Stardew valley how many hearts for flower dance
Dancing with Sebastian at the Flower Dance on Year 1: Ultimate Guide : StardewValley
So I began a new file and decided that I would dance with my favourite bachelor, Sebastian, on the Flower Dance (26th of Spring). He is a tricky one to get up to 4 hearts (the mininum for him to accept) in the beginning of the game, but I just made it today and wanted to share some tips.
First up: Math. You'll need a total of 1000 points to get 4 hearts, and you have 25 days, divided in 4 weeks, to do so. Talking gives 20 points, a liked gift gives 45 and a loved gift gives 80. Giving the maximum gifts per week also earns you 10 extra points. You have a total of 8 gifts to give.
Just talking to him everyday until the 25th gives you 500 points.
Talking everyday and giving loved gifts (7) will get you to four hearts on the 21st.
Talking everday, giving liked gifts (2) and loved gifts (6) will get you to four hearts on the 22nd.
Talking everday, giving liked gifts (4) and loved gifts (4) will get you to four hearts on the 23rd.
There are variations of these, with the bonuses or for example in the last week instead of a loved gift you can just talk to him until the Flower Dance or give him a liked one. But the takeaway is that the maximum of liked gifts is 4.
Now, the guide to achieving one of those variants:
Talk to him everyday and learn his schedule (this is only necessary until you hit 2 hearts): he gets out at 3pm-4pm almost everyday to go his kitchen. The Egg Hunt counts and talking to him on the festival gives you points normally. Remember to talk when they're not in the middle of a special animation, since that gives you only 10 points. Talk to him when he's walking.
Learn the answers to his dialogue questions on the Wiki. His 2 heart event questions don't have an effect on friendship.
Always give him the maximum gifts per week.
I managed to give only loved gifts (Sashimi, Pumpkin Soup and Frozen Tears are the ones to get for this).
Befriend Linus: he lives right next to Sebastian's house and likes the foregeables. At 3 hearts he will give you the recipe for Sashimi.
Check Pierre's everyday for quests; if you're lucky Sebastian wil post one.
Check the Saloon everyday for the meal being sold that day. It will frequently have Sashimi for sale (I got lucky and there were two for sale on my first day!), sometimes Pumpkin Soup and it can also have Dish o' the Sea and Blueberry Tart, Linus's loved gifts.
Steamroll your way through the mines, that open on day 5, until level 40. The dark levels are tough, so I recommend making or collecting torches along the way and plopping them down as you go.
Advance at least 5 levels a day (making it the 13th when you make it), or 10 whenever possible (I even pushed it to 15 one day). Don't sell your crops: use them for energy and health at the mines. Once you hit level 40, you can get Frozen Tears.
After you get to level 40 or get Linus to 3 hearts, you'll have a source of loved gifts and you can do just steps 1 and 3 until you get to 4 hearts!
Doing this will require most of your focus until the Flower Dance. It will require some luck as well, but it's entirely possible if you're mildly dedicated and throw in the mininum of loved gifts. I recommend doing this on an exclusive file, so you can give it all of your attention and also start a new one if you don't get it the first time.
I got to 4 hearts on the 19th, gifting Sashimi (bought at the Saloon, they were fairly cheap) and Frozen Tears. I also got one of his questions at 3 hearts which made the final jump to 4 hearts early.
I hope this guide as helpful and I wish you good luck! Please comment if you have any suggestions or I missed something.
Getting a partner in the Year 1 Flower Dance for Dummies : StardewValley
tldr; Talk to the person you want to dance with every day and gift them twice a week, it's a tad more complicated than that so details below.
Many of us have been there, starry eyed and new to the game, you’re starting to get the hang of things as Spring comes to a close. Then the Flower Dance comes, you've been talking to the villagers a little, maybe you have one or two hearts with a few, so you ask somebody to dance only to be abjectly rejected. That was how my first game went, but ever since I've been able to consistently secure a partner every time. Here's how you avoid being the sad individual on the sidelines in your next game.
The goal we need to achieve is 1000 Friendship Points, that's the threshold for characters to agree to a dance. That might seem Like a daunting goal since even a Loved gift is only worth 80 points, but it actually is quite achievable if a bit grindy.
There are two main sources of points we'll be able to draw from, conversations and gifts. Every time you talk to an NPC when they aren't in the middle of a special animation you will receive 20 friendship points, if you talk to your desired partner every single day including on the flower dance day itself you'll get 480 friendship points from this source. That's almost half of what we need.
As for gifts, a neutral gift gives 20 points, a Liked gift gives 45, and a Loved gift gives 80 friendship points. If the gift has a quality rating a modifier will be applied to these points, 1.1 for Silver, 1.25 for Gold, and 1.5 for iridium. If you give someone two gifts in a week you will also get a bonus +10 points with them at the end of the week. You can give 8 gifts before the flower dance which would give you 390 points if you used basic quality Liked gifts. As for what gifts to give, this page is going to be your best friend
Now 390+480 still leaves us 130 points short of what we need so we'll need to do a little more work than simply talking every day and giving Liked gifts, even if all the Liked gifts you give are Gold quality you'll still fall a few points short at 960. So in order to reach the 1000 we need you'll have to take advantage of help wanted requests which give 150 points upon completion, or mix in some Loved gifts. The exceptions are characters who have birthdays before the Dance, since any gift given on a birthday has an 8x multiplier to the friendship gained.
Now let's break down the characters by how easy they are to get to 1000 points by dance day, assuming you talk to them every single day for the free 480 points.
Edit: Today I learned that the Introductions quest gives you +100 Friendship points with everyone. That doesn't necessitate any fundamental changes to what you'll have to do to build a full 1000 points, but it certainly makes things easier.
Shane: Shane's birthday is before the Flower Dance, and one of his Loved gifts is beer, which Gus always has in stock. All you have to do to get Shane to dance with you is talk to him every day and give him a Beer for his birthday. If you give him two gifts a week as well you'll actually overshoot the required 1000 points by a pretty large margin (he Likes Parsnips).
Haley: Like Shane Haley's birthday is before the Dance, however her Loved gifts are almost impossible to obtain during your first spring. With that said she Likes Daffodils, so if you give her a Gold Daffodil on her birthday you can get 450 points. Combine that with a few more Daffodils and talking every day and you'll easily reach or surpass 1000. Her two heart event also provides an opportunity for 30 more points if you select the "Haley, why not have this be your one weekly job?" option.
Maru: Maru Loves Cauliflower and Strawberries, both of which you can grow before the dance, although not during Week 1.
Each Gold Quality Loved gift is worth 100 Friendship points, so if you give her 6 Gold Cauliflowers/Strawberries before the event and talk to her every day you'll reach 1000, Silver will also work, as will Regular if you give her two Quartz during Week 1 but with narrower margins. Scaring up 6 Gold of either crop isn't too difficult so I would personally go with that for safety.
Leah: Leah Loves Salad, Salad is always in stock for 220g at the Saloon. If you give it to her for all 8 gifts you'll hit 1150 points. You only need to give her 5 though, so long as you give her Regular Liked gifts or better for the other 3 gifts. For example if you give her 3 Driftwood and 5 Salad you'll still reach 1045.
Harvey: Totally forgot about him, he's basically the same as Leah, but with Coffee instead of Salad. He also has a pretty wide pool of liked gifts so it's quite easy to get him over 1000.
Sam: Sam is a lot Like Leah, he Loves Pizza which can be easily obtained from the Saloon.
But Pizza costs 600g which is a lot in your first Spring. Basically the same strategy as Leah here, his cheapest gift ratio is 5 Pizzas, 3 Joja-Colas along with talking every day of course.
Emily: Tragically Emily's birthday is a few days after the Dance, but it is possible to obtain two of her Loved gifts (Topaz and Amethyst) very early on, she Loves all gemstones except quartz so if you get lucky with fishing chests you may find others as well. She also Likes Daffodils and Parsnips both of which you can obtain high quality versions of. The absolute minimum you can get away with for Emily is 2 Loved gemstones and 6 Gold Liked items, Parsnips being the easiest.
I would not recommend trying anyone beyond this point, getting them to 1000 points essentially demands that you complete one or more help wanted quests for them, either because their Loved gifts can't be obtained, or they don't Like enough gifts that have a quality rating. Emily is borderline, but getting 2 gemstone nodes in 18 days isn't too bad. On the other hand, everyone above will get even easier if you happen to complete help wanted quests for them.
Everyone Else. The basic beats will be the same for all the bachelors/bachelorettes not mentioned above with a few minor exceptions. An aggressive mine diver might be able to find some Frozen Tears for Sebastian, someone who gets an early crab pot and has good luck might be able to get some Lobster for Elliot, a fishing chest might give you an Emerald for Penny, etc. But other than those edge cases every other potential partner is going to play the same. Most people Like Vegetables so Gold Parsnips or whatever else you're growing will be your mainstay along with talking every day, but even 8 Gold Liked Gifts won't get you to 1000. So you'll need some help from RNGesus. One help wanted quest, in combination with 8 Liked gifts of any quality, and talking every day will let you squeak by at 1020 points.
Edit: Formatting.
Stardew valley luau what to add to soup. Stardew valley luau what to add to soup
Before the soup-tasting, Mayor Lewis states, “I trust that you all put high-quality ingredients in the pot this year. We don't want the governor to regret his visit to the valley!" At this point it is too late for the player to change the item already added to the soup.
Stardew Valley: Everything You Need To Know About The Luau
The Luau is an annual event that takes place each Summer. Here's everything you need to know about its location, activities, and its potluck soup!
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There is no shortage of events and festivals in Stardew Valley. One of the festivals is the annual Luau. During the Luau, you will get to interact with the residents of Pelican Town, and contribute to the communal soup.
This guide is going to go over everything you need to know about the Luau. The big reward for this event is friendship points, so we will also go over how to get the best outcome.
Updated February 4, 2022, by Belle Huston: Stardew Valley is a game where you spend your time farming, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It only makes sense, then, that you’d be able to participate in local events and competitions to prove the quality of your crops! The Luau, a summer festival, is one such occasion. We’ve updated this guide for clarity and to indicate exactly what you need to do to win.
When And When Is The Luau?
The Luau takes place every year on Summer 11. The Luau will occur on the beach, just south of Pelican Town.
The area will be blocked off until 9 am, when the event starts. It just means you will have enough time in the morning to tend your crops, collect eggs, and milk your cows. To get there just head to Pelican Town and take the bridge south of the Mayor's house.
You can attend the Luau later than 9 am, however, the event will end at 2 pm. If you show up past this time, the event will be over. When you leave the event, you will immediately be transported back to your farm at 10 pm. Although the Luau technically ends at 2 pm, attending it will take the whole day.
Jacqueline Zalace is a writer for TheGamer, based in Austin, Texas. When she's not writing or playing video games, you can catch her doing yoga and painting.
Stardew valley luau what to add to the soup
Luau is a holiday that takes place on the 11th of every summer. To participate, you need to go to the beach from 9:00 to 14:00 (you will not be able to go to the beach until 9:00). When the holiday ends, you will appear at the farm at 22:00.
On the day of the holiday, all houses and shops in the valley are closed and cannot be entered.
The main part of the holiday is the common soup. Every resident of the city brings ingredients for him, and the governor tastes and evaluates the soup. Soup tasting begins after talking with Mayor Lewis.
The behavior of Governor and Mayor Lewis during the tasting depends on what you put in the soup. As a result, the disposition towards you of almost all the inhabitants of the city will increase or decrease. The outcome of the holiday does not affect your friendship with Sandy, the wizard, Krobus and the Dwarf in any way.
The party ends when the governor tastes the soup.
Pierre has a kiosk at the party where he sells the following items:
Bring one item that you will add to the communal soup. It can only be an edible product, ready meals will not work (elixir of life and Garlic oil are also considered ready meals; but a field snack will do). Mayor Lewis asks you to bring the best food.
The governor's reaction is determined by the quality of the item added to the soup, its base price and edibility (how many health and energy points it restores). The calculations do not take into account bonuses from professions that increase the price of the item (such as Animal Breeder, Fisherman, etc.).
Depending on what you add, there are six possible scenarios. The outcome of the soup tasting can affect your relationship with all the inhabitants of the city.
“Something seems to be missing”
“ | “Hmm. Well, the soup is good, but something seems to be missing. Did everyone present put something in the soup? It seems that the soup lacked someone's participation.” |
- Governor |
If you don't put anything in, you won't gain or lose friendship points.
Best reaction
If you put one of the following items, you will get 120 friendship points with all villagers.
Quality | Suitable products |
Regular | Regular quality products not suitable |
Silver | Bol.![]() |
gold / iridium* | Pineapple • Artichoke • Sweet potato • Can of milk • Bol. bottle of goat's milk • Bottle of goat's milk • Wine (purchased from a traveling merchant) • Wine (Pineapple) • Wine (Orange) • Wine (Banana) • Wine (Grape) • Wine (Cherry) • Wine (Pomegranate) • Wine (Ancient Fruit) ) • Wine (Melon) • Wine (Carambola) • Wine (Strawberry) • Wine (Cranberry) • Wine (Coconut) • Wine (Crystal Fruit) • Wine (Mango) • Wine (Spicy Berry) • Wine (Peach) • Wine (Cactus Fruit) • Wine (Rhubarb) • Wine (Black Plum) • Wine (Apple) • Melon • Creepy Fish • Golden Egg • Carambola • Mutant Carp • Goat Cheese • Red Cabbage • Crimsonfish • Lava Eel • Legend • Legend II • Ledopip • Ledoryb Jr.![]() |
* If the product is both gold and iridium quality, you can choose either.
Good Reaction
If you put one of the following items, you will get 60 friendship points with all villagers.
Quality | Suitable products |
Regular | Amaranth • Pineapple • Orange • Artichoke • Banana • Sweet potato • Can of milk • Bol. bottle of goat's milk • Largemouth bass • Bottle of goat's milk • Bucket of milk • Wine (purchased from the traveling merchant) • Wine (Apricot) • Wine (Pineapple) • Wine (Orange) • Wine (Banana) • Wine (Grape) • Wine (Cherry) ) • Wine (Pomegranate) • Wine (Ancient Fruit) • Wine (Melon) • Wine (Blackberry) • Wine (Hot Pepper) • Wine (Carambola) • Wine (Strawberry) • Wine (Cranberry) • Wine (Coconut) • Wine (Crystal Fruit) • Wine (Mango) • Wine (Cloudberry) • Wine (Spicy Berry) • Wine (Peach) • Wine (Cactus Fruit) • Wine (Rhubarb) • Wine (Black Plum) • Wine (Blueberry) • Wine ( Apple) • Dried caviar (all types) • Blue discus • Pomegranate • Dorada • Melon • Yellow walleye • Spooky fish • Stardrop • Green tea • Snake tooth • Golden egg • Caviar (all types) • Carambola • Mutant carp • Maple Syrup • Strawberry • Goat Cheese • Taro Root • Coffee • Red Cabbage • Crimsonfish • Crystal Fruit • Curly Cabbage • Lava Eel • Legend • Legend II • Ice Dip • Icefish Jr.![]() |
Silver | Albacore • Amaranth • Pineapple • Orange • Artichoke • Banana • Red mullet • Sweet potato • Can of milk • Bok choy • Largemouth bass • Large egg (any color) • Bottle of goat's milk • Bucket of milk • Wine (Apricot) • Wine (Grape) • Wine (Cherry) • Wine (Blackberry) • Wine (Hot Pepper) • Wine (Cranberry) • Wine (Cloudberry) • Wine (Sharp Berry) • Wine (Cactus Fruit) • Wine (Black Plum) • Wine (Blueberry) • Grape • Cherry • Blue Discus • Pomegranate • Sea Dorado • Melon • Yellow Pike • Spooky Fish • Winter Root • Snake Tooth • Squid • Flounder • Mutant Carp • Potato • Strawberry • Cranberry • Taro Root • Red Cabbage • Crystal Fruit • Curly Cabbage • Ledoryb ml.![]() |
gold / iridium* | Albacore • Amaranth • Orange • Banana • Red mullet • Bok choy • Largemouth bass • Large egg (any color) • Bucket of milk • Wine (Apricot) • Wine (Blackberry) • Wine (Hot pepper) • Wine (Cloudberry) • Wine (Blueberry) • Grape • Cherry • Blue Discus • Pomegranate • Sea Dorada • Yellow Pike • Winter Root • Serpent Tooth • Squid • Flounder • Potato • Strawberry • Cranberry • Taro Root • Crystal Fruit • Curly Cabbage • Timber Splash • Summer Glitter • Void Salmon • Salmon • Poppy • Small flounder • Sea ruff • Night squid • Spicy berry • Peach • Sandbox • Cactus fruit • Sunflower • Midnight carp • Radish • Beetroot • Slimejack • Morel • Snow yam • Catfish • Edible fern • Tiger trout • Tilapia • Tuna • Eel • Duck egg • Hazelnut • Black plum • Pike • Apple |
Andrey Kolsky - assistant editor.
His passion for gaming began with his first console (Sega Genesis) and he hasn't stopped playing ever since. His favorite games are The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Team Fortress 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Pokémon Sword & Shield, Old School Runescape, Skyrim and Breath of the Wild.
Location of the Luau
You know when the Luau happens, but where is it? Luau will take place on the beach, south of Pelican City.
This area will be closed until 9am, when the event starts. To get here, simply head to Pelican City and cross the bridge south of the mayor's house. Remember, if you leave the beach, the event will end!
Special Luau Items
During the Luau, you will also be able to purchase limited items from Pierre. As soon as you enter the beach, Pierre will be on the right. Below are the available products and their prices.
- Wall palm: 1000 g
- Jungle sticker (4 options): 800 g
- Ceiling sheets (3 options): 400 g
- Totem pole: 1000 g
- Starfruit: 3000 g
- Regular torch: 700 g
These items will be available every Luau year. If for some reason you can't buy them all, they will come back next year.
On the 3rd summer, the mayor will ask you to find his purple shorts. Shorts can be found in Marnie's bedroom . If you are close enough with Marnie, you can go into her room and take the shorts.
Friendship Skills
At any friendship level, the player has a chance to gain ,500g. By mail from Lewis as a gift from the Stardew Valley Agricultural Trust. The higher the level of friendship, the more likely it is to happen.
Lewis will also mail two recipes to the player, allowing them to use fresh vegetables to make healthy meals.
- Spaghetti: Sent to three hearts. This simple dish restores 75 energy and 33 health .
- Eggplant Parmesan: Sent to seven hearts. This recipe offers much more restorative force, at 175 energy and 78 health .
It also gives +1 Mining and +3 Defense making it a great option for caving.
NEXT: Stardew Valley: How to Get a Chicken Coop (and Make It Worth Your Time)
This area will be locked down until when the event starts. To get here, simply head to Pelican City and cross the bridge south of the mayor's house. Remember, if you leave the beach, the event will end!
Stardew valley luau what to add to the soup
Luau is a holiday that takes place on the 11th of every summer. To participate, you need to go to the beach from 9:00 to 14:00 (you will not be able to enter the beach until 9:00). When the holiday ends, you will appear at the farm at 22:00.
On the day of the holiday, all houses and shops in the valley are closed and cannot be entered.
The main part of the holiday is the common soup. Every resident of the city brings ingredients for him, and the governor tastes and evaluates the soup. Soup tasting begins after talking with Mayor Lewis.
The behavior of Governor and Mayor Lewis during the tasting depends on what you put in the soup. As a result, the disposition towards you of almost all the inhabitants of the city will increase or decrease. The outcome of the holiday does not affect your friendship with Sandy, the wizard, Krobus and the Dwarf in any way.
The party ends when the governor tastes the soup.
Bring one product that you will add to the general soup. It can only be an edible product, ready meals will not work (elixir of life and Garlic oil are also considered ready meals; but a field snack will do). Mayor Lewis asks you to bring the best food.
The governor's reaction is determined by the quality of the item added to the soup, its base price and edibility (how many health and energy points it restores). The calculations do not take into account bonuses from professions that increase the price of the item (such as Animal Breeder, Fisherman, etc. ).
Depending on what you add, there are six possible scenarios. The outcome of the soup tasting can affect your relationship with all the inhabitants of the city.
"Something seems to be missing"
If you don't put anything in, you won't gain or lose friendship points.
Best reaction
If you put one of the following items, you will get 120 friendship points with all villagers.
Quality | Suitable products |
Regular | Regular quality products not suitable |
Silver | Bol. bottle of goat's milk • Wine (purchased from a traveling merchant) • Wine (Pineapple) • Wine (Orange) • Wine (Banana) • Wine (Pomegranate) • Wine (Ancient Fruit) • Wine (Melon) • Wine (Carambola) • Wine ( Strawberry) • Wine (Coconut) • Wine (Crystal Fruit) • Wine (Mango) • Wine (Peach) • Wine (Rhubarb) • Wine (Apple) • Golden Egg • Carambola • Goat Cheese • Crimson Fish • Lava Eel • Legend • Legend II • Ice Dip • Magma Mushroom • Bubble Fish • Pale Ale • Ostrich Egg • Son of Crimsonfish |
gold / iridium* | Pineapple • Artichoke • Banana • Sweet potato • Can of milk • Bol.![]() |
Stardew valley luau what to add to soup
Egg Festival
The Egg Festival takes place on the 13th of spring. To participate, you need to go to the city of Pelican from 9:00 to 14:00. When the holiday ends, you will appear at the farm at 22:00.
The main part of the holiday is the egg hunt, where you and other participants look for small colored eggs hidden in the city. The egg hunt begins after talking with Mayor Lewis. You must collect 9colored eggs in 50 seconds of real time. If you fail, then Abigail wins. If you win, you will receive a straw hat as a reward. If you have already won in the last year or earlier, you will receive 1,000g. .
There is a kiosk at the entrance to the city where you can buy a decorative plush rabbit and strawberry seeds (if you plant them that night, you will have time to harvest the strawberry bushes twice before the start of summer).
The celebration ends when Mayor Lewis announces the winner of the egg hunt.
Flower dances
Flower dances take place on the 24th of spring. To participate, you need to go to Cindersap Forest from 9:00 to 14:00. When the holiday ends, you will appear at the farm at 22:00.
The dance takes place far in the western part of the forest, south of the wizard's tower. You can get there by the bridge and only during the Flower Dances.
At the party you can dance with one of the bachelors or bachelors. You need to talk to him/her twice and invite him to the dance, but you will get rejected if you have less than four friendship hearts with him/her. You can talk to other characters, but you can't invite them to the dance.
Dancing together will increase friendship by one heart (250 points).
The dance will start when you talk to Lewis. After the dancing, the celebration ends.
Luau takes place on the 11th of summer. To participate, you need to go to the beach from 9:00 to 14:00. When the holiday ends, you will appear at the farm at 22:00.
On the Luau, Pierre will sell a tropical palm tree, jungle stickers, ceiling leaves, a simple torch, a totem, and carambola fruit.
The main part of the holiday is the common soup. Every resident of the city brings ingredients for him, and the governor tastes and evaluates the soup. Soup tasting begins after talking with Mayor Lewis.
How Governor and Mayor Lewis behave during the tasting depends on what you put in the soup. As a result, the location of all the inhabitants of the city to you will increase or decrease.
The holiday ends when the governor tastes the soup.
Dance of the Midnight Jellyfish
Dance of the Midnight Jellyfish takes place on the 28th of summer. To participate, you need to go to the beach from 22:00 to 00:00. When the holiday ends, you will appear at the farm at 00:00.
Nothing is for sale at the festival.
At the festival, the townsfolk gather at the pier to watch migrating jellyfish attracted by a boat with candles lit by Mayor Lewis. Jellyfish will appear after talking with Lewis.
After watching the jellyfish, the party ends.
When adding an item to the potluck soup, only edible, uncooked items are valid (although Life Elixir and Oil of Garlic are crafted and not cooked, the game considers them "cooked" items, so they are not eligible. Magic Rock Candy and Piña Colada are considered "cooked" items as well, so they are not eligible. Field Snack and Bug Steak, however, are eligible). Note that the game does not inform the player before the event that the "potluck" is a soup, nor that cooked or inedible items are not valid.
* For items that are available in gold and iridium qualities, either may be used, except in the case of Taro Root (iridium produces the Best Response).
Stardew valley luau what to add to soup
Luau is a holiday that takes place on the 11th of every summer. To participate, you need to go to the Beach from 9:00 to 14:00. (You won't be able to get to the beach until 9:00.) The party ends after the Governor tastes the soup. The end of the holiday will return you to the farm at 22:00.
On the day of the holiday, all houses and shops in Stardew Valley are closed and you will not be able to enter them.
A unique feature of the Luau is the preparation of a soup made from the ingredients of the inhabitants of the valley. You can choose which ingredient to add to the soup, after which the Governor will taste it and evaluate it. The tasting will begin after talking with Mayor Lewis.
The Governor's reaction depends on which ingredient you added. This will affect friendship points with most villagers. The number of points may increase, decrease or remain the same depending on the ingredient you added. The outcome of the holiday does not affect your friendship with Sandy, Wizard, Krobus and Dwarf in any way.
When playing in multiplayer, the Governor's reaction is determined by the worst food put into the soup by the players.
Soup preparation
You can only add edible products to the soup, ready meals will not work. (Despite the fact that Elixir of Life and Garlic Oil are crafted items, not cooked items, the game considers them to be "cooked". Field Snack and Beetle Steak, however, can be added.) The mayor will ask you to bring something tasty .
The three determinants of the Governor's response to an ingredient you add are quality, base selling value, and edibility (healing effect) of the product. Professions that increase the cost of selling items (such as "Animal Farmer", "Fisherman" and the like) do not not affect the result.
Depending on what you add, one of six events will happen.
“Something seems to be missing”
“ | “Hmm. Well, the soup is good, but something seems to be missing. Did everyone present put something in the soup? It seems that the soup lacked someone's participation.” |
- Governor |
If you don't put anything in, you won't gain or lose friendship points. When playing in multiplayer, it only takes one person putting nothing in the soup to get this reaction.
Best reaction
If you put one of the following items, you will get 120 friendship points with all villagers.
Big Bottle of Goat Milk Golden Egg Carambola Goat Cheese Crimsonfish Lava Eel Legend Legend II Ice Pip Magma Mushroom Bubble Fish Pale Ale Ostrich Egg Banana Pomegranate Ancient Fruit Carambola Melon Strawberry Coconut Crystal Fruit Mango Peach Rhubarb
Pineapple Artichoke Banana Sweet Potato Can of Milk Goat Milk Bottle Goat Milk Bottle Melon Spooky Fish Golden Egg Carambola Mutant Carp Goat Cheese Taro Root (Iridium Only) Red Cabbage Crimsonfish Lava Eel Legend II Icepip Icefish Icefish Ml Chanterelle Magma Mushroom Mango Mead Miss Monkfish Monkfish Sturgeon Beer Radioactive Carp Bubblefish Pale Ale Fairy Rose Skate Catfish Ostrich Egg Son Crimsonfish Cheese Truffle Purple Mushroom Cauliflower Miracle Cucumber
Wine purchased from a traveling merchant
Wine from the following fruits:
Pineapple Orange Banana Grape Cherry Pomegranate Ancient fruit Carambola melon Strawberry Cranberry Coconut Crystal fruit Mango Spicy berry Peach Cactus fruit Rhubarb Black plum Apple gold, and iridium quality, you can choose any of them (except the Tarot Root).
Good Reaction
If you put one of the following items, you will get 60 friendship points with all villagers.
Amaranth Pineapple Orange Artichoke Banana Sweet potato Jug of milk Large bottle of goat's milk Largemouth bass Bottle of goat's milk Bucket of milk Dried caviar (any fish) Blue discus Pomegranate Dorada Melon Yellow zander Spooky fish Stardrop Green tea Snake tooth Golden egg Caviar (any fish) Carambola Mutant Carp Maple Syrup Strawberry Goat Cheese Taro Root Coffee Red Cabbage Crimsonfish Crystal Fruit Curly Cabbage Lava Eel Legend Legend II Ice Pip Ice Fish Ice Fish ML Muscle Medicine Chanterelle Void Salmon Magma Mushroom Poppy Mango Oil Mead Small Flounder Miss Monk Monk Ruff Monk Monk Squid Sturgeon Peach Beer Cactus Fruit Midnight Carp Radioactive Carp Rice Bubble Fish Beetroot Pale Ale Fairy Rose Ray Slimejack Morel Snow Yam Catfish Ostrich Egg Son Crimsonfish Cheese Tiger Trout Truffle Truffle Oil Tuna Vinegar Purple Mushroom Colored cabbage Black caviar Miracle cucumber Pike Energy tonic Apple
Chapter 99: Perfect Girl, Forsaken Soul Pet | Spirit Pet World
Chapter 99: *Name Hidden*
“Now where?” The woman called by the venerable woman coldly asked.
“From my sense of smell, it must be in the territory of the Blue Galaxy Demon Emperor. It looks like he's chasing someone. Dear woman, I really no longer associate myself with the mundane world. Usually I just hide in the forest, pick fruit and take a nap. I didn't actually watch people like the nightmarish Xia Guanghan Palace. Just let me go Think about it, my legs are so short, how long will it take me to crawl to my house?”
“Are you sure he's in the Blue Galaxy Demon Emperor's territory?” The venerable woman asked again.
“I'm sure, how dare I lie to you? The raccoon man immediately raised his furry paw and said:
“En, now you can get lost yourself.” The venerable woman said.
As soon as she finished, Star Soul's pet suddenly opened its claws, and the raccoon man immediately let out a piercing cry, and he fell straight from the sky a hundred meters high!
Usually, when soul pet trainers entered any wild area, they deliberately put away their flying soul pet and walked on the ground. After all, the biggest taboo when entering soul pet territory was flying.
However, this woman was not going to stop at all, riding her pet Star Soul straight into the terrifying forbidden region of the southern lands.
Inside the blue sky forest, Chu Mu was still slowly moving forward on his Night Storm Beast Dream.
The closer he got to the center, the deeper the blue on the ground became. Under the glow of the moon and stars, this made the shade become even more vibrant and charming.
As they deepened, Chu Mu could already gradually feel the dense demonic and wooden aura filling the air, giving one strange feeling in his heart. It left the man somewhat depressed, but it also felt like he had stepped into a pure and untouched wonderland.
Suddenly, the dream beast's nighttime thunder stopped, and it silently stood on a flower tarpaulin made of blue flower petals. Under the moonlight, his bright eyes looked ahead.
Chu Mu could also clearly see things ahead in the night. What confused Chu Mu was that about two hundred meters ahead of them was a group of strange black trees.
These black trees were short. Their bodies were not covered with any leaves. They looked like a group of dead trees with their hands hanging down. They stood neatly in a row inside that blue sky forest, making Chu Mu feel like they were more like a group of guardians protecting something.
Chu Mu's pet soul knew that it had its limits. Those soul pets that were lined up as guardians were something that Chu Mu had never seen before. Just by their restrained aura, he could hardly tell that they were probably the soul pets of a rank warrior.
Of course, if soul rank warrior soul pets have always lived in a Special Environment, their abilities would often be much stronger than normally grown wooden warrior ranks.
The Black Forest Demon Warriors were obviously under the influence of this special environment, and they should not have been weaker than the enhanced Outworld Pet Soul Commander Rank.
What surprised Chu Mu the most was the phases of those black forest demon warriors. Using his memory, Chu Mu could roughly determine that these Black Forest Demon warriors were almost all of the seventh phase and above. The biggest forest demon warrior was probably even in the eighth phase.
“Uuuuuu~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~” softly called out to Mo Xie Chu Mu.
— En, there may well be an area of strong demonic aura inside. Chu Mu nodded and deliberately looked back.
At present, Chu Mu could no longer walk forward as easily. Once he entered the area guarded by those Black Forest Demon Warriors, he would definitely face the surrounding attack of dozens of Phase Seven and above Black Forest Demon Warriors.
However, behind him, through the mark on the white nightmare, Chu Mu sensed Xia Guanghan's aura approaching, so he had to figure out a way to pass through the obstacle of the Black Forest Demon Warriors and secretly enter the mysterious and powerful demon's territory to allow the beast's nighttime thunder dream to stealthily absorb the pure and thick demonic aura.
“Mo Xie, see if you can use your evil fear of students to control that ebony stump at the very edge. Yes, you remain in the status of the night dance. If Mo Xie wakes them up, resolutely help Mo Xie hide.” Chu Mu said to his two soul pets.
Mo Xie immediately nodded. Remaining in her pitiful state, she slowly jumped off Chu Mu's body and immediately took careful steps, waving her beautiful nine tails as she adorably and seemingly harmlessly walked towards the nearby Demon Forest Warrior.
Mo Xie was also brave because of his confidence. Completely behaving as if she were a harmless little organism, she climbed onto the edge of the black forest demon warrior's body in one leap.
When the animals of the soul plant world remained completely still, there were often small organisms that climbed onto their shoulders to play. If they didn't specifically try to hunt, these animals of the soul plant world would usually not mind these little organisms.
Mo Xie's pitiful appearance had its absolute use at this time. The seventh phase of the Black Forest Demon Warrior completely viewed Mo Xie as a harmless little person. When Mo Xie climbed onto his shoulder, he didn't mind at all.
The closer she was, the stronger became the fear of the evil pupil. Mo Xie didn’t even need to leave her pitiful state of appearance. Her silver eyes immediately turned into evil pupil effects of fright, taking control of the Black Forest Demon Warrior before anyone even realized.
— JSC? AO?” The Black Forest Demon Warrior let out a series of strange noises, and he looked around blankly at his fellow Black Forest Demon Warriors who were still sleeping.
Finally, this black Forest Demon Warrior slowly took a few steps to the side with his dry bark legs.
“Very well, push them away one by one.” Chu Mu immediately smiled.
In the same way, Mo Xie, who had been ignored by those Black Forest Demon Warriors, moved them aside one by one, causing these Black Forest Demon Warriors to create a path that they would not even notice.
After all the Black Forest Demon warriors stepped aside, the Night Thunder Dream Beast began to very slowly pass by the ranks of the snoring Black Forest Demon warriors.
— AO?? AO??”
The silly-looking black Forest Demon Warrior suddenly raised his head up as if he felt the Night Thunder Dream Beast passing by him……
“Good Night Sleep!” Chu Mu’s reaction was very fast, immediately saying to his night dream thunder beast to throw its sleep technique at the awakened Black Forest Demon Warrior.
Just as the Black Forest Demon Warrior woke up and was ready to detect Chu Mu and his Night Thunder Sleep Beast, he was quickly struck by the demon's ability from the Night Thunder Sleep Beast, and he awkwardly returned to sleep.
Passing through the outer perimeter of the guards, Chu Mu exhaled, and he continued to let the night sleep thunder beast stay in the night dance status as they walked into the deeper realms step by step.
After entering the inner region of what the Black Forest Demon warriors were protecting, all kinds of different blue night flowers popped up under Chu Mu's feet. These night flowers were more like shining stars dotting this forest thickly in the sky. Volumetric, they gave one pleasure for their beauty.
The blue night flowers became more and more abundant as they deepened. Chu Mu slowly felt as if he was stepping into a blue sea of flowers, and what he was stepping on was actually one big blue and soft flower petal……
Not knowing why, But Chu Mu remembered that when he looked from afar through the protection of the black forest demon warrior, he should have seen the unusual natural ball in the center of the ninth deceitful world if he walked forward a little. And yet, as the Night Storm Beast of Sleep went deeper, this dark blue flower petal world seemed to never end.
“Uuuu~~~~” Mo Xie made a delicate call to Chu Mu.
Chu Mu looked at Mo Xie and said, “You also feel that this is strange, right?”
The blue blooming sea was not as blue as Chu Mu wanted it to be, a blue that could evoke happy memories. This dark blue color radiated uncontrollable depression, making you remember past things from depression.
“Uuu~~~~” Mo Xie made another sound as if she noticed something. Suddenly, she jumped off Chu Mu's shoulder and ran towards the huge flower bud.
Chu Mu saw that Mo Xie suddenly left him, and he immediately told his night thunder dream beast to follow him.
“What happened, Mo Xie?” Chu Mu looked inquiringly at the tall blue flower waiting in the wings, and suddenly felt that everything around him seemed too familiar to him.
In front of Chu Mu stood a huge blue flower, still open in bud. This flower was the same height as Chu Mu, and the night dew shone on it. The dew sparkled in the moonlight with a captivating sheen.
A dazzling blue flower bud silently stood in front of Chu Mu, and it looked like a closed blue heart of depression. It caused some longing and curiosity in someone's heart, making them want to know how good this bud will be when it blossoms into a flower, or if it really hides some special soul item……
– Ooooo~~ ~~~~Uuuuuu~~~~~~ Mo Xie let out a whole series of calls, her voice was clearly somewhat angry.
Chu Mu jumped down from the Night Storm Dream Beast and stared at the blue and dreamy bouquet.
Seeing that blue flower blossoming, Chu Mu's expression completely changed. Shock, surprise, disbelief, and a host of even more complex emotions flashed across his face.
“Is that so….” Chu Mu turned pale, but in the next moment, he showed an excitement that he had never shown before.
Chu Mu could no longer suppress the turmoil in his heart, and began to spread his own soul remembrance into a blue blooming flower to explore the inner life.
And yet, just like a long time ago, when Chu Mu put his soul's memory into it, the dark blue flower trembled slightly, and it slowly opened up among the sparkling dew and moonlight.
Waves of fragrance rolled over, causing Chu Mu's mind to waver. This scent was enchanting and mesmerizing, easily making one's mind wander far away.
But this time, Chu Mu was not completely deceived by this fragrance. His two eyes were intensely watching the slowly opening dark blue flower.
The petals slowly opened. When the moonlight fell on this beautiful flower stamen, small beautiful and butterfly-like lunar organisms immediately flew out of the blue flower, highlighting the holiness and purity of the gorgeous and touching young girl inside the flower!
Chu Mu, who could always keep his cool, could no longer control his emotions at this moment. The young girl born from flowers in front of him was the deepest scene in Chu Mu's heart, but that scene appeared in front of him again!!
— Eight Years Ago.
Chu Mu was only ten years old, but his soul memory was stronger than most people of his age, having already reached the level of the fourth spirit soldier memory.
However, Chu Tiancheng told Chu Mu that although he was already the fourth memory spirit soldier and could already sign soul contracts with soul pets, he should not easily sign any soul pets because young Chu Mu could not would judge with experience the quality of pet souls.
Chu Mu also remembered Chu Tiancheng's words well, so although his own mother took him to strange and exotic places to travel and meet many soul pets, Chu Mu never easily signed a soul pact with them.
By the way, Chu Mu got the deepest impression from his mother when they went on tour when he was ten years old. Chu Mu and his mother's relationship was not that good. Or, in other words, they communicated very little. Until the age of ten, only her cold and haughty look remained in Chu Mu's memory. Even if she smiled at him, there was not much warmth in that smile.……
Maybe that's the reason why she brought Chu Mu to several places on purpose. In fact, Chu Mu knew that she was looking for the first soul pet for him.
Chu Mu couldn't remember where his mother took him. In any case, after Chu Mu woke up from his sleep, he was no longer in the small town of Ganglu, and he was not even in the Little Luo area.
It seemed to him that he was going very far in an unfamiliar world. In it, the floor was filled with bright and cheerful colors, as if he had entered a sea of flowers……
“Please help me, I don’t want to become a slave.” The organism in the flower said.
“All soul pets have life and have souls. They are not slaves of people. No matter how strong or weak they are, their dignity and choice must be respected.”
“So you are ready to help me?”
“First soul pact, open up.”
“You need to open two soul contracts before you can hold me.”
“But why?”
“That's because I'm special, different from ordinary soul pets.”
“This is the first time I hear about a soul pet that needs two open soul pacts to sign.”
— First soul pact, open up! Second soul pact, open!”
Chu Mu shook his head sharply, and he woke up from his deepest memories. His eyes gazed intently at the beautiful naked girl in blue petals.
The girl was not wearing any clothes. In the moonlight, she had the most perfect body. Her skin was sparkling and clear, as if it could be broken with a single click. Her body gave off a seductive scent, causing one of them to be in love. Her waist was like a swaying flower stem that could be grasped with one hand. Her jade legs were smooth, long and elegant.……
This girl, who could only be described as the most elaborate work of art, was so perfect that she could only appear in a dream.
Angelic appearance, skin-tight body, radiating the most holy aura from everywhere, It was something that a ten-year-old little boy could not resist at all……
However, when such an angelic girl appeared in front of Chu Mu again, the emotions that rose in the heart Chu mu, definitely wasn't shock and beauty admiration, but instead was an uncontrollable whirlwind……
Soul Forsaken Pet!!
What was displayed in front of him was very familiar, but still, Chu Mu would never have thought that he would meet his abandoned soul pet here!!
Chapter 99: Perfect Girl, Forsaken Soul Pet
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Spirit Pet World
Upcoming chapters:
Chapter 148: Awaken the White Nightmare, Devilish Alluring Princess! opponent, the princess enters the fightChapter 144: White Dressed Guard, Powerful Master PetChapter 143: Three kinds of punishment, you can choose any Chapter 142: Insta Kill Purple SenluoChapter 141: Extravagant gambling, single control vs. triple controlChapter 140: Clear the place and solve the fight! Chapter 139: Chu Mu vs. Chu Yue (2)Chapter 138: Chu Mu vs. Chu Yue (1)Chapter 137: Coordinating Xie Qingqi to Fight the Chu Family's ExpertsChapter 136: Sealed Pet, Self DestructionChapter 135: Invitation to Participate in the ContestChapter 134: Chu Yue ? I'll stomp you anyway! Chapter 133: One control defies Chu Mu's triple control? Chapter 132: Ice air fairy's imposing manner Chapter 131: I will control alone, you can summon anything Chapter 130: Hundred Valley, Eternal Blood Fruit Chapter 129: nascent childhood emotions, Chu QianChapter 128: Chu Chen, Are You Stronger Than Chu Mu? Chapter 127: Glazed Ice, Ice Air Fairy Water Heart Healing HeartChapter 123: Hegemon, Centipede Tail Boulder DevilChapter 123: Pervert Ye WanshengChapter 122: Luo Yang Region, Murder (2)Chapter 121: Luo Yang Region, Murder (1) Chapter 120: By Killing People, You Make Money Faster 119: Rank Six Cold Pool, Hegemon's Soul PetChapter 118: Spiritual Values Must Be OvercomeChapter 117: Slippery Slope, First Cold PondChapter 116: Dream Beast Purple Robe Trained After BirthChapter 115: Wandering Brother and Sister United TogetherChapter 114: Polar Ice, Source of Sin Cold PondChapter 113: Cold Beauty, Noble Woman Liu BinglanChapter 112: UntitledChapter 111: Scalding Hot SoulChapter 110: Star Soul Animal, Noble WomanChapter 109: Xia Guanghan's Evil PromiseChapter 108: Terrifying Galactic Demon EmperorChapter 107: Destructive Power, Three-Layer Heavenly Flame RiteChapter 106: Half Devil Chu Mu Against Xia GuanghanChapter 105: Advance to Spiritual Master, Become a White Devil!Chapter 104: Inner Darkness, Soul RegressionChapter 103: Xia Guanghan's soul pet, yellow corpse sand dragon9: Perfect Girl, Abandoned Soul PetChapter 98: Miracle, Half Human, Half Soul AnimalChapter 97-2: Ancient Skywood, Crown SplendorChapter 97: Ancient Wood, Crown SplendorChapter 96: Trap, Demon FeastChapter 95: Underworld Dream, Reverse Kill When EscapedChapter 94: Rank Nine Deceitful World, Mysterious Forest WorldChapter 83: Heavenly Flame Ritual Killing Spiritual MasterChapter 92: Forbidden Territory Escaped From Nightmare PalaceChapter 91: Seizing the PrincessChapter 90: Princess's late night visitChapter 89: Pursuing the strongest of the younger generationChapter 88: Evil Disciple Frightening, Mind Control!Chapter 87: Mutation, Royal Flaming Nine-Tailed Inferno FoxChapter 86: The tail is the fox's honor!Chapter 85: Blood-stained, Silver FoxChapter 84: Perfect Warrior Rank vs. Perfect Commander RankChapter 83: Graceful Evasion, Exceptional SpeedChapter 82: Fighting Jia RegionsChapter 81: Fight Under HeavenChapter 80: Chance Encounter With Princess Jin RouChapter 79: An ancient city on the plains, Jia CityChapter 78: Greater GloryChapter 77: Desire to Kill, Attempt to EscapeChapter 76: Encountering a Powerful Enemy Alone 2) Chapter 72: Annihilation of the Yang Family (1) Chapter 71: Nameless Old Servant , Zhan Ye's Immortality (1)Chapter 66: Should I Laugh Or Cry? Now it's M.O.'s turn to fight!Chapter 65: The White Nightmare Monarch Who Scorns the Blue Flames!Chapter 64: The Gorgeous But Intense Fight for ExistenceChapter 63: Luo Region's Nightmare Prince Against the Prison Island KingChapter 62: Chu Mu, the Prison Island King!Chapter 61: Family Yang, Big Disaster InevitableChapter 60: You Yang Family, Anyone Who Comes, I, Chu Mu, Will KillChapter 59: Yang family's mysterious rivalChapter 58: Killing to restore family honorChapter 57: Man will die, not soul animal (2)Chapter 56: Man will die, not soul animal (1)Chapter 55: Summoning the Three.
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