How to play aruarian dance on guitar

The Lamp Is Low (Nujabes - Aruarian Dance Sample) — Laurindo Almeida

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Nujabes Aruarian Dance의 원곡 Laurindo Almeida의 The Lamp Is Low by Unknown artist chords

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Disco Accident - On the edge of the attack, chords for guitar

 Intro:  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  }x2  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Reading on the fence - DJs have arrived,  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  They play specifically for advanced guys.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Open the doors - cool peppers have come,  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  There are no tickets - then let's lay down, tighter!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Don't hit me in the head, you fool! - Remember my bandana,  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Let me see what they launch on the needle.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Tell us to turn on remixes of "Nirvana"  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  And then the four of us will dance on the table! Losing. On the edge of the attack!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  I saw these dances in their party zone: nine0003 Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Let's show these dudes from Moscow  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  How they dance hip-hop in our neighborhood,  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  And nowhere can they get away from the local blue!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  And tomorrow we will go with concerts to the capital,  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  And we will collect the most central stadium there.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Friends! On the microphones! Let's have fun!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Yo! Everybody! Come on! Come on! Come on! nine0003 Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Hey girls, look out the window!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Why, beautiful, so torment the boys?  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Here hip-hop maniacs are at the forefront of the attack  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  They just want to earn someone's love.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Hey girls, why are you standing with your back to us!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Why, beautiful, because we are at your feet?  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Don't be shy, let's kiss  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  After all, dancing is just an excuse!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Oyo! Oyo! Oyo! Oyo! Ah, everybody people!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  We turn on hip-hop! Among the spinning alien pop.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Look how sexy I am, I'm yours, not some gentleman's guy!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Dancing to the right, dancing to the left, (yeah!) where are you, my queen, oyo?  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Everybody's attention! Here comes one hip-hop boy-nation!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Each pepper has a heartbeat. Planet. People are spinning, spinning  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  And if you just don't have enough experience - turn it around no matter what!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Dance here - dance there, someone's bald bastard distracts all the time!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Here are the streams of rhythm, the streams of light - the hip-hop planet is walking! Losing.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Hey girls, look out the window!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Why, beautiful, so torment the boys?  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Here hip-hop maniacs are at the forefront of the attack nine0003 Am   Dm   G   C   Em  They just want to earn someone's love.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Hey girls, why are you standing with your back to us!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Why, beautiful, because we are at your feet?  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  No need to be shy, let's go meet soon,  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  After all, dancing is just an excuse!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  After all, dancing is just an excuse!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  After all, dancing is just an excuse! nine0003 Am   Dm   G   C   Em  One, two - have fun, bro!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Three, four - until they broke off!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Five, six - as long as there is health!  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Seven, eight - as long as the legs wear! nine0003 Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Eight, seven - this is clear to everyone.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Six, five - no need to explain.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Four, three - from night to dawn.  Am   Dm   G   C   Em  Two, one - let's have some fucking fun! Solo: 1|----0---0-----| 2|-----1----3-----------3-1---| 3|--2----2----2----2----------| 4|----------------------| 5|------------------------------------| 6|------------------------------------| nine0523 

The annual reporting concert of the children's art school was held in the Sergokalinsky district | News of Makhachkala


The annual reporting concert was held by the Sergokalinsk Children's Art School. The event was opened and hosted by a student of the classical guitar department of the School of Arts and the Lyceum. O. Batyray Khadizhat Gadzhiyeva.

The concert program was opened with a dance number of the ensemble to the anthem of the Sergokalinsky district performed by the famous singer Magomed Lukmanov. During the concert, the students showed a lot of good numbers. We can note Naida Abdakhova's performance on the guitar of the melody "Lullaby" from the film "Twilight", the performance of the ensemble of drummers and playing the flute of the Nizhnemaharga branch of the art school, the Dargin dance "At the spring", "Mountain" dance performed by boys, the song "About Dagestan", performed by Kamila Eldarova from the Nizhnemakharga branch, the dance "Flowers" to classical music. The brightest number of the concert was "Avar dance" performed by girls who won the main prize at the republican competition of choreographic art. nine0527

After the end of the concert program, the floor was given to the director of the art school, Saida Ibragimova. She presented certificates of merit to the students, as well as certificates to graduates of the school.

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!

The annual reporting concert of the children's art school was held in the Sergokalinsky district

The annual reporting concert was held by the Sergokalinsk Children's Art School.
18:08 23.05.2013 DagStudent.Ru - Makhachkala

The annual reporting concert of the children's art school was held in the Sergokalinsky district

The annual reporting concert was held by the Sergokalinsky children's art school.
17:21 23.05.2013 RIA Dagestan - Makhachkala

People's Assembly Online edition Derbent Online edition Derbent Nur newspaper Newspaper Derbent News Online edition Derbent Police officers in Makhachkala detained a visitor from another region, suspected of selling drugs on a large scale, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan reports. nine0535 Makhachkala News New Year, winter holidays are long-awaited holidays and days loved by everyone.
Khasavyurt District Administration The Botlikh Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan completed the investigation of a criminal case against a 22-year-old resident of the village of.

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