How many dancers are in the world
Dancers & choreographers | Data USA
Dancers & choreographers
Detailed Occupation
Dancers & choreographers are most often employed by the Performing arts companies industry. The average yearly wage for Dancers & choreographers was $32,147 in 2016. The top 3 most similar occupations to Dancers & choreographers by wage are Tree trimmers and pruners, Baggage porters, bellhops, & concierges, and Retail salespersons.
Dancers & choreographers are part of the Arts, design, entertainment, sports, & media occupations, along with Artists & related workers, Commercial and industrial designers, Fashion designers, Floral designers, Graphic designers, and 25 more.
The top 3 locations that employ the most Dancers & choreographers are LA City (Northeast/North Hollywood & Valley Village) PUMA, CA, Henderson City (West) PUMA, NV, and Washington Heights, Inwood & Marble Hill PUMA, NY. The top 3 locations with a relatively high concentration of Dancers & choreographers are LA City (Northeast/North Hollywood & Valley Village) PUMA, CA, Henderson City (West) PUMA, NV, and Washington Heights, Inwood & Marble Hill PUMA, NY.
Information on the businesses and industries that employ Dancers & choreographers and on wages and locations for those in the field. Performing arts companies is the industry that employs the most Dancers & choreographers, both by share and by number, though the highest paid industry for Dancers & choreographers, by average wage, is Spectator sports. Dancers & choreographers are paid most in Inner Mission & Castro PUMA, CA but are relatively concentrated in LA City (Northeast/North Hollywood & Valley Village) PUMA, CA.
Yearly Wage
In 2020, Dancers & choreographers earned an average of $32,147, $23,807 less than than the average national salary of $55,954.
Tree trimmers and pruners make somewhat more than Dancers & choreographers while Baggage porters, bellhops, & concierges make somewhat less. This chart shows the various occupations closest to Dancers & choreographers as measured by average annual salary in the US.
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Wage Distribution
In 2015, Dancers & choreographers had a wage GINI coefficient of 0.475, which is lower than than the national average of 0.478. In other words, wages are distributed more evenly for Dancers & choreographers (shown in red) than for the overall labor force (shown in gray).
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Wage by Location
This map shows the Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) in the United States shaded by average annual wage for Dancers & choreographers.
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Spatial Concentration
This map displays which Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) in the United States have a relatively high population of Dancers & choreographers.
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Most Common
The most common industries employing Dancers & choreographers, by number of employees, are Performing arts companies, Independent artists, writers, and performers, Amusement & Recreation, Drinking places, alcoholic beverages , Other schools & instruction and educational support services, Promoters of performing arts, sports, and similar events, agents and managers for artists, athletes, entertainers, and other public figures, Spectator sports, Water transportation, Motion pictures & video industries, Elementary & secondary schools, and Traveler accommodation.
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Highest Paying
The highest paying industries for Dancers & choreographers, by average wage, are Spectator sports, Motion pictures & video industries, and Water transportation.
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Industries by Share
The number of people employed as Dancers & choreographers has been declining at a rate of −7.12%, from 17,297 people in 2019 to 16,065 people in 2020.
This graphic shows the share of Dancers & choreographers employed by various industries. Performing arts companies employs the largest share of Dancers & choreographers at 22.4%, followed by Independent artists, writers, and performers with 20.4% and Amusement & Recreation with 13.5%.
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Demographic information on Dancers & choreographers in the US. The average age of male Dancers & choreographers in the workforce is 31.7 and of female Dancers & choreographers is 28.4, and the most common race/ethnicity for Dancers & choreographers is White (Non-Hispanic).
Composition by Sex
76.6% of Dancers & choreographers are Female, making them the more common sex in the occupation. This chart shows the sex breakdown of Dancers & choreographers.
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Race & Ethnicity
56.3% of Dancers & choreographers are White (Non-Hispanic), making that the most common race or ethnicity in the occupation. Representing 15.5% of Dancers & choreographers, Black (Non-Hispanic) is the second most common race or ethnicity in this occupation. This chart shows the racial and ethnic breakdown of Dancers & choreographers.
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Age by Sex
The median age of Dancers & choreographers is 29. 2, and Male employees are generally 3.27 years older than than their Female counterparts.
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Data on higher education choices for Dancers & choreographers from The Department of Education and Census Bureau. The most common major for Dancers & choreographers is Visual & Performing Arts but a relatively high number of Dancers & choreographers hold a major in Visual & Performing Arts.
ACS PUMS data only shows the major for bachelor's degrees. However, we can filter the data based on highest degree obtained.
Bachelors DegreeMasters Degree
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Data on the critical and distinctive skills necessary for Dancers & choreographers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dancers & choreographers need many skills, but most especially Instructing, Speaking, and Active Listening. The revealed comparative advantage (RCA) shows that Dancers & choreographers need more than the average amount of Coordination, Service Orientation, and Social Perceptiveness.
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Education, legal, community service, arts, & media occupations
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Arts, design, entertainment, sports, & media occupations
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Number Of Dancers In The US
Research Summary. Using a database of 30 million profiles, Zippia estimates demographics and statistics for dancers in the United States. Our estimates are verified against BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. After extensive research and analysis, Zippia's data science team found that:
- There are over 7,348 dancers currently employed in the United States.
- 73.4% of all dancers are women, while 26.6% are men.
- The average age of an employed dancer is 28 years old.
- The most common ethnicity of dancers is White (49.8%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (24.2%), Black or African American (12.5%) and Asian (7.3%).
- In 2021, women earned 99% of what men earned.
- 22% of all dancers are LGBT.
- Dancers are 55% more likely to work at private companies in comparison to public companies.
Dancer Statistics By Gender
73.4% of dancers are women and 26.6% of dancers are men.
- Female, 73.4%
- Male, 26.6%
Dancers By Gender
Gender | Percentages |
Female | 73.4% |
Male | 26.6% |
Gender Pay Gap For Dancer
Women Earn 99¢ For Every $1 Earned By Men
Male Income
Female Income
Dancer Gender Over Time
This data shows how men and women predominate in the dancer position over time.
Dancer Gender By Year
Year | Male | Female |
2010 | 16.79% | 83.21% |
2011 | 14.08% | 85.92% |
2012 | 20.39% | 79.61% |
2013 | 12.23% | 87.77% |
2014 | 14.62% | 85.38% |
2015 | 12.42% | 87.58% |
2016 | 20.48% | 79.52% |
2017 | 19.89% | 80.11% |
2018 | 19.33% | 80.67% |
2019 | 29.47% | 70.53% |
Dancer Male to Female Ratio
We compared this job title with other job titles to see how gender percentages varied. As you can see, 19d cavalry scout and baseball player have the biggest difference in gender.
Job Title | Male | Female |
Harpist | 8% | 92% |
Actress | 8% | 92% |
Modern Dancer | 8% | 92% |
Dancer | 27% | 73% |
Assistant Varsity Football Coach | 98% | 2% |
Baseball Player | 98% | 2% |
19D Cavalry Scout | 99% | 1% |
19D Cavalry Scout
Baseball Player
Assistant Varsity Football Coach
Modern Dancer
Dancer Statistics By Race
The most common ethnicity among dancers is White, which makes up 49. 8% of all dancers. Comparatively, there are 24.2% of the Hispanic or Latino ethnicity and 12.5% of the Black or African American ethnicity.
- White, 49.8%
- Hispanic or Latino, 24.2%
- Black or African American, 12.5%
- Asian, 7.3%
- Unknown, 5.5%
- American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.7%
Dancer Race
Dancer Race | Percentages |
White | 49.8% |
Hispanic or Latino | 24.2% |
Black or African American | 12.5% |
Asian | 7.3% |
Unknown | 5.5% |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 0.7% |
Dancer Race And Ethnicity Over Time
Using the Census Bureau data, we found out how the percentage of each ethnic category trended between 2010-2019 among dancers.
- White
- Asian
- Hispanic or Latino
- Black or African American
Dancer Race By Year
Year | White | Black or African American | Asian | Hispanic or Latino |
2010 | 58.![]() | 10.23% | 8.30% | 16.50% |
2011 | 55.99% | 8.26% | 6.35% | 22.60% |
2012 | 51.52% | 17.82% | 6.85% | 17.80% |
2013 | 60.25% | 8.22% | 6.11% | 18.02% |
2014 | 58.97% | 14.82% | 4.50% | 16.73% |
2015 | 65.83% | 4.27% | 5.50% | 15.85% |
2016 | 48.55% | 14.24% | 7.72% | 20.47% |
2017 | 54.54% | 6.81% | 5.57% | 22.25% |
2018 | 56.76% | 7.50% | 9.35% | 20.53% |
2019 | 49.79% | 12.54% | 7.32% | 24.18% |
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Dancer Age Breakdown
This chart breaks down the ages of dancer employees. Interestingly enough, the average age of dancers is 20-30 years old, which represents 61% of the population.
40+ years
30-40 years
20-30 years
Dancer Age
Dancer Years | Percentages |
40+ years | 7% |
30-40 years | 31% |
20-30 years | 61% |
Types of Dancer Degree Levels
The most common degree for dancers is bachelor's degree 70% of dancers earn that degree. A close second is high school diploma with 13% and rounding it off is associate degree with 9%.
- Bachelors, 70%
- High School Diploma, 13%
- Associate, 9%
- Masters, 4%
- Other Degrees, 4%
Dancers By Education
Dancer Degree | Percentages |
Bachelors | 70% |
High School Diploma | 13% |
Associate | 9% |
Masters | 4% |
Other Degrees | 4% |
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Dancer Employment Statistics
This section highlights information about where dancers work. We found most dancers work for a private company. In addition, the industry that employs the most dancers is the media industry.
Company Size
We created this chart to show you the average size of companies that typically hire dancers.
< 50 employees
50 - 100 employees
100 - 500 employees
500 - 1,000 employees
1,000 - 10,000 employees
> 10,000
Dancer Jobs By Employer Size
Company Size | Percentages |
< 50 employees | 9% |
50 - 100 employees | 9% |
100 - 500 employees | 14% |
500 - 1,000 employees | 8% |
1,000 - 10,000 employees | 42% |
> 10,000 employees | 17% |
The Types Of Companies Dancer Work In
Employees with the dancer job title have their preferences when it comes to working for a company. For instance, most dancers prefer to work at private companies over public companies.
Dancer Jobs By Sector
Company Type | Percentages |
Education | 8% |
Public | 33% |
Private | 55% |
Government | 4% |
Top Industries Hiring Dancers
Just based on the number of employees within each industry, we were able to determine the most common industries that employ dancers. Those industries include media, education and retail.
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Dancer Industry Statistics
Industry | Percentages |
Hospitality | 23% |
Media | 16% |
Retail | 10% |
Technology | 10% |
Education | 8% |
Fortune 500 | 7% |
Government | 3% |
Construction | 3% |
Professional | 3% |
Automotive | 3% |
Transportation | 2% |
Telecommunication | 2% |
Internet | 2% |
Utilities | 2% |
Real Estate | 2% |
Health Care | 2% |
Finance | 2% |
Agriculture | 2% |
Dancer Turnover And Employment Statistics
Dancer Unemployment Rate Over Time
The Bureau of Labor Statistics came in clutch when it came down to figuring out how the unemployment rate has changed over time. Between 2008 and 2018, this is how the number of dancers changed.
- Unemployment rate
Dancer Unemployment Rate By Year
Year | Dancer Unemployment Rate |
2010 | 18.65% |
2011 | 20.48% |
2012 | 18.60% |
2013 | 19.67% |
2014 | 16.28% |
2015 | 11.17% |
2016 | 11.39% |
2017 | 5.91% |
2018 | 14.52% |
2019 | 5.66% |
The Average Number of Years That Dancer Stay in a Job
By looking over 4,746 dancers resumes, we figured out that the average dancer enjoys staying at their job for 1-2 years for a percentage of 30%.
Less than one year
1-2 years
3-4 years
5-7 years
8-10 years
11+ years
Dancer Tenure
Number or Years | Percentages |
Less than 1 year | 24% |
1-2 years | 30% |
3-4 years | 15% |
5-7 years | 15% |
8-10 years | 6% |
11+ years | 10% |
Comparing The LGBT Ratio of Dancers with Other Job Titles
After finding the gender ratio, we wondered if the percentages of LGBT persons were different as well. Using the data below, you can see how other job titles compare to dancers.
Job Title | LGBT | Job Openings |
Diving Coach | 9.28% | 14,454 |
Baton Twirler | 11.39% | 12200.00% |
Jockey | 14.59% | 2,211 |
Field Producer | 16.02% | 54,756 |
Orchestra Leader | 21.16% | 30,861 |
Dancer | 21.84% | |
Voice-Over Artist | 23.07% | 3,807 |
Voice-Over Artist
Orchestra Leader
Field Producer
Baton Twirler
Diving Coach
Dancer LGBT Demographics
Profession | Percentages of LGBT | Job Openings |
Diving Coach | 9.![]() | 14,454 |
Baton Twirler | 11.39% | 122 |
Jockey | 14.59% | 2,211 |
Field Producer | 16.02% | 54,756 |
Orchestra Leader | 21.16% | 30,861 |
Voice-Over Artist | 23.07% | 3,807 |
Foreign Languages Spoken By Dancers
The most common foreign language among dancers is Spanish at 45.7%. The second-most popular foreign language spoken is French at 16.2% and German is the third-most popular at 4.5%.
- Spanish, 45.7%
- French, 16.2%
- German, 4.5%
- Chinese, 3.8%
- Italian, 3.8%
- Other, 26.0%
Dancer Languages Spoken
Foreign Language | Percentages |
Spanish | 45.7% |
French | 16.2% |
German | 4.5% |
Chinese | 3.8% |
Italian | 3.![]() |
Other | 26.0% |
Dancer Heatmaps
Which State Has The Most Dancers?
By looking through more than 4,746 resumes, we found that the most popular places for dancers are New York, NY and Chicago, IL.
Number of Dancers
Dancer Demographics FAQs
How Many Dancer Are There In The Us?
There are over 7,348 Dancers in the United States.
What Percentage Of Dancers Are Black?
12.5% of Dancers are Black or African American
What Race Are Most Dancers?
Most a are White, with 49.8% of Dancers belonging to this ethnicity. 24.2% of Dancers are Hispanic or Latino, 12.5% of Dancers are Black or African American, 7.3% of Dancers are Asian, 5.5% of Dancers are Unknown, and 0.7% of Dancers are American Indian and Alaska Native
Are Dancer Jobs Male - Dominated ?
No, Dancer jobs are not male - dominated. 73% of Dancers are female, and 26% are male, so there are more female Dancers than male Dancers in the United States.
How Old Is The Average Dancer ?
The average Dancer is 29 years old. 7% of Dancers are 40+ years old or older, 31% are between the ages of 30-40 years, and 61% are between 20-30 years old
Have more questions? See all answers to common arts, entertainment, sports, and media questions.
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How many kinds of dances are there in the world?. Who is who in the world of art
How many types of dances are there in the world?. Who's Who in the Art WorldWikiReading
Who is who in the world of art
Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich
How many kinds of dances are there in the world?
Dancing has existed since the very first steps of mankind. Primitive people in dances depicted the forces of nature, they gave dances magical power. There were also military and hunting dances, wedding and funeral dances.
They danced in the temples of ancient Egypt and in Greece. It was the Greeks, who admired dance as an art form, who developed it to such an extent that dance ceased to be part of religious ceremonies, but became a source of entertainment. Dances became an integral part of all feasts and holidays among the Greeks. They danced in India and Spain, as well as in the countries of the East.
Later, the country where the art of dancing really began to develop was France.
There are many types of classical dances: the serious and unhurried dance of the court houses of England - the allemande, the intricate French dance - the courante, the majestic sarabande, the jig - the old dance of English sailors, the Norwegian peasant dance of the springar, the Polish polonaise, the Krakowiak, the mazurka and the polka. And, of course, everyone's favorite and ageless waltz. According to experts, there are now more than 250 types of different dances in the world.
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Dance sport
On September 8, 1997, a significant event took place in the world of dance sport. On this day, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced the full recognition of the International DanceSport Federation (IDSF) as a "Recognized Federation" and a full member of the IOC. This worldwide recognition is regarded as the main achievement of IDSF and dancesport in general. It was also the culmination of a long history of dancesport development, six years of hard work by the IDSF, a huge effort by National Federations and hundreds of thousands of dancers around the world.
Dancing used to be considered an art form. Today it is customary to consider competitive ballroom dancing as an "artistic sport". Why is dance considered a sport? Because it demands from the dancer the qualities that most "real" sports have.
Physical strength . Ballroom dancing can be compared with ice dancing in terms of the intensity of supports and the complexity of performing elements (many links came to ice dancing from ordinary dances).
Flexibility and coordination . These qualities are necessary for maneuvering on the floor and performing figures and lines. Similar qualities are characteristic of such sports as diving, sailing, surfing, basketball and even football, but this is closest to gymnastics.
Musicality . All competitors in dancesport must demonstrate an understanding of music and rhythm in the same way as is required in rhythmic gymnastics.
Endurance . Dance sport competitions are held in several rounds - from preliminary to semi-final and final. In each round, dancers must perform five two-minute dances. A 1996 study found that the degree of muscle tension and breathing rate of dancers who performed one two-minute dance was similar to that of cyclists, swimmers, and middle-distance runners (over the same amount of time). The finalist of the World Championship in 10 dances performs 30 dances during the tournament!
Discipline and team spirit . Dance sport is a team sport. A team can be one couple. A team can consist of 16 members (8 couples) in formation competitions. The discipline requirements for 16 people performing up to 13 dance tempo changes, and at the same time constantly coordinating their position on the floor with respect to other team members, are much higher compared to other sports.
Grace and style . Like ice dancing and rhythmic gymnastics, in sports dancing an important component of success is the smoothness of movement and the attractive appearance of the couple.
However, unlike most other sports, dancing has features that make it possible to consider it not only a sport, but also an art.
The motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" - "Faster, Higher, Stronger" - seems to express the spirit of the Olympic Games. However, it does not cover all aspects of the Games today, as, however, it did not cover them in the 4th-5th centuries. BC E. This motto truly reflects the ancient spirit of competition, but it cannot convey the full range of competition included in the Games. It is obvious that competition is a characteristic feature of modern society, not only in the sports arena, but also in business and career. Therefore, the concepts of comparative and excellent, good and better are familiar to everyone.
How applicable is the Olympic slogan to DanceSport today? Ten years ago, we witnessed the inclusion of dancesport into the Olympic family, as previously rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming. Thus, these species were recognized as being in line with the Olympic ideas. At the highest level of performance, they involve unrivaled craftsmanship and understanding. Top-level athletes in any sport are completely selfless. All these sports are competitive and require a level of training of participants that guarantees the status of tournaments as sporting events. However, none of these sports meet the "Faster, Higher, Stronger" criterion. Apparently, such comparisons as "more accurate", "more graceful" or "artistic" are more suitable for them.
Dance sport is not a hobby - it's a way of life. With serious studies, the head is always occupied with dancing. It doesn't matter whether you're having lunch or riding the bus - the rhythm of the music is in your ears, you calculate the movements, you think over some new interesting ideas. And it cannot be otherwise. After all, the practice goes quickly - when you come to class, to training, you no longer have to think - you must know and do.
Dancers usually have a very tight schedule that includes training (lessons and practice) and tournament schedules. Classes in most dance clubs - every day, including weekends and holidays. The dancer himself decides how much he needs to train - with and without a teacher. High results are never given in vain - for this you need to work hard, and most importantly, think, look for new original solutions to problems.
It is equally important to constantly take part in regional, all-Russian and international tournaments. In order for the couple not to be forgotten by the judges, it simply needs to "be in sight", take its place in the ranking, in the list of competition results.