How to start a community dance team
How To Direct A Dance Team: The Complete Guide
For all intents and purposes, a dance team is a professional organization: a group of like-minded people who work together to accomplish a shared goal.
Dance teams have leaders, rituals, rules, and expectations – major components of professional companies.
Of course, not all dance teams were fully developed in the beginning.
They were largely groups of friends coming together casually to create dance routines for local performances.
Over time, leaders of these teams figured out which goals, values, artistic choices, and leadership structures resonated most with their dancers.
These decisions became the organizational foundation for the dance team framework.
When you read the stories of these teams, you might notice that success as a team is independent of location!
You don't have to live in Los Angeles or another major city in order to lead a dance team of comparable size and impact.
However, you may find little guidance in operating a dance team.
There's an overwhelming number of moving parts and you might be unsure where to start or how to do certain things.
So I'll break it down for you. I've been a dancer on 220 (San Diego), The GOOD Project (Irvine), Mischief Makers (Los Angeles), and Culture Shock LA (Los Angeles).
The following are the things I've learned from being on different dance teams along with tips I've picked up from other directors in the community and from our instructors on STEEZY Studio.
There are many ways to run a dance team - hopefully this guide will provide some insight on many of the important elements of a successful organization.
1. Structuring Your Leadership
Some teams are able to operate with just one or two directors.
If you're putting together something simple – let's say, a medley of your own choreography for a video or performance – then you'll most likely be able to handle it on your own.
But if you want your team to expand, you're definitely gonna need more help.
Most of the teams I've been on have a whole board of operations that handle the different facets of the team:
Executive / Creative Team
- Directors - typically the founders of the team or dancers that were chosen to become Directors through an internal application and interview process after several years of being a team member. Responsible for producing the choreography performance set by deciding on what theme, music, costumes, pieces, and props to use. Choreographs pieces in the set themselves or delegates choreography responsibilities to other team members (or externally-hired choreographers)
- Artistic Advisor - if Directors are the writers, then the Artistic Advisors are the editors. Responsible for overseeing the creative elements of a set (choreography, formations, costumes, music mixes, etc.
) Many teams may have previous Directors stick around as Artistic Advisors (or whatever they choose to call them) to assist the current Directors with anything they may overlook. Arguably, there's no one better to consult than the people responsible for building the team in the first place!
- Dance Captain - the Dance Captain (or Rehearsal Director) helps runs the rehearsals. Responsible for warm-ups, stretching, announcing the rehearsal agenda, and cleaning choreography. Basically, they Emcee the whole rehearsal. (See 3. How to Run Rehearsals) At times, this role may be fulfilled by the Directors themselves!
Administrative Team
These people work behind the scenes to make rehearsals, performances, and activities/events possible. Responsibilities include:
- Booking studio space
- Planning auditions (See 2. How to Hold Auditions)
- Applying for competitions
- Planning rehearsal itineraries
- Organizing fundraisers (See 7.
Operations and Fundraisers)
- Budgeting the team's money
- Facilitating communication within the team leadership
- Facilitating the team's communication (See 8. Internal Communication)
Media Team
When I was on 220, my teammate Jeremy Fabunan would bring his camera to rehearsals to record our run-throughs so that we could all watch and critique the set.
He also took candid photos and captured funny moments to meme-ify! Now, he's a professional cinematographer & editor.
You might recognize his work for Keone and Mari's concept videos (including their wedding video!)
If you have people on your team who are already interested in media, then this is the perfect role for them.If not, you can scale down their responsibilities to make them more manageable.
For example, using an expensive, high-quality camera is not necessary!
They can use readily available tools like smartphone cameras, tripods, and simple editing tools to record run-throughs and take fun photos. Responsibilities include:
- Taking photos and videos at rehearsals, performances, and events for the team
- Designing and editing marketing materials like flyers, apparel, and promotional videos for the Marketing Team
- Composing video collages to preserve and display team memories
Marketing Team
These people get the word out on what your team is up to! They work with the Media Team to manage the team's online brand presence. Responsibilities include:
- Creating and maintaining the team's website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts (and other platforms too!)
- Posting promotions for: Auditions, upcoming performances, fundraisers, workshops and classes where team members are teaching, team member birthdays & other personal events
Social (Internal) Chair
This is the social butterfly that always gets the team to eat out together after rehearsals. (See 9. Rituals) Since all teams have unique personalities and unique activities they prefer, the following are some examples of this position's responsibilities:
- Planning team retreats and bonding activities
- Booking hotels or AirBnBs where the team can stay after performances
- Creating and implementing season-long rituals such as secret buddies / gift-giving
- Team chants
- Ordering custom team memorabilia
Don't limit your leadership to these roles or this structure!
Utilize the talents of every single person whether they have an official title or not. For example, Culture Shock LA has DJs on the team who always mix the set music.
I used to do special effects makeup for our performances. The GOOD Project had a prop manager who helped transport and set up the props.
I have friends who are fashion stylists that create lookbooks for their team's costumes and take everyone's measurements to buy/make the costumes themselves.
Responsibilities can also be fluid!
For example, if the Artistic Advisor is more qualified to design the team apparel than the Marketing Team, then they should be given the opportunity!
Ultimately, it's more important for everyone to use their strengths to support the team regardless of what their official positions are.
Interning / ShadowingThe process of passing on these roles plays a huge part in the team's longevity.
You don't want a dance team that dies out in 3 years because the one director who did everything decided to leave without grooming a successor.
The teams I've been on implemented some type of training for the next person taking over a role.
These intern/shadowing opportunities are a great way to smooth over the transition as duties are passed on from one person to the next.
There are a couple of approaches to these transitions.
You can either take applicants for general leadership and have a selected group sit in on meetings or directly mentor specific people to take on each job.
However you help the next person learn, make sure they feel confident to jump into the next season on their own!
2. How to Hold
Dance Team AuditionsPlanning for Dance Team AuditionsStep 1: Book a location
- This can be the studio where your team usually practices.
- Gyms and parking structures work too!
Step 2: Select teachers
- Choose choreographers from the team who will be teaching the audition piece(s).
- The teacher(s) are typically the directors or other prominent choreographers from the team. You want to choose choreographers who embody the team's style and serve as a good example for other team members.
- Those auditioning should be able to demonstrate their ability to execute and adapt to the team's style through the piece(s). For example, GRV wouldn't teach a ballet piece for their auditions since that wouldn't show them who can execute their hard-hitting style.
Step 3: Create promotional materialsThese may include, but are not limited to:
- Facebook event
- Flyers
- Video flyers
- Promotional dance videos
- "Countdown until day of audition" flyers
To attract the attention of more people, have your team members share the promotional materials on their social media accounts as well!
You might also consider using on the oldest and most reliable marketing technique in the world: word-of-mouth.
People hesitant about auditioning but feel like they've made a connection with the team by speaking with someone on the team are more likely to give it a shot.
Step 4: Make an itinerary and get supplies
An audition is an event so plan it like one.
Visualize every single part of it and make a shopping list of what you need to bring or prepare.Supplies may include, but are not limited to:
- Tables
- Chairs
- Clipboards
- Speakers (if none are readily available)
- Audition forms - Include basic demographics: name, date of birth/age, e-mail address/phone number, etc.
You should also ask questions regarding past dance experience, availability, schedule conflicts, and other questions to get to know them.
- Critique forms for the judging panel - Include quantitative feedback (i.e. a 1-5 rating system or a "strongly recommend > do not recommend" scale) Also include qualitative feedback (i.e. space for comments)
- Numbers help make a quicker yes/no decision and comments help the deliberation process if someone is a "maybe"
- Liability waivers - Teams may not usually do this but it's a good idea to clear it with whatever studio or space you're using.
- Number tags and safety pins - Have people put on their numbers after they finish learning the piece or else they fall off way too early!
- Water for the choreographers
- Cameras to record each group
- Tape to mark where the dancers should stand for groups
Step 5: Delegate roles and responsibilities
Some teams have a "once you're in, you're in" philosophy where you don't have to audition again after being accepted.
If that's the case, then you can ask any of your teammates to help with the next season's auditions!
But if you want all or some of your dancers to re-audition, then have your leadership team run the event.
- 2-3 people to run the registration table - Hand out forms and number tags + safety pins, take photos of each person auditioning, if necessary, collect the audition fee (auditions can be great fundraisers for the team!)
- 1 person to Emcee the whole event, It's important that people know what's happening – auditions are already nerve-wracking; be transparent about the process!
- Introduce the leadership / judging panel
- Keep up the energy and morale for auditonees
- 1 person to play music for the choreographers during teaching AND for each audition group This is actually very important to have – both the teaching and audition process goes a lot smoother without someone running back and forth to play music.
- 1 person to be the liaison between the judging panel and auditionees - Call up the numbers for the dancers in each group
- Collect and organize the audition forms and judging forms
An audition is a test to see if someone is a good fit for your team.
You can choose to do this in a way that best demonstrates for the specific qualities that your dance team is looking for.
For example, if you want your dancers to have fast choreo pick-up, teach the audition piece more quickly. If personality is important, implement an interview.
If your team is based on freestyle, allocate more time to a cypher.
- Set up a table where auditionees check in.
- Give everyone a number tag to wear when they are in groups.
- Hand out audition forms (you may find it useful to upload it online and have people fill it out beforehand)
- As they turn in their forms,
- Mark the paper with their number as they turn it in
- Take a photo of each auditionee holding their number
- Start with an ice breaker or warmup – this helps get everyones' jitters out!
- Teach the audition piece(s).
- After the auditionees are finished learning the piece, you can either have everyone sit down in the same studio or funnel everyone into a different room (for more privacy). Having everyone in the same studio is great for energy but might make people more nervous.
- On the other hand, isolating each group can help remove distractions but increase the pressure from the judges– I've seen both work equally well!
- Call up groups of ~5 auditionees at once to perform the piece(s) in front of the panel of judges.
- Have the group switch lines.
- When performing the piece(s) a second time, let the music play for an additional 2 8-counts and have the dancers freestyle.
Blocking Projects
- Some auditions have their auditionees break off into different groups of ~5-10 dancers and block the audition piece with a minimum amount of formation changes.
- This helps you see how each dancer works in a group – who takes charge, who comes up with ideas, and who is not a team player.
- Give around 30 min. to 1 hour for the blocking and then go through the same Groups process as described above (without switching lines & freestyling)
- You can have everyone go through the entire audition process or you can implement sequential cuts. This works well if there are too many auditionees and you want to focus on certain people.
- If you are on the fence about some dancers, you might consider using callbacks to see certain people dance again
- A cut can happen after the first round of groups. Call out the numbers for dancers that made it to the next round.
- Thank everyone who didn't get called for showing up and encourage them to keep training and audition for the next season (or mid-year auditions, if you plan on having them).
Freestyle / Cypher
- You can also set aside time at the end of the audition process (after groups and/or blocking projects) for a freestyle circle.
- This is a great chance for people to shine if they messed up during groups or are stronger in freestyle than choreography.
- Some teams have interviews in their audition process to learn things about the auditionee that you can't learn through the audition form or from their dancing. Questions can be about their future goals, potential scheduling conflicts, or to just scope out their personalities.
- Interviews are great if your team has a specific, defined culture. For example, someone who is sensitive and just dances for fun would not do well on a super competitive team.
- Although you may try to be as objective as possible, we're all ultimately human – you should be honest and subjective when it comes to assessing people's personalities and how they may or may not fit with the team!
You can announce who made it onto the new team in a number of ways.
- Post the roster online as a text post on Facebook
- As a graphic on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
- Call or e-mail individual members and congratulate them!
- Invite individual members into a Facebook Group (or whatever medium you primarily use to communicate with the team) (See 8. Internal Communication))
Or a combination of any/all of these.
For example, when I made it onto 220, I got a phone call from the directors and was invited into the new team's Facebook Group that same night.
For Culture Shock LA, the roster for the new team was posted on Instagram!
3. How to Run Dance Team Rehearsals
Rehearsal flows vary drastically per team depending on your goals.
For this section, we'll focus on tips for running rehearsals when your dance team is creating a performance set (See 4. How to Make a Performance Set)
Tips for Organizing Dance Team RehearsalsDuring meetings with the Creative / Executive Team, establish your long-term goals.
This means creating monthly and even yearly plans. Having a calendar at each meeting is very helpful.
Write down every single performance the team plans to do and work backwards to set dates.
Hypothetically, let's say a show is on December 5 and it takes your team ~3 months to create a set.
Plan to start rehearsals in early September and prepare a schedule for each rehearsal.
For example:
September 16 – Choreo Day to showcase team's choreography and decide which pieces to use
September 18 – Learn pieces 1 & 2, announce set theme to team
September 21 – Cast piece 1, review piece 2, learn piece 3
October 22 – Block and clean Piece 2, rest of team review, full cast run-through
Some teams have "full cast" rehearsals where the entire team is expected to be present at every rehearsal no matter what.
Other teams may utilize "sectionals" – rehearsals that only work on the cast of a specific part of the set.
If other people are going to be sitting around feeling like they're wasting their time, then it may be better to funnel their energy into the rehearsals where they will actually be productive.
If so, your schedule may look like this instead:
October 22 – Piece 2 cast sectional only, tell rest of the team to rest
Tips for Running Dance Team RehearsalsEstablishing and maintaining a consistent yet adaptable rehearsal structure is key.
It gives your dancers a routine and rhythm to adhere to, making it easier to prepare for each rehearsal ahead of time.
- Start with some sort of introductory activity! This helps everybody switch their mentalities and get on the same page.
- For example, The GOOD Project splits its members into "tribes" of 4-6 members. At the beginning of each rehearsal, each "tribe" performs a fun and unique roll call– this kickstarts the energy and also helps Captains keep track of attendance!
- GET A WHITEBOARD! Write down what the rehearsal plan is and keep it visible during rehearsal.
- Announce the agenda to the team and discuss it in more detail so everyone is well-informed.
- Transparency gives your dancers a sense of authority and helps keep everybody accountable.
- Feel free to add other things to the whiteboard like inspirational quotes.
- WARM-UP AND STRETCH TOGETHER! This is critical for optimal performance and preventing injury.
- You can kills two birds with one stone by drilling foundational techniques for your warm-up (i.e. grooves, popping/hitting drills, house techniques, etc.)
- You may consider more intense conditioning (i.e. core workouts, running, etc.) for warm-ups as well.
- You can also use this to generate positive momentum – play some hype songs that people love and have everyone actively engaged in this preparation!
- DANCE! Lead the team in training foundational techniques or reviewing choreography.
- Teach choreography, lead improv/freestyle exercises, or cypher
- Clean/block pieces! If you're cleaning pieces, use this collaborative method.
- End rehearsal together by circling up. Thank the team for a productive rehearsal or suggest ways the team can improve on their work ethic.
- Make announcements!
- Plans for upcoming rehearsals
- Cover logistic issues like fees, costumes, etc.
- Notify members of upcoming workshops or events
- Consider opening up time for members to make personal announcements unrelated to the team.
- Team chant/call-out!
This is just a general layout of how a typical rehearsal may be run.
Take the initiative to try out different agendas and experiment with what works best for your leadership and your members!

Building a performance can and should be a fun process!
How it turns out will depend on the resources that you have available and the motivation you inspire within your team.
It’s crucial that you take a step back and assess things such as choreographers, creative direction, props, etc.
Brainstorming amongst your artistic leaders doesn’t always have to be draining and extensive.
Putting pressure on yourselves to conjure up brilliant set ideas can hinder you. The best ideas come when everyone is open-minded and enjoying the discussion.
It's also possible the a simple idea can become an unforgettable set with the right elements.
Here are three questions to ask amongst your artistic team to get your creative juices flowing:
- What is the goal for this performance set? It's OK to set goals like winning first place or placing in general! However, there are many more aspirations you can set up to help motivate the set building and your team members.
- You can set goals like “we want the team to feel more connection with each other” or “we want to bring a controversial issues that need to be expressed in this creative format.”
- How do we want the audience to feel when they watch our set? Do you want the audience to feel excited? Hype? Happy? Sad?
- Asking this question during the early stages of set-building is crucial. After all, a performance set is a creative expression and the goal is to entertain, connect with the audience, and make a timeless impression.
- What are our strengths and weaknesses as a team?
- Identifying these two things will help set a solid foundation and direction you want the set to go.
- Figuring this out might be a long process if you have a new team but it's always great practice to be observant and analytical at rehearsals.
From there, you can delegate choreography, block / stage the set, and work on music, costumes, and props.
This process looks different for each team and may even change from set to set. The following is a general framework for how you may want to prepare the set.
- Choose music and choreograph. Choreograph to music you like or that fits with the theme of your set.
- Prepare your choreography ahead of time! Make sure you are capable of executing it to your standards before teaching it to your team.
- Understand the counts and various nuances of your own choreography to make it easier to explain to your dancers.
- Teach the choreography! You may consider teaching entire pieces in one rehearsal or only portions of the choreography depending on what you find most efficient.
- Be patient and enthusiastic when teaching – not everyone will be eager to learn at first if it's new or difficult. Take the initiative to inspire your dancers with your own positive energy!
- Review the choreography – place expectations on your dancers to practice outside of rehearsal but take time if possible to review during rehearsal too.
This helps clarify details and establishes better bonds between the choreographers and the dancers.
- Cast the pieces! Not everybody can be in every piece. Hold mini-auditions per choreography or however you see fit in order to be more fair and selective with placing dancers in pieces.
- PREPARE! Having at least a general or even more specific plan for what you want to do with each piece never hurts! Some may find open collaboration with the team during rehearsals is also an effective way to create choreography, formations, transitions, etc.
- Finish your choreography if you haven't done so already. The sooner you finish, the more time you have to practice it yourself and get the details right. (See 3. How to Run Dance Team Rehearsals)
- Review choreography and clarify details.
- Teach more choreography when necessary.
- Block dancers into formations and set variations.
- Revise! Analyze your progress so far and be open-minded to changes if they aren't working for your dancers or for the set.
- Clean! Precision and togetherness always help choreography translate better to the audience. Cleanliness doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is hitting the exact same pictures and angles; cleanliness can also come from having every dancer execute movement similarly without necessarily looking identical.
- You will also want to observe how your team performs the pieces (i.e. facials, body language, etc.) Cleaning can involve clarifying or boosting dancers' performance value.
- Do run-throughs of the entire set (or as much as you have so far). This helps Directors and Artistic Advisors get a real look at what the set looks like. This can also help build the team's stamina and discipline. Consider doing dress rehearsals with full costumes if they are particularly clunky, cumbersome, or inhibit movement.
- Perform run-throughs with props! Anything can happen on stage – the more time you spend rehearsing with props, the more you minimize room for error.
- FINALIZE! Finish the set music mix ahead of time so you can make any last-minute changes if needed. Making it available to your team helps them practice outside too.
- Decide on costumes and order them ahead of time. These may also require last-minute changes.
- Reinforce your team's confidence in the set with positivity and build up their morale as the set progresses.
- Declare that your team is ready to perform!
Again, these are just examples of how you could create a set. There's a lot of trial and error involved, so stay patient.
It takes some teams decades to build their formulas that continue to evolve every year.
5. Training at Rehearsals
Dance teams don't only exist to make sets and perform them for audiences.
They are also resources that help their members grow into stronger individuals and dancers.
Generally, what you want is to provide the team are various styles, perspectives, and knowledge.
Set goals for your team and construct a training agenda that serves those goals.Here are some training options to consider:
- Internal choreographers Having choreographers on your current team teaching other members allows them to learn and explore that choreographer's style – this may help with set-building later on!
- These opportunities also train the leadership abilities of the choreographer.
- Outside choreographers Outside choreographers can bring valuable insight to the whole team.
- Seek out influential choreographers in your community or other knowledgable outsiders to provide new perspectives for your dancers.
- Alumni Bringing in alumni who've been in your shoes can provide guidance on how to become better dancers, teammates, and leaders.
- This may also help foster a better sense of 'family' and connect newer members with the team's roots.
- Teachers of foundational styles Not every dancer on your team will have "technical" or "foundational" training.
- You can offer this to them by bringing in a credible teacher from different Street or Studio styles.
- Training your dancers' fundamentals will absolutely enable and empower them to execute newer, more difficult choreography.
- Yoga teacher/Pilates Instructor/Athletic Trainer It's important to bring in people whose expertise is the human body to help your team avoid injuries and help learn more about your body mechanics.
- This suggestion may or may not surprise you. Keep in mind that we put so much strain on our bodies. Taking care of our bodies is the least we can do so that we can keep doing what we love – dance.
6. Performing in Competitions & Shows
If you’re a new team, you may find it hard to find a stage to perform on, especially in the Southern California community.
You need to bring attention to you team first – it’s OK to start small and build your reputation.
The GOOD Project began performing at smaller shows such as Maxt Out, collegiate dance showcases, studio performances before performing at shows like Ultimate Brawl, Body Rock and Vibe.
It took the team 3 years to build that reputation as an exhibition team until finally, on their 4th year, they were accepted to bigger competitions.
Once you’ve built enough reputation as a team, you can shoot your shot by applying for the bigger shows.
Every team's story is different. It may be a shorter for some teams and longer for others.
This will depend on how you carry yourselves as a team and what value you bring to your community.
Once you get into a show, here are some tips for performance day:
- Establish a call time when everyone should arrive by.
- Make an itinerary for the whole day.
- Make a packing list, including all parts of the costume.
- Designate specific people to manage props.
- Practice only parts of the set that you need to.
- Leave ample time for the team to rest and eat.
- Don't be intimidated by other performers!
- Be friendly and respectful of other teams to foster a healthy community!
Watch this video for more performance day hacks!
7. Operations and Fundraisers
Dance teams do more than dancing and performing.
Consider the following ideas for expanding the team:
Selling T-shirts or other merchandise
Selling team gear is a great way to market your team to others, instill a sense of team pride for members, get people on the team involved, and raise funds for the team.
- Create a design!
- Find a print shop or online service to order the merchandise.
(we use Printful for STEEZY hats)
- Post that you're selling gear on social media! Include prices, color options, and directions for ordering.
- Set up an online store, have people purchase them at an event or studio, or have team members deliver shirt orders.
Hosting Workshops
This may be lucrative fundraising opportunity for your team.
Kaba Modern has KM Kollective and The GOOD Project hosts GOOD Fridays to help dancers around the community grow together and get to know each other.
Consistency is key with these workshops to gain a solid clientele. It might start slow but stick with it and be persistent.You may consider:
- Finding a local studio.
- Approach the studio owners with a proposal.
- Pay a flat fee to rent the space.
- Hold workshops and split the percentage of profits.
- Establish and maintain a good personal relationship with studio staff!
Fundraising Events
Hosting events or creating partnerships with local businesses can be a great way to make money for the team and give your dancers other activities to bond over.
Some ideas include:
- Bake sales
- Garage/yard sales
- Car washes
- Auctions (or even date auctions...)
- Parties/banquets
- Partnering with local business for profit shares
Your team may do all, some, or none of these things; you might even do things not included on this list!
It's up to you to decide what your team is willing and capable of and how they may best serve your goals.
8. Internal Communication
As with all relationships, communication is key! Here's a quick rundown of helpful apps that my dance teams have utilized.
For Communication within Leadership
You no longer have to scroll through long threads of irrelevant messages to find the one piece of information you were looking for. (Fun fact: the STEEZY team uses Slack!)
Slack lets you...
- Organize conversation topics by "Channels".
This is helpful because different people in leadership work on different things
- Slack makes it easy to divide people into committees for more specialized projects
- Upload media into the app. For example, the @MediaPerson uploads a flyer into the #Marketing channel to get everyone's approval that it's ready to post, then tags the @MarketingPerson who posts it on the right day
There are other apps that provide similar function but Slack is the most widely used among my circles.
For Communication for the Team Members
Facebook (for announcements and events)
Useful as a platform to blast official team business to a big group of people.
This may be less effective as a discussion board but more efficient for spreading news and other important information.
Some things you might share here include:
- Performance dates for the year
- Performance tech times, lineup, and itinerary
- Rehearsal dates and schedules
- Costume moodboards
- Music cuts and set mixes
- Polls for the entire team (i.
e. for scheduling, artistic decisions, etc.)
GroupMe (for more immediate news, socializing)
Useful as a general chat thread for everyone on the team. Some things you might share here include:
- The address for the restaurant everyone is eating at after rehearsal
- Memes
- Birthday messages
- Asking quick questions like "can anyone bring Advil to rehearsal today because I have a huge headache, thanks Ben you're the best <3"
For Sharing Photos and Videos
Google Drive
Some things you might use it for:
- Organizing all your files into folders i.e. "Rehearsal Videos 2018" / "Photos from Retreat 2019"
- A much quicker way of uploading rehearsal footage than YouTube
- Creating custom sharing settings (make items viewable to all team members or just leadership)
- Collaborating with others (change settings so anyone on the team can upload files)

The most rewarding part about being on a dance team is the relationship you build with your teammates.
This will happen naturally throughout the process of creating sets and going to shows together.
Additionally, you can also implement systems and activities to help build those relationships and the overall cohesiveness of the team.
After all, a team never looks good on stage without good chemistry among its members.
Here are some ideas you can use to build your dance team's culture.
First Meeting
Every new season on two of my old teams (structured very similarly) would start with a "First Meeting," usually at one of the director's houses.
There was no dancing. We'd come in semi-formal dress and have dinner. We introduced ourselves to each other and played some icebreaker games.
Then, the directors (and sometimes, alumni / founders) would come, and talk about the team's history.
We'd learn about how the team started, major events, and landmark sets we've made in the past. I appreciated this so much.
I believe that passing down history to new generations of the team is a necessary part of the team's success and longevity.
It helps new members to not only understand the journey of the team but also see that their participation is something that spans across years and multiple groups of people.
The feeling of being part of something "bigger than yourself" doesn't just come from nowhere.
It comes from being able to see where you've come from, where you are now, and where you're going.
Initiation for Newbies
Consider it a nice, fun hazing – nothing dangerous or embarrassing like some fraternities and sororities are known to do!
I've heard many hilarious stories about the way different teams initiate their newbies.
Whatever they decided to do depended on the team's personality, as well as the individual newbies themselves – so get creative with however you want to welcome in the new dancers!
Taking Photos by "Class"
I still remember every single person who joined all of my teams the same years that I did.
Starting the journey on a team together is already a bonding experience – but we also strengthened our relationships with small acts.
One of those ways was to take photos as a "class" at every major performance or event.
Some teams even name their classes like fraternities and sororities do: Theta Class, Omega Class, etc.
The classes on your dance team can come up with whatever names you want – just the act of grouping people together gives them a sense of togetherness.
Choreo Day / Friends & Family Preview Nights
I mentioned Choreo Day in Section 3; I'll clarify it here: Many teams dedicate a day or two to having their dancers showcase their own choreography pieces.
This may be useful for seeing which pieces the directors can use for upcoming sets or just for their dancers to have a safe space to share something they've created.
As many dancers on Twitter already know, 220's Choreo Day, named "Sexy Day," is a huge event.
They invite alumni and film/post the pieces on their Twitter and Instagram channels. (This is a good opportunity for the Media and Marketing teams to use their skills!)
Dance teams also host "Preview Nights" to showcase their set, usually a few nights before a performance.
They invite their alum, friends, family members, and even other teams to watch, enjoy and maybe even critique the performance.
It's a more intimate way for the people closest to you to watch you dance, especially if they can't make it to the actual performance.
Spirit Days for "Hell Week"
I've seen teams like Team Millennia and Kaba Modern implement Spirit Days for the week leading up to a performance.
There's a prompt for every day, like Twin Day (where you match with someone), Jersey Day, and even Cute Socks Day!
"Hell Week" has a bad connotation because it takes a lot of effort to rehearse every night.
These small traditions can lift up the team's morale and make it a more memorable, rewarding time!
Dance Team Retreats
I have a lot of memories from rehearsals and shows but I remember just as much from Winter Big Bear Trips and Spring Retreats.
The Social/Internal chair (if you have one) should budget, plan, and host these events (with help from other teammates, of course.)
Here are some of the things they may entail:
- Poll for teammates' availabilities to find the best date
- Create a budget
- Book a place (i.e. AirBnb house, cabin, beach house, hotel, etc.)
- Plan activities
- Make a list of packing items
- Arrange rides
- Assign duties (cleaning, cooking)
- Have a plan for any emergencies
End of the Year Banquet
This is the last hurrah of the season!
I've been to dance team banquets that are casual dinners (similar to the First Meeting) as well as full-on galas.
Here are some ideas for your dance team banquet:
- Rent a venue (i.e. hotel event room, restaurant, etc.)
- Get food catered or have a potluck
- Create a program for the night
- Rent a photo booth
- Hire a photographer (or assign the Media person to take photos/videos)
- Have directors give speeches
- Announce new leadership roles
- Give out awards like: Most Improved, Rookie of the Year, Choreographer of the Year, MVD: Most Valuable Dancer
- Give out gag awards -Delegate people who have a great sense of humor to come up with these beforehand.
They should be based off of each member's individual personality or things they've done throughout the year. Be nice, though!
That's it!
Feel free to consult this article in forming and running your team.
Take some of it or take all of it to heart – what's most important is that you listen to your leadership and your team members and adapt to their abilities and capacity.
Please leave a comment or shoot us a message if you have any more tips on leading a dance team.
Let us know which topics in the "Dance" world you'd like for us to break down next. Have a wonderful season, dancers!
How to Start a Dance Team in 2022 [21-Step Plan]
Do you want to start a dance team? If YES, here is a complete guide to starting a dance team with NO money and no experience plus a sample dance team business plan template. Are you a professional dancer? Do you have what it takes to entertain people of different class and background with your dance? Can you work with a team? If you have answered a yes to all these questions, then you might be on your way to becoming a celebrity and making mega bucks as the owner of a dance team.
There are many business opportunities in the entertainment industry and if you are interested in this industry, you can consider starting your own dance team. Depending on the part of the world you live in, establishing a dance team whether for western dance or traditional dance means that you stand the chance of making good fortune from the business. In other words, starting a dance team with a well – equipped dance studio can be capital intensive but it is indeed a profitable venture especially if your dance studio is well equipped and furnished and if it is located in the entertainment hub of your city or state.
If you have decided to start a dance team, then you should make sure that you carry out thorough feasibility studies and market survey on the business. This will enable you properly locate the dance team in a community or city with the right demography; a location that can readily accepts your services.
So, if you have done the required feasibility studies and market research, then you might want to venture into this business. If you have been pondering on starting your own dance team, but do not know how to go about it, then you should consider going through this article; it will sure give you the needed guide and direction.
Table of Content
- 1. Understand the Industry
- 2. Conduct Market Research and Feasibility Studies
- 3. Decide What Niche to Concentrate On
- 4. Know the Major Competitors in the Industry
- 5. Decide Whether to Buy a Franchise or Start from Scratch
- 6. Know the Possible Threats and Challenges You Will Face
- 8. Choose a Catchy Business Name from the ideas Below
- 9. Discuss With an Agent to Know the Best Insurance Policies for You
- 10. Protect your Intellectual Property With Trademark, Copyrights, Patents
- 11. Get the Necessary Professional Certification
- 12. Get the Necessary Legal Documents You Need to Operate
- 13. Raise the Needed Startup Capital
- 14. Choose a Suitable Location for your Business
- 15.
Hire Employees for your Technical and Manpower Needs
- 16. Write a Marketing Plan Packed With ideas & Strategies
- 17. Work Out a Reasonable Pricing for your Services & Products
- 18. Develop Iron-clad Competitive Strategies to Help You Win
- 19. Brainstorm Possible Ways to Retain Clients & Customers
- 20. Develop Strategies to Boost Brand Awareness and Create a Corporate Identity
The dance team business belongs to the music and theater production industry and players in this industry produce live theatrical or musical performances including concerts, opera, ballet and drama plays et al. Establishments within the Music and Theater Production industry vary significantly. Traditional performing arts production establishments rely heavily on government funding to remain viable, while contemporary music production establishments run on high profit margins.
The revenue generated in the industry fluctuates according to changes in government funding and industry operators’ ability to stage popular shows. Over the last five years, the number of big-name musicians performing has increased, boosting the share of industry revenue attributable to popular music concerts. While the two markets (traditional and contemporary performing arts) generally appeal to different demographics, growth within the popular music segment has come at the expense of traditional segments such as ballet and classical music concerts.
The Music and Theater Production industry is indeed a large industry and pretty much active in countries such as United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Switzerland, Australia and Canada et al. Statistics has it that in the United States of America alone, there are well over 1,263 registered and licensed music and theater production companies scattered all across the United States responsible for employing well over 8,981 people and the industry rakes in well over $13 billion annually.
The industry grew at 0.2 percent annual growth between 2011 and 2016. It is important to state that there are no establishments in this industry that have a lion market share. A recent report released by IBISWorld shows that the industry has recently expanded due to increased demand for popular music events, higher household expenditure on music and theater productions and greater government funding.
Despite this, the industry is expected to be in the mature stage of its life cycle. Industry value added is estimated to increase at an annualized 0.7 percent in the 10 years through 2022-21, which is lower than growth in GDP of 2.6 percent over the same period. The report further shows that most segments of the industry are saturated, with only the popular music segment growing faster than the overall economy over the past five years.
Revenue in some segments has gained more from government financial support than increasing box office ticket sales, particularly for opera, classical music and dance productions. Due to the fact that it is easy to establish a dance team, it is easy to come by a dance team in the United States of America when you search for one. Even though the industry seems to be over-saturated, there is still room big enough for an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to launch his or her own dance team in the United States.
Over and above, starting a dance team requires professionalism and good grasp of both classical and contemporary dance steps and the overall entertainment and performing arts industry. Besides, you would need to get the required certifications and business license to fully launch your dance team.
One good thing about the entertainment industry and the music and theater production industry is that there is readily available market for their services simply because individuals and even organizations naturally would want to hire dance teams for entertainment purposes at their events. So, if you are well positioned and you know how to reach out to your target market, you will always smile to the bank.
2. Conduct Market Research and Feasibility Studies- Demographics and Psychographics
The demographic and psychographic composition of those who require the services of a dance team cut across individuals, corporate organizations, government agencies, event planners, institutions, political parties and religious organizations et al who usually entertain their guests.
So, if you are looking towards defining the demographics for your dance team, then you should make it all encompassing. It should include every individual and organization that can pay for your services.
3. Decide What Niche to Concentrate OnIf you have plans of starting a dance team, you just have to carve out niche areas that you need to specialize in. This is so because there are loads of dance teams out there and most of them are invited to perform based on their niche areas.
These are some of the niche ideas a dance team can choose from;
- Dance and ballet company operation
- Circus operation
- Musical theater operation
- Musical performances
- Opera operation
- Orchestra operation
- Performing arts operation
- Theater operation
- Theater restaurant operation
No matter the line of business you decide to pitch your tent, you are still going to compete with others who are into same area of business and dance team is not an exemption.
The level of competition in the music and theatre production industry depends largely on your area of specialization and how big and organized your dance team is.
The truth is that no matter the level of competition in an industry, if you brand and promote your products or services properly, you will always make headway in the industry. Just ensure you have what it takes to entertain your clients and you know how to reach out to your target market.
4. Know the Major Competitors in the IndustryIn every industry, there are always brands that perform better or are better regarded by customers and the general public than others. Some of these brands are those that have been in the industry for a long while and so are known for that, while others are best known for how they conduct their businesses and the results they have achieved over the years.
These are some of the leading dance teams in the United States of America and also in the globe;
- Rhythmic Eagles Dance Team
- Salsa Swings Dance Team
- Doomsday Panthers Dance Team
- Lady Rebels Dance Team
- Diamond Dolls Dance Team
- Agnes de Mille Dance Theatre
- Gangstagroove Dance Team
- Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
- Liquid Smoke Dance Team
- Dance-versity Dance Team
- Top Gun All Stars Dance Team
- Rebel Angels Dance Team
- Desi Hoppers Dance Team
- Jabba WockeeZ Dance Team
- Super cr3w Dance Team
- Kings United India Dance Team
- Fanny Pak Dance Team
- SoReal Cru Dance Team
- Rated Next Generation Dance Team
- Street Kingdom Dance Team
When it comes to starting a dance team, you just have to get your feasibility studies and market research right before venturing into the business. It is good to mention that starting a standard dance team can be demanding; it is for professionals who have successfully gathered the required experience and expertise to lead a dance team and to deliver whenever they are invited to perform.
Starting this kind of business entails that you acquire the required skills and build good working relationship with stakeholders in the music and theatre production industry. If you are already a major player in the music and theatre production industry and you are a professional dancer before venturing out to start your own dance team, this might not be an issue.
Depending on the scale at which you want to start from, you might require as much as multiple thousands of dollars to strike this off and at the same time you might need far less than that if you choose to start the dance team on a small scale with friends or family members performing in small community based shows.
5. Decide Whether to Buy a Franchise or Start from ScratchIf you are looking towards starting a dance team, you would have to start from the very scratch simply because you can hardly get a franchise of a dance team to buy. It is a business that is open to all and sundry. Besides starting a dance team from the scratch is less stressful when compared to other small scale businesses in the music and theater production industry which usually requires detailed groundwork before launching the business.
With a dance team, you should just try as much as possible to get professional dancers who are of like-minds, build business relationship with key stakeholders and then leverage on every marketing tool within your disposal, especially the internet when it comes to marketing your services.
Please note that most of the big and successful dance teams around started from the scratch and they were able to build a solid business brand.
6. Know the Possible Threats and Challenges You Will FaceIf you decide to start your own dance team today, one of the major challenges you are likely to face is the presence of well – established dance teams and also schools (both high schools and universities) who also have their own dance team. The only way to avoid this challenge is to create your own market.
Some other threats that you are likely going to face as a dance team operating in the United States are unfavorable government policies, the arrival of a competitor within your location of operation and global economic downturn which may affect businesses such as dance team. There is hardly anything you can do as regards this threats other than to be optimistic that things will continue to work for your good.
7. Choose the Most Suitable Legal Entity (LLC, C Corp, S Corp)
Generally, you have the option of either choosing a general partnership or limited liability company which is commonly called an LLC for a business such as a dance team. If your intention is to grow the business and have clients both corporate and individual from all across the United States of America and other countries of the world, then choosing general partnership is not an option for you. Limited Liability Company, LLC will cut it for you.
Setting up an LLC protects you from personal liability. If anything goes wrong in the business, it is only the money that you invested into the limited liability company that will be at risk. It is not so for general partnerships. Limited liability companies are simpler and more flexible to operate and you don’t need a board of directors, shareholders meetings and other managerial formalities.
These are some of the factors you should consider before choosing a legal entity for your dance team; limitation of personal liability, ease of transferability, admission of new owners, investors’ expectation and of course taxes. If you take your time to critically study the various legal entities to use for your dance team, you will agree that limited liability company; an LLC is most suitable. You can start this type of business as limited liability company (LLC) and in future convert it to a ‘C’ corporation or an ‘S’ corporation especially when you have the plans of going public.
Generally, when it comes to choosing a name for a business, it is expected that you should be creative because whatever name you choose for your business will go a long way to create a perception of what the business represents.
If you are considering starting your own dance team, here are some catchy names that you can choose from;
- X – Trims Professional Dance Group
- Top Flight Dance Team
- Onyx Genders Dance Team
- Dennis Gilbert & Co Dance Team
- Sonny Star Dance Team
- Straight from Eden Dance Team
- Prince & Princess Dance Group
- Hall of Fame Dance Team
- Psalmist Generation Dance Team
- Paula Gang Dance Group
In the United States of America and in most countries of the world, you can’t operate a business without having some of the basic insurance policy covers that are required by the industry you want to operate from. So, it is imperative to create a budget for insurance policy covers and perhaps consult an insurance broker to guide you in choosing the best and most appropriate insurance policies for your dance team.
Here are some of the basic insurance policy covers that you should consider purchasing if you want to start your own dance team in the United States of America;
- General insurance
- Risk Insurance
- Financial reinsurance
- Health insurance
- Liability insurance
- Workers compensation
- Overhead expense disability insurance
- Business owner’s policy group insurance
- Payment protection insurance
If you are considering starting your own dance team, usually you may not have any need to file for intellectual property protection/trademark. This is so because the nature of the business makes it possible for you to successfully run the business without having any cause to challenge anybody in court for illegally making use of your company’s intellectual properties.
Aside from the performance you produce as it relates to music and performing theater industry, professional certification is one of the main reasons why some professionals stand out. If you want to make impact in the music and performing theater industry, you should work towards acquiring all the needed certifications in your area of specialization. Certification validates your competency and shows that you are highly skilled, committed to your career and up-to-date in this competitive market.
These are some of the certifications you can work towards achieving if you want to run your own dance team;
- ASFA® Dance/Hip-hop Aerobics Instructor Certification
- Dance Teacher / Instructor Certification
- Certificate in Dance Education
- Degree or Diploma in Music and Performing Arts Related Courses
Please note that you can successfully run a dance team in the United States and in most countries of the world without necessarily acquiring professional certifications and business license especially if you have adequate experience cum background in the entertainment, music and theater performance industry.
These are some of the basic legal documents that you are expected to have in place if you want to legally run your own dance team in the United States of America;
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Federal Tax Payer’s ID
- State Permit
- Business License and Certification
- Business Plan
- Non – disclosure Agreement
- Employment Agreement (offer letters)
- Operating Agreement for LLCs
- Insurance Policy
- Contract documents
- Online Terms of Use
- Online Privacy Policy Document
- Apostille (for those who intend operating beyond the United States of America)
- Company Bylaws
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Asides from the required certifications and hands-on experience, starting a dance team can be cost effective. Securing a standard studio facility in a good business district, equipping the dance studio with the needed dance instruments, equipment and tools and paying your employees are part of what will consume a large chunk of your startup capital.
No doubt when it comes to financing a business, one of the first things and perhaps the major factor that you should consider is to write a good business plan. If you have a good and workable business plan document in place, you may not have to labor yourself before convincing your bank, investors and your friends to invest in your business or to partner with you.
Here are some of the options you can explore when sourcing for startup capital for your dance school;
- Raising money from personal savings and sale of personal stocks and properties
- Raising money from investors and business partners
- Sell of shares to interested investors
- Applying for loan from your bank
- Pitching your business idea and applying for business grants and seed funding from donor organizations and angel investors
- Source for soft loans from your family members and your friends.
The fact that you can operate your dance team from any part of the world and even in your home does not mean that locations has little influence on the success of a dance team. If you have taken your time to study the music and theater production industry, you will realize that dance teams and related entertainment companies are willing to pay expensive rents in order to stay in a busy entertainment hub; a place where there are loads of socialites.
It cannot be overemphasized that the location you chose to open your dance team business is key to the success of the business, hence entrepreneurs are willing to rent or lease a facility in a visible location; a location where the demography consists of people and businesses with the required purchasing power and lifestyle. If you make the mistake of renting or leasing a facility for dance team cum dance studio in a not too visible or hidden location simply because it is cheap, then you must be prepared to spend more in promoting the business and perhaps giving direction to potential clients.
It is important to note that a business facility in good location does not come cheap hence you should be able to allocate enough fund for leasing/renting in your budget. If you are new to the dynamics of choosing a location for a business such as dance team, then you should feel free to talk to a business consultant or a realtor who has a full grasp of the city and perhaps country you intend starting your dance team.
These are some of the key factors that you should consider before choosing a location for your dance studio;
- The demography of the location
- The demand for the services of dance teams and other players in the music and theater production industry in the location
- The purchasing power of the residents of the location
- Accessibility of the location
- The number of dance teams and related entertainment companies in the location
- The local laws and regulations in the community/state
- Traffic, parking and security et al
On the average, there are no special technologies or equipment needed to run a dance team except for the needed studio equipment and technology, but you will definitely need computers/laptops, internet facility, telephone, fax machine and office furniture (chairs, tables, and shelves). These machines, equipment, tools and instrument can be purchased as fairly used especially if you have limited finance to meet your budget.
When it comes to choosing between renting and leasing a facility for a dance team and dance studio, the size of the dance team you want to build and your entire budget for the dance team should influence your choice. If you have enough capital to run a standard dance team with a well – equipped dance studio, then you should consider the option of leasing a facility.
As regards the number of employees that you are expected to kick start the business with, you would need to consider your finance before making the decision. Averagely, you would need a Chief Executive Officer/Principal Partner, Professional Dancers, Instrumentalists, Technicians, Business Developer/Marketing Executives, Accountant (Bursar), Customer Service Executive/Front Desk Officer.
Over and above, you would need a minimum of 10 to 15 key staff to effectively run a medium scale but standard dance team with a dance studio. Please note that there will be times when you are expected to go out of your way to hire professional dancers to perform with your team.
The service delivery as it relates to dance team is simple and almost same amongst dance teams in any part of the world. Basically, when a dance team receives an invite to perform in a show, the invite usually contains the kind of performance that is expected from them and the duration they are expected to perform.
In most cases, especially with big concerts, the dance team would usually carry out the last phase of rehearsals on the stage they are to perform and on the D – Day, they go out there to perform and entertain their guests. As regards performance fees, sometimes the organizers of the event give the dance team honorarium and in some cases the dance team charges performance fees based on their brand name.
It is important to state that a dance team may decide to improvise or adopt any business process and structure that will guarantee them efficiency and flexibility; the above stated dance team business process is not cast on stone.
As a team, you would have to prove your worth over and over again before attracting corporate organizations and individual clients to hire your services to perform at their events, concerts and shows. So, if you have plans to start your own dance team, it will pay you to build first build a successful career in the music and theater production industry. People and organizations will only hire your services if they know that they are going to get value for their money.
So, when you are drafting your marketing plans and strategies for your dance team, make sure that you create a compelling personal and company profile. Aside from your qualifications and experience, it is important to clearly state in practical terms what you have been able to achieve in time past as it relates to the music and theater production industry and the organizations, concerts, shows and events you have performed for. This will help boost your chances in the market place when sourcing for clients.
Here are some of the platforms you can utilize to market your dance team;
- Introduce your business by sending introductory letters alongside your brochure to all the individuals, corporate organizations, government agencies, event planners, institutions, political parties, and religious organizations et al who usually entertain their guests within and outside the city you are operating in, and who have the capacity to pay for your services
- Advertise your dance team in relevant magazines, radio and TV stations (make yourself available for music, dance and theater production related talk shows and interactive sessions on TV and Radio)
- List your dance team on local directories/yellow pages
- Attend international music and theater production expos, seminars and business fairs et al
- Create different packages for different category of corporate and individual clients in order to work with their budget
- Leverage on the internet to promote your dance team
- Join local chambers of commerce and industries around you with the main aim of networking and marketing your services; you are likely going to get referrals from such networks
- Engage the services of marketing executives and business developers to carry out direct marketing

One key factor that will help you offer your services at a price that is highly attractive is to ensure that you source your startup capital from sources that won’t put pressure on you. So also, it is important that you purchase your dance studio equipment, tools, instruments and costumes directly from the manufacturers or from wholesale distributors. If need be, you can purchase these dance studio equipment, tools, machines, costumes and instruments from fairly used market. It will still save you some bucks.
Another strategy that will help you offer your dance team services at the right price is to ensure that you cut operational cost to the barest minimum, channel your efforts towards marketing and promoting your brand name. Aside from the fact that this strategy will help you save cost, it will also help you get the right pricing for your products and services.
18. Develop Iron-clad Competitive Strategies to Help You WinThe music and theater production industry is a competitive industry and you must come up with a unique and highly creative strategy to be able to outsmart your competitors in the industry. Part of what you need to do in order to stay competitive in the industry is to continue to deliver top notch performance whenever you are called upon to perform. Organizations and people will always hire your services if they know that you will always entertain their guests far beyond their expectations.
Another strategy that you can adopt is to ensure that your organization is well positioned; key members of your team are highly qualified and certified as it relates to their job roles (professional dancers).
19. Brainstorm Possible Ways to Retain Clients & CustomersWhen it comes to business, no matter the industry that you choose to pitch your tent in, one of the easiest ways to increase customer retention and perhaps attract new customers is to produce results and satisfy your customers always. If your customers are satisfied with your service delivery, they can hardly source for alternative service provider or products.
If you can continue to deliver top notch performances whenever you are called upon to perform and your customer service delivery is excellent, then you won’t struggle to maintain loyal clientele base.
Part of what you need to do to achieve this is to track progress, results or outputs with the aim of improving on them quickly as the case demands. When it comes to managing your customers and building loyal clientele base, you should purchase a customized CRM software. With a customized CRM system, you can easily stay in touch with your clients (you can carry out quick survey, introduce new products and prices to them without any hitch, felicitate with them on their birthdays and other anniversaries, keep track of their progress, send bulk sms and customized emails and above all, you can easily receive compliance and feedback from them).
20. Develop Strategies to Boost Brand Awareness and Create a Corporate IdentityIf your intention of starting a dance team is to grow the business beyond the city where you are going to be operating from to become a national and international brand, then you must be ready to spend money on the promotion and advertisement of your brand.
In promoting your brand and corporate identity, you should leverage on both print and electronic media and also social media (the internet). As a matter of fact, it is cost effective to use the internet and social media platforms to promote your brand, besides it is pretty much effective and wide reaching.
Below are the platforms you can leverage on to boost your brand and to promote and advertise your dance team;
- Place adverts on entertainment related magazines and newspapers, radio and TV stations
- Encourage the use of word of mouth publicity from your loyal customers
- Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Badoo, Google+ and other platforms to promote your dance team
- Ensure that you position your banners and billboards in strategic places all around your city
- Distribute your fliers and handbills in target areas in and around our neighborhood
- Contact individuals, corporate organizations, government agencies, event planners, institutions, political parties, and religious organizations et al who usually entertain their guests within and outside the city you are operating in, and who have the capacity to pay for your services by calling them up and informing them of your organization and the services you offer
- Advertise your dance team in your official website and employ strategies that will help you pull traffic to the site
- Brand all your official cars and ensure that all your staff members and management staff wears your branded shirt or cap at regular intervals.
21. Create a Suppliers/Distribution Network
In order to successfully run a dance team, you must establish good business relationship with key players in the entertainment industry, music and theater production industry. It is advisable that you enter into business partnerships with event planners and other key stakeholders in the entertainment industry, and the music and theater production industry; they are in better positions to give you steady invites to perform at shows, concerts, parties and other events. That of course will guarantee your company steady flow of income.
The best example for strengthening friendship is the Administration of the city of Raduzhny Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
in News in the field of prevention of extremism - Tatiana Bolshenko
Starting to write an article in the section "Raduzhny multinational", inspiration returned to me again, because in the last six months, due to the pandemic, this topic has not been covered often. In addition, I want to tell you about the activities of one of the brightest creative teams of the city, the Caucasian dance ensemble “Above the Mountains”. Oh, and I love his incendiary performances!
Having phoned the artistic director Elvira Magomedova, we agreed to meet. Now the guys are studying in the new spacious hall of the Scarlet Sails center. At the appointed hour, I arrived directly to the rehearsal.
Each lesson of the ensemble is preceded by a salutatory bow, during which the teacher stands in front of the students. Then the warm-up and dance begins. During my visit, the guys danced Dagestan, Chechen, Azerbaijani dances and, especially for me, Russian folk dances.
- At rehearsals, I pay attention not only to dancing, but also talk about the traditions of the peoples living in Russia, - shared Elvira Kazialievna. - For example, the Caucasian peoples are united by lezginka, but each has its own movements, its own music, which characterize this particular people. When a child dances, he must understand the manner of performance, feel the nature of the dance, must know what he is doing.
The artistic director of the group has a choreographic education. She was born and raised in Uzbekistan, she has been dancing since the age of 6. Upon arrival in Russia, the family lived in a small village in the Republic of Dagestan. In the local house of culture, Elvira continued to dance, and then her love for this art form grew into a profession. After graduating from the College of Culture and Arts in the direction of "choreography", she began to pass on her skills to the young. In 2012, with her husband, they came to live in Raduzhny. First, Elvira Magomedova opened a dance club, and then the idea came to create an ensemble, as more and more people wanted to perform Caucasian dances.
- Everything has its own history, its own beginning. How was your ensemble created? I asked.
- Of course, it was not easy to start, - the artistic director answers. - At that time and to this day, we are assisted by the representative of the Coordinating Council for Interethnic Relations under the city administration Valery Alinisedov. Daggers, belts, drums purchased with his help. We also ordered the necessary attributes from Dagestan, purchased fabrics, accessories for tailoring suits. Thank him for this! We also thank Andrei Filatov, deputy of the District Duma, who allocated money for us to purchase expensive national shoes - ichigov.
- How many children are involved in the team today?
- More than 40 people aged 6 to 28. These are children of different nationalities: Avars, Chechens, Tatars, Russians, Azerbaijanis and others. We have about 30 numbers in our repertoire: these are dances from Chechnya, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ossetia, Azerbaijan ... Two years ago, the “Dance of Friendship” was prepared for the Day of National Unity, where Caucasian motifs were intertwined with the Russian “Lady”. The viewer met him with a bang.
- Do you keep in touch with your alumni?
- Yes, of course, we communicate, - says Elvira Kazialievna. - Many of them, having moved to big cities, continue to engage in choreography. I'm proud of them. A younger generation of dancers is coming to replace today, everyone is eager to join the ensemble, they want to perform. But this is not a simple matter. Yes, when the kids dance, it certainly touches, but the adult guys, who we lack, work more professionally.
Almost from the first appearance on the stage, the work of the multinational group "Above the Mountains" fell in love with the audience. Personally, I was captivated by the energy of this team: the temperament and enthusiasm of horsemen, the modesty and grace of the girls. For eight years, Elvira Magomedova has managed to maintain good traditions, a special atmosphere in the team, which makes it a big friendly family.
- The ensemble "Above the Mountains" makes an indelible impression on the public, - said Elena Shmeleva, deputy head of the department of culture, sports and youth policy of the city administration. - Each of their numbers is a constant success. The leader Elvira Magomedova with her energy, ability to work, organization helps the team to reach the set heights. In addition, the main goal of the team is to preserve and develop the cultural traditions of the peoples of the North Caucasus.
Today we all strive to instill patriotism in our children, and this can be done by helping to study the culture and traditions of other peoples. "Above the Mountains" is a multinational team, which is the best example of strengthening friendship among young people.
When the rehearsal ended, I asked, "Who wants to be interviewed?" In response, a whole line of applicants lined up, which is extremely rare. Usually children are embarrassed to communicate with journalists. “Well, I think this whole newspaper page is not enough to describe all the impressions.”
The youngest dancers Yasmina Esedulaeva, Amir Arslanaliev, Amina Adaeva and Tamerlan Bugaev unanimously declared that they really like to work in a team and dance on stage.
Five years ago, Milana Makhmutova joined the “Above the Mountains” team: “I come from the Caucasus, and I like this dance direction, although I also like the Russian “Lady”.” As a little shy girl, Milana came to the ensemble, but the friendly team and the attention of the leader nullified all her childhood fears.
For three years he danced in the ensemble Malik Kaziev, who today is leaving Raduzhny for family reasons. “Our team is a second family that helps everyone in difficult times,” the guy admitted. - We are all different in age, but this does not prevent us from finding a common language and mutual understanding. Yes, I'm leaving, but we will continue to communicate with the guys and the teacher. "Above the Mountains" I wish you further creative success. Elvira Kazialievna - only words of gratitude for the fact that she rallied us.
Today, Elvira Magomedova's faithful assistant is her student Said Baimatov, who trains the male staff of the team. “I would like to note that each of our dancers has their own zest: some are good at highland combinations or jumps, others are good at stage tricks or spins. I love tricky hovering tricks. The main thing is that we try to put our whole soul into the dance in order to light it up on stage, ”said Said.
I went home very impressed by the rehearsal and communication with the guys. How much expression, enthusiasm, youthful maximalism and desire to create are in them! Caucasian rhythms surfaced in my head again and again, the cries of the dancers “Assa!” and the words of the teacher: “Girls, where is the posture? Let's keep our posture! Where is the smile? We smile! Involuntarily, my back became straighter, and a smile appeared on my face. “It's good that we have such a friendly multinational team “Above the Mountains” in Raduzhny,” I thought. – You will definitely need to visit their upcoming solo concert, which is scheduled for November. Elvira Magomedova promised that many surprises await the audience.”
Elena PREDEINA Newspaper "Raduzhny News"
Folk and exemplary groups - Administration of the Nefteyugansk region
In the Nefteyugansk region, 165 club formations operate in cultural and leisure institutions, in which almost 2000 residents of the region are involved. The five best teams have the title of "Exemplary Artistic Group" and three collectives "People's Amateur Group":
Exemplary Artistic Group Vocal Ensemble "Kapel" (KDTs "Siyaniye Severa" village Salym)
The Kapel vocal ensemble was founded in 2002. Until 2021, the team was led by the honored worker of culture of the Nefteyugansk region Guseva Lidia Georgievna. In 2010, by Order No. 306 (01-12) dated November 24, 2010, the Department of Culture of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra awarded the team the title of "Exemplary Artistic Group". In 2016, the team confirmed the title of "Exemplary Artistic Team" (Order of the Department of Culture of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra No. 09-OD-338 (1) -09 of 09/02/2016), in 2019The collective again confirmed the title of "Exemplary Artistic Group" (Order of the Department of Culture of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra No. 09-OD-184 / 01-09 dated July 16, 2019). In connection with the retirement of the former leader, from September 8, 2021, the choirmaster Vdovenko Irina Sergeevna, a graduate of the vocal group, leads the group.
At the present time teens aged 14-18 are involved in the "Capel" team in the amount of 5 people. Their companions are the vocal ensemble "Domisolka" (5 - 10 years old) - 17 people and the vocal ensemble "Capel" (10 - 14 years old) - 9human.
The activity of the group is aimed at revealing the creative vocal abilities of the participants. Mastering new works in a team is always associated with painstaking work to overcome performance and technical difficulties and therefore instills industriousness in children, makes them subordinate their personal interests to the interests of the team. These tasks are solved in a team thanks to purposeful work on mastering a diverse repertoire.
2021-2022 was a turning point for the team. There was a change in the head of the team, and also, in connection with the end of the school, 5 people dropped out of the previous composition, and the team changed, which complicates the work i.e. more time is needed for staging sound, voice, learning pieces. Also, the “satellite” teams give great hopes for good results.
The collective, participating in competitions, achieves certain results in regional and international festivals-competitions:
- - Exemplary art group "Capel" - Grand Prix in the nomination "Folk vocal" of the regional festival - competition of children's and youth creativity "Star of Ugra ".
- - Diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree in the nomination "Master and student" of the regional festival - competition of children's and youth creativity "Star of Yugra".
- - Exemplary artistic group "Capel" - Laureate of the 3rd degree of the district vocal competition "Kondinsky Springs".
- - Exemplary artistic group "Capel" - Laureate of the 2nd degree in the nomination "Vocal. Patriots of the Motherland" of the international TV-IT competition "ROSSiYA.RU 2020"
- - Vadim Budachev - Laureate of the 3rd degree in the nomination "Vocal. Solo "(pop song) of the regional festival - competition of children's and youth creativity" Star of Yugra ".
- - Exemplary artistic group "Capel" - Laureate of the 1st degree in the nomination "Vocal creativity" of the international competition for children and youth "Step forward"
Exemplary art group "Capel" - Diploma of the 1st degree in the nomination "Vocal creativity" of the All-Russian creative competition "Creative people - 2022".
Exemplary art group National Family Theater "Khanty Mosh" (KDTs "Siyaniye Severa" village of Salym)
National Family Theater "Khanty Mosh" was established in 2010 with the aim of preserving the national culture the Khanty people, the transfer of cultural traditions, the popularization of folk art, the formation and satisfaction of the artistic and creative needs and interests of children, the development of their abilities. The head of the team is the Honored Worker of Culture of the Nefteyugansk District Khatova Svetlana Alexandrovna is the author of the social projects "City of Masters", "We are the peoples of the North", "Tales of northern patterns", "No dirty planet", summer ethnic shift "Paths of the Yugra land".
In 2021, the Khanty Mosh National Family Theater received the title of Exemplary Artistic Group on the basis of the order of the Department of Culture of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra No. 09-OD-169 / 01-09 dated July 9, 2021. The collective consists of fairy tales and legends of the peoples of the north, works of writers and poets of Yugra, corresponding to the age capabilities and psychological characteristics of the performers. The performances are synthetic in nature, combining stage action and words with music, dance, and pantomime. Creative ideas are skillfully combined with technical ideas. The performances and productions of the theater are bright, convey the national color, are interesting not only for the young audience, but also for adults. Being engaged in theatrical art, the team members come into contact with the culture and art of the indigenous people of the Khanty and Mansi, live in a direct dialogue.
16 adolescents, children and adults are keen on theatrical art, among them 8 people from the indigenous peoples of the Khanty. The backbone of the theater is a friendly, large foster family of Olga Leonidovna Kostyuk and Nikolai Prokopyevich Kainov.
For the period of 2010 to 2021, the team has more than 100 diplomas of winners of festivals and competitions of the regional, district, all-Russian and international levels, which confirms the high level of performing skills. More than 20 social projects and programs aimed at preserving and reviving the culture of the peoples of the north have been implemented with the participation of the National Family Theater "Hanti Mosh" team.
Exemplary art group vocal group "BIS" (TsKiD "RODNIKI", Poikovsky ) Spring". In 1997, the team was awarded the title of "Exemplary Team". In 2022, another confirmation of the honorary title took place.
Head of the team - Honored Worker of Culture of the Nefteyugansk region - Filippova Anastasia Viktorovna. This is a creative qualified teacher, competently and professionally dealing with children, paying great attention to the development of the personality of the participants, who managed to form a stable creative team.
Today, the team has 46 people in the age group from 6 to 18 years old, and is replenished with new members every year.
Group "BIS" is an organized leisure activity, a base for children and youth, contributing to the development of spiritual values, good taste, as well as the possibility of self-organization of the younger generation.
The team has created conditions in which the participant experiences the feeling of performing freedom and creative comfort.
A considerable place in the work of the collective is given to the expansion of the musical horizons of the participants, the skills of analyzing the performance practice of leading pop artists.
Anastasia Viktorovna is very thoughtful about the selection of repertoire, which contributes to the development of musical and singing skills and the interest of participants in further studies.
All selected material corresponds to the performing abilities and individual age characteristics of the team members - this was noted by a member of the artistic council when confirming the title "Exemplary" - M. E. Easter.
Anastasia Viktorovna attaches great importance to teaching children and teenagers the elements of pop dance and acting in order to enrich the artistic image of the vocal composition.
Endo artistic choreographic team “Verrible drops” (Palace of Success, Cheskino )
Establishing dance group “Fun drops” of the Success, the head Tatyana Vladimirovna Kovel. The direction of activity is choreography, the repertoire of the collective includes folk-stylized, pop dances and children's choreography. The title of "Exemplary Artistic Group" was awarded in 2009. The team consists of 40 people aged 5 to 19years (12 boys, 28 girls).
In 2019, the group confirmed the title of "Exemplary Artistic Group".
9 International diplomas, 2 All-Russian and 4 regional diplomas of winners of festivals-competitions of children's and youth creativity - the result of the work of 2021-2022. "Veselaya Kapit" has become a regular participant and holder of diplomas of international Internet competitions held in different cities of Russia.
Classes in a choreographic group contribute to the creative development of the personality of each of its members, increase the level of performance, instill a love for choreographic art, and introduce them to the world of beauty. Choreography classes help the team members to always be in good physical shape, contribute to the physical and moral recovery of the younger generation.
Exemplary artistic dance group "Kalinka" (TsKiD "RODNIKI", Poikovsky )
Choreographic group "Kalinka" was founded on November 21, 1998.
"Kalinka" is a bright, original team with 54 participants aged 4 to 18.
Thanks to the purposeful work on the development of choreographic art, in 2010 the team was awarded the title of "Exemplary Artistic", which is successfully confirmed.
The companion of the Kalinka group is the dance group Ulybka (younger group - 12 participants).
The group's repertoire includes about 30 dances: folk and variety dances, stylized performances, children's dance. Taking care of the creative achievements of the past years, the team is constantly working on replenishing its repertoire, with a third annual renewal.
Children participate in regional, district and all-Russian and international competitions and festivals, where their performance skills are highly appreciated. The team is always ready to conquer the audience with new creative victories.
The work in the team is diversified, and this is what makes it possible to master various directions in the dance culture. The leader determines the main direction of activity is improvement, the desire to learn new things, the development of the individual and the team as a whole.
The task of the choreographer Natalia Vitalievna and Olga Alexandrovna is to teach the participants to develop their creative abilities, master the basics of choreographic art, move around the stage and freely depict various emotions, develop physical fitness and instill a love for everything beautiful.
The exemplary dance group "Kalinka" is a regular participant in all concert and entertainment programs held at the RODNIKI CCD, as well as village and regional events.
Kalinka is a close-knit team with great creative plans and opportunities. The spectacle of the group's concert performances is enhanced by the colorful costumes, the emotionality and expressiveness of the performance. The love of the participants for the art of dancing and the interest in choreography contribute to the creative growth and success of the team.
In 2016, the choreographer, head of the Kalinka exemplary dance group, Natalia Shamsutdinova, was awarded the honorary title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Nefteyugansk District.
An exemplary dance group "Kalinka" - strong, bright, energetic, which is in good choreographic form, which gives reason to believe in their creative longevity.
Exemplary group of arts and crafts "Fantasy" (DK "Harmony" p. Yuganskaya Ob )
The arts and crafts group "Fantasy" was founded in 1997. The founder of the team is a talented teacher, a master of his craft, Sergeeva Svetlana Nikolaevna. The knowledge and skill of the leader in a short time raised the team to a high level. In 1999, the team was awarded the title of "Exemplary". The title is successfully defended and confirmed every three years.
Fantasia regularly participates, improving and improving its skills, in inter-regional, regional, all-Russian, international competitions-festivals.
The team consists of 15 people. The team consists of two groups: older and younger. The younger group consists of children under 14 years old, and the eldest of the active and talented residents of the village, who are over 50. The repertoire of the team is very diverse. The senior group creates masterpiece author's dolls, which more than once became winners of high-level competitions. The younger group works in the Decoupage technique, they make modern interior things from polymer plastic. The main task of classes in the studio is to master various techniques, develop the skills and abilities necessary for the child to express his worldview. These activities develop in children not only labor skills, but also the flexibility of the mind, imagination and aesthetic taste.
Svetlana Nikolaevna works tirelessly for the benefit of the team, never ceasing to set high goals, not stopping and moving forward, and the ability to find an approach and organize not only children, but also their parents, unites everyone into one big family, a folk amateur arts and crafts studio art fantasy.
Folk amateur group vocal group "Second Wind" (TsKiD "RODNIKI", Poikovsky )
Vocal group "Second Wind"93 year.
Since the founding of the group - the head of the Honored Worker of Culture of Russia - Viktor Aleksandrovich Kalinushkin.
The title "People's Amateur" was awarded to the group on September 28, 1998 and is successfully confirmed. The direction of creativity is the promotion of vocal art, concert activity, participation in competitions and festivals of various levels, participation in ongoing events.
The collective's creative path is wide and varied: participation in village, district, district, all-Russian and international events. Concert trips to cities and towns of the region and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. Performances at venues in Moscow, Volgograd, a cruise on a ship in the Mediterranean.
Two CD albums have been released: "Cherished Harbor", "My North". With the participation of the team, two films were shot: "Second Breath" and a film shot on "Mamayev Kurgan" to the songs of Viktor Kalinushkin (lyrics by Alexander Radchenko).
The program includes Viktor Kalinushkin's songs about Russia: “Blue-eyed Russia”, “My Russia is dear to me”, “Secret Corner of the Heart”, songs about Yugra land: “Hymn to the North”, “Ballad of Yugra”, “White Nights Water Area” "My North", about the profession of an oilman: "Mother Siberia", "Oil Kings"; about cities and towns: "Nefteyugansky District", potpourri on the theme of songs about Poikovsky, "September", "Coast of the treasured harbor", "Salym - our affectionate home", "Hello, Khanty-Mansiysk", about people and professions: "On guardian of health”, “There is no ford in the fire”, “Cops”, “Routes of Ugra”, a cycle of songs about Crimea: “Our Crimea”, “Yevpatoria”, songs about sports, and of course about love. Years passed, new songs, new ideas, new programs appeared. After the reunification of Crimea with Russia, a cycle of songs about Crimea appeared: “Our Crimea”, “Evpatoria”, “On Different Parallels”.
Each member of the band is able to independently act as a soloist and create their own unique image.
Despite the pandemic period, the team has done a lot of work to participate in online competitions, recorded concert programs, and new author's works. The group's repertoire includes Russian folk songs and romances, jazz and popular music, but its basis is the author's works by V.A. Kalinushkin.
Joint projects with the team's companion, the vocal cover group "PAYUSCHIE", give their positive results in the qualitative presentation of material to the viewer, the novelty of the form of conduct, where the song has great educational value and is a link between generations.
Folk amateur group vocal group "Inspiration" (TsKiD "RODNIKI", Poikovsky )
Vocal group "Inspiration" was founded in 1995.
Head of the team - Honored Worker of Culture of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Kalinushkina Natalya Ivanovna.
In 2010, the vocal group "Inspiration" was deservedly awarded the title of "People's amateur group", which was successfully confirmed.
The team consists of 17 people - women of different professions aged 30 to 45.
For many years, the members of the band have been united by this, probably one of the most beloved trends in folk art, the genre of song art.
The group's repertoire is diverse both in content and authorship: Russian folk songs, songs of Soviet and Russian composers, as well as author's songs of the poet and composer - Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Viktor Aleksandrovich Kalinushkin.
Members of the group treat their songs with special respect and inspiration, and the audience with gratitude and excitement accept the beauty of our Yugra region, sung by the vocal ensemble "Inspiration" in their songs.
One of the team's new directions is the work on a musical performance based on the film "Love and Pigeons".
In 2002, on the basis of the collective, a satellite collective Ukrainian vocal group "Vodogray" was created.
For participation in events dedicated to the days of Ukrainian culture, the Vodohray group was awarded the Diploma of the Consulate General of Friendship of Ukraine in Tyumen "For a significant contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between the peoples of Ukraine and Russia."
There are no distances for friendship - for three years in a row, at the invitation of the Head of the resort town of Evpatoria, the northern delegation from the Nefteyugansk region and the city of. Poikovsky, which included the vocal group "Inspiration", visited the sister city.
The team "Inspiration" is a regular participant in cultural events, programs, performances, concerts, evenings of rest, festivals, street festivities.
The team takes part in regional, district, all-Russian and international competitions and festivals, where they repeatedly win prizes and "GRAND PRIX".
For all the years of its existence and to this day, the vocal group "Inspiration" has made a huge contribution to the preservation and strengthening of the spiritual values of Russian and Ukrainian culture, develops and transmits the best traditions of vocal art.
Folk Amateur Cossack Song Ensemble "Razdolie" (DK "Nika" s.p. Karkateev)
"Who sings, he does not think evil!". According to legend, this wonderful phrase was uttered by the Russian Empress Catherine II when she heard the Cossacks singing.
Folk Ensemble of the Cossack song "Razdolie" of the House of Culture "Nika" village Karkateev, began its activity in 2000. Initially, the team was headed by Elena Kimovna Vetyakova, and since 2022, the team has been led by a young specialist Gabdullina Liliya Ramilyevna. The number of members of the ensemble is 12 people - 4 men and 8 women, some of them have been singing in the team from the very beginning.
The ensemble "Razdolie" has a companion group - the vocal ensemble of the folk song "Chubariki", in which 13 children are engaged, daily adopting from their senior "mentors" a love for Cossack and Russian folk songs!
For the first time, the title of "People's amateur group" was awarded in May 2004, and with success the group confirmed the title of "folk" six times.
In the repertoire of the Cossacks - "razdoltsev" there are, first of all, songs representing the military tradition of the Cossacks of Siberia. The performance skills of the team are improving year by year due to the educational process and creative activities. The higher the artistic level of performance, the stronger the aesthetic impact of the group on the audience. The sonorous singing of beautiful Cossack women, the dashing male Cossack “Lubo!” and, of course, the atmosphere of Russian antiquity - this is what fills any event in which the Razdolye ensemble takes part (Day of the Russian Cossacks, Day of the Village, Day of the Russian Flag, Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, International Women's Day, etc.). "Razdolie" actively takes part in regional events (annual agricultural exhibition, Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers, Day of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Anniversary of the district and district, National Unity Day, etc.).
Ensemble "Razdolie" participant, diploma winner and laureate of district, district, interregional, regional and international competitions and festivals (district "Strings of the Heart", All-Russian "Dmitrievskaya Saturday", interregional "Rus", international "Russian Starfall" and "Vivat, talents", "ROSSiYA.