How to make a fringe dance skirt
- My Own Fringe Maker
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Dance Wear Costume Pant Fringe ! Save $ hundreds and Make fringe for pennies!
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Isn't this a gorgeous photo of beautiful dancers, all decked out in black pants trimmed in fringe? One Mom, Debbie K, sewed the tops and pants for this dance routine. Before assembling the pants she sewed on purchased fringe costing $750. If she had used My Own Fringemaker she would have saved hundreds and hundreds of dollars with DIY make fringe determination. If she had taken it one step further and attached all the fringe using Snap Tape, all this fringe trim could be removed and transferred onto other costumes - resulting in very economical fringe costumes! This new school of thought, removable fringe, is a sure fire way to save big both on costumes and fringe! Coming soon ~Snap Tape will be sold here on this Website, click the Shop Tab.
If you do not own My Own Fringemaker yet, And you sew, now's the time to pick one up.
To view other creative projects with fringe trim and tassels made with My Own Fringemaker, click the link,
Read more about our incredible new machine, click the link,
To learn how to make your own fabulous fringe view our free videos,
Click the ADD to CART button to purchase My Own Fringemaker.
Fringe Dance skirt, ballet skirt with removable fringe
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When this young dancer bows at the end of her routine, people stand and yell Bravo, bravo. My young talented dancer friend has been dancing since she was able to walk. I wondered how many skirts her mom would buy in a year. At $8.99 from Walmart it is not a budget buster; however if you buy several skirts a year, it adds up year after year. Who needs that expense in their budget? Now buy one skirt and change the fringe as often as you want, remove the fringe, launder the skirt and reattach the long fringe or create a fabulous new fringe and change the skirt look.
This project is the result of pondering how to use one skirt with many different looks...which is possible with removable fringe. Look at the pink strand, 11" drop long fringe on one side and the other skirt side has yards of 1/4" ribbon from hobby store combined with our private STRAND for a lavender flair. Both fringe trim headers were sewn the same way.
HOW TO MAKE Fringe: Please read our FAQ - how to make fringe.
Be sure you understand it is not hook and loop otherwise known by brand name Velcro. Never use Velcro it will snag your fringe and perhaps your garments too. Snap tape available from this Website Shop Tab. The private label strand in 34 colors will be released soon be sure to check back. Do you think this idea gives your dancing angel the competitive edge? Try this technique - you'll be hooked!
To view other samples with fringe and tassels, click the link, http://myownfringemaker. com/gallery
Watch our How To Make Fringe videos, click the link,
Purchase our fringe and tassel maker, Click the ADD to Cart Button.
T-Shirt add Fringe and you have a dance top for pennies!
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Recently I was invited to attend a dance recital. We were entertained by children dancing, twirling, and waving to the audience, ages 4 years up to high school seniors. The last time I was involved in recitals was when I was in them, dancing, waving and whatever.
As time passed during the recital conversations with grandmas and parents seated nearby started. I was shocked by the news those tiny costumes on 4 year old children cost upwards of $80. each and each child has atleast two costumes - add in the cost of lessons, shoes, hair, accessories and it is a HUGE investment. Even if the children had talent - ouch! The cost of costuming is frightful for the family budget!
I mentioned that I invented a fringemaker and would they be interested in an inexpensive alternative - - - atleast for the younger kids or until they show an interest in dance and want to continue? There was a resounding YES YES YES!!! Because as we know it is often Grandma who foots the bills for these extras!
Buy enough T-Shirts for each dancer in the routine. I'd choose inexpensive glitzy T-Shirts from a discounted retailer like TJ MAXX and add fringe to the bottom of the shirt, NOW you have an inexpensive costume top for the youngest dancers to twirl around in, cry, wave to the audience and skip off stage three minute later. If the kids need two costumes make two different shirt fringe combinations.
The fringe on this T-Shirt is made with sparkling package ribbon. I think each shirt would use about 10 cents with of ribbon made into cut fringe. This top would cost about $3.10 to make for each dancer. A far cry from $80. each. They are not washable as some one did ask, but neither are the $80. costumes! Have a parents night of fringe making and save a ton of money.
This idea is to jump start your imagination - what inexpensive fringe trim would work for your school or church pageant? Wouldn't this be a great project for a sleep over?
If it can be wrapped and wound easily onto our rod unit you should be able to make fringe and tassels with it. Create fringe and tassels from 1" to 11" in drop length. If you need up to 48" of fringe with a 3" drop for an outfit - you can make it in one winding!
Whether you want to save money by creating your own fringe and tassels, or make money selling the fringe and tassels you make, My Own Fringemaker is for you!
View our other fabulous fringe and tassel samples
View our informational videos,
Ready to make fabulous fringe and tassels? click the add to cart button.
Fringe Tassel on Ring Bearer Tux Cumberbund
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A ring bearer tux with matching tassel and cumberbund is so sweet!
Make a cumberbund and matching tassel for the most festive of occasions, a wedding!
It's VERY easy to make fringe tassels!
To view more fringe tassel ideas.
To view our How-To-Make Fringe Videos. You too, will make fringe easily using My Own Fringemaker!
This ring bearer tux with fringe tassel is also shown in Gallery Tassel Category.
Ready to own a fringe and tassel maker? Click the add to cart button and check out using our secure server .
Hippy Hair hat, costume hat - make it yourself
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Make your own costume or dance accessories and save huge money!
Fashion students, costume designers, makers of doll hair, puppeteers or people who want to dress up - this is perfect lil' project, not to mention inexpensive too!
Are you staring in a fashion runway event or community theatre play? Change your outfit with lightning speed wearing a hat and hair combo!
The college kids loved this hat - guys and gals in the seminar had to try it on!
Order our incredible embellishing system, My Own Fringemaker, from website Store tab.
Directions soon - meanwhile I'm sure you can figure it out if you've made other fringe using My Own Fringemaker!.
Make hair from funky yarn - how very fun! You're only limited by your imagination.
Costume mask hair created from yarn
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Create hair for costumes - stage plays or Halloween this is a perfect solution to buying expensive wigs.
Shown is one wig styled two ways. The mask is of John McCain - who'd know hair changes everything.
Using My Own Fringemaker created the hair using eyelash and sock yarns.
Use whatever yarns you have on hand - bright for unusual, rainbow colors for clowns, reddish for Lil'Annie - - - use your imagaintion.
Email photos of your hair creations made using My Own Fringemaker.
Or if you need instructions - email me and I'll post them on the website.
debi@myownfringemaker. com
Create realisic costume toupees from yarn
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Toupees look hard to make, surprisingly they're quite easy and you use yarn!
Supplies you'll need:
threaded straight stitch sewing machine, My Own Fringmeaker, yarn, netting or tulle. bobby pins to secure toupee, magic marker to draw ascending circles onto tulle.
2 ~ 10" circles ( use a plate for template) Cut two 10" circles out of tulle/netting set aside.
How to make a toupee from yarn:
Follow How to make fringe instructions found in FAQ.
Place rods in holes 3 and 5 positions this creates the length of hair. You can choose other hole placement for different hair length.
Wind on yarn the full length of rods.
Sew down center between rods, multiple times.
Using two circles of netting makes a stronger base and piece to handle.
Remove yarn (hair) from rods and place one end in center of tulle, begin laying 3" -5" of hair (yarn) onto tulle starting at center point and gently wind yarn outward following the circles you drew. Pin every few inches, stop winding and stitch on the header stitching attaching toupee yarn onto tulle. Continue until done - try on - it'll be fabulous.
It might look odd - but it will look like a toupee. Continue laying and winding the yarn onto the double thickness of netting unil you've covered the tulle. Try hair piece on - adjust and wear wih pride!
Costume boas, created fast and easy for dancewear or fashion
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Creating a look-a-like boa in any color, any length is easy, fun and so affordable.
Whether you need one boa or dozens for a stage production, theatre, dance routine or church choir make them yourself using yarn and our embellishing system. It's a quick project . . . warning it's very addictive and fun!
The benefits in making your own are;
no feathers floating everywhere.
it's so much cheaper –making these will save the costume department a lot of money –
- - in fact make all your costume embellishments and multiply your savings !! - customize boa colors
- create boas the length you need
- eliminates feather allergies
- not to mention it's so much fun!
I can't think of any reason not to make your own dance accessories!
Here's several ideas to get you thinking:
create a boa and wear it instead of a scarf or other fashion accessory;
create a boa in your alma mater colors and wear it to the game;
create gifts for everyone; dance instructor, fund raisers, stage production, chorus, senior day, wedding rehearsal, teachers, and fashion accessories home decor, boa wreaths - - - why buy feather wreaths?
Instructions should be in FAQ, if you can't find them, email me - happy to provide them. It's not hard but there is a slight trick to it.
Santa hat, create a custom hat, band and pom pom using yarn
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Create a beautiful Santa hat - costumized it sure is unique and pretty!
Sew up a traditional hat, create the band and matching pom pom with fuzzy white yarn for a true customization.
All hat parts are easy to create using My Own Fringemaker, order our embellishing system from the Store Tab today!
Make your own belly dance or hula dance anklet
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Make your own costume belly dance anklets and save a lot of money!
Dancing for fun or for special ocassions, requires a variety of outfits and dance accessories costing a lot of money.
Hula dancers can make dance anklet accessories too.
Make custom costume accessories and save a lot of money using our unique embellishing system, My Own Fringemaker; order your system from the Store tab, take advantage of free shipping.
Mohawk hair, mohawk hat and showgirl head piece created from yarn
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Costume designers can create dramtic beautiful show girl headpieces or mohawk hat hair for pennies!
Create your own sunburst, head-dress or showgirl head piece or something akin to vegas caberet dance.
Carson Barnes Circus is now using My Own Fringemaker for their costumes and accessories - think of the hundreds of headpiece designs they can create for pennies. Examples shows are made from yarn and stiffener. The samples shown have 11" length from the scalp outward to tip - verrrry long and dramatic!
Join the ranks of those who want fantastic custom dance accessories and costumes for pennies.
Creating your own dance accessories, mohwak hair or head pieces using our unique embellishing system opens up a whole new world of possibilities for the costume designer.
These samples have 11" length from the scalp outward to tip - verrrry long and dramatic!
Order your embellishing system, My Own Fringemaker, today from our Store Tab and check out using our secure server.
leather fringe create and attach on to gloves
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Create leather fringe or any fringe for costume gloves - easy peezy with My Own Fringemaker!
Whether you need dance gloves or gloves for costumes you'll save alot of money by making your own fringe!
Order My Own Fringemaker our unique embellishing system from the Store Tab and start saving money on costume accessories.
Mohawk hat, easy to create, use yarn and fringe maker
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Mohawk hats easy to create with yarn and our fringe maker. DIY mohawk hats and be done in quick time!
Presenting a play and need character helmets? These hats are so novel. Make mohawk hats quickly and have time to create other costume accessories.
Click on the Store Tab and order My Own Fringemaker today.
How to Make Imitation Beaded Fringe
This Chrisanne Clover dress has some cool beaded fringe, right?
Except…wait a minute. Take a closer look.
This fringe isn’t beaded at all.
In fact, it’s not beaded or chainette fringe!
It is rhinestoned ribbon.
In today’s post I share how to make this cool imitation beaded fringe and why you may want to use it on your ballroom dance costume or ice skating dress.
How to Make Imitation Beaded Fringe
What you need:
- Narrow grosgrain ribbon
- 16ss or 20ss rhinestones
- Rhinestone glue (Click here to see my blog on types of rhinestone glue.)
- Piece of cardboard
- Tape or a pin
Imitation beaded fringe is easy to make.
- Cut narrow grosgrain ribbon about 2″ or 5 cm longer than your desired length.
- Pin or tape both ends of the ribbon to a piece of cardboard.
- Pull the ribbon as taut as you can so it lies flat and smooth. Put a pin in the middle of the ribbon if needed to stabilize the ribbon.
- Rhinestone one side of the ribbon.
- Half way through rhinestoning, you may need to adjust and re-pin the ribbon to make it more taut.
- Let the glue mostly dry and then unpin the ribbon from the cardboard, but leave it lying flat until completely dry.
- This step is to help ensure the glue does not stick to the cardboard.
- Flip the ribbon over. Re-pin it to the cardboard at each end as well as in several places along the middle.
- Glue rhinestones on the second side.
- Gluing stones on the second side of the ribbon requires patience. It is much more difficult placing stones on the second side of the ribbon because the ribbon is no longer flat. The rhinestones on the bottom make the ribbon slide or rock every time you touch it.
- Repeat step four.
- Once the glue is completely dry, trim the excess ribbon on one end. Leave the extra length on the other end because you want that for attaching to the dress.
Voila! You are finished.
Keep making as many pieces as you need for your costume.
Grosgrain ribbon
Generally, rhinestone glue adheres better to grosgrain ribbon than satin ribbon, because the grosgrain is textured.
Try to buy ribbon that is close to the width of the rhinestone you want to use. That way, very little ribbon shows underneath the stones.
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Benefits of Using Imitation Beaded Fringe on Your Ballroom Dance Costume or Ice Skating Dress
1. Safety
The threads in real beaded fringe can weaken and eventually break, causing the beads to fall off and scatter on the floor or the ice. I don't need to tell you this is a big hazard for dancers and skaters! In addition to the hazard that beaded fringe creates, there are eventually enough broken bead strands that the fringe strands need replaced or removed.
On the other hand, faux beaded fringe is durable and safe to use. As long as the rhinestones are glued properly, they will not fall off.
Click here to learn more about the pros and cons of beaded fringe.
2. A Different Look
Rhinestoned ribbon creates a unique look and it also moves differently from beaded or chainette fringe. It is heavier than traditional fringes, but it sparkles a whole lot more and you can make the imitation beaded fringe any color you want.
Imitation beaded fringe vs. handmade beaded fringe.
Wanna add bling to a classic rayon or nylon chainette fringe skirt?.
Intermix imitation beaded fringe throughout the chainette fringe.
Keep in mind that too many strands of rhinestoned ribbon can make your skirt heavy. To help reduce construction time, rhinestone costs and skirt weight, only rhinestone one side of the ribbon. The bling effect will still be there but no one will know only side of the ribbon was stoned since the ribbon strands are mixed in the chainette fringe.
The pale blue skirt to the right is decorated with imitation beaded fringe using size 16ss rhinestones.
The rhinestones glued on the ribbons match the rhinestones on the bodice. However, if you want to get really creative, you can make the imitation beaded fringe several colors for an ombré look.
This cool effect is something you cannot do with regular beaded fringe!
Watch the blog featuring this blue Latin dance dress for more details.
If your dress has lots of fringe, whether it is beaded or chainette, store it flat. Heavy ballroom dancing and figure skating costumes can stretch out of shape if they are hung for long periods of time. To help prevent this, I suggest storing them flat. Read my blog on dress storage for more tips on how to care for your dress.
As always, I appreciate you sharing this post with all your dancing, skating, sewing friends on your favorite social media.

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Thanks SEW much,
Teresa Sigmon
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7 versions, photo, video mk
By right, ballroom dance outfits are considered to be the most beautiful. They are elegant and effective at the same time. In this article, we will look at skirts for Latin American dances. The elastic materials of which these skirts are made do not hinder movements, providing maximum comfort. For many of them, there is no strict dress code, but certain nuances should still be taken into account when choosing. The most rational solution would be to sew a Latin skirt with your own hands. Moreover, the pattern of latin dance skirts is quite simple, their tailoring does not require much seamstress experience. 9Ol000 dance latina
- 4.1 How to sew a skirt
- 6.1 How to make a pattern
Requirements for a dance skirt model
On the contrary, its cut should provide freedom, convenience.
Latina must not be sewn too short or too long. Also, do not sew too narrow a skirt.
The latina skirt features side slits, frill trim and an asymmetrical hem. Dance movements are emphasized by the lightness and softness of the fabric, the top hugs the figure.
Another point that requires obligatory attention is that the skirt should not be too frank, compromising the girl. During the dance, the outfit is obliged to expose only what is expected and nothing more. The right cut should emphasize a beautiful silhouette, movement, be the key to a comfortable feeling from the dance.
And, of course, you and your partner should like the dance outfit. You should feel confident, sexy, attractive.
Latin skirt types
Such dresses and skirts are made short, fully embroidered with long fringes.
With any turns in the dance, the fringe moves, emphasizing your movements, making them more spectacular. The amplitude of movements increases due to the fluctuation of the fringe. If that's what you're after, then this model is for you.
Of the minuses of this choice is a rather time-consuming sewing process.
Skirts with ruffles emphasize femininity and sensuality. Rows of flounces begin at the hips. Like fringes, frills increase the range of motion of the body. Such models are recommended to choose girls with slender knees. If there is excessive fullness of the legs to the middle of the thigh - it's not scary, the shuttlecocks will hide it. For very thin girls, outfits with frills should not be sewn, they will only emphasize thinness.
Skirts with frills are usually made of satin or silk, which shimmer beautifully when the lighting changes.
Island style
The skirt is made with a fit on the hips. It can be with a smell, from flaps, with flounces.
This cut requires perfect tummy condition. Skirts are sewn short, with round cut lines. Even for thin girls, such models are acceptable, they will make the figure very feminine.
Asymmetrical hem
A win-win option if you need to hide the upper part of the legs. The execution option can be very different - according to your desire.
This skirt is made for jive. This dance to the good old rock and roll requires a retro outfit. We sew a fluffy skirt knee-length. We choose bright fabrics, the material in peas looks great in this version.
How to make latin dance skirt patterns
Having decided on the style of the skirt, you can start making a pattern with your own hands.
It can be based on a straight skirt pattern. The photo below shows an example of such a simulation.
We measure the desired length on the pattern, draw a bottom line at an angle. We decorate the panels of the skirt with a fringe. The number of tiers of fringe on the skirt is determined as you wish.
To cut an asymmetrical skirt, measure the waist circumference. This measurement will determine the diameter of the circumference of the skirt pattern. We process the upper edge with a turning, turning into ties. Overcast the bottom, tuck and sew.
To cut a spectacular shuttlecock, use the pattern in the photo below.
The length of the frill stitching line is determined by measuring the length of the lower cut of the skirt. We mark the lines of cuts on the shuttlecock, cut and push the pattern to the desired size. We make out the lower edge of the shuttlecock with a smooth line.
Another asymmetrical cut is shown in the following drawing. Such a skirt can be made both with a fit at the waist and with a fit at the hips. In the first case, to determine the smaller radius, we use the OT measurement, in the second - OB.
Latin skirts are often sewn with built-in bottoms. It is comfortable, practical and beautiful. A pattern of such swimming trunks - see below.
Distance Т1Т3 = ТТ2 = 1⁄2 OT, and BB2 = B1B3 = 1⁄2 OB.
How to sew a latin skirt: video tutorial
Skirt with frill with pointed corners
for the upper part and 0.7 m for the shuttlecock;
How to sew a skirt
We mark the fabric according to the proposed drawing. The constructions on it are made on a scale of one to ten, that is, one cell is equal to 5 cm.
Two equal upper rectangles are the upper details of the skirt. Their height is 30 cm, length - 1⁄2 OB + 4 cm.
The two lower large squares are patterns of the shuttlecock. The sides of the squares are 0.7 m.
Cut out the upper parts of the skirt, put them together, fold in half. This is done to ensure absolute equality and symmetry of the parts. We draw the upper and lower sections with smooth lines, draw a line of the side cut. We cut along the drawn lines, unfold, getting two absolutely identical parts.
The sequentially described technology is shown in the following photo.
We sweep the upper details of the skirt along the side seams, leaving an allowance of 1 cm. We carry out the fitting, if necessary, adjust the position of the side seams. The volume at the waist should be such that the skirt can be easily removed over the head. We sew the side seams, we process the sections with an overlock.
On the pattern of the square in the center, draw a small square with a side of 12 cm. Connect the corners with a straight line, as shown in the figure.
Cut along the drawn line. Using this pattern, we cut out two parts of the shuttlecock.
We tuck inside the fold, forming the shape of a shuttlecock.
We fasten the frill to the front panel of the skirt. We start from the center and sew in the direction of the side seam, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Similarly, we sew the second frill on the back panel of the skirt. If necessary, at this stage, you can adjust the length of the skirt by changing the level of the seam for attaching the frill.
We sew the shuttlecock along the side seams. On its lower edge, we carry out two folds of 5 mm each and sew.
We determine the desired length of elastic by trying on. We add 15 mm to it for grinding. Sew the elastic into a ring.
On the top edge of the skirt, make a 5 mm hem and secure with a basting stitch. On the elastic we outline the lines of the side seams, the centers of the front and back. We chop off an elastic band with a skirt at these points. We take the elastic band, stretching it between the fixation points. We carry out a machine line.
The skirt is ready.
Next, let's take a step-by-step look at how to sew an asymmetrical skirt with frills using the example of a children's skirt. All technological steps are absolutely identical to tailoring a skirt model for adults.
Latin ballroom dance dress: video MK
Asymmetric skirt
To sew the product, you need to prepare:
How to make a pattern
We need measurements:
- waist circumference - OT;
- length from waist to knee;
- length from waist to floor.
The smaller radius R is determined by the formula R = FROM : 2.
We consider the average length as half the sum of the minimum and maximum lengths.
Two intermediate lengths D1 and D2 are defined as the average of neighboring lengths.
Accordingly L1 = 1⁄2 (length to the knee + average length), D2 = 1⁄2 (average length + floor length).
Put on paper all calculated lengths as shown in the drawing. We connect the extreme points of the curved curve, making out the bottom line.
Fold the fabric in half, place the template along the fold line. Outline with a small outline.
We fix with pins so that the layers of material do not move.
Cut out the panel, leaving an allowance of 5 mm.
Prepare bias binding.
We fill skirt sections into it.
We try to get a neat edge.
Sew along the edge of the inlay.
We process the upper cut in the same way.
We determine the desired length of the elastic by trying on. We add 15 mm to it for grinding.
Sew the elastic into a ring.
On the elastic we outline the lines of the side seams, the middle of the front and back. We chip off an elastic band with a skirt in these places. We take the elastic band, stretching it between the fixation points.
Perform machine stitching.
Cut out strips for the frill from the contrasting fabric. The width of the frills is 10 cm. In our master class, the skirt is made with two frills - blue and yellow. For each we grind a long workpiece.
Overcast one section of frills with a zigzag stitch or overlock.
Finish the second cut with bias binding.
We adjust the lower frill to the edge of the panel.
Put the top frill on the skirt inside out, turning it to the waist line. We attach. We turn and iron.
The skirt is ready!
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