How to dance bachata like a pro
6 Keys to Learn to Dance Bachata Like a Pro
Every time we want to learn a new dance style like bachata, it is possible to reach an acceptable minimum level in a short time, a level with which you can dance bachata throughout a song with anyone, although girls always get it first.
To reach this level in a few months is essential to learn to dance bachata, practice a lot and train with professionals.
Yeah, I know that. Bachata is cool, it's trendy and there are more and more people dancing it and more places to practice your bachata steps.
With what if you want to be another person who enjoys this beautiful dance I will tell you 6 keys that you must fulfill to learn to dance bachata like a professional.
1. Form up by taking bachata classes at a dance school with professionalsIt sounds silly, but it's very important to be taught to dance professionally. At first it doesn't seem to matter, but in the long run it is vitally important for your future as a bachatero or bachatera.
These dance teachers will not only teach you dance steps but how to interpret the music, how to follow the time, correct your posture, how to mark correctly and ultimately will give you the basis for you to continue training and improve your style.
In our School with Bachata Classes Finder you can search for bachata lessons in your city, book a test lesson and start dancing with professionals.
2. Feel the music, listen to bachata songs and follow the timeThey say that in order to learn something new you must soak up and surround yourself with this new thing you are learning.
So listen to bachata songs, learn them, listen to changes in instruments, speed, tempo, and internalize this type of music so you can follow time almost without thinking about it.
In fact, it is very common to count the time until you have it very interiorized.
3. Internalize the basic steps of bachataLearn the basic bachata steps of your dance class. Those ones you don't have to think about and they come out alone. Interiorize them so that in the very near future you can give free rein to your imagination.
Believe me, later on you'll see a bachata video or someone will show you a new move and you will.
4. Review the bachata videos recorded in class and in the workshops you attendMany people record the class dance steps on their cell phones but then never see them again.
There's no use doing that. What you have to do is see it again, review it, study it, stop it if there is something that has not just come up and above all practice it.
If you're not gonna do it, you don't need to shoot any more videos... hehe.
There are many videos on the Internet that show you steps and combinations, but it's much better to have experienced it in person and then go over what you've done before.
5. Lose the fear of dancing and try new dance stepsAll of us have been afraid at some point to take someone out or afraid of being asked to dance, haven't we?
Sometimes we think, what if I take him out and he knows more than me or the other way around, he knows less and I get bored. And the reality is that nothing happens, it's a very normal thing and it's good that it happens. It keeps you in tension.
This fear is to motivate you and not to block you. So count to three and dare. Once you are dancing, try your steps even if you don't remember very well, what will happen (if you don't get it) is that you will both end up laughing.
6. Go out dancing bachata and practice a lotFinally something left me something I always recommend to everyone.
Go out dancing, practice as much as you can. The more you practice, the sooner you get better.
It is curious how in a few months there are people who improve a lot and there are people who do not improve so much and the main difference is that the first people go out to dance a lot more.
In short...
The keys to learning to dance bachata and any other dance are: learn with professionals, feel the music, review what you already know, don't be afraid to try new things and practice a lot.
If you are not yet enrolled in a dance school, we encourage you to look for your nearest dance academy in go&dance and go out to dance bachata today.
And finally we'd love to hear your story. We want to know what made you sign up for bachata dancing.
In my helmet, a few years ago I started dancing salsa and as I loved to dance as a couple, feel better and see that in the dance halls put more and more bachata songs that I loved, I decided to sign up for bachata classes and so it all started. I admit that it took a while before I dared to take the first girl out dancing, but once that challenge was over I couldn't stop.
How did you start bachata dancing? Tell us in the comments, please.
You may also be interested: 4 differences between online salsa and Cuban salsa.
And finally we leave you with a 2 hour bachatera session with a selection of the best bachata songs from 2016 for you to play whenever you want.
Disclaimer: When you think of professional dancers, you’d think they are the best dancers in the world, which is not true. I’m a professional dancer, and there are a lot of amateur dancers who are better than me.
A professional dancer is a dancer who could get paid for what they do because there is a recognition of his skill level, energy and professionalism. However, some excellent dancers are not professionals.
How do you dance like a top-level Bachata dancer? Here are some tricks I’ve picked up after many years of dancing and practicing and refinding my trade. If you practice and apply them daily, you will be unstoppable, and I will look forward to dancing with you, whether leading you or following you in Bachata.
Tip #1: Ball of the foot through the heel.
What I want you to imagine is you’re putting on shoes that are half a size, too small, where your heel is struggling to get, and you have to put that pressure in.
That’s what every pro knows about weight transfer. When you are dancing, you’re not dancing with your weight, sitting on the ball of your feet to the toes. But instead, the ball of your feet to the heel. Think of it as skating. You’d never slide on your toes because you fall flat on your face.
It is the same thing with dancing, and honestly, this tip applies to Kizomba, or Salsa and many other dance styles. The easiest way to hack this: As you bring your feet together, you bend your knees slightly, you pull your pelvic bone back. So your pelvic bone points to your heel; where you can imagine is your butt is resting on a low bar stool. From here, I want you to pull your chest back so that your weight is sitting about 70% on your heels, and the rest of it is forward into the ball of your foot. And as your dance, you want to be dancing in an upright position. So you want a small center of gravity as you’re moving and floating and flowing on the dance floor.
Tip #2: Ribcage training.
There are many videos on YouTube for ribcage training, but every pro knows that first, you need to learn to isolate your upper body and lower body.
I encourage you to look at Daniel and Desiree or any other famous Bachata dancer, and you will see as if their upper and lower bodies are just two separate beings that can move on their own.
The easiest way to train your rib cage to be looser and more flexible is to sit down in a chair. Place your hands on your lap and then slowly isolate by pulling your chest to the right and then gradually to the left making sure that your hips don’t move anywhere.
So you go left and right and left then right, followed by you trying to move your ribcage by bringing your chest forward, and then you concave it in and just doing this isolation, you will learn to loosen yourself.
Think of it as if you were an old-school joystick that can only go forward and back left and right.
Most people, including most dancers, are super tight in the upper body. Especially if we have a job that requires us to work in front of a computer, we become stiff, which is unnatural because our bodies should be flexible. So practicing progressive and mild isolation moves will help you stretch, which is excellent for dancing and general health. By stretching out your ribcage, you get more comfortable and aware of what’s happening with your upper body. And then you don’t just have one instrument in your lower body, but you have two when you’re dancing, Bachata.
Always use good judgment and follow your doctor’s advice if you have any sort of mobility issue.
Tip #3: Musicality.
When you look at the top dancers in Bachata, they are not just making dance moves, they are not just in the correct weight transfer, but they are playing the instruments. They are playing with the singers. The simplest way to put it is to listen to one of your favourite songs and because, you know, the song you can jam out to it, and if you just let yourself synchronize to the music, you tend to flow to the lyrics. You’ll tend to flow to the instruments; you tend to flow when the music drops or picks up; that’s what musicality is.
Musicality is a little bit harder to train in. However, we do have a whole special course, in our school called Bachata level, three musicality where I break down Dominican style, Modern style, Sensual style, Remix styles of Bachata and teach how to be musical about it.
Another way to do it is as you’re going out, social dancing, try listening to the music as you’re dancing with your partner and seeing if you can just be a little more playful with your partner as you flow through the music.
Tip #4: Study under a pro.
It seems obvious, but sometimes we struggle without asking out for help. You don’t have to learn alone. I always believe that if you feel stuck, it’s because you don’t have anybody around you who’s better at what you want to get good at. So go to schools, go to our school, go to any school where great dancers are, and study them.
The limit of your growth always depends on the kind of people you surround yourself with.
For example, a professional dancer will open up more doors for you. They will transfer their experience and share their knowledge, saving you time and frustration. So I can’t stress this enough to study under a professional dancer.
But if you don’t have anyone you can study by watching YouTube videos of pros.
Tip #5: Watch YouTube videos of pros.
Look up Daniel and Desiree and watch them dance, but don’t just watch them dance. An excellent hack on YouTube is if you click the gear icon, you can slow down the moves to have the speed or three-quarters of a speed. I would do this when I was a student, and honestly, I still do it. I slow down the movements, and I pick a 15 to 20-second chunk of a combination or isolation that I like. And then I count it off. I try to break down the little nuances, and then I practice at home over and over and over again.
I’m a firm believer in monkey see, a monkey can do through repetition, so this has been my hack because I don’t have Daniel Desiree next to me. I live in Canada, but I have these wonderful dancers right at my home, thanks to YouTube and access to the internet.
If you want to improve, take notes, record yourself, measure your progress. Think of it as a science—the science of dance. I can give so many more tips, and I can’t wait to meet you on our dance floor to share these tips and demonstrate these tips because sometimes it’s hard to manage them as you’re reading them.
But all in all, just take the pressure off of you. Remember being a professional it’s nothing special. It just meant that someone decided to dedicate themselves to this craft, and a pro is simply a human being who gets paid. So just focus on you being the best version of yourself. I’m sure you can be a pro at that.
I can’t wait to welcome you to our big family, have you coming in week to week, having fun, connecting with new friends and letting lose to amazing Latin songs. Click here to check our current schedule.
If you have any questions you would like me to answer here are some ways you can contact me: message me on Instagram (torontodanceSalsa), on Twitter (#torontodanceSalsa), on Facebook (Toronto Dance Salsa) or email me at [email protected].
Top 10 Bachata Videos (Part 1) - Bachata Dance School
1. The most popular bachata dance
performed by Jorge Ataca and Tanja La Alemana to the music of Xtreme "Te Extrano" (look above the headline or on our main page
By the way, we have interesting ON-LINE courses:
- Bachata Lady Style with a certificate
- Basic Bachata (bachata dance lessons in pairs, with a certificate)
- Emotions in dance (duration 1 month)
- Body plastic surgery (duration 1+ month)
- Individual lessons in “live broadcast”
- Fundamentals of acting
- Online course “Bachata teacher”
shot on the streets of Kazan by teachers of the local dance school
3. World stars Daniel and Desiree
at the Los Angeles Summer Bachata Festival
Unusual Japanese-style performance by Ataca and La Alemana at the Junin Salsa Congress 2012, Ataca and La Alemana japan-style bachata danceata.
- Bachata master classes for children
- Bachata for teachers.
For those who want to teach Bachata professionally. Certified Courses.
- Photo and video recording of dance videos
5. The next masterpiece performance
Tanya and Jorge
6. The performance of
Daniel and Desires (Bachatastars 2010, Champions Daniel and Desirée)
0 9000 9000 9000 9000 Show-performance of "Titanic" at the festival in Paris
(Paris Bachata Festival 2013, Bachata show 'Titanic' by Ataca and La Alemana)

In Argentina (Tucuman 2013, Ataca and Alemana)
10. You may also be interested in the tutorial video section.
Sign up for bachata classes (or order a master class)
Please note that GROUP LESSONS are not held with us. nine0007
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You can also contact us by phone or whatsapp +7(985)641-20-76
bachata best video
How to dance bachata? Learning to dance bachata at home
Rehearsal bases, dance halls, recording studios
in Moscow
How to learn to dance bachata?
The ancestor of modern bachata is the dance of the inhabitants of the Dominican villages, which was their only joy after hard work. But times have changed, now bachata has turned into a passionate pair dance, built on the sensual and harmonious movements of partners. Distinctive features of bachata: the closest contact with a partner and plastic, even somewhat erotic movements. A man in a dance smoothly leads his partner, gently hugging her. The woman responds to his actions, accompanying each of her soft steps with plastic movements of her hips. nine0007
The answer to the question of how to dance bachata is quite simple. After a few lessons, everyone can master the basic movements of this dance and feel its rhythm.
Bachata dance technique
Bachata is easily recognizable by the characteristic movement of the hips. The basic step of this dance consists of 3 small steps accompanied by undulating body movements. The main element of bachata is the smooth rotation of the hips for women and the body for men, which is called "kick". This requires good mobility of the muscles of the lower back, back and hips. It is from these muscles that the smoothness, wave-like movements and, accordingly, the beauty of the bachata dance itself depend. nine0007
The question arises: how to learn to dance the Dominican bachata, if these muscles are completely undeveloped? For many who want to dance, it is precisely the fact that they feel completely unplastic and embarrassed to dance that becomes an obstacle. To begin with, it is useful for everyone to recall simple exercises familiar to us from childhood: the usual tilts of the torso in different directions and circular rotations of the body, slowly stretching the muscles. This will help your body get used to the stress. Those who regularly stretch and consider themselves flexible enough also often face the problem of stiffness during dance. This is because plasticity and flexibility are not the same thing. nine0007
Plasticity and flexibility: what's the difference?
The difference between flexibility and plasticity is that plasticity is achieved through the work of muscles and joints, while flexibility is achieved by stretching tendons and ligaments. For the plasticity of movements, it is important to have a good stretch of the ligaments, but flexibility does not guarantee plasticity, so you need to pay attention to the loading and stretching of the muscles.
To learn how to fully perform the basic elements of bachata, you need regular exercises to develop the muscles of the back and lower back, which are best done at first under the supervision of a professional, using the dance hall hourly rental service, and then at home, on your own. Just before class, it is important to warm up the body with appropriate exercises so that it feels the rhythm and easily responds to any of your movements - this is a very important point in how to learn to dance bachata at home. nine0007
Basics of Bachata
Bachata captivates with its sensuality and emotionality. It is based on emotions and the ability to express them during the dance. It simultaneously reflects passion and tender love, perseverance and soft humility, the ability to feel a partner and resist him. Therefore, it is so important not only to learn the basic movements and repeat them, but also to tune in with your partner on the same wavelength and talk to him without words, expressing your feelings through body movements. This bewitching wave of togetherness of partners moving passionately to hot music creates a wonderful romantic atmosphere in the dance hall. nine0007
Let's summarize a few simple rules on how to dance bachata beautifully. Remember that bachata is a set of technical movements that must be performed in a relaxed and playful way. To do this, it is important to constantly improve your dance technique. Regular practice is the key to success. During the dance, it is important to completely relax and liberate yourself, helping your partner to do the same. Only then you and your partner will be able to feel each other and synchronize your movements, which will make your dance unified, lively and harmonious. Also an important role is played by the selection of a qualified teacher and a cozy dance hall for training.