How to play coffin dance on piano sheet music
coffin dance piano | Sheet Music Boss
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Have you ever been terrified and wanted to dance at the same time? What if Astronomia was the theme music of a thriller movie!? Get the keyboard, get the popcorn, and get learning this awesome and dramatic piano arrangement of one of the most popular songs of the year!
Arranged by Rafał Bienias
Edited by Samuel Dickenson
Description by Joshua Anderson
Produced by Andrew Wrangell & Samuel Dickenson
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⚰🕺 Is the Coffin Dance meme really dead? 🤔😔❤
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Get some tissues. Sit down. We need to talk. This Coffin Dance meme has gone on for a while now, but it’s my duty to inform you that it has finally died. It’s kaput. Doneskis. Astronomia has been a pretty great song, but lets face it, there isn’t much left in the way of memes, so we will run out at some stage, and we will all have to accept the death of yet another meme. This video will inform you about the reality of the grief you will feel once Coffin Dance finally dies. And it’s done with a beautiful soundtrack to boot! Enjoy! 😎🥳
Arranged by Andrew Wrangell
Edited by Samuel Dickenson
Produced by Andrew Wrangell & Samuel Dickenson
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🅱Played at every Russian funeral! ☠
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You’ve heard the actual Coffin Dance song (Astronomia), you’ve heard it in varying degrees of sadness, rage, and happiness, and you’ve heard it all jazzed up! But now in living technicolor (well, mostly red), hear the song that will play at everyone’s funeral as only the Bosses can deliver. You know we had to do it to ‘em. Get ready for RUSH ASTRONOMIA!
Arranged by Andrew Wrangell
Edited by Samuel Dickenson
Description by Joshua Anderson
Produced by Andrew Wrangell & Samuel Dickenson
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*music plays*😶➡😐➡🙂➡😃➡😄➡😆⚰🕺🎵
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Learn how to play Coffin Dance but it gets happier and H A P P I E R 🌞 by Vicetone & Tony Igy on piano with this Synthesia piano tutorial! Please enjoy!
The Coffin Dance is a hard tune, let there be no doubt. We made it get harder and H A R D E R, but it’s time we made something a little more upbeat, something to make you Coffin Dance fans happy…
So happy in fact, that you will start to smile, and that smile will get wider, and then it will get so wide that suddenly… *coffin dance plays*
Yes, Coffin Dance is actually a great track called Astronomia by Vicetone & Tony Igy, but we hope that you enjoy this happy parody nonetheless!
This piano arrangement of Coffin Dance but it gets happier and H A P P I E R 🌞 is fantastic to play! You can learn it with our Synthesia piano tutorial, or from our official Sheet Music Boss sheet music at the top of the description!
Arranged by Andrew Wrangell
Edited by Samuel Dickenson
Produced by Andrew Wrangell & Samuel Dickenson
▶ https://sheetmusicboss. com
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⚰🎷😂 DO YA LIKE JAZZ? 🎩🎵🎹
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Learn how to play If Coffin Dance was JAZZ by Vicetone & Tony Igy on piano with this Synthesia piano tutorial! Please enjoy!
We all know the coffin dance meme. Yes, it was written by Vicetone and Tony Igy. Yes it’s originally called Astronomia. Yes it blew up on Tik Tok. Yes we’ve been putting out coffin dance meme videos ever since. But this is different. This is JAZZ. Did you ever ask yourself: “what would happen if Ghana’s dancing pallbearers danced to jazz?”, if so, this is your lucky day! You can play an awesome jazz version of the coffin dance meme (aka Astronomia) using this fun piano tutorial! Or you can just listen, like, share and subscribe 😅. Please? 😁
This piano arrangement of If Coffin Dance was JAZZ is fantastic to play! You can learn it with our Synthesia piano tutorial, or from our official Sheet Music Boss sheet music at the top of the description!
Arranged by Andrew Wrangell
Edited by Samuel Dickenson
Produced by Andrew Wrangell & Samuel Dickenson
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/ sheetmusicboss / 2 Comments
⚰🕺 Coffin Dance was easy. Let’s make it next-level. 😎🎵🎹
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Learn how to play Coffin Dance but it gets harder and H A R D E R by Vicetone & Tony Igy on piano with this Synthesia piano tutorial! Please enjoy!
How far can you make it through these versions of Coffin Dance? We suspect 90% of you can do the easiest version, but 0% can do the hardest. Let us know! Just keep watching to see the Coffin Dance get harder, and h a r d e r and H A R D E R… Coffin Dance is a song by Vicetone & Tony Igy called Astronomia, popularised as it was included with meme videos of Ghana’s dancing pallbearers when people are experiencing impending doom. Enjoy these awesome versions!
This piano arrangement of Coffin Dance but it gets harder and H A R D E R is fantastic to play! You can learn it with our Synthesia piano tutorial, or from our official Sheet Music Boss sheet music at the top of the description!
Arranged by Rafał Bienias
Edited by Samuel Dickenson
Produced by Andrew Wrangell & Samuel Dickenson
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⚰🎵 Damn, now ANYONE can play the Coffin Dance! 🎹🕺
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Learn how to play Astonomia (Coffin Dance meme) by Vicetone & Tony Igy on piano with this Synthesia piano tutorial! Please enjoy!
Astonomia is an EDM track by Vicetone & Tony Igy. Vicetone is comprised of two Dutch artists: Ruben den Boer and Victor Pool, who both have been voted into DJ Mag’s Top 100 DJs list. In 2020, many people started editing videos of people getting hurt (usually cutting the video strategically) and incorporating a video of dancing pallbearers from Ghana at a ceremony. During these meme videos the song Astronomia by Vicetone & Tony Igy plays, with the drop happening usually on the impact in the video. We made this easy piano arrangement of Astronomia just for those pianists who want to learn how to play it themselves, but may not be able to play difficult piano music yet. We hope you learn a lot from our tutorial!
This piano arrangement of Astonomia (Coffin Dance meme) is fantastic to play! You can learn it with our Synthesia piano tutorial, or from our official Sheet Music Boss sheet music at the top of the description!
Arranged by Andrew Wrangell
Edited by Samuel Dickenson
Produced by Andrew Wrangell & Samuel Dickenson
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⚰😎 Let’s do this comrades. 🎵🎹
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The Coffin Dance meme is getting old now. Time to move on to something a little more contemporary. Something a little more interesting. Something a little more… …Russian! Our fantastic dancing pallbearers from Ghana have taken a trip over to St. Basil’s Cathedral and have express approval from the Kremlin to show us how they can do the Coffin Dance, Russian style! Enjoy this piano parody, and even play it yourself on piano using our sheet music, or learning from this synthesia piano tutorial!
Coffin Dance is originally known as Astronomia by Vicetone & Tony Igy.
Arranged by Andrew Wrangell
Edited by Samuel Dickenson
Produced by Andrew Wrangell & Samuel Dickenson
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⚰🕺 You’ll probably want to play this all the time. 🎵🎹💀
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Learn how to play Astronomia (Coffin Dance meme) by Vicetone & Tony Igy on piano with this Synthesia piano tutorial! Please enjoy!
Astonomia is an EDM track by Vicetone & Tony Igy. Vicetone is comprised of two Dutch artists: Ruben den Boer and Victor Pool, who both have been voted into DJ Mag’s Top 100 DJs list. In 2020, many people started editing videos of people getting hurt (usually cutting the video strategically) and incorporating a video of dancing pallbearers from Ghana at a ceremony. During these meme videos the song Astronomia by Vicetone & Tony Igy plays, with the drop happening usually on the impact in the video. This awesome piano tutorial will show you exactly how to play this awesome track for the next moment when something crazy goes on in your life.
This piano arrangement of Astronomia (Coffin Dance meme) is fantastic to play! You can learn it with our Synthesia piano tutorial, or from our official Sheet Music Boss sheet music at the top of the description!
Arranged by Andrew Wrangell
Edited by Samuel Dickenson
Produced by Andrew Wrangell & Samuel Dickenson
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▶ Musicnotes: https://tinyurl. com/smb-musicnotes
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Play Astronomia (Coffin Dance) (Alternative)
[6s] s [6s] s [6f] f [6f] f
[6d] d [6d] d [6h] h [6h] h
[6j] j [6j] j [6j] j [6j] j [6ej] [6ej] [6ej] [6ej]
[6ed] s a o
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qs] s s s f f f f
[5wd] d d d h h h h
[6ej] j j j j j j j j j j j
d s a o
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l 6
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Note Labels
Fun Happy The Netherlands Virtual Piano Comp Meme
A song by Vicetone
Verified by Mark Chaimbers
About This Music Sheet
Astronomia (Coffin Dance) (Alternative) is a song by Vicetone. Use your computer keyboard to play Astronomia (Coffin Dance) (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Astronomia (Coffin Dance) (Alternative) is classified in the genres: Electronica, Dance on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun, Happy, The Netherlands, Virtual Piano Comp, Meme. 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Astronomia (Coffin Dance)
f d s a
[4p] 6 [8p] [qf]
[ed] s
[5a] 7 [9a] [wa]
[rd] d s a
[6p] p l
k l k l
[6p] p l
k l k l
[4qp] p f
d s
[5wa] a a
d d s a
[6ep] p l
k l k l
[6ep] p l
k l k l
[4qs] [4qs] [4qs] [4qs]
[4qf] [4qf] [4qf] [4qf]
[5wd] [5wd] [5wd] [5wd]
[5wh] [5wh] [5wh] [5wh]
[6ej] [6ej] [6ej] [6ej]
[6ej] j [6e] [6ej] j [6e]
[6j] j e [6j] j e
[0uf] [yd] [ts] [ra]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6p] [et] [6p] [etl]
[6ak] [etsl] [6ak] [etsl]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6p] [et] [6p] [etl]
[6ak] [etsl] [6ak] [etsl]
[4qs] [4qs] [4qs] [4qs]
[4qf] [4qf] [4qf] [4qf]
[5wd] [5wd] [5wd] [5wd]
[5wh] [5wh] [5wh] [5wh]
[6ej] [6ej] [6ej] [6ej]
[6ej] j [6e] [6ej] j [6e]
[6ej] j [6e] [6ej] [6j]
[0uf] [9yd] [8ts] [7ra]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
Astronomia (Alternative)
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Imagine Dragons
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Main Theme (Made in Abyss)
Kevin Penkin
po po pooi dspoiopp dspoiopoi
iiioi iiiiiou
sss ppp ooo iiiiyiyioi
iiioi iiiiiou
sss ppp ooo iiiiyiyioiii
sd sd sds
sd sd sds
iiiop iii sp iii
po po pooi dspoiopp dspoiopoi
po po pooi dspoiopp dspoiopoi
iiioi iiiiiou
sss ppp ooo iiiiyiyioi
iiioi iiiiiou
sss ppp ooo iiiiyiyioiii
sd sd sds
sd sd sds
iiiop iiisp iii
po po pooi dspoiopp dspoiopoi
dfgd hfdfds
ghj hjhg
dfgd hfdfds
ghj hjhg
po po pooi dspoiopp dspoiopo
po po pooi dspoiopp dspoiopoi
sd sd sds
sd sd sds
iiiop iiisp iii
po po pooi dspoiopp dspoiopoi
dfgd hfdfds
ghj hjhgHappier
Coffin dance piano
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coffin dance piano
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- Astronomia Piano Coffin Dance meme is a piano song game made for fans of the new viral coffin dance. The dance meme Astronomia Piano Coffin will teach you how to play the piano correctly and at the same time enjoy your favorite song from it. Astronomia Piano Coffin Dance Meme Song Collection: - - - > Astronomia Piano Coffin Dance Meme - Normal Mode ---> Astronomia Piano Coffin Dance Meme - Extended ---> Astronomia Piano Coffin Dance Meme - Remix (soooon) "Dancing Coffin Bearers" - is a game based on the coffin dance meme.
- Astronomia Piano Coffin Dance meme is a piano song game made for fans of the new viral coffin dance. The Astronomia Piano Coffin Dance meme will teach you how to play the piano correctly and at the same time enjoy your favorite song from the sameThe author of the track from the meme about dancing with a coffin turned out to be a musician from Russia. We interviewed him | Music on 2x2
In 2010, this track was called "dj next hit Leta Hit of Summer" and played in boys' public KS, in 2015 Russian-speaking users could meet it in videos with the name "Disco e *** o", and now it's Coffin Dance.
The last two months have been pushing him so hard that literally from the first note an image of six dark-skinned guys dancing with a coffin appears before my eyes, and the picture without music still plays the melody from the ringtones of the past in the subconscious.
Before moving on to the interview with the musician, let's talk about what we are talking about. In February 2020, the very first version of Coffin Dance appeared on the network, in which the dancing of black guys (a funeral tradition in Ghana) ended with an unsuccessful ski jump. So a simple formula appeared: epic fail + dancing guys with a coffin at the end + a track that became the main feature of the meme.
The composition is also familiar to many from another video - in 2015 it was superimposed on an advertisement for "Tricolor", in which Dmitry Brekotkin from "Ural dumplings" after his words moves his head forward (like a dove). They looped it, added music and got the “Disco e *** o” meme, which did not live up to 2020.
In the English-speaking environment, the composition was popular among shuffle dancers and Roblox players. But the track received wide popularity even earlier. It was written in 2010 and during this time it has been played by more than one DJ. Most likely, even you passed it on bluetooth to someone in pairs or even at school, and it was called “a great hit summer 2010” or “kazantip mix 2011”, and no one knew the artist at all. I would like justice to prevail a little - the original track is called Astronomia, and it was written by a musician from Russia (the most popular request on YouTube is a joint version with Vicetone). Yes, its author is Tony Igy (or Anton Igumnov), about whom very little is known. To correct this injustice, we interviewed him.
— Can you tell us a little about yourself?
— I am a musician Anton Igumnov, I am engaged in music and arrangements. I am a composer, not a DJ, I just write music. I live in Russia, in the Rostov region, maybe I will move soon. He began to study music from the senior classes, well, in principle, everything.
— How did you react when you first saw Coffin Dance? Did you expect the meme to become so popular?
- I reacted the same way as the others. Before that, there was a popular meme with Brekotkin from Ural Dumplings, and before that there were others, so this was not news or surprise. My and other tracks got into memes, but, of course, not so popular.
- In 2010, Astronomia was known as "ringtone summer hit", in 2015 - as "disco f**k" with Brekotkin, as you said above, and now it is strictly associated with funeral dance. What can we expect in 2025?
- I don't know. I think that you can expect anything, I will not be surprised by anything. Although with coffins - it's tin. But even before that it was not associated with anything, something new may appear, we'll see.
- Isn't it a shame that many don't even know the artist and the name of the track?
- No, it's not offensive at all. I do what I love and do not chase fame and recognition of the name and image. I strive for my music to be popular, and, in general, I have achieved this.
- Is it possible to somehow monetize this popularity? Maybe there are some additional orders?
— Yes, of course. All of this is legally sold. If you are engaged in creativity and you have a large enough audience, then you can not work and do only this and get good money. There are orders, but I don't really take them now, because I'm doing other things related to music, so I postponed the orders for a certain time.
— We did a quick search on YouTube looking for live videos, but we couldn't find anything other than the announcement of a concert in India 8 years ago. Can I listen to you somewhere?
- I don't perform. I write music, write to order for other artists and make arrangements. But I'm not a DJ. Firstly, I don't really like publicity, and secondly, the mode of life that a DJ must live, he is too active and public. You are always in sight, on the road. This is for me personally in terms of physical endurance somehow ... I generally do not tolerate the road well, so this side of creativity goes by the wayside. And at the expense of India, I really had to perform, I even made a passport, but a week before departure. And it accidentally made a mistake in the surname, so I didn’t fly anywhere. But, in fact, this is good, because there was some kind of devilry. This is where it all ended.
— How does quarantine affect creativity? More time for music?
— Yes, I always had time for music. That's the beauty of what I do and the fact that I don't perform. You can spend a lot of time on creativity, on what you like. In principle, nothing much has changed for me in quarantine. The only thing you stick around at home is disgusting, the brain is already boiling.
— EDM and dance club genres in general seemed to have left the mainstream at some point. Do you feel it and would not like to do something more pop?
- EDM? I have never been part of the EDM and dance scene. If you listen to my tracks, there is little to do with EDM. Even Astronomia is not that accurate EDM. I have a lot of chill out music, I have DnB and more light disco/funk/house, so I don't really notice that something has gone from the mainstream field. Do something more poppy? If you only do a separate project, more commercial, then you can.
- Back to Astronomia. A lot of covers have appeared on the net in these 10 years, what is your favorite?
- My favorite one is with animals, where they recruited animals and made a whole cover out of these sounds, it turned out very funny. And before that he was with a cyclist. These two are the brightest that I remember.
- You can also order a backing track, mix or arrangement. Have you worked on famous songs by other artists?
— No. Here are some well-known ones for me to name, and you immediately found out that there are none. If in terms of collaborations, then Vicetone, and then, they are known only among EDM lovers. Well, with whom can you? I'm unlikely to do anything with Kirkorov. With Yegor Creed? Well, no, it's better with Kirkorov. These are jokes, of course. If we take the concept of “famous performer” broadly, then, most likely, he did not work with anyone. I made orders not to top performers, but to those who make music mainly for themselves. They order.
- In addition to this track, you have Pentagramma, which every second person also recognizes. Maybe there are some other well-known compositions of your authorship that we simply do not know about?
- Most likely, you heard them, but did not attach any importance to who the performer is.