How to start a praise dance ministry
10 steps to powerful dance ministry
Dance As A Worship Leader
Your dance has the power to elevate God's people into the heavenly realm of pure worship. We must make sure that our dances are not performances to promote ourselves, but ministry that lifts up Jesus. We must see ourselves and behave as worship leaders who dance to inspire others to worship Jesus.
You are more than a dancer. You are a worship leader and dance is the medium that you use to lead the people of God into worship. It is very important that we have the mindset of a Worship Leader. We might have to begin to change our vocabulary. We shouldn’t say “Oh! I’m going to perform” or “I’m just going to dance”, but “I’m going to minister”, or “I’m going to lead worship”. It’s very important that we change our mindset and our vocabulary to think that way. As we do, we will make a powerful impact as worship leaders.
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Ten Steps To Powerful Dance Ministry / Step Six
Ten Steps To Powerful Dance Ministry Step 6 Be Committed To A Local Church
There is no place like home Church.
If you know Jesus as your Savior, you should be part of a local fellowship. I don’t mean just going in and out and then dancing all over the world. I mean really in grafted in the life of the Church. You should know the pastor and the pastor/ leadership should knows you. Give your resources, and service to your Church. Because of the relationship you should receive the Church's resources, prayer support, and pastoral covering. That is important for your protection and accountability.
The dance ministry is a serious ministry, and we should be accountable for the things that we do outside of the local body. So please, be part of a Church , adhere to the tenets and the culture of that body. Your national and international worship dance ministry will be more powerful and far reaching if you are dedicated to and supported by a local Church there is no place like home Church.
Do you want to study to show thyself approved for powerful worship dance leadership?
Register today for the next " Biblical Study of the Dance"
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Ten Steps to Powerful Dance Ministry Step Four
Step Four to powerful Dance Ministry
a lifelong student of the art of dance.
Become a lifelong
student of the art of dance. In Christian dance we might come into the dance ministry with no
formal dance training wondering if training is necessary for ministry. I
know that God can use us right were we are. And, if we want to dance in excellence,
avoid injuries with longevity, training is a must (dancing incorrectly can cause injuries) I
encourage all worship dancers to get more training, and to study dance. If
haven’t had any ballet, get some. or modern dance, or jazz,
some type of structured class. Go to live professional dance concerts
to experience movement on a stage with theatrical lighting,, costumes,
music and skilled choreography. The experience of a live dance concert
is a priceless asset to your ministry. Looking at dance will make
you a better student of dance. It is never to late to study the art of
dance. A dance education can only help you to be more powerful with
excellence for our Lord.
Look out for step five to powerful dance ministry.
Leave a comment for me. I want to hear what is on your dancing heart.
Be blessed,
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Ten Steps to Powerful Worship Dance/ Step Three
Step Three to powerful dance ministry
Focus on the dance
on the dance. If dance is what God has called
you to do. Pour yourself
into the ministry. Sometimes I meet dance ministers and they are
involved in so many things other than dance. These other ministries
are good to be a part of, but dance takes such of us emotionally
,physically, and mentally. If you’re torn in different directions, it
might become burdensome to minister with joy, excellence and power .
I’m not saying don’t be involved in other things, but really pray and make sure it’s what God would have you to do. Dance ministry is very time-consuming. Being part of a worship dance team requires many hours of training and rehearsing. We also have other things in our lives that we’re responsible for. ( family, school, work) So just be very wise of where you put your time and energy. You are called to dance for the Lord. Focus.
Look out for Step 4 to powerful worship dance.
Leave me a comment and tell me whats on your dancing heart.
Check out the praise dance life resources in the links below.
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Ten Steps to Powerful Worship Dance/ Step Two
Ten steps to powerful worship dance/ Step Two
Dance at home.
Dance in the secret place: I know
you’ve heard ‘go to your prayer closet’. Well, we need to go to our
prayer closet to dance and pray. Give the gift of dance
that God has given you, back to Him in the private,
closed-door setting,. Make it a sacrifice of praise for the Lord.'s eyes only.
It’s a sad thing if you can only dance when other people are looking. What about at home for the audience of one, Jesus? What about in the wee hours of the morning, getting up and just lifting your hands and turning and bowing before Your King?“
will enjoy the dance, and He’ll give you more dances. And you’ll
find that you’ll be dancing together. He wants to see and enjoy your
dance. He dances over you with joy. Zephaniah 3:17 — ‘His banner over
us is love.’ So you and Your Jesus,
Your Father, Your Best Friend will dance together, and He’ll give you
choreography, He will answer questions. He will set in your mind the
purpose for the ministry and you will be even more powerful. You will
develop a better relationship with Him.
Give your dance to the Lord first . Dance
with Him, before Him, at home, in your private place, in the inner
court, in the closet, and you will see a change. Try it today. I know that you will love it.
Look out for Step 3 to powerful worship dance.
Leave me a comment and tell me whats on your dancing heart.
Check out the praise dance life resources in the links below.
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Guidelines | Freedom To Dance Ministry
Dancer Covenant
Mission Statement: Teaching, encouraging, & inspiring others to worship God through the use of the movement arts.
Vision: A united body of worshipers sharing our passion for our Savior, Jesus Christ with others.
o True, heartfelt worshiping of God
o Serving the Lord through the movement arts
o Removing personal hindrances to full expressive worship
o Instilling confidence to dance before the Lord
o Dancing and praising by Biblical principals
o Praying for God’s will
o Creating loving relationships within our team
o Living and acting by faith in God’s Word
o Modeling our lives after Jesus Christ
Dancer Requirements:
o AGES: Four years old through adult.
o Be prompt to rehearsals and events and sign in on the attendance log.
o Movements must be worshipful and appropriate, must not draw attention to ourselves, and must bring glory to God.
o Dress modestly for all dances to not draw attention away from God. (Legs, stomachs, chest, etc. must be completely covered with looser fitting garments). No tanks or shorts allowed.
o Respect others and strive for unity amongst team members.
o Seek to make new friends within the ministry, especially those who are new to the team.
o Respect worship garments and instruments and use appropriately. Maintain quality. Return promptly any items that are used. Report any damages to leadership.
o Seek approval from Leadership prior to scheduling or dancing in any church service/event or in representing Freedom To Dance in an external function.
Parent/Guardian Requirements:
o Complete the required forms and keep Freedom To Dance informed about changes to contact information or medical conditions.
o Notify leaders when extended scheduling conflicts arise or if the dancer decides to leave the ministry.
o Encourage dancers to share what they have learned during ministry nights.
o A parent must attend with dancers who are five years old or under. They are encouraged to dance alongside their smaller dancer to help him/her learn the movements.
o Volunteer opportunities exist, so please communicate any desire to serve with the leaders.
The Leadership Team will commit to all of the above and will:
o Teach according to Biblical principals of worship dance.
o Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and not bring glory to ourselves.
o Only allow worshipful songs to be danced.
o Be available for you in any way.
o Keep communication lines open.
o Pray for you.
Dancer Guidelines & PoliciesDancer Requirements:
- Ages Preschool through adult.
- Be prompt to rehearsals and events & sign in.
- Movements must be worshipful and appropriate. We must not draw attention to ourselves and must bring glory to God.
- Dress modestly for all dances and not draw attention to ourselves and away from God. Thighs, stomachs, & chest must be completely covered.
- Respect others and strive for unity among team members.
- Seek to make new friends within the ministry.
- Respect worship garments and instruments and use appropriately.
- Seek approval from Dance Leadership prior to scheduling or dancing in any event when representing our ministry.
- Complete required forms.
- A parent must accompany all dancers 5 yrs old or younger.
Volunteer opportunities exist. Please communicate your desire to serve to leadership.
1. Each year, dancers will be required to complete new DANCER COVENANT & EMERGENCY FORMS.
2. The classes are free; however, dancers may wish to purchase t-shirts. If cost is an issue, scholarships are available.
3. Dancers will be required to sign in each week and use a name tag.
4. Practice ATTIRE: Dancers should dress comfortable & modest to practice. No short shorts. No camis. You may dance barefoot or wear dance or tennis shoes.
5. EATING is not allowed in the dance area.
6. EVENT ATTIRE: Depending on the event dancers should have either a plain black or a plain white shirt as well as either black or white pants. Modesty is important.
8. Bathroom and water BREAKS: Please use the bathroom before practice as our practices are short. Also, please bring a water bottle. We will try to include a water/bathroom break midway for the Joy dancers.
9. Each dancer should treat others in a way that she/he wants to be treated
10. Dancers must clean up after themselves.
11. Discipline Flow: #1) Talked to about behavior #2) Asked to sit out for a 10 min period of reflection #3) Parent will be informed #4) Parent will be asked to attend #5) Dancer will be asked to leave.
Worship Garments, Streamers, Tambourines, Teaching DVDs
If you would like to purchase your own black worship full-cut palazzo pants or any other worship garments, please visit Dance Wear Solutions / Spiritual Expressions if you would like to purchase your own metallic tambourine, streamers, or teaching videos, visit Shachah’s website.Teaching tapes are also available at Dancing For HimFor more information on dance, we also belong to the Christian Dance Network
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5 Biblically Beautiful Ways to Worship God
Spread Love
What Are Some Ways to Worship God?
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Christian worship is one of the most important spiritual disciplines in the Christian life. If you don't like worship, then you may not enjoy heaven, because worship is the only thing we know exactly what we will do in heaven. (Rev. 4:9-11)
This is not just a warm-up before preaching the Bible. This is what we do is as important as preaching the Bible. This is an expression of love, gratitude and reverence of our hearts to God.
Many times this heart to God is expressed in what we say with our lips and what we do with our bodies.
So let's look at some ways of worshiping God, which include heart, mouth and body.
- What are some ways to worship God?
- Singing is a way of worshiping God
- Raising hands in worship of God
- Worship as a form of worship
- Clapping hands in worship of God
- Worshiping God in dance
- So what is worship?
- Worship Books
- Mastering the Ministry: Mastering Worship
- Holy Roar: 7 Words That Will Change Your Worship
- Praise and Worship with Flags: Waging Spiritual Warfare in Church and Home
Singing is a way of worshiping God
The most common form of Christian worship is singing. The Bible tells us to sing in our worship.
SPEAK TO EACH OTHER BY Psalms, Hymns, AND SPIRITUAL SONGS, SINGING AND CREATING IN YOUR HEARTS TO THE LORD, He wants to know that you are expressing the melody He has given you in your heart.
My mother and my son can't both carry a melody in a bucket, but they sing to the Lord. They make a happy noise. The reason is that Jesus gave them a song in their hearts that they want to return to him.
The only excuse not to sing in worship is pride and shyness. Worship is not your comfort. It's about God's blessing and God wants to hear you sing.
Lifting up of hands in worship of God
PSALM 141: 2
Many say that raising hands in worship is a modern thing, not a traditional Christian worship service. I beg to differ. Worship in its truest form is the singing of a prayer to God. The early church regularly practiced raising hands in prayer and worship.
If you think about the practice for a second, you will realize that people are raising their hands in our society as well.
When a child runs up to his father and raises his hands, what does he want? They want their father to take them.
When a person surrenders to someone in power, what does he do? They raise their hands.
Raising hands is a type of body language that shows closeness between a child and their father and is a sign of surrender to authority. I think this is a very correct form of Christian worship and is directly applicable.
Worship as a form of worship
PSALM 95: 6
Probably one of the least used but most sincere forms of worship is bowing. Whether you fall on your face or kneel, bowing is a sign of surrender and reverence. It is also the form of worship most resisted by our flesh and pride.
Very rarely do you see people in the church really involved in this form of Christian worship. In fact, I'm not even sure that this will be accepted in most churches in the Western world.
However, this is a very legal form of Christian worship. It takes great humility to not care what others think and just humble yourself before the Lord.
Clapping your hands in worship of God
PSALM 47:1
Applause is a universal sign of applause. Who better to get our applause than Jesus?
You applaud your sports teams, a good movie, politicians who say something you agree with, so start applauding Jesus.
He deserves your applause for what He has done for you.
In fact, he deserves your first applause, not just a second one.
Worship God in dance
PSALM 149: 3
PSALM 150: 4
Dancing is a controversial form of Christian worship. It's very biblical, but many people either don't understand it or consider it worldly because they took it and used it for less than godly purposes.
However, dance is an expression of celebration. The people of God have every reason to celebrate.
Think of all that Jesus has done for you, and if there is any life in you at all, your step should begin with a bounce.
When people dance, they celebrate. When Christians worship, part of it should be a celebration of life, victory, and the wonderful grace God has given them.
Dancing is a way of worshiping God, and I recommend that you dance at least once in worship before the Lord. It might just change your life.
So what is worship?
The Greek word for worship found in Romans 12:1 is “Latreia” which means serving and worshiping God.
Christian worship is the act of serving or demonstrating to God how valuable and revered He is.
We must remember that every expression of worship is centered on and for God.
This is not just singing about God. This is singing to God.
This is not applause about God, dancing about God, bowing about God. This is applause, dancing, bowing and any other form of worship that you use, to God or in relation to God. It is God-centered and God-centered.
So I encourage you to take what you've learned about these ways of worshiping God and start applying it to your worship.
Remember, however, that you are applying it, and wherever you apply it, do it to bless God. If you do this as an honest and heartfelt response to what God has done for you, then it will not belittle other worshipers.
It will actually bless and encourage them to follow your example and start using some of these ways to worship God .
Worship books
JEHOVAH NISSI. Why is a banner ministry necessary?
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Many of us have been to services (or seen them on the Internet) where people dance or simply wave bright, beautiful flags to the beat of music - actively or smoothly. It looks beautiful and attracts attention. But it leaves many of us perplexed - why are there flags and banners at the church / community meeting? What do they want to say? Is this the way to glorify God?
We at KEMO were lucky to host a person who stands at the origins of the banner (flag) ministry of the new time and knows almost everything about it.
Karen Simmons is the founder of Inner Court Ministries (Florida, USA). For more than 30 years, she has been studying the role of flags in knowing God, and also teaches others to glorify God with banners, become more sensitive to God and develop in their calling. Before leading a workshop for worshipers in our community, Karen clarified why flags are needed and what Scripture says about it.
— Karen, why did you choose to develop the banner ministry? And so long in this service to God?
— I can't say that I chose flags for myself as a ministry :) It was God who chose me for this ministry. When I was a child, my brothers and I were very fond of playing war games. And I always had my father's handkerchief tied in the form of a flag on a piece of wood.
And when I met Jehovah Nissi — the God who is our Banner — it was not difficult for me to begin to express Him through flags. I have been in this ministry for 30 years and this expression of my God through banners and flags has many forms.
I am not teaching only about the flags, but about the whole spectrum of manifestations of His character and how it can be expressed through the flags.
- Not all churches use the flag service. Some do not understand why this is necessary at all, they reject it. Why do you think?
- Churches may reject the flag service because it might distract someone during the service, or the flag might accidentally hit someone, or something similar. But in my opinion, in most cases this happens because people do not delve into the issue of glorification with flags and banners, do not look for reasons why God needs this service.
It is easy for us to accept the Lord as our Shepherd. It is easy to accept Him as our Healer. But when we decide to accept the Lord as Jehovah Nissi, as our Banner, then such a thirst for God appears inside us, something excites us, sometimes this feeling is uncontrollable! And it scares people!
For example, in the Song of Songs we find a place where Jehovah Nissi himself describes his bride in a very menacing manner—as an army with banners.
And it is not always clear to us how to present ourselves in this image, how to apply it to ourselves. In most cases the banner represents the power of God and people are afraid of it.
- What congregations, denominations, churches of which countries have already accepted and use this ministry? Which believer finds it easier to accept it and develop in it?
- In my country, the leading churches can use everything related to flags, mainly in some processions, marches as something very special, only on some special holidays. In most cases, the banner, flag service is used in worship by non-denominational churches or congregations.
But I believe that God is now restoring the Tabernacle of David and the Holy Spirit will excite believers all over the face of the earth to use this ministry more and more as a very multifaceted opportunity to show love, joy, gratitude to our Lord.
Because God is our King. And since He is the King, He is worthy of the brightest, most beautiful, loudest praise! The Lord takes pleasure in such a bright, beautiful form of worship.
He created us to worship Him, to praise Him. Therefore, praise and worship is an expression of how grateful we are to Him for what He has done for us.
I have been to 17 countries around the world and seen different types of worship. But everywhere there was one common element - joy and praise before God.
— Is everyone called to be such deep admirers? After all, there are people who do not understand this, are embarrassed. In some churches, too loud, active, unusual (and many consider flag worship unusual) worship is not welcome ...
— I believe that there are people who have a special deep desire to express gratitude to God through the flag, dance ministry, ministry of mimes and other presentation ministries. Of course, not all people have this very deep desire. And I believe that those worshipers who have no desire to use flags, banners, dances or anything else that represents an expression of their love for the Lord, they should not humiliate or belittle those who want to do this.
As it is written in Ephesians 2, we must act as a single whole, a single organism, we must respect each other and respect the gifts that are invested in us.
- If a person wants to delve deeper into the topic of flag worship, what key scriptures should he study first? From Torah and Brit Hadash?
- Of course, this is Exodus 17, when Moses raised the rod. It talks about the character of God, and if you relate this to the flags, then this is one way to visually understand the character of God.
Psalm 60:4-5 says we can be set free and raise the banner of victory with God for others to see. The same can be said about the passage of Scripture, which describes when Yeshua was on the cross and the Father said, "Now I lift up my Son, and all will come to Him." The flag does the same thing - it unites us and gives us movement towards God.
I believe that flag service can bring together different generations and different cultures. For example, a person may not hear what is being sung or said, but may see and understand such praise.
— How does participation in active glorification of God help a person draw closer to God? For example, if a person first came to serve in a community or church?
- If we look at what the flag in the service of God means in general, at the very definition of the flag, we will understand that it has several purposes:
1) it prompts you to react, prompts you to inquire - what is going on here?
If I, a new person, come to a community/church and see people with flags, then I will definitely immediately be interested in what is happening here. This concerns the soul: we see and respond, act in response. A person "from the street" flag service can touch deep in the heart! I know many cases when the guests of the services saw the flags (they served flags in front of them) and received healing.
2) for those who have long been in the dance or flag ministry, this is an expression of what they receive from the Holy Spirit, what they feel in their hearts.
For them, it is like a double-edged sword: they take something from the Lord and give back, responding to the Lord.
— Please share how believers can approach God, open up more and get to know Him? Your practical short "recipes".
— This is exactly what I'm teaching :) I really love to devote time to the Lord, because He truly deserves our undivided attention.
I love keeping a prayer journal. I can pour out my heart in these revelations on paper, which helps me to go back, turn the page and see how God answered my prayers.
As we cultivate intimacy with the Lord more and more, our faith is built up, restored, and we can love the Lord, and we can always say “yes!” to Him. It's important to always say yes, even if you don't understand. But when you have built a close relationship with the Lord, it is always easy to say “yes” to him.
- Karen, how do you feel about worship in the Jewish style? How close is it to you?
— I think this is a great form of worship! I recently had the opportunity to speak about God's circles.
The Bible describes seven different types of worship that circle dances use. And it reminds me that God is Alpha and Omega, He has no beginning and no end, because the circle closes. And in these round dances, in these circular dances, so many feelings can be expressed! This is a testament to who He is.
- Some people claim that the Jewish style of worship is the most important. Because it is the Jewish people who are originally the representative of God, the bearer of His Word and power. And as the ancient Jews danced, in fact, so we all need to worship. What do you say about it?
— We are all completely different and we have a different view of worship, but as the Bible says, we must be as one. When we all come together in front of God's face, no matter how we worship, each of us presents some kind of fragrance to the Lord - we offer a separate fragrance to Him, but together we become a fragrance to the Lord.
For example, a Chinese man prays and worships in Chinese and I will not understand anything of what he is praying for.
But when we - believers from different nations, peoples, countries, confessions - gather together to glorify our one Father, we show God one worship from different forms.
— What advice can you give to people who are embarrassed to praise God actively — in dance, song, flags, etc.?
— For me, the only answer is this: all this is rooted in how we present and see ourselves before our Father. If we do not accept ourselves as His children, whom He loves with unconditional love, then we will always worry about who and what will think of us. Therefore, as I said initially, it is very important to cultivate, to cultivate your intimate relationship with God. Because when our heart is at peace and we know that the Lord accepts us and loves us unconditionally, then nothing from the thoughts of others can disturb us. The Song of Songs mentions the eyes of a dove - when we do not take our eyes off the Father - this is the red line of everything in this matter. I always say: you know the One who created you, and then you will be at peace.