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Dancing Reggaeton - Sprachcaffe Language PLUS
Sprachcaffe is an internationally recognized Language Academy, that is, in addition, among the first to offer lessons in various Caribbean dances in Cuba.
Daily 60-minute lesson in dance technique is very intensive, whereby a Cuban dance partner assists each student. Following a general introduction, students are taught according to their individual level. Even the very beginners have nothing to be afraid of, because Cuban reggaeton instructors are very patient and eager to teach you this passionate dance.
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Reggaeton for beginners - reggaeton school and lessons for adults in Moscow.
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Saturday 16:00-17:00
8 lessons/3500rub
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Saturday 16:00-17:00
8 lessons/3500rub
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Reggaeton is the most popular direction of Latin American dances, this style does not provide for clear performance boundaries, being the hallmark of Latina. The basic rule is to move freely, completely surrendering to the dance. Freedom, frankness, sexuality - a brief description of this dance direction.
Reggaeton lessons will help those who have a desire to express themselves and be completely liberated, for this you just need to start mastering this dance in our school. Despite the fact that the direction appeared not so long ago, it has already gained popularity around the world. In addition, dance can be attributed to the fitness direction, since in the shortest possible time it allows you to lose extra pounds and tighten your figure without making any special efforts.
Reggaeton appeared in Panama and Puerto Rico as a direction in music, in the 90s of the last century it was already formed as a dance. Numerous bans and censorship did not prevent him from becoming popular on all continents of the globe.
Reggaeton is an incendiary way to the ideal figure
All muscle groups are involved in the dancer's movements: when shaking, the hips, stomach and buttocks work perfectly, and the wave effectively affects the body and chest. This dynamic fitness dance will help you quickly form a good figure, leaving no chance for extra pounds.
In addition, classes are recommended for correct posture, increasing the body's endurance, and gaining a sense of confidence. Classes will help anyone become more open, sexy and not insecure.
The dance can be performed to different music, not necessarily a partner, so reggaeton is often used as training. Fans of this trend have an ideal waist, strong press. The upper body is also actively involved in the dance process. Some movements are reminiscent of the movements of oriental dancers, but rhythm, dynamics, and energy still remain in the first place.
Reggaeton dance school in Moscow is a wave of energy that passes through the whole body and charges for a whole week. After just a few sessions, the dancer notices an increase in flexibility and a feeling of liberation.
Reggaeton is in the top five most popular styles along with salsa and bachata. It's not just a dance, it's a real style. Like any other Latin American direction, it is fed up with relationships between partners.
Reggaeton lessons
Desire and genuine passion are caused by energetic movements of the hips, shoulders, chest. This is the main lesson. In our dance school you can learn it both in pairs and solo. Particularly mesmerizing dance in a group performance.
For beginners, we recommend solo reggaeton lessons - only by truly feeling the dance with all your soul, you can learn to understand your own body. After that, you can already try to perform reggaeton in pairs. This dynamic, uninhibited, free and scandalous dance will allow you to express yourself and gain self-confidence.
It is impossible to describe the clear rules and boundaries of training, the mood of the moment guides dancers who cannot contain their temperament.
Now you can learn to dance on almost every corner, in every city there are many dance schools. We invite you to classes in groups or individually. Do not be upset if after the first couple of lessons you do not feel the freedom and emancipation that reggaeton gives. It is necessary to attend classes as often as possible, only after a few dozen classes you will be able to move freely, while getting real pleasure.
Reggaeton, unlike other Latin American styles, does not require a partner. The pair version of the dance is the most frank and daring.
Now training in this area is quite popular. Dance movements, among other things, will help you quickly tone your muscles, be always in shape and lose weight. Rotational movements of the body help our students learn to feel and understand their own body, and also teach how to control it.
No special costume is required for the performance, light clothing and shoes that will not hinder your movements are suitable. Reggaeton will help you relax and open up, feel freedom of movement, get rid of complexes, add energy and good mood.
Reggaeton school in Moscow
Reggaeton originates in Panama and Puerto Rico under the influence of other styles, which include dancehall and hip-hop, which have spread quite quickly and widely in Latin American countries. First of all, it is worth mentioning that reggaeton is the name of a musical genre. Developing and changing over the years, reggaeton has become a national treasure of Puerto Rico and is part of the culture. A music radio station has even been created in this direction. Recently, reggaeton has begun to spread more and more in Latin America and the USA.
As for the dance direction, it also changed over time, and had many different options. To date, the most common name is Perreo. The basis of this dance is the sexual movements of partners. Also, the partner can stand with her back to the partner. For some, such "revealing" dances can be embarrassing, but in Puerto Rico they are quite normal, and this dance is also traditional in discos from a fairly early age.
In European countries, this dance direction was initially accepted by public censure and was seen as a new psychedelia of youth, which is temporary. Among older people, statements in the form of disgust were noted, the dance was criticized for excessive frankness and was considered humiliating for beautiful ladies. But young people had a different opinion, so the music was increasingly heard from clubs, cafes and cars.
Features of the dance style reggaeton
In the process of dancing, the bodies of the dancers are in close contact, movements resembling frictions, making it look like sex with a hint of dance. But it is more interesting for the audience to watch, on the contrary, the dance with a hint of intimacy. Therefore, older generations perceive such a dance with hostility. But in reality, reggaeton is a way of self-expression of the sexual side and it must be danced exactly as the rhythm leads, without personal conflict.
In order to be able to dance reggaeton, you need to understand that this dance has no boundaries, which means that in order to perform it you need to have a certain level of flexibility. Therefore, training should begin with stretching and warming up the body. Girls should have confidence that the basis of their work on themselves is the mobility of the hips. To do this, you need to do simple exercises, even without leaving your home, in order to change the style of walking.
In order to understand and better feel the musical direction, you need to get acquainted with the performance of famous reggaeton musicians. For starters, you can take the album "Barrio Fino" performed by Daddy Yankee, as well as compositions by such artists as Don Omar, Wisin y Yandel, Zion.
Reggaeton lyrics are simple and easy to remember. This will help you when you are lost on the dance floor or tired, it will be enough just to pick up the music and sing along with the performer.
It is important to understand that reggaeton teaches you, together with your partner, not to feel the boundaries between the personal and the public. You need to get used to the closeness of the dance and just show off the sexy. By touching and cuddling together, you can show strength, warmth, energy, and desire. Maintaining constant close contact with a partner is of great importance.
It doesn't matter what your body is like when you're playing reggaeton, dressing in style matters a lot. Girls, when choosing clothes for reggaeton, it is necessary that it be as frank as possible. Tight pants and tops that show off your body are fine for dancing. It is important to choose such an outfit in order to feel attractive to men and sexy. Do not worry about excess on the hips or folds at the waist, on the contrary, they are considered desirable.
As for men, it is better for them to choose clothes from popular brands. Baggy T-shirts are especially popular. Big sneakers, a cap and glasses will help to create a special style and impress the girls.
In dance lessons, a professional choreographer will be able to teach you the basic moves, show you how to move your hips, take steps and show your sexuality in this chic dance.
Reggaeton dance: the best moves for women's health (PHOTOS)
Reggaeton dance (also known as perreo) got its name from the musical style of the same name, under which it is, in general, performed. This direction appeared in the early 90s in Latin America under the influence of reggae, dancehall and hip-hop, among the youth of poor neighborhoods (far from puritanical views). Perhaps that is why reggaeton movements are so distinguished by rhythm, passion and freedom that the government of Puerto Rico at one time even tried to ban this dance (and musical direction) at the state level. Fortunately, reggaeton was not destined to stay forever in the Latin Quarters, in a few years it seeped into European and American culture, captured dance floors and music ratings.
The main role in the reggaeton dance is given to the lower part of the body, which the "artists" vigorously shake in all possible directions. It is this circumstance that makes it useful for women's health, both physical and psychological. “Already after the first reggaeton lessons, you will begin to feel your body better and be able to overcome muscle clamps,” says Olga Naumenko , a reggaeton teacher at the Vozdukh studio and the author of the complex that we will show today. “Plus, the energetic rotations and shaking that make up this dance improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, relieve congestion, and normalize the hormonal system.”
Reggaeton classes will also be useful for those who care about their figure. “Dance implies a good aerobic load and works out the muscles of the hips, buttocks, back and shoulder girdle,” says Olga Naumenko.
Contrary to popular belief, everyone can dance reggaeton, not just women with luxurious forms. “The voluminous fifth point, of course, visually makes the dance movements more spectacular. But the lack of volume in this area is by no means an obstacle to studies. You can master the correct technique with buttocks of any shape and size, says Olga Naumenko. - The base in all shaking is the movement of the coccyx forward. To master it, imagine that at first you seem to raise your tail (like a dog), and then lower it down, slightly pushing the pelvis forward.
By the way, there is also double reggaeton - so, having mastered the technique of movements on your own, you can dance it with a partner.
How to build a session
* Begin the lesson with a short warm-up: bends, squats and lunges.
* Master all movements in sequence at a slow pace. Later, you can gradually increase the speed of execution and combine movements in any order, creating your own dance sequences.
* End with stretching.
* Exercise 3-4 times a week.
First exercise: basic shaking
Stand up straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders. Put your hands on your hips. With an exhalation, soften your knees and bend strongly in the lower back, pulling your pelvis as far back as possible, stretch your tailbone slightly back and up (as if raising your tail). As you inhale, push your pelvis slightly forward and twist it (as in Pilates). The loin should become flat. Then bend your knees a little more and, lifting your heels off the floor, bend at the waist again and point your tailbone up, slide your palms over your hips a little lower. Repeat the movement twice more, bending your knees even more and gradually squatting lower. At the end point, you should be almost squatting with your hands on your knees. Slowly return to the starting position and perform 3 repetitions exercises from the very beginning.
Second exercise
Sit on the floor, bend your legs and place your shins on the sides of your thighs. Spread your knees slightly wider than your shoulders, rest your palms on the floor in front of you. Transfer the body weight to your hands, while inhaling, lift your pelvis off the floor and bend strongly in the lower back, while at the same time directing the tailbone slightly back and up. As you exhale, lower it down, making the lower back flat. Shift your body weight into your hips, imagining the weight of your pelvis pulling it towards the floor. Return to starting position and repeat the movement for 9 more0038 4-5 times .
Third exercise
Take the starting position of the previous exercise. Then transfer 50% of the body weight to the palms, evenly distribute the same amount between the thighs. The pelvis is raised above the floor, the coccyx is directed back and up. Keeping a slight arch in the lower back, tilt the pelvis slightly to the left (transferring body weight to the left thigh), then to the right. Return to the starting position and perform 4-5 such movements in each direction.
Fourth exercise
Get on all fours, then slightly straighten your legs, directing your pelvis up. While inhaling, rest your palms and socks on the floor, make your lower back flat. As you exhale, bend at the waist, point the tailbone up, straighten your knees a little more. On an inhale, return to the starting position. Perform 5-6 repetitions of exercises.
Fifth exercise
Sit on your haunches, put your feet together, lift your heels off the floor. Spread your knees out to the sides and place your palms on them. With an exhalation, bend at the waist, point the tailbone back and up and slightly straighten the knees. From this position, step with your left foot to the side and point the tailbone slightly forward, getting rid of the deflection in the lower back. Then bend back and point your tailbone back and up. Repeat the coccyx movement for 9 more0038 2-3 times and return to the starting position. Perform another 2 repetitions of exercises.
Sixth exercise
Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Soften your knees, bend in the lower back, slightly bent arms spread slightly to the sides (palms clenched into fists and pointing down). As you exhale, take a step back and slightly to the left with your left foot, at the same time flatten your lower back and round the spine in your upper back (as if you were slouching). On an inhale, bend at the waist (pull your chest forward), point your tailbone back and up, and move your hands slightly back behind your pelvis. Repeat the cycle of movements, stepping back and slightly to the right with your right foot. Complete 4-5 such steps from each leg.
Seventh exercise
Take the starting position of the previous exercise. On the exhale, push the pelvis to the left (point the coccyx up and slightly back), then make it a rotational movement to the right. On an inhale, return to the starting position. Perform 5-7 repetitions of exercises in each direction.
By exercising regularly, you can strengthen the muscles of the lower body, improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, become sexier and more confident.