How to not look awkward dancing

How To Not Look AWKWARD When You Dance

Do you feel awkward when you dance??

It’s pretty normal to feel insecure about your dancing.

I mean, it’s your body. Your literal SELF that's being put out there!If you’re that person at the club swaying awkwardly or hanging out by the wall at a school dance…

We’re here to help make you feel more comfortable in your body.

Ready to stop being a wallflower?? Wanna get movin’ and groovin’??!?!

Let’s go!

1. Own your style

If you feel awkward when you dance, then you will look awkward when you dance. And if you keep telling yourself you're awkward, then you will stay awkward.

The first step to overcoming awkwardness is to stop that self-deprecating narrative.

You don’t have two left feet.

You do have rhythm.

You can be a good dancer.

Re-defining your view of yourself is the only way you allow yourself to grow.

And if you're truly convinced that you can't follow a beat or stop tripping over yourself... just take some time to practice those basic foundations!

STEEZY's online "Intro to Dance" program walks you through all of the fundamentals step-by-step, so it's the perfect place to start.

Click here to start the program for free!

2. Find your body’s natural groove

No two people in the world have the exact same bodies, music tastes, dance training, or life experiences. This means that no two people really dance the same.

Everyone dances like themselves. You, included! So find that groove that feels right to you.

When you take class, modify the choreography to fit your body. And when you freestyle, just start with a basic two-step.

That simple left-right, right-left skeleton leaves SO much room for you to build off of.

Feel the way your body reacts to the music...

Let yourself groove out...

3. And COMMIT to it

A lot of the time, dancers will look awkward because they PLAY THEMSELVES!!

That slight hesitation, that SMIDGEN of under-delivery, that look of “oh sh*t” on their faces…


Knowing and committing to yourself is the only way you won’t look awkward when you dance.

4. Loosen up!

Really, an instant fix. Most people look awkward when they dance because they are stiff. And they’re stiff because they aren’t moving.

Don’t lock your knees.

Free your neck to let your head bob.

Shake out your arms.

Relax your core.

You can even do some stretching or pilates to help your muscles get used to that relaxed, loose state!

This pilates class on STEEZY is perfect as it's literally designed to loosen the muscles you use when you dance.

So get LOOSE. No excuses.

5. LISTEN to the music

Maybe you look awkward when you dance because your body isn’t matching the tempo of the music.

Simply aligning the rhythm of your movements to the beat will make your dancing look a lot more put together.

Or, your vibe isn't matching the vibe of the song, making your dancing look off.

Follow Melvin Timtim's advice on this:

6. Have fun

I’ve never watched someone genuinely love what they’re doing and judged them.

Pure fun never looks or feels awkward.

So stop overthinking! Put on a soundtrack to a musical you love and lip sync it all the way through. Blast some dirty rap music in your car and go awff.

Play some sexy bedroom music and serenade your lover. At the end of the day, dance is something that lets you play.

You can be anyone you want, do anything you want, and escape from whatever stresses are plaguing your mind.

Dance is an escape, not another stressor.

So have fun with it :) and looking dope will happen on its own. Being a good dancer or a bad dancer, a dope one or an awkward one...

It depends on what you practice – both mentally and physically. Use these tips to make dancing look and feel like second nature.

You’ll be tearin’ it up on the dance floor in no time.

What are some things that helped you overcome looking awkward when you dance? Comment below and leave a tip!

Classes on STEEZY Studio help you loosen up to move more comfortably.

Take our beginner program to learn the essential grooves to start with!

10 Tips To Instantly Make Your Dancing Look Less Awkward

When you hit the dance floor do you tense up and get all awkward?

Are you not sure what to do with your hands?

Are you unable to decipher the mood of the music?

Don't fear, STEEZY'S HERE!

We came up with 10 easy tips to help you look cool while you dance:

Video Transcript:

Honestly most of us learn how to dance
because we just want to look cool

and you know what doesn't look cool? Looking
like this.

You don't want to look like that. So here are 10 tips to take your dancing from awkward and stiff to super lit.

Tip #1: Be on beat. Even if
your moves are super hot fire

you know that you're still gonna look really awkward if you're not dancing to the

rhythm. So make sure you just take your
time, listen to the music, find that

consistent rhythm so that you can use
the beat to guide your movements.

Tip #2: Don't lock your limbs. No one
looks cool dancing with over extended knees or elbows

So shake them out, bend
your knees, keep your body comfortable

Tip # 3: Don't cut off your movements. A lot of awkwardness comes from stiffness and a

lot of stiffness comes from interrupting
your movements, so don't interrupt your

movements unless you're purposely
isolating your body parts ok?

Tip #4: Use everyday motions as part of
your dancing. Lyle Beniga is amazing at

taking familiar scenarios and turning
them into effortless dances.

Point is, you don't have to bust out some crazy combo to be a good dancer. Sometimes trying too

hard can look awkward. Stick to things
that are simple and comfortable on your body.

Tip #5: Be intentional with
your hands. Not paying attention to your

hands can make you look really, really

Here's some cooler ideas for your hands.
You can point, clap a little bit, hello audience,

greetings, whip, milly rock, and what's up b-boy stance.

Tip #6: Match the mood of
the music. Your dancing can also look

super awkward if it just doesn't fit how
the music feels.

Tip #7: Dance through your mistakes. Like Jessie, she's

been dancing through her whole life. OHHH MY LIFE IS A MISTAKE.

Jessie Ma-stake. Mess ups are only awkward if you make them awkward. Don't make it awkward.

Stop! Stop being awkward ok.
If you end up tripping on stage it's

okay, you trip on stage. The DJ says step
to the right and you step to the left

it's okay it happened man, just keep on
going, no one's gonna worry about it, chiiiiilllll.

Tip #8: Condition your body.
Whatever your body shape or size you can

condition it to dance the way that you
want so stretch out for flexibility

and range of motion, do cardio for more
stamina, and lift weights if you want to dance with more strength.

Tip #9: Face different directions. Facing the front

the whole time is boring and you're not
boring are you? So face different

directions, face the side, face this side
face the back, face the ceiling.

Last but not least Tip #10: It's okay to
look or feel stupid.

You'll get better every time you dance. So to recap all 10 tips. Number 1 be on beat. Number

2 don't lock your limbs. Number 3
don't cut off your movements. Number 4

use everyday motions as part of your
dancing. Number 5 be intentional with

your hands. Number 6 match the mood of
the music. Number 7 dance through

mistakes. Number 8 condition your
body. Number 9 turn to different

directions. Number 10 it's okay to look or feel stupid.

Feel free to add to this list by
sharing your tips in the comment section.

Give this video a huge thumbs up and
subscribe to our channel for more fun

and educational dance videos. Now go out there and I'll see you on the dance floor.

Corridor. The floor is yours.
Mordor. Ahhh dang that was a good one!

Afraid to look funny? 5 ways to forget about embarrassment and enjoy yourself in dancing

When a woman dances, she should concentrate only on herself. Dance is like a form of meditation: when you don’t think about anything in the moment, you completely immerse yourself in your body, thereby freeing your thoughts. However, many girls are prevented from achieving such an effect by excessive obsession with how they look from the outside. Understanding how to overcome complexes and finally start enjoying the process


You probably know that feeling when you really want to go to class, but again and again there are reasons to cancel the appointment: “I'm clumsy”, “I will look funny”, “I'm not plastic”, “I will be embarrassed in front of others girls in the hall."

If these experiences sound familiar, then this article is for you. We have compiled a list of 5 simple rules that will help you forget about embarrassment and really enjoy dancing.

Dance in heels

Approaching dance training is definitely on high heels. Heels are a magic wand for every girl. Surely you felt how your gait changes and your sense of self in general, you just have to put on your favorite shoes! To tune in to an effective lesson, try to “warm up” at home: take out “those” boats from the closet, go to the mirror, turn on pleasant music and start moving smoothly. You will see: the movements will become more graceful, and the lines of the body will “tighten up” and look more refined.

Wear the right clothes

Gathered for training in sports leggings and a fixing top? Set this kit aside until you go to the gym. And for dancing, choose such an image so that you yourself like to look at your reflection. Tight-fitting cycling shorts paired with a trendy T-shirt, a top with delicate drawstrings and bell-bottoms, or maybe even a dress? There are no restrictions here: the main thing is that you feel comfortable (clothing should not hinder movement), but at the same time that you feel the most beautiful. If there is no special outfit in your wardrobe, go to a specialty boutique and find a look there that will be associated with dancing and that you will want to wear again and again

Create a classroom environment

The right environment can also help boost your self-confidence and create a special mood. Start the journey from external to internal: if you are dancing at home (for example, according to an online course), then organize the right environment yourself. Dim the lights, light candles, or turn on lights if you have one at home. If you want to study in the studio, then be guided by how the coach approaches this issue. It's great if you are trained by a specialist who is attentive to the atmosphere.

Slow down in music

One of the main mistakes of "beginners" in dancing is the desire to learn everything and quickly. Pull yourself up if you feel like you're trying to keep up with more experienced roommates on the parquet floor. Do not compare yourself with anyone and constantly keep in mind the idea that you are here primarily for pleasure. After all, we are not pursuing the goal of getting into the Dancing show, right? That is why it is not necessary to dance fast and make 100 movements per second: on the contrary, try to slow down, listen to the music playing, take your time, start moving smoothly and slowly dissolve into the flow of movements. Then you will definitely be able to get satisfaction and achieve the best result.

Get inspired

Like everywhere in any art, watching plays a big role in dancing. We advise you to be inspired by old films about dancing: Showgirls, Moulin Rouge, Chicago cabaret... You can also subscribe to professional dancers on social networks and watch videos with different choreographies that they publish on their blogs. Believe me: the images of these sexy and self-confident girls will remain in your memory, you will be able to feel their mood. And then it will be easier to reproduce this state in your own dance practices.

To feel a surge of energy, to feel more feminine and confident, it is not at all necessary to practice dancing professionally. The main advantage of dancing is that it is enough just to start - and you will get an effect that will be impossible not to notice. Just follow the tips above and spend at least one hour dancing several times a week.

Long Legged Dancers - Problems and Solutions

Fully Expand and Tame Your Energy!


Many long-armed and long-legged dancers feel that they cannot move as dynamically and fluidly as other dancers. For example, they feel awkward trying to be graceful, or as if they are dragging a dead weight while jumping. A long-armed or long-legged dancer may be mistaken in thinking that by shortening and minimizing his movements, he will be able to control his movements and look graceful or nasty, that by throwing his movements he will get dynamic results that a dancer with shorter limbs could get. , but that's just not the case.

Sign up for a trial class

Some dancers with longer limbs feel that because their limbs actually have to move a greater distance than dancers with shorter limbs, they should reduce the length of their own movements to match their longer short colleagues. Theoretically, this makes sense because it's easier to balance and therefore you can control your movements and look more fluid. The problem is that aesthetically it will look like your arms are bent or your knees are bent when they should be fully extended.

On the other hand, some dancers with long limbs throw out their arms or legs in order to fully straighten them as quickly as possible, sending their energy out and to the side, which can lead to their exhaustion and confusion in the dance.


In each case, the exact opposite should happen. A dancer with long limbs must always make sure that he is fully stretching his movements, while at the same time controlling and managing his energy. Their energy must be evenly distributed through movement right up to the tips of the fingers or toes, even extending beyond the limb to move it smoothly and dynamically, but the dancer must be able to return this energy immediately, like an elastic band, once released at one end, returns to its original position, when it is pulled to the limit, and not released and discarded.

But how can you fully straighten your limbs and evenly control your energy without tripping or becoming entangled?

And if you watch a lot of videos on YouTube channels, you will see how they dance their own choreography with people who are usually shorter. And you know that you never notice the difference in height! They move in a way that complements who they dance with, never compromising their momentum, edginess or strength.

Other solutions for dances with long limbs

Use a mirror or video yourself!

You should be able to see what other people see and how your movements look compared to what the teacher is illustrating - but don't compare! Instead, look at the movement and practice mastering your body to make movements that resemble your body as closely as possible to what you are being asked to do. Consciously looking at yourself in a mirror or videotaping yourself and watching it, working on where your movements look less pleasing to the eye, can be extremely effective. Dance is about the aesthetics of how the movements look - graceful, dynamic, powerful, and you can create the right aesthetic by developing muscle memory so that your body creates beautiful lines automatically and without thought. This takes practice for all dancers, not just those with long arms or legs!

Find a good teacher who understands how best to train your body!

Many dance instructors will agree that dancing with longer arms and legs is an obstacle that can be easily overcome with the right training. A good teacher can work with you on an ongoing basis to help you balance your body and achieve proper technique.

If your teacher ever criticizes you and advises that your dance looks awkward because you are not using your long limbs effectively, make sure you take a moment after class to ask the instructor when they feel that your dance is being interrupted by your absence. control over your limbs and what you can do about it. If they are useless and contain more criticism than helpful advice, it might be wise to find another dance instructor or, when you are in class with them, take their criticisms with a grain of salt in the future.

Fake it until you succeed

When a person first begins to practice dancing and learns to control his sometimes unruly long limbs, a certain degree of insecurity will be evident. You have to tell yourself that you have the perfect body for a dancer, perfect proportions in every way. Being tall or short, with long or short limbs are just comparative descriptions, so they are somewhat subjective. Psychological confidence is a necessary step to start overcoming the obstacles that might get in the way of your dancing and enjoying it.

Mental barriers can prevent you from becoming confident and successful, even if you have all the physical aspects of dance before science. Use the “fake it until you do it” principle as a mental strategy as you learn. Strengthen your self-confidence mentally, because most problems are solved in the mind.

Why long limbs are actually good for dancers!

No two dancers move exactly the same. Some dancers can master one movement but find another movement difficult for them. There are certain ways that people with long arms and long legs move their bodies that people with shorter limbs are not capable of.

For example, with longer legs, your straightening looks more dramatic, and you will always be taller than those with shorter legs. You can cover more space more efficiently by moving more distance in one step than others, allowing you to more effectively cover all areas of the dance space. If you have long arms, you can create more dynamic movements than a person with short arms. It's all about balance and perspective.

The general description of a dancer's body is generally long and slender, so having longer arms or legs, once you learn how to control them effectively, will allow you to create the beautiful aesthetic lines so desired in the dance world.

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