How to dip a girl dancing
How to dip like the pros! — Sway Dance Chicago
Written By David Sanchez
One of our favorite dance moves is the iconic dip and so many of our students are eager to learn how to dip their partners and be dipped in a dance routine.
However, there are a few things to know before you dazzle the audience with a dip. So, here are our pro TIPS for Pro DIPS.
First, learn the proper dance frame.
Before attempting a dip, make sure you are standing properly with your partner in the correct dance frame. That means your arms should be held strong.
The leaders' left hand should be connected to follower’s right, or supporting followers behind their back for extra security.
The followers should rest their left arm on leader’s right arm just below the shoulder without weight.
Our instructors will assist you in getting into the proper dance frame before attempting a dip. Just remember, dancing with a partner is not a 50-50 game. BOTH the leader and the follower need to be giving 100% effort for a solid dip.
To Lead a Dip...
Don’t bend forward! Instead stand straight up and rotate your upper body. Otherwise, you both risk dipping and well… falling.
Support behind your partner’s shoulders and back.
Keep your arms firm and in front of your partner's body. Don’t push your arms into their space.
Step with a bent knee under and toward the follower to dip.
Read social cues! That means don’t dip your partner if they’re not 100% comfortable.
Be aware of your surroundings. You won’t want to dip your partner in an area where they could get hurt.
To Follow a Dip...
Support your own weight in your legs and core muscles. In other words, don’t rely entirely on your partner to hold you up.
Soften your knees, relax your neck and shoulders.
Trust your partner instead of tensing up, making it harder for them to dip you.
Communicate with your partner if you’re uncomfortable going into a dip.
Don’t rush in or out of the dip. Allow your partner to truly lead the way and lean into the fun of it!
When should we dip?
Overall, there are a few foolproof ways to know when to dip your partner.
Dip when it's safe. Check your surroundings, especially at a crowded club and dance floor, to make sure your partner won’t get hurt if you decide to dip.
Dip when the music tells you to. Wait until the end of the song or an accent in the music. Then, especially in a performance if your dip is at the end of a song, hold your watermelons! Wait 1 watermelon - 2 watermelon - 3 watermelon before releasing out the dip. Soak in the applause!
Dip when your partner appears comfortable. Make sure you’re communicating with your partner, either by feeling their body language or expressly asking whether they’d be ok with a dip.
Feel each other out and make sure both partners are ready!
Ready to learn how to dance and dip with the pros?
Contact us today!
David Sanchez
Dance Dip -
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Ambiguous dance moves: zoukability — LiveJournal
Love 'em or Hate 'em: 6 Polarizing Dance MovesAuthor: Laura Riva
Original: http://www.

Italics: translator's notes ;)
The original article is certainly helpful, but the advice in it seems to me quite obvious to a more or less experienced partner. Therefore, I supplemented it with my extended comments.
In any pair dance there are several movements that inevitably divide the partners into two groups: some love these movements, while others hate them. So what should a partner do? How can you tell if you've got a partner who loves cambrai or one who wants you to never, never, NEVER do it? What signs indicate a lover of rotations or their opponent?
What are these couple dance moves that girls either love very much or hate deeply?
1. Cambrai
Some partners love them - fast, deep, many times in a row. Others feel a looming fear as soon as they are led to prepare for Cambrai.
Cambrai is a beautiful and controversial dance move. Cambrai is very scary for girls who are afraid of injury, as well as for those who have already had a negative experience. Especially frightening fast, deep or sudden Cambrai.
If you are a cambray partner, start slowly. See how your partner responds to gentle preparation and gentle tilt. If she answers well, try to go deeper. If she still answers well, and you have control and technique, you can lead to a faster cambra.
However, you must be careful and immediately stop the cambrai if the lady...
- says she doesn't want to do the cambrai
- grabs your shoulders
- is not being led

2. Lots and lots of spins
Oh, spins are my old favorite. Many partners, like me, love multiple spins (correctly executed). nine0010
But there is another side - those who get dizzy or who just don't like to spin a lot. And sometimes a bad floor makes even fans of rotations suffer.
You have gone too far if you...
- feel that the partner is resting on the dribble
- notice that she is losing balance
- see her smile disappear
- You should not force your partner into a deep plie to the floor. Not all girls have healthy knees, and not all physical training makes it easy to do this.
- I would not advise to lead a partner in cambra to the floor or too much on the back leg for the same reason: there can be a strong load on the knees, well, just not everyone has enough physical strength to do it easily and get up. nine0008
- Don't touch your partner's face! Never and never!!! Only a few do it, but it always infuriates! Not only my opinion. Firstly, the face is, as it were, intimate, you should not touch it without the permission of your partner.
Secondly, it is unhygienic, some people get acne after that.
enjoy spinning, visibly excited after a coolly executed move. nine0009 When in doubt, use the normal amount of rotation in a dance: no more than one sequence of rotations in a row in a relatively short amount of time. A fan of spins will not mind if there are not so many of them, but their opponent will be very outraged if there are more of them.
Be especially careful with spins with a tilted frame or with an offset axis - the partner may not be able to do them correctly and come out of them competently. This is a complex coordinating movement. Who does not believe - forward to rotate in an inclination of 10 revolutions in each direction! And yet, many partners do not know how to properly lead to this and disstabilize the partner themselves. nine0008
3. Lifts
Any movement in which you support your partner's weight while her feet are on the floor is a lift. Combinations of supports and cambrai can be very good, but it all depends on how much weight of the partner you take on.
If you are a strong, reliable partner, some partners may like to support you. And others - no.
If you lead to support and the lady doesn't go down, it means that she doesn't like the move, or the way/where you do it doesn't seem safe to her. If the partner's smile disappears at the exit of the movement, this also means that she does not like supports. If this happens, don't do it again. A good dance does not require supports. nine0010
Lifts require good technique and can be dangerous. If you love supports, it's important to start simple, slowly, and only with the right partners. No matter how much a novice partner loves supports, you can't do them with her. The partner may be injured - and she will blame you for this.
You also need to be sure that if something goes wrong, you have enough physical strength to safely pull your partner out of the movement.
A partner can love support and at the same time be completely unable to do it. For example, she may not know that in some lifts she must hold the press, hold a rigid frame, she may not understand her zone of control and responsibility in movement. Both of you could get hurt. nine0008
I would also like to highlight here counterbalances . because the principle is similar. Recently, counterbalances have become very fashionable, partners insert them here and there, completely not focusing on their technique of execution and the level of the girl, and many girls sin by suddenly jumping into counterbalances themselves. For which, however, they themselves rake, because. not always the partner has time to react.
Stop. There is a lead on the counterbalance! A lead that allows you to clearly understand whether this is a counterbalance or something else. The partner must first be put on the half-fingers, lift her frame and only then lead to the counterbalance. The girl understands, prepares and then gives you her weight at the right time. If you don't do this, then you don't know how to counterbalance. Throwing a girl into counterbalance immediately without preparation is a gross mistake. If the partner does not understand, does not give you her weight when you asked, then you do not need to lead her by force or say: "This is a counterbalance, baby, give me the weight!" nine0010
4. Very sensual moves
With the rise of zouk, sensual bachata and kizomba, many dancers have come to love this very sensual trend. But some are absolutely not. For them, it feels like harassment.
Sensuality should be mutual on both sides. This includes such manifestations as taking the partner's hand and running it over your chest or a sweaty, too close hug.
I personally hate it when my hand is run over my chest and any variations when my hand needs to touch something. I feel like I'm in a strip club. nine0007 (Totally agree, it's disgusting. Sometimes they even try to run my hand over their hair or face).
If your partner's body becomes rigid or immobile when you do something sensual, then she does not like it. Never drag your partner into a close hug. You open your arms and invite the girl, and she herself comes as close as she feels comfortable.
If your partner does not reciprocate a close hug, then she does not want it. The same applies to head-to-head contact: if you notice that a girl is trying to avoid head-to-head contact and moves away, STOP! She doesn't want this! nine0010
And vice versa, if the partner responds to the invitation to close contact, then most likely she likes everything.
Manual from Bruno Gallardo:
"Enter as if you are going to kiss the girl for the first time, but are not yet sure of her readiness. Reduce the distance, but not to zero, but by 80-90 percent. If the girl wants - the rest she will make a move towards you. If not, a slight backward movement will tell you that this time is not."
5. Athletic Movements
I have a friend who is very fit and loves all kinds of physically challenging movements. But at the same time, she is pinned by the most difficult fitness workouts and crazy tricks on the pole.
When partners make physically difficult movements with her on the dance floor, she is happy. She likes fizuha, it turns her on.
On the contrary, many people do not like this kind of movement. If anyone else likes them at all.
If a person dances at his physical limit, then trying to take him beyond the limits is useless and this can cause injury. Well, many simply do not want a dance that looks like physical education, they want a soft, neat connection. nine0010
One can easily determine which category a partner falls into by how she reacts to complex movements. If she does not complete the movement, interrupts it, or looks tense during the movement, she clearly does not like what is happening. Reduce the level of physical activity in the dance.
Often the partner can still lose connection if you put too much energy into the dance. You may notice that they slow down or slip out of your hands.
And those who like it harder will enjoy the dance, move comfortably and enjoy the moment with you. nine0010
What are physically complex movements?
First, you need to consider the level of the partner. If she is a beginner or intermediate, then Cambrai can be difficult for her. Deep cambrai or too harsh. Off-axis rotations, etc. If the partner has been dancing confidently and for a long time, then the complexity is added by the speed and sharpness of any movements.
Physically complex movements that need to be trained for a long time and have good physical training for them: rotations in plie on one leg, acrobatics in the air, deep cambra, where you need to keep yourself well with the abs and buttocks.
Any acrobatics where you lift a partner into the air is inappropriate: 1. without proper training both dancers; 2. at a party.
Acrobatics requires knowledge of safety and performance rules from both! But for some reason, there is always a category of self-confident partners who believe that if they know how to do support, but the girl does not, then this is normal, nothing is required of her there. This is a stupid and dangerous delusion. There are especially many such partners in the hustle...
Acrobatics is mainly used in the show, after careful training, and on an empty dance floor where you definitely won't hit anyone. A social party is a bad place to perform acrobatics, the risk of injuring the partner and the people around is too great. And we are still not very good at looking around.
6. Optional: endurance test
This is not a specific movement, but rather a general dance style.
Some partners enjoy a complex dance that tests their technique from start to finish. However, these are in the minority. nine0010
Most girls enjoy a well-balanced dance that doesn't wear them out. There must be room for relaxation, musicality and some play in the dance.
If you feel your partner is lagging behind, making a harder connection, or breathing heavily, slow down. Give her a break and change her set of movements. It will most likely make her happier.
An endurance test is to take the movements from points 1, 2, 3 and 5 and fill the entire dance with them, without pauses. nine0008
Pinball partner - related article.
For those who are unsure
If you are a partner and have difficulty reading body language, there are several "safe" options for you. First, you can ask ahead of time about things like cambra and supports. This will give you an open answer about whether your partner likes what you are doing or not.
Second, be careful. If you are not sure what their reaction means, if they do not like something, do not make this movement. It certainly won't hurt anyone. Or, if you need confirmation, try again to do this thing, but more carefully and more slowly. nine0010
If after two attempts you are still unsure, I would refrain from trying again until you know for sure whether your partner likes it or not.
There are a few more things that a partner should not do in the dance:
Polish your technique and be sensitive to each other!
Announcements of all new articles in group Zoukability
How to dance in a disco for a girl
Do you know how to dance in a disco for a girl to look beautiful and not get obscene offers? There are many ways to have fun in a club, and if your only plan is to dance, then they should be in the right mood. This does not mean that you need to hide in a corner and step from foot to foot, head down on the floor.
How not to dance at a disco for a girl
If your task is not provocation, you do not need to pay much attention to movements with waves in the area of the hips and buttocks in the dance. At an ordinary disco, twerk or booty dance will look not like a dance, but like self-promotion, and in a not very good context. Moreover, you should not demonstrate your abilities in backbends and shaking your booty on your girlfriends. From the outside it looks like an unambiguous invitation to join. Moreover, this is how dance is understood not only by the person for whom you started the performance, but by the whole disco. And some completely outsider can “attach” you in a completely rude manner. nine0010
How to dance a girl at a disco in POP style
Most often, girls prefer just such discotheques, as they put on their favorite music, to which you can not only dance, but also sing along to yourself or even out loud. This helps to relax and not feel like an outsider in a crowd of strangers.
Zigzag movement
The simplest movement suitable for a POP disco is the zigzag. You don't even have to train hard to do it. The highest point of the zigzag is the hips. We choose the side from which we start the movement, for example, the left leg. Mentally draw the sign "Zorro" in the air, and now try to repeat it with your hips. To make it look nice, and not like a Sunday school squat, do it not on two legs, but with a change in the leading leg, depending on the change of side where you “sent the hips”. Those. we start with the left leg, shift the weight of the body to the right leg, making the movement of the hips from left to right, while slightly bending the right leg. Further from this position (without unbending the right leg), we move the hips from the right to the left, bending the left knee stronger than the right, and the last time to the right, everything is the same. From this position, we straighten the left leg and “drag” the hips behind it. Experiment with this movement by drawing a zigzag with your hips in different ways. nine0010
Movement “my hairstyle”
This movement is performed by almost all girls at dancing parties, sometimes without even thinking, just repeating after someone. "My hairstyle" will look completely different for the hostesses of different haircuts. Owners of long curls usually collect hair in both palms and hold them while performing some kind of movement, then release them. Girls with short haircuts mannerly run their hands through their hair, tousling them, or run their hands through their hair, leaving their palms in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples or forehead. Stand near the mirror and try to play with your hair, remember which look suits you the most, do the same during the dance, only without a mirror and choosing only the previously practiced hand poses. nine0010
Dance scarf
When the music starts, the legs usually start dancing on their own, but things are much more complicated with the arms. It can be difficult for girls to attach their hands, and here you can use the most ordinary scarf. Needless to say, don't slip a scarf between your legs and carry it back and forth, as is often done in the movies. We have already written that this causes unhealthy associations in dissolute people. Leave the scarf around your neck and grasp its ends; silk scarves with tassels at the ends look especially interesting in this case. The simplest movement is the tug of war, where you pull on the scarf with one hand and pull on the scarf with the other. At this time, it can lie on your neck or you can lower it to your waist. With this movement, you can play with your girlfriend or boyfriend.