How to do the myth dance
how to do the myth dance
For You
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myth killed it #boogiedown #fortnite #tsm #tsm_myth #myth #dance #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fyp @myth
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Dance in Different Religions and Mythology
Since the dawn of human civilization, dance was incorporated as an important part of our culture and religion. Its ability to simulate or describe events or myths, enchant the audience and dancers with ecstasy, belief, happiness, and trance was quickly implemented into many religious ceremonies, rituals and celebrations of ancient civilizations.
The first proof of existence of dance came from the 9000 year old cave paintings in India which described celebration, drinking and dancing of tribe
members after successful hunt. These dance performances were soon adopted into early religions, often serving as a very effective way to describe
various myths, legends and astronomical events. Because the lack of written word prevented the knowledge to pass on effectively into new generations,
dance served as a storytelling device by telling tales of past times and myths.
Almost every ancient religion had a deity that was closely related to dance. Egyptian had the goddess Bast, which held domain of sensual pleasure, dancing, music and health. The culture of Ancient Egypt celebrated their gods by many forms of dancing, both in religious ceremonies and in entertainment -paintings from unearthed tombs showed the scenes of scantily dressed girls dancing to the crowd, accompanied by the musical band.
Greeks and Roman continued the tradition of incorporating dance into their religion and common life. Greek god Apollo held the domain of medicine,
music and poetry, but it was also called The Dancer. Another popular Greek god that was celebrated by annual celebration filled with alcohol and dance
was Dionysus (Bacchus in Roman Empire). The famous area of Greece called Sparta even had a law that compelled boys older than five to dance with their
elders, sing songs, hymns and prepare their bodies for eventual life in military.
Hindu religion has a very close bond to dancing. From their point of view, entire universe was created by the dance of the Supreme Dancer Nataraja, and every of their 23 gods have their own way of manifesting power trough dance movements. Because of that, the entire culture of Hinduism practices dance almost on daily basis. Buddhism however is known only for their Korean Seungmu dance, which is today protected as one of the earths most prized heritages.
Dance is also incorporated in Christianity and Judaism. Mentions of dance are present in all of their holy books that date from 2000 years ago, and the
followers of these religions continue to preserve dance and incorporate it into daily rituals. Brazilian martial art and dance Capoeira is often
performed with lyrics that praise God. Even though several independent congregations of Christian churches forbid the use of dance in religion,
majority of Christian support dancing and Christian themed music is today preformed across variety of music genres. Jews have also incorporated dance
into many of their rituals, most notably weddings.
Greek dances: the history of appearance - myth and reality
The most ancient means of self-expression of the inner world of a person is dancing. Greece is known all over the world for its Sirtaki, Kalamatianos, Zeibekiko and other dances. They are known and studied in different countries, and the Greeks themselves cannot imagine their life without national dances, which make it possible to express a lot of feelings with body movements.
The ancestors of modern citizens living in Greek cities were sure that the gods brought dance to the earth. According to ancient beliefs, the celestials taught them to chosen people, and they, in turn, recruited students among mortals. The first dance appeared on the shores of Hellas thanks to the mythical Gaia. This story of the origin of the dance "Smokes" is known to every Greek student. Find out about her too.
A parable about how the Kurit dance appeared
Ancient Uranus was removed from the heavenly throne by his son Kronos. Realizing that his offspring could do the same to him, the new Supreme God ate all the babies that his wife, the goddess Gaia, gave birth to. When Zeus was born, who later became the supreme god of Olympus, his mother hid him in one of the caves of the island of Crete, and fed a stone wrapped in a diaper to her ruthless husband.
So that the deception would not be revealed, the goddess taught the warlike deities (they were called kurits) to "loud" dance with shields and sabers, and ordered them to dance near the cave so that the cries and cries of the baby would not attract the attention of Kronos' spies.
The Kurita demigods rescued Zeus. He, of course, removed his father from the throne, and made the dancers priests. The descendants of the ancient smokes during religious services necessarily used the dance that once saved the supreme god of Olympus, as an obligatory part of the ceremony.
When dances appeared in Greece
Scientists say that mass dances appeared in Greece around 3000 BC. Excavations of the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete showed that for the people of that distant era, dancing was an important element of their daily life, as well as religious rituals.
Cretan dance had a close relationship with work and love, fun and sadness, and even with the death of a person. In 1500 B.C. Mycenae captured Crete and adopted their dance and cultural traditions from the locals, spreading them over time throughout the continent.
As a rule, the Cretans danced around an altar, a large tree, or some objects endowed, according to people's beliefs, with mystical powers. The dancers believed that in this way they expel evil spirits from their bodies and thoughts, make their soul pure.
Cretan dances, according to the sculptures and images left from ancient times on the rocks, could be paired (women danced with men). But in ancient Greece, two circles of dancers were created. One was all boys, the other only girls.
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The ancient dances of ancient times were accompanied by music with a distinct rhythm made by bells, cymbals made of metal material, seashells and pieces of wood.
Among the Minoans, the dances took place to the sounds of cithara, various stringed musical instruments and the famous lyre, without which not a single ancient Greek myth can do. By the way, both dances and songs in Crete were called “Musiki”, as such, there was no division into dancers and performers.
The ancient system of education attached special importance to dance. We know from ancient manuscripts that it was a separate discipline, along with writing, music and physical development, in the educational institutions of Ancient Greece. Moreover, each Greek region had its own dance traditions. In peaceful cities and lands, calm dances were held in high esteem, but, for example, the Spartans recognized exclusively warlike dances before the start of battles with enemies, or after defeating the enemy.
A cardinal transformation of the deep Greek dances, filled with hidden and mystical meaning, took place after the conquest of the brilliant Hellas by the Romans. They fully accepted that the cultural traditions of the Greeks were superior to those of the Roman Empire, but at the same time, the Romans divided the single "musiki" into music and dance. Since then, the legendary Greek dances have become mere entertainment, having lost all their hidden meaning and educational value.
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Greek dance: the joy of movement - Greece today
Added: August 20, 2013 20:31
Dance is one of the oldest means of self-expression: in Greece, its origins go back to the 1000th century BC. e. Dance owes its origin to the need to express those feelings that cannot be expressed in words. It is inextricably linked with all aspects of human life: holidays, love, work, and even death. Dance is the voice of the soul, expressed by the movements of the body; it helps us express our personality, stimulates creativity and liberates.
Dance is not just a game, it is a ritual, which is one of the most vital aspects of the cultural wealth of any nation, a source of inspiration and creativity. Traditional dances are closely intertwined with the manners and customs of the Greeks. Folk Greek dances are exceptionally varied. They are divided into different categories depending on the purpose (love, military and religious), on gender (male, female and mixed), on the region (folk, local, island). In addition, dances are divided into fast, consisting of bouncing, and slow, with calm smooth movements.
For more than 7 years, the Greek Cultural Center (GCC) has been successfully operating the School of Greek Dance, where everyone is given a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the rich musical and dance traditions of Greece and learn how to dance the most popular national dances from different regions of the country. The repertoire of the GCC Dance Company includes more than fifty (50) dances from mainland and island Greece.
The purpose of the School is teaching based on the philosophy of movement, developing creativity and allowing a deeper understanding of the history of Greek dance. Fast, high-quality and effective training takes place in a warm and friendly environment and is designed for people of all ages. In addition to introducing students to Greek traditions, dance lessons aim to develop psychomotor abilities, aesthetic education and improve social communication skills. Dancing helps to reduce stress, develop a sense of rhythm, tone the muscular system, give movements plasticity and grace, and increase physical endurance.
The ancient Greeks believed that dance is a gift from the gods to man, which makes it possible to forget all sorrows and make life more beautiful, filling it with joy and fun. This delightful art was revered by the ancient peoples throughout Hellas. And today, the art of dance, which has not lost its value, remains loved by many people. Dance ennobles our life and takes us to a beautiful mythical world, we just have to approach it with respect and love.
A few words about the most popular Greek dances.
Zeybekiko is a dance whose name comes from the Zeybeks, a people who inhabited Thrace. These people kept their customs and wore national costumes, emphasizing the purpose of severe military dances. The peculiarity of zeibekiko is that this dance is performed by one person; there are no steps in it, and its main figures are turns and squats. The dance is mostly performed by men, and it expresses melancholy and sadness.
It is customary to dance Hasapiko standing in one line and placing hands on the shoulders of neighbors. In this case, the steps alternate with figures. This dance served as the basis for the creation of the famous Greek dance sirtaki. According to one version, the history of the hasapiko dates back to the Byzantine period, when this military dance depicted a sword fight; according to another version, the dance owes its appearance to Greek butchers from Constantinople.