How do you dance the jitterbug
How to Do a basic Jitterbug dance routine « Swing :: WonderHowTo
- By myrtie
In this how to video, Gary and Bonnie present an overview of some basic Jitterbug patterns. Learn how to do the cuddle back, the helicopter, the handshake and many other Jitterbug steps with this dance tutorial. Follow the steps in this lesson and you will be dancing the Jitterbug in no time.
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What is the Jitterbug? (with pictures)
Fact Checked
The jitterbug is a variant of swing dancing, and derivative of the Lindy hop and East Coast Swing. It became popular in the 1940s. Several suggestions for the origin of the term jitterbug exist. Since the dance involves jerking movements, and may resemble the jitters of alcoholic recovery, it may have derived its name from such. Cab Calloway once remarked that the dancers looked like a bunch of “jitterbugs.”
Another possible origin for the name jitterbug is that it was originally intended as a derogatory or ethnic slur. Most dance schools in the late 1930s did not want to teach the Lindy Hop. However, as the popularity of the dance grew, the jitterbug began to be taught, and any slur to ethnicity has since been forgotten.
Some people use the term jitterbug to refer to all types of swing dancing. This is technically incorrect by the strictest definition of the dance. As well, jitterbug can be used as a verb: Do you jitterbug?
The jitterbug places emphasis on the six-count move. The very basic move of the dance is a back, step, forward, touch, step, and touch. The man would begin this dance on the left foot. The footwork for the leading partner is left-right-left-right-right-left. The following partner duplicates the steps on the opposite foot.
There are multiple turns, lifts and spins associated with the jitterbug. Often the partners may dance side by side, instead of in a face-to-face partner hold. This is characteristic of many variants of swing dance.
Once basic steps and spins are mastered, some of the lifts are fun to learn. These can include lifting and swinging the following partner from one side to the other, swinging the partner through spread legs, and various other complicated maneuvers. The dance is quick, so most of the tricks take some skill to acquire.
The jitterbug requires brisk 4/4-time music. It can be danced to rockabilly, 50s and early 60s rock and roll, some modern rock songs, swing music, and some jazz predating swing. A variant of the jitterbug may be danced to quick time Country and Western music as well.
Since swing dance has risen in popularity, many clubs offer swing dancing with instruction for beginners for a half hour prior to open dancing for all. This is a fun way to get an introduction to dances like the jitterbug. As well, many dancing schools, community colleges and recreation centers offer introductions and more advanced classes in swing, which can soon have one tripping the light fantastic in classic jitterbug style.
Tricia has a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and has been a frequent MusicalExpert contributor for many years. She is especially passionate about reading and writing, although her other interests include medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently working on her first novel.
Tricia has a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and has been a frequent MusicalExpert contributor for many years. She is especially passionate about reading and writing, although her other interests include medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently working on her first novel.
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jitterbug - translation into Russian , Examples
My mother could dance the waltz, tango, rumba, charleston, lindyhop, jitterbug watoozi and twist.
O la Srta. Jitterbug .
Not miss Jitterbug .
OpenSubtitles2018.v3En ese momento dependían completamente de la Jitterbug .
At the time, the " Jitterbug " was highly dependent on everyone.
LiteratureAparte del two-step cajun, nos ha enseñado el jitterbug , Praise Allah, y Kickin' the Mule.
In addition to Cajun27 two-step, she taught us the jitterbug , "glory be to Allah" and "kick the mule."
LiteratureHabía escandalizado a todas y molestado a su marido cuando enseñó al teniente de alcalde a bailar el jitterbug .
She shocked everyone and embarrassed Mervyn by trying to teach the deputy mayor how to dance jitterbug .
LiteraturePritchard lo llamaba el "boogie del campo de batalla", y Vernon, el " jitterbug de la yihad".
Pritchard called it "field boogie", Vernon called it "jihad jitterbug ".
Mientras esperaba, trabajé ayudando a preparar la carga que la Jitterbug se llevaba en cada trayecto.
While we waited, I worked helping to stack the cargo that was delivered with each flight. Jitterbug ".
LiteratureLa siguiente cosa que recuerdo es que me despertó Sergei al gritar: —¡Allí está la Jitterbug !
The next thing I remember is how I woke up from the cry of Sergei: - There he is, " Jitterbug "!
Literature¿Tendremos que bailar jitterbug también?
Are we going to dance too jitterbug ?
OpenSubtitles2018.v3Bailaba el jitterbug .
Yes, fan jitterbug .
OpenSubtitles2018.v3Ella accedió, y bailaron el jitterbug .
She agreed and they went to dance jitterbug .
Literature La pieza, un jitterbug , se llamaba Concierto para Benny y estaba dedicada al judío americano Benny Goodman.
The piece to the rhythm of jitterbug was called "A Concert for Benny" and was dedicated to the American Jew Benny Goodman.
Literature¿Ya sabes bailar el jitterbug cajun, Gibbs?
Do you dance Cajun Jitterbug , Gibbs?
OpenSubtitles2018.v3¿Bailas el jitterbug ?
Do you dance the jitterbug?
OpenSubtitles2018.v3Swing, Jitterbug , Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Henry Hall, Harry Roy, Nat Gonella, Al Bowlly.
Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Henry Hall, Harry Roy, Nat Gonella, Al Bowley.
LiteratureLa Jitterbug llevaba oxygeno en lugar de la mezcla de helio y oxygeno de la Mayflower. nine0005
The “ Jitterbug ” had pure oxygen, not a helium-oxygen mixture like the Mayflower.
LiteraturePor fin llegó nuestro turno y nos amontonamos en la Jitterbug .
Finally our turn came and we climbed into " Jitterbug ".
En total la Jitterbug tenía que dejar a ocho grupos de pioneeros.
In total, the Jitterbug had eight more batches of pioneers to serve.
LiteratureBailar el jitterbug puede ser divertido.
Jitterbug is fun.
OpenSubtitles2018.v3En un libro de 1947, Arthur Murray escribió: "Hay cientos de danzas regionales del tipo Jitterbug .
Arthur Murray, discussing this dance style in his 1947 book, said: "There are hundreds of regional dances like Jitterbug ."
WikiMatrixEn los años cuarenta, fue el jitterbug , y en los cincuenta, el rock and roll; pero entonces ocurrió algo extraño.
In the 40s of the XX century it was jitterbug , in the 50s it was rock and roll, but then something strange happened.
Literature Servicio telefónico de Jitterbug .
Assistance center for the elderly.
OpenSubtitles2018.v3Miami, habla Jitterbug Justice llevando de regreso un ave especial.
Miami, this is Dancing Justice bringing you a gift on a special flight. nine0005 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Había unos veinte centímetros de nieve en el suelo, menos donde el reactor de la Jitterbug la había derretido.
There was about eight inches of snow on the ground, except where the engines of the Jitterbug had melted it.
LiteratureBravo - I Love Boogie Woogie şarkı sözleri, şarkı çevirisi | Bravo
First, like this. Where do you put your hands?
So from any dude you will get kicked in the teeth.
Well, on the right foot. Hold on straight let's go! nine0190 Move your feet and don't open your mouth!
Freer. Like this. And two steps forward.
Now sit down lower... and turn!
I love boogie woogie,
I love boogie woogie
I love boogie woogie
I love boogie woogie
I love boogie woogie, I boogie woogie every day.
To become a real dude,
You need, buddy, to dance normally.
You must know what "Canadian" style is -
Everything is serious here, this is not a polka, not a square dance. nine0190 There is "atomic", there is also "Hamburg triple" -
Try to learn, boy, you're groovy!
Do you like boogie-woogie,
Do you like boogie woogie
Do you like boogie woogie
Do you like boogie woogie
You love boogie woogie, you boogie woogie every day.
This is a jitterbug, this is rock and roll
You must not distinguish where the ceiling is, where the floor is
And if you get tired, then sit down, but not for long
You started dancing, why sit around doing nothing? nine0190 Hear this rhythm and feel this drive
So you are free to dance - what a thrill!
We love boogie-woogie.
We love boogie woogie.
We love boogie woogie.
We love boogie woogie.
We love boogie woogie, we boogie woogie every day.
İlk olarak, bunun gibi. Ellerini nereye yapıştırıyorsun
Yani herhangi bir chuchik'ten dişleri tırmıklayacaksınız.
Hadi, sag ayakla. Daha dik dur hadi!
Bacaklarınızı hareket ettirin ve ağzınızı açmayın! nine0190 Freer. Bunun gibi. Ve iki adım ileri.
Şimdi otur... ve don!
Boogie woogie'yi seviyorum,
Boogie woogie'yi seviyorum
Boogie woogie'yi seviyorum
Boogie woogie'yi seviyorum
Boogie-woogie'yi seviyorum, her gun boogie-woogie yapıyorum.
Gerçek bir ahbap olmak için,
İyi dans etmelisin dostum.
"Kanada" stilinin ne oldugunu bilmelisiniz -
Burada her şey ciddi, bu polka değil, kare dans değil. nine0190 "Atomik" var, bir de "Hamburg üçlüsü" var -
Öğrenmeye çalış oğlum, harikasın!
Boogie woogie'yi seviyorsun,
Boogie woogie'yi seviyorsun
Boogie woogie'yi seviyorsun
Boogie woogie'yi seviyorsun
Boogie-woogie'yi seviyorsun, seni her gün boogie-woogie.