How too break dance

How to breakdance step by step

The following 3 videos will teach you how to breakdance step by step. We recommend that you watch these lessons in order as they are arranged from easiest to hardest. These moves come directly from our breakdancing courses which you should check out if you want to learn more. A word of caution, you must be careful when you attempt these moves. Be sure to study the movements very carefully and slowly and then ease into them. For other online dance classes click here.

Free mini video course for break dance:
Beginner break dance moves

Breakdancing move #1: 3 Step
The 3 step is one of the most popular beginner break dance moves. It consist of 3 steps that are done in a circle. In this move you will start with one leg extended in front of you and then will switch the legs as fast as you can so that the other leg is extended, from there you bring the leg side where you end up in a kind of push up position. Learn how to sync the arm switches with your leg switches.

Want More?
The Complete Breakdancing Course For beginners (No experience needed)
Learn simple but impressive moves step by step! You will learn footwork moves, ground moves as well as freezes. This video course has 3 modules with +3 hours of video instruction. Delivered through instant online access.
Learn more & Buy it here (Click here)

Breakdance move #2: Corkscrew Up:
This is another cool bboy move. The corkscrew up is perfect for when you need to get up from the ground in a “cool” and smooth way. You can do this move on it’s own or from any other combination of moves.Here you will develop strength and balance as you push off the floor to spin upwards and around.

One more to go below!

Want More?
The Complete Breakdancing Course For beginners (No experience needed)
Learn simple but impressive moves step by step! You will learn footwork moves, ground moves as well as freezes. This video course has 3 modules with +3 hours of video instruction. Delivered through instant online access.
Learn more & Buy it here (Click here)

Break dance move #3: The baby freeze
Learn how to do a baby freeze move in this video. Freezes in Breakdancing are meant to draw attention to the dancer and are usually put in at the end of some footwork combination like the 3-step above! The baby freeze is great to start out with since its small. It still requires lots of coordination and practice so take it slowly and make sure you don’t skip anything.

Get Barry’s full course now:
The Complete Breakdancing Course For beginners (No experience needed)
Learn simple but impressive moves step by step! You will learn footwork moves, ground moves as well as freezes. This video course has 3 modules with +3 hours of video instruction. Delivered through instant online access.
Learn more & Buy it here (Click here)

History of Breakdancing:

Breakdancing was founded by the black community and Puerto Rican kids in the 1970s. And it really became popular after James brown’s single “Get On The Good Foot” where his busted out his high energy footwork dancing. After that, the kids in New york started to copy his moves and eventually it evolved to be called b-boy or break dancing. At that time most of the style was ground footwork combinations without any of the fancy stuff you see today like windmills or back spins that are popular today. There were also breakdancing battles between gangs or clicks.

Another dance called “uprock” influenced the b-boy dancers. In this dance style, the dancers mimic fighting moves into rhythmic dance moves that opponents would use to ‘battle’ against one another.

The music is not restricted to Hip Hop anymore. These days dancers choose Techno, Jazz, electronic, pop and an other types of music that suites their style.

Other styles:
Back to free Hip Hop dance videos page
How to Ballroom dance
How to dance at clubs and parties
Online dance classes

The Complete Beginner's Guide To Learning How To Breakdance

The best way to learn how to break dance and the break dance moves you should learn first to start your dance career of right

Finally, a guide to jump start your Break dance training…

This crash course will give you the guidance needed to start learning how to Break Dance, the right way

This Guide Includes:

  • The Ultimate Warm-Up
  • The 3 Stages To Learning Any Break Dance Movement
  • Break Dance Toprock Fundamentals
  • Break Dance Footwork Fundamental
  • Break Dance Get Down Fundamentals
  • 6 Levels Of Break Dance Freezes


Now, I know you are excited to just get right into moving (heck that’s how I was when I first started), but I want to stress to you how important warming up is.

Dancing is an athletic activity just like any sport or other recreational activity that you do. You wouldn’t just jump into playing basketball without first warming up (well… maybe you would… but you shouldn’t!), so why would you treat dancing any differently.

Warming up properly before each training session will not only make your training session more enjoyable and productive, but it will save you lots of time (not to mention potential medical fees) in the days, even months spent recovering from an injury that could have been prevented if you had taken the time to warm up.

Ok, so now that I convinced you that warming up is important (trust me I have been injured and it sucks) let me show you what you should do before each training session that you do

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Before you learn all the break dance movements in this crash course, I want to give you a brief summary of the 3 stages you should go through to learn any movement in the quickest, safest and most efficient way possible

Stage 1 – “Step By Step”: In the beginning stage, focus on just the steps of the movement. Don’t focus on the details quite yet, as you don’t want to overwhelm yourself with too much information. You most likely won’t look exactly like the person you are learning from, but you will have a framework for the move to build off of.

Stage 2 – “Nit Picky”: Once you have the steps down (you can execute them in sequence without thinking) it’s time to focus on the details. Look at each step of a movement and pick out every little detail you can about what goes into that step of the movement. [See my post *“The Step By Step Guide To Learning Any Movement” (guide coming soon) for an example of this]

Stage 3 – “Deliberate Repetition”: Once you can execute the movement with perfect technique at a slow tempo, it’s time to practice the movement… a lot! Try slowly increasing the tempo at which you perform the movement BUT make sure you are deliberately doing each repetition with the perfect technique you worked so hard to attain in Stage 2. Every repetition counts, so don’t throw away your technique and build bad habit just to do the move faster

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“Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect” – Vince Lombardi

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Break Dance Toprock Fundamentals

Alright, now it’s time to learn your first break dance movements. The first thing that you should learn is the “dance” element of break dancing… I know you want to jump into those crazy moves, but trust me, this will be a good way to ease you into break dancing and create some early confidence in your abilities and momentum to continue to train. Plus, once you master your break dance Toprocks, you will be able to rock with the best of them and show that you truly understand that Break dancing is more than just tricks. It’s still a dance.

If you’re not dancing, you’re not Breakin’

I like to think of break dance Toprocks as the beginning of your story you are about to showcase. The introduction to who you are as a dancer. Toprocks are the movements that are performed from the upright, standing position and as mentioned earlier, are a very important aspect of this dance.

I have placed these in order of how I believe you should learn them to fully understand the Fundamental Break Dance Toprocks

Break Dance Footwork Fundamentals

After you feel comfortable with your break dance Toprocks (I know you didn’t skip them… right?), I would suggest you learn break dance Footwork next.

I know this might seem a little strange (most would think to learn Get Downs next), but I believe that the better understanding you have on the ground, the easier it will be to understand the Break Dance Get Down Fundamentals

I like to think of break dance Footwork as the middle part of your story, showcasing to the audience your creativity, speed, balance, and knowledge you have of your style. Footwork is the movements performed on the ground in a squatting position over your heels and on your toes or where both your hands and feet are in contact with the ground.

Break dance Footwork can seem a little intimidating at first (not to mention awkward), but if you follow my list in order, you will become more and more comfortable as you learn one move after another.

*DISCLAIMER: I highly urge you to listen to your body while training footwork (or any movement in general). Like i mentioned earlier, footwork will be a little awkward when you first start (It is not a position we are forced to be in on a day to day basis), so please, if you start to feel any pain that seems like it is leading towards an injury, stop your training for the day and come back to it when you feel ready.

Break Dance Get Down Fundamentals

Alright… If you made it this far, it means you survived the break dance Footwork fundamentals!… Or you got fed up with them and want to move on.

If that’s the case, I highly urge you to keep at it. Break dance Footwork is one of the more difficult but rewarding movements to learn and have in your Break dancing arsenal so don’t give up.

But I know that you didn’t give up, so let’s move on.

I like to think of Get Downs as the “and” that goes between your introduction and middle.

Here’s who I am (Toprocks) and (Get Down) this is what I’m about (Footwork)

Get Downs are the movements most commonly used to transition from your Toprocks down to your Footwork. But… I’ll let you in on a little secret… They can also be used as movements in between your Toprocks movements to create levels and dynamics to your Toprock steps (Let’s keep that secret between you and me)

So now that you have an understanding of your body both standing upright (Your Toprocks) and down on the ground (Your Footwork), the Get Downs listed should not give you to much trouble

6 Levels of Break Dance Freezes

Things are really coming together now. You now have enough knowledge to create a whole arsenal of break dance different combinations/sets to practice and gain confidence in your Break dance skills. Now that we have a beginning-and-middle, all we need is a what… That’s right, an end. Let’s add one more layer to really turn up the heat on your combinations… Or I guess turn it down… get it… freeze… anyways

As you become more advanced, you will learn about different “levels” of Break dancing such as the *7 levels of Breakin’ (guide coming soon) to take your dancing to the next level (no pun intended), but until then, let’s explore the 6 Levels of break dance Freezes that you can add to your fresh, new combinations to create an end/period to your story.

The 6 Freeze Levels are:

(This list is from the lowest level to highest)

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6


Each one will be challenging in its own way, so it is hard to say what the “easiest to hardest” order would be since everyone is different)

How To Break Dance: Freeze – Shoulder (video coming soon)

How To Break Dance: Freeze – Pilot/Stab (video coming soon)

How To Break Dance: Freeze – Baby Freeze (video coming soon)

How To Break Dance: Freeze – Air Baby (video coming soon)

How To Break Dance: Freeze – Headstand (video coming soon)

How To Break Dance: Freeze – Forearm Freeze (video coming soon)

How To Break Dance: Freeze – Handstand (video coming soon)

Continue Your Break Dance Training…

You now have the basic formula (Toprock, Get Down, Footwork, Freeze) and enough knowledge to create and train hundreds if not thousands of different combinations/sets.

Read the complete guide to training here:

Once you start adding your own flavor and what I call “sauce” to your movements like I suggest in “Finding Your Style: The Guide To Unleashing Your Personal Style”, you will be confidently showcasing your style and Breakin’ with the movements you have learned so far in this guide.

I hope this guide has given you the confidence and momentum you needed to really fall in love break dancing and want to learn more.

If you liked the guide and found it helpful can you do me a favor? Share this article with at least 3 people by clicking one of the social media buttons on this page =]

How to breakdance - tips for beginner breakdancers from the school Breaking Academy

Breakdancing is actually not very difficult if you have the appropriate physical preparation and knowledge of dance basics. The main thing is to learn how to put together all the components of breakdance into one common dance sweat coming from the human body, transmitting vibrations from the sounds made by musical instruments to your body. Of course, being able to break dance is a great pleasure for the soul and body. The feeling of how you convey the rhythm of the music with your movements is very pleasing and creates a feeling of happiness. The main question is how professional the dancer's movements are. And here it is important to find a specialized breakdance school, such as ours, in order to fully experience all the delights of controlling your body, music and energy of the audience.

In our classes, any student will learn how to learn how to dance breakdance, as our trainers, being, of course, professionals in their field, will tell you all the nuances and features of this dance. They will prepare the body for physical exertion, teach you to feel comfortable and not be ashamed of your dance. Every child who has applied to us will be able to go to the center of the dance floor after a month of classes and show, without any hesitation, what he has learned and show everyone how he dances.

What are the benefits of doing breakdancing

  • The child will be guaranteed excellent physical shape.
  • The mobility of the body links will improve due to intensive stretching.
  • Increases overall endurance to physical activity and increases efficiency.
  • A creative approach and a view of the world around are being developed, because dancing is an art.
  • The skill of feeling rhythm and music in general appears, after a while, the child will learn to dance exactly to the music.
  • Dancing is a way of self-realization, any dancing child will always be in the spotlight and, as a result, will be self-confident.

How to start break dancing, break dancing

It is best to start by contacting specialists - people who have gone through this path and are ready to share it. Of course, it is more correct to start mastering breakdance with knowledge of dance theory in general. And only then work out the dance moves. If you do not understand what you are doing, then you can lose a lot of time for nothing, without learning anything or moving in the wrong direction. To avoid this, we advise you to work with a trainer. A competent teacher will always tell you how best to develop a particular student, develop a special program for developing skills and gradually mastering the elements of breakdance. What is an integral part of the process of teaching break dancing to children.

What elements are important to learn in order to break dance beautifully

  • Dance at the top is a set of dance movements in a standing position.
  • Downward Dance is a squat-level movement.
  • Racks and fixations are different racks, they can be at the top (on the hands), I can be at the bottom (on the head) and so on.
  • Acrobatic elements - everything related to acrobatic stunts.
  • Power movements - transitions from rack to another rack.
  • Power rotational movements.

Why is it useful to dance break-dance, break?

Break dancing is quite a useful activity in terms of developing creativity and the physical form of your body, and it is also an indisputable advantage in the fight against excess weight, since a lot of calories are burned during dancing. Below are the main benefits of break training.

  • Increases endurance and physical strength.
  • Breakdancing develops various muscle groups that are not used anywhere else by our body.
  • Teaches you how to competently approach the development of your body in terms of building strength and stretching.
  • Break allows you to feel relaxed and free to dance to the music in front of the audience.
  • Gives you the opportunity to come up with your own movements and thus be realized in creation.

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Break dance training. VIEW ALL LESSONS >>>

Breaking or break dance (break dance) - one of the most spectacular areas of street dance, which includes torsion, energetic "runs" and sudden stops of the dancer (freez) during his exit. The dance style began to form in the early 70s in New York in the Bronx area. Only a few years have passed and from the underground dance breakdance has received worldwide fame and recognition. Today, breaking is one of the strongest dance subcultures, with a developed technique, system of events and a real street spirit. On this page you will see break dance lessons for beginners.

If you want to learn how to breakdance and feel that you can't do without a mentor, come to the Dragon Dance School for a trial breakdance lesson. Since 2000, we have been helping people learn how to move beautifully and feel the music. Already several thousand people have been trained and learned to dance. Even if you have never worked out before, even if you are not in good physical shape now, all this is easily fixable. You will understand that learning to dance is easy. Come for a free trial lesson.

Break dance training for beginners: the right warm-up

Any dance lesson in any style, be it breaking or hip-hop dance, should begin with a warm-up. This allows you to warm up the body, muscles and ligaments. This is especially important for learning the lower break, since it uses the maximum resources of the body, which means that in order to swing to the fullest, you need to warm up a lot, maybe even sweat a little.

Break dance video lessons: top rock (top rock)

Top rock is what the dancer does before entering the lower elements. However, top rock should not be neglected, for a good dancer is easily recognized by the first moves of top rock. It's like a business card. Look online lessons on top rock and learn the elements suggested there. This will allow you to learn how to breakdance even at home.

1. Break dance school: Top rock 1

2. Break dance lessons: Top Rock 2

3. Top Rock 3. Movement Break DANSA for beginners

4. Top Rock 4. Street Dance lessons

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 children and not only in Moscow. Sign up and come to a trial lesson

Basic technique: footwork (style)

Footwork or style is one of the main sub-styles in breakdance. It includes, as the name suggests, "footwork". And indeed it is. A variety of "running", "cutting" and so on. Each b-boy tries to stand out in footwork and do it in his own way. Therefore, it is important to learn the basics at the beginning, and then proceed to improvise and develop your own manner in footwork.

1. How to learn how to dance Break DANS: Sharchka

2. Break DANS LUCK: Six STPS

3. Online lessons Break DANSA: Three STPS

9000 4. dance for beginners: CC's

Basic technique: Freez/Power trix

If you watched breakdance videos from battles, then you probably remember that during the dance, the b-boy can suddenly stop or freeze in the most incredible position. These stops are called "friezes". Also in breakdance, many elements are performed from a handstand, elbows, etc. This power substyle is called "trix". Watch break dance lessons and master the base of these directions.

1. Break dance. Where to start: Balance

2. Freez 1. How to learn Break Dance Frisa

3. Video Dance Lessor Break 2 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 4. Freez 3. Break dance lessons

Basic technique: Power move

Finally, we move on to the most spectacular part of break dance for many - power moves. These are power movements, all kinds of torsion on the head, back, various "air twists" and "air tracks". Indeed, power moves are the hallmark of breaking. In order to learn how to bray dance and perform complex elements, you will first need patience. Every break dance move requires thoughtful practice. Therefore, if something did not work out on the first try, do not be discouraged. Just do it again. Record your video. Compare with how it was explained in the video tutorial. A little work and everything will work out! You will learn to dance breakdance the way you have long wanted to!

1. Basic rotation for beginners Backspin (Bek Spin)

2. Element Break Dansa Svips Swipe: Disassembly and Training

9000 3. Dancing lessons Break Dance: Turtle or "Turtle"

4. The most famous break dance element: Windmill / gelik / mill

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