How to get a belly dancers body
"Why Do Belly Dancers Have Weight Around The Middle?" — Dance Life Studio & Fitness
by Arielle Juliette
Occasionally, I get emails from Quora, a website where anyone can ask any question they like, and one came up that asked, "why do belly dancers have weight around the middle?"
Among a number of good responses that stated belly dancers come in an array of sizes and it's an art form that accepts a wider variety of bodies than most dance styles, there was one which had a number of culturally-accepted responses that held so many falsehoods in need of debunking. The respondent answered,
"I remember taking a belly dancing class from an overweight instructor once. I surmised that she didn't do much else for working out aside from teaching her belly dance classes and maybe some performances. Or maybe she didn't follow a clean, healthy diet. Hard to say, Just remember that diet is usually key to how healthy and slim a person looks, so even if she did lots of performances, if her diet was off, that could explain her larger appearance (unless she suffered from a medical condition). "
As a belly dance instructor and performer with a soft midsection, I'd like to break this down. Here are some things you cannot tell from my or anyone else's appearance:
-How much exercise a person does
-What amount of physical activity a person is capable of
-What type of food a person eats
-How much food a person eats
-Whether they have a medical condition that affects body shape and size
A person's diet, activities, size, weight, and health are not measures of their worth as a human or whether or not they should be dancing. Large bodies exist, and they exist in people who eat a variety of foods and do a variety of exercise. There doesn't need to be an "explanation" for why someone doesn't exist in a small body. Humans come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and comments like these create real-world bias against those who don't fit the cultural "ideal". This type of ideology perpetuates antifat bias that keeps many people from being able to find clothing in their size (or at all) , from being able to fit in public spaces, from being able to have medical procedures (for example, MRI machines have weight limits that exclude a large segment of the human population), from getting (or even seeking) medical care, and from getting paid equally. The list doesn’t stop here, either.
Diet is NOT key to how a body looks. We could all eat exactly the same things, in the exact same quantities, at exactly the same time, and we would all still come in a variety of sizes and shapes. How our bodies are shaped and sized comes down largely to genetics and the conditions under which we live. While most people are capable of manipulating their body weight to some extent for a small amount of time through restriction, only a tiny percentage of people will maintain that weight loss longer than 2-5 years. The small minority of individuals who do maintain weight loss are not only statistical unicorns, but usually make it their life’s work to keep the weight off- often becoming fitness instructors, trainers or nutrition “coaches,” or dedicating much of their time to managing their food and exercise intake. Our bodies have a set point, "the range (5-20 pounds) where our bodies thrive and don’t fight against any subtle change", and there are a number of mechanisms that our bodies employ to get us to stay in that set point range. According to dietitian Sydney Bates (and many other nutrition and medical professionals),
“[Our bodies] will slow metabolism to conserve energy, reduce fullness signals, and increase the drive to eat. The body interprets dieting, AKA any attempt to shrink or control body size, as starvation. Hence, our caveman brains signal that there is scarcity- leading to activation of these sophisticated mechanisms to bring the body back to the natural set point.”
All of our set points are different, and despite what the BS BMI scale says, here is no one size or small category of weights that humans ought to come in. Furthermore, there's no such thing as "good" and "bad" foods, and moralizing something with no inherent moral value is what fuels eating disorders and low self-esteem. This standard narrative that this responder brings up is homogeneous and toxic, saying that health and fitness only looks like someone who eats with enough "discipline" to create a slim, toned, able body. This is a fantasy propelled by a mega billion dollar industry which has everything to gain from the general population believing our bodies are problems to be fixed. Not to mention the numerous people who will never be “healthy” due to chronic illnesses and conditions, no matter how much they restrict and exercise.
So, to answer the question, "why do some belly dancers have weight around the middle?" I would say, because that is a natural variety of human body shape. There's no way to look at a person and gauge their levels of health, and frankly, it's not important to be able to. Splitting bodies into "healthy" and "unhealthy", "worthy" and "unworthy" negatively effects us all, especially those who are already living a marginalized existence.
There's hardly a more villainized part of the body than the belly, and belly dance is one of the few art forms where we can celebrate all kinds of torsos, and the beauty that all torsos can create. Some humans, including me, are just naturally soft in the middle, some of us very soft, and there is nothing wrong with that. The only thing that's wrong is what we have been taught about soft bodies. If we can find the beauty and worthiness in rolling hills, in folds of sand underwater, in the shivering of water as wind blows over it, in the dotted constellations above us, we can find the beauty in how many of our bodies mimic natural landscapes, both in dance and in stillness. There is beauty to be found in every body. There is worth in all sizes. A person doesn't need to fit our culture's narrow idea of "health" to have value. Our worth is inherent in our humanity. The more we can make space for every size and for every health level, ESPECIALLY and most importantly for the most marginalized bodies in our society, the better and more dignified lives we'll all be able to lead.
10 Tips for Maximizing Your Belly Dance Fitness Potential.
Last Updated on January 26, 2022
Guest Post by Ananke
It’s that time of year again. After sustaining myself on a diet consisting mostly of sugar cookies and eggnog for the month of December, my belly dance costumes are little… shall we say…snug?
I know I am not alone in this. About 40% of Americans will set at least one New Year’s resolution, and losing weight or becoming healthier is one of the most popular picks.
So even if you yourself are not amongst us repentant dieters in January, if you’re an instructor you probably have some students who are interested in turning their belly dance practice into a workout. Is belly dance actually effective for weight loss?
AnankeThe good news is that belly dance is great for fitness when it’s practiced regularly. But you have to treat it like a workout, which is much different than how many of us usually choose to practice.
Did you know? The average woman burns approximately 300 calories per hour belly dancing. That adds up to a pound of weight loss every two weeks (when practicing for an hour six times per week).
So how can we use belly dance as a workout? Here are a few of my favorite tips to get you started:
1. Set a schedule
Your workouts will be most effective if you practice three to five times per week for at least a half-hour.
Try building time to dance into your daily routine.
If you always dance at the same time each day, such as an hour before you shower for work, it is more likely to become a habit.
2. Warm it up, cool it down
A proper warm-up helps prevent injuries and maximizes your workout potential.
Try some light dance moves using a reduced range of motion. After a few minutes switch to gentle standing stretches for the hips, obliques, glutes, and shoulders.
Now you are ready for more intense movement. After your workout, while muscles are still warm, is the best time for deep stretching.
Add a cool-down to keep muscles long and limber, prevent soreness, and increase their flexibility.
3. Press play and go
When your focus is fitness, it is important to keep moving at an active pace. Create a playlist that motivates you to move so that when it is time to workout you can press play and go.
This is not the time to be critical of your technique and pause to practice particular isolation. Keep a shimmy going in between songs to keep your heart rate up.
4. Layer and travel
Layering movements and traveling incorporate the use of large muscle groups which is great for both toning and burning calories. Focus on moving about the room with circles, eights, and shimmies.
Do not forget level changes, moving from a semi-squat up to the balls of the feet, for working the thighs and calves.
5. Arms are key
It is easy to forget about them, but how you use your arms can make a big difference in your workout intensity. Use large, sweeping movements that keep your arms above your heart for the greatest challenge.
6. When in doubt, add weight
You would be really surprised at how heavy a veil feels after waving it around non-stop for thirty minutes.
Zills can act as great arm weights, too.
Try adding them into your routine and you will burn bonus calories while improving your prop work.
If you are looking for even more of a challenge, try some light ankle weights to make traveling steps even more potent.
7. Repetition is a good thing
When we dance in performance, we try not to repeat the same combinations over and over.
However, when we dance for fitness, repetition is ideal. For each song select just a few combos to practice and concentrate instead on improving form each time through.
8. Get creative with power moves
Since our focus is fitness there is no reason you cannot add in a few traditional gym moves to supercharge your workout.
Try adding a set of leg lifts, squats, lunges, push-ups off the wall, triceps dips off a chair or standing crunches into your combos.
Or use these moves to fill the time in between songs. This is a great way to add strength-building exercises to your cardio workout.
9. Balance your fitness routine
Belly dance is great for gentle toning and for improving cardiovascular health, but if your fitness goals are extensive you should consider adding other forms of exercise into your routine.
Weight lifting, pilates, yoga, step, kick-boxing, walking, and running complement belly dance well and increase your strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, and balance.
10. Eat well
To dance well your body needs to be fueled well. Focus on making healthy choices like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Avoid overly processed foods including refined sugars before your workout, as they tend to give you only a quick spike in energy before leaving you feeling tired.
Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after you dance.
Did you know? To build muscle, your body needs protein.
The average woman needs 50 to 65 grams per day, and many active women do not eat enough.
Try adding a protein-rich snack or meal before and after your workout.
Healthy choices include nuts, seeds, eggs, chicken, lentils or beans, and Greek yogurt.
What You Can Expect
If you also reduce your daily caloric intake (cut back on the eggnog and sugar cookies!) you can expect one to two pounds of weight loss per week with regular belly dance practice.
It depends on your current weight, the intensity and frequency of your workouts, and whether or not you have added in additional exercise.
Remember that doctors do not recommend more than two pounds of weight loss per week.
In addition, you can also expect some light toning of the arms, abs, chest, thighs, and glutes. Belly dance is also great for improving coordination, flexibility, and balance.
Bonus: How to Stick to Your Routine- Use friends and family for support. Tell the people you love about your goals. It helps you feel more accountable for following through and they may be able to offer support in ways you do not anticipate.
- Use a diary. Write down a few notes every day. It’s been shown that keeping a record of what you eat encourages dieters to take smaller portions. A diary can also help you keep track of your progress, which is good to reference when you’re craving something you shouldn’t have.
- Use an online tool. There are several free websites that help you record and monitor your weight loss goals. Check out StickK or Habitforge.
About Ananke: Ananke is an award-winning performance artist and certified belly dance instructor out of Keene, New Hampshire.
She was certified in Group Fitness by the American Council on Exercise and taught dance fitness classes for three years at a local women’s gym. Ananke writes articles regularly on her own blog Ask Ananke.
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Dr Valeria Lo Iacono is a belly dancer and a dance researcher with a PhD in dance and heritage. Valeria also teaches and performs as a belly dance but also enjoys learning ballet, jazz dance and other dance genres.
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Learn to dance belly: 8 steps to beauty and harmony | Beauty secrets | Health
There is no more ancient dance than belly dance. Even the walls of the tombs, erected on the orders of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten in the 14th century BC, are painted with scenes depicting in great detail nothing more than a belly dance.
The choreographer was a bee
The legend claims that this erotic oriental dance appeared quite by accident. It was all the bee's fault. Bewildered by the delicate floral aroma emanating from the oiled body of a young dancer, confusing her with a flower, a bee flew under her thin outfit during the performance. Frightened by the uninvited guest, the girl began to rotate her hips and stomach with all her might. It was as if her hips and stomach were competing in mobility, teasing and provoking each other. The grace with which she made the movements delighted those around her.
European travelers eventually became acquainted with the ancient dance. However, his eroticism is perceived by Europeans in different ways. “Indecency and indecency,” some exclaim indignantly. Others consider belly dancing a real art.
The East is a flexible body
The secrets of belly dancing are carefully passed down from generation to generation. For what? Not just for beauty. In Arab countries, the fertility of a woman is still perhaps her main advantage in the eyes of the majority. From early childhood, Arab girls begin to be taught special exercises, which are the basis of belly dancing. Daughters diligently adopt from their mothers the ability to control the body, move beautifully and gracefully. These simple movements make it possible from childhood to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen, lower back, and hips in girls - expectant mothers, which play a major role during pregnancy and during childbirth.
In addition, belly dancing is an excellent means of keeping slim and seductive forms for Eastern women. Even having grown fat with age, Arab charmers move easily, remain amazingly flexible. This is confirmed by official science. According to the research of modern scientists, Eastern women are less likely to suffer from cervical and lumbar radiculitis, less prone to scoliosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Following Hollywood stars
To maintain a perfect waist and elastic tummy, Hollywood stars are also fond of oriental dances. Imagine: in one dancing hour you can burn up to 400 kilocalories, strengthen the torso, improve coordination of movements, and make the spine more flexible. The dance will teach you how to move beautifully and follow your posture. And although at first it will be difficult for you, but in order to feel the gaze of men behind your back, it’s worth the effort.
Of course, it is better to learn belly dancing in the company of an experienced instructor, but some basic movements can be learned on your own. This simple but effective set of dance exercises in just a few months will make the abdominal muscles elastic and toned, and you - more sexy and erotic.
● Your clothing should be light and not restrictive. To begin with, tie a thin pareo (silk scarf) around the hips, which will effectively emphasize their flexible line. Raise your arms up and, clapping your hands to the beat, gently shake your hips. Do not start dancing immediately at a fast pace. Choose the rhythm of movement that suits you and try not to change it during the dance.
● Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your right thigh sharply, then your left. Try not to strain your abdominal muscles. Repeat the movement 8 times.
● Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Swing your hips gently from side to side, like a pendulum, 8-10 times. Make sure that only your hips move.
● Rotate your hips 8 times in each direction, as if you were spinning a hoop. Please note: the body must be motionless.
● Feet shoulder width apart. As you exhale, stick out your stomach as much as possible, 6-8 times. Tired - take a 10-second pause.
● Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your right foot on your toes and lift your right thigh. Shift your body weight to your left leg. Vigorously rotate your right hip clockwise 6-8 times. Repeat the exercise by changing the position of the legs.
● Feet slightly apart. Move the pelvis forward (the stomach is tucked up, the muscles are tense), then back (the muscles are relaxed) 6-8 times.
● Exhale deeply, forcefully draw in the stomach - the diaphragm rises. Then slowly inhale through the nose, sticking out the stomach - the diaphragm goes down. Do not move your body - only the stomach works (repeat the movement 4-6 times).
Dance for half an hour a day (better in the morning on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating), and normal blood circulation in the pelvis, good bowel function, beautiful gait and majestic posture, healthy joints, elastic muscles are provided to you.
Personal opinion
- If it is professionally done, then I really like this art. But for this it is necessary that several factors come together at once - the dancer's talent, a beautiful concert costume and the beauty of her body. Belly dancing cannot be danced by thin girls - here you need to have something with which to dance this dance!
See also:
- The secrets of royal posture and beautiful gait.
Master class from a ballet soloist →
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Learn to dance an oriental dance for pleasure and benefit
Beneficial factors of belly dancing not only improve health, but also beautify life aesthetically and spiritually. Learn to dance oriental belly dance is a pleasure and health benefits. No wonder they are so popular in every corner of the vast planet Earth.
You can practice and enjoy oriental dancing at any age, both for women and men. Learning the art of dance is not difficult, if you wish, you can master it quite quickly. With many varieties of belly dancing, the differences between them are small.
The result depends on the individuality of the dancer, on the mood, on the desire to show passion or, conversely, tenderness. What is the secret of belly dancing? How to learn to dance it? Why is the benefit of this direction highly valued among the luminaries of medicine? We'll talk about this.
Mystery of ancient culture - learn to dance oriental dance, pleasure with health benefits
Belly dance is one of the oldest dances in the world. The dance was already known in ancient Egypt, Babylon, India as a ritual, dedicated to the goddess of fertility. This is a deep and multifaceted art, mysterious and mysterious, shrouded in myths and legends.
One of them says that the dance served as a ritual associated with cult of the Goddess of Fertility. To get a bountiful harvest, priestesses in the temples performed a belly dance, which was associated with the birth of a new life.
Oriental dances do not cease to excite modern women. Age and country do not matter. There are about 50 different types of belly dance. The most famous belly dance schools:
- Egyptian - great attention is paid to the hips, the rhythm is medium;
- Turkish - very lively, optimistic and colorful style;
- Lebanese - undulating movements, the body is in a straight position;
- Moroccan - combines Lebanese and Egyptian features.
At the same time, the essence remains the same - you need to tighten and relax the muscles of the abdomen, as well as the buttocks and thighs, while moving the body and arms. In addition to the indescribable aesthetics, belly dancing has beneficial properties for human health.
This dance involves not only the abdominal muscles, but almost the entire body, which brings him considerable benefits. All dancers are incredibly feminine and flexible. Their movements are extremely plastic and filled with grace.
The impact of dance on human health
Due to the impact on all muscle groups, belly dance has a healing effect. Classes make the abdominal muscles elastic and, with proper exercise, strengthen the back muscles, which forms the correct posture.
As you can see, belly dancing has a complex effect on the whole body and an ideal figure is provided to you with regular classes. But that's not all! The specificity of the movements is such that when they are performed, a massage of the internal organs occurs.
Hip and shoulder movements strengthen the cardiovascular system and help relieve joint pain. The fact that during belly dancing the nervous system calms down and headaches disappear cannot remain without attention. So, a good mood and a charge of vivacity are provided.
Improving posture, musculoskeletal system and muscle toning
All the movements from oriental dances allow the body of a woman who regularly attends classes to maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system in full health until old age. Oriental dancers have an ideal back and very rarely suffer from scoliosis, osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis and other pathologies of the spinal column.
The human spine contains more bones, cartilage and ligaments than any other part of the body. Every movement of the body depends on the health of the spine. Groups of muscles attached to the vertebrae and ligaments create movement in both the vertebral and pelvic regions of the trunk.
Belly dancing tones and develops these muscles, improves joint flexibility and is the safest for the spine. Frequently repeated movements of the hips, abdomen and entire body contribute to the production of synovial fluid - the natural lubricant for the joints.
When performed correctly, the movements help prevent lower back problems. These dances relieve stress on the back by counteracting the constant compression of the spinal discs that comes from sitting and a sedentary lifestyle.
The hip muscles are also well strengthened, which increases the flexibility of the hip, improves balance when walking. This stimulates bone cells to produce more bone, which helps prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones.
Those who had some problems in the lumbar region, sacral area and hip joints unanimously note that back pain began to go away literally from the second session, and after two or three months they disappeared altogether, despite the fact that they kept some of them constrained for several years .
Belly Dancing and Body Slimming
If you are planning to use belly dancing for weight loss, you will need patience, regular practice and following certain rules. According to Western studies, belly dancing can burn up to 300 calories per hour. The exact figure will depend on the intensity and correct execution of all movements.
But most often dance lessons in a group with an instructor are held once or twice a week. To increase the effect of the diet and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is useful to pay attention to stretching exercises, aerobics, cycling and swimming in between classes. Then the weight loss of the body will become more noticeable, and dance exercises will be much easier.
And one more bonus from belly dances in the matter of weight loss is their beneficial effect on digestion. The active work of the muscles of the abdominal region, swaying and turning the body in different directions, helps food to move well along the digestive system.
The benefits of belly dancing for weight loss will be more pronounced if they are combined with proper nutrition, because no type of influence on body shape can do without it. By attending Belly dance classes three to four times a week (1-1.5 hours) and adhering to a simple rule: "Do not eat three hours before and the same amount after training," you can make serious progress in weight loss, and without much efforts.
Without proper nutrition, it is very difficult to lose weight, even if you dance all day long. To achieve results, you will need to: reduce daily caloric content to 1200-1500 kcal, reduce fat and carbohydrate intake, make fruits, vegetables, berries and lean protein foods the basis of the diet, limit salt to 5 g per day, drink plenty of water, arrange every 1 -2 weeks fasting days.
Do not give up even when the weight stops decreasing, continue to eat according to these rules. The main thing is to develop the right eating habits. And then bellydance will promote weight loss 2 times more effectively.
Stress reduction
Cheerful and cheerful belly dances allow a person to reveal his creative potential, tune in to the natural movements of the body to wonderful music. Any kind of dance helps fight stress. With the help of these activities, you can have a great time and forget about everyday troubles.
Research in the field of medicine has shown that frequent stressful situations cause the production of a special stress hormone, which is responsible for the distribution of fat deposits on the abdomen and accelerates aging.
It is important to take into account that during a stressful period the body is often pinched, there are muscle spasms in the neck, shoulders or back. At the same time, lactic acid accumulates, blood flow to the affected muscles decreases, which causes pain in them.
With its smooth, repetitive motion, belly dancing is very calming and one of the best stress-relieving activities. Sleep improves, the level of optimism increases, and mental activity increases significantly.
Belly dance for beginners
You dream of mastering the charming art of oriental dance. Belly dance lessons for beginners can be easily found on the Internet. Who wants to take up belly dancing, look at the lessons for beginners with Valeria Putitskaya. Video. Lesson 1.
There is an important advantage of belly dance lessons for beginners in the recording: you can watch them not completely, but by elements. Try to immediately start performing the movements at the same time as the teacher. The more you practice, the sooner you will see results.
It is best to practice movements in front of a mirror. Organize your personal workout space. This may not be a very large area, but a part of the room where you can move freely and set up for training with the appropriate accessories.
Basic movements of oriental dances
Belly dance is like a fairy tale and magic. His performance can immerse you in some completely different world - mysterious and exotic. This feeling is like meditation. Moreover, it affects not only the audience, but also the dancer herself.
In order to achieve a result, you need to learn how to move beautifully to the music, acquire graceful forms and feel a positive effect on health - you need to practice regularly.
It is recommended to devote three days a week to training, duration - 45-60 minutes. At the same time, before starting intense loads, devote 10-15 minutes to preparing the muscles, warming them up - swinging your legs, tilting your torso. This will avoid sprains and injuries, and more effectively work on losing weight.
The basic movement present in almost all types of oriental dances is the horizontal figure eight. The figure eight forms a rounded line of the hips, contributes to the weight loss of problem areas.
To perform it, take a standing position, put your feet shoulder-width apart, then push your right thigh forward, slightly turning the body. The upper body remains motionless.
With the right thigh, make a semicircle, moving backward in a horizontal plane. As soon as the right thigh is at the rear extreme point, the left moves forward. Then a similar semicircle is made with the left thigh.
Rocking chair
Another key element of oriental dance is the rocking chair. The rocking chair stimulates the work of the intestines, tightens the stomach and buttocks.
Stand up straight, legs together, knees slightly bent. Push the hips forward a little so as not to injure the spine.
Raise one hip by straightening the leg, while simultaneously bending the other leg at the knee. This movement is made non-stop - the hips sway up and down without accents and stops.
There are several types of wave in oriental dances – hips, chest, whole body. The wave trains flexibility, develops the spine.
The easiest way to hone the wave at the wall is to prepare the muscles involved in this exercise. It is necessary to face the wall at a distance of 10 cm, then slide along it with the upper part of the chest, then with the stomach and hips, gently bending.
Make sure that a small part of the body touches the wall. Repeat the same wave movement, sliding along the wall with your back.
Belly Kicks
Belly Kicks are a classic and hallmark of dance. Exercise is effective for getting rid of the abdomen, losing weight in the buttocks.
Imagine that a rope is tied to the stomach and pulled up. Then sharply raise the lower abdomen in the direction of movement of the imaginary rope, while the muscles of the buttocks are drawn in, and the stomach tenses.
To perform this movement, stand up straight with your legs slightly bent at the knees. "Belly punches" have the opposite movement - "butt kicks".
This type of movement is a famous element of oriental dance, its original decoration. The main feature of shaking is the effect it has on the viewer. At the same time, it requires almost no effort from the dancer.
While shaking, you can take some rest. There are many variations of this element, but they all have one thing in common - shaking affects the lower body. This kind of shaking looks good from behind - the buttocks are shaking like jelly.
To perform the Brazilian shake, you need to stand up straight, transfer your body weight to your toes. After that, you can start a movement that imitates walking in place, but do not tear your socks off the floor. The knees are slightly bent and unbent, but not completely. Gradually increase the pace, and decrease the amplitude.
Where can I practice belly dancing?
Dancing is convenient because you can do it anywhere. Oriental dances do not require much space even in a cramped apartment. In the room where the classes will be held, it is not bad to have a large mirror that will help control the position of the body and monitor the dance technique.
Another option to join the army of supporters of this art form is to buy several CDs with video tutorials. A better option is to visit the studio. Under the guidance of a qualified mentor, you will be able to master the dance faster.
In the studios they will show how the movements are performed, they will see and immediately correct the mistakes. In addition, buying a subscription to a fitness center is an incentive not to miss workouts. You can attend several trial lessons, and then, having mastered the dance programs, continue learning at home.
At the same time, it is useful to devote a small part of your time to sports every day. These can be:
- morning exercises;
- hula hoop;
- easy run;
- walking;
- short distance cycling;
- swimming (no more than 2 times a week).
Belly dance, like everything else that came to us from the East, has undeniable charm and mystery. The bright outfits and light fabrics used by the dancers reveal the woman's sexuality and beautifully emphasize the forms.
Belly dance is alluring smooth movements, a sparkle in the eyes and a feeling of lightness. Well, do not forget that this is, first of all, a huge charge of positive and cheerfulness, as well as a path to self-confidence!
Oriental dancewear
The belly dance costume includes wide skirts and voluminous trousers made of chiffon or organza, combined with embroidered tops and blouses. You can’t do without a belt or scarf with heavy tassels and large metal jewelry on the hips. A large number of bracelets are usually put on the hands. You can choose and order a suit for every taste at the link.
For belly dance lessons, it is best to choose comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement. It can be sweatpants or tight shorts. It is better to leave the stomach open in order to better control the correct execution of movements. So it is better to choose a topic and a short T-shirt.
An oriental scarf can be tied around the hips. But it is better to give preference to non-ringing scarves so that they do not distract from the lesson. It is not recommended to dance barefoot. You can wear tight socks, Czechs, ballet flats on your feet.
Who is prohibited from doing Belly dance?
But, despite such a tempting picture of beneficial factors, belly dance has a number of contraindications that are not advised to neglect. It is important to understand and accept that belly dancing is not a panacea for all diseases. There is a risk group for which dancing can cause significant harm and endanger health.
In case of problems with the spine, it is better to consult a doctor before exercise, because in some cases, instead of benefiting, the exercises performed can be harmful. You should not practice belly dancing with strong flat feet.
In case of gastric and duodenal ulcer it is forbidden to practice belly dancing. There will be no benefit, but it is easy to cause more harm to these organs, up to the point that bleeding will open. This also includes acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys, liver or gallbladder.
It is forbidden to attend dance lessons with acute inflammatory processes of any kind: SARS, flu, bronchitis, etc. You need to wait for recovery, and then continue to attend the dance class. Therefore, before plunging into the world of exotic east, be sure to visit a doctor. How belly dancing will turn out for your health - benefit or harm, depends solely on you. The right decision for you!
Oriental belly dance - the pleasure and benefit of which is recognized by a huge number of women of all ages. Learn to dance oriental dance, in addition to purely physical activity, it allows you to take care of women's health, spending time with benefit.