How to grind dance at prom

Girls, Learn How to Grind Dance In Minutes, Right Now!

This dance is simple, but its implications are not. It’s quite the package of contradictions: a public display of intimacy, a common sight that retains an air of taboo sexuality, a product of newfound sexual liberty that still perpetuates age-old heterosexual gender roles. Grinding exists wherever young people, pulsing music and alcohol intersect. You can witness it happening in house parties, concert venues, music festivals and clubs with flashing strobe lights. Now, gender roles, silent signals and awkward body-to-body interactions govern the dance floor.

Grinding is a form of dancing that is typically found at a club or a party where a man typically dances behind a woman while they both move their hips in the same circular motion.

Grinding can be a bit intimidating for girls. They may not know how to let a guy know they want to grind, where to put the guy’s hands, or how to move their hips. But don’t worry – grinding doesn’t have to be hard and you don’t have to get too intimate with your dance partner, especially if you don’t know him. If you want to know how to grind with sexiness, class, and style, just follow the next steps.

Another incredible dance technique is the Shuffle Dance. Learn How To Do It In 5 Minutes in our guide here

*note that we’re discussing this type of dancing in the common heterosexual setting between a guy and a girl but this works in any couple situation, and we intend no discrimination or exclusion of anyone.

Photo Credit: Elvert Barnes via Flickr

Where did it start?

Grinding goes back to some cultures in the Caribbean. We can trace it back to hip-thrusting dance moves labelled as “whining,” “wining” or “djuking”.

but it is it’s adoption by the hip hop culture that brought this dance style to mainstream America. It eventually “moved to high school and middle school dances (especially proms) in the US and Canada where there have been cases of administrators attempting to ban it due to its explicit nature” as one Wikipedia entry noted.

“Everywhere, boys in baggy pants and girls in tight ones gripped each others’ hips, from the front or the rear, and pushed, pushed. Pairs of girls entwined thighs and swiveled low to the ground. Groups of dancers formed “freak trains,” lines of tightly pressed bodies undulating through space.

All the moves had two elements in common: hips and friction.” As this article on Education Week noted back in 2001.

In 2015, a high school principal in Maine cancelled school dances because of students’ dance moves and the, “culture of grinding,” reports CBS Boston. “It is by no means the students’ fault, but the dancing they have witnessed on MTV/VHS/movies involves primarily only sexually suggestive grinding,” Record explains in the letter.

A predecessor to grinding as a sexually charged high-contact social dance was “The Bump”, which was popular in the 1970s, in which the contact between partners generally involved the hips or buttocks of one dancer “bumping” those of the other dancer in temporary contact. Other predecessor elements of grinding may be attributed to the 1987 film Dirty Dancing, and the famous lambada dance which became famous in the 1980s that featured grinding actions.

One additional note to keep in mind is that grinding is a form of dance that overlaps with a multitude of genres. You’ll see hip hop fans grinding, but also on dance music festival grounds with Trap music, Dubstep, and many others sub-genres including EDM.

Time To Learn How To Grind

You need to learn to grind dance (sometimes people call it freak dance or freaking) if you want to be able to get a little freaky on the dance floor. If you’re a beginner and want to know how to grind with a guy, or how to grind with a girl, this is section is for you.

First and foremost we need to mention that sometimes this form of dance will lead to unwanted actions that would happen without the partner’s consent. Please make sure there’s a sort of agreement with the other person before proceeding with such a dance as it is quite intimate in nature as we have just discussed.

The beginning of the dance

Unless you already know the guy you want to dance with and he’s led you to the dance floor, you’ll have to approach the dance floor on your own first. But if you already have a guy, then you can skip this section. Start by dancing with a friend or two. Someone you trust and from your initial circle. Here, it’s all about doing your own thing and having a good time.

Even when you’ve found your target, avoid looking around desperately. Instead, you’ll make sure the guys see that you’re having a a great time and they’ll come to you. Positivity like this is infectious and you’ll want people who want to be with you on the dance floor. Add to the attraction by showing off your dance moves with your friends. Let the guys see how you can work your body, follow the rhythm and enjoy your time.

Move Closer

Found your guy? Great! Maybe it’s a good idea to lock eyes with him from across the room, this will show your interest without much effort (we’re pretty sure you know what we mean here). You’ll want to start moving closer to him, do it with the group altogether, that way it will look like a natural, gradual move, and nothing very creepy. Then, it will be a matter of waiting for him to come closer to you, too. If you lock eyes from across the room for one second and then one inch away from him the next, you won’t look cool. So avoid that.

Extra tips to keep in mind: move towards him during the course of a song, it looks better and more natural that way and avoid crowding the guy, so maybe your friends would follow but keep some distance.

At this point, some sort of physical move needs to be done.

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The Brushing Up

You should look at him and start some sort of interaction with him. Lock eyes with the guy, and maybe even give him a cute smile and then look away. Then, move even closer to him and let your body brush up against his, whether you’re facing him and touching him with your hands, or turning away form him and occasionally brushing up against him. This will communicate your interest and signal to the guy you intend to dance.

Begin The Grind Dance

Step in front of him so that you lock eyes and know you’re going to dance with each other. Spend a minute dancing in front of him, moving to the beat, and then slowly begin to turn so he can start dancing behind you and you can officially begin to grind.

First, you have to get in grinding position so step in front, facing away from him. Though you can mix it up once in a while, the typical grinding position is when a guy stands behind a girl. You can leave about a foot between your bodies and don’t have to get incredibly intimate to start grinding (especially if you don’t know him).

Next, both you should bend your knees so that you’re lower to the ground. If the guy is much taller than you, then you won’t have to bend your knees very much. If the guy isn’t much taller than you, however (happens if you’re wearing high heels for example) then you should bend your knees a bit further so he’s a bit above you.

Now it’s time to move your hips and butt in one continuous circular motion, continuing to move from side to side while moving your legs up and down just a bit while keeping your knees bent. If the guy knows what he’s doing, then his hips should find a similar rhythm to yours. Both your hips should be moving in the same direction to the beat of the music.

Feeling bold? Know the guy you’re dancing with? You can touch the guy’s front side with your butt as you move it from side to side. But you can also maintain your distance. There are no obligations, keep in mind this is your move, and the dance is under your control.

The next thing to do is to move your arms and chest to the beat of the music, rotating your arms and chest in the same fluid motion. Look ahead or slightly down as you continue to work your arms and chest while you move your hips. You can bring your arms down so they’re on your knees or near your waist, and wait for the guys hands to land on top of yours or around your waist as you continue to dance.

These are the basics in general. To help make things even more clear and give you extra pointers, we’re providing below some additional training:

Learn These 3 Simple Grinding Moves

Guys, These Important Secrets Are A Must-Know!

What about the guys? Most men are beginners and somewhat clueless when it comes to grinding on the dance floor. The video below will show you some secret moves that will have you grinding with the best of them!

Grinding can be very tasteful and not raunchy at all, dancing partners don’t have to be very touchy while grinding especially when they don’t know each other. Bottom line, respect each other and have fun!

Read More on EDM Festival Insider:

How to Dance at Prom

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Even if you have two left feet.

By Carolyn Twersky


You have spent months picking out the perfect prom dress, styling that just-right hair style, and planning the most over the top promposal your school has ever seen. You are all ready to take prom and completely slay the night. Except, for one little have NO clue how to dance. You'll look absolutely gorgeous, but you'll be glued to the back of the room all night, too afraid to get on the dance floor and bust a move. Does that sounds like you? Then read on, because I'm about to teach you how to dance at prom, no matter what your skill level.

Before you start getting down, though, just remember that dancing is all about trust. So, don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. And before you start getting physical with someone of the dance floor, make sure they give their consent first and that everything is appropriate.

Milly Rock

If there's one dance everyone is going to be doing at prom, it's probably the Milly Rock. The dance may seem complicated, but once your break it down it's actually pretty easy, just follow these steps:

  1. Let's start with the arms. Starting with your right arm, keep your elbow close to your body and make a motion almost like you're patting yourself on your front left shoulder, but don't actually hit your shoulder.
  2. Then, do the same motion with your left arm to your right shoulder.
  3. When you go back to your right arm, start moving it to your left shoulder, but then stop, almost as if it's a fake out. Then, continue through with the motion. Let's call that move a double.
  4. You're going to continue with your arms in this pattern: right, left, double right, left, right, double left.
  5. While you're doing the arms, take the opposite leg of the arm you are using and lift your heel while tracing a small half circle with your toes. Then, when you switch arms, switch legs.
  6. On the doubles, you're going to do a kind of fake out with your feet where you start to lift your heel, but then you stop, before lowering it back down, lifting it back up and then completing the half circle.
  7. Put it all together and there you have it! You're doing the Milly Rock!

Find the Beat

Ok, finding the beat may seem super simple, but some people aren't musically inclined and can struggle to get into the rhythm. If this sounds like you, use these steps to help you find the beat, and the dancing will come a little more naturally.

  1. When you hear a song, start tapping your foot.
  2. Start counting: 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2.
  3. While still tapping your foot and counting, start to clap every time you say 2: 1, clap, 1, clap, 1, clap, 1, clap.
  4. Stop tapping your foot and get your body into it a little more. And there you go, you've found the beat!


If you want to up your slow dance game, try the foxtrot. It's super easy, but it will totally impress your friends on the dance floor. To perfect the dance, just follow these steps:

  1. The leading partner should step forward two steps. Then, step to the left, and bring your feet together.
  2. Meanwhile the other partner starts on their left foot, and step backward twice while their partner is moving forward. Then, step to the right, and bring your feet together. So, both partners are doing mirrored motions.
  3. Now, for arms. The leading partner should have their right hand placed on their partner's back, while the following partner has their right hand on the other's shoulder. And then both partners extend their left arms and hold hands.
  4. Keeping your arms in position, repeat the feet movements over and over and you're foxtrotting!

    Slow Dance

    Slow dancing seems terrifying, but it's actually super easy. All you need is a partner and a slow song and then just follow these steps:

    1. Hand placement is completely up to you and your partner. In this video, the man has his right hand on his partner's back left shoulder, while she has her left hand on the top of his right shoulder and their other hands are holding at about waist length. Alternatively, you could do both hands around the neck with your partner's hands on your waist, vice versa, or really whatever feels comfortable.
    2. The important aspect of this move is the feet. As explained in the video, to master the slow dance, you need to master the step-touch. Basically you are stepping to the left with your left foot, then bringing your right foot to meet it, stepping to the right with your right foot and then bringing your left foot to meet it. Literally repeat this over and over and over again and...BAM! You're slow dancing! Make sure you step to the beat of the music and you'll be good to go.
    3. If you want to get really fancy (this isn't necessary) you guys can start going in circles together. To do this, simply step at an angle instead of in a straight line. Lead your partner or be lead and you'll be moving magically in a circle!


      The 2-step is the perfect dance move because it's so simple and works with a huge range of songs. Once you've mastered the simple move, you can add your own flair to spice it up any way you want.

      1. Good news! You're doing the exact same foot movements that you do when slow dancing! Meaning, step to the left with your left foot and then step with your right, bringing your feet together. Then, step to the right and bring your feet together. Keep your knees loose and then add whatever arm movements you want!

      Are you really feeling the music? Maybe getting down on the dance floor with your date? Here's how to dance with your partner, without getting too up close and personal.

      1. Stand with one partner in front of the other and bend your knees.
      2. Both partners start to move their waists in a circular motion.
      3. One of you can move to the left, one can move to the right, or you can move together.
      4. There's no reason to touch, you can leave space between you two so it's school appropriate and you feel comfortable.

      Shoot Dance

      You've definitely seen everyone dancing like this (even your Fortnite character), so you'll prob see it on the dance floor at prom.

      1. Bend your left leg and lift it back.
      2. Jump on your right leg and kick your left leg forward.
      3. Continue to kick your leg back and forth while you jump.
      4. Now, it's time for arms, hold them down and while you're kicking your leg, move the arms back and forth with the leg.
      5. Then, after four pumps, take your left arm and raise it above your head. Pump your arm forward four times as you kick you leg. Then, switch back to having your arms pumping by your legs!
      6. Keep going, switching between arms, until you tire out.

      If you have never heard of the floss, where have you been? If you don't know how to floss, that's more understandable, because it's a little difficult.

      1. Take your hands and hold them straight down, forming them into fists.
      2. Pretend like your holding a stick in your hands that is about waist length. Then, pretend like you're breaking that stick by bringing it against your hip.
      3. Bring your hands (still in the stick-holding formation) all the way back, and then back up, so they are parallel to the floor.
      4. Shift your hips to the other side and "break the stick" on your other hip.
      5. Pull your arms back up and parallel to the floor and then continue over and over and over again!

      Fun Dancing

      Basically, you can dance however you want, as long as you're having fun. Here's a video that shows off ten different dance moves that will stun on the dance floor.

      Carolyn Twersky Associate Editor Carolyn Twersky is an associate editor for Seventeen covering celebrities, entertainment, politics, trends, and health.

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      My terrible graduation: 5 stories that will teach you to be a realist hellish sessions, and even first part-time jobs.

      But here is the paradox. Saying goodbye to childhood and rejoicing that school is behind us, we abruptly begin to believe in fairy tales and hope that these fairy tales are about to happen in reality. And it's so childish :) We want a magical transformation and the king of the ball in addition, like in the movie "That's All She", a legendary party, like in "Project X", groovy and positive classmates, like in "High School Musical". Undoubtedly, rare lucky ones get everything at once, just like on the screen, some complete a couple of items from their wishlist, but most are faced with the harsh reality. Shit happens, you know. But don't let my sometimes sad and already very pessimistic introduction scare you. Just remember that before “big events”, like graduation, it’s better not to soar in the clouds, but to stand firmly on the ground. Do not attach sacred significance to a formal party. And, of course, do not be upset if everything did not go according to plan, like our heroines. Let the evening of your dreams turn into complete disappointments, but nobody cancels the chance to be in a fairy tale :)

      A blow to self-esteem

      Author of the story: Valentina

      Like all girls, I dreamed of a magical graduation. I believed it would be one of the best days of my life. But, unfortunately, this did not happen. In high school, a lot of problems fell on me: exams, teenage experiences, difficulties in relationships with parents, and further down the script. Buns and chocolates helped me cope with stress. All this led to the fact that by graduation I became the chubbiest in the class. So I, like no one else, hoped for a miracle.

      This is exactly what happens in Hollywood movies: the ugly duckling transforms into a beautiful swan, and the prince finally notices the one he has been overlooking for all these years. To loud applause and spotlights, they dance a waltz.

      I was very carefully preparing for this evening, thinking through every detail of the festive image. I wanted everything to be perfect. I even managed to find a dream dress that perfectly matched my color and cleverly hid all figure flaws. I was full of hope. But already during the preparation, a few hours before the holiday, something went wrong. The hairstyle that I chose so carefully for my image, in reality, did not look at all as elegant as in the picture. Yes, and the makeup did not make me a different person, did not turn me into a cover girl. But I was in no hurry to get upset and believed that something good should happen today. After all, it always happens, right? After the presentation of the certificates, we continued the celebration at the restaurant. Everyone was terribly hungry. I, despite the variety of dishes, practically could not eat anything. At that moment I was a vegetarian, and the menu consisted mainly of meat. So I just sat and watched. Then everyone began to dance, and I was waiting for the moment when this miracle would happen, which I so hoped for all evening. For the sake of which I, in fact, went to graduation. I sincerely believed that "my" boy would ask me to dance. And they really invited me. But not my prince at all, but someone I never really liked. And the guy who was the object of my adoration in high school danced all evening with others, but not with me.

      It was terribly hot in the room, so after a couple of hours I became very uncomfortable in my puffy dress, with this make-up, hairdo.

      All this literally squeezed my lungs so that it was hard to breathe. I felt very ugly and big. Of course, I was terribly offended. I so believed in this fairy tale, which since childhood I have watched in every teenage film. I thought that tonight I would be the most beautiful. I thought I would feel the most beautiful. This evening was supposed to make me like this, make me happy. But inside I remained the same girl with complexes, resentment, problems, fears. I realized that fairy tales will not happen that night. I didn't want to be in this place for another second. After all, everyone there was better than me. The guys had fun. And for me it was the saddest holiday in my life. There were many other interesting things in the program of the evening: a huge ice cream cake, fireworks, presentation of school albums, dancing until the morning, a long walk and meeting the dawn. Alas, I didn't see it all.

      I arrived home and went to bed while my classmates were celebrating the beginning of adulthood.

      I was terribly hurt by how much money my parents spent (more than they could afford) to give me such a holiday. It was at that moment that I decided that I would never experience such feelings again. I will no longer be ashamed of the way I look. I will no longer feel uncomfortable because someone is better than me. I will definitely become the best for myself, I will become strong. I guess I really matured that day. Graduation taught me that you should not expect the same miracles that happen in films with the main characters. Do not place great hopes on events that do not depend on you. You need to create miracles with your own hands, create them around yourself and make every effort so that a fairy tale comes into your life. After all, miracles happen when you don't expect them. And let graduation not be the biggest miracle that awaits you on your life path.


      Irresponsible seamstress

      Story by Julia

      My graduation was 3 years ago. I really wanted some unusual, original dress, but with taste. To make it look like my dress. My mother and I decided to sew a dress to order from a seamstress we know. She made very beautiful stage costumes, and we knew her well, so we had no doubt at all that my dress would be chic. After the first meeting, we went to a fabric store, my mother and the designer discussed something on their own, on a sewing machine, chose fabrics and parted. I did not understand anything, but I was sure that everything would be fine. We went to the store in February, and the first fitting was supposed to take place in about a month, but the designer had some important projects of her own, so she arrived much later. My dress consisted of a floor-length beige skirt with a corset and a cypress villa print. And on top of the blouse lilac. At the first fitting, it turned out that the designer sewed some strange lace on my sleeves, which was not supposed to be before. I hate lace, but she always assured me that it would be beautiful. The corset was not ready yet, and the skirt had to be hemmed. The dress was far from ideal, and it was the middle of April. The designer assured me that everything would be fine and beautiful, I had little idea what would happen in the end, my mother kept talking about some patterns and shelves, I did not understand anything and endured.

      After the first fitting, I told my mother that I didn't like the dress, to which she replied that we had already spent a lot of money, so that's it.

      At the second fitting a week before graduation, it turned out that the corset was still not ready, the skirt was somehow different, I didn’t like myself in the dress at all, and there were no buttons or zippers on the blouse yet. Mom was infuriated by the designer, who promised that she would finish everything by graduation, and the whole situation infuriated me. Last weekend, I wanted to go shopping and buy the simplest black floor-length dress that perfectly matched my shoes and bag, but I realized that my parents had birthdays almost at the same time as graduation, they already spent a lot of money and didn’t even give gifts to each other that year. I didn't want to ask for money for another dress. I hated myself and cried most of the time. On the eve of graduation, on Thursday, I sat in the room all crying, because in front of me were chic shoes, a stunning matching bag and accessories for a dress that was not there. I did not understand what to do, because in my closet there was not a single evening dress to replace. The designer called her mother almost at midnight and assured her that she would bring the dress on Friday at 12:00. Mom explained in detail to the one where and for how long she had to go, and thanked for the excellent work done. At 11:00 we had an appointment at a beauty salon, and we both understood that no one would go anywhere to get a dress.

      Then together we opened my mother's wardrobe and started looking for an evening dress from what we had. Luckily, Mom had a Greek-style dress that matched the shoes and the bag.

      Yes, my mother's dress was great, but it wasn't mine. And when all the girls at the prom were gorgeous, they got a lot of compliments, I just wore a beautiful dress. I was terribly uncomfortable, I wanted to feel like a queen, but it didn’t work out. I additionally took with me a set of clothes for dancing and walking around the city. I specially selected this bow for myself, so that it would be as convenient for me to move as possible and at the same time it would be beautiful. At some point in the prom, I realized that everything pisses me off, and changed into sneakers, fuchsia trousers and a hot pink floral jacket. And it was in sneakers and trousers, next to girls in stilettos and long skirts, that I felt like a beauty. A month later, I opened my mother's closet and saw my finished dress there. Mom said that she still went to the seamstress and took the dress, having told her everything that she thought. I asked my mom if I could burn the dress I hate so much, but she said no because we spent a lot of money on it. And now it still weighs in the closet, no one needs it and has never been worn by anyone.

      I learned two things from this story:

      1. Never make anything to order. It is better to buy the simplest dress and decorate it with accessories than to wait for the designer to deign to sew a dress for you. Although it may be that I am the only unlucky seamstress, others may be more responsible, but I will not take any more risks;
      2. It really doesn't matter what you wear to prom. The main thing is that you feel comfortable with it. After all, there is no such law that girls must be in floor-length evening dresses, and indeed in dresses. I love my pink prom pantsuit and still wear it. And when they ask me what I wore to prom, I always talk about sneakers and trousers. And yes, I had the coolest outfit of the evening!

      Meeting classmates

      Story by: Lisa

      Even though I graduated from high school 3 years ago, I still remember my graduation. And I will probably remember him for a long time, because on that day, no matter how loud it may sound, my dreams were destroyed. But let me tell you everything in order. I am a romantic, so I have been waiting for THIS day for a very long time. It seemed to me that graduation would be the most wonderful end to my school life. In my thoughts, I drew a perfect evening when my classmates and I will be one, when everyone will be so beautiful, and the sparkle of a smile will be accompanied by tears of happiness.

      And, of course, I was sure that we would hang out all night long, dance and sing songs.

      I approached the choice of dress thoroughly. Already in November, I found the one that was destined to make a real princess out of me. I am extremely grateful to my parents for the fact that they did not limit me in any way in choosing a dress and allowed me to buy what I dreamed of. Yes, now this dress is hanging in the closet. Yes, I will never wear it again. Yes, it cost a decent amount of money. Yes, it's almost impossible to sell. But on the other hand, for one day I became a Disney princess in a chic ball gown, and the whole school still remembers my image. I had doubts about makeup and hair, as I usually do everything myself, but this time I wanted something special. That is why I decided to go to the salon for the first time. I regretted it very much later. When the masters had just finished working, I liked everything: unusual makeup, and the hairstyle turned out just like from the cover of a magazine. However, when I look at the photos now, I understand that this make-up was just awful. Not only did he greatly add to my age, he also did not make me beautiful at all, on the contrary.

      So if you want to leave the salon with beautiful makeup, it's better to go there in advance and do a trial.

      And now my parents and I are driving in a car to school, where very soon most of my life will end and a new, adult life will begin. At least that's what I thought at the time. The official part was quite lengthy, but touching. This was followed by a photo shoot in the school yard. You know, looking back now, it seems to me that it was the most touching moment of the whole evening. We took pictures with classmates, joked, fooled around and it was just HO-RO-SHO for us. Immediately after that, the whole class got into a limousine and drove to the venue of the party. And that was the second horror of that day. Imagine 25 young men and women in suits and dresses getting into one car on a very hot summer day! It was terribly cramped, stuffy and smelly.

      I just wanted to jump out of the window. Even though my dress wouldn't fit through (ha ha)

      The party itself was quite boring. At first we were forced to wait on the street for about 40 minutes, as all schools were let in according to some list. And there were a LOT of schools. We were one of the last to go. Our tables were on the second floor on a makeshift balcony, so we had an amazing view of the show. But when we sat down at tables of 4 people, everyone just started eating. No one went to dance in the next room, no one went to watch the show on the stage on the first floor, no one went to participate in competitions in the foyer. We just sat and ate. When I tried to pick up my friends (10-15 people) and go have fun together, I was told in response that this is all for children, and since there is no alcohol, they cannot have fun properly. As a result, my best friend and I walked around all the sites, everyone looked, but after 3 hours we were already very tired and just found a quiet corner with easy chairs and sat there, talking about everything in the world, almost to the very end. By the way, never, under any circumstances, wear new shoes to prom! Be sure to take them out beforehand. Otherwise, it will hurt you just as much as it hurts me.

      When I got home around 6 am, I lay down on my bed very confused.

      On the one hand, I was happy that I finished school, passed all the exams, received a gold medal and, in general, was a princess that evening. But on the other hand, I was sad. And it was an unpleasant sadness, it was a disappointment. I so hoped that all this evening my friends and I would be together, that we would all remember this day together with smiles, but no. That night, we all became strangers to each other. If now the kind wizard suggested that I relive that day again, but do everything differently, then I would most likely not go to this “party” with the class, but would arrange a party with my best friend.


      No Destiny

      Story by Lisa

      I think the very word "prom" makes any girl dream of something fabulous. I'm not an exception. Since the fifth grade, I have been thinking about how, in the perfect dress, with the perfect haircut and the perfect gentleman next to me, I am heading towards the long-awaited freedom. Of course, the slightest violation of this ideality was excluded as something out of the ordinary. After all, there is always a happy ending in the cinema, which means I should have the same, I thought.

      But as it turned out (surprise from adulthood!) happy endings like in the movies are the exception rather than the rule.

      Everything didn't go according to plan. I decided at the last moment that staying until grade 11 was not what I wanted. Thus, starting a chain of events, which as a result destroyed my pink dreams. All the time that should have been spent looking for a prom dress and a suitable companion for the full picture, I spent in self-digging. There were questions in my head. In general, not up to the ball. Due to the tension, meetings with friends who considered my problems far-fetched became pointless. Although it seemed to me that these problems are very important. Already a month before X-day, doubts arose in me whether it was worth going to graduation at all or just picking up a certificate. Probably, I would have continued to doubt, if not for the case. For the presentation of certificates, I had an international exam, unfortunately, the date of which could not be changed. All hope now was to go with classmates to a restaurant rented by their parents. Let go of old grudges, enjoy the last evening together and make empty promises. Well, you know, when people promise to see each other on the same day every year with the same company, it's just a formality. The thing is, I wouldn't mind doing it. However, by that time, relations with former schoolmates had heated up to the limit. And to be honest, I didn't really want to spend time with them at prom.

      Relatives insisted on my presence, but an inner voice told me not to go. But what to do if the family said "must"?

      Of course, by that time, the dreams that arose after watching the last part of High School Musical remained dreams. And again everything was decided by chance. I was given a ticket to an international camp, and the date of departure there was exactly on the day when my class was going to celebrate. Mystic? Anyway, my graduation was held at the airport in suspense due to a flight delay, and not in the euphoria of a celebration of life. I learned about what happened there from posts on Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia), as well as from the stories of a former classmate.

      On the one hand, I regret that I was deprived of the opportunity to spend this day as I dreamed of as a child. On the other hand, whatever is done is for the better.

      My main advice: don't expect it to be "like in a movie", don't immerse yourself in a fairy tale, because a fairy tale may not exist. The main thing after school is to surround yourself with the right people, so that it is with them that you want to spend an evening that will be remembered for many years. It is not the atmosphere and not the holiday itself that make graduation so special, but just those very people.


      King of the Parties

      Story by Nastya

      My prom ended three years ago, but I still remember that night, which smoothly turned into morning. That day, everything somehow immediately went wrong: I didn’t have time to do anything, I went on business all over the city. At three o'clock I had a make-up and hair appointment. The hair was terrible, the makeup even worse. When I got home, I tried to correct the situation, but to no avail. In addition, I was already late for the presentation of certificates. The ceremony went well, and we went all the way to the restaurant. Cool competitions, dancing until you drop and groovy classmates - it was a lot of fun. However, there was something that worried me. The boy Vanya studied in a parallel class, we went together to prepare for the exam in English. A charming pumped-up dancer with a great sense of humor - he immediately won my heart. Vanya always thought very unusually, always threw out cool things and could easily make me laugh. We corresponded a lot and generally had a great time.

      At graduation, of course, I expected him to ask me to slow dance. And yes, it happened. Everything was wonderful - we danced, fooled around and laughed.

      Arriving home in the morning, I thought: “that's it, my boy”. However, soon after graduation, our communication gradually faded away. I didn't find a place for myself. I tried to understand what happened, I began to delve into myself (of course, as without it). Several times I unobtrusively wrote to him, asked how he was doing, but each time I realized that he did not want to communicate. And, as it usually happens, Vanya slowly "merged". As it turned out later, after graduation, he went to another party where he kissed my classmate. Plus, he had an ex who was a year older than him and had already left to study in another city.

      As a result, he entered the same city where his ex was studying at the time. And guess what? They are together again now.

      What is the conclusion? Don't mess with guys if they still love their exes. Boys are more resilient to breakups than girls. And if some girl has deeply sunk into their souls, then this will pass oh, how not soon. If you got in touch with a guy who is about to break up with his beloved girlfriend, then here you act at your own peril and risk. As rude as it sounds, be prepared to be taken advantage of. The guy with you will “stir up”, get high, and then the former will suddenly appear on the horizon again, and he will quickly rush to her. And you will be left with a broken heart and a broken self-esteem. You can start a relationship with a guy only when he has already completely "recovered", realized what is happening and was alone with himself. Otherwise, it will turn out that you kiss / sleep, and then he will say that “now he doesn’t want a relationship”, because before that he had a whole drama. Of course, there are exceptions that a guy meets a girl much better and easily forgets his ex. Firstly, this means that they had not such a strong love. Secondly, the guy was not very serious about all this. I just came across just too conscious guys who met with their girls for several years and really loved them. Sincere love and affection don't just go away.

      No matter how beautiful, smart and self-sufficient you are, he will remember the one that has been in his heart for so long.

      And nothing can be done about it, it remains only to accept and move on. Therefore, my advice to you: try to understand the guy right away. If right on the day of meeting or after a short amount of time the guy starts talking about his ex, then this is a bad sign, girlfriend. So he hasn’t forgotten her yet, and (again) send him to hell to “forget his ex.” And anyway, how dare he think and talk about her when he is with you? Especially if he shows sympathy for you in every possible way! It's no good. Learn to recognize such things at first and be on the alert. Forewarned is forearmed :)


      Olga Svirina


      • Graduation
      • EGE
      • Study
      • School
      9000 About graduation RF

      Published 12/12/2020 author Tanya

      Alumni Waltz is one of the most beautiful, tender and memorable moments of the festive evening!

      Just imagine how beautiful you are the evening dress that you imagined in your dreams, spinning in a dance with with your partner, surrounded by friends to the mesmerizing music . .. from one thought goosebumps run through the body about this exciting moment!

      Your parents, happy and proud, hold breath watch what is happening, and teachers are given memories of those wonderful years they dedicated to each student. Prom waltz becomes a special moment for each participant of the celebration.

      How to make this moment perfect? We want to give you some useful tips:

      • First of all, you need to decide where exactly dance performed. If the solemn part takes place within the walls of the school, and the banquet - within the walls of a restaurant or an event site, you should immediately choose the right location. This is very important, because the scale of the site and the amount of free space will directly affect the number of dancing couples. If the prom takes place in one locations from start to finish, it is worth visiting the site in advance and choosing the best place to dance.
      • After the time and place for the alumni waltz definitely worth understanding the number of dancing couples. Prom waltz should look like harmoniously and gracefully, so it is important to find the "golden mean": there should be no steam too much to avoid randomness and sloppiness, but not too small not to dissolve in a large amount of hall space.
      • Number determined? Then it's time to pair up! Trust between partners, mutual respect and the ability to listen is one of the main success factors and fascinating results! Sometimes girls have problems with finding a partner, because young people become confused and begin to doubt this idea. “I can’t dance”, “I hardly have it will be possible to remember all the movements”, “Look for someone else” - this is only part those phrases that you can hear or your girlfriends can hear, classmates. Do not give in to panic or put pressure on the potential partner! It is better to gently and delicately explain to him that most of the dancers also has no experience, so each pair will have to embark on an exciting learning process. In addition, it is worth encouraging a partner, expressing confidence in his success and promise to support him in every possible way in this undertakings! After that, he will definitely agree and enthusiastically begin to rehearsals!

      Now that there is a place, time and dancing couples for the graduation waltz, it's time to start looking for a choreographer!

      It may seem that a choreographer is waste of money, because you can handle it yourself. Lots of tutorials video on Youtube or classmates, who have been dancing since childhood, will surely perform this task no worse. But this is a very serious misconception!

      First, professional the choreographer has extensive experience in staging dances, so he will be able to find approach to couples of different levels of training, learning and talent. Having taken into attention of each graduate, he will be able to pick up movements that can be easily everyone will learn and confidently, gracefully and smoothly perform. In addition, movements all dancing couples must be synchronized. Graduates must merge into a single and beautiful picture that attracts admiring glances present. To coordinate such a number of dancers, it is necessary experience, knowledge and ability to competently manage the process, which just choreographer.

      Usually, no more than 12 lessons are required to prepare the graduation waltz. Most of the meetings with the choreographer are for the production of the dance and take place in the format of weekly meetings of 2-3 lessons. Several classes remain in reserve for control rehearsals, which are best done a week or two before the cherished day. By dividing the amount voiced by the choreographer by the number of dancers, you will receive an extremely small amount that will pay for itself several times over!

      A little "life hack" that will make classes with a choreographer even more productive: be sure to record each video rehearsal. Try to set up the camera so that everyone is captured. dancing and get an overall picture of what is happening. Every couple can see your mistakes and hone your skills in your spare time. Implementation of such "homework" will help you learn the dance faster and feel confident at the prom!

      To avoid conflicts and fierce debate, invite your classmates to choose the best time for rehearsals by voting. Days and times chosen for preparation majority decision are non-negotiable, so those who disagree will have to adjust to the schedule.

      The place for rehearsals should be coordinated with the choreographer in advance. If the graduation waltz will be performed at an educational institution, it is better to rehearse at home. This will be a great opportunity to get used to the site and hone every move! If a restaurant becomes a dance venue, the rehearsal space must be of the same size. If there is such free space within the walls of the school, there is no need to change the location for rehearsals. If not, you should think about renting a hall from a dance studio.

      Now a little about the musical accompaniment! When choosing an appropriate song, one should take into account not only the personal preferences and wishes of the dancers, but also the opinion of the choreographer. The song must match the tempo and style of the dance movements, so you should listen to the specialist and trust his choice.

      you the main secret of a beautiful graduation waltz. So that on day X your face shines with happiness, and your movements are light and beautiful, you just need to enjoy the experience! Shouldn't score your head with excitement, unnecessary doubts and fears, just let go of the situation and enjoy every rehearsal.

      Learn more
