How to tick dance

Infectious new dance helps kids check for Lyme-infected ticks

Kris Newby on May 1, 2021

A children’s songwriting duo has created a catchy new dance-jingle that makes tick checks fun and easy, potentially reducing the incidence of dangerous tick-borne diseases in kids.

Tick-borne illnesses like Lyme disease affect children more than any other age group, yet only about 1 in 10 check for ticks after playing outside. To encourage kids to do more and better tick checks, comedic songwriters “Louis and Dan and the Invisible Band” created a “viral” song-and-dance routine to help kids remember to check for creepy-crawly ticks in their favorite hiding places.

Sponsors of this project, PA Lyme Resource Network and Invisible International, have also organized an educational campaign around the dance called the #TickCheckChallenge. (This project was developed for the Invisible International 2020 Hackathon, which was focused on creating education and awareness around tick-borne illness. ) To help spread the word about the importance of tick checks, they’re encouraging people to record their own TikTok-style interpretations of the dance, then share them on social media, following the instructions at

Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne illness in the United States, with an estimated 476,000 new cases a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. If ticks take a blood meal undetected, they can transmit other dangerous bacteria and viruses to humans and their pets, including the Babesia parasite, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and the Powassan virus. Initial symptoms are often hard to detect, mimicking those of the flu or Covid-19 — fever, chills, headache, and aches. Prevention through tick checks is the best way to stay safe.

PA Lyme Resource Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation with a mission to reduce the suffering of Lyme and tick-borne disease patients via education, prevention, patient support, and advocacy. Their signature “Dare 2B Tick Aware Program” has provided 300+ tick education seminars to date, as well as an informative suite of prevention materials made available to the public.

Invisible International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation dedicated to reducing the suffering associated with invisible illnesses and social marginalization through innovation, education, and change projects, such as the Lovell family Hackathon that funded the Tick Check Challenge. To donate or to learn more about our many programs to reduce the impact of tick-borne illness, visit the website:

How to post your videos:

Learn how to create your own video here:

Post your video to your social media channels, tagging three friends, and put #TickCheckChallenge on every post so that we can share your efforts to raise awareness.  

To listen to more health-education songs by Louis & Dan and the Invisible Band, go to www.

Image: kohei_hara @iStock, Video: Chris Flicek

  • Category: Blog
  • Tag: Invisible International, Lyme disease, PA Lyme, tick bites, Tick Borne Disease, Tick Check Challenge, tick check song, tick dance

Tick Tick Boom Line Dance

Dance starts with: Tag 2 (Tick Tick Boom - Arm movements)

Side Stomp, Hold, Sailor Step, Side Stomp, Hold, Sailor Step
1,2Stomp R side R (1), Hold (2)

3&4Step L behind R (3), Step R to R side (&), Step L side L (4)

5,6Stomp R side R (1), Hold (2)

7&8Step L behind R (3), Step R to R side (&), Step L side L (4)

Behind, 1/4 turn Left, Step Pivot 1/4, Cross, Point, Forward, Touch
1,2Step R behind L (1), Step L forward 1/4 turn Left (2) (9:00)

3,4Step R forward (3), Pivot 1/4 turn over L shoulder (4) (6:00)

5,6Cross R over L (5), Point L to side (6)

7,8Step L forward (7), Touch R next to L (8)

First Tag Section - Tag 1 then Tag 2 on 2nd rotation (3:00) - Then restart dance
Second Tag Section - Tag 1 ONLY on 3rd rotation (6:00) - Then restart the dance

Step Back, Hitch, Step Back, Hitch, Coaster Step, Triple Forward
1,2Step R back (1), Hitch L knee (2)

3,4Step L back (3), Hitch R knee (4)

5&6Step R back (5), Step L next to R (&), Step R forward (6)

7&8Triple forward - L,R,L

Rock, Recover, 1/4 Turn, Cross, Hip Bumps, Hip Bumps
1,2Rock R forward (1), Recover L (2)

3,4Step R side 1/4 turn over R shoulder (3), Cross L over R (4) (9:00)

Third Tag Section - Omit 5-8 of end of dance and add Tag 2 - Tick Tick Boom! Restart (3:00)
5&6Touch R diagonal and bump hips, R,L,R (weight ends on R)

7&8Touch L diagonal and bump hips, L,R,L (weight ends on L)

Fourth Tag Section - Tag 1 ONLY - Restart - (12:00)

Tag 1
Hop Forward, Shimmy/Shake, Hop Back, Shimmy Shake
1-2Hop/Step R forward (1), Step L next to R (2) (weight takes L)

3,4Shimmy/Shake upper body (feel the music)

5,6Hop/Step R Back (5), Step L next to R (6) (weight takes L)

7,8Shake your butt (feel the music)

Hop/Jump Side, Heel Out, Hop/Jump Side, Heel Out
1,2Hop/Step R side R (1), Touch L heel out (2)

3,4Shake/Roll your hips

5,6Hop/Step L side L (5), Touch R heel out (6)

7,8Shake/Roll your hips

Tag 2
Tick Tick Boom - Arm movements
*4 count tag, Dance starts with this and happens on the end of second tag as well.
Start with your arms in a "L" shape. Right hand up and left hand under R elbow
1-2R hand ticks down twice to L elbow - like ticking on a clock

3,4R hand over L elbow - L hand under R elbow (3), Push both elbows out at same time (4)

Dance up to counts 26 - Instead of rocking a 1/4 turn into hip bumps, Rock a 1/2 turn back to the front wall and finish with Tag 2 (Tick Tick Boom!)
1,2Rock R forward (1), Recover (2)

3,4Step R 1/2 turn over R shoulder (3), Step L next to R (4) (12:00)

5-8Tag 2 (Tick Tick Boom!) Pose at end of dance facing front wall!

Inserting a symbol with a label - Microsoft Support

Excel for Microsoft 365 Word for Microsoft 365 Outlook for Microsoft 365 PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 Excel 2021 Word 2021 Outlook 2021 PowerPoint 2021 Excel 2019 Word 2019 Outlook 2019 PowerPoint 2019 Excel 2016 Word 2016 Outlook 2016 PowerPoint 2016 Excel 2013 Word 2013 Outlook 2013 Excel 2 Excel 2013 Excel 2013 2010 Word 2010 Outlook 2010 PowerPoint 2010 Excel 2007 Word 2007 Outlook 2007 PowerPoint 2007 More. ..Less

You can easily insert a check mark (or "tick") in Word, Outlook, Excel, or PowerPoint.

These are static characters. If you're looking for an interactive square that you can click to check or shrink, see Add a square or button option (Excel) or make a checklist in Word.

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert a character.

  2. Open dialog box "Symbol":

    • Word or Outlook: insert > characters > other characters

    • Excel: insert > characters

    • PowerPoint: insert > characters > characters

    The "Symbols" button is on the right side of the "Insert" tab.

  3. In field "Font" select Wingdings.

  4. In the field of the character code at the bottom, enter: 252

    The symbol grid will be selected. Another check option is available two squares away from it (sign code 254).

  5. Select the desired test character. Click the button Insert . Press the "Close" button to close the dialog box.

  6. After inserting a mark, you can change its size or color. Right-click it and make your desired changes using the floating toolbar.

Another font, Segoe UI Symbol, has three validation options. You can select this font in step 3 of the procedure, and in step 4 you can choose one of the following codes:


Character code




How to start dancing right now — choreographers tell


“It's easier to find yourself in dancing”.
How to take the first step towards the fact that you like

Four professional dancer
about where to find freedom and how to stop comparing yourself with the other

Text: Aina Preston


Michelle Beatz

Tagir Gindullin


Music is a universal instrument that moves the world, it is literally inscribed in our DNA. With its help, we can inspire and shape the pop culture of the present and future here and now. Music is inextricably linked with dance. Dancers feel the rhythm and are able to harmoniously complement the musical composition with movements. It is dance that gives them a powerful emotional release and helps them relax. And to feel this, it is worth taking one small risk - allowing yourself to dissolve into the music and turn off your head. How to take the first step and not be afraid to try what you are drawn to? We deal with Tommy Jeans, PRODANCES and our heroes, who found a common language with their fears and learned to express emotions through music and movements.



The choice between directions

I consider myself a versatile artist, I do several types of dance, but most of all I am known for the Vogue culture. This is not just a dance style, but a whole culture about protecting the rights of sexual minorities. This culture is very daring: here and now you can look whatever you like - fully comply with fantasies, externally and internally, carry yourself proudly, inventing new images. Vogue is a great occasion to dress up, surprise, delight. Exactly 10 years I have been developing in this direction, and it does not bother me, I constantly learn new things.

Synergy of dance and music

Good composition inspires dance. First came the music, then came the dance. But it also happens that a dance is born in silence, without sounds: when you have the right mood and a visualization of movements is born in your head. But this comes with experience. Of course, dance and music are closely related.

An alternative to dancing

Now, in parallel with dancing, I am developing as a director, producer and co-organizer of dance events, doing photography and video. Therefore, it seems that if it were not for the dance, then my activity would be connected with the organization of cultural events. I like to create, develop and bring something new, inspire myself and others, reveal people, come up with new ideas. I also love to cook, so I could be a great cook.

How the image begins

I focus on my mood, how I look: I can be of different weight, with different hair colors and lengths. Trends play an important role here. Of course, first of all, I start from my expectations and how I want to look. I try not to repeat myself, to be different. I ask myself what kind of makeup I want: bright, aggressive, calm, romantic, defiant. Do I want to be sexy or conservative. This is how I collect the image. I take things from my own wardrobe or turn to stylists, ateliers, sometimes I can rent something from showrooms. Creating an image is always very interesting, it helps to show creativity.

Uniqueness - awareness

Comparison does not give us anything, it takes energy and strength that can be spent on developing and multiplying potential. The uniqueness must really be realized, each person defines himself. Sometimes you need to think about what you want. As soon as you realize your own value, then claims to yourself will disappear. You can’t compare your beginning of the path with someone else’s middle.

Finding yourself

Don't hold on to people and things, no matter how selfish it may sound. Then you will understand what you like, and what is imposed by society. When looking for your own business, it is important to start from inner feelings, focus on those very “butterflies in the stomach”.

Philosophy of dance

Dance is body language. I dreamed of being a presenter, but oratory is difficult for me, it’s easier for me not to speak, but to dance. When I hear music, I breathe, the body emits vibrations, vibrations are reflected in the plasticity of forms, in movements, emotions. Dancing helps to develop personality. It's a unique way of expressing yourself. Sometimes words are not needed to understand us.



Sports and creativity

My dancing journey began 10-12 years ago. I quit playing professional football, where I got seriously injured, burned out emotionally and physically, and could not walk normally. A friend called me to support him at a dance performance, where I saw how people can control and feel their body, I missed this in football. I think dance and football are similar: football also has a pace, a rhythm, it's a dance with a ball. But the structure is different, football is a sport, and dance is creativity.

The right music

I'm looking for music on streaming services. Usually I think about which track is more suitable for a performance, I put on performers who meet the requirements, and I look for a suitable track. Everything is pretty simple.


Usually at such moments I get distracted: I review some large-scale shows, performances of stars, listen to music. There is another way - to abstract. If everything is tired, you need to give yourself time to relax, switch to another activity. You can cook food, watch a movie. Taking a break from what you do all the time can provide inspiration and motivation.

Dance clothes

Clothes are one of the main attributes of dance. It gives character to movements, creates mood. I love to dance in jeans, voluminous t-shirts. It is very important for dancers that we ourselves like how we look, this sets the tone for the performance.

Comparing is okay

When you're at the start, it's okay to compare yourself to others. Helps you understand what you are missing. But then it is better to focus on your own feelings. Everyone has their own style, physiology and musicality, you just need to work on technique. When people follow someone, try to copy, it only leads them astray.

Tune TO

Friendship with Tommy Jeans

The first project with Tommy Jeans was something very unusual for me. I got to know the brand better, learned a lot of new things, despite the fact that I have been wearing their clothes for a long time. The collaboration was a pleasant surprise. The emotions are very cool, I hope that in the future we will be friends and work with Tommy Jeans.




The main thing is to continue

I've been dancing for 16 years now and I never thought of quitting. In 2012, I broke my arm, and after the operation there was practically no rehabilitation period - two weeks later I was already in the gym. For some time he danced only on his feet, with his hand bandaged, and two months later he already participated in the championship. With apprehension, of course, but he participated. The main thing here is to continue.

Hobbies can become a profession

I have been dancing since I was 10, but in my childhood I didn’t realize what I was doing and why, I didn’t set big goals. Some results began to appear in the first years of training. At the age of 14, I went to live in Moscow, without parents, then the realization came that dancing could become my life's work. This transition of a hobby into a profession happened very smoothly and organically, but it could not be otherwise.

Music is paramount

When it comes to performing, music is very important. If the audience likes the composition, then my solo will definitely be remembered. It is also important for me how my body and soul respond to the track. At competitions, the DJ is responsible for the music, the dancers do not know what they will perform under. This is freestyle, improvisation, connection with the composition. If you fall into a musical "pit" during a battle - this is the most difficult moment, you need the right settings. In general, music is paramount. If the dance has a great soundtrack, then there are more chances to show your maximum.

Clothing as a conductor

I wear what I feel comfortable and easy to move in. I perform mainly in sports things. In breakdancing, style is very important. I always separate things: for everyday life, training, competitions, festivals. Each separate occasion requires a corresponding image.

Metamorphoses in a career

At the very beginning of the journey, it was not difficult at all: there were no obligations, deadlines, projects. I remember that in my childhood a bank was built next to my house and tiles were laid - I was happy just because I could spin on this tile. Now it is more difficult - more responsibility. You begin to treat your body differently, study yourself, fill bumps. For example, there is such an element of air twist (power rotational movement in breakdance), all my life I did it intuitively, and only after 10 years I realized that there is a technique that you just need to master.

The excitement hasn't gone away

I've competed in championships in over 30 countries, performed on big stages, acted in TV projects, but the excitement hasn't gone away. At small events, it is a little less, but at the World Cup, where legends look at you, this feeling pervades the body. I use it to my advantage - as soon as I take a step, I release adrenaline and accelerate.

Everyone is unique

We are all special, no two people are the same. Uniqueness is not something to strive for, it is already in everyone. You need to be able to feel yourself and your needs, to do what you really like. Working on oneself and realizing one's potential is what makes a person himself.

Eva Uvarova


Eva Uvarova

restrictions and freedom

since childhood I have been engaged in gymnastics (while the video with my VOG was scattered on the Internet) and today I understand - both sports and dances require complete background. In addition, they become part of your life, which brings you a storm of emotions. The main difference is that in sports you are limited, you adhere to discipline, and in dancing you are free, open to new things. It is easier to find yourself in dancing.

Dancing is an opportunity

A professional dance career has opened up many opportunities. Thanks to dancing, I met interesting people - sport would hardly have given me such a chance. The people who appeared in my life incredibly support and inspire me, it helps to develop. I was able to visit different countries, see what other dancers are capable of. I also starred in music videos, collaborated with major brands, for example, in October I participated in the Tommy Jeans x PRODANCE project for the first time. Then I was able to show my dance to a large audience and proved to myself that I can achieve a lot. I have long liked the Tommy Jeans brand, and the opportunity to work together made me very happy.

Style is a mix

Honestly, I can't describe my dancing style in one word. I tried many directions, most of all contemporary or modern dance resonates with me. The plasticity and technique of this style are very close to me, I like the sensations during movements. To summarize, my dance style is a mix of different directions, improvisation, taking into account different dance experiences.

Motivation and willpower

Willpower helps to achieve goals. I make decisions and start working and giving my best. If you really do what you love, then no additional motivation is needed. What you love doesn't require much effort.

Clothes are a reflection of yourself

Clothes help complete the dance. If I go to hip-hop, then I choose voluminous things. I associate this style with freedom, so clothes should not hinder movement. If I go vogue, I choose tight-fitting clothes that emphasize the curves of the body and help me feel more confident.

Music guides

Place of music in dance

Usually dancers choose music first. With the help of the body, we try to convey the lyrics of the song, the mood. I first look for a track, and then I select a choreography that describes the melody, words and feelings.


Comparison is a fine line

By comparing, we evaluate ourselves, and this affects our confidence, general condition and desire to move on. Comparison sometimes helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, but most people tend to look for flaws in themselves, so more often it is quite destructive and interferes with the implementation of plans. There is a fine line here: if a person is able to objectively evaluate his own and other people's abilities, then the comparison is acceptable, but if not, it is better not to even start.

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