Berezka dance how is it done
Solving the Beriozka mystery. By Frederic Friedel | by The Friedel Chronicles
In the 1980s I paid Moscow a couple of visits. It was still part of the Soviet Union — communist to the core and sometimes quite scary. Here’s one example of what things were like at the time. There were few things to buy, and malls — well, the one mall, called GUM — were fairly empty of actual products. But there was culture everywhere, and visiting the Bolshoi or other theatres was quite inexpensive. And you got world class performances. So I went there a lot, caught ballet, opera and the rousing Don Cossacks.
The Red Square mall GUM in the 1980s — lots of shoppers, hardly anything to buy.One evening my host took me to see the Beriozka dance group. The what? Beriozka (or Beryozka) was a familiar name I knew — Soviet duty-free shops where foreigners and rich Russians could buy Western goods for Western currency. But a dance group? Some kind of ballet? I was definitely interested.
So off we went to the Moscow opera and ballet theatre. The evening started with a few high-kicking routines like this one (the picture is from the official Opera and Ballet site), all very nice, very impressive. But they were merely pre-shows for what was coming. And that was a performance that stuck in my mind for years.
It was delivered by the academic choreographic ensemble “Beriozka” (the name translates to “the little birch tree”), founded in 1948 by one of the most famous choreographers of the 20th century. The above site has a biography: “Nadezhda Sergeyevna imparted poetry of an ancient round dance to the classical dance, connecting the past to the present. The maiden round dance, composed by her to the sound of the Russian national song «Vo pole beryozka stoyala» («In the field the Birch stood») has been bewitching the audience by the exotic, «floating» step…”
When the Beriozka dancers appeared I was stunned. Take a deep breath and start the following video, recorded during a modern-day performance:
If this video gets taken down, simply search YouTube for “Beriozka” — there is plenty of material there.
In the Moscow theatre I had a place in the front row — having offered to take the cost, around $10, for it myself. At the start of the above video you can see what I mean by “front row” — I could lean forward and touch the stage. Which I did, because the impossible physics of what these ladies are doing — nobody can glide around like that — immediately suggests a trick. A fake floor or something. But that was clearly not the case. Were they on roller skates? Maybe with one foot on on a small skateboard, I speculated, while the other was used to push them forward. But the longer I looked the more implausible it became. Check the video yourself, in full screen, watch the faces and the upper torsos, and tell me if there is a better explanation.
I didn’t sleep well that night, the mystery was too puzzling. One theory I came up with, years later, was that they were using hoverboards. The only problem was that hoverboards would only be invented decades after the performance I had witnessed. Today we could do a wonderful fake performance of Beriozka with self balancing unicycles. Memo to self: find a way of organizing such a performance!
I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out Beriozka, even discussed it in forums — some of the theories others came up with, like “Iron-soled shoes coated with Teflon, with moving magnets under the stage,” were outlandish and unconvincing. I studied a number of videos, of less virtuoso performers, and gained an inkling of how it is done. In this video (at around 15 seconds and later) you can clearly see the footwork, since the dancers are wearing lights under their dresses, or here, starting at around 30 seconds. But compare them to the original Beriozkas in the second half of the second video — they are definitely not as good. Here’s a full explanation of the technique, given by a professional teacher — brush up your Russian to follow it. Unfortunately most of what you hear from the original Beriozka group is that it all comes out of the heart, or the soul, or some other I’m-not-telling-you place.
My conclusion: it is actually done with normal steps, little ones, and rigorous, almost super-human control of the upper body while taking them. Years of practice and discipline lead to the perfection I witnessed. So hats off to these remarkable ladies!
Addendum: maybe Beriozkais is just moonwalking?!
Russian Dancers Captivate Audience With Magical Floating Technique
Ah, the Russians and their rich culture. The knowledge we have of the stunning, populous nation includes their significant contribution to literature (“Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace”, “Crime and Punishment”), ballet (the Bolshoi Ballet and the Mariinsky Ballet), classical music (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Alexander Borodin, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov), and painting (Andrei Rublev, Ilya Repin, Valentin Serov).
Add to that our general idea of their breathtaking geography, colorful folk costumes, and captivating scenery.
If you are deeply interested in Russian culture and wish to explore more, you can start by watching remarkable performances that showcase the traditions of the nation, particularly dance.
Their folk dances, for instance, promise so much for the audience.
You should know that there is more to Russian dance than the classic squat work, stomping, and split jumps.
When you look beyond the steps, you’ll notice that costumes are always intricately designed, with details highlighted beautifully by the dancers’ movements.
Pixabay/Ana Krach
Take this number by Beryozka (or the Berezka Dance Ensemble), a troupe of female dancers founded by Nadezhda Nadezhdina.
The group is known for performing in striking long gowns and demonstrating movements that make it appear as though the dancers are floating. While their dances are generally considered part of Russian folk dancing, the founder and choreographer explains,
“Beryozka’s dances are not folk dances. They are dances whose source is the creative work of the people.
But these dances are composed by me.”
YouTube Screenshot
Amazing as the floating illusion is, one will be surprised to know that not all the dancers in the group can actually do it. Nadezhdina adds,
“You have to move in very small steps on very low half‐toe with the body held in a certain corresponding position.”
YouTube Screenshot
The first part of their performance already gives the audience an idea of just how incredible this group is. Watch as they seem to float slowly and gracefully in a circle.
YouTube Screenshot
The dance is nothing short of enchanting but as you watch closely, you won’t be able to help but wonder just how much work goes into achieving the floating effect the dancers execute so flawlessly.
How many tiny steps done in quick succession does it take to make the audience believe that they’re simply waltzing on air from one direction to another?
The dedication it takes to produce such a magical piece will surely deepen your admiration for the Russians and their culture.

YouTube Screenshot
Wearing head pieces that match the vivid color of the long dresses, props in hand, the dancers of Beryozka grace their audience with a number that simply cannot be mirrored just like that
Despite the complicated work that goes behind the dance, the women of the dance troupe make it seem so effortless with their dainty movements and charming smiles.
YouTube Screenshot
Watch out for the incredible way they seem to float quickly into a tighter circle, like the closure of a flower.
Prepare to be entranced by the talented women of Beryozka as they showcase Russia’s culture wonderfully with their floating folk dance.
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Alissa Gaskell is a contributor at SBLY Media.
The secret of the Beryozka ensemble: what is the secret of the floating step
January 25, 2019
Russian Seven
perform the choreographic composition "Birch".
Photo: Russian SevenRussian Seven
Right on the bull's-eye
Video of the day
A few minutes after their debut professional performance, 16 artists from the Kalinin (now Tver) amateur ensemble turned into an object of universal admiration.
The slender beauties, circling in a round dance to the melody of the Russian folk song “In the field, there was a birch tree ...” conquered the audience with their grace, beauty, sincerity and amazing floating step, which became the symbol of this ensemble.
Are they floating or standing still?
The creator of this unique dance step, the secret of which has not yet been disclosed, is the legendary founder of the Beryozka group, Nadezhda Nadezhdina, who led her brainchild until the last days of her life.
When the dancers gracefully and sedately lead their round dances, the audience gets the impression that the dancers are standing still, and the stage is spinning under them. Floor-length sundresses that cover the girls' legs and do not sway when walking keep the secret of this amazing movement, which choreographers from all over the world are trying in vain to unravel. floating step. Although its current leader, Mira Koltsova, denies this information. She sees the reason for the silence of the artists of the collective in their high professionalism, devotion to Beryozka and the desire to preserve its originality.
Never performed at open rehearsals, the sliding step, according to some choreographers, results from the fact that the soloists make a special step through each movement, imperceptibly pushing the hem of sundresses and creating a smooth swaying effect. However, their theoretical conjectures remain so far without practical evidence. In the meantime, the soloists of "Birch" in the entire history of this dance have covered more than 47 thousand kilometers with their mysterious step, which exceeds the length of the Earth's equator. [С-BLOCK]
A fateful lithograph
Along with the mysterious step, the hallmark of the Beryozka dance, which begins each performance of the ensemble, has become a surprisingly simple, but brilliantly accurately reflecting Russian nature and culture costume. Nadezhdina created it based on a lithograph she saw in childhood, which depicted girls frolicking in a round dance. They were dressed in sundresses, and in their hands they held green birch twigs, which gave their image nationality and solemnity.
It should be noted that the costume designers did their best, as they exactly realized the idea of Nadezhdina and dressed the populist soloists radiating a unique radiance in a long red sundress, a white blouse with a lace pattern on the sleeve and a handkerchief, blue as a piece of the sky, completing the image delicate birch "bouquet".
Despite the fact that today the artists of the Beryozka ensemble change more than 20 costumes and headdresses during a two-hour concert, on all posters in all corners of the world they show off in stage attire intended for the dance from which their enchanting story began.
Triumphal tour
By the way, the tour of the Russian folk dance ensemble took place in more than 80 countries of the world. And every time it was a triumph, they always received enthusiastic comments from critics and viewers.
The level of skill of the Soviet team made foreigners forget about the Cold War, enjoying spiritual art that cultivates faith in the brotherhood between people and gives rise to good feelings. Personifying Russia, acquainting the foreign audience with the Russian character, soulfulness and beauty, "Birch" contributed to the destruction of the barriers erected by politicians.
The merits of the ensemble in this field were so significant that in 1959, after a Paris concert, it was awarded the gold medal of the World Peace Council.
Struck by the magical floating step and the semantic load of the round dance "Birch", the foreigners, standing, applauded the dancers who embody the beauties from Russian folk tales.
Choreographic short stories
In addition to the dance that gave the group its name, other choreographic short stories were shown to admiring audiences in the course of foreign tours, in which the richness of Russian culture was revealed in the original language of plasticity.
The compositions "Swan" and "Carousel", "Troika" and "Spinning Spinner", "At the Autumn Fair" and "Siberian Suite", "Sudarushka" and "Patterns", like many other numbers of the ensemble "Birch", opened for foreigners non-hostile Russia with a human face.
Other, Mira Koltsova, Nadezhda Nadezhdina,
why the series "Birch" is doomed to success. Specific feature: shuffling
On the stage of the BKZ, an ensemble performed that needs no introduction. "Birch" became popular half a century ago, having traveled all over the Soviet Union, and even won fans abroad. And all this time, many have tried to unravel the secret of the famous floating gait.
NTV correspondent Konstantin Boroshnev is sure he succeeded.
It is rare to see the legendary floating round dance without costumes. The artistic director of "Beryozka" Mira Koltsov usually does not let journalists into such runs. What happens at the concert under the skirts of the soloists is a mystery with a 60-year history.
The floating step glorified "Beryozka" on the day of the first performance back in 1948. Since then, at rehearsals, the girls dance at half strength, and at concerts they hide their legs under red folk sundresses “to the floor”.
Olga Reshetnikova, manager staged part of the ensemble "Birch": "These costumes are our calling card. As you may have noticed, on all posters, on all booklets, this particular costume is present. Because it all started with him.
The team that is so afraid of plagiarism started by copying itself. The corporate round dance is almost a copy of the dance of the collective farmers of the Kalinin region. Many more domestic ensembles tried to repeat it. But "Beryozka" holds on tightly to copyright.
Mira Koltsova, artistic director of the Beryozka Ensemble: “If colleagues who claim to be academic or famous are plagiarizing, it's sad. They say: "We have the right to imitate, copy, take a quote from the master" No! This is wrong, you need to transfer all this through yourself, through your team.
This heartfelt attitude towards dance is regularly instilled in the team. Regardless of experience and regalia. Even Ksenia and Natalya (each of them has been in Beryozka for more than ten years) receive professional Ts.U. every day. from the artistic director.
Natalia Prosikova, soloist of the Beryozka Ensemble: “Posture, gait – it all makes itself felt. And the girls stand out. There may be some kind of look, gestures, something else ... even in communication. In our ensemble, this education is given great attention. Mira Mikhailovna is working on this very seriously.”
They refused to demonstrate the lady's trademark step even without a camera. Referring to high heels and unacceptable jeans for the image. Everyone, they say, must look directly from the auditorium, otherwise the effect will not be the same.
The secret, over which more than one generation of choreographers is struggling, they say, is very simple. The thing is that the soloists of "Birch" in a round dance make a special movement through each step, gently pushing the hem of sundresses. Thus, they achieve a smooth swing. And, accordingly, the legendary swimming step.
Choreographic Ensemble "Beryozka" -
dance groups,
recognized as a national treasure.
Almost 70 years of dancing tells
to the world about what beauty is in Russian.
ensemble "Birch" -
choreographic ensemble
Russian folk dance,
created in 1948
by Nadezhda Sergeevna Nadezhdina,
since June 2000 bearing the name of its creator -
State Academic Choreographic Ensemble "Berezka"
N. S. Nadezhdina.
The name of the ensemble is taken from the first
production of the Russian girlish dance
"Birch" (1948) to Russian music
folk dance song
"In the field there was a birch tree ...".
A little later, NS Nadezhdina will say:
“At the center of any of our work, whether it be a lyrical round dance or a cheerful dance, is a poetic image of a Russian girl ... We want to reflect the purity and grandeur of Russian folk art as brightly as possible. It's a source of inspiration for our ensemble."
For thirty years Nadezhda Sergeevna was the artistic director of the group
and from her words
never backed down.
Probably, this also explains to some extent the
phenomenon of "Beryozka", which very quickly became
one of the unique and beautiful symbols of Russia.
Initially, the team was female (until 1959)
Round dance as a high art.
A simple girl's circle as the pinnacle of choreographic skill
. The ensemble "Birch" for the first time
"sailed" across the stage to the music "In the field stood a birch tree"
in 1948. Since then the poetry of the old
Russian round dance and the image of a Russian girl -
a distinctive feature of the team.
Later, N. S. Nadezhdina staged
such masterpieces of Russian folk choreography as:
Waltz "Birch", "Swan", "Chain", "Spinning wheel",
"Sudarushka", "Great Cossack Dance", " Jokes",
"Festive dance", "Bachelors", "Siberian suite",
"Coachmen", triptych "Russian porcelain",
cycle of choreographic compositions "Seasons" and others.
Nadezhdinskaya "Birch" was a real discovery
in the stage embodiment of Russian folk dance
She is the founder of not only a completely special ensemble, but also a new style in modern choreography.
The performances of the ensemble "Beryozka" had and have great success
in Russia and in foreign countries.
The hallmark of the ensemble is the famous
"floating" gait, the technique of which is kept secret.
Success from the first step.
To meet her audience,
"Beryozka" needed to go on stage only once.
Success came to the team after the first
concert in the capital - at the Hermitage Theater.
And for the first time 16 young collective farmers of the Kalinin region
performed their famous round dance
at the rural festival of talents.
Girls from the picture.
The creator of the team -
ballerina and choreographer Nadezhda Nadezhdina -
saw the future "Birch" in her childhood.
Depicted on an old lithograph of a girl
in sundresses with birch branches became a dream -
to bring a Russian round dance to the big stage.
Create a truly unique dance based on folk.
The image of a birch is copied from nature.
Dress to the floor. The basis of the costume in which
crown numbers are performed. The long suit hides the legs,
and it seems that the girls are floating around the stage.
A white blouse with a lacy
"window" on the sleeve, blue as the sky, a
scarf in one hand and a green birch twig in the other adds tenderness.
Peace medal.
"You don't have to read two hundred volumes about Russia, it's enough
to watch one concert of "Birches", and you will see,
what is the Russian temper, Russian character,
Russian beginning ... "-
the French press wrote after the tour of the
ensemble in Paris . The World Council of Supporters of
Peace in 1959 awarded the team its gold medal.
80 countries
The Russian "Birch" visited almost
all continents. Passed by my mysterious
steps thousands of kilometers across the scenes of Japan, France,
Argentina, Switzerland, Korea, USA.
Performed in the most extreme conditions: for example,
in Greece, in the heat of 40 degrees, danced "Shrovetide"
in sheepskin coats, hats and felt boots.
16 years of wandering.
Already being known all over the world, the team
rehearsed for a long time on rented venues: on the ice floor
in the Hammer and Sickle Palace of Culture, in the hall on Volgogradsky Prospekt.
The current premises in Leontievsky lane collective
received personally from Vladimir Putin.
The President saw the performance of "Beryozka" in China.
Costumes "Birches"
weigh about two and a half tons.
In two hours of round dances and dancing girls change
sundresses and headdresses more than 20 times.
In total, the team has about two thousand costumes.
Each is a true work of art in velvet,
chiffon, lace or batik, embroidered with braid and beads.
Not just a dance.
"Birch", "Spinning wheel", "Carousel", "At the autumn fair",
"Sudarushka", "Swan", "Siberian Suite".
Choreographic novels were invented by
Nadezhda Nadezhdina herself.
At first, the team had a unique style,
ten years later - a male composition, and then
and an orchestra of folk instruments.
From ballerinas to birches.
Graduates of choreographic schools
come to the ensemble. And all the same,
dancers have to be retrained: there is a special school in the ensemble.
Valued musicality, technical skill,
beauty, mind, texture.
The main secret that beginners have to comprehend,
is a floating step.
And this skill is kept secret.
“We dance only the Russian repertoire, but we differ from all folklore groups in that the founder of the group, Nadezhda Sergeevna Nadezhdina, created a genre of author's works that use text, choreography, thought, Russian idea.We don't dance for the sake of dancing. Our artists must think, they must be intellectuals, achieving the maximum expression of feelings with a minimal gesture.
Mira Koltsova, People's Artist of the USSR, Artistic Director of the Beryozka Ensemble
Ensemble "Birch", dance "Uzory"
Olga Dubro
Columnist for Tricolor TV Magazine
dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the legendary Russian folk dance ensemble. Under songs and dances, we discuss why series about life in the USSR are so popular and how “Birch” resonates in the Russian soul.
The series "Birch" tells about three girls who dreamed of dancing in the famous group
Over the past five years (we take 2013 and the series "Thaw" as a starting point) there has been a trend - to shoot serials about the symbols of the Soviet era. It seemed that after the “Thaw” it would be difficult to show something at the level. Difficult, but possible. Last year, the detective melodrama thundered "Hotel Rossiya" . Now turn "Birch", and by all indications, the series is also going to be a success.
First, the cast. Mikhail Efremov, Maria Poroshina, Alexey Serebryakov , Nina Usatova, Lidia Velezheva - names immediately report the scale of the tape. A tiny fly in the ointment can be considered in some places a tense game of young actors, but older colleagues more than compensate for the roughness of the dialogues. Lidia Velezheva as artistic director and choreographer Nadezhda Svetlova is convincing and harmonious. And the kind and loving KGB officer performed by Serebryakov is an almost symbolic figure. Behind him is an attempt to correct the bad reputation of the employees of the organs.
Secondly, dancing. Swimming step is really impressive. Even if Russian folk dance is not your favorite style, the skill of fractions and round dances is still admirable.
Folk dances, especially Russian ones, have an interesting history in general. It is difficult to watch them for more than three minutes - the events on the stage are developing too slowly. No wonder in the show "Dancing" populists are not favored - it is really difficult to show something exciting simply because of the meager set of movements.
Watch the series "Birch" on TV channel "Russia 1" on weekdays at 21:00
But if you are lucky to see the dance of professionals from "Birch", there is no time for value judgments. Here you look and think: are they moving or is the stage rotating under them? And the complex navigation of the entire team across the stage with transitions and interceptions is not for you to portray a trickle at a wedding.
Thirdly, the costumes and atmosphere of the 80s. Printed dresses with small flowers, a student dormitory, scarlet suits of Russian beauties, the same scarlet pioneer ties, the life of the Soviet provinces and the best capital houses, patriotic posters - in general, not a series, but a fairy tale for visuals.
It is interesting to observe the lines of the main characters. Proud and punchy provincial Varya - well, just a portrait of the era, which, by the way, has remained almost unchanged. Unless the romantic dress was replaced by D&G leggings and tops. Predator Edita - oh, everything is with her: both the face, and the figure, and the willingness to go over the heads for the sake of a warmer place. And a native Muscovite Lena is a greenhouse plant that wants to get out of the mother Gestapo.
The only question that came to mind after watching it was why are we so nostalgic for the Soviet Union? And now I'm not talking about grandmothers who are still Stalin remember. Even people who were born at the end of the Soviet era fondly remember a loaf for 13 kopecks . And photographed on film for the tube and grainy retro effect. It's like they don't have the coolest resolution cameras.
After all, it is clear that the anniversary of a dance ensemble, albeit a legendary one, is another reason to show how it was THEN. What kind of people lived, how they built relationships, how they experienced problems, which, by the way, are still relevant today. Everything is decided by connections, everyone wants to break through - isn't it like that now? Only for some reason it is more interesting to observe and shoot how everything happened 30-40 years ago. As if the directors are playing for all the films about life in the USSR, once put on the shelf.
In general, as "Underwood" sings, "I really want to go to the Soviet Union."
As soon as any person takes a few steps, the trained eye of some specialists can instantly tell a lot about this person, or, to be more precise, about his / her state of health. According to relevant experts , almost everything in walking - gait, manner of movement, posture, steps - can provide a lot of interesting information about the general state of human health.
"Many doctors are absolutely sure that, looking at a person walking along the road, you can even diagnose him. It is possible to find out whether a person is healthy or not, and if unhealthy - identify several characteristic signs that indicate a specific problem " , says Charles Blitzer, Orthopedic Surgeon and Representative of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. We bring to your attention 15 specific signs that characterize a person’s gait and tell about his health.
1. Specific sign: sluggish and slow step
What can this mean? Short life expectancy
The speed at which a person walks is considered by some to be a reliable indicator of how long an individual will live. Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh (University of Pittsburgh) summed up nine studies in which 36,000 people over 65 took part . In fact, it was predicted how much a person would have left, and these predictions were confirmed by subsequent analysis of the person's age, his chronic diseases, body mass index, and so on.
The average speed at which people walked was 3 steps per second (about 3 kilometers per hour). Those who walked slower than 2 steps per second (two kilometers per hour) had a much higher risk of sudden death in the coming years. . Those who walked at a frequency of more than 3.3 steps per second (almost 4 kilometers per hour) lived longer, regardless of age, gender, and some other signs.
years old, unable to walk a distance of half a kilometer at once, he has a great chance of leaving this world in the next six years . An earlier study in men aged 71 to 93 found evidence that those who could walk three kilometers a day were half as likely to suffer a heart attack as those who could not. who can not walk even five hundred meters.
Unfortunately, trying to start walking faster and walking longer will not suddenly make such people healthier. On the contrary, such activity in old age can even increase the risk of injury, so you should think about it long before old age . One thing is clear: in old age, the human body itself determines the most appropriate speed of movement for it, based on its own state of health. And if this rate is low, it usually indicates concomitant health problems that negatively affect life expectancy.
2. Specific sign: narrow swings of the arms while walking
What can this mean? Lower back problems
According to physiotherapist Steve Bailey, owner of a medical center in Knoxville, Tennessee, the human body has an amazing structure. In particular, Bailey noted the fact that when we put the left hip forward when walking , the spine makes a certain movement and the right upper limb moves back. This coordinated functioning of the muscles of both parts of the body is necessary in order to support the lower back.
If, while walking, a person practically does not demonstrate specific waving movements of the upper limbs (or if these movements are weakly expressed), this is an alarming sign. In particular, this suggests that the spine does not receive the necessary support. due to certain limited mobility of the lumbar or back. Bailey is sure that it is the swinging movements of the hands that are an indicator of the functioning of our spinal sections.
3. Specific sign: one foot strongly slaps the floor when walking
What can this mean? Spinal disc injury and possible sign of stroke
Some professionals do not need to see how a person walks in order to determine their health problems. It is enough for them to hear his/her walk! The phenomenon, which is called a dangling (hanging) foot, or "flapping foot" says that you literally drop your foot on the ground when walking . According to podiatrist Jane E. Andersen, former president of the American Association for Women Podiatrists, it could be a weakening of the tibialis anterior.
So to say, the correct walking of a healthy person begins with lowering the heel to the ground, after which the rest of the foot gradually lowers to the ground. Then the takeoff and lift initiative moves from the big toe to the heel. However, with a drop foot, the person loses control of the muscles and the foot is unable to smoothly return to the ground. Instead, she just flops down on her.
"This may indicate a stroke or some other neuromuscular pathology, or a pinched nerve" , Andersen explains. A fairly common cause is damage to the lumbar disc, as it compresses a nerve that extends into the lower extremity . Another, less common cause that leads to foot drop is a pinched peroneal nerve.
4. Specific sign: confident open gait (in women)
What can this mean? Ability for sexual satisfaction
Walking can detect more than just health problems. In 2008, the scientific European edition of the Journal of Sexual Medicine published the results of one of the studies conducted by Belgian and Scottish scientists . As part of this study, it was found that a woman's gait can indeed signal her ability to easily achieve sexual satisfaction.
In other words, if a woman has a smooth, but at the same time energetic step, then there is a high probability that such a woman is quite easily able to achieve a vaginal orgasm. In order to come to a similar conclusion, the researchers compared the gaits of those women women who actually achieve orgasm only through vaginal penetration (no clitoral stimulation), with gaits of women who find it difficult or almost impossible to reach orgasm through vaginal stimulation alone.
Well, there is a dependence, but what is the underlying reason for this connection? What is the scientific explanation for this phenomenon? According to one theory, a regular orgasm affects the muscles, which do not become either weak or too tight . As a result, such a woman demonstrates a freer and lighter gait, which looks quite harmonious against the background of constant sexual satisfaction and increased self-esteem.

What can this mean? Degeneration of the knee or hip joint
When the heel touches the ground at the very beginning of the step, the knee joint should normally be extended. If this is not the case, then the result is problems with the length of the movement. In other words, there is a violation of the ability of the knee joint to move properly inside the patella. . "Degenerative changes in the patella sometimes lead to the need for manual therapy, which develops the joint and improves range of motion" , says physical therapist Steve Bailey.
A similar problem with mincing gait can be explained by insufficient hip traction. When a person takes small steps, he, in principle, does not need a significant extension of this joint. "Unfortunately, this tactic leads to increased pressure on the spinal " , Bailey says. According to the doctor, when the traction of the hip joint is not fully carried out, this subsequently limits the mobility of other joints, leading to back pain and, for example, to the same drooping foot.
6. Specific symptom: lowering of the pelvis or shoulder from one side
What can this mean? Spinal problems or hip abductor insufficiency
The so-called abductors, called abductors (located on the outside of the thighs), actually support the pelvis with every step we take. In other words, when we lift one limb and move it forward , leaning on the second limb, the abductors support the body in a straight position. However, sometimes these muscles do not work properly.
So, abductors play the role of compensators when moving our body. Violation of their work leads to the so-called Trendelenburg symptom, when a person falls heavily when walking to one side. This happens at the moment when the heel on the healthy side falls to the ground. The pelvis sags on this side, trying to compensate for the lack of strength. , which must be produced by the muscles on the other side. Sometimes this sag is so pronounced that the entire half of the body sags along with the shoulder. The terminal stage of this disorder is manifested in problems with the spine.
7. Specific sign: legs with a wheel ("cavalry" gait)
What can this mean? Osteoarthritis
"Just imagine the classic image of an elderly, slow cowboy with crooked legs , says orthopedic surgeon Blitzer. – Arthritic knees may be the cause " . Indeed, approximately 85 percent of people with osteoarthritis (especially those who suffer from the senile form of the disease, which brings the greatest physical damage) have a "cavalry" gait.
O-legs (or simply O-legs) are the result of a person's body not being supported properly, resulting, literally, in an outward curvature of the knees. Cavalry gait may be caused by a disease such as rickets , or even a certain combination of genes. However, these causes most often manifest themselves in childhood. Timely intervention and special staples can help correct this condition.
8. Specific sign: knees turned inside out
What can this mean? Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that can indeed very often be expressed in "X-legs", that is, when the knees literally turn inward towards each other . "Approximately 85 percent of people with rheumatoid arthritis have inverted knees" , states orthopedic surgeon Charles Blitzer.
With "X-legs" the shins lose their straight position, tending inwards. In this case, the person demonstrates a specific clumsy gait, when the knees are too close together , and the ankles, on the contrary, are significantly spaced apart. In some cases, osteoarthritis can manifest itself in a similar disorder, depending on which joints are damaged.
9. Specific symptom: shortening of the step when turning and maneuvering
What does this mean? Poor general physical condition
Balancing is a function of coordination between three systems: vision, the inner ear, and what is called proprioception, that is, the ability of the joints to communicate their position to the brain. A similar possibility in joints is due to the presence of receptors in the connective tissues between them . However, the quality of these receptors depends on how many movements the joints make. "If you are an active person, more receptors function in your connective tissue, therefore your proprioception is better" , Bailey explains.
In fact, this means that you have better balance. That is why a sickly or physically infirm person has problems maintaining balance. "If you have problems with your balance, you take smaller steps, which is especially noticeable when turning or when maneuvering around various objects . It can also be a problem to move for a long time, as it requires balancing on each foot for a longer amount of time. This makes you feel much more confident in the straight section." , Bailey says.
Orthopedic surgeon Charles Blitzer recommends people who need a walking cane due to illness, but are in no hurry to use it for fear of looking old, prejudice and pride. " It is better to start using appropriate adaptation devices and continue to be active than to lead a sedentary lifestyle, which is a kind of vicious circle, making you even more immobile" , says Blitzer.
Among other things, problems with balance can be associated with peripheral neuropathy, a type of nerve damage caused by diseases such as diabetes mellitus . In addition, the American orthopedist Jane Andersen names alcohol dependence and lack of vitamins as other possible causes of imbalance.
10. Specific sign: "flat" gait with low elevation of the legs
What can this mean? Flatfoot, bunion, neuroma
It seems that flat feet are easy to identify at a glance: in a person who has this phenomenon, a kind of arch on the inside of the foot is practically not visible , which makes the foot seem flat . Actually, that's why they call this phenomenon flat feet. However, shuffling gait is possible for other reasons.
When a person is about to take a step, their foot straightens just as the heel leaves the floor. Then it again takes the form of an arch. The heel also tends to inward slightly when lifting the foot and the thumbs can curve up. All of the above complex movements are necessary in order to provide better stability.
This can sometimes be difficult to implement due to painful bursitis (abnormal growth of bone or tissue near the base of the thumb). Another cause may be a disorder of the nervous condition of the foot (neuroma). The most common type of neuroma, called Morton's neuroma, is the appearance of a painful thickening of the nerve between the third and fourth fingers. At the same time, the manner of walking changes, which makes the step less painful and traumatic.
11. Specific sign: shuffling
What can this mean? Parkinson's disease
Shuffling with the body tilted forward and against the background of serious efforts to lift the feet off the ground is an essential attribute of the body's aging. This is a specific type of gait that may indicate that a person is suffering from Parkinson's disease. At the same time, the sick person takes small and uncertain steps. "The shuffling gait, which is one of the most common manifestations of this neuromuscular disease, is due to neuromuscular dysfunction" , Blitzer explains.
Another early sign of this disease is the appearance of a tremor in the extremities. People who suffer from an advanced form of dementia, such as Alzheimer's, may also shamble. This is a violation of the cognitive process - Brain and musculature cannot communicate properly. Over time, memory loss is noted, and difficulties are observed with the implementation of the thought process (moreover, we can talk about the most elementary things).
12. Specific sign: walking on the tips of the toes of both feet
What does this mean? Cerebral palsy or spinal cord injury
Another notable walking style is walking on the tips of the toes. The fingertips reach the floor before the heel, although the opposite is usually the case. This is also associated with increased muscle tone caused by impaired functioning of brain receptors. When a person steps only on the toes of both feet, it is almost always a violation in the upper part of the spinal cord or even the brain (cerebral palsy or spinal cord injury).
You must have noticed that young children who are just learning to walk very often stand on their toes and can even walk some distance on them. This is especially evident when children pull their hands towards someone or something , trying to get up on his toes. In this case, of course, we are not talking about paralysis. However, if you are overcome by anxiety and doubt, it makes sense to consult a doctor who will help you sort out the situation.
13. Specific sign: walking on the tips of the toes of one foot
What does this mean? Stroke
Indeed, with this specific feature, everything is more or less clear. But this is only at first glance, since only doctors are able to determine the nature of the asymmetry, if a person, when walking, steps not with the full foot of one leg, but only with the tips of his fingers . In some cases, even when the situation seems obvious, it is far from always possible to unequivocally determine whether a person is stepping on the toes of one foot or both.
If this symptom is especially pronounced, it is likely that we are talking about the consequences of a stroke, in which the right or left side of the body is affected. However, the situation with outbreaks in different parts of the world of such a disease as poliomyelitis is recalled. This disease literally withered and exhausted many people, and then a person could demonstrate a gait in which he also stepped on the tips of the toes of one foot.
14. Specific sign: galloping gait
What can this mean? Excessively tight calf muscles
One of the most unusual gaits is the one where a person literally bounces with every step. Experts often note that in this case, the so-called first phase of a normal step (when the heel begins to lift off the floor) happens too fast due to hardness of the calf muscles . Especially often this phenomenon is observed in female representatives, the reason for which, according to Andersen, is the constant wearing of high heels.
"I saw women in their 60s who were shown physical exercise - some of them for the first time in their lives. These exercises were necessary for them, but they could not do them for the simple reason that were unable to wear comfortable flat-soled shoes , says Andersen. - However, similar things can be observed much earlier in the life of women, at the age of 25. And all because girls start wearing stilettos as early as adolescence" .
15. Specific sign: the arch of one foot is more pronounced and/or the thigh is slightly recessed
What can this mean? One leg shorter than the other
The difference in the length of the limbs (in this case, the legs) can be detected by a specialist in several ways. However, most often it is enough to watch your step and study your feet . According to orthopedist Jane Andersen, one foot usually looks flatter than the other. As a general rule, a flatter foot corresponds to a shorter leg.
Because the shorter leg has to travel a slightly longer distance to reach the floor, the pelvis can sink a little when walking, notes physiotherapist Steve Bailey. The doctor believes that can independently see specific changes in the lumbar spine . To do this, you need to pay attention to the horizontal crease of the lumbar. From the side of the longer limb, this strip seems to be straightened, since the back often unbends precisely there.
In principle, a person can be born with limbs of different lengths; or the reason for this may be the operation to replace the patella or hip joint (if the limbs did not align when healing after the operation). However, according to orthopedic surgeon Charles Blitzer, as long as this difference does not exceed two centimeters, this will not cause any special negative health consequences.