mexicano. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Paredes, Américo. 1959. “With His Pistol in His Hand”: A Border Ballad and Its Hero. Austin: U. of Texas Press.
Ridge, John Rollin. 2018. The Life and Adventures of Joaquín Murieta: The Celebrated California Bandit. New York: Penguin Books.
Santos, Martha. 2010. Rosita Alvírez acabó trágicamente: La mataron por bonita y coqueta. Zócalo, http://www.zocalo.com.mx/rosita-alvirez-acabo-tragicamente-la-mataron-por-bonita-y-coqueta.
Simmons, Merle E. 1957. The Mexican Corrido as a Source for Interpretive Study of Modern Mexico (1870-1950). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Capoeira is one!
We are able to recognize the game of capoeira by set of movements, rhythm and melody, contrary to Besides that it is multifaceted, eminently individual process filled distinctive features that give it unique and unmistakable personality! "Each capoeirista is a new style!" This is easy to understand, knowing that capoeira - is a motor activity that puts on specific form of individuality each practitioner, in all his/her neuro-psycho-socio-cultural complexity. Everyone shows their individuality in the set of movements and details of each movement! nine0005
Mestre Bimba said: "Everyone strikes and performs movement in your own way! and answered when I asked about someone's game: "This is his way!" Another time he told me: “If you remove this defect, there will be another!" Capoeira itself, because it is original lifestyle, philosophy life, way of being, because it includes the social environment, because it exists in a certain historical moment, absorbs socio-political-cultural influences and changes the environment permanently dialectical process! nine0005
capoeira, which I see today, still makes me happy although it is very different from that capoeira, which I have seen and worked on in of your youth! I can even think - and it's a fad of old age - that "in my time she was better! In reality, "better" and "worse" do not exist - exist just different - in historical and cultural evolutionary process, changing every moment! Similarly, if we watch the capoeirista during throughout his life, we will certainly find differences in his behavior, his philosophy and his movements, while he will not lose your personality! These things change because historical the environment is no longer the same! nine0005
These reflections allow us to conclude that each Mestre, being a separate person with with its individuality, creates its own style and pass it on to their descendants. We we can even conclude that sociocultural influence adds detail to capoeira this period of time! In spite of the presence of great people, humanity moves along its own path. We live every moment, we breathe and turn on imperceptible elements in their behavior all those great and small who preceded us on a long journey that makes us to pass history! nine0005
out so that in a certain historical the moment it was necessary to hide capoeira under cover bayan regional martial art to escape the existing criminal prosecution. This is similar to what happened in Candomble with adoption of Christian nomenclature his orishi without losing authenticity! This is the price of survival both cultural processes! Ritual, the heart of the process, in both cases remained unharmed to this day. This testifies in favor of the wisdom of the African character and philosophy, indirect resistance, evasion, concealment of the goal - characteristic for capoeira! nine0005
"Capoeira - mother all martial arts”
Paying tribute Neyu Berimbau - passion the art of capoeira!
Emo - dream capoeira! And Paulo - the awakening of India!
This worthy master phrase mestre really expresses the potential contained in perky game of bayan blacks that we and try to demonstrate analyzing her way of life. We can see through a simple daily observation in the kind that is a sign of capoeira, as physical activity, is following the rhythm and melody of what controls her movements - berimbau! nine0021 Caba ç a , vibrating in resonance with the only string, prolongs and modulates the dry sound from the blow of the varta, continuing it, and thereby allowing harmonic fusion successive notes without breaking the rhythm caxixi , or monotonous beats pandeiro ! As if each successive note takes in itself a little previous and is given echo in the next, uniting the "Past" and "Future" in the present moment!
Africa and India side side by side in the Unity of Being, sing "FUTURE - IT IS NOW!" " nine0021 I -ê-ê- viva Krishnamurti ! Camar a! » Regardless of the nature of the movement, purpose, or the way to accomplish it, until as long as it fits the rhythmic-melodic line, like the line of a poem, keeping “the harmony of what was and what is still happens”, “this is capoeira… yes, señor!”
Looking from this hand, movements of all martial arts and dances, all movements arising from human body, naturally like rain from clouds, like wind from air like waves from the sea in accordance with the rhythm-melody of the berimbau - Capoeira! Yes, señor!" nine0005
"Mother of all fighting arts!
Metaphysics capoeira
Capoeira is ritual dance reminiscence, because it is a form of physical expression Creatures as a whole! gestures, movements and attitudes reflect what is happening inside the Being, even on the subconscious or unconscious level. They express real desire that does not belong only one student, but instead of this collective of beings under control music. This process goes like this as if there was a fusion of beings, participating in a game in which both know somehow about the present state each other, through the timeless and extra-spatial communication similar to with satori, or integration on the spiritual level! nine0005
Everyone's wish Creatures - to assert their superiority through ritual dance. going on interaction on the subconscious and unconscious level between two participants, which allows recognition of the dominant will through gestures, movements and positions, capable of allowing the dominated will accept gestures, movements and positions, which demonstrate the power of the dominant will! From personal experience in capoeira I can say that it is possible to manage another player so as to bring him in a position suitable for use. a certain beat, force it lose the ability to defend or attack, as it happens when "driving into a corner"! nine0005
Cornering is the situation created in the game of capoeira, in which one of the players is in a position similar to an animal being corralled by a cowboy, using gestures, actions, or commands different nature - with the peculiarity that the driven person has no other alternative except submission! In terms of combat arts it corresponds to immobilization ( gatame ) in ground wrestling ( newaza ) in judo. The difference is in the subtlety of the corral in an angle that is the fruit of rather ritual gestures than direct use of force or technology in contact! Both sports have meeting and merging of Beings who oppose each other! In both can take place the phenomenon of direct perception and predictions of opponent's behavior - I also know this from personal experience! nine0005
When I reached a certain level in this Japanese martial arts, I noticed that not I observe and do not feel the presence opponent's movements with normal organs feelings; i just know what he's going to make. Master Yoshida explained - joyfully, happily smiling – “you learned judo! More or less seventh dan! After the first stage of shock and euphoria I remembered that in capoeira the same thing happened: "hold the lasso", a person must know what the second will do player ... to "corner", one should anticipate what the other player will do... The Japanese claim that their martial art is the way (do) of learning softness (ju). .. Brazilians believe that capoeira is way of learning the way of being! nine0005
Spectator participation
Bimba, faithful African customs, always insisted for the audience to join in the chorus. He emphasized the playing of the orchestra with beats in palms. As a young man from Catholic culture, unaccustomed to tribal subtleties, I did not notice African subtleties! Today more broad view of the universe (multidimensional! - says the modern physics... multi-vibration! - add metaphysics) opens the depth of understanding ancient!
With the help of the choir clapping, the Mestre turned the audience into giant vibration amplifier roda, thus creating a huge energy field that surrounds us. It was an atmosphere of unity, creating in the hearts of all people a great community through the integration of the spirit. singing in the choir, clapping to the beat/melody of the berimbau transcended the limitations of matter, reaching with the help of harmonic vibrations of supreme ecstasy, total consciousness, collective trance.
Zen Africanism? African Wisdom? SUPRAPERSONAL CAPOEIRA? nine0005
Active pedagogy
Bimba was over than just a mestre of capoeira. He was a great psychologist, a genius capable of instill in the heart of a young man the charm of courage combined with prudence, so that he can protect himself from the malice waiting for him on every crossroads of life! his stories, his humorous remarks and his special gestures magically endured us to the theater of life, where we lived it experience without costly suffering practice! In every story was an example! - the danger that should bypass, warning, teaching - in every utterance had a lesson that had to live! nine0005
He's been talking for years without interruption, without depleting your repertoire. I spent hours enchanted listening his stories, always teaching human nature and situations of life! It was a huge shadow that often protected me in dangerous situations already experienced me in the magic of his stories!
"Even the brave gotta be on time!"
"Stupid cool the guy dies prematurely!”
Mestre modesty
Contrary to the false halo of "cruelty", our Mestre possessed great modesty, which allowed him to learn from our constant questions, suggestions and the like. The only thing he didn't like was "if"! When he heard: "What
if I will do this or that to get that or that?" without demonstration in practice, he exploded with laughter and sarcastically remarked: “If! If! If?! It's the chirping of a cicada!"
Were Cisnando , Rui , Galba , Delsimar , Man e Rozendo , Brasilino , Jacinto , can mention Aquiles , Maia , Luizinho , Rubinho , Edinho , Clarindo , Augusto , Geraldo , Helio Noronha , Norman , Zezito , Adib , Camixa Roxa , Humberto Noronha , Filhote de Onga , Cascavel , Saci , Piloto , Jesus , Acordeon , Itapoan , Vermelho 27, Miranda and many other! Everyone was talking and discussing came up with names, techniques, throws, sequences, sports equipment, exercises, movements, stories, humorous sayings, entertainment, anecdotes that mestre heard, pondered, gave or not his own consent and included or not in the repertoire! Aspect of "African Wisdom. .. Humility... being able to learn from everyone!" So "regional" never stopped growing... and developing! nine0005
"The Revolution of the World".
African wisdom like the wisdom of Lao Tzu, full of mentions of the possibility for actions, positions and words. “Wait for exactly the right time!” This inserting a part into context, moments into time: "This is his way... fruits come only with time! Situations change each other in circular continuity, bipolar cycle, "revolution of the world" - beautiful and dangerous, game and fight, floreio and attack, escape and counterattack, simple and difficult...
Like modern physics, capoeira leaves room for the principle uncertainty: "Who knows?" "Who goes there?" "Do flooreio , to hide blows..." "Mandinga..." Malicia... " "Every movement is born from previous..." "And who knows what will happen after?"
Golden Key
Dedicated to everyone who played in the capoeira genus, who lived capoeira in life - as if life was just a game, without winners and losers - for the sake of
pleasures games, with "MESTRE" as "REFEREE"]
Bimba finished evenings and shows of capoeira a special game among the best participants - "golden key" of the event. It was the apotheosis including all spectators, glorious demonstration that the soul of capoeira born in the heart of a capoeirista, sung in the voice of the berimbau, will resound in the orchestra, comes to life in capoeiristas and, by magical communication, turns viewers into cosmic being - our own wonderful source! nine0005
Importance of the whistle
All the years that I observed the activities of the mestre, although accustomed to seeing the whistle hanging from around his neck or wrist, and seeing how he used to give commands to the orchestra and control over the beginning and end of each round, I didn't pay attention to him importance! Actually I don't I liked using it because that he reminded me of a samba school, traffic inspector, night security, or a football referee. Maybe, this dislike kept me from seeing him the importance is clear as I see it today. nine0005
Absence of a mestre and the memory of his presence creates contrast that allows me to distinguish small nuances in the development of today's genus demonstrating the importance of the whistle. I will try to explain its necessity and reasons for using it,
in portuguese the word "if" is "se". Thus "se! se! se!” reminiscent of the chirping of a cicada.
comparing modern during demonstrations and training with what I used to see before.
During class the mestre played the berimbau and did not use nine0021 pandeiro or whistle. In demonstrations, he did not play the berimbau; he used the whistle and demanded pandeiro . In the toke classes, the berimbau controlled duration of each round. Mestre attentive to the movements of the players, noticing that one of them is tired, or else any reason that required stop the action, stopped the current and stop the game! Of course, the beginning berimbau current was noted, except for throw sequences that obeyed verbal commands. lesser number of participants and absence spectators and external obstacles for the actions of students justify this practice. Second, we must take into account the fact that students were under the direct control of the mestre, studying carefully under a more relaxed rhythm controlled by the mestre himself, without arousal corridos , claps or an orchestra. It gave birth more relaxed behavior.
At the demonstrations the Mestre's leadership was spread on students, spectators and the orchestra, not assuming responsibility for demonstration. This required a number of measures. to improve control. First way it was to pass the toke berimbau to others; cost of professional musicians forced the mestre to reduce the number tools to a minimum! Second measure was the use of a whistle to control the onset of the current and avoid the intervention of the orchestra when the every game. At the first sound of the whistle the orchestra started playing and stopped, only when the mestre gave a long whistle and raised both hands - Mestre acted like a maestro! capoeiristas waited at the base of the berimbau for a signal " nine0021 voltage to mundo » in the mestre song, or a short whistle, which allowed the game to start. Game pause was indicated by a long whistle of the mestre and raising one hand - the mestre acted like an arbiter.
Necessity the shrill sound of the whistle is obvious, when we present the total amount of the orchestra, singing and enthusiasm of the participants. We note that the risk of accidents due to the fatigue of one of the participants, which goes unnoticed partner, can only be avoided if careful gaze of the arbitrator - as well as Bimba did! Mestre interrupted the game noticing fatigue, incitement to violence, or the acceleration of the rhythm of the orchestra due to excessive enthusiasm of the players, avoiding likewise accidents! nine0005
Whistle also served as a signal of the beginning and end, when we trained the speed of movements on specialization course.
In the practice of suffocation and gripping weapons whistle was indispensable! So the whistle was an important factor in the safety of the region!
Addition. Professor Pierre Fatumbi Verger suggested me a copy of the tape recorded in the republic Benin, in the city Ilex á , in Temple Loguned ê , at periodic meetings of the Babalorish to teach legends and stories, community news reports and strengthening basic cultural foundations of social groups. On this film we find different ways to talk about the current theme, demonstrating the tonal rhythm and meter of different types of speech and singing. Except rhythmic and melodic richness we find the use of a whistle for ceremony management, interrupting orchestra at the right moments and demonstrating this origin of use whistle to control orchestras in schools of samba, folk music groups and orchestras of capoeira. AT Indeed, this can be considered African tradition that has been preserved over time is another reason to save it today! nine0005
Busy day in Novosibirsk October: odin_moy_den — LiveJournal
Hello!My name is Olga, I live in Novosibirsk with my husband and first-grader son. I present October 19, 2011, a day in which there were so many things that even I was surprised myself. There are 95 photos under the cut - you will find science, production, art, children, cats, non-insects and a little city along the roadsides - the day turned out to be really crazy, there was no time for beauty.

As a longtime reader of the community, I was going to take part, I was planning such an interesting day, and that, and it was still summer then, and vacation ... until my camera broke. Probably, it was necessary not to plan, but to take it and do it. And such an opportunity suddenly appeared - I shot a colleague's camera to shoot the Initiation of a child at school. It traditionally takes place on 19October, on the Day of the Pushkin Lyceum, so I took this opportunity and made this photo report. After, already on a calm head, I was horrified - it turns out that 100 photographs do not at all reflect even a third of everything that happened that day! But rules are rules, so take my word for it.
My family and I live in a residential area of the city, we work and study in the center, so we get up early, at 6 am.
1. For tactical purposes, the wall clock is set 15 minutes ahead, only shhh! nine0004
I crawl into the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, wash my hair. I crucify the family, they wake up with a creak. I make coffee, make breakfast, eat and feed, start the car, and kick the half-asleep family out on a cold, dark October morning.
2. The car clock calms down - we leave regularly.
Yesterday we left 9 minutes late, but it was raining and the traffic jam was even before Stanislavsky Square, so we were almost late for school. Today the road is dry, but there is still a lot of traffic despite the early hours, and it is dark outside, and the brain has not yet woken up and does not support multitasking, so we are driving without photos. On the way, we drop off dad to work, at 7-17 hours, take our word for it. One less grumbling in the car, and the road is still long, so we turn on the audiobook - today these are our dearly beloved Chronicles of Amber. While Corwin deals with Benedict, who killed his servants and why, we crawl to the school. nine0350
3. We arrived early, it was dark outside, only the stairs and the kitchen were lit at school.
But this is how it should be, this is not an educational building.
It’s a quarter to eight, but the sailors are not sad about it: “Mom, although classes start at 8-30, we should be already at 8-15 and start studying on our own, and at eight-five already be at school , so a quarter to eight is a good time!”.
Good is so good, I agree, and the child stomps to school. The baby's name is Leo, instead of a mane - a red hat. nine0005
4. Too big for a first grader? Well, yes, there is a little...
The camera is someone else's, and flashing a flash at the baby's back, she says that the battery is running out. So for now, the photo session is cancelled.
In the academic building, all the key figures are already in place - a security guard and a cloakroom attendant. We enter, we say hello. The cloakroom attendant carries Leo a bag with a second pair of shoes. She has long known all the students both by sight and by name. Leo runs off to class, and I can go to work.
I work at the Research Institute, which is located in a very beautiful building, but I postpone shooting during daylight hours.
Our building is old (by Novosibirsk standards) and is an architectural monument, so any whitewashing is estimated to be a restoration, and costs accordingly. In troubled times, this problem was solved simply - they did nothing.
Now we are undergoing a long-term overhaul, but so far he has only looked into our wing…
5. …and, apparently, got scared. nine0004
6. This is how the whole Institute once looked.
The working day will start in half an hour, the lights in the corridors are not yet on. Well, I do not turn it on - for so many years I can generally move blindly.
I walk down a dark, dark corridor to my office.
7. My office is also waiting for repairs.
Although the window has been installed for two years already - and thank you very much for that! Well, let's wait for the rest.
8. Like a real stationery rat, I have a pen on a chain. nine0004
This was a present from my dear colleagues for DR (I was always complaining that my pens were disappearing). On the windowsill - a favorite plant.
We should give him a name...
9. Desktop (in the computer) on the desktop (in the office).
You can see a lot of things. The child made a wall hedgehog at work. There are still many of his "Trudov" crafts on the table - there is a plasticine jar with beads, for example. Crafts delight the parental soul.
10. And this is a relaxation corner. nine0004
The wall bears clear traces of misses by crooked-handed players. Not every one of us is Wilhelm Tell, cho.
On the cabinet there is a painting "Forest for Halloween", a child, whatman, gouache.
On this pompous note, I put the equipment on charge, while I myself am "bistro-bistro arbeiten quarry".
Paper quarry, of no interest to an outside observer.
About an hour later I made a strong-willed decision to take a walk around the Institute. Remember my corridor?
11. And here is the other wing, where the repair has not only looked. It's beautiful here...
At the end of the corridor there is a toilet of divine beauty. Let's look there on a purely informational occasion - to take a picture.
12. Isn't it divine? Eh... I would like this at home...
13. Seeing the mirror, I remember the bow. Well, yes, well, yes, the place is just right! Self-portrait in the toilet mirror.
Okay, paperwork and walking is enough for today. nine0350
14. Glamor phone (tm) shows almost half past ten. And that means...
About the phone. You will appreciate how I run back and forth, so I do most of the work by phone. Well, plus another child, husband, mother - I talk to everyone for a long time. Therefore, I have such a phone that I can charge it on Monday night, and that would be enough for a week. Today is Wednesday, and look, the battery is still almost full.
But, of course, you won't spoil it - no camera, no Internet, no-thing! nine0005
Well, now - it's time to move on to the pleasant!
15. If you thought about what you thought, then you thought in vain about it.
This row of stacks is the most working tool ever. In addition to paper work in the administration of the Institute, I am gradually moving entomological science. Entomologists study insects, which is not entirely true in my case. My subject is springtails - small soil invertebrates. They're not even insects, they're kind of like primordial insects. Now I am planting artificial cultures of springtails and at the same time collecting material for molecular genetic research. nine0350
16. Eclector - sounds nice, looks - well, I don't know... not seriously, I guess.
I put soil from different places on the sieves (on top), and pour water into glasses. The soil dries up, all small living creatures come out of it into a funnel and then into a glass, and jump there on the surface of the water.
17. This is how he jumps. Small sticks - these are my collembolks.
18. And this is my workplace. We do not look at the wall - the office is awaiting repairs. nine0004
In the background, the jars are cages for crops. Now I will carefully remove springtails from the surface of the water and transplant them into the cage. The whole procedure is performed under a binocular - this is a stereomicroscope in which large objects can be viewed in incident light (in a conventional microscope, only small things, or sections, or transparent objects in transmitted light can be seen). Springtails are funny, they jump back and forth, but I can’t show you this - I have to go to another binocular, with a photo attachment, but time is running out for me. nine0005
Most springtails I choose alive and move to the cage. I put a piece of soil and a little baker's yeast there. Usually they eat yeast well, but now I have a species that has never been cultured, and with these you always never know what they will eat. Then it turned out that they liked the yeast, it's very good.
Two more necessary tools - a syringe and a hammer. With a hammer, I flatten spatulas from paper clips (for 20 years of work I have tried a lot of different things, but I haven’t found anything better than a flattened paper clip). nine0350 The syringe is needed for alcohol. I fill them with small plastic test tubes. I put dead springtails in test tubes for molecular genetic analysis. Each type is separate.
19. I sign and put it in a box, then put the box in the freezer.
When the work is finished, I clean the workplace and wash the dishes.
20. Cleanliness is the guarantee of health.
Then the thought occurs to me that the springtails caught are not of the species that I thought, but of a different one. I will be able to accurately determine this only when the drug dries, but you can think and estimate now. There is such a Magic Site Where Everything is Written, and although this is not Wikipedia. Therefore, run to your office to the computer. nine0005
21. But first, let's quickly look through the photos of the "Kings" in the friend feed.
You can see the time on the monitor - 10-23.
22. And here is what we need. At the same time, at least look at how they look - suddenly you are interested?
Well, we should run further. What do we have on the street? Oh, yes, it is already a clear day and the sun!
23. Chicken-chick looks in the window.
I take out the key, start it from the key fob - a signal is heard from behind the window - chicken-chicken-chicken! Chicken chicken started up. nine0005
The boy's initiation is at 2:30 pm, and since I'm still going to pick up my dad, I want to "sneak" and do a wheel alignment at the same time, it's next to his work. In! At the same time, I will come to work, you have already looked at the science, I will show you the production.
I pass by the aquarium - the troglodytes woke up. In the morning it was dark, they lay on their sides as if they were dead. I am always touched when they sleep on their side. But now they woke up and looked with evil eyes.
24. Troglodytes. Either they eat or they want to eat. nine0004
Our institute is beautiful. I love him, I've loved him for 20 years. He probably loves me too...
"Does he love little pigs? And if he does, then how?" (c)
25. I love the Institute Hall, and the pictures on the walls, and the watch, and the clock that shows 10-39.
26. Well, I love the whole Institute of the Masses.
Okay, fell in love - and go to the cars!
27. A bag with documents and a bottle of water - everything a lonely heart needs. nine0004
It's not a minus yet, but it's already quite cold, and the water is amazingly delicious! This is why I love autumn and spring.
"Here's someone who copes with stress, and Olga always drinks while driving!" - my husband told my car mechanic Zhenya when I first came to change the oil. "Water, I drink water!" I asked until his eye popped out.
He's lying, I drink water not only while driving, and no stress is to blame.
27. Beware, there is a barrier BBBBAUMMMMM! nine0004
Beauty outside! The blue-blue sky is the sky, cotton clouds, the leaves have flown around, the trees are graphically turning black. Let's go and enjoy!
We admire, I said!
28. Departure from Frunze to Kondratyuk Square.
Over there, behind the yellow houses, if you go through the arch, there will be a mosque. Judging by the sign. I haven't seen it, I don't know.
I'm a good driver, I shoot only when there is no red-light.
29. We leave Dimitrov towards the Dimitrovsky bridge. The weather pleases. nine0004
And we enter the only tunnel with artificial lighting. Every time I remember the life-affirming remark of the evil boy from "Lethal Weapon": "The worst disasters occur in tunnels! Heads fly off! Intestines fly everywhere!"
30. We were lucky, no guts hung, no heads flew off. We are passing.
31. Beauty on the Dimitrovsky Bridge! The spaces are spacious and there are few cars.
But, in order not to film my own accident, I courageously turn off the camera. I turn it on already on Stanislavsky Street. But - stopping at the curb as good. nine0005
32. Because I can't help it - beauty! Sky, sky!
We are approaching the work of the Beloved Spouse (tm). He works in a printing house that rents space from the Nauka printing house. So much for the link between science and production.
33. Previously, "Nauka" always needed someone. Now she hasn't needed anyone for a long time...
There are a lot of tenants on the territory: a parking lot, a service station, all sorts of warehouses and showrooms for stationery, and a lot of small printing houses. We will now visit one of them. nine0005
34. This is Chu, Beloved Husband (tm).
A distinctive feature - amazing photogenicity. The whole thing is so soulful. In fact, he is now in a state of many hours of war with an incomprehensible jamb of photo output, and thank God that we do not have audio support.
I am a good reason for him to say out loud once again everything he thinks. At the same time, he demonstrates the aforementioned jamb and explains the potential ways to destroy it.
35. In front of you, by the way, is the guillotine. nine0004
This is a paper cutting machine. She can easily shred our Chu into Pirogov cuts. But only if someone helps him. One person cannot even cut off his finger on it - unless he disables a bunch of defenses.
The crisis hit expensive printing houses hard, where many beautiful expensive and, in fact, not really needed publications were printed. And every little thing, which was already barely scratching, survived, and even acquired a certain number of customers. It really didn't get much better for them. nine0005
36. This is a workshop.
In the center - a wire stitcher, a selection, piles of editions and just paper, in the depth - an aunt-binder picks up some books.
Left - two-colour Japanese press. Like most Japanese cars on the road, very old. One thing is good - it does not require technical inspection coupons and no one cares where her steering wheel is. Let's get closer.
37. This is a feeder.
A ream of A2 size paper is loaded there, and blown on top of it so that the top leaflet floats on one side. A bar with suction cups grabs it and throws it on the table, and the rollers on top move it further. nine0005
38. First printing unit.
Full-color offset image consists of three colors - cyan, magenta, yellow - and black.
This is the first printing unit. Now it is printed in cyan - a blue process color. Many shafts roll out the paint and transfer it from one to another. Below - humidification shafts. They serve water or alcohol. This machine is alcohol humidified. Alcohol is eating...
The offset cylinder is not visible here - it is a large cylinder with a shape, where the image is displayed in a mirror form. Those elements that should be painted (printed) are coated with a substance to which the paint adheres, and those that do not need to be sealed (blank) are covered with a substance to which water adheres. Ink and water rollers apply ink (on printed elements) and water (on blanks) to the offset form at the same time. Then the offset roller is rolled over the sheet - an impression is obtained. To get a full-color print, you need to do this procedure 4 times. nine0005
Two-colour machine, one-colour impression immediately goes to the second section, where the second color is imprinted on it.
39. Second section under magenta (magenta). To get to it, you need to climb the stairs.
After the magenta section, the print goes to the reception, where the printer controls it, and, if everything is fine, starts the machine at a speed that is 7 thousand prints per hour.
40. Printer Micha controls the print. nine0004
Micha - Druuug! He plays with my child over the network in network mochilovki and is not very offended when Leo vomits him like Tuzik a heating pad. My baby is a monster, yes.
After printing 2 colors at a time, the circulation is dried for some time, the machine is washed and recharged - and two more colors are printed.
40. Predatory machine - see what it does to a person?
Just look what she can do to a person!! While no one has done anything to me, I stick my nose into the corners. nine0005
41. Gold foil press - this has recently been used for notebook covers.
But I have to go - I agreed with the master at 11-20.
Stoshka in a neighboring house. I've already done wheel alignment there, I liked the masters and the prices. I'm making my way.
42. I run into a parked car and make a call. I'm already waiting.
I go to the workshop box and run back to Chu.
It turns out it's cold outside! And besides, hungry. I beg Chu to visit a local eatery. The dining room deserved, of course, a separate story, because it is practically an oasis of socialist times. But it's a limit. Therefore, I report on the eaten pea with a cutlet, pancakes and "kanpote" from dried fruits, I run to pick up the typewriter. I'm taking the car, I'm taking Chu. He solved the super-megaproblem about the file, but at that moment their Internet was dead, and we will just go past the photo output, and we can bring the file. nine0005
The photo outlet is located next to the city telephone center, where the antenna is visible from almost anywhere in the surroundings. My stalker kid calls her Brain Scorcher.
43. Burner.
While Chu gives the file, I admire the surroundings. There is really nothing to admire, there are garages all around and here's another - a burner. It's time to fall.
44. Time is not running out yet, but given the potential traffic jam, there is not much time left.
At this moment, our florist calls - the mother of a child's classmate. You have no idea how happy it is to have such a mother! For any holiday, there is a fresh, beautiful, exclusive bouquet that will not crumble in half an hour. Happiness.
We start for flowers.
Flowers on Krasny Prospekt, so you have to go over the old bridge. I don't like the old bridge - it's narrow, crooked and always clogged, you can't enter or leave it. But we hope for one in the afternoon - the traffic should not be very dense. nine0005
45. That's right - it's okay.
Now Chu has a camera, so you can see my plump handles on the steering wheel.
The bridge offers a panorama of the city, but shooting it in the stream without special means is useless. We limit ourselves to a couple of pictures and a statement of the fact that the architecture of our city is hmm ... bizarre.
So I understand that an architect always smokes a little, he has such a creative job. But when he smokes from one box, he works wonders, but at least in one style. There are a lot of boxes in our city. And it seems to me that even bottles come across among the boxes ...
46. The old bridge led us to the State Public Library for Science and Technology
- a large, large scientific library. Previously, it towered over the surroundings like a Monolith, but now it is completely lost among the high-rise buildings. Tempora mutator, gentlemen...
We are leaving for Krasny Prospekt.
47. The chapel, which somehow became another symbol of the city, also disappeared into new buildings.
Red is bad for driving, so I haven't been here for a long time. There were sooo many outdoors, it resembles the insides of a great-grandmother's suitcase, pasted over with all sorts of garbage. And on the left, they are generally fencing some kind of bambula! Must have come across a particularly hard-edged jar. nine0005
We made our way to the florist, but parking at Krasny during the day is a dead number, so I send Chu away, and I myself maneuver the second lane of the parking lot.
48. Chu returns with a bunch of flowers.
49. We pass Opera from the side. He's good in every way. From this side - also good.
Very close to school.
We arrived at the school even a little earlier. I had to shout for help to moms to carry flowers. Now they are holding bouquets that cannot be placed. nine0005
50. In the lobby. From the photographs on the walls, you can already understand that this is not a gymnasium or a lyceum at all.
See the shoe covers on mom? You can't go to school without them. In fact, this is not a school, but the Novosibirsk State Choreographic College. There are only 4 of them in Russia. Recently, the community had a day of a ballet teacher from the Moscow Academy (MGAH). MGAH is our elder brother. There is also such an institution in St. Petersburg and Perm.
Children enter college after elementary school - instead of the fifth grade, they go to the first grade for the second time. It's called 1/5. Here they study according to the program of a comprehensive secondary school plus special disciplines plus general piano. nine0005
And today the first graders have an initiation into ballet.
You can't go to school just like that. And although the holiday itself will be filmed by professionals, I wanted to get here with a camera in order to film the pre-holiday fuss and, in general, to show my parents where their youngest grandson studies.
At 2:20 pm we were invited upstairs, we changed our shoes, whoever had what, who didn't have - put on shoe covers - and went to the ballet corps (remember at the very beginning - there was no electricity there in the morning? That's it.)
51. And here is our little baby.
The hallway of the ballet building is no longer crowded - and this is just our class! And soon the whole college will be here!
Children run away to line up, and we go to the ballet hall to find seats. Unfortunately, the college does not have an auditorium. Reporting concerts are held in the Opera House, and internal concerts are held in a simple ballet hall. It is good to dance there, but there are no places for spectators at all. Soon they promise to complete the construction of a new building - they say there will be a hall. And it's joyful. nine0350 But today, almost all of my photos didn't turn out from the actual Initiation. Although I was not upset - there will be professional photos, but we had to just look and be happy.
And meanwhile the holiday has begun. The senior students have prepared a funny performance about the life of the college - about how people enter here, how they study...
52. The Monument to Terpsichore, covered with a sheet, was brought to the pedestal.
Then our first graders went out in the polonaise. It was very beautiful, but I did not photograph, but filmed it on video. But trust me, it was beautiful...
53. Terpsichore turned out to be Terpsichore. He (a) drives negligent students.
Comic scenes are interspersed with ballet gifts that each class makes for first-graders. It is interesting to watch how children change class after class - class after class they are all smoother, slimmer, taller and stronger. You can't say it in other words - ugly ducklings turn into swans.
Ballet Gifts represents each class and each course. But the photos are bad, I hardly post them. nine0005
54. This is third-graders (grade 3/7)
55. Boys 3/7. I shoot by holding the camera over my head, it turns out badly.
56. Terpsichore flutters around the hall.
A dress for a quivering ballerina girl does not converge on the back of Terpsichore, of course.
57. High school girls are already real ballerinas.
In the front row are students from Japan. Beauty and smart.
Pupils take part in ballet performances of NGATOiB already from the 2nd grade (in our first one, one girl was already selected for rehearsals for theater practice. The whole class was envious, of course).
58. Duet dance is probably the first course.
At the end of the holiday, the graduates congratulated the first-graders on their initiation into ballet, they were presented with balloons and ballet shoes with signatures and wishes.
And the certificates were solemnly handed over to the second class. Now they can go to the Opera House through the service entrance. Our children licked their lips, they still go to the theater like mere mortals. nine0005
59. The first graders were gathered for a group photo. Parents don't get lost either.
60. Leo has attached the ball to his leg and pretends to be carried upwards.
61. The corridor is almost empty. On the walls - ballet photographs - old and new.
You can see how comfortable it is here - carpets, sofas. In other corridors there are soft banquettes so that the children can rest comfortably.
At school they go only in second shoes, they don't let anyone in from the street, so it's clean. And there are only a hundred and fifty children here. After our former gymnasium, where there are more than a thousand children, you certainly feel the difference. nine0350 Seductive smells come from the kitchen on the ground floor. This is also amazing - delicious smells from the school kitchen. The food here is very tasty, the child always eats everything. Yes, and hours of physical activity also contribute to appetite.
The holiday is over, and I have to go to work to solve one small issue. So we get in the car and drive. Outside it was very cloudy and cold.
62. And again the native Institute. The BBBAMMM barrier opens from the watch - there is a monitor there. They recognize me and let me in. nine0004
I am bistro-bistro arbeiten quarry while my family is walking in the yard - Leo runs because he is still excited after the holiday ("Mom, you have no idea what a responsible day I had!"), Chu smokes. I'm coming back and we're leaving. Again we are going through the Dimitrovsky bridge, but we don’t want to take pictures of the road again, and even with a cloudy sky - beeeee - I don’t want to. But already at the entrance to my father’s work, I can’t help but take a picture of a monument to Lenin for you near the administration building of the district of the same name. nine0005
63. I take pictures on the go, let the blurry landscape symbolize inexorable time...
64. On the circles of Labor Square we come across a truck with an amazing inscription. We wait for the red light and take a photo:
65. This must be Cheops himself.
On the way we stop at an ice cream kiosk - ice cream at wholesale prices. Leo buys an ice cream with strawberry cheesecake (everyone then forgot about it and didn’t eat it until today. I don’t remind you yet, let there be a stash!)
66. The problem of choice...
Passing Kirov Square we meet. ..
67. ...a bus-boy.
We have many such buses, and even in the dirtiest dirt the cylinders are lovingly wiped.
And here we are almost at home. We stop to buy hot bread. Lev runs out, I'm already sleeping in a warm car.
68. My child is golden - he provided his mother with circuses and bread.
It's already very, very almost at home. nine0350
69. Do you see a beautiful new building? Unfortunately, we are not in the right place...
This beautiful house was built under my windows in 2 years. There are actually 5 houses there. A beautiful microdistrict turned out instead of a wasteland and garbage dumps.
70. They also built an indoor skating rink for figure skaters and hockey players, and started building a pool, but then a crisis broke out...
The skating rink was completed, and only piles stick out from the pool. They are evil, they would ask me what to build. I would definitely choose the pool. nine0005
71. This is the house I see from the window.
But they see from the window (when, of course, the boy Leo is not walking with a balloon) -
72. ...they see from the window such an atstoy atstoy!
The line of leafless poplars in front is the border of the city. Sleeping area, cho.
Okay, let's go home already.
73. Folded iron friends stand in the corridor.
One friend is right on the floor, the other is nearby, in the freezer, he didn't fit into the frame. Waiting for better weather. nine0350 We go home.
74. Judging by the facial expression, my cat tells the child something obscene.
My cat Kshinya is the oldest, biggest and most harmful. The most on my mind.
We run in, wash our hands, change clothes. Mother (that is, I) climbs into the refrigerator - something has already been a canteen dinner for a long time.
75. A bad housewife's refrigerator is full - she cooks rarely, but a lot.
76. But there is always something to eat. I brew only tea, the rest I heat up and cut. nine0004
The child refuses to eat - they have meals from nutritionists, taking into account everything, so he is not hungry yet. Not like me.
After eating, you can take a photo hunt. The youngest cat is Levkina. Her name is Fuchsia. She is a Kurilian Bobtail, small, hyper-reactive, a hooligan and an inventor.
77. "Today I scratched the wallpaper on the wall and I'm ashamed." About ashamedly lying.
Medium cat - Chu cat. She turned out to be a frozen, hungry, sick kitten with us, brazenly burst through the ajar door, rushed to the cat's bowl and almost tore me to shreds when I tried to examine her. For this, she received the name Lynx. But an hour later she realized that there was a lot of food and everyone was afraid of her, and immediately turned off all her atrocities. She is a semi-persian and now the ideal of catness. She never does anything wrong to anyone. nine0005
78. "But I never scratch anything, and I have nothing to be ashamed of!"
The third cat does not condescend to a photo shoot. "This is not a royal affair, mother!"
Well, okay, Leo and I are arbeiting with a vacuum cleaner for the time being, then he will rest, and I will do the laundry.
79. Ah-ah-ah, ballet socks and slippers! Ariel powder and Vanish bleach. Everything is as advertised.
My beloved husband is calling: "Mommy, darling, donut-cheesecake, pick me up from work!" It's easy for us - we can’t finally reach 7 miles! nine0005
80. Some 7 hours, and in our lane the night is pitch-black!
81. How I love driving in the dark!
Lights, beauty! Cars are not so bad to go, but not so that it was completely boring.
Here we are, daddy is waiting for me in the dark night.
82. The golden spheres above it are poltergeists or aliens. I did not decide yet.
At home, cats are not just met - they jump out of the open door into the corridor. My cat (breed Siberian Garbage Don't Understand What They Mixed) falls on the floor - if you want to drive me home - drag me in your arms! nine0005
83. "Haiti, Haiti! They feed us well here too!"
Speaking of food. I have, I have a weapon against them, against these fat harmful cats lying around anywhere!
84. The giant barrel of food is open and fragrant!
And as soon as I put my hand into her, all three cats are already there. Food, by the way, is running out, we should buy it...
Beloved husband, he's daddy, he's Chu - languishes at his computer, and I'd love to fall down somewhere. nine0005
When we didn't have a car and we all drove by ourselves, our schedules with Chu didn't match much. Therefore, the child and I dumped him into the nursery. Now we are all leaving at the same time, but I'm already used to sleeping on the bed. .. and I don't want to go to the sofa...
85. My girl's bed is beginning to beckon me, but it wasn't there!
86. Because the Terrible Bat is hanging upside down on the bed! nine0004
The mouse is removed from the perch and interrogated about the lessons. Lessons are done. This never happened at the old school.
87. Well then, quickly throw the ballet into the car.
In addition, the child is ripe for dinner and asks for chicken noodle soup. A bad housewife always has chicken broth, and peeling 1 potato and throwing in a handful of vermicelli is a matter of minutes.
88. Parents are calling.
After they retired, they moved to the countryside. I left them a special phone with a Novosibirsk SIM card so that I could call them on the intranet unlimited. That's why I don't pick up the phone. I hang up and call back. We vied with each other to talk about Initiation. nine0005
89. In the meantime, the laundry was washed and magically hung up.
My bedroom apartment is also waiting for renovation, so don't look at the dull green wall!
90. Dinner is ready. It's a bit late, but a light soup will not harm my slim girls.
91. Leo sits down to repeat the music - fortunately our apartment has no neighbors!
On the left we have a control room, on the right - our own rooms, below is a basement, and on top I don’t even know if anyone lives. For at least 10 years of living in this apartment with her husband, a music lover, no one has ever said a word about loud music. nine0005
92. This photo shows a wall - on the left are stalker drawings, on the right is the coat of arms of the city made of plasticine balls. In the center of the calendar is a photo donated by the graduating class on September 1.
93. Who is sleeping on my bed???
Okay. I'll go to Chu's for a while and watch The Big Bang Theory.