How to draw a couple dancing
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How to draw dancing people step by step 4 lessons
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- How to draw a dancing man and woman
- How to draw a waltz couple
- How to draw a breakdancing guy
- How to draw a dancing girl
Let's draw a beautiful dancing couple in colorful clothes step by step. To color the picture, use colored pencils or gouache. nine0019 Materials needed:
- sheet of paper;
- colored pencils;
- black marker;
- eraser;
- white gel pen;
- HB pencil.
How to draw a dancing man and woman
- Step 1
Let's outline with a simple pencil a man and a woman in a dance in the form of two circles and several lines.
- Step 2 nine0002 Draw in more detail the legs, arms and torso of each person in the drawing.
- Step 3
We finish the hair of the girl, as well as the clothes of each pair. We draw folds and chalk details.
- Step 4
In the middle of each circle, draw the contour of the face in profile, and then add small elements.
- Step 5
We work on the resulting drawing with a black marker to get a stroke. nine0003
- Step 6
We paint over the girl's dress with a red pencil, but the man's suit is dark purple.
In addition, we will also draw the shoes in black.
- Step 7
At this stage, draw the hair and give color to the face, legs and arms.
- Step 8
Finish off with a black and white pencil to get shadows and highlights as well as highlights. Drawing of a dancing couple is ready! nine0003
Lesson author: vikl-art
How to draw a waltz couple
Step by step we will depict a couple dancing a waltz on a piece of paper. For the colorfulness of the drawing, we use multi-colored pencils.
Materials needed:
- sheet of paper;
- colored pencils;
- black marker;
- eraser;
- white gel pen; nine0009 HB pencil.
- Step 1
Draw two circles. Draw lines from them to outline the torso.
- Step 2
We draw in more detail the silhouette of a dancing couple.
- Step 3
Refine the contour of the clothes of the girl and the man.
Let's add fold lines.
- Step 4
You can now draw a detailed outline of the couple's face, as well as the hair. Then we move on to the face, where we draw the details. nine0003
- Step 5
Outline the dancing couple using a black marker.
- Step 6
Now paint over the areas of the face, arms, legs and hair.
- Step 7
Use the black, gray and red pencils to color in the couple's outfits and shoes.
- Step 8
We finalize the drawing with brown, black and white pencil to get the coveted outline. The drawing of a couple who dances the waltz is ready! nine0003
Lesson author: vikl-art
How to draw a breakdancing guy
Breakdancing is a type of street dancing in a sporty style. Let's draw on our blank sheet of paper a guy who performs just such a dance.
Materials needed:
- sheet of paper;
- colored pencils;
- black marker;
- eraser;
- white gel pen; nine0010
- HB pencil.
- Step 1
Draw a circle to outline the head. Draw two lines down from it.
- Step 2
We draw the details of the torso with a simple pencil.
- Step 3
Add the rest of the torso sketch lines.
- Step 4
We draw in detail the outline of the torso and clothes with all the folds. nine0003
- Step 5
Let's add a hat and facial features to get a finished pencil sketch of the drawing.
- Step 6
Draw the outline of the picture using a black marker or felt-tip pen.
- Step 7
We now paint over the clothes and shoes. To do this, select a gray, blue, black and red pencil.
- Step 8 nine0002 For the skin of the face and hands, use a beige and brown pencil, giving volume.
- Step 9
Let's add strokes to the drawing with black and white pencil, and then finish with highlights, which we draw with a gel pen. Now you know how to draw a break dance.
Lesson author: vikl-art
How to draw a dancing girl
Step by step we will draw a beautiful dancing girl in a magnificent dress and with a Monroe hairstyle on a sheet of paper, and then color it colorfully with colored pencils. nine0019 Materials needed:
- sheet of paper;
- colored pencils;
- black marker;
- eraser;
- white gel pen;
- HB pencil.
- Step 1
We start drawing a beautiful dancing girl with a simple sketch. To do this, draw a circle and a couple of lines.
- Step 2
Sketching the arms, legs, and the lower part of the dress. nine0003
- Step 3
Draw in detail the outline of the arms, legs and dress.
- Step 4
And now you can take the time to draw a face with all the details and a beautiful hairstyle in the style of Monroe. Remove construction lines from the body and dress.
- Step 5
We work on the resulting sketch of a dancing girl with a black marker to get the desired outline. nine0003
- Step 6
We paint over the girl's dress with a red pencil, but the shoes with black.
- Step 7
Let's add a beige, brown and pink tint to the picture.
- Step 8
We complete the drawing with black and white strokes that will help to get the desired volume. A drawing of a dancing girl in a red dress is ready.
nine0017 - It is necessary to monitor the harmony of the movements of the partner and your own;
- Vary scope, intensity of movements, plasticity and facial expressions;
- Follow the pace;
- In addition, the costume and props, spatial pattern and composition are important here;
- Step #1
- Step #2
- Step #3
- Step #1
- Step #2
- Step #3
- Step #4
- It is necessary to monitor the harmony of the movements of the partner and your own;
- Vary scope, intensity of movements, plasticity and facial expressions;
- Follow the pace;
- In addition, the costume and props, spatial pattern and composition are important here;
Lesson author: vikl-art
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How to draw a ballerina with a pencil step by step. How to draw a couple dancing a waltz? How to draw a waltz dance with a pencil for children
Everyone loves music, and the best thing to do with it is dancing. In this article we want to tell you and show you some step by step examples that will demonstrate how to draw dancing people. In some paragraphs we will consider a couple of a man and a girl, and in others the girls will dance alone.
Couple dancing
The first paragraph of this article will be devoted to how to draw people dancing together. The guy will hold the girl's hand while she spins in front of him. This drawing is made in anime style, but if you don't like it, then you can simply redraw the guy's head in any other style, other elements are depicted in the same way. nine0003
We'll start by drawing a guy. You need to place it on the left side of the sheet, since the girl will be on the opposite side. At this stage, we have to work on the head and half of the torso.
The next step is to paint on the girl, she should be a little shorter.
We take a black pen or a thin marker and trace all the lines. Erase the extra pencil strokes with an eraser.
With the same black felt-tip pen or pen, paint over the man's suit and the woman's belt. On this drawing can be considered complete. nine0003
Dancing girl
This paragraph will be much easier than the previous one, because this time we will learn how to draw a dancing girl. This time she will be without a partner, and the drawing technique is a bit simplified, so the example is perfect for beginners or children.
Let's start by drawing the head. It will have an oval shape, and the hairstyle is collected in two small buns. Due to the fact that the face is slightly turned, only one ear of our dancing girl will be visible. nine0003
Moving on to the torso. First, we will depict two hands spread apart in different directions, and then we will work on the topic. Pay attention to the fingers, they are made in a simplified technique, but despite this, the drawing does not become less beautiful.
Our girl will be wearing a full skirt with two legs sticking out from under it. One she keeps the balance, and the other will be lifted up.
The drawing is ready, but it is done in black and white, as we only depicted the outlines. If you wish, you can use colored pencils and color it. In addition, we recommend that you watch the video tutorial with this example, which demonstrates the live drawing process in detail. nine0003
A simple example of a dancing couple
We have already dealt with the example of dancing partners, but it was very complicated. This time we want to show you how to draw a dancing couple using a simple drawing technique. To do this, you do not need any special artistic skills. Just follow the instructions below and you will end up with a beautiful drawing of dancing people.
Let's put the basis of our drawing on top and depict two heads and three hands interacting with each other. nine0003
Draw a woman's dress. Do not forget that you should draw not just a rectangle, but a beautiful figure with curves of the chest and waist.
Finish the edges of the dress and draw on the legs.
Our dancing woman is ready and now we need to move on to work on her partner. To do this, draw the torso and legs of a man.
In the final step we need to apply chiaroscuro as in the photo below. It should be noted that if you are going to depict the drawing in color, then the shadows should be painted over with a darker color in place. For example, a man's suit is all blue, but in places of shadow it should be dark blue. Then the picture will turn out very beautiful! nine0003
Dancing girl
At the end of our article we will look at how to draw a dancing girl in a red dress. This is a fairly simple way to draw and you can get a finished drawing in just three simple steps.
Working on the upper part. One hand will be raised up and the other down. Also, depict the head and top of the dress.
Now we need to work on the bottom. When moving, people's clothes are not static, that's what we need to reflect on paper. This can be done thanks to the wavy lines as in the picture. It is not necessary to try to draw the lines exactly as in the photo. Clothing constantly takes on various forms when moving, so it’s not scary if some line turns out to be larger, and some, on the contrary, is smaller. nine0003
We take colored felt-tip pens and paint as in the photo. You probably already noticed that our girl does not have a face and a finger. We decided to leave the freedom for creativity to novice artists, so that you yourself come up with what kind of face to draw and in what position the fingers will be.
If you want to take a closer look at the drawing process, then you can watch the video tutorial with this example.
Any holiday is accompanied by dances and dances. Well, except for the religious and political ones. Even if they dance there, it is not of their own accord. And people like to jump and shake their bodies. It is laid down at the genetic level and cannot be studied by science. We will not argue with this either, but on the contrary, we will try to learn how to draw a dance with a pencil. Moreover, it is also an art. As an example, I took the well-known Tango dance. Here is the picture:
This is one of the Argentine traditions. It is very energetic and has a clear rhythm. As in the picture, there are a lot of nuances here:
Try to convey all the elements of the criollo tango as realistically as possible:
How to draw a dance with a pencil step by step
Step one. Let's allocate a place on paper, it's easy.
Step two. Let's sketch out the sketches of the bodies of a man and a woman.
Step three. Outline the contours more clearly, add elements of the face, hands, clothes.
Step four. Delete unnecessary lines.
Step five. It remains to add shadows. You can also come up with a background, but I leave that to your discretion.
This lesson is not over, see the continuation, we will teach you how to draw. nine0003
Even the image of a woman and a man is not easy to draw, let alone a pencil drawing of a person in motion. Whether it is the action of an athlete, a gymnast, or an ordinary student going to school or home from class, reproducing a sketch from a step-by-step master class will take a lot of time. And although the process is interesting, post with patience, a few sheets of paper and an eraser, you still have to.
Man in motion pencil drawing, how to draw?
Before you start drawing, you need to think over the idea well, or at least choose the most successful option for sketching with a pencil. It is best if the sketch is not complicated, but the phased work is understandable, not requiring observance of anatomy. nine0003
The article below demonstrates several step-by-step MCs for sketching, which are suitable for people of different ages, with and without the skills of drawing a person in motion with a pencil.
Cheerleading girl with pom-poms, photo
A schoolgirl with pom-poms cheering for her favorite team is also called cheerleading. She performs with other girls in a single tandem, demonstrating bewitching dances, distinct movements and gymnastic figures. In the USA, there is even a competition between cheerleading groups for prizes and the title of American champion. It is not surprising that many artists prefer to depict this character on a white sheet in motion. This allows you to revive the drawing, making the person on it not just drawn, but “free”. nine0003
Step by step photo tutorial:
1) Sketch the girl to make a real "wireframe" on a piece of paper. To do this, use a simple pencil and an eraser to correct errors.
Important! In order for a person to turn out in motion, it is necessary to focus on the curve of the spine, one arm raised, the other - laid back, and the foot brought to the second leg.
2), select the chin.
3) Draw lips, neckline, and pom-poms. nine0003
4) Finish the sketch by drawing clothes, legs and shoes, select all the dashes.
5) Color the picture with colored pencils and markers.
Skier in motion, photo
It is much easier to draw a drawing of a person and part-time skier with a pencil than a girl from a cheerleading group. A step-by-step master class allows you to reproduce a beautiful and at the same time easy picture in 3 step-by-step steps.
Draw the main features of the image that will help you create a masterpiece from interconnected straight lines.
Finish the sketch by giving the skier proportions, clothing and ski poles.
Color the finished picture with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.
A girl in motion, photo
Drawing a child is many times easier than drawing an adult. A small person in motion with a simple pencil is suitable not only for the creativity of adult beginners, but also for school-age children who decide to devote their free time to drawing. nine0003
Mark a dot in the middle of the paper. Draw a straight vertical line from it, and draw the legs, head, arms and head to it.
Draw ponytails, facial expression, clothes, bag and shoes.
Erase extra lines to complete the sketch.
Color the finished picture by choosing the right colors for the color scheme.
Running man, photo in motion
If our readers have not yet found a suitable option, how to draw a man in motion drawing with a pencil, then it's time to look at more complex MK. They require strict observance of proportions, while not forgetting about the volume, outlines and all kinds of details.
The photo below shows several solutions, although they are all complex and require detailed execution.
Video tutorial: how to draw a person in motion
Many people remember more visually when they are shown all the actions by example. So why not take this as an example by watching a detailed video tutorial that allows you to learn how to depict the movement of the torso and arms, walking, running, a person in a sitting position or with a load.
Man in motion pencil drawing, finished work on the photo:
Any holiday is accompanied by dances and dances. Well, except for the religious and political ones. Even if they dance there, it is not of their own accord. And people like to jump and shake their bodies. It is laid down at the genetic level and cannot be studied by science. We will not argue with this either, but on the contrary, we will try to learn how to draw a dance with a pencil. Moreover, it is also an art. As an example, I took the well-known Tango dance. Here is the picture:
This is one of the Argentine traditions. It is very energetic and has a clear rhythm. As in the picture, there are a lot of nuances here:
Try to convey all the elements of the criollo tango as realistically as possible:
How to draw a dance with a pencil step by step
Step one. Let's allocate a place on paper, it's easy.
Step two. Let's sketch out the sketches of the bodies of a man and a woman.
Step three. Outline the contours more clearly, add elements of the face, hands, clothes.
Step four. Delete unnecessary lines.
Step five. It remains to add shadows. You can also come up with a background, but I leave that to your discretion.
This lesson is not over, see the continuation, we will teach you how to draw. nine0003
Ballet is one of the most beautiful forms of dance art on stage. Ballet has been around for a very long time. Italy is considered his homeland. Back in the 16th century, at the court of the French kings, dancers demonstrated court ballet. Often this happened during balls and various celebrations. Ballet is, first of all, a performance, the plot of which is conveyed through the art of dance. Ballet dancers and dancers are dressed in special costumes. For girls, these are flying dresses and tutus, for men, tight-fitting tights. Such costumes are primarily designed to make it comfortable to dance. The ballet costume began its life along with the birth of the ballet itself. Girls love to draw ballerinas. And today we will try to teach you this. Ballerinas are thin, airy creatures, flying over the stage like weightless fluffs. Their virtuoso steps simply captivate the audience. nine0003
Stage 1. Draw the auxiliary lines of the ballerina's body. First, we outline the girl's face and the lines of the nose and eyes. From the line of the neck we draw a body with a high chest. We outline a circle with jagged edges below the waist. This is a tutu (ballet skirt). From the shoulders we mark the lines of the arms, we indicate the places of the elbows with dots, one arm will be raised up, the other laid aside. From the pack down, draw the line of the leg that is standing. The point is the place of the knee. From the upper left edge of the pack, draw a line of legs raised back and up. nine0003
Stage 2. Now let's move on to the face. Based on the auxiliary lines, draw an oval of the face, a thin chin, an ear and a neck line. Draw eyes and eyebrows on a horizontal line. Vertical - nose and lips.
Stage 3. A ballerina almost never has loose hair. The hairstyle of our dancer is neat combed up hair, styled in a bun and decorated with a flower.