How to draw a lion dance
Lion Dance Drawing - Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken
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von 3What Is It and What Does It Symbolize?
The lion dance is a traditional Chinese dance performed on big occasions, such as the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) for good luck, as it is believed that the lion is an auspicious animal.
- Lion Dance Meaning
- Lion Dance Costumes
- Lion Dance Styles
- Origin and History of Lion Dances
What Lion Dances Symbolize
In Chinese culture, the lion symbolizes power, wisdom, and superiority. People perform lion dances at Chinese festivals or big occasions to bring good fortune and chase away evil spirits.
The lion dance is one of the most important traditions at Chinese New Year. It is performed to bring prosperity and good luck for the upcoming year. The lion dance is also a way to create a festive atmosphere and bring happiness.
Lion Dance Costumes
Chinese lion dances are performed by two "dancers" in a lion costume, rather like a pantomime horse. The performers become the body of the lion: the one in front is the head and front limbs, the one behind is the back and hind legs. Performers' legs are dressed the same color as the lion's body, and sometimes the costume extends to shoes the shape and color of the lion's paws.
lion dance costumes
The lion head is usually over-sized and dragon-like, like many stone lions in China.
Performed in a lion costume, accompanied by the music of beating drums, clashing cymbals, and resounding gongs, lion dances imitate a lion's various movements or demonstrate martial arts agility, depending on the style.
Lion Dance Styles in China
Though lion dances all use similar costumes, during their long development, the lion dances are divided into two styles: southern and northern.
The Southern Lion Dance
The southern lion dance originated in Guangdong, and it is the style popular in Hong Kong, Macau, and the hometowns of overseas Chinese.
The southern lion dance is a performance based on the study of a lion's behavior, with an emphasis on actions like scratching, shaking of the body, and licking of fur.
Performances are vivid and entertaining, even comical. There are also skillful performances, such as playing with a ball, which includes swallowing it.
The best place to see a southern Chinese lion dance is the Hong Kong Chinese New Year Performance Night.
The Northern Lion Dance
The northern lion dance has close relations to kungfu — Chinese martial arts. A young lion is performed by a single person and an adult lion is performed by a duo. Costumes are more robust, and less decorative, to allow for more movement.
In the adult lion dance, the performer in front holding the lion's head is often lifted by the other to make the lion stand up. Northern lion dances are more gymnastic, involving rolling, wrestling, leaping, jumping, climbing, or kowtowing.
The best places to see northern Chinese lion dances are China's martial arts theaters, like the Red Theater in Beijing, or even at the Shaolin Temple.
The Origin and History of Lion Dances
Opinions about the origin of the Chinese lion dance are widely divided. The most reliable one is this:
In traditional Chinese culture, the lion, like the Chinese dragon, was only an animal that existed in myth, and there were no actual lions in China. Before the Han Dynasty (202 BC–220 AD), only a few lions had reached the Central Plains from the western area of ancient China (now Xinjiang), due to the Silk Road trade.
At that time, people mimicked the appearance and actions of the newly arrived lions in a performance, which developed into the lion dance in the Three Kingdoms Period (220–280) and then became popular with the rise of Buddhism in the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420–589). In the Tang Dynasty (618–907), the lion dance was one of the court dances.
After that lion dances continued to become a popular performance among the people, to pray for good luck during the Spring Festival or during other celebrations.
The lion dance is an excellent example of Chinese folk culture, which has spread across the world with Chinese immigration. Overseas Chinese in Europe, America, etc. have established many lion dance clubs, performing on Chinese festivals or big occasions, particularly Chinese New Year.
Chinese Lion Dance and Dragon Dance: interview with the master (GreenWord.

Today we have an unprecedented conversation about the culture of China, represented by an enchanting, incredibly smiling show of the Chinese Lion and the Chinese Dragon, which is performed in Moscow by our friend Oleg San with an energetic, positive team. It all started with a fascination with Chinese culture in general, then a more specific interest in the symbolism of the Chinese Lion (an important traditional symbol of birth and death, openness to good and rejection of evil) and the Chinese Dragon (the Chinese call themselves "descendants of the dragon", it is an important symbol of good luck), and further to the implementation of the traditional Lion dance and Dragon dance, known throughout the world for their beauty and dynamism. Oleg and his team create costumes and figures of these animals using ancient Chinese technology and, in fact, are the first to share this full-fledged layer of the mythical culture of a powerful state with Muscovites. So, a conversation with the master and manufacturer of the Lion and the Dragon, accompanied by vivid photographs of Elena Ukolova.
~ Why is Chinese culture interesting?
~ The first knowledge about Chinese culture came to me with Jackie Chan films on VHS. In addition to the images that entered my life, somewhere inside there is an incredible feeling of kinship with the state that carries the backbone of Chinese culture. From music and calligraphy to interpretation of the world around.
~ Where is the tradition of the Lion dance rooted?
~ As you know, the first lions came to China as verbal descriptions, and only then they were brought as a gift to the emperor along the Silk Road. An animal with such qualities quickly became part of folklore, the image of a protector and keeper. The tradition of the lion dance has many stories about its origin, mythological and historical. All over Asia there is a similar action, but its roots mainly come from China.
~ Why does the lion dance?
~ According to the traditional legend, the Lion chases away Nyen, a dark spirit that terrorizes the village. In historical fact, the Chinese wars drove off an entire enemy army dressed in such costumes. One way or another, the Lion dances in order to drive away evil and bring good, creating an atmosphere of a new beginning. To do this, he has loud music, firecrackers and many magical features.
~ How did the story of your first Leo come about?
~ Once again reviewing the movie "Young Master", familiar from childhood. It begins with a magnificent lion dance with platforms and tubs. The thought arose: "Why not do such an action here!" After all, these are your favorite jumps, and drums, and Lions, such expanse for creativity! With deeds, we learned that this tradition has long been a global scale.
~ Technique and lyrics for creating the frame and costume of the Lion.
~ Ohh, the technology was not immediately unraveled. We mastered it, over and over again stopping the video filmed by a random passer-by who looked into the workshop where the Lion is made. We selected materials, consulted with well-known crafters. It took more than half a year for the first Lion. In addition to the basic manufacturing techniques, each master has his own approach to detail. This is a real expanse for creativity and ingenuity!
~ What kind of person is he who likes being inside a Leo?
~ The Lion Dance person has the qualities that any traditional dancer aspires to. Namely, in addition to skill, naturalness and purity of one's intention, to create an atmosphere of well-being and joy. Perhaps the ability to treat oneself cheerfully will also not hurt.
~ Who wants to watch the lion dance?
~ The Lion's Dance gathers a huge crowd of people, it's a very live action)) Children are delighted and tear it to pieces, adults, of course, hide their joy at the beginning, but very quickly begin to smile. The acrobatic side of the Lion dance does not leave indifferent fans of entertainment. And the cutest character traits of the beast do not leave indifferent any female person.
~ What is the personality of Leo?
~ In addition to the established images in China:
Black Lion - for those who strive to show themselves and their skills.
Yellow Lion - considered the lion of wisdom.
Red Lion - noble.
There are many varieties of lions themselves in Asia, let's take the two most established images in China - FutSan and HokSan.
FutSan (the very first skin) are lions with powerful moves and stances. It was they who were ruled by the most capable students, representing their school of kungfu.
HokSan (younger) - this is more emphasis on the habits and realism of the bestiality of a lion, high jumps and acrobatics.
If we talk about the creative approach, in practice it became clear that the character of the Lion directly depends on the dancers in it! The same head on different people moves in completely different ways.
~ How do the characters of the two Leo members connect?
~ Like any action, the Lion dance is good when all participants are united in one live movement. And Leo, and the musicians, and the audience. In one Lion there are two people in the position of the Lion dance stance, coming from the martial arts. The participants, supporting each other in idea and technique, are like two children happily carrying a sheet on themselves.
~ How does Leo get into rhythm? What does he like about silence?
~ As we know from the world of music, it starts from silence. In the dance, the lion performs traditional movements and improvisation. The masters say that music starts from silence and returns to it. The same goes for the movements of the Lion dance. When the bass drum rhythm subsides, the silence becomes a large, filled space. We continue to see the movement and character traits of Leo.
~ What is your main musical accompaniment? Big drum?
~ Da Gu Chinese bass drum plus gong and traditional Buddhist cymbals.
~ Can you dance to an unfamiliar rhythm?
~ Easy. We fit right into the disco.
~ Where did the idea of the running dragon come from? Who made it? What does he symbolize?
~ Made by our team together. The dragon following the yin-yang balance pearl is a symbol of man's constant striving for wisdom and balance. Wisdom and balance. And the Dragon is a strong spirit and a strong body. The idea came with the Lions. We have it fire-breathing and luminous (it has a cunning gas supply through a protective tube with high-frequency piezo ignition).
~ How many participants run optimally with him? How does attunement happen?
~ 7+1: The dragon flies by itself. The wind sets the direction, and the body freely follows it. Then everyone admires the flight of the Dragon. And if everyone starts to manage, it will become like a Zen parable about a centipede.
~ Then let's calculate the optimal composition of your performance.
~ Two Lions = 4 people, 8 people for 1 Dragon and 3 musicians.
~ Is this where sport, dance, fun and ritual meet? What else?
~ There is also a lot of joy, fun, music. Also a meeting of cultures and lots and lots of life.
~ Where can I watch the Lion Dance and the Dragon Run in Moscow?
~ In Moscow, the Lion dance is extremely rare so far, so don't miss the messages about our performances. We frequently cover new case openings involving China and Asia in general. Tea shops, restaurants, clubs, yoga centers. We fit right into the disco. We amuse people at thematic events, festivals and, of course, make people happy at children's and any holidays. In general, we are the dance of the Lion and the Dragon - multi-format! Also, the Lion dance can be seen performed by some representatives from the Chinese side and some enthusiastic people. Join the clubliondance group. And all the best ...
Thank you, Oleg San, for enriching communication, positive traditions of ancient cultures to the masses and your always delicious Chinese tea!
person Vera Uzhva date_range 10/20/14 folder The world through our eyes, Man on the Planet label Ulsei, interview, Moscow, dance queue_music Byron Metcalf ~ Medicine Story
How to Draw a Lion: 23 Cool Ways
January 31, 2021Learning Do-It-Yourself
Create cartoony and realistic images with pencils, marker or black pen.
0How to draw a standing cartoon lion
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper;
- simple pencil;
- eraser;
- colored pencils;
- liner or fine black pen.
How to draw
Draw two arcs. Circle the outline several times. These will be the eyes of the lion.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDraw round irises. Inside them are dark pupils, and next to them are empty glare. Outline the eyebrows.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDraw a nose - it's a triangle pointing down. Under it, make two arcs. Draw a chin even lower with a stroke.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeMake a series of short strokes to show the mane around the muzzle. You should get a shape that looks like an inverted drop.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTube Draw rounded ears. Sketch the inner parts with strokes. Under them, draw short, curved lines.
Draw a mane around the head. The detail consists of small triangles at an angle.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDraw the front paw. In fact, these are two short lines at an angle. The foot is rounded. Mark the fingers with arcs.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDraw the second paw. It is identical to the first.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeUse curved lines to show the back, chest and belly.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDraw the hind legs. The first is identical to the front, and the second is almost invisible - mark only the heel. To do this, draw two short segments that form an angle. Make a curved ponytail with a tassel at the end.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeOutline the drawing with a liner or black pen. Erase the pencil sketch with an eraser. Color the mane with a brown pencil.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTube Make the tail tassel brown. Shade the head, tail, back and paws tightly with yellow. Outline the outer part of the ears. Do not climb on the stomach, eyes, eyelids, feet and the area around the nose.
Make the nose pink and the irises brown. For the rest of the places that were left empty in the previous step, use a light beige pencil.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDetails - in the video instruction:
Other options
Here they show how to draw an animal with a marker:
If you like to draw with felt-tip pens, check out this master class:0002 Difficult but fun:
How to draw a cartoon lion face
Frame: DrawinGeek / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper;
- black marker or felt pen.
How to draw
Draw a mane. It consists of two curved zigzag lines. They are almost symmetrical to each other and together create a teardrop shape.
Frame: DrawinGeek / YouTubeDraw two arcs - these are the ears. Under them schematically show the wool. Inside the parts themselves, mark along a line with a curved tip.
Frame: DrawinGeek / YouTubeOutline the muzzle. Draw oval eyes. Color them in, leaving some free space. Glare will bring the drawing to life.
Frame: DrawinGeek / YouTubeDraw the nose - it's a black inverted triangle. From above, add an elongated arc to it. Draw eyebrows.
Frame: DrawinGeek / YouTubeFrom the tip of the nose, release a small segment. From it - two others in different directions. Outline the open mouth. Put dashes on its ends. Draw a beard.
Frame: DrawinGeek / YouTubeAdd a mustache.
Frame: DrawinGeek / YouTubeThe full version of the master class can be viewed here:
What other options are there
This shows how to draw Simba:
How to draw a standing realistic lion
Frame: Harriet0 Muller2 What you need- Paper;
- simple pencil;
- eraser;
- liner or black gel pen.
How to draw
Draw a big circle. To the right of it, make another shape, but smaller.
Shot: Harriet Muller / YouTubeInside the large blank, draw two lines that intersect in the center. The detail that extends from the bottom right corner of the sheet to the top left corner is slightly outside the figure.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeDraw a small circle with a line through the center. This is a sketch for the head.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTube Draw a muzzle. It is shaped like a square with rounded corners. Show the ear with an arc.
With lines outline the arched back and bulging belly.
Shot: Harriet Muller / YouTubeUse a long vertical line to mark the legs of the animal. Please note that the back seems to “break” twice in the middle - this is how the joint is designated. For now, mark the feet with short horizontal segments.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeShape the back piece. To do this, add a curved line to the left of the sketch. Show three fingers with arcs. Slightly round the joint on the right.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeAdd a smooth line to the outline of the front paw. Make a small bulge in the middle. Draw the fingers. With strokes, mark the places where the second pair of paws will be. They are farther from the viewer, so they appear shorter and sit a little higher.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTube Draw the second hind leg. In form, it is identical to the one you have already depicted. But this one is a little thinner, and the joint looks sharper.
Mark the part of the second front leg. Basically, it's a smooth line. Add your fingers to its tip.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeDraw a triangular eye. Make a smooth transition from head to muzzle. With a tiny bold arc, mark the nose. A thin figure more - a mouth. Dots mark the place where the mustache will be.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeShow the mane with strokes. The hairs on the head seem to be upturned, and those that are under the neck and above the legs stretch down. Lightly paint over the inside of the ear.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeDraw the tail. At the base it is thicker, and at the tip there is a drop-shaped brush.
Shot: Harriet Muller / YouTube Take a liner or black pen and outline the muzzle and points on the cheeks. Darken the eye, but leave room for highlights near the edge. Paint over the outer part of the ear - a few strokes are enough on the inside. Draw the hair on the mane. The hairs on the muzzle will be shorter, on the back and chest longer.
Outline the body and paws. With a thin line, mark the crease between the back leg and stomach. Outline the small sharp claws. Shade the base of the tail and brush.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeShow shadows. Add lines at an angle to the back, stomach and the right part of the hind leg, which is closer to the cam. Cover the far paws with vertical strokes.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeErase the pencil sketch with the eraser.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeVideo will help to understand the small details:
Other options
Colored pencils will be needed for this drawing:
This method will not be easy to handle, but the result will please you:
How to draw a realistic lion lying down
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper;
- simple pencil;
- eraser;
- liner or black gel pen;
- colored pencils.
How to draw
Draw a small circle. Inside it, place two curved lines: vertical and horizontal. Get a sketch of the head.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeAdd a small circle that overlaps the first shape slightly. So you designate the muzzle of the animal. Draw rounded ears.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDraw another circle below - much larger than the previous two. The head blocks it a little.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeSketch the body. In shape, it looks like a horizontal oval.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTube Outline the front paws with elongated arcs. The back piece is bent. Outline her rounded knee, and below it add an inverted L-shaped line.
Draw almond eyes. Inside them are round irises. Mark the dark pupils.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDraw a nose - it's an inverted triangle. Draw a short line from the tip of the shape to the center. Make rounded nostrils on the sides.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeFrom the bottom of the nose, release two curved lines in different directions, the detail on the left will be shorter than the next one. Together they make up the mouth.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeExtend the line from the left. It should form a round shape. Under the mouth, make an arc, the right tip of which stretches to the head - you get a chin. On the entire workpiece, draw short hairs.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeShow schematically the long hair under the ears, the short hair on them. With a series of short dashes, mark the borders of the mane on the head. Mark the bridge of the nose and cheekbones.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTube Draw a mane: one layer of it stretches from the ears to the chest, and the second frames the head from above and covers the front paws. Also outline the fur between the ears.
Darken the outline of the front paws. The one that is farther from you, make a little already above the foot. On the near side, draw a convex joint. Indicate the fingers with short vertical lines. Make strokes between them. These are claws.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDraw a tail with a fluffy tassel at the end. Circle the borders of the hind paw, add fingers to the foot. Place a vertical curved line above the brush. To the right of it is a dashed horizontal line.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeThe second hind leg is almost invisible. To outline it, repeat the outline of the first one, but a little higher. Draw an oval pad at the tip of the part. Above it are fingers.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeDarken the outline of the back. Make the back of the body slightly angular.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTube Take a liner or black gel pen and trace around the drawing. Erase the auxiliary pencil sketch with an eraser.
Fill in the body and face of the lion with a yellow pencil, and then go over them with orange. Do not climb on the mane, ears, tassel, paw tips, area around the eyes and nose yet.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeMake the inner parts of the ears, the tassel and the outer layer of the mane brown. Add a shade to the front paws, under the tail and on the belly. Emphasize the eyes, nose and cheekbones. Outline the mustache.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeColor the inner layer of the mane yellow and then add an orange tint. Darken the ears and muzzle with brown.
Frame: How2DrawAnimals / YouTubeGradually continue to add color to the accents already placed - the picture will become brighter.
At the very end, paint over the pad of the hind paw with brown, emphasize the mouth. Add strokes above the tail and behind the bent paw. Show the shadow under the animal. Mark fine brown and black hairs on the mane. Pay attention to the direction of their growth: from the head to the sides.
The entire master class with comments in English can be viewed here:
Any other options
Try drawing a lion with charcoal:
How to draw a realistic lion in motion
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper;
- simple pencil;
- eraser.
How to Draw
Draw a slightly careless circle - this is the lion's head. In its lower part, outline another figure, but smaller. Get a sketch for the muzzle.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeShow the animal's neck with two curved lines. Oval - chest. Add two vertical lines - these will be paws.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTube Outline a straight back and a bulging belly. Mark the back of the body with a circle. Add horizontal lines to the sketch of the front legs - feet. Outline the back details. Please note that they "break" in the middle - these are the joints. Draw a long tail with a tassel at the end.
Show the mane in the chest area.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeDarken the contours of the back, belly and tail. Give shape to the paws that are closer to you: for this, draw two more near the auxiliary lines. They are wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Make rounded feet and mark the fingers on them with vertical arcs.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeDetail the far legs in the same way.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeDraw a triangular ear. Add hair to the mane: in the chest area they are long, on the neck - short and upturned.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTube To depict the bridge of the nose, draw a smooth line between the auxiliary circles. The nose is an inverted triangle. Release an arc from its tip to the left, and a small line to the right. Get a mouth.
To draw the beard, make a series of short strokes under the mouth. Add hair around the head.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeOn the left, outline the almond-shaped eye, inside it will be a round iris. The second eye is almost invisible - make a small bulge in its place. Above it are a few strokes-eyelashes. From the inner tips of the eyes, release broken lines towards the nose - this is how you show the bridge of the nose.
Slightly accentuate the chin.
Shot: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeAdd a lot of dark hairs to the mane - for this, press the pencil harder than usual. Place light dots above the lip.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeDarken the lines around the outline of the entire drawing. Make a smoother transition from the front paw to the body, cover all the details with light strokes.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTube Tilt the pencil slightly so the lead will go flat on the paper and you will get thick lines. Cover the body and paws with them, but leave a few empty spaces. For example, on the side and in the upper part of the hind leg. To make the mane appear denser, add hairs again. Combine their length and shades.
Draw a short line down the middle of the bridge of your nose. Shade the muzzle, leaving empty areas only under the eye, on the bridge of the nose and around the mouth. Draw the pupils and paint over the iris, leaving a tiny space for the highlight. Draw a thin mustache.
Frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeMake a shadow under the animal. Look at the drawing again and, if necessary, add bright colors. In the example, the artist paints a little more on the stomach and the space on the back under the mane. It also emphasizes the front paw.
frame: Flying Pig Art / YouTubeMature did - in the video instructions:
What other options
Draw a formidable animal in jump:
A simple way to depict a running lion) :
How to draw a realistic lion face
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper;
- simple pencil;
- eraser;
- liner or black gel pen.
How to draw
Draw a circle - this is a blank for the head. Inside, draw a horizontal line and three vertical ones. This way you will divide the figure into eight sections.
Shot: Harriet Muller / YouTubeA little above the horizontal line, add another one - this is a guide for the eyes. For now, they should be marked with small circles.
Shot: Harriet Muller / YouTubeDraw another horizontal line at the bottom of the head. Draw arcs on the sides of it. Get a sketch of the cheeks.
Shot: Harriet Muller / YouTube The nose is an inverted triangle. From its tips, release two curved segments that are directed in different directions. This will show your mouth. Under it, make an arc - a chin.
Sharpen your eyes to give them a natural shape. Extend the inner parts of the parts to the central horizontal line of the circle. Add short strokes to the tips - they should be directed to the sides of the head.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeFrom the crown, release two curved lines in different directions. They bend around the head to the middle and form points just below the eyes. So you mark the border between the muzzle and the mane.
Shot: Harriet Muller / YouTubeMake an inverted blob shape around the head. This is a mane.
Shot: Harriet Muller / YouTubeDraw the nose with a black liner or pen, giving it a smoother shape along the way. Draw the nostrils. Outline the mouth and extend the lines upward to form the cheeks.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTube Paint over the eyes: the iris will remain white, and there will be a highlight inside the pupil. Show the bridge of the nose, mark the hair on the chin with strokes.
Place small dots on the cheeks. Release the mustache from them.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeUse strokes of different lengths to represent the hairs near the muzzle.
Shot: Harriet Muller / YouTubeUse many long lines to mark the hair on the mane. Pay attention to the direction of hair growth in the example: in the upper part of the picture it stretches from the top of the head up, goes around the head on the sides, and falls down under the chin.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeShow eyebrows with small arcs. Erase the pencil lines with an eraser.
Frame: Harriet Muller / YouTubeWatch video with artist's commentary here:
Other Options
Watercolor Tutorial:
Watch to Draw Animal in Profile: