I know how to dance in spanish

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sé bailar





I know how to dance(











A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time).


1. (general)

a. sé bailar

I know how to dance cumbia, salsa, and bachata.Sé bailar cumbia, salsa y bachata.

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el baile

I don't know

let me know


I know that

sé que

I like to dance

me gusta bailar

did you know


I didn't know

no sabía

no conocía

I did not know

no sabía

I know you

te conozco

I will let you know

te lo haré saber

te haré saber

please let me know

por favor, avísame

I know it

get to know


don't know

I don't know what to say

no sé qué decir

how do you know

cómo lo sabes

cómo sabes

How do you know?

¿Cómo lo sabes?

Do you know English?

¿Sabes inglés?

I don't know why

no sé por qué

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i know how to dance

They feel they already know how to dance, so why go to a class?

aarpsegundajuventud. org


Ellos creen que ya saben bailar, entonces para qu [...]

asistir a clases?



Is this a way of silencing the critics who said that you surround yourself

[...] with so much paraphernalia because you don't know how to dance flamenco?



Buscas con ello callar la boca de aquellos que te han criticado y que dicen

[...] que te rodeas de tanta parafernalia porque no sabes bailar flamenco?

esflamenco. com


The dancers are in essence "smart"

[...] puppets that already know how to dance, which makes "Once [...]

More with Feeling" a collaboration


between the player and the game's creators.



Los bailarines son, en realidad, una especie de marionetas

[...] "inteligentes" que ya saben bailar, lo que convierte [...]

"Once More with Feeling"


en una colaboracin entre el jugador y los creadores del juego.


laboralcentrodearte. org

I simply don't know how to dance any other way, [...]

I can't envision art in any other way.



Simplemente no s bailar de otra forma, no concibo [...]

el arte de otra manera.



Antonio El Pipa isn't hell bent on being traditional, I

[...] simply don't know how to dance any other way.



Antonio El Pipa no se empea en ser

[...] tradicional, simplemente no s bailar de otra forma.



All Spaniards

[...] like flamenco (and all Spanish women know how to dance flamenco): not true.



A todos los espaoles

[...] les gusta el flamenco (y todas las espaolas saben bailar flamenco): no es cierto.



English people

[...] think all Spanish girls know how to dance flamenco: this is because [...]

to the untrained eye it's very easy to

[. ..]

move around a bit and look like you're dancing flamenco with a few swirls of your hands and hips.



Los ingleses piensan que todas

[...] las espaolas saben bailar flamenco porque si no sabes, parece muy [...]

fcil dar unas vueltas y dar


la impresin que ests bailando flamenco, girando las manos y moviendo las caderas.



Do you know how to dance the Mango Tango?



Sabe cmo bailar el Mango Tango?

classroom. kidshealth.org


For students who don't know how to dance flamenco, this is [...]

the ideal opportunity to start!



Para aquellos que no sepan bailar flamenco, creemos [...]

que este taller de verano es una excelente oportunidad para empezar.



In the Salon Canning they offer dinner,

[...] shows and dances for an ecletic audience who know how to dance.



En el saln canning proponen

[. ..] cena, shows y baile a un pblico eclctico que sabe bailar.



If you don't know how to dance, don't worry! [...]

There will always be someone in your group who loves to dance and he or she can help.



Si no saben bailar no se preocupen, en el grupo [...]

siempre habr alguien a quien le fascine y l o ella los puede ayudar.



If you never moved

[...] to music, how could youknow how to dance?

luisprada. com


Si ustedes nunca incursionaron

[...] en msica, cmo podran saber cmo bailar?



The majority of

[...] Seville residents know how to dance them, but the [...]

most important thing is to feel the music and let yourself go with your dancing partner.



La mayora de los sevillanos saben bailarlas, pero lo ms [...]

importante es sentir la msica y dejarse llevar con la pareja con la que se baila.



She is the proof that

[. ..] Andalucian girls know how to dance before they can walk.



Ella es la prueba de

[...] que las andaluzas saben bailar antes que andar.



The groups that already know how to dance practice alone and [...]

those who will perform for the first time hire a dance instructor to teach them how to dance.



Los grupos que ya saben bailar practican solos y los [. ..]

que saldrn por primera vez contratan a un maestro de baile para que les ensee a bailar.



There is a

[...] person in heaven now, who knows how to dance and sing the song "Unser [...]

Weg bewegt



Ahora hay una

[...] persona en el Cielo que sabe cantar y bailar la cancin "Unser [...]

Weg bewegt



It is within this framework that the organizers have invited


Thierry Le Cocq and

[. ..] Vronique Bouscasse to share with them their love and know-how of this dance during a succession of interventions whose strong [...]

moment is a milonguero


tango festival, end of June 2008.



Es en este marco que los organizadores invitan a Thierry

[...] Le Cocq y Vronqiue Bouscasse a compartir con ellos su amor y conocimientos tcnicos de esta danza durante una sucesin [...]

de intervenciones cuyo


fuerte momento es un festival milonguero, que toma lugar al final de junio 2008.



Besides going to see it, you want to know how you become a ballerina, what makes a good ballerina, how they feel when they dance.



Aparte de verlo, quieres saber cmo te conviertes en bailarina, qu hace a una buena bailarina, cmo se sienten cuando bailan.



This way the veteran dance instructor brings her know how and experience of the academy to the university lecture halls.



De esta forma la

[...] veterana maestra de danza flamenca traslada su saber y su experiencia de las clases de la academia de baile a las aulas de [. ..]

la Universidad.



In front of each screen, several

[...] individuals from dance academies who know the steps will mingle with the crowd to show the participants how it's done and [...]

help them get the choreography right.



Delante de cada pantalla varios bailarines de escuelas de baile, que conocen bien los pasos, se mezclan entre el pblico para [...]

darles ejemplo y ayudarles en la


ejecucin de las coreografas.



Anyone who knows the short history of the European


Union and the long

[...] history of Europe will know that proud states are not going to dance at the crack of a [...]

whip by the European Commission.



Cualquiera que conozca la corta historia de la


Unin Europea y la larga

[...] historia de Europa sabr que los orgullosos Estados no bailarn al son del ltigo [. ..]

de la Comisin Europea.



More and more people are

[...] beginning to want to know the meaning behind flamenco dance.



Poquito a poco,

[...] cada vez hay ms gente que quiere saber el sentido del cante [...]




Educators from the two countries met

[...] at workshops to discuss how to use dance, theatre and music in [. ..]

raising awareness of the pandemic, and prevention approaches.



Educadores de ambos pases realizaron talleres con

[...] el fin de analizar cmo utilizar el baile, el teatro y la msica [...]

para sensibilizar al pblico


sobre esta pandemia y las estrategias de prevencin que deberan adoptarse.



es flamenco - What you need to know to choose the dance shoe that is best suited to you, Dance shoes: comfort, [...]

resistance, good quality and care

esflamenco. com


es flamenco - Zapato de baile: comodidad, resistencia, buena calidad y cuidados, Lo que hay que saber para elegir el [...]

zapato de baile ms adecuado



What we need to know is who is going to do these impact assessments and how the system will work.



Y an necesitamos saber quin llevar a cabo estas evaluaciones y cmo funcionar el sistema.



This is done mainly by

[...] providing information, know how, training and technical [...]

equipment to the partner countries.



Ello consiste principalmente en

[...] suministrar informacin, conocimientos tcnicos, formacin [...]

y equipo tcnico a los pases socios.



It is particularly important to know how to be entered on the [...]

electoral roll in due time.



Tiene particular importancia saber cmo inscribirse en el censo [. ..]

electoral a su debido tiempo.



Show us how well you can dance in the time limit!



Mustranos cuan bien puedes bailar en el lmite de tiempo!



Useful Spanish verb constructions. Construcciones verbales útiles. Spanish mobile app | SpeakASAP®

hay + que + infinitive – something needs to be done

Hay que limpiar la ventana. - We need to clean the window.
Hoy en día hay que saber defenderse. “At the present time, you need to be able to defend yourself.
Para ser inteligente, hay que leer mucho. - To be smart, you need to read a lot.
Hay que cuidar la naturaleza. “We need to take care of nature. nine0005 No hay que tenerle miedo al destino. - Do not be afraid of fate.

soler + infinitive - to have a habit of doing something

soler - to have a habit

Yo suelo no suelo
Tu sueles no sueles
Él / ella / usted suele no suele
Nosotros, as solemos no solemos
Vosotros, as soleis no soleis
Ellos, as / ustedes suelen no suelen

Suelo desayunar a las 8 de la mañana. I usually have breakfast at 8 am. (I have a habit of having breakfast at 8 am.) nine0005 Solemos ver la television por la tarde. We usually watch TV in the evenings.
¿Soléis tomar café antes de dormir? Do you have a habit of drinking coffee before going to bed?
Suelen llamarme el fin de semana. They tend to call me on weekends.
¿Sueles ir de vacaciones a España? Do you usually go on holiday to Spain?
No soléis salir por la noche, ¿verdad? You don't usually go out at night, do you?

volver + preposition a + infinitive – to do something again

volver - to return, to do something again

nine0017 volvemos
Yo vuelvo no vuelvo
Tu vuelves no vuelves
Él / ella / usted vuelve no vuelve
Nosotros, as no volvemos
Vosotros, as voléis no volvéis
Ellos, as / ustedes vuelven no vuelven

Vuelvo a hablar con el. “I'm talking to him again.
¿Vuelves a decir lo mismo? Are you saying the same thing again? nine0005 Volvemos a introducir la contraseña. We are entering the password again.
Ellas vuelven a equivokarse. They are wrong again.
Yo vuelvo a invitaros a la fiesta. I invite you to the party again.
No vuelvas a hacerlo. - Do not do this anymore.

saber + infinitive - to be able to do something

saber - to know, to be able to do something

nine0023 nine0023
Yo se no se
Tu sabes no sabes
Él / ella / usted sabe no sabe
Nosotros, as sabemos no sabemos
Vosotros, as sabéis no sabéis
Ellos, as / ustedes saben but saben

Se conducir. - I can drive.
Ella sabe escuchar a la gente. She knows how to listen to people.
¿Sabéis jugar al fútbol? - Can you play football?
Sabemos escribir articulos. We can write articles.
Mis amigos saben ayudar a la gente. My friends know how to help people.
No sabéis comportaros. - You don't know how to behave. nine0003

ponerse + preposition a + infinitive - start doing something

ponerse - start, start doing something

nine0017 no se pone
Yo me pongo no me pongo
Tu te pones no te pones
Él / ella / usted se pone
Nosotros, as nos ponemos no nos ponemos
Vosotros, as os poneis no os poneis
Ellos, as / ustedes se ponen no se ponen

Todos los dias viene a casa y se pone a trabajar. Every day he comes home and gets to work. nine0005 Cuando vuelvo a casa me pongo a leer las ultimas noticias. When I get home, I start reading the latest news.
Cada vez que la veo, se pone a llorar. Every time I see her, she starts crying.
Cuando venimos a la discoteca, nos ponemos a bailar. When we come to the disco, we start dancing.
Los periodistas primero se ponen a investigar y luego a escribir artículos. - Journalists are first taken to research, then write articles. nine0005 Cuando no sabe la respuesta, se pone a hablar de cualquier cosa. - When he does not know the answer, it is accepted to talk about any things.
No nos ponemos a divertirnos, si tenemos asuntos pendientes. “We don’t entertain ourselves if we have unfinished business.

al + infinitive – having done something

The construction is translated into Russian as a participle and means an action that has already ended.

Al terminar los estudios, la gente busca trabajo. After finishing their studies, people look for work. nine0005 Al llegar a casa, nos ponemos a preparar la cena. When we get home, we start preparing dinner.
Al hablar con su novia, se va a dormir. After talking with his girlfriend, he goes to sleep.
Al ver la pelicula, os váis a dar un paseo y luego venis a casa. After watching a movie, you go for a walk and then come home.
Me dirijo a la parada de autobús al salir de casa. Leaving the house, I go to the bus stop.
Al no verte en la oficina, me he puesto preocupada. “When I didn’t see you in the office, I started to worry. nine0003

antes de + infinitive before doing something

Antes de dormir, me lavo los dientes. Before going to bed (before falling asleep), I brush my teeth.
Antes de preguntarte nada, quiero decirte algo. “Before I ask you anything, I want to tell you something.
Antes de ir de vacaciones, me hago las maletas y arreglomis asuntos. Before I go on vacation, I pack my suitcase and put my affairs in order.
Antes de decidirme quiero reflexionar un poco. “Before I decide, I want to think a little. nine0005 Antes de comer, debes tomar la medicina. Before you have lunch, you must take your pills.

después de + infinitive - after something has been done

Después de despertarme me ducho y desayuno. - After I wake up, I wash and have breakfast.
Después de verte me siento muy inquieta. “After I saw you, I feel restless.
Después de volver de viaje, me pongo a trabajar. - After I return from a trip, I get to work. nine0005 Después de desayunar todos juntos, los niños se van al colegio y los padres al trabajo. After they all have breakfast together, the children go to school and the parents go to work.
Después de esperar tanto tiempo, por fin tenemos nuestra propia casa. – After so much waiting (after so much waiting), we finally own our own home.
Después de no hacer nada en todo el dia, me siento inútil. – After I do nothing all day, I feel useless. nine0003

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