How to give your girlfriend a lap dance
How To Give A Striptease / Lap Dance For Your Woman
Welcome to the complete beginners guide for men who wish the learn how to give their wife / girlfriend / whoever… a sexy striptease and lap dance in private!
If you want to ignite that spark in your relationship, or add a new bedroom skill for future dates, then you’re seriously in luck.
There’s a lot of bad information out there on the internet, with many false fact’s and misleading instructions.
I’m not joking – the amount of bad information out there is insane! And I don’t want YOU to get the wrong advice.
So If you want accurate information regarding how to give your woman a striptease, backed by my own personal experience as a male stripper – then keep reading!
So giving an authentic lap dance for your woman is not as easy as one may think. Simply put – the more effort you put into practice, preparation and appearance, the more effective this skill will be.
Don’t think for 1 minute you can spend a few hours and come up with something that will blow her away – you’re kidding yourself.
To seduce your wife / girlfriend with a lap dance requires you to fully commit to the idea of seduction, and to invest time into planning how it’s all going down on the night.
Follow my beginners tutorial on lap dancing your woman below – and you’ll have a much better chance at success!
Choosing Your Striptease Song/s
Obviously we’re going to be lap dancing to music, but the more important questions are what song/s? How many songs? What genre should I choose?
My first piece of advice to choose something that she will enjoy listening to, however also consider if you feel comfortable dancing to it. It’s very important that you strip to something she actually likes and also something you’re able to get emotionally connected to whilst performing the striptease.If you and your woman both listen and enjoy music that’s highly not appropriate for performing a striptease, such as heavy metal or classical music, then my suggestion is slow R’n’B music.
Especially the R’n’B music from the 90’s and early 2000’s.
Think About What You Will Wear During The Lap Dance.
So there’s 2 options for you. You either use a costume or not. It’s entirely up to you. There’s no wrong answer here, just your personal preference.
Would you feel comfortable giving your woman a striptease in a police uniform? Or a Builder Outfit? Or even dressed like an army soldier? If the answer is yes, and you can also envision your woman being into the ‘role play’ aspect, then i highly recommend it.
It’s a great way for both of you to get ‘caught in the moment’ and really embrace the experience of of striptease.On the other hand – If you decide costumes aren’t your thing. Thats ok! A lap dance can be just as effective in your own clothes – so long as you dress appropriately and don’t look like you just woke up! The casual clothes appearance can be a great addition to ‘take her by surprise’ and bust out a lap dance without her knowing. -
Where Will You Give The Lap Dance?
Your room set up, and how much space you allocate for yourself is very important.
Preparation is key.
Knowing your environment, the space you have to work with, the lighting, floor surface and chair (for her to sit on) is all crucial.
You’ll need adequate space to give her a lap dance and show her some of your male stripper dance moves, please do not try an attempt a lap dance in a confined, crowded or messy space. There’s nothing worse than knocking over some ornaments, or even slipping on a rug whilst dancing. It’s going to 100% kill the mood in the room immediately.
Please take the time to plan where you will do the lap dance, then clean the room and move around furniture to allocate space if need be.
We talk more about room preparation,space and most importantly, the lighting, in our lap dance masterclass online course. -
Planning Your Striptease
Please don’t play your favourite track and cross your fingers and hope for the best. That’s why i’m here! To help you!
You should give yourself some form of structure to your show.Now let me be clear – i’m not suggesting your choreograph everything you do. In fact, I don’t recommend that. Why? Because choreographing dance moves for a TikTok video is 1 thing, but lap dancing is a whole different universe.
The emotional (and physical) connections you need to make with your partner whilst lap dancing require you to be ‘present in the moment’ and also constantly aware of her movements and reactions.Lap dancing It’s a 2 way process, on the other side, choreographing a dance routine for an audience is a 1 way process.
A dance routine is simply delivering your show to an audience who just watches it, that’s it. A lap dance is you delivering a show to someone you have an emotional connection with, in which they will receive your advances and react in response to your actions.
A good lap dance should be a 2 way process, 2 people connecting and feeding off each others ‘energy’.Having said that, this is why you shouldn’t choreograph everything. Your lap dance will become stiff, rehearsed and lack any sort of passion.
It will become a 1 way process.
In order to achieve a lap dance experience with 2 individuals immersed in each others presence, we need to allow us time to improvise and flow with the ‘moment’.
This is where my ‘anchor point’ system is so important. It’s a full proof system that will give structure to your show (so it still looks professional and clean) – whilst still giving you opportunity to interact with your partner however you like.
The anchor point planning system was designed to give ordinary, everyday men who can’t learn or remember choreography, the chance to put on a show without having to remember tedious amounts of dance steps and positions.In our online course, we teach the fundamentals of sexy body movements, along with lap dance moves / tricks and finally masculine dance moves.
Make sure you know exactly what your plan is when performing a striptease for your woman
How To Initiate The Striptease?
Actually starting the show, or even bringing up the idea – can be more difficult than you may realise.
For some it may come easy, but for others, it may present a problem.
Sure – you can just blurt it out like an impatient 6 year old waiting for the film to begin, or, you can subtly suggest the idea, leaving a thought of the concept in her mind, so she can ponder on it and let it grow into a desire of her own.
This is the optimal method of transitioning into the lap dance, it should be something both individuals eventually desire.There are some great methods you can apply when smoothly hinting the idea of a lap dance. First of all, I suggest only doing the striptease when she is relaxed, in a good mood and is feeling appreciated. For this reason setting up the night with a dinner date is a fantastic idea. Proceeding this, a gift can also make your woman feel loved, thus more likely to receive the lap dance wholly.
Those are just a few example of how to approach the situation of a striptease show.So I hope you’ve learnt a few new things, and these steps has you moving in the right direction.
Yes I know I didn’t cover everything – but this is just a beginners guide, ok?
It’s designed to give you a little more clarity around the situation.
If this is something you’re looking to move forward with more seriously, I highly suggest you check out the ‘Lapdance Masterclass’ – It’s a complete online course packed full of video tutorials on how to give the best lap dance of your life.
We are giving away a FREE 5 day trial, so make sure to check that out!Your author Tommy ‘Gun’ Harvey is the founder of Male Stripper Academy. An international training organisation committed to developing the highest standard of male strippers world-wide. Tommy has been heavily involved in the male stripping industry for over 8 years, he has toured around the world with internationally acclaimed male revues, worked in Las Vegas and currently runs his own agency in Gold Coast, Australia.
18 Secrets to Give a Sexy Lap Dance & Leave Your Man Wet In His Shorts
Sometimes we need to pull out all the stops to make an impression.

Have you ever considered mastering the secrets behind knowing how to give a sexy lap dance? Most of us want to do our very best to please our partners. Of course, we expect them to do the same in return, but we want to feel that we’re doing all we can to make the relationship happy and harmonious.
When it comes to life in the bedroom, that means thinking outside of the box and coming up with a few sizzling moves he’s never seen before. So how about you learn to give a lap dance to your man?
You know he’d love it, and you KNOW you’d look sexy doing it!
Of course, let’s get this truth out – You don’t have to do it because it’s your job to please your partner per see. We indulge in these crazy and hot antics mainly because it makes us happy to see them happy – about anything.
We actually get joy out of doing whatever we can to please them. That’s why we’re always looking for new and interesting ways to spice things up in the bedroom, too. [Read: 20 sexy things guys like in bed but won’t ask for and why they don’t]
Does the idea of learning how to give a lap dance make you embarrassed?
Now, there’s one thing that stops most people from attempting lap dancing. Embarrassment.
We assume that we look stupid, but do you know what? There’s no chance of looking stupid when you’re moving in that slow and sexy way, showing your man the very best of what you’ve got.
He’ll be so taken with how amazing you look that he won’t even consider how you might be cringing on the inside.
Lap dancing doesn’t make you sluttish, it makes you keen to do what you can to please your partner. It’s sexy, it’s sensual, and when done in the right way, it brings seriously explosive results your way!
If you’re super-nervous, have a glass of wine beforehand *only one* or take some deep breaths. Wear the clothes that make you feel great and do some work on the lighting in the room.
This will make sure that it shows you at your very best. By setting the scene to make you comfortable, you’ll be able to focus on your moves without worrying about how you look.
When did the idea of sexy lap dances begin?
When you think of a lap dance, it’s likely your mind is filled with images of a strip club with half-naked women grinding on perverted old businessmen. Right?
Well, it’s likely that lap dances within a relationship could have been around for many years without anyone knowing, because it was in private! [Read: The girl’s guide to strip clubs and female strippers – What happens inside?]
However, lap dancing in a club setting and being paid for it has been around since Medieval times. Women of lower classes would perform for men for a fee. Although prostitution was also linked to these types of establishments, it is where stripping and giving lap dances are most likely to have started.
That doesn’t mean you can’t take the best of it and use it to show your partner a great time!
How to give a lap dance and give him an unforgettable night
Not all of us are magically blessed with the hips of Shakira. Some of us have to work extra hard in order to give a sexy lap dance that doesn’t make us look like an ungraceful fool and risk ruining the hot mood.
[Read: How to strip tease – 19 sexy moves for newbies to undress like a stripper]
There is a lot more strategy involved in a truly sexy lap dance than just being able to wiggle your hips to the thumping beat of a erotic song. If you want to know how to give a sexy lap dance that he’ll never forget, you’ll need these tips.
1. Build up the anticipation in his mind
Giving your man a heads up that he’ll be experiencing something fun and sexy that night. It’s the perfect way to initiate his sexual anticipation.
You don’t have to give him an exact itinerary for the night, but sending him naughty clues throughout the day should be enough to pique his curiosity. Even just a snapshot of a lace corner from your outfit would suffice.
2. Set the mood
You can’t give him a sexy lap dance without creating a hot and steamy atmosphere. You have to set the mood so the second he walks in the door he knows he’s in for a wild night.
Keep the lights low, the music at a soft but audible decibel, and leave a single chair in an empty space so he realizes what he’s in for. [Read: How to grind for a guy sexily and discreetly and get him hard in seconds]
3. Choose an outfit that makes you feel amazing
You don’t have to go spend a ton of money on some lingerie that you feel weird and uncomfortable in. You should wear something that not only you feel sexy in, but something that he really loves seeing you in – and out of. You can even wear a sundress if that’s what he really likes!
4. Practice your dominant attitude
A sexy lap dance is all about power, and women hold all of the power during this sex act. So you have to become a dominant, in-charge woman.
Pull him into the house, demand that he takes off his coat, and shove him onto the chair that you’ll be using for the dance. [Read: 17 femdom secrets to be a dominatrix mistress and dominate a man in bed]

Since you’re now in charge, you get to make all the rules. If you don’t want him to make a peep throughout the whole thing, tell him that.
If you don’t want him to touch you at all, then make sure he knows. And make sure he knows that if he breaks those rules, he’ll have to pay.
This not only makes it fun for you, but he’ll also get riled up even more when he knows he can’t even so much as touch the amazing body that’s grinding all over him and luring him in. [Read: The sexy ways to tease your man and make him want to F you right there!]
6. Relax a little beforehand
If you haven’t ever given him a lap dance before and you’re more than a little nervous, have a drink! Hell, have two and a shot on top of that.
Lap dances can only be successful if you’re relaxed and willing to have a good time. If you fear that your nerves will hinder that, then drink up. You’ll be feeling relaxed and ready to dance in no time!

Add both sexy music, and music that you love dancing to. The goal of this is to ensure that you’re comfortable enough to let go and have fun.
So throw on some mood music that you love, so your dance moves seem genuine and effortless. [Read: The absolute lovemaking playlist guide you need]
8. Start slowly and build up
You should start dancing while you’re still standing a couple of feet away from him. This means he can take in the whole view. Then slowly dance your way toward him with slow and seductive moves.
9. Undress slowly and teasingly
Don’t just rip all of your clothes off at once. The point of a proper lap dance is to slowly remove pieces of clothing in a way that makes him WISH he could rip them off.
To do this, take off an item of clothing every couple of minutes, while never removing your eyes from his.
10. Spend equal amounts of time on and off his lap
This can be confusing since it is called a “lap” dance, but it works. Really great lap dances do a lot of teasing, and you want to make him crave actually having sitting on his lap.
To do this, stand over him with your back to him. Give him some sexy visuals of your backside dancing before leaning back and touching his lap.
Doing things like this will give him equal viewing time and touching time – two things that can work together to create a powerful lap dance he’ll never forget. [Read: 28 hot ways to be sexier for your boyfriend and make him lust for you]
11. Gauge his reaction and change your tactics accordingly
Some men prefer to have the lap dancer facing the other way so they can get a view of their booty. Others prefer to have a woman’s boobs right in their face.
Make sure you’re gauging your man’s reactions and adjusting your body accordingly so he has the most pleasure. [Read: How to ride a man and look sexy doing it]
12. Practice before you go for it
To get more comfortable with your moves and finding the right pace for taking your clothes off, practice when you’re alone. You can even practice in front of a trusted friend and get some of their advice if you’re feeling really anxious about it.
13. Make sure you choose a sturdy chair!
There are many people who have tried giving their boyfriends a sexy lap dance only to end up breaking a chair or falling over in it! So you want to ensure the chair can hold the weight of both of you! [Read: Fun sex games to play with your boyfriend]
14. Don’t push yourself too far – stick with what feels comfortable
Don’t try belly dancing like Shakira if you really don’t have much mobility in your hips. Just do what you can to feel sexy. Don’t go overboard with the music, outfit, or dancing. Simple is always best when it comes to giving a sensual and sexy lap dance.
15. Choose the right lighting
No matter what time of day you’re attempting to learn how to give a lap dance, you need to choose the right lighting.
Candles are perfect because they’re instantly sexy from the get-go. A full-on light could be enough to make you feel self-conscious – it’s harsh and if you feel uncomfortable you’re not going to enjoy it as much.
However, candles and fairy lights give you that half-light that is super-flattering from the start! [Read: 24 sex room ideas to make any room look and feel sexy]
16. Always work the hips
Whilst there are no specific moves to remember when learning how to give a lap dance, it’s normally all in the hips.
By circling your hips, jiggling them up and down, moving them back and forth, and basically doing anything in a slow manner when it comes to this part of your body, you’ll get the trick just right.
The hips are a super-sexy part of the female body. This is probably because they’re directly connected to the butt!
If you want to move your shoulders in line with your hips, a little like a belly dancer, go for it. Yet, usually moving your hips means moving your butt and that’s a good place to start.

It goes without saying that you shouldn’t choose a time when you’re going to be distracted or when one of you has to be somewhere. Your lap dance doesn’t need to have a time limit on it.
Make sure that he leaves his phone in another room and yours is turned off. If one of you needs to go somewhere, that’s the wrong time and you need to reschedule! The likelihood of your lap dance turning into something else is very high, so bear that in mind. [Read: 16 sex tips for women to make sex so much more exciting]
18. Remember to have fun!
Don’t think so much about your insecurities! Giving a lap dance is supposed to be fun. If you’re having a good time, then it is guaranteed that your lover is going to have an amazing time, too. So relax and just have fun with it!
There are no rules to learning how to give a lap dance
The bottom line is that you can’t do anything wrong when you learn how to give a lap dance. All you need to do is move your body, remove your clothes *or just wiggle in sexy ones if you prefer*, and drive him crazy. The very fact that you’re willing to do this for him is likely to be enough to start with. [Read: How to spice up the bedroom – 22 tips to set the bed on fire]
There are no rules. You don’t have to turn your back to him, you don’t have to face him, you don’t need to follow any guidelines, you just go with what feels good to you.
Watch his reaction and if he looks like he’s excited, push it a little further. He’s not going to be bored, so you don’t have any worries there.
If you want to, practice in the mirror beforehand but know that the very fact you’re willing to wiggle your hips just for him, will be enough to drive him crazy.
[Read: 24 minxy secrets to turn your boyfriend on and leave your man hard and horny]
Giving your man a sexy lap dance that he’ll never forget is one of the best ways to get the night moving in the right direction. And these tips on how to give a lap dance the right way will ensure you look amazing, and he’ll remember the night for a long time to come.
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Private dance as a birthday present. How to dance a lap dance for my husband
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How often have you thought about what would be nice to learn? Strip training is now offered by almost all dance studios and schools. But until now, many girls think that organizing an unforgettable evening for a beloved man does not necessarily involve resorting to the help of instructors. Indeed, now there are many videos that can help, but some nuances remain behind the scenes, and if you do not take them into account, then the evening can be irretrievably ruined.
What should be considered in preparation? nine0003
Learning private dance helps to clearly understand the entire structure of the dance composition: from the choice of music and costume to a clear sequence of movements. Even the most insignificant gestures, made at the wrong time, can spoil the whole impression, and then all the mystery and eroticism can turn into a farce or a parody.
There are no unimportant trifles in a private dance, everything must be taken into account down to the smallest details: light, smell, size of the space, location of the man, comfort and appropriateness of clothing. All these components are very important and play an important role. If you don't have dance experience, you'd better contact an instructor to give you smooth and precise movements, otherwise abrupt and inept gestures will look comical or even lead to injury. nine0005
We should also touch upon the topic of heels. Those girls who easily walk in high heels in everyday life can pick up a dance with their use. But if you prefer ballet flats or sneakers, additional preparation is simply necessary for you. Or dance completely barefoot, men also like this option.
What does a lap dance consist of?
Remember not to get close and start physical contact right away. At first, create some kind of mystery, evoke some pleasant memories with the help of music or objects, try to create an atmosphere of relaxation and intrigue at the same time. nine0005
Then approaching is possible - movements on the knees, stroking the arms, shoulders, neck. Do it slowly, erotically, gradually exciting your partner.
After that, move on to movements in the stalls, on the floor, where you gradually finish the performance. Follow the music and be sure to leave at the end to make it look more complete and professional.
These are not all the nuances worth knowing about. And only you decide whether you need to go to private dance training in Moscow. There are a variety of training options - group classes, individual, in studios, sports clubs and fitness centers. Ours offers individual lessons in a pleasant environment with a personal instructor, including professional dance production in an accelerated mode. We love to give beauty! nine0005
Private dance is not so simple - in order to turn a man's head and bring him to insanity, you will have to follow all the "rules of the game" and provide for many subtleties of erotic dance. But ... the result is worth it!
Many women know that a lap dance for a husband can strengthen family relationships and make them more sensual and romantic. But how to prepare such a gift for your loved one?
Lap dance or Lap dance - this is in most cases stripplasty on your partner's lap. This is an element of strip plastics, one of its varieties. And to learn this is not difficult, but rather interesting and exciting! In addition, for the benefit of their own health and body. nine0005
In Kursk, three sections of repaired roads did not pass construction control. We are talking about Gremyachenskaya, Engels and Sumskaya streets. Kursk Acting Governor Roman Starovoit immediately reacted to this, who on his official page in VK announced the poor quality of the road surface - it does not meet the standards and will not last long. The water saturation indicator of the coating was exceeded by one and a half to two times - it will not last longer than one winter. - As promised, we will not tolerate hack-work - acceptance of these objects […]
Governors were elected yesterday in 17 regions of Russia, in 16 - by direct voting. According to the federal media, all heads of regions with the prefix "acting" have retained their seats. In the Kursk region, 100% of the protocols have been processed by this morning. As expected, Roman Starovoit, a nominee from United Russia, won the vote with 81.07%. The second place belongs to Vladimir Firsov from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 5.65%, the third - to the liberal democrat Vladimir Fedorov (5.45%). Tatyana Chernikova […]
On September 7 in Kursk, near the Palace of Youth (Belgorodskaya St., 14-b), the All-Russian Festival of Energy Saving "VmesteYarche" will be held. According to the House of Soviets, guests of the festival will see environmentally friendly modes of transport and transport on gas motor fuel, as well as developments and technologies in the field of energy saving and ecology. Also, a concert will be held as part of the festival, games and competitions will be organized for children, and a photo zone will work. Start at 12:00. Last year, such an event brought together about a thousand […]
The city administration conducted a survey among the residents of Kursk on the theme of celebrating the City Day. Traditionally, the holiday fell on September 25 and most often on a weekday, which was declared a day off for municipal employees. But for many people in Kursk, September 25 remained a working day, and given that kindergartens and schools also went on a day off, the question was added - with whom to leave the children. This year, the mayor's office decided to find out the opinion of the people of Kursk about the celebration of the City Day - […]
Questions about striptease - The Perch street clubs in Moscow
What is a lap dance in a club?
Lap dance is a service provided by the artist (dancer) of the club, waiter or bartender. This service lasts 5 minutes. During promotions and promotions, the duration of the dance changes.
During a private dance, the girl is completely naked, she dances only for you. The dance happens with you in contact. The purpose of a private dance is aesthetic pleasure or getting a state of excitement. nine0005
Sexual contact, masturbation, exposing one's penis, touching the girl's genitals are not allowed. Any other contact is possible only by mutual agreement.
If the guest does not comply with the rules of the private dance, it will be completed and must be paid at its cost.
What is a promo or promotion?
Promotions are promotions for private dances. In our striptease club you can get them in different versions. The most popular is 2 private dances for the price of one. You pay for 1 melody, the second one you get as a gift. Each subsequent melody after the promotion will go at its full cost. nine0005
What is the trick in a strip club?
The chip is the local currency of the club, which you can exchange at any convenient time during your visit. Chips are used to pay for private dances or other crazy menu items. When buying 10 club chips at once, you get 2 chips as a gift.
What are gatherings?
During the work of a strip club, each artist must perform on its stage, dance private dances for guests who invite her and participate in the show program of the club. If you have a desire for the girl to spend time only with you, then you can use the service - gatherings (there are various options in the crazy menu section). When purchasing this position, a gathering for an hour, the girl will be with you all this time, and you will also receive 2 private dances as a gift. nine0005
I am 18 years old, will the club let me in?
Yes, they will let you through. Take your passport or driver's license.
Visiting an institution of an erotic nature is possible for persons who have reached the age of 18.
What kind of music is played in the club?
Musical styles and trends are quite diverse, mainly modern music, commercial, commercial pop-music, Euro-pop, R&B, remixes of various compositions.