How to dress for a dance recital
What to wear? Daughter's Dance Recital
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simplydevastated (original poster member #25001) posted at 2:13 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
My DD6 is dancing in her first recital. I'm so excited for her. She has three dance routines to perform with her class.
I've never been to a recital so I'm not sure what to wear. I want to look nice for her. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of clothes. They are on opposite ends of the scale, nothing in between. I have business suits and jeans and T-shirts.
What should I wear?
Me - BS, 40 (I'm not old...I'm vintage)
Two Wonderful children - DS11, DD8
Getting my ducks in a row for divorce... finally (4+ D-Days too many - listed in profile.)
itainteasy ( member #31094) posted at 2:15 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
I think something like a maxi dress with sandals would be nice. shopping an option?
jo2love ( member #31528) posted at 2:22 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
Each year at my DD's dance recital, the parents do not get dressed up. I wore jean capris and a tshirt. The focus is more on them. If you aren't sure, maybe ask the dance studio how other parents dress.
Congrats on her first recital!
[This message edited by jo2love at 8:22 AM, June 14th (Friday)]
Undefinabl3 ( member #36883) posted at 2:23 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
I like the maxi dress idea, but if that is not you,
I suggest that you wear the slacks of the business suit and just a top that you dont need to wear the jacket with.
Or make a trip to the local goodwill / salvation army type store. They usually have something and it wont cost an arm and a leg to buy.
On a side note:
My parents divorced when i was about 8, and I still did recitals and stuff. I always thought my dad looked like a star in his suites, ties, and cowboy hat/ it was my favorite look for him.
Because he knew this, no matter what I was doing, he Always dressed that way for me. 100 degree swim meets? in a suit and tie. Marching in the parade - watched me in a suit and tie.
He even took me to the little county fair in a suit and tie once. I felt like a star with a body guard
Me: 35 MH
Him: 41 MH
New online find 6/19/14 - shit
Phone Find 11/21/14 - I can't even right now.
1/26/15 - Started IC for me, DH won't go.
1/10/18 - Again?!? Online EA's
simplydevastated (original poster member #25001) posted at 2:42 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
Thanks for all the ideas!
I would LOVE more maxi dresses! My only maxi dress is my new one, it's brown tie-dye with little sparkles in the white parts and spaghetti straps. I don't have anything to put on over my shoulders. She has a birthday party to go to two days later and I was planning on wearing that dress to the party because it's going to be outside.
My suits are all skirts, I don't have any suit pants. I never thought they looked good on me. My "go-to" suit is a black pencil skirt with a black jacket and I usually wear a cream colored blouse under it. The problem is the only shoes I have for that suit are 3" heels. I don't like being 6' 3" but I still wear it. The last time I wore it was in January to my Aunt's funeral.
I have some other knee length black skirts with cream colored flower pattern. I wore that to my son's First Communion. With that skirt I usually wear flats.
My husband did say he was going to give me more money for clothes shopping, but I'm not sure when that will happen. So I may need to stick with what's in my closet.
Thanks, Jo. I can't wait. She's been working so hard.
Undefinabl3, that is so awesome your dad that! Thank you for sharing your stories.
[This message edited by simplydevastated at 8:44 AM, June 14th (Friday)]
Me - BS, 40 (I'm not old...I'm vintage)
Two Wonderful children - DS11, DD8
Getting my ducks in a row for divorce... finally (4+ D-Days too many - listed in profile.)
Lucky2HaveMe ( member #13333) posted at 2:52 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
Casual and comfortable! Those can be LONG days
Love isn't what you say, it's what you do.
simplydevastated (original poster member #25001) posted at 2:56 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
This is going to be from 6pm to...whenever
So, if no one sees me posting Friday, send in the marines, I'm still at the recital
Me - BS, 40 (I'm not old...I'm vintage)
Two Wonderful children - DS11, DD8
Getting my ducks in a row for divorce... finally (4+ D-Days too many - listed in profile.)
Sad in AZ ( member #24239) posted at 3:14 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
Do you have a frilly, cute top that you can wear with jeans and some nice shoes? If not, you could probably get one pretty inexpensively at Forever 21 (I'm almost 21 x 3 but I still shop there )
jo2love ( member #31528) posted at 3:24 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
Those can be LONG days
Totally agree with, Lucky. Think 3 1/2-4hrs.
Don't forget to bring tissues for the tears of pride.
tushnurse ( member #21101) posted at 3:42 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
Congrats to you and your little one.
My oldest niece was the dancer of our family, and she was with a great studio. I loved going to her 4 hour recitals because there were so many great routines. The little ones were also darling, and hysterical. She's in college now, and quit dance her Jr of high school, and I can say I missed going to those recitals.
My DD did competetive cheer, and we had competitions no recitals, and oh sweet jiminie those were painful. She is now done with that chapter in her life (THANK THE GODS!!!)
Him: FWS
Kids: 22 & 25
Married for 30 years now, was 16 at the time.
D-Day Sept 26 2008
R'd in about 2 years. Old Vet now.
simplydevastated (original poster member #25001) posted at 4:02 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
Thanks Sad, I don't have any. I've always dressed conservative (I guess that would be a good word it). I'm almost 21 x 2 and I do like some of their clothes, and I can't believe the prices!
Not to worry, I plan on bringing lots and lots of tissue.
Thanks TN! I used to like watching the competitive cheers on TV. Those girls were good. I'm not sure my area does anything like that.
We went to one performance my daughter danced in in Dec, it was really cute. It was only her and one other student in her class. The other performances are all volunteer except for the end of year recital.
There was one toddler there (the rest of her class didn't show up) and she got right out there and did her little dance. It was adorable. She received the biggest round of applause.
Me - BS, 40 (I'm not old...I'm vintage)
Two Wonderful children - DS11, DD8
Getting my ducks in a row for divorce... finally (4+ D-Days too many - listed in profile. )
jrc1963 ( member #26531) posted at 9:12 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
I don't know how the dress up there but we were just at my DS's band concert and people were dressed anywhere from just come from work to Florida Casual (shorts and flip flops and tank tops)
I always try to dress in the middle of that so my son knows that I take his performance seriously and take a little effort to dress for it.
But that's just me
Me: BSO - 53Him: FWSO - 76 DS - 20 D-Day - 12-11-09, R - he finally came homeYour life is an Occasion. Rise to it. - Mr. Magorium, "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium"
Mama_of_3_Kids ( member #26651) posted at 11:36 PM on Friday, June 14th, 2013
I always just wore a nice pair of capris and a dressier t-shirt to Dora's recitals.
Me: BW/33 The kidlets: DS16, DS12, and DD10 The hounds: Three Shih Tzu's The felines: Two short haired kitteh's
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dance fashion and wardrobe tips
Zhanna Krylova's expert opinion
Dancing transforms any woman: straighten her shoulders, improve posture, develop grace and femininity. Moreover, I want to emphasize female beauty in dance with exquisite outfits. We talked about the features of dance fashion with Zhanna Krylova, the head, ideological inspirer and designer of the ADORNOS Dancewear Laboratory, perhaps the most sophisticated dancewear brand in Russia and abroad. nine0003
Are there trends in dance fashion? If so, what are the current trends and what to prepare for the spring-summer season?
There is "The Power of Femininity" - this is the trend that is being cultivated now in dance fashion and not only. Through delicate dresses, sparkling suits, flowing silk sundresses and overalls, knitted skirts and tops, a woman declares herself, conquers not only the hearts of men, but also the career ladder, maneuvering between the office, home, dance studios in perfectly tailored dresses and invariably complimentary for the figure skirts from the TANGO ADORNOS Laboratory. In my understanding, summer should be like this - sunny, with a piercing blue sky and rich colors of fruits and berries. We make combinations of two favorite bright colors! And for this spring, colorful buds are already blooming in our collections, and we do not get tired of admiring them. Roses, daisies, forget-me-nots, peonies, carnations and lilies - it's time to create a fashionable encyclopedia of blooming flora in your dance dressing rooms! nine0003
Girls of different sizes and shapes come to dance, many are embarrassed to buy special clothes because they are very tight. What recommendations could you give on choosing a dance girl depending on the build?
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Thin and flexible waist, beautiful hips, toned stomach, strong legs - these are the smallest bonuses that a woman receives when she enters the dance world. But at first, things are not so rosy. No need to be upset and ashamed of your forms. For example, dresses that are ideal for tall and thin are long elegant dresses made of iridescent satin or light flowing silk, preferably plain, but with a belt in a contrasting shade. A classic dress for obese women is considered to be an outfit of a semi-adjacent silhouette with a slightly narrowed skirt. The length of the dress varies from mid-knee to mid-calf. Classics require exceptionally smooth fabrics such as knitwear or viscose, emphasizing the nobility of the silhouette. Semi-classical styles are sewn by us in two colors, with dark inserts. It is impossible to imagine a summer dress for milongas and practices without a neckline. For donuts, such an element of the outfit will be indispensable, it will draw attention to the chest and distract from the full belly and hips. Deep or more restrained, the neckline suits ladies of all ages. nine0003
In a typical woman's wardrobe there are so-called obligatory and universal items, such as a black dress, a white blouse, etc. Can you recommend such irreplaceable dancewear options?
The concept of a “special occasion outfit” or base is essentially outdated. Sequins, velvet, feather trim, metallics - everything that was traditionally the basis of dresses for shows or escenarios has quietly migrated to everyday clothes. “Dressing Scheherazade is easy, but picking up a little black dress is difficult,” said Coco Chanel. It is difficult to disagree with Mademoiselle. Fortunately, the situation is not so hopeless. The ADORNOS laboratory offers many models, so the chances of finding the “same” dress that will definitely become happy are very high. We are always for clothes to be comfortable, mobile, appropriate for a date, theatrical premiere, milonga, dinner party and even at a business meeting. nine0003
Can attire affect my invitation to the milonga?
Do you remember the famous phrase: “Our whole life is a game, and people are actors in it”? Why not play? Change your usual look. Presenting ourselves at the milonga, if we talk about TANGO, we consciously and unconsciously pass on information to other people. The performance includes a dress code, accessories, as well as tone of voice and individual gestures. In addition, people adapt their performance to the environment, the so-called stage. Stay true to your mood! A girl who chooses clothes from ADORNOS Laboratories is self-confident and has the courage to feel beautiful every second, every day. She is elegant on the floor, yet ironic and loves to experiment with her style. nine0003
You design collections of exclusive dresses for performances, competitions. How do you get ideas for creating a unique look for important dance events?
Tango fashion, and just fashion, begins with the woman for whom it is intended. “To have a theatre, you need an actress,” said Neschastlivtsev in Ostrovsky’s Les. To have tango fashion, I need a Diva who would inspire my imagination and make my heart beat. Tango fashion lives much more in memories of the past than in vague dreams of the future, which is why I often turn to the retro style. But, of course, when creating an individual order, it is important to take into account choreography, music, interaction in a couple, emotional mood, etc. For me, the most important thing when creating an image is STYLE, which is determined by the Personality itself. nine0003
TIPS from Zhanna Krylova: TOP-5 things in the wardrobe of a dancing girl
My creative energy always finds an outlet, sometimes in an extremely creative form. So:
- overalls
- Black silhouette dress
- TOP with a narrow skirt with a floral print
- Dithes in the style of the 50s of the 60s
- velvet dress, drowning in rhinestones and luxurious feathers
Co and love, Zhanna Krylova and La Boca Team
How to dress better
Zumba is a groovy fitness dance, so it is best to practice it in non-restrictive sportswear that allows you to spend a lot of energy and at the same time stay in a comfortable state. It should be made from lightweight, breathable materials. From shoes, sneakers or sneakers are best. nine0003
The basis of stretching is muscle stretching, development of flexibility and plasticity. Clothing should be selected sports type, which stretches well and is comfortable. As you know, muscles become maximally elastic when they are warm, so clothing should keep warm, but not be hot. Shoes can be sports light ballet flats, soft sneakers, Czech shoes. You can also wear socks.
Afro House
nine0002 This is a combination of traditional rhythms of Africa and modern electronic music of Europe. Even in clothes, the individuality of this direction is visible. The second name of this musical and dance direction is kuduro (or kuduru). Unlike most of the dances taught by the Salsa Social school, kuduru implies that girls do not wear dresses or skirts. Pants, shorts, leggings would be more appropriate. Yes, and heels here will be superfluous: choose comfortable shoes like sneakers, sneakers. For men, everything remains standard: T-shirts, comfortable trousers and also sneakers or sneakers. nine0003Semba
Wear light, comfortable clothing for training. Leggings, T-shirts, shorts are suitable for girls. Men can't go wrong with soft pants and T-shirts. Try to avoid baggy things: it is easier for the teacher to follow the correct movements when the body is clearly visible.
Salsa de Casino (Cuban Salsa) / Salsa Los Angeles (Salsa LA)
Salsa is an incendiary, energetic and beautiful dance! Also, clothing should fit all these qualities. For girls, these are elegant tops, medium-length skirts, comfortable-style dresses, they should not hinder movement, but rather lay down to stretch, allowing you to make energetic movements and not interfere with the partner to guide the partner in the dance. If you are not a fan of skirts, elegant shorts, breeches, leggings are also suitable. Men are advised to wear comfortable trousers and a loose shirt or T-shirt. Shoes can be any, the main requirement is comfort. Although girls most often dance Latin American dances in thin heels, it is not necessary to do this during training. However, retraining may be more difficult than expected. For men, these can be comfortable boots, sneakers or sneakers. nine0003
Bachata is less loaded with movements, but at the same time elegant, erotic and spectacular. The style of clothing is similar in choice to the dancers of the Salsa direction. For girls, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement is also welcome, all possible tops, T-shirts, blouses, skirts, dresses, trousers, leggings, the main criterion of which remains comfort, which allows you to completely immerse yourself in the dance. From shoes, it is preferable to choose shoes with a small heel, but for the first time of training, shoes without a heel are also acceptable. For men, clothes are still trousers and a shirt, a T-shirt, and shoes are shoes, or sneakers, sneakers. nine0003
The girl can wear elastic tight-fitting clothes or a flared skirt. This will allow the teacher to monitor the correctness of the exercises. Too long skirts should be avoided: the gentleman can get confused in it, because the dance involves close contact. Men should avoid oversized trousers and sweatshirts for the same reason - the teacher needs to see if the student is moving correctly or just rocking to the beat. Shoes can be any, the main requirement is comfort. Although women most often dance Latin American dances in thin heels, it is not necessary to do so during training. However, retraining may be more difficult than expected. nine0003
Reggaeton (Reggaeton)
Reggaeton - dance without constraint: passionate, energetic and incendiary. More comfortable clothes for him are loose pants or shorts, a T-shirt. Shoes should be with good cushioning, the dance is very active. Sneakers, jazz shoes or other shoes with a slight rise that will fix the foot well are ideal.
Ladies Styling
Ladies styling is a collection of choreographic movements that promote the discovery of femininity, the manifestation of sexuality and charm. Therefore, we wear tight-fitting and comfortable clothes for you, and it is very important that you feel attractive and sexy in them - tight-fitting sports trousers, a short top. In the first lessons, you can wear comfortable sneakers or sneakers, but after learning the movements, you should switch to comfortable shoes or sandals with stable heels. nine0003
Tango Argentino (Argentine Tango)
Forget T-shirts, sweatpants, and sneakers here - elegant style is welcome here! Sports shoes are not suitable because of the rubber sole, the foot must slide easily on the parquet. An ideal option for girls is an elongated skirt and bodysuit, classic trousers are also suitable in combination with a blouse. From shoes - pumps with a low steady heel at the beginning of training, then you can switch to closed dance shoes. Partners will suit - a shirt and classic trousers with a strap, and from shoes - dancing shoes, or office shoes. nine0003
Brazilian Zouk
Ideally, the girl should let her hair down, wear small heels and tight-fitting clothes (or a wide skirt). But it can be difficult for beginners to dance not on a solid sole, and the hair will only get in the way.