How to draw a dancer leaping
Woman Ballet Dancer Leap Dancing Drawing - Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken
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Set mit sechs Ballerina, die in rosa Tutu tanzen. Vektorsymbole, die auf grauem Hintergrund isoliert sind.
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How to draw a silhouette of a ballerina.

Whose movements are filled with grace and grace. We will talk about how to draw a ballerina in stages in this article.
Starting with the skeleton
Drawing the human figure is never easy. The structure and shape of our body, as well as its movements, is determined by the skeleton. It also becomes the frame of the figure. In the completed drawing, it will not be visible, but in any case, you need to start with it. Therefore, before drawing a ballerina in stages, we outline with the main lines, as it were, a wire skeleton, and only then we will create volume based on it.
Secrets of Harmony
In order for the dancer's figure to be proportional, it is necessary to take into account the dimensional ratios of body parts. The canons of proportions were tried to be brought out by ancient Egyptian artists. The universal principle of harmony was discovered by Pythagoras in the sixth century BC, it is called the "golden section". On its basis, the masters of the Renaissance developed a system of correlations that is still applicable today. According to her, the length of the human body from the base of the head to the hips is three and the length of the legs from the base of the hips to the ankle is four such sizes.
Create the outline of the figure
Let's start learning how to draw a ballerina with a pencil, step by step depicting the contours of the head, body and tutu - a specific tight skirt in which the artist performs. Let's draw a circle, which will then turn into a pretty face of our heroine, draw a gracefully curved line down from it, not forgetting the ratio of the sizes of body parts. At the level of the base of the shoulders, draw a line crossing the line of the torso. These are the future hands of the model. Since we want to draw (in stages) a ballerina in the process of dancing, we will depict the wave of her hands with an inclined line, slightly bending in the head and neck area. A little below the waist level, draw an ellipse slightly tilted from left to right (future skirt), and under it - two straight lines at a slight angle. It will be the dancers. And here, too, let's not forget about the proportions: the length of the legs is approximately four times the size of the circle that we drew for the head. Considering that approximately one size is hidden from the eyes under the ballerina's skirt, the length of the visible straight lines will be the size of the torso.
Initial sketch
Having drawn the frame, we will “build up” the volume on it. We draw a pencil around the neck, torso, arms and put it on pointe shoes - special ballet shoes that allow you to make ballet "pas" for a long time standing and moving on tiptoe. To highlight the dancer's right leg extended forward, we will impose the contour of the limb on the contour of the left leg, standing behind. This way we get a sense of perspective.
Refine the details
If we are satisfied with the result, we can safely remove the sketch of the skeleton with an eraser and confidently outline the entire figure with a pencil, refining the details of the body. Let's work on how to draw a ballerina step by step with a rounded shoulder line, smooth curves of thin but muscular legs, arms, hands. The figure should not be too thick or too thin. Ballet dancers, as a rule, are distinguished by flexibility, strength and harmony. Let's clearly depict the outstretched fingers on the ballerina's hands.
Before we draw the ballerina with a pencil in all the splendor of her outfit, let's work on the head and face of the model. Her hair is usually neatly combed back and arranged in a bun. Let's draw them using dense hatching. For greater lifelikeness, let's leave light highlights on the black strands. The ballerina's head is gracefully raised and proudly rests on her high neck. She is crowned with a small diadem.
Now let's focus on the face - let's designate the eyes and eyebrows, nose, mouth in the drawing. If possible, you can try to convey in the drawing the emotional state of the dancer, expressed in her features. Just by raising or lowering the corners of the lips, eyelids and eyebrows, one can depict sadness, joy, thoughtfulness, pain, laughter, contempt and concentration.
Draw the contours of the dress - sleeves, neckline, pattern, edge and relief of a translucent pack. Let's draw the details of the belt, lacing on pointe shoes.
Finishing the drawing
In general, these are the main tips on how to draw a ballerina. For beginners, it will be a good experience to draw light and shadow, making the figure the most realistic. To do this, imagine an imaginary light source. We will not shade the illuminated parts of the ballerina's body, and we will shade those that are in the shade with a pencil, compacting the shading in the darkest parts.
If this experiment is successful, you can try to depict the dancer in paint, using gouache or watercolor. The latter is the most preferable, because it allows you to most subtly depict the elusive transitions of colors in the clothes and on the body of the ballerina. And of course, it is necessary to place our artist on an appropriate background - a stage with scenery and backstage.
Drawing a ballerina. Master class with step-by-step photos Lyubinsky.
Description: For primary school teachers, educators, parents, children, organizers of circle work.
- develop fantasy
- generate interest in this type of activity
Materials : cardboard, paints, pva glue, brush, thread, needle, beads, ballerina pattern, scissors, ribbon.
Adhesive safety precautions:
1. Handle adhesive with care!
2. Apply the adhesive to the product surface with a brush only.
3. Do not allow glue to get on fingers, face, especially eyes.
4. If adhesive gets into eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
5. Always wash your hands and wrist after finishing work.
6. Use a paper towel when handling the adhesive.
Safety precautions when working with scissors:
1. Store the scissors in the specified location in the specified position.
2. Pay close attention to the cutting direction while working.
3. Do not use blunt scissors or loose hinges.
4. Do not hold scissors with the blade up.
5. Do not leave scissors with blades open.
6. Do not cut with scissors while walking.
7. Do not approach a friend during work.
8. Pass the closed scissors rings forward.
9. While cutting, hold the material with your left hand so that your fingers are away from the blade.
Work steps:
Paint the background red.
Cut out the ballerina from the template
we trace along the contour
we paint the ballerina black
With the help of a thread and a needle we tighten the tape from one edge and glue the beads
the finished pattern on our skirt
Any holiday is accompanied by dances and dances. Well, except for the religious and political ones. Even if they dance there, it is not of their own accord. And people like to jump and shake their bodies. It is laid down at the genetic level and cannot be studied by science. We will not argue with this either, but on the contrary, we will try to learn how to draw a dance with a pencil. Moreover, it is also an art. As an example, I took the well-known Tango dance. Here is the picture:
This is one of the Argentine traditions. It is very energetic and has a clear rhythm. As in the picture, there are a lot of nuances here:
- It is necessary to follow the harmony of the movements of the partner and your own;
- Vary scope, intensity of movements, plasticity and facial expressions;
- Watch your pace;
- In addition, the costume and props, spatial pattern and composition are important here;
Try to convey all the elements of criollo tango as realistically as possible:
How to draw a dance with a pencil step by step
Step one. Let's allocate a place on paper, it's easy.
Step two. Let's sketch out the sketches of the bodies of a man and a woman.
Step three. Outline the contours more clearly, add elements of the face, hands, clothes.
Fourth step. Delete unnecessary lines.
Step five. It remains to add shadows. You can also come up with a background, but I leave that to your discretion.
This lesson is not over, see the continuation, we will teach you how to draw.
The lesson "How to draw a ballerina" is designed for those who already know how to draw well, because drawing a person is not at all easy. Drawing a picture of a dancing ballerina is especially difficult, because the drawing needs to convey the grace and grace of a ballet dance. But, if you want to try to draw a ballerina, try to do it step by step with me. Drawing in stages with a simple pencil, you may well get a beautiful drawing of a ballerina.
1. Initial steps for drawing a ballerina
The main thing is to strictly observe the proportions and location of the contour primary lines, then the drawing will be more accurate. First, draw a ballerina's skirt (tutu) in the form of an inclined oval, only draw the left edge sharp. Next draw two lines for the ballerina's legs, two arms and a circle for the head. Now it will be easier for you to draw a ballerina .
2. The general shape of the dancing ballerina
In the next steps, you only need to add lines to the main outline with a pencil, drawing out the figure of the dancing ballerina completely. Draw first the line of the shoulders, then the line of the waist and the approximate shape of the legs. The ballerina should be slim, so try to draw her figure graceful and tall so that the ballerina does not turn out to be too full.
3. Completely draw the ballerina's legs and arms.
Completely draw the shape of the ballerina's legs and arms. In the dance, she stands on her toes, so drawing them is actually not difficult, especially since she has pointe shoes on her feet. The ballerina's legs should be slender, don't make them too full.
4. Remove extra contour lines from the drawing
This stage of the ballerina's drawing can already be said to be final. In any case, after you remove the extra contour lines with an eraser and draw the palms and fingers, the ballerina will already be "dancing". Will only be left by ballerina pattern add some details and draw the girl's face in detail.
5. How to draw a ballerina's face
Drawing a ballerina's dress is easy, but drawing a face is quite difficult, especially without experience. If you draw a picture on the whole sheet, then you need to try to draw a face in great detail. If the picture is small, then it is quite possible to get by with just a few general strokes of the mouth, nose and eyebrows and then slightly shade the face. The ballerina's hair is always tidied up, so a small contour around the head is enough. Now the ballerina in the picture has almost come to life, and all that remains is to decorate her dress, or rather the ballerina's costume and add shadows in the ballerina's picture with a soft simple pencil.
6. The final stage of the ballerina drawing
Make the ballerina's tutu transparent, for this you need to leave as much white as possible. Draw the details of the corset and shade the entire drawing. Look again carefully, maybe you missed some little things, for example, strings on pointe shoes. Do not forget that any drawing of a person always looks more alive against the background of his surroundings.
7. Draw a ballerina on a tablet
Since the ballerina is dancing on the stage, it is desirable to draw the floor as well, even with the environment and scenery in perspective. Just do not overload the drawing with additional elements so that they do not distract attention from the main character of your picture - a dancing ballerina.
If you need to draw a close-up of a ballerina's face, this lesson will help you do it right. Human eyes attract the most attention, and therefore they must be drawn very accurately. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a person's eyes with a pencil in stages.
First try to draw a conventional person, study his proportions, and then draw a ballerina. First of all, a few tips. In the fine arts, the most important thing is not the accuracy of the proportions and lines of the drawing, but the image of the main, the most important. For a person - his mood, character, expression of the eyes, some other features.
Learning how to draw a portrait of a person, even with a simple pencil, requires not only time for learning, but also talent. The complexity of drawing a portrait of a person lies in the ability to convey the emotional state of a person, his facial expressions, the depth of his gaze, etc. But, it’s quite possible to learn a simple technique for drawing a person’s face on your own, especially if you draw a person’s face in stages. If you will draw a ballerina "close-up", this lesson will help you draw the ballerina's face correctly.
The drawing of the Snow Maiden, as well as the drawing of a ballerina, is made on a graphics tablet in stages. You can use these lessons to draw with a normal pencil.
Everyone represents an angel in their own way. Someone sees him as a child with wings, someone represents him as a girl.
It would seem that it is quite difficult to draw a person in motion. But for those who really want to learn the basics of fine art, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to be patient and hone your skills step by step. Let's try, for starters, to draw a ballerina standing in a swallow pose. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, we take a sheet of paper, a pencil, a soft rubber band and begin to create.
Before drawing a ballerina, it is necessary to outline her so-called base. It will consist of three circles and lines connecting them. We arrange the circles in such a way as if the ballerina is standing in profile towards you, with her head slightly thrown back. The first circle is, in fact, the head itself, the second is the chest and the third is the hips. Since the dancer's posture assumes an arched back, therefore, the circles should be located in such a way that when they are connected with the help of auxiliary lines, an angle is formed.
Next is a sketch of her limbs. To the second circle we add a slightly curved line directed backwards. This will be the hand. We add lines to the lowest circle, which then “transform” into legs: the dancer will stand on one, and take the other back, parallel to the floor or slightly higher. After that, you can draw the limbs in more detail.
Imagine that the sketchy lines are bones, so they should be inside the arms and legs, as it were. To maintain proportions, keep in mind that the length of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is equal to the length from the elbow to the wrist. The same with the legs: the distance from the hip to the knee is equal to the distance from the knee to the ankle. In order not to make a mistake in growth, you need to remember that the head of an adult "fits" seven times in the length of the rest of the body (up to the ankle).
Now let's move on to the next step in solving the problem of how to draw a ballerina. You need to outline her face in profile, as well as her hairstyle. We detail the arm and torso, add the curve of the back, outline the chest, stomach and waist. Draw the legs, add pointe shoes. On the third circle (hips) we outline the skirt of the pack, which looks like a slightly curved disk. We make the edge of the skirt wavy. A little lower, you can make a couple more layers of "wavy" to make the pack look more magnificent.
When you are satisfied with the resulting sketch, the contours of the dancer can be traced more confidently, and all auxiliary and extra lines can be erased with an elastic band. It is worth noting that the second hand of the girl, taken to the other side, should also be slightly visible, but, according to the law of perspective, it will appear smaller. Draw her.
Since we are drawing a ballerina, we can get creative and decorate her outfit. Maybe it will be an original neckline or a closed neck, or unusual sleeves. You may want her to wear gloves. You can also think over her hairstyle, add a diadem or other decoration. If desired, the finished drawing can be colored. Now you theoretically know how to draw a ballerina. It remains to put your knowledge into practice and believe that everything will undoubtedly work out.
How to draw a ballerina (53 photos)
Lightness and grace - these words usually describe ballerinas. I just want to capture all the beauty and grace of these beautiful dancers! Not for nothing, many famous artists embodied their images in their creations. Where to start and how easy it is to draw these amazing girls? This will be taught by our step-by-step lessons, which will be discussed in the article.
- How easy is it to draw a ballerina with markers?
- Draw a dancer with paints
- Draw a ballerina with a pencil
- Photo ideas and examples for drawing ballerinas
How easy is it to draw a ballerina with felt-tip pens?
Many girls dream of becoming ballerinas since childhood. Airy and plastic dancers are the subject of admiration for many connoisseurs of art. Every girl wants to dance on stage and receive compliments and standing ovations from her fans. It is very easy to make a dream come true and draw a picture with your favorite artist! We will describe in detail how to do this.
Easy drawing lesson for beginners
Let's talk about the simplest drawing method that can be easily drawn by beginners:
- In the center of the album sheet, draw a line where the lower part of the face will be. The line in the form of an arc should gradually expand towards the top and pass into the upper part of the face.
- Draw a hairstyle: draw a small circle on top of the head (tail tied in a bump) and draw the girl's hair in the upper part of the head. In the form of an uneven letter L to make a parting.
- Face. We make a nose in the form of a checkmark, draw a smile with an arc and add two more arcs to the places where the eyes will be located.
Draw the eyes closed. In front of the eyes with thin stripes, we paint the ballerina's eyelashes.
- We draw rectangular lines to indicate the dress.
- We draw a voluminous skirt: the top is in the form of a dandelion, the bottom is in the form of a wavy line.
- Elongated oval legs.
- On the legs we draw the lines of ballet shoes: we detail the ties on the leg with two crosses and draw a line of pointe shoes.
- Let's move on to the most interesting moment - coloring the image.
- Choose a few favorite colors. We took bright and juicy colors: yellow for hair and red for coloring the dress.
- For coloring face and body elements, use a neutral beige felt-tip pen.
This lesson is ideal for children's initial drawing lessons. It is pleasant and entertaining to spend time with a child, join the creativity, cheer up!
Draw a dancer with paints
The name of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is familiar to everyone. Everyone who saw photos of this charming prima of the Bolshoi Theater was surprised at her amazing stretch and flexibility. It's easy to draw a picture of a beautiful girl that looks so much like Anastasia! How to do it? We will learn this in our master class.
- Selecting and preparing brushes, paints, a container of water and a palette.
- On the palette, you need to mix white with blue paint. With the resulting shade, we begin to create a background for the picture. Add a little more blue on the sides to darken it. Once again we pass paints along the contour to make the shade deep.
- After working out the background in blue, add a black tint to the paint and add it to the corners.
- Select a thin brush and draw the contours of the body with a trapezoid, the borders of the shoulders and in the form of an oval shape draw the neck and head of the ballerina.
- Now draw the hair. We show a bunch of hair at the top on the left side, and on the right side we draw a chin, a nose and a forehead.
- Draw the torso of the dancer, add the silhouette of raised hands.
- Color the figure dark.
- Add the legs to the drawing and also color them dark.
- Now, with a flat brush, strokes in different directions, draw a girl's skirt.
- Giving the picture volume, mix the blue and black paints, and paint over the image a couple of times.
At this stage, drawing a ballerina with paints comes to an end. The drawing can be done together with the child and presented to friends. Anyone can draw such a picture! It's great and fun to create drawings with your own hands!
Draw a ballerina with a pencil
To correctly draw ballet dancers, you need to understand the choreography, i.e. the meaning of the movement you want to convey. Where does it start and where does it end. Then from the very first step you will be able to express the main movement! And the clarity of the picture and details is a matter of time.