How to make a square dance petticoat
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Traditionally men wear long-sleeved shirts (to avoid grossing people when they Allemande Left out on a hot day). Women wear frilly skirts with petticoats, though in more recent years, "prairie skirts" have also come to be acceptable square dance attire.
So where do you get all that funny square dance clothing?
Unfortunately, square dance dresses are unreasonably expensive at retail (expect to spend $60-$150), so if you have any sewing experience at all, you may want to make your own. Some great places to get dress patterns are C&C Originals, Authentic Patterns and Kwik Sew. A quick google search on the Internet for square dance patterns turns up a lot of options.
Men can usually find western shirts at a number of places, AJ McAllister's has a wide variety and don't forget to check Sears. Men usually try to match their shirts to their partners dresses. Ties and vest are also acceptable and common.
Many square dance festivals have vendors that set up displays and offer a wide variety of items. However if you need something before the next festival, you can shop on line. There are several retailers that will be happy to take your order (and your money) and ship right to your door!
So, how do you find the perfect fit? Here are a few tips to make your shopping a little easier:
Dress. You're looking for a fit that is flattering as well as comfortable. Make sure the waist is at your natural waistline; do a few sample Star Thru's and twirls to make sure it stays there. The fit in the waist should be snug but not suffocating. If it's too loose, you'll be tugging your dress down all evening. If you can, take along the petticoat you'll be wearing with your new dress, or find one of comparable length and fullness. You shouldn't be able to see your petticoat hanging down past your dress; the dress length should match it, or close to it. Does the dress have high tight puffed sleeves? If so, you might find the elastic starting to cut off your circulation after an hour or so on the dance floor. Consider something closer to elbow length. Shoulder seams should fall naturally at the edge of your shoulder, not flop over onto your arm. Twirl once more with dress and petticoat. Does the skirt fall back into place, or does it hang up on the petticoat? Now you know why many skirts and dresses have ruffles along the hem.
Pettipants. Most women like to twirl while swinging or promenading and guess what happens then? Your skirts take flight. So we have pettipants, for aw-shucks modesty. They're available in nylon or batiste and in various lengths, from short "sissy" pants to mid-thigh to ankle-length bloomers, if you're so inclined, and in an array of colors. Most women like their pettipants to match the color of their petticoat; pettipants aren't really meant to be noticed.
Petticoats. Probably the first time you saw someone wearing a petticoat, you thought to yourself. "How the heck does she get through the door wearing that thing?" Besides being showy, square dance petticoats serve a practical purpose; the stabilize you when you twirl. Modern square dance petticoats are generally made of net, tricot, organza, woven polyester, crystal organza and tissue lame. You can get them in just about any fullness you desire, from barely noticeable to so voluminous you could put a table setting for four on one! Tricot "softie" petticoats are a good choice for beginners. They are comfortable, inexpensive and don't make you feel that you resemble the Liberty Bell on the dance floor. Organza is less comfy, holds a more rigid silhouette and depending on how it's stored may compress and flatten out over time. Crystal Organza is a sparkly translucent fabric that come in many colors and is the choice of most veteran dancers because it packs well, machine washes (delicate cycle), dries quickly, retains it's shape and wears like iron! It is also not cheap, most retailers typically sell a 50 year crystal petticoat for about $80. By the way, 50 yards does not mean that 50 yards of fabric were used in construction; 50 yards is determined by measuring the bottom edge.
You'll also see them referred to by length. Common lengths are 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 inches. How long of a petticoat should you wear? It is up to you, try several lengths to see what looks good but the smart people pick one length and stick with it so they don't have to worry about matching various skirts to different petticoat lengths.
Shoes. Some people will try to tell you that you need square dance shoes, which start at about $40 a pair for ladies' shoes, $60 a pair for men's. Don't believe it. Sure, there are some dance floors where you must bring non-street shoes, but most dancing is done on floors at the various local schools or churches, where no one's too concerned about damaging the finish. Anyway, look for a shoe that is comfortable, gives good support and won't come off in mid-tip.
Adapted from articles by Bill van Melle and Charleen Bunjiovianna
Square Dance Petticoat -
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Quadrille is a dance that has gained popularity among the people, changed in the manner of performance, but retaining the features of the ancient dance. In terms of folk performance, this dance has enough varieties: Russian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and American. All these options are distinguished by their special variety.
The Russian people have been transforming and making the square dance better for a long time, inventing new interesting movements, manner of performance and, as a result, made the square dance like a dance. The Russian version of the quadrille has a lot of special construction ideas, as well as the most complex figures in terms of execution.
Quadrille is a dynamic, fast dance. Special shoes are used for square dance - square dance . These are low shoes with a bright monochromatic coloring, red, black, white and other colors, made of leather, having high lacing and a flexible sole.
• Black
• White
• Red
• Set
• Natural
Foot length, cm