How to promote your dance studio
10 Easy And Effective Dance Studio Marketing Ideas To Find Your Students
As a dance studio owner, you’re creative and passionate. These skills transfer readily to getting the word out about your studio with marketing. Even better, today there are many fun and authentic ways to do this while staying within a minimal budget. They range from solutions for tech-savvy studios to those who want to focus on community-level engagement. Here are ten dance studio marketing ideas that are easy, effective, and affordable. All they need is your own creative touch!
1. Host An Open HouseLet potential students see what your studio is all about, free of charge. An open house allows people to meet your teachers, see the space, and get answers to all of their important questions.
Hold several different types of shortened dance classes throughout the event so people can see each one. Let them join in on the fun and try a few moves! Consider offering special perks or discounts for students who sign up for classes before they leave the event.
You can advertise ahead of your open house by posting in the newspaper, adding the event on social media, and sending out postcards to neighborhoods around your studio. Ask other related businesses to spread the word for you as well.
2. Find Bulletin BoardsOnce you’re looking for them, you’ll see there are bulletin boards everywhere. Check your local coffee shops, lunch spots, schools, gyms, and daycares for a free communal place to hang your flyer to find your students.
This can be a generic advertisement for your dance studio or perhaps an advertisement for an upcoming event. You never know who may be looking!
3. Use Social MediaSocial media can be an incredible marketing tool. It doesn’t cost anything to create a profile and begin sharing content. Use tools like Facebook Live and Instagram Stories to give your followers a “sneak peek” into your classes. You can also create videos for each of your teachers. Let them introduce themselves and discuss what a typical day in their class looks like.
Willing to spend a little cash for a boost? Ads on Instagram and Facebook can go a long way towards reaching new students in your area, but you don’t have to spend a lot. As little as $25 per week could make a difference in getting your page in front of the right audience.
4. Get Creative With Special EventsHosting unique events will help your studio get the attention it deserves.
Consider a ballet show under the stars during the warm summer months, holiday-themed shows, or routines to contemporary favorites. Shows like these will attract people from all over your community, which can boost visibility and bring in new students.
5. Target Specific AudiencesThere are several specific groups of children and adults who are looking for classes that are tailored to them. For example, consider hosting classes for individuals with special needs, those with limited mobility or chronic health conditions, pregnant women, and babies or toddlers (think mommy and me classes).
Open your studio up to a whole new group of people by putting on classes like these, even if it’s just once a month. This offers an outlet that is so rewarding for the individuals who take your classes, their families, and the community.
6. Partner With Other Local BusinessesBuild your network within the community by partnering with other local businesses. Dance supply stores and costume shops are often a natural fit, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Wellness spas, healthy local grocery stores, music stores, or your local symphony may all be a good fit.
Help each other by placing postcards or flyers at your checkout areas or offering “free class” specials for customers.
You can also find businesses that are interested in teaming up for special events. Outdoor shopping centers or large breweries for example are great for this type of marketing. Offer to hold a free dance class in a large communal area of the center. You’ll benefit from advertisements for the event and they capitalize on people spending time (and potentially money) there.
Increasing visibility in your community is one of the best ways to get your name out there. Is there a family-friendly event coming up at your local park? Perhaps the farmer’s market needs volunteers to help set up?
Get out there and volunteer wherever you can. Wear clothing with your dance studio logo and bring plenty of business cards with you! People love to see business owners who care about being involved around town.
8. Build A Solid Email ListBe sure to create a targeted email list comprised of current, past, and potential students.
Try not to overdo it with your messages (no one likes repetitive spam from a business). Weekly or monthly emails generally work best.
Keep your contacts in the loop about exciting changes to your lineup of classes or upcoming events. Consider including special deals or discounts from time to time. This will keep people interested in opening the emails you send.
If you’re running a successful studio, you clearly have some happy dancers! Don’t be afraid to ask them to review your business online.
Yelp and Google are two of the most popular places people go to research local businesses and see what other people are saying. This will help you continue to grow and improve your studio as people hear how great your studio is!
10. Automate Your Tasks With Dance Studio SoftwareDetermining how much, whether, and when to invest in marketing campaigns can be challenging. Fortunately, the right dance studio software can automate marketing tasks for you, so you can focus on running your studio.
Let The Studio Director do the heavy lifting when it comes to your marketing efforts. Efficiently schedule emails crafted for new students, special promotions, and even birthday greetings. You’ll also have access to new dance studio marketing ideas like email templates. See which ones are working each month with communication reports, such as send and open data from your campaigns.
Beyond dance studio marketing ideas, The Studio Director can help you keep track of enrollment, billing, and much more. Contact us to learn more or start your free trial today!
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4 effective ways to promote your dance studio in 2021
Attracting new students to your dance studio is one of the most important things on your to-do list in 2021. You might be asking yourself “how can I reach out to families outside of my studio, inviting them to join my state-of-the-art dance program?” You’ve come to the right place!
To help you reach out to new students, we’ve put together a list of 4 ideas you can use to promote your dance studio this year.
4 ways to promote your dance studio to new students1.
Social media is one of the most popular ways to promote a business. And we’ve seen many dance studios have great success marketing through social media.
First and foremost, it’s free! That alone makes it a no-brainer. But, it’s also an easy way to reach a lot of people at once. While the most popular social media platforms are Facebook and Instagram, don’t feel like you are limited to those two. Dance challenges are the craze on TikTok and you might be surprised to discover the networking opportunities associated with joining LinkedIn.
Look at where your current families are interacting on social media to help you determine where you need to be! You will find more people similar to the families you have there. And don’t be afraid to have fun while showing who you are as a brand on social media. After all, you want to create content that gets people to engage with comments, likes, reactions, and share!
Social media marketing tools
People who aren’t marketers tense up when they see the word ‘marketing’ but we are keeping it super simple here.
If you haven’t already, create a page on Facebook for your studio where you can share upcoming events, open house dates, registration dates and links, and much more! That’s a great first step to the social media world if you are unsure.
Similarly, you can create an account on Instagram for the studio so you can reach those people who may not be using Facebook in a similar fashion.
Wondering what to post? Here at Jackrabbit, we love Canva, a simple graphic creation software (they even have a free version). With templates to choose from and thousands of design elements, no one will ever know your graphics aren’t made by a professional graphic designer.
2. Implement an email strategyEmail marketing is still one of the quickest and most economical ways to promote your dance studio. But it’s more than just sending out an email here and there. You want to make sure you have a consistent, well-planned email strategy to keep people engaged with your dance studio, especially those who aren’t a part of your dance family yet!
Not sure why a full-blown strategy is needed for your dance studio? We’ve put together a list of 6 reasons to implement an email marketing strategy at your studio. (—> Take me to the email strategy infographic)
Ready to email in Jackrabbit?
Learn the many ways you can email with Jackrabbit's built-in email feature.
Emailing with Jackrabbit Dance
3. Host a hybrid open houseIf 2020 taught us anything, it’s to look at the silver lining. While none of us were prepared for a global pandemic, the dance industry rose to the occasion and thrived. It wasn’t easy but you showed the world how strong you are!
With those challenges, you learned a lot of new skills and likely took your dance program online during the shutdown. And as dance studios have continued to reopen over the last 8-10 months, so many studios are keeping a virtual aspect very much a part of their new reality.
With that in mind, why not make your open house a virtual event also?! You are no longer limited to your immediate area. With the tools you have in your back pocket to zoom dance classes, you can take your dance program and your open house events nationwide so why wouldn’t you? Definitely something to think about!
Live-streaming with Spot TV
Spot TV exclusively partners with Jackrabbit to bring live streaming straight to the Parent Portal. Whether you have security cameras already in place or plan to add that in the near future, Spot TV can help you connect with families in ways that have never happened before.
From dance classes to hybrid events, like open houses, your families will have a top-notch experience with your studio no matter where they are.
Learn more about the Spot TV experience
4. Offer trial classesTrial classes are a great way to sell your dance program, especially when it’s a younger dancer taking class for the very first time. Parents want to make sure that their child is all-in before committing to a full dance season and the recital.
We polled our clients here at Jackrabbit and found that trials are not only popular with our dance studios but they also have an 80 percent conversion rate. That means every 4 out of 5 dancers that try a class at your studio is likely to become a paid student after the trial. Those are some great odds!
What do you need to promote your dance studio?
Now that you’ve got ideas for ways to promote your dance studio, you might be wondering what tools you need to get the word out there. We’ve got you covered there also.
Dance studio management softwareHaving dance studio management software in 2021 is a must. Not only does it help you manage your dance class enrollment and schedule but remember that email marketing strategy and those free trials we talked about? Having an all-in-one solution, like Jackrabbit Dance, is going to make implementing those ideas easy. Let’s be real – these are just two tasks that you need to juggle and you need robust software that can help you with just about anything.
What are you waiting for?! Join the Jackrabbit family today and start using every feature of the software for free!
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With Amber's prior experience as a dancer, dance teacher, and an office administrator at a dance studio, she can use her prior experiences to relate to Jackrabbit customers. As part of Jackrabbit's Education team, Amber develops Best Practices, communicates upcoming enhancements, and moderates the Jackrabbit Software Users Group on Facebook. Amber enjoys watching football and traveling in her free time!
Promotion of a dance school: how to advertise and promote services of a dance studio
Promotion of a dance school requires a non-standard approach in marketing due to the specifics of the business area. Dancing is fun, energy and drive, so advertising for a dance studio should evoke the same emotions. The times when new customers could be attracted by distributing leaflets near the subway are long gone. The modern audience wants everything at once. It is necessary to introduce her not only to the services, but also to the people who provide them. In this article, we will tell you what to do before starting to promote a dance studio and how to attract new customers using different types of advertising.
What to do before you start promoting a dance studio

As in any other area of marketing, advertising and promotion of a dance school is based on the study of your target audience. At the same time, you need to understand that dance studios have direct and indirect competitors. Fitness clubs, wellness centers, martial arts schools also offer sports and development services. Therefore, the task of your marketing campaign is to convince people that dancing is the most suitable way of leisure.
Vogue dance with Verona Models
You can analyze the target audience using:
- • questionnaires or surveys;
- • interview;
- • focus groups;
- • thematic blogs and forums;
- • social networks.
The last method is good because with a minimum of money and time spent, you will find out the nature, habits and needs of your target audience. Also in social networks, you can see how and for what audience competitors are promoting their services.
2. How to create a client portrait
After analyzing the target audience, you need to break it into segments and create a portrait or avatar for each. Here is a list of parameters to consider:
- • gender;
- • age;
- • area of residence;
- • income level;
- • marital status;
- • interests;
- • problems and pains.
By “running” clients through this list, you will get their psychological profile. It will help you work out the benefits consumers will receive from your service and identify triggers to influence them.
3. How to create a sales funnel
Think about the customer's journey from the moment he sees the ad to the moment he buys the service. If you're promoting with free lessons, your sales funnel might look like this:
- • interest in dancing;
- • search for a suitable school;
- • contact with advertising;
- • sign up for a free lesson;
- • free lesson;
- • receiving an offer.
4. How to form an offer
The offer is formed based on the problems of the audience with the help of its main triggers. This is your promotional offer. “Learn to dance hip-hop in 3 months”, “Sign up for a free trial lesson”, “Become a member of a friendly community of dancers” - these are examples of offers for a dance studio.
5. How to create a landing page structure
The purpose of a landing page or landing page is to motivate the client and involve them in the sales funnel. It is important to remember that several advertising banners can be located on such a page at once. The structure of the landing page is based on the pains of customers. For example:
Banner 1: main offer.
Banner 2: Headmaster's video message.
Banner 3: photos of students and teachers.
Banner 4: school facts or regalia.
Banner 5: a unique offer, such as discounted private lessons.
Banner 6: subscription offer.
Banner 7: School FAQ and contacts.
With this approach, advertising and promotion of the dance school is much more likely to resonate with potential customers. After all, you interact immediately with all segments of your target audience and work out objections.
How to promote a dance studio through contextual advertising
The advantage of contextual advertising is that it starts working immediately after launch. In a short time, you can collect a large number of applications and reimburse the costs of promotion. But it will take time to figure out the settings of the advertising account.
There are 3 contextual advertising mechanisms:
- Search algorithms. By analyzing the most popular queries for keywords, the system brings you to those who right now are driving into Google or Yandex “dance school record online”. When interacting with such a client, it is important to convince him to conclude a deal as soon as possible, otherwise he will go to competitors.
- GMS (display network) Google and YAN (Yandex advertising network). They show ads on affiliate sites for people who are interested in dancing. This method gives a good conversion for a relatively low price, however, the audience received from such an advertisement will be cold.
- Retargeting or remarketing. It allows you to make a special offer for those who came to your site, but for some reason did not leave a request.
How to promote through targeted advertising
Targeted advertising is the most suitable option for small dance schools. An advertising account on Facebook and Instagram is much simpler than on Google and Yandex, and the cost of an application is lower. But contextual advertising has a higher conversion rate, as the target leads to a cold audience that your sales team needs to “finish”.
To make targeted advertising more successful, collect enough leads, upload the data to your Facebook ad account, and create a Lookalike Audience. She may be the most responsive.
How to promote a dance school with SEO
Before you start SEO promotion, carefully analyze your competitors. This will help you optimize your strategy and understand what services are in demand. For advertising to be effective, combine related keywords into groups (clusters) and prioritize queries. Then search algorithms will display the site in the TOP results due to natural traffic. You also need to make sure that there are no technical errors on your site.
Advertising with bloggers to promote the dance school
If you want to agree on a barter, use the following algorithm:
- • through blogger search services, find those who live in your city and who are interested in the services of a dance studio;
- • offer a blogger a free lesson in exchange for advertising;
- • agree on cooperation. Be sure to specify how many advertising posts the blogger will publish in his account.
If the blogger does not agree to barter, consider how necessary this type of promotion is.
Other Ways to Attract Customers
To get maximum exposure, try additional promotion methods:
1. Free Lessons
Dancing is one of the most spectacular art forms. If you organize a public performance of teachers and students of the school, the audience will see the result live and receive additional motivation.
2. Promotions and discounts
To interest potential customers, arrange an open day. Workshops, consultations and discounts on subscriptions - showcase all the features of the school to interest visitors.
Modern dance school in Kyiv
3. Participation in competitions
First place in dance competitions is a sure way to increase customer confidence. To increase the conversion, try adding the phrase to the offer: “Do you want to learn dancing with the winners of the international competition?”.

The main advantage of such programs is a double budget for promotion, which allows you to organize a large-scale advertising campaign. Anyone can be a partner: a fitness club, a yoga studio or a children's music school. It is important to correctly present information and find common ground with the audience.
5. Offline advertising
Whether this method is needed depends only on the habits of your target audience. If, during its analysis, you found that most potential customers are subscribed to the account of a trendy restaurant, try to negotiate with the administration of the institution to promote your services. It can be both advertising on flyers and street banners.
For a successful advertising campaign that pays off the investment, it is not enough to use one or two promotion methods. Complex marketing is needed with constant analysis and adjustment of the strategy. By combining various tools and platforms, you will be able to provide the school with a stable flow of students, and business with income and profit.
Optimize the business processes of your dance school together with 1C: Fitness Club to increase the effectiveness of your marketing! Leave a request and our managers will contact you for free consultation.
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How to attract new dance studio clients? — Personal experience on
A successful dance studio is not only a beautiful name, logo, spacious premises. It is not enough to recruit competent and experienced coaches or rent spacious gyms with high-quality coverage. The main components of attracting customers are: clear positioning, high-level trainers who love their job, an attractive discount system and successful marketing.
How to achieve a balance between these components, create a unique and multi-directional brand studio or dance school and do not forget about the loyalty system, comfort for customers and employees? For answers to questions, we turned to experts in their field, owners of successful dance schools and studios in different cities of Russia. In the material we will present you basic principles and secrets attracting new clients to the dance studio.
We try to bring together professionals and amateurs, children and students, youth and adults in the studios. But we perfectly understand that each of them comes to dancing for something of their own. Basically, this is not a desire to achieve outstanding sports success, but a desire to get acquainted with the world of movements, find friends, get the opportunity to spend time comfortably and profitably. Therefore, we have a very strong, so-called social base. Among the directions, we are open to all classical and modern types: salsa, bachata, solo hip-hop, jazz funk, various types of plastics, acrobatics and much more. With such a variety, we try to reveal each type of dance from all sides.
Anna, manager of Dance Studio 25.5
High season dancing
When to open the studio, start a new set? Which hall is better to rent for dancing, in which part of the city to choose a room? And, most importantly, what is a good indicator of attracting new customers? These are just the basic tasks for starting a successful dance school.
Some mistakenly think that people go to dances when they have free time - on vacation or on vacation. School managers and owners dispelled this myth .
Unconditionally, the high season starts in September. Moreover, we see a huge influx not only in children's groups, but also in all areas. Until December, people actively go to classes, and then two months of calm.
Angelica, representative of the Modern Dance School.
Only in February, at the end of January, the revival begins again, you can start recruiting new groups and activate advertising campaigns. Until about the end of May, clients actively attend classes and a lot of applications are received.
In the summer there is an opportunity to develop new programs, send coaches to improve their skills or competitions, make repairs or other updates to the studio.
If we talk about the premises, it is best to start with two or three halls of different sizes. There will always be those who want to study individually, some unpopular areas, even during the season, do not recruit many students, so the hall of 30-40 square meters is perfect for these tasks.
But for such areas as salsa, bachata or other popular ones, halls of about 60-80 square meters are needed.
opinion of interviewed experts.
Who is new
The most exciting question for any studio owner is how many new clients can be attracted per month? There is no single answer.
It all depends on the studio and its location. If the school is located in the center, then we meet more than 50 new dancers, sometimes the figure exceeds a hundred. But in the sleeping areas, the figures are slightly less.
Anna, Dance Studio 25.5.
Her colleagues in the dance workshop also noticed that strongly depends on the seasonality and focus of studios.
There is another approach to finding and retaining customers.
It is extremely important for us to create not just a dance group, but a family of friends and like-minded people. On certain dates, we open a set for a new direction, collect a group and the influx of new customers stops. The backbone of the team has been preserved for years. The guys travel together for performances, events, many begin to communicate more closely. It is so comfortable to work not only for the students, but also for us!
Marina, representative of S-TANCIA studio.
The age of also strongly influences the average number of new customers. If the studio is aimed at students and office workers, then the number will be slightly higher. The school should be located in the center, close to offices and universities.
But in the sleeping areas go mostly couples and children. Here the directions, and the coach, and the occupancy will be different. In the afternoon go the smallest children from two years old and the elderly, in the evening - couples and older children.
The success formula is simple - the more destinations your trainers can cover - the more potential clients will come in the new month. It can be young people, and middle-aged people, and very little ones, already from 2-3 years old you can start dancing classes.
It seems that the most important information is over - no! Next, we will analyze with experts the main secrets and principles of search these same 10, 20 or even 50 lucky ones, for whom the school and trainers will become guides to the world of dance art.
Business card of studio
And here the fun begins, you have several spacious halls with high-quality coverage and a good studio location, excellent trainers with a high level of communication and a desire to teach. But what to do next?
Dance industry experts have no doubt that everyone should have clear positioning , understanding of one's place and meaning of in the world of dance.
There are several options here. Versatility, where there are dozens of directions and programs: salsa, hip-hop, bachata, tango, solo numbers, children's groups and even individual lessons for staging a wedding or congratulatory dance.
We try to cover everything from children's programs to passionate Argentinean tango to the latest dance styles.
Anna, Dance Studio 25.5.
But even with this , each studio retains its flavor. Someone is famous throughout the city for salsa and bachata trainers, others for their classes with the elderly, and still others attract a strong children's direction with the opportunity to participate in events and events of the city.
We are open to everyone: amateurs and professionals. It doesn't matter gender, height, weight, or age.
Anzhelika, Modern dance school "Dance Formation"
The second way long-term work with a painstakingly assembled team under certain programs .
We not only recruit a group for directions and trainers, but also create a program for clients' requests.
one of the directors of dance schools
The main advantage of this way in lack of seasonality . After recruiting a group, it exists for several seasons.
Whatever path you choose - for the success of the studio you need a logo, website and social networks. A studio without social networks in the modern world is like a person without a name and a phone. It can exist, but it is difficult to communicate, communicate and develop.
Banners and leaflets against target and direct
As they say, all means are good in war. If you want to succeed, act on all marketing fronts and advertising channels. Thinking about which platform to choose - Vkontakte, Instagram * or the recently fashionable Telegram channel, is better to try all . Yes, this approach takes more time, but returns are many times greater than . The specialists of dance studios were convinced of this from their own experience.
It is important to embrace the immensity. We are everywhere: Vkontakte and Instagram *, Telegram, Yandex Zen, all maps, we maintain our website and YouTube channel. Do not forget about outdoor advertising, which by the way gives good results.
Anna, manager of Dance Studio 25.5.
Flyers, banners, signs, billboards, like books and newspapers will exist forever . They give a good result immediately after the opening of the studio and already at the stage of a large influx of customers.
We actively use banners, flyers. And clients often come to us with these leaflets. The bearer receives a gift or a discount on the subscription, and we understand that the channel is working.
Oksana, representative of the Virazh dance studio.
But not all studios resort to outdoor advertising.
Very rarely we order banners or leaflets. The most effective interaction is eye contact. The specificity of the dance involves the nature of the video format. This is great for social networks. That is why the staff of the studio must have a professional videographer and editor.
Angelina, Dance Academy "Space".
And so it will do or a big team
Big State question is tricky. Especially when it comes to targetologists, operators and smm-specialists, and the studio has recently started working. After all, most of the functions can be taken over by other employees.
Social networks are often managed by studio administrators. It is easiest for them to collect content, shoot relevant videos, photos and promptly notify the audience about changes in the schedule and class plan.
We already have a large network of dance studios, so now a whole team of professionals is working on social platforms.
There is a videographer who deals with video content for YouTube, makes videos for VK. Administrators maintain the feed and stories, targetologists work with the purchase of advertising, there are SEO specialists and programmers, and others.
Anna, Dance Studio 25.5.
In some cases, a trainer or administrator can take over the entire function of a targetologist, operator or content maker. Then advertising budget will be several times less than and the staff will be reduced.
Here is the optimal formula: go from the request and the people in the team . It is better to start advertising campaigns with modest amounts in order to understand its effectiveness and adjust the emphasis on each of the sites.
Experts note that the audience and the client need to learn to see and to feel . At some point, show him a beautiful visual, and sometime hold an open lesson with bright coaches or even go out for morning or evening exercises.
This is how some of our clients come to us. During the summer, some of our activities are held in the parks. Passers-by come up, ask, and sometimes immediately join the process.
Marina, representative of S-TANTIA studio.
Eternal sundress
Our experts note that in the current situation it is difficult to name the most effective advertising. Where Google and Instagram* used to be active and efficient, now there is a noticeable failure.
Still not stable, looking at the statistics. But the "sarafan" works best at all times.
opinion of interviewed experts.
work format can be any , people just talk about their hobbies, activities, successes and, their friends come to the lesson.
Sometimes young people deliberately invite their friends to dance, or several people come to us at once who want to join the group.
For them, we have a discount on the “Invite a friend” promotion.
Oksana, employee of the Virazh dance studio.
Another word of mouth format - participation of coaches and studio 9 teams0201 in the life of the city . Performances at venues, in universities and schools, parks and at the opening of holidays allows new customers to get acquainted with the result of the school's work and even "fall in love" with it.
Word of mouth options
Loyalty programs and discount systems work well with a one-time purchase of subscriptions or subscription to social networks. "Subscription on the day of classes", "Repost on VK and Instagram *", "Video feedback with a group mark", various contests and open lessons are all great tools to attract new customers.
And in order to keep those who have already come, the majority actively use calls and e-mails.
We try to select a convenient communication channel for each client.
First of all, we call him if he is uncomfortable communicating in this format, we write on social networks or WhatApp.
Anna, from Dance Studio 25.5.
The final, but no less important component of success is convenient registration for class . This is what the client faces all the time. It should be convenient for him to cancel, reschedule the lesson or choose another coach.
We use all channels of communication. You can sign up by phone through the administrator, in direct on social networks, in WhatApp or come in person.
Marina, representative of S-TANTIA studio.
Efficiency, the possibility of reminders and access to the schedule - that's what is important for the client every day .
We are thinking about developing a school application, but have not yet approved its format and functionality.
Anna, manager of Dance Studio 25.
The application can become one of the powerful tools and a good "highlight" in working with clients. A utility with the most important information, schedule, activity notification function and the ability to record. All this is already possible in the mobile application from AppEvent , developed specifically by for your dance studio . In addition to the fact that the application is made in the corporate colors of the company and with its logo, which is already becoming an additional is a "trigger" for the attention of customers, it contains information about the studio, its coaches, schedule, active subscriptions, and also provides the opportunity to rent out halls for less downtime. The purchase of services takes place 24/7 in one click is as simple and comfortable as possible, and the client himself always has the opportunity to cancel the lesson on his own without additional communication with the studio administrator.