How to do the axl rose dance
Lake Revelers Dance to "Sweet Child O' Mine"
Axl Rose (photo by Amy Harris), Diamond Lake revelers (via Twitter)Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Axl Rose has been one of the staunchest proponents of social distancing, even getting into Twitter spats with government officials who’ve seemingly downplayed the protective practice. Now, the singer’s worst nightmare has manifested itself: a sea of unmasked revelers dancing to the Guns N’ Roses hit “Sweet Child O’ Mine” at a Fourth of July lake party in Michigan.
In recent weeks, Rose has ripped into Sen. Rand Paul, Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin, and Surgeon General Jerome Adams after each made statements that seemed to contradict recommendations by the CDC and health leaders to practice social distancing. Mnuchin and Adams even replied to Rose’s tweets, leading to the GN’R singer further condemning their comments.
Mnuchin was dubbed an “asshole” by Rose after the Treasury Secretary blurted out, “This is a great time for people to explore America” in early May while explaining that international travel will be on hold for the foreseeable future. And the GN’R singer said Adams should resign after the Surgeon General refused to say that Americans should avoid large gatherings on the Fourth of July.
A new video that has made the rounds on social media and on television over the past couple days shows hundreds of partiers acting like coronavirus never existed during a massive Fourth of July party at Diamond Lake in Cass County, Michigan. Former NBA player turned social media star Rex Chapman shared the clip on his popular Twitter channel, calling the scene a “COVID-19 Petri dish”, and it now has more than 10 million views.
Music aside, the scene must be enough to make Axl’s blood boil, but adding in the fact that the partygoers are dancing and singing along to “Sweet Child O’ Mine” is like a double slap in the face to the Guns N’ Roses singer. Axl was known to jump into the audience to confront combative concertgoers back in the day, and one can only imagine the havoc he would wreak on the Diamond Lake carousers. Of course, he’d be masked in this scenario.
If it weren’t for the pandemic, Axl would currently be singing the Appetite for Destruction classic on a summer North American tour with Guns N’ Roses. The band plans to make up the postponed outing in 2021, but has not revealed a new itinerary yet.
See Axl’s nightmare come true in the Twitter clip below.
Editor’s Note: Stay safe by picking up one of our custom face masks. A portion of the proceeds will benefit MusiCares’ COVID-19 Artist Relief fund supporting independent musicians.
Diamond Lake in Cass County, Michigan just now:
A COVID-19 Petri dish…
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) July 4, 2020
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- Guns N' Roses
- Metal
- Rock
- Eddie Sung
- Arena Rock
- Guns N' Roses - Hollywood, LA 1986
- Slash, Saugerties, NY 1994
- Mick Jagger, Axl Rose, 1989
- Slash - Zen
- Slash
- Slash - Trio
- Slash
- Slash, Peace
- Slash NYC, 2004
- Slash, Nickelsdorf, Austria, 2010
- Slash - Myles Eyes, Slash
- Slash
- Motley Crue Bubble Bath
- Metallica, San Quentin Prison, CA 2003
- Marilyn Manson, Landgraaf, Netherlands, 2007
- Guns N' Roses - Hollywood, LA 1986
- Ozzy Osbourne, NYC, 2010
- Spinal Tap, CBGB, NYC, 1984
- Metallica - Black Album Tour
- Ozzy Osbourne, NYC 1984
- Spinal Tap, NYC 1984
- Phil Anselmo
- Judas Priest, London, England 1981
- Duff McKagan, NYC, 2011
- Freddie Mercury, Magic Tour, Wembley Stadium, England, 1986
- The Doors, Morrison Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, 1969
- Keith Richards and Ron Wood, Los Angeles, CA, 1979
- Beatles in Limo 1964
- Neil Young, Broken Arrow Ranch, Half Moon Bay, California 1971
- Crosby, Stills & Nash, Los Angeles, CA 1969
- The Beatles and Muhammad Ali in the Ring, Miami Beach 1964
- Joni Mitchell, Laurel Canyon, CA, 1970
- AC/DC - Hammersmith Odeon, London, For Those About To Rock Tour Tour 1981
- Led Zeppelin in front of The Starship, 1973
- Keith Richards, Tina Turner & David Bowie, New York City 1983
- Tom Petty and Mike Campbell, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, VA, 2014
- Slash, Top Hat
- Blondie, In Wilderness, 2009
- Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, Star
- Eric Clapton
- Lady Gaga, Aura, 2009
- Lady Gaga, Mystique
- Slipknot - Joey and Crowd
- Carlos Santana, Face Points
- Nine Inch Nails, Trent Reznor
- Metallica - James Hetfield, Guitar Down
- Rolling Stones, Keith Richards
- Rolling Stones, Charles Watts
- Freddie Mercury, Magic Tour, Wembley Stadium, England, 1986
- Led Zeppelin in front of The Starship, 1973
- AC/DC - Hammersmith Odeon, London, For Those About To Rock Tour Tour 1981
- Motley Crue Bubble Bath
- Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty, 1981
- Tom Petty and Mike Campbell, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, VA, 2014
- Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac at JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, 1978
- Bruce Springsteen - Asbury Park, NJ 2011
- Stevie Nicks, Venice, CA, 1981
- Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac, Venice, CA, 1981
- Freddie Mercury, Queen, 1978
- Tom Petty, Hotel Room, New York City, 1977
Mamzel knew what the atrocities of love were and could tell about them. No, young Mamselle Marie, of course, was in her time, like all people, but she was always afraid of love. She never succumbed to the temptation to get carried away by dancing and lovemaking. Her mother's guitar hung in the attic, hung dusty and with broken strings. She never played it, never sang languid love songs. Mamselle Marie's mother's rose bush stood in a pot in the window. She rarely watered it. Mamzel Marie did not like flowers, those children of love. The dusty leaves of the rose drooped. Spiders played in the cobwebbed branches, the buds never opened. And in Frau Moreus's garden, where butterflies fluttered and birds sang, where fragrant flowers sent a gentle call to bees, where everything breathed love she hated, her foot rarely set foot. But the time came when the parishioners installed an organ in their church. It was in the summer, a year before the Cavaliers started hosting in Ekeby. A young organist arrived in Svartsjo. He also became a lodger with Fru Moreus and settled in the attic, in the same small room. He fixed an organ that sounded very strange. When, during Christmas morning, his basses broke into the peaceful hymns of the parishioners, the children began to cry. It is unlikely that the young organist could be called a master of his craft. It was just a fun guy with a twinkle in his eye. For everyone he found a kind word: for the rich and the poor, for the young and the old. Soon he became a friend of the owners of the house, ah, more than a friend. In the evenings, when he came home, he held a skein of Fru Moreus or helped the girls to work in the garden. He recited "Axel" and sang "Frytjof". He picked up Fru Moreus's ball of thread when she dropped it, and even set in motion the wall clock's stopped pendulum. He never left a ball without dancing with everyone - from the oldest lady to the youngest girl, and if he was suddenly unlucky in something, he would sit next to the first woman he saw and confide his hardships to her. Yes, this was the man that women dream of! It cannot be said that he spoke to anyone about love. But as soon as he lived in Fra Moreus's little room for several weeks, all the girls fell in love with him, and even poor Mamselle Marie realized that she had prayed in vain. It was both a sad and fun time. Tears dripped onto the hoop and washed away the patterns drawn in chalk. In the evenings, one of the languid dreamers was seen in a lilac gazebo, and from above, from Mamselle Marie's little room, came the strumming of a guitar and the gentle sounds of love songs that she had learned from her mother. But the young organist did not grieve and, as before, bestowed smiles on women, pleased them with small favors, and they sighed and quarreled over him. You are leaving us. Happy way! Would you like to come back one day? Be happy and loved, but don't forget: Your friend in Värmland is languishing. Then she stuck the bouquet into his buttonhole and kissed him right on the lips. Yes...then the old lady went up the stairs and disappeared into the back of the attic. Love took revenge on her, turned her into a laughingstock for everyone. But Mademoiselle Marie no longer complained about her. Now she never put away her guitar and never forgot to take care of her rose bush. She learned to love love with all its torments, tears and anguish. “Better to suffer with her than to rejoice without her,” she said. Time passed. The majorsha was expelled from Ekeby, the cavaliers came to power, and it happened, as has already been said, that Josta Berling read a poem to Countess Borg, after which he was denied the house. It is said that Jösta, slamming the door to the hallway behind him, saw several sledges enter the yard of the Borg manor. He glanced at the little woman in the first sledge. Already gloomy, he grew gloomier even more. He hurried away so as not to be recognized, but his soul was filled with a premonition of trouble. Was this woman's appearance in some way the result of a conversation that had just taken place in this house? One misfortune invariably breeds another. Servants immediately ran out into the yard and began to remove fur blankets from the sleigh. Who is it that came? Who is this little woman standing up in a sleigh to her full height? Yes, indeed, it was she, the famous countess. She was the most cheerful, the most eccentric of women. His Majesty Fun put her on the throne and made her his queen. Games and amusements were her subjects. Music and dance accompanied her at all times. She was already nearly fifty, but she belonged to the number of the wise who do not count the years. - Old is he who is unable to rise in the dance, stretch his mouth into a smile. Only he feels the vile weight of years, I am not one of them! In the days of her youth, His Majesty's Joy's throne was shaken more than once, but the wind of change and uncertainty about the future only increased its attractiveness. Today, His Majesty with butterfly wings deigned to arrange coffee drinking in the apartments of the court ladies, in the Stockholm royal court, tomorrow he danced in a tailcoat and with a club in Paris itself. And wherever His Majesty Fun appeared, there was Martha Dona, his chosen one, his queen. Dancing, playing and joking, Countess Martha chased around the wide world. What has she not experienced! Dancing, she overturned thrones, played ecarte for the duchy, jokingly started destructive wars! Amusement and folly was her life, and could have remained so. Her body is not old for dancing, but her heart is for love. Did she ever get tired of masquerades and comedies, of funny stories and sad songs? When Merry sometimes did not find shelter in a world turned into a battlefield, she retired for a long or short time to the old county's manor on the shores of the long Lake Leuven. She also went there when the princes and their courtiers during the period of the Holy Alliance seemed too gloomy to her. During one of these visits, it occurred to her to make Jösta Berling the tutor of her son. But after the death of her daughter, the Countess stopped going to Borg. She had not seen her estate for five whole years. Now she has come to see how her daughter-in-law is living in a spruce forest among bears and snowdrifts. The Countess felt it her duty to see if her foolish Henrik bored her to death. Countess Martha decided to become the guardian angel of the family hearth. Sunshine and happiness were packed in forty leather suitcases; Fun became her maid, Laughter her coachman, Game her companion. |
Alien halves - 7. Big party in Brazil
Rita was standing in front of the closet door, on which hung a hanger with a low-cut pink dress. His bodice was embroidered with red beads, at the bottom of the hem a bouquet of roses with graceful curls wrapped around the entire left side was embroidered with Swarovski crystals, a long silk scarf was attached to the right strap, the left shoulder would be bare. The hair is already done.
Looking in the mirror again, Rita felt a little sad again. Her long hair was cut off to her shoulders and lost its fire, becoming brown again. Rita has maintained fiery red for three years and will now surprise everyone with the return of her former color. Although the whole school, probably, has long believed that red is its natural color. She no longer has bangs, Rita didn’t cut her for so long that she began to freely tuck behind her ears. But now the hairdresser styled her so that the bangs merged with the main mass of curled hair. Such a sharp change of hairstyle hit the girl a little, she felt out of place. Rita wondered how Axel would react to such a change. Not Andrey, but Axel . They haven't spoken since the day Rita said she cut her veins because of him. For the most part, it's the holiday weekend they didn't see each other. Once he called, but Rita told her mother that she was busy and could not come. Perhaps Axel understood that she simply did not want to talk.
Today they will meet at her party. Rita hoped that Aksel wouldn't bring up the suicide attempt again.
- Margarita Ivanovna! - the maid Irina appeared at the door. – Are you ready yet?
- I'll be right down. Just fifteen minutes and that's it! - Rita answered with a smile, and the maid disappeared behind the door.
Rita pulled off her blue skirt with a black top and began to put on a dress. Today, in addition to celebrating her birthday, another equally important event awaited her. She was going to make peace with Agnia. The fact that she hired Roman and Piotr didn't matter. Rita knew she would have done the same if there had been a threat to lose Axel. Even if that threat was her best friend.
Rita ran down the stairs from the second floor, where her room was, to the living room.
- Rita! You look like a real princess! her mother admired.
- Thank you! Rita made a slight curtsy. - Go?
A limousine was waiting for them at the door of the house. The father will not be able to attend the celebration, but the mother (who put on a closed black dress) will be there. She just won't go to the lake with them later.
- You finally got your natural color back! Nadezhda ran her hand through the girl's hair.
Rita chuckled. Mom did not forbid her to dye her hair red, but all these three years she did not hide her dissatisfaction with her daughter's choice. The father, of course, was also dissatisfied, but he never said anything. But yesterday for a long time he praised Rita's new hairstyle at the dinner table.
A black limousine drove up to a huge building with large luminous letters spelling out "Brazil". There were a lot of people crowding near the entrance, four strong guys in black trousers and T-shirts stood at the doors. They're security guards hired to make sure nothing bad happens at the party... And they won't let you in unless you're invited.
- Let's go, - Rita's mother distracted Rita from this picture when the driver opened the car door.
Rita will enter the restaurant from the back door so as not to attract attention. She will appear on the main stage of "Brazil". Today the restaurant has turned into something like a dance club with a DJ, now extremely famous, hired by his father. But there will be no groups. The DJ will spin the most fashionable tracks, nothing else is needed.
cea6348965b36"> Rita went backstage, where the presenter was already waiting for her: a charming girl with short buzz cut hair, an off-the-shoulder dress and a long skirt with a slit almost to the waist, exposing her slender leg.
- Rita! she exclaimed impatiently, holding out the microphone. You are seven minutes late!
- Not so late after all! - Rita answered with a smile, shrugging one shoulder, which was hidden by pink translucent silk.
The girl took the microphone from the presenter and, slowly inhaling and exhaling sharply, went on stage with the words:
- Hello everyone! - the excitement that choked her on the way from home to the first step on the stage evaporated, leaving no trace. - I'm Rita, in whose honor you all gathered today!
All conversations and whisperings have abruptly ceased. There was obvious surprise on the faces of those present. Everyone was surprised by the hairstyle. What else?
The girl paused, the background was created only by the Tatu song, which was turned down by the DJ.
- Don't know? Yes it's me! - Rita felt free on stage, she had to be a leader at school holidays. - And I declare my birthday open! I am very glad to see you! I hope that this evening will be pleasant and cheerful for you! Thank you for your attention!
Rita returned the microphone to the presenter and left the stage. Usually such a strict hall of the "Brazil" was now hung with pink ribbons, the middle of the huge room was vacated, leaving room for dancing; on the tables along the walls, there were vases with bouquets of roses, various snacks and drinks.
- Rita! Nora ran up to her with eyes wide with surprise. - What did you do with your hair?
Nora was wearing a short black dress with a closed top and bright red roses embroidered on the chest.
- Got my natural color back! - the girl answered jokingly.
- Wasn't the fiery one yours? Rita heard Aksel's cheerful voice behind her. - Happy birthday!
The guy hugged her, Nazar, David, Flora and Tatyana did the same after him. Flora and Tatyana were cousins of the same age and, accordingly, very similar. Both have blond hair and blue eyes, only Flora has softer features, but, oddly enough, she was less successful with the guys. Today, as, in principle, and always, the sisters were dressed almost the same: their green dresses differed only in styles, and even then not much. But Axel, who preferred sports style outside of school, today surprised everyone with a classic suit. Only a blue shirt with a small dark blue number thirteen on the right side of his chest reminded him of his predilection for clothes. Nazar and David preferred simple jeans and T-shirts.
- I'm very glad to see you! Rita admitted honestly, smiling radiantly.
- Hey Ax! Where is the tie? Stas and Manuel appeared out of nowhere, twins dressed as twins, both wearing black jeans and light red shirts with short sleeves.
- And you don't have enough nameplates! Aksel quipped in turn.
- Only Agnia is missing!.. And Andrey, too... - Rita started looking around randomly, but she didn't see her anywhere. - I hope she comes. Did she say anything to you?
- I didn't say that she wouldn't come, - answered one of the twins.
- But she also didn't say what would come, - the second one noticed. Today they even made hairstyles such that both of them had no bangs.
- All right! Let's wait and hope. Where is Andrey? - Rita exclaimed worriedly, still looking around, but looking more for Agnia than for her boyfriend. - Ah, here he is!
Rita waved her hand, and soon a brown-eyed blond dressed in a white suit and a black shirt approached them, holding a bouquet of roses, which he handed to the birthday girl.
- There you are! He kissed Rita on the lips. - Happy birthday!
- Thank you, Andryusha.
- I hope we dance today.
Rita laughed.
- There will be time!
- Good! My slow!
- All right! We are no longer waiting for Agnia, - the girl concluded.