How much is the subscription for just dance unlimited
Just Dance Unlimited 1 Year Subscription
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Just Dance Unlimited 1 Year Subscription
- Diverse catalog of more than 600 songs
- 1 Year Subscription
- Unleash your inner dancer
Get access to a diverse catalog of more than 600 songs and new content via Just Dance 2021, and to over 400 songs via Just Dance 2020, Just Dance 2019, Just Dance 2018, Just Dance 2017, and Just Dance 2016 for the duration of your subscription.
*New content added to the Just Dance Unlimited catalogue will be accessible only if used in conjunction with the purchase of the newest edition of the game. Use of Just Dance Unlimited is linked to the platform on which it is originally activated and requires permanent internet access, creation of a Ubisoft account, and the acceptance of Ubisoft's Terms. Age and territorial restrictions may apply. More details here:
Product ID | 228123 |
Genre | Sports |
Model/Vendor Part | 108157 |
Only at GameStop | No |
Brand Name | Ubisoft |
Developer Name | UbiSoft |
Franchise | Just Dance |
Base Properties
Genre | Sports |
Model/Vendor Part | 108157 |
Only at GameStop | No |
Brand Name | Ubisoft |
Developer Name | UbiSoft |
Franchise | Just Dance |
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11 months ago
It helps when you want to dance and explore more songs
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Top Questions
Can I purchase & play Just Dance Unlimited by itself? Or do you HAVE to buy Just Dance 2021 (or whatever year) AND Just Dance Unlimited?
ohmiamy1 year ago
You cannot use Just Dance Unlimited without one of the base games.
UbisoftProductExpert1 year ago
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Is there a Just Dance that includes all the dances?
Viv271 year ago
Hey Viv! Each Just Dance comes with its own set of songs with newer releases giving you the opportunity to get Just Dance Unlimited to enjoy more options.
UbisoftProductExpert1 year ago
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Does this subscription come in the mail or do you email it to me?
Samara03303 months ago
Does just dance unlimited have the older songs from early just dance? It’s raining men, toxic, when I grow up, etc.?
Kv1234564 months ago
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Just Dance 2021 for Nintendo Switch – If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It [Review] – G Style Magazine
There’s a reason why Just Dance is the most popular dance game year after year and I’m not ashamed to say that I’m a fan. Just Dance 2020 was my first experience with the series and it’s what got me hooked. What I should say is that my family and I got hooked because this is one of the most fun games you can play as a family or a group of friends where it doesn’t matter what your skill level is. It’s just plain, simple fun. Since this is a yearly series, Just Dance 2021 was just released and again, we’re checking out the Nintendo Switch version of the game.
For those who have played the previous version of Just Dance, such as Just Dance 2020, you’ll be hard-pressed to see any real differences between that version and the new version of the game. Just Dance 2021 basically just adds 40 new songs. If you want access to the 500+ songs in the Just Dance library, you’ll have to shell out some money for Just Dance Unlimited subscription. A subscription can last 1 day, 20 days, 90 days, or 365 days. Prices will be $2.99, $3.99, $9.99, and $24.99 respectively. Luckily you’re able to try it out for a month before committing.
Gameplay wise, Just Dance 2021 plays exactly like the previous version. It is played mainly with the Joy-Cons – one for each player. If you want to play with more people, you’ll need extra Joy-Cons. If you don’t have extra Joy-Cons, you can get everyone with a smartphone to download the Just Dance Controller App on their phones and you can play like that. The only weird thing about this is that you can only play with all Joy-Cons or all smartphones. You can’t mix play with both which is still a disappointing aspect of the game.
Once you decide how you want to play, you’ll now have to decide what song you want to dance to. There’s a pretty good variety of songs in the included 40 and they range from easy to hard difficulty. What’s neat here is that easy songs can be played to unlock higher difficulty versions of those songs, and each has its own set of dances.
Just Dance 2021 scores your moves based on how accurate they are with what’s happening onscreen. It’s not too hard to follow along as you just do all the moves as if you’re looking in a mirror and the game will preview what’s about to happen at the bottom right corner. Technically, you only need to be accurate with the hand you are holding the Joy-Con with, but that’s no fun at all if that’s all you’re doing.
Just Dance 2021 will have you shaking your whole body to the music. This is especially true if you’re playing with friends or family and it just makes the experience that more enjoyable. My kids loved the previous game and this new version is no different. We’ve literally been playing this almost every day as a family and while it is fun, it’s also a way to be more active.
It’s not just the dancing either that has my kids playing. They’re also trying to Super Star and Mega Star each of the songs so they can unlock the harder versions of them. Not only that, they want to earn coins so they can use the capsule machine to get new avatars, skins, and stickers. These are just little extras that keep you coming back for more. It also helps that we have access to Just Dance Unlimited and the hundreds of other songs available and not just the base songs.
If you’re new to the franchise, Just Dance 2021 is a good starting point. The Nintendo Switch version is actually pretty good thanks to the fact that the Joy-cons are tiny and easy to hold. You could use your smartphone, but just be careful not to lose your grip on it and throw it across the room. In terms of song choice, there’s a good variety of different genres, though 40 songs really isn’t that much once you work your way through all of them. You’ll want to shell out a bit extra for Just Dance Unlimited. I suggest just paying for one month first to see if it’s worth it to you and decide after that what’s best.
Owners of Just Dance 2020 may want to wait for the game to go on sale because it’s literally almost the same game. It just has a different set of base games. If you’re a die-hard Just Dance fan though, you’ll probably want to pick it up regardless. It’s still fun and the formula seems to work as there’s no stopping the popularity of the Just Dance franchise.
You can pick up Just Dance 2021 here on Amazon or Best Buy
What is Just Dance Unlimited and what is it eaten with? –
Due to the fact that there are many questions about the special subscription Just Dance Unlimited , which became relevant after the release of Just Dance 2017 , we decided to clarify the situation with it. What is Just Dance Unlimited and what is it eaten with?
Distribution of games by subscription is known to be a novelty for platforms Nintendo , at the same time, the subscription service on the Wii U should be familiar to many. The popular sports simulator Wii Sports ™ Club in the digital version of Nintendo eShop at the start gave everyone a trial 24 hours, and then offered to choose options for purchasing full access to all 5 sports for a day (₽79), which should be enough to brighten up an evening in a bustling campaign of tennis or bowling. A little later, other purchase options appeared: unlimited access to a particular sport for ₽399, and then the disc version of the game was released, where all content is available by default on disc.
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Something similar and implements the company Ubisoft . Just Dance 2017 on Wii U , available from us only in digital version, in addition to the game itself, it also contains a special subscription Just Dance Unlimited for 3 months separately, worth 3 months separately0055 623 , the trailer of which is available for viewing above.
Casual dance fans can be satisfied with the list of 40 compositions contained in the game, including 2016 hits from ONEREPULIC , Maroon 5 , Justin Bieber , PSY , Shakira , Shakira Britney Spears and several other artists. At the same time service Just Dance Unlimited , available only on next generation consoles, allows you to expand the horizons of the game, providing access via streaming to an extensive catalog of over 200 songs not included in the retail version. These include past hits, tracks from previous parts of Just Dance (for example, Just Dance by Lady Gaga and hundreds of others), as well as exclusive new songs for subscribers every month.
All songs Just Dance Unlimited will be immediately available in all modes Just Dance 2017 . Also, subscribers have access to a convenient library search form, "bookmarks" and custom "playlists". In addition, community tests will be available for the "new" tracks.
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Company Ubisoft offers various subscription options, both for 24 hours for ₽ 249 , and for a full annual subscription for ₽ 1884 (please see all the purchase options in the news of the week). It should be noted that during the year coupons for Just Dance Unlimited fell by ~25%.
We also remind you that Just Dance 2017 also has a free demo version for 30 starts, and the most skilled dancers with Wii U can try themselves in the World Championship Just Dance World Cup .
If you still have questions, please feel free to write a comment: we will be happy to answer.
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More news @News4Buttonzaddresses on the map, prices for classes
Everyone can develop muscles, increase the flexibility of the whole body, improve posture and sit on the splits - in stretching classes in stretching and fitness studios in Moscow. Personal trainers in small groups help each student to stretch properly and effectively. Along with the classic stretching, the studios offer other interesting combinations: with aerial gymnastics, yoga and even ballet.
The first trial lesson usually comes with a big discount, and with a single subscription you can practice several areas of training at once. Sign up for a convenient time in advance.
Below is an extensive list of stretching studios and fitness rooms in Moscow where you can practice stretching. In the description you will find full information about the directions of classes, the cost of subscriptions and the necessary contact details.
All studios marked on the map for your convenience:
- 1 Topstretching and fitness studios (Central Administrative District, Eastern Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District, ZAO)
- 2 network of stretching studios (Central Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District)
- 3 Professional stretching studio (AOCA, ZAO) Elastica
- 4 Stretching studio and TRX Strong Body (South-Western Administrative District, Central Administrative District)
- 5 Network of complex stretching studios "Tyanuchka" (Central Administrative District, North-West Administrative District)
- 6 Stretching studio I N T U 'T I O N 2/05 (Central Administrative District)
- 7 Stretching studio "Tvoy twine (TsAO)
- 8 FRESH STRETCHING Stretching and Fitness Studio (TsAO)
- 9 Ballet and Stretching Studio of the Russian Ballet Company (TsAO)
- 10 Space Fit Art Twine and Fitness Academy (TsAO)
- 11 Network of Stretching Studios “On the Twine” ( CAO)
- 12 Soul Unit Female Training Studio (CAO)
- 13 ReStretching Stretching Studio (CAO)
- 14 ProShpagat Stretching Studio (CAO)
- 15 BeStretch Stretching School (CAO) 9016 bly Fitness )
- 17 Home Stretching Yoga and Stretching Studio (CAO)
- 18 Sculpt Group Training Studio (CAO)
- 19 Plastilin Twine School (CAO)
- 20 SM Stretching Stretching and Fitness Studio Chain (CAO) 901 Just Dance Dance IT (CAO)
- 22 EN Pointe Dance School (CAO)
- 23 Flextown Stretching and Sports Tutoring Studio (CAO)
- 24 WhiteZefir Dance and Aerial Acrobatics School (SEAD)
- 25 LifeStyle Stretching and Fitness Studio (SEA) )
- 26 Air Dance Moscow Studio (SVAO)
- 27 Fitflex Fitness Club (Southwestern Administrative District)
- 28 Essentia dance & Spina Proff Dance School (South Administrative District)
- 29 Right Side Stretching Studio (ZAO)
- 30160 Training Studio (SAO)
Topstretching stretching and fitness studios (Central Administrative District, Eastern Administrative District, South Western Administrative District, ZAO)
- Mendeleevskaya/Novoslobodskaya metro station, st.
Lesnaya 20, building 4 Foodmall "Depo", 2nd floor
- m. International, st. Testovskaya 8, Business Center "Northern Tower"
- m. Chekhovskaya, st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 32
- m. Novokuznetskaya, st. Pyatnitskaya, 13
- m. Lubyanka/Kuznetsky most, TsDM
- m. Semenovskaya, st. Malaya Semenovskaya 30 building 8
- m. Oktyabrskaya, st. Krymsky Val, 3 building 2
- m. Novoslobodskaya, st. Krasnoproletarskaya 16C2
- m. Novye Cheryomushki, st. Profsoyuznaya 56, business center "Cherry tower"
- m. Taganskaya, st. Taganskaya 3, shopping center "Tagansky Passage"
- m. Kuntsevskaya, Mozhayskoe shosse, 2
- m. Kotelniki, st. Privolnaya 70, BC Zhulebino
Phone: +7 (495) 120-58-88
Cost: 1 trial lesson, any direction of your choice - from 300 rubles, 2 trial lessons in one day in two directions - from 500 r. Unlimited month - from 8900 rubles.
Branded fitness destinations:
- Twine school
- TRX Training
About the network:
- All locations within walking distance from metro
- All professional coaches
- Any age and training
- Mini-groups and individual
- Single subscription for 15 studios in 5 cities
Network of stretching studios (Central Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District)
- m. Turgenevskaya, st. Malaya Lubyanka, 16
- m. Taganskaya, st. Vorontsovskaya, 35Bk2
- m. Novoslobodskaya, st. Seleznevskaya, 28с1
- m. Bagrationovskaya, st. Barclay, 7k4
- m. Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, 6
Website: https://stretching. ru
Phone: +7 (495) 795-27-22
Cost: trial lesson — 990 rubles; individual lessons - from 1900 rubles, paired - from 950 rubles / person. is a network of personal stretching studios. Specializes in stretching with the help of biomechanical simulators.
The technique is based on the assisted stretching approach and myofascial release techniques. A comprehensive scientific approach to stretching is used. In the studios you will find professional, experienced trainers and modern stretching equipment.
The studio has been operating since 2015. Develops own training programs and equipment for stretching.
Professional stretching studio Elastica (CAO, CJSC)
- Serpukhovskaya metro station, st. Shchipok, building 13, entrance 1
- m. Slavyansky boulevard, st. Kastanaevskaya, 39
Website: http://dance-courses. ru
Phone: 8 (977) 859-97-87
Cost: from 8 lessons
Stretching and fitness classes in mini-groups up to 6 people under the guidance of professional trainers.
1.5 hour session:
- Warm-up
- Pumping / warming up
- Stretch
- Additional home workout, which is compiled for each individual
In one lesson, they manage to work out 1-2 zones. Pay special attention to posture. The level of training does not matter: the coach helps everyone and pays attention to everyone, especially beginners.
Stretching studio and TRX Strong Body (SWAO, CAO)
Address and telephone:
- Buninskaya Alley, st. Admiral Rudnev, house 20, 4th floor. 8 967 212 78 88
- m. Oktyabrskaya / Dobryninskaya, st. Mytnaya, house 22, building 1. 8 910 085 99 69
Website: http://www.
Cost: trial lesson — 500 rubles. (when buying a subscription on the day of the trial lesson - free of charge), subscription from 8 lessons - 4900 rubles, unlimited for 1 month - 6500 rubles.
Studios 150-200 sqm:
- Stretching room
- Hall TRX
The Strong Body technique is focused on an individual approach to each client. Mini-groups up to 6 people guarantee a comfortable environment and 100% attention of the trainer. There is a single subscription in all studios.
Network of studios for complex stretching "Tyanuchka" (CAO, SZAO)
- Belorusskaya metro station, Tverskaya Zastava Square, 3
- m. Volokolamskaya, Pyatnitskoe highway, 15k4
Phone: +7 (969) 047-04-04
Cost: unlimited for a month - from 8500 r.
Effective combination of stretching exercises with exercises on the Bizon-Vibro biomechanical stimulation simulator. Group or individual training.
- Twine Stretch
- Swap
- Healthy back
- Relax stretching
Stretch studio I N T U ' T I O N 2/05 (CAO)
Address: Lenin Library, Romanov pereulok, 3s6
Website: 90 90 : +7 905 751 02 05
Cost: Subscriptions - from 1500 rubles, "milky way" - from 3500 rubles.
Cozy and intimate space, natural materials are used in the interior: marble and ebony.
- STRETCH is an all-in-one program designed to improve balance, flexibility and elasticity in your body
- GRACE - an activity that combines elements of classical choreography, ballet and Pilates
- BODY SCULPTOR - dynamic circuit training for all muscle groups
- Milky Way 100 min.
with a personal trainer: circuit training combining cardio, stretching, strength exercises and relaxation + four devices I N T U I T I O N (Vibro Flex, Century Flex, Black Swan, Mr. Sobolev)
Training (with coach) format:
- Solo
- Duet
- Quartet
Stretching studio "Your twine" (CAO)
Address: Proletarskaya/Krestyanskaya Zastava metro station, st. Marksistskaya 34, building 10
Phone: 8(495)-745-29-54, 8(926)-592-81-87
Cost: Trial lesson - 300 rubles, subscriptions from 8 lessons - from 3870 rubles.
The studio is open every day, in which there are three comfortable rooms. Always clean rooms and inventory, cozy and almost homely atmosphere. Lessons in small groups.
Training formats:
Healthy back
Therapeutic and health program aimed at developing the muscles of the back corset, improving and strengthening the spinal column.
Pump + Stretch
Workout lasts 1.5 hours. Circular, intense training for pumping, fat burning and endurance.
The session lasts 60 minutes, of which: 15 minutes of active warm-up and then the coach of each student individually pulls in each exercise.
Stretching and fitness studio FRESH STRETCHING (CAO)
Address and telephone:
- Taganskaya metro station, st. Gvozdeva 7/4 building 1. +7 (906) 010-00-16
- m. Novoslobodskaya, st. Dolgorukovskaya, 40. +7 (925) 022-60-58
- m. Belorusskaya, pl. Tverskoy Zastava, 3. +7 (925) 048-73-38
- m. Sukharevskaya, per. Bolshoi Sukharevsky, 25/2 (opening soon)
Cost: trial lesson - 500 rubles, subscriptions from 5 lessons: standard (3 directions) - from 3600 rubles, premium (all directions) - from 4050 rubles . , individual training from 5 lessons - from 11650 rubles.
All classes in the studio are contact, the coach helps and monitors the technique in each exercise. You can attend any group in accordance with the classes included in the subscription. Both women and men work in the studio.
10 directions available with a single subscription:
- Twine stretching 55 min
- Stretch + flexible back 85 min
- Healthy back 85 min
- TRX + glutes and abs 55 min
- Stretching in hammocks 55 min
- Stretching + pumping 55 min/85 min
- Body recovery + stretching 55 min
- Pelvic Opening Cross Split 55 min
For training you will need comfortable sportswear:
- Stretching - leggings + t-shirt / top + socks
- Power - leggings + t-shirt / top + socks + sneakers
- Stretching in hammocks - leggings + t-shirt covering shoulders + socks
Ballet and stretching studio of the Russian Ballet Company (TsAO)
Address: Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station, 4-syromyatnichesky lane, 1/8, building 14, entrance 17
Website: http://baletrbk. ru
Phone: +7(964)642-25-25, +7(915)229-79-96
Cost: Trial lesson (two lessons in any group) - 500 rubles, one-time lesson 60 minutes - 1,000 rubles, subscriptions from 8 lessons - from 6,000 rubles, individual lesson - from 2 000 rubles
The studio has spacious bright rooms, dressing rooms and a shower room. In the reception area there are comfortable sofas where you can safely drink a cup of coffee. The studio is open to everyone, regardless of the level of training and age.
Programs for hobbyists:
Ballet - posture. Healthy back (ages 17-35 and 40+)
Classes are taught by ballet dancer and professional teacher Tatyana Kozlova. Classes are based on classical choreography and are tailored to the individual characteristics of each student. The program helps to correct posture, increase muscle tone and joint mobility, improve well-being, coordination and sense of rhythm.
Ballet stretching/Stretching (age 17 — 35 and 40+)
Classes are conducted by a professional choreographer Natalia Matveeva-Vitovskaya. A set of unique exercises based on several programs: ballet stretching, Pilates and ground gymnastics.
Classical dance (ages 17-35 and 40+)
Classes are taught by ballet dancers and professional teachers. Exercise at the barre and in the middle of the hall, study of the allegro section and extended allegro for those who continue.
There are also classes for children and professional classes for adults.
Academy of Twine and Fitness Space Fit Art (CAO)
Address: m. Kurskaya, Maly Kazyonny per., 16
Phone: +7 (923) 423-23-24
Cost: First workout — 500 rubles, one-time session — 800 rubles, subscriptions from 4 training - from 3000 rubles, unlimited from a month - from 7000 rubles.
Art space to relax body and soul: a cozy atmosphere, contact stretching and mini-groups up to 7 people. There is a single subscription for all destinations.
3 main directions:
Deep Stretch
General stretching with emphasis on longitudinal and transverse splits.
Air Flex
Air acrobatic gymnastics with stretching and relaxation of the whole body, as well as natural extension of the spine on hanging hammocks.
Classical Hatha Yoga
A complex of physical exercises (asanas) aimed at maintaining and correcting health.
Network of stretching studios "On the Twine" (CAO)
- Novoslobodskaya metro station, st. Seleznevskaya, 11a, p. 2, 2nd floor
- m. Kurskaya, 3rd Syromyatnichesky lane, 3/9, p. 6, 4th floor
- m. Lubyanka, st. Myasnitskaya, 11
- m. Serpukhovskaya, Stremyanny pereulok, 26, 4th floor
Website: http://nashpagate. ru
Phone: 7-499-450-04-33
Cost: trial lesson — 300 rubles/stretching, 500 rubles/boosting+stretching. Group classes (6 people): Effective stretching - from 6900 r.
One trainer has a maximum of 6 people, you can train in groups of 2 people, as well as individually.
Effective stretching
At the training you will find: warming up and joint warm-up, warm-up with stretching elements - preparing the muscles of the ligaments and joints for splits, pulling the splits, back of the arm and foot.
Workout is designed for 60 minutes.
Pump/Tabata + Effective Stretch
A workout that will allow you not only to stretch and sit on all the splits, but also to pump all muscle groups.
Pump/Tabata: 30 minutes
Effective stretch: 60 minutes
3 directions at once in one subscription:
- Healthy Back
- Acrobatics
- Dancing
Women's Training Studio Soul Unit (CAO)
- Baumanskaya metro station, st.
Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya house 35s59, floor 4, office 401 building "Gastroferma"
- m. Chekhovskaya, st. Petrovka 26с3 floor 2, office 201 - entrance from Petrovka street
Phone: + 7(495) 797 03 351
Cost: trial lesson — 350 rubles. Single visit — 1200 rub. Select card (one studio, all directions): subscriptions from 4 lessons - from 2900 rubles, unlimited from 1 month - from 8100 rubles. United card (two studios, all directions): subscriptions from 4 classes - from 3800 rubles, unlimited from 1 month - from 10100 rubles.
Spacious rooms and natural light. Over 20 workouts every day. Cleaning 2 times a day, hair dryers, cosmetics and personal hygiene items in the locker rooms, showers, heated floors, the ability to leave sneakers in the locker room, in each phone charging room.
Combination of strength, cardio training and stretching using special suspension loops.
Bodyweight and resistance training.
Full body stretch with an emphasis not only on beautiful splits, but also on a healthy back.
Pulling the splits and paying attention to the back, doing some acrobatic elements and inverted poses.
- Spine
- Flexibility
- Antistress
- Relax
Relaxation and development of all muscle groups and uniform tone (you can supplement MFR with your training program or attend as an independent direction).
ReStretching Studio (CAO)
- Novokuznetskaya metro station, Sadovnicheskaya street, 54, building 1
- m.
Street 1905 Goda, 2nd Zvenigorodskaya street, building 12, building 18
- m. Baumanskaya, Starokirochny lane, house 2
- m. Dobryninskaya, st. Pyatnitskaya house 71/5, building 2, floor 3
Phone: +7 (499) 450-91-77
Cost: 8 lessons - from 5200 rubles, individual training - 2500 rubles.
Studios with spacious dressing rooms, showers and large windows.
3 workouts for every fitness level and fitness goal:
1 hour
- Splits
- Develop back flexibility
- Practice beautiful postures and gymnastic elements
1 hour (Business format)
1.5 hour (Intensive format)
- Sit on a twine, pump the press and gluteal muscles
- First circuit training for all muscle groups with an emphasis on the abs and buttocks
- Then stretching: sitting on the splits and developing flexibility
Pop Barre
1 hour
Buntar adaptation of ballet exercises for pumping buttocks and presses, beautiful posture and body plasticity
Stretching Stretching Proshpagat (CAO)
9000 9000 9000 per.
Phone: 8(906)0523567
Cost: Trial lesson 300 rubles, one-time training 600 rubles, subscriptions from 8 lessons - from 4000 rubles. Individual training - from 2000 rubles.
Stretching formats:
Group classes
- 7-9 people in a group
- Complex warm-up for muscle warm-up, basic exercises for flexibility and plasticity, split stretching, back stretching
- Effective Pair Stretch
Mini groups
- 2-4 people per group
- General basic exercises + individual program for each student
- Convenient class time
- Possibility to organize a group "for you" at a convenient time (if you are 2-3 friends)
Individual lessons
- Stretching, plastic, strip plastic, dance staging classes available
- Individual program
- Convenient class time
- It is possible for a teacher to visit your area
BeStretch Stretching School (CAO)
Address: Kropotkinskaya metro station, Pozharsky lane, 10
Website: https://vk. com 3 Phone: + 7 (49) 25
Cost: Single visit 599 rubles, individual lesson — 1 999 rubles, subscriptions from 4 classes — from 1 999 rubles.
Coming to the stretch "from scratch" you can easily join any of the current groups of the school without feeling any discomfort, because. All exercises are analyzed in detail and shown by the teacher to each student.
Group classes are held according to the schedule: afternoon and evening training. There is also a permanent Sunday intensive for stretching, a healthy back and pumping.
Artfly bungee fitness studio (CAO)
Address: m. Baumanskaya, st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya 35 building 59, floor 6, loft 7
Phone: +7 (999) 849-43-53
Cost: trial lesson - 700 / bungee, 500 rubles / aerial gymnastics / stretching, one-time lesson - 1100 rubles / bungee, 850 rubles / aerial gymnastics / stretching, subscriptions from 4 classes - from 4000 rubles / bungee, from 3200 rubles / aerial gymnastics / stretching
- Bungee Fitness
- Aplomb in ballet™ Stretch with strap
- Aerial gymnastics on canvases
You can practice:
- In mini-groups
- In a split workout format (you and a friend + trainer)
- Individual
Studio stretching and yoga Home Stretching (CAO)
Address: m. 1905, st. Presnensky Val, house 14, k1 (1st floor)
Phone: +7 (985) 517-58-75
Price: — from 6630 rubles.
Groups are really MINI: from 2 to 4 people. At each workout, the trainer personally helps to take the correct position with his hands and holds out during stretching. You can go to all workouts in the schedule without restrictions. You need to sign up in advance, because. The number of places in groups is limited.
- Stretching
- Stretching in Hammocks
- Total Body Stretch
- Balance sheets
- Himalayan Yoga
- Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
- Power
- Pilates
- Healthy Back
Available individual lessons in any of the directions of the studio in depth, as well as advanced programs:
- For classes with children
- Pregnant
- Postpartum recovery
It is possible to agree on any time of classes on a permanent basis
Family classes:
- One or two families with children from one to 3 years old
- Fixed or floating time convenient for you
- 4 instructors with experience working with children
The format allows you to take into account wishes within the framework of Stretching, Strength training, as well as Family Acrobatics. Classes can be supplemented with an animation part or a game part, the child can study with you or play in the recreation area.
Classes for children from 3 to 7 years old:
- Rhythm and Parterre gymnastics
- Up to 6 children per class without parental supervision
Sculpt group training studio (CAO)
Address: Mayakovskaya/Belorusskaya metro station, st. Gashek 2, building 1, 2nd floor
Phone: +7 (925) 076 07 10
Cost: for new clients: 4500 rubles / 5 directions for price of 3 lessons, trial training "Second round" - 1500 rubles. + second lesson for free; one-time lesson - 1500 rubles, subscriptions from 4 lessons - 5400 rubles. Individual lesson — 3500 r.
Bright room 50m² with oak floor and large mirrors. Spacious dressing room, showers and soft towels. Reception area with wi-fi, coffee and soft sofa. Playlists with high-quality music, matched to the rhythm of each lesson.
- FACTS: 3 in 1 - strength, cardio and myofascial release
- DYNAMIC FLOW: combination of strength training, yoga elements and stretching
- PILATES: a variety of exercises with balls, bands and isotonic rings
- SCULPT: Stream of volume and amplitude exercises using dumbbells, weights, balance platforms and bands
- BARRE: combination of functional, strength and ballet movements - training at the ballet barre
- FASCIAL STRETCHING: smart stretching
Classes are held in small groups: no more than 9 people per class. The team is graduates of well-known fitness schools in Russia, the USA and Australia. You can create your own fitness program by combining different workouts.
Plastilin Twine School (CAO)
Address: Tretyakovskaya metro station, Klimentovsky pereulok 12s1, 2nd floor, entrance from the left side
Website: https://plastilin-studio. ru 3
3 +7 (499) 450-38-60
Cost: Trial lesson — free of charge, group subscriptions for a month: 1000 rubles per lesson, from 4 lessons — 3300 rubles, unlimited subscriptions for a month — from 4900-5900 rubles. , vibrobison and individual lessons: 1500 rubles / trial, 3000 rubles / one-time, from 4 lessons - 9900 r.
The spacious rooms are air conditioned. Classes are held in groups, mini-groups or individually.
Twine School
Do you want to do splits in two months? Experienced teachers will select an individual lesson plan for anyone who decides to fulfill their dream.
Body Ballet
A set of exercises based on ballet adapted for amateurs. In the classroom, all the muscles of the body are worked out, posture improves, flexibility develops, grace and lightness appear.
Body Sculptor
Combination of aerobic and power loads, allowing to shape the figure, improve health, develop coordination of movements.
Healthy back
A technique that allows you to remove the clamps in the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine, improve flexibility, get rid of back pain and prolong the youth of the joints.
A form of gymnastics that includes exercises for agility, flexibility, jumping, strength and balance.
Strip plastica
A dance that reveals femininity and sexuality.
Stretching using the Bizon-vibro simulator allows you to speed up the achievement of results tenfold. Classes are held individually or in a mini-group.
Network of stretching and fitness studios SM Stretching (CAO)
- Chekhovskaya metro station, st. B. Dmitrovka 20/2
- m. Park of Culture, st. Timura Frunze 16/3
- m. Prospekt Mira, st. Gilyarovskogo 39/1
- m.
Chistye Prudy, st. Myasnitskaya 24/7 building 1
Phone: 8 800 4444 270
Cost: individually - from 3000 rubles per lesson, subscriptions from 8 classes - from 5500 rubles.
Network of studios of Russian and world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Samira Mustafayeva.
- 4 studios in the center of Moscow near the metro and 1 studio in Los Angeles
- 3 directions: STRETCHING, TRX and BARRE
- All coaches are masters of sports
- Any age and training
- Mini-groups and individual
- Solarium
- Single subscription for 3 directions
- Flexible schedule: daily in the morning, afternoon or evening
Just Dance IT School of Dance (CAO)
Address: Kitay-gorod metro station, Armenian lane, 7
Phone: 8 (499) 490 73 69
Cost: trial lesson — 350 rubles/free when buying a subscription after a trial lesson. Subscription for 8 lessons - 5200 rubles, unlimited - 13500 rubles / month.
Two new halls with windows to the street. There is all the necessary equipment (mats, belts, cubes, pillows, balance boards, rubber bands, etc.). The hall has large floor-to-ceiling mirrors and a stationary machine.
- Stretching
- Pilates
- Firm butt + press
- Contemporary choreography
- Folk dance
- Zumba
- Body ballet
- Parterre choreography
- Pointe shoes from scratch
- Barre
- Classical ballet and choreography
Dance School EN Pointe (CAO)
Address: Kurskaya metro station, Lyalin pereulok 1/36 p.2 3rd floor
Phone: +7 916 288 75 00
Cost: Trial lesson - 750 rubles, subscriptions from 4 lessons - from 5700 rubles.
Bolshoi and Stanislavsky ballet dancers work at the school. Groups are made up of 2-6 people. There are private lessons.
- Stretching
- Classical ballet
- En Pointe (pointe)
- Contemp (mix of classical dance and club dance)
Studio of stretching and sports tutoring Flextown (CAO)
Address: m. Sukharevskaya, Pl. Bolshaya Sukharevskaya, 16/18, bld. free with the purchase of a subscription after a trial lesson. Subscriptions from 4 lessons - from 2200 rubles.
In the studio you can train with the founder of the studio Olga Raspopina, she is the Champion of EUROPE and WORLD cups in rhythmic gymnastics + multiple winner of the Russian Championship, as well as an International Master of Sports.
Each room has 2 large windows. There is everything, including personal hygiene products, a shower, a hairdryer, towels and even a disposable toothbrush. Group lessons up to 6 people.
Directions of classes:
Stretching Intensive
Multi-training INTENSIVE - dynamic performance of all exercises. Fast paced. Lots of swings, lots of reps and sets.
Relax Stretching
RELAX Multi-Workout - static exercise. Relaxation and slow pace.
Training aimed at opening the chest, correcting posture, stretching the shoulder girdle, working out all sections and muscles of the spine.
Longitudinal Split & Back
Includes a set of exercises to stretch the hamstrings, calves and glutes. As well as the quadriceps femoris and posterior thigh muscles. Supplement are exercises for relaxation and stretching of the back muscles.
Cross Split & Back
Includes a set of exercises to develop the mobility of the pelvis, increase the elasticity of the adductor muscles and the inguinal region. Supplement are exercises for relaxation and stretching of the back muscles.
BodyBallet Parterre/ Classical
Based on exercises from classical choreography, ballet and gymnastics.
Myofascial Release (MFR)
Self-massage, pressure and stretching of problem areas of the body where metabolism and cell nutrition are disturbed.
School of dance and aerial acrobatics WhiteZefir (South-Eastern Administrative District)
Address: m. : +7 (926) 88-431-99
Cost: Free trial lesson, one-time lesson — 700 rubles, subscriptions from 4 classes — from 2400 rubles.
Group classes for adults, girls only.
Stretching & Equilibre
Available classes:
- General stretching - complex stretching exercises for all muscle groups
- Splits - 30 minutes pre-warm up of the leg muscles and exercises to help you sit on the transverse or longitudinal splits
- Flexible back - to improve posture and increase the flexibility of the back muscles in the lumbar and thoracic region, excellent prevention of curvature
- Equilibr - the ability to maintain balance in an unstable body position and handstand
Other destinations:
- Pole Dance Sport & Exotic
- Functional and fat burning training
LifeStyle Studio stretching and fitness studio (South Eastern Administrative District)
Aviamotornaya, 14
Website: https://lifestylestretch. ru
Phone: +7 (926) 082-00-14
Cost: Trial lesson - 350 rubles, subscriptions from 4 classes - from 3600 rubles .
Free access to all classes with one subscription. Classes in mini-groups from 3 to 6 people.
- Nice straight twine
- Healthy back, ligaments and joints
- Whole Body Flexibility
- Any skill level
- Strength training for all major muscle groups
- Gives the body a slenderness, relief
- Increases metabolic rate
- Any skill level Aerial gymnastics studio AirDanceMoscow Skladochnaya, 1 bld. subscription from 4 lessons - from 2600 rubles, unlimited - from 7000 rubles.
- Professional equipment
- Certified Trainers
- More than 100 winners of city and international competitions
- All classes are held taking into account the characteristics inherent in aerial gymnastics and circus arts
- Suitable for people aged 5 to 65 who have "never done anything"
- Gymnastics Antigravity
- Gymnastics - Stretching
- Gymnastics - Stretching in hammocks
- Dance Body ballet
- Aerial Acrobatics - Aerial Ring
- Children's acrobatics - Air ring for children
- Aerial Acrobatics - Aerial Canvases
- Children's acrobatics - Aerial sheets for children
- Strength Training - Air Straps
- Aerial Acrobatics - Original Projectile
- Aerial Acrobatics - Loops
- Strength Training - Pump
- Warm-up
- Stretching of major muscle groups
- Working with props
- The final study of all muscle groups.
- Airstretching
- Stretching
- Yoga Hatha
- FItball
- Back + Press
- Pumping + Stretching
- TRX Cardio
- Healthy back
- Trampoline Fitness
- Victoria's Secret
- Brides
- Fitness for couples
- Pregnant
- Young mothers
- Children
- Stretching
- Healthy back
- Plastic strip
- Tribal Essentia
- Belly Dance
- Fitness
- Body Make
- Jazz Funk
- Base Tribal Essentia
- Hatha Yoga
Required to include:
Small groups, the correct distribution of the load by the trainer and safety mats will almost completely eliminate the risk of injury.
Fitness club Fitflex (South-Western Administrative District)
Address: Akademicheskaya metro station, Leninsky prospekt 54. Department store Moscow (6th floor)
Phone: 8 (968) 7715887
Cost: trial lesson — 400 rubles. One-time lesson - 800-1000 rubles. Subscriptions from 4 lessons - from 2800-3500 rubles.
Locker room with personal hygiene products, 3 spacious rooms with panoramic windows and air conditioning. Groups up to 8 people. There is a large children's room.
Essentia dance & Spina Proff dance school (YuAO)
Address: metro station Shabolovskaya, Leninsky prospect, 16
Website: https://esentia-dance. ru
Phone: +7 (985) 476-36 14
Cost: Trial lesson — 200 rubles, one-time lesson - 500 rubles, subscriptions from 4 lessons - from 1900 rubles.
A club for women united by their love for dancing, the desire to work on their bodies and relax their souls in three directions at once: dance, fitness, psychology. By subscription, you can study in different groups in any direction.
Stretch Studio Right Side (CJSC)
Address: m. Yugo-Zapadnaya, st. Pokryshkina d. 8k3, LCD Academy Lux
Phone: +7(926)613-73-99
Cost: trial lesson - 350 rubles, subscriptions from 4 lessons - from 3000 rubles, unlimited - 9000 rubles, individually — 2000 rubles/session
Training programs:
55 minutes of circuit training for all muscle groups. Suitable for all fitness levels and ages.
Exercises performed with your own weight and using fitness bands. Training is aimed at strengthening all muscle groups with an emphasis on the abs and buttocks, and contributes to weight loss.
55 minutes of intense stretching for all kinds of splits and back flexibility. Suitable for all fitness levels and ages.
During the classes, an experienced trainer works individually with each of the group. All muscles and joints are worked out.
AS Training Stretching Studio (SAO)
Address: Begovaya metro station, 3rd Khoroshevsky pr-d, building 3
Phone: +7(985) 898-93-08
Cost: Subscription: limited (from 4 lessons) - 3500 rubles, unlimited (from 30 days) - 9900 rubles. Individual lessons - from 2500 rubles.
Space 250 sq.m with original design: 3 rooms for group + 1 room for individual training. At your disposal is a spacious seating area, coolers, a comfortable dressing room with a shower, free towels and personal hygiene products.
up to 12 people, 60 minutes
Universal training system that allows you to perform exercises for all muscle groups using your own weight.
up to 8 people, 60 minutes
Full body stretch with emphasis on splits and a healthy back.