How to do your makeup for a dance recital
Easy Dance Recital Makeup in Minutes – JAM Cosmetics
The two all-too-common comments from dance parents regarding recital makeup are:
“Why does she need to wear so much makeup for the recital? She’s too young.”
“How do I do dance recital makeup? I don’t even wear makeup myself!”
If you have ever asked yourself these questions... read on! Or, if you already know the why and how of recital makeup, don't go anywhere, as you may find a few ways to improve or simplify what you are already doing well!
Firstly, here’s WHY you need to properly apply recital makeup to your young performer (yes, even toddlers):
a) Those super cute, shiny costumes look stunning on stage! But, they will completely overshadow your dancer’s beautiful smile and facial expression if we don’t apply enough makeup.
b) The stage lights are very intense and make a dancer’s face look washed out. Properly applied stage makeup will illuminate and accentuate your dancer’s features under bright, colorful stage lights.
c) The dancers are elevated on a stage and are very far away from the audience. This makes the facial features disappear and your dancer look less animated on stage. Properly applied stage makeup will not only give the face a more three-dimensional look but it will also make the eyes and facial features look bigger, brighter and more pronounced on stage.
d) Your little ones will likely be dropped off backstage an hour or so before the show starts... so, they need stage makeup that will STAY ON without looking blotchy or sloppy by the time they take the stage for the show.
Now that we understand the importance of stage makeup, even for young dancers, let's go over how to achieve the look! Our "Young Dancer" look will be demonstrated, using our "JAMGlam" palette!
Clean and moisturize her face to ensure her makeup stays fresh.
Apply a thin application of a water-resistant foundation (See our Perfection Stix Foundation) with a foundation brush or a makeup sponge to even out skin tone and keep makeup looking fresh longer. It will creates a clean, matte surface to apply your colors to.
Open up your JAMGlam palette. Apply a thin line of "Fear Me" eyeshadow through center of brow and brush out with a brow brush (or disposable mascara wand you can get at Sally’s Beauty Supply). This step is very important for blonds and those without brows. Use a color that is a shade darker than her actual brows.
Dab a makeup sponge in translucent loose powder then dab the loose powder under her eyes to create little loose powder “puddles”. The loose powder will catch any dark eyeshadow speckles that fall onto her cheeks (Try this will your own makeup... it works so well!). After eyeshadow is complete, sweep the loose powder away. You will be left with a lovely, soft highlight under the eyes.
Apply "Fear Me" eyeshadow, darkest at the lash line and fade it out as you reach the crease. Apply "Fool Me" gold eyeshadow to inner corners of the eyes. Apply "Innocent Me" white shimmer shadow to her brow bone to highlight. Optional: Use an angular liner brush to apply "Double-Dar Me" black shadow/eyeliner along the top lash line ONLY.
Using a thin eyeliner brush, sweep a line of "Fear Me" eyeshadow from outside corner of her eye and in towards the middle. This will make the eyes look bigger on stage. Blend so as not to have a harsh line. Stay away from dark colors under the eyes, to ensure you have a softer, more youthful look to younger eyes.
Step 4c: MASCARA (optional)
This step is optional and dependent on how cooperative your dancer is while having a pointy object half and inch from their eyeball. Have your dancer sit up very straight and look down with their eyes (head stays lifted). Gently lift their eyelid with one finger. Have them blink a few times to practice before mascara wand is used. Keep wand parallel to lash line and sweep color though lashes starting at the base. Remind dancer to blink so that eyes don’t water. Only apply mascara to top lashes. Make sure you use a water-resistant, sensitive eyes formula black mascara. Avoid waterproof mascaras as they are very harsh to remove from young, sensitive eyes.
Step 5: BLUSH
Find cheekbone with fingers. Place blush brush at hairline just below cheekbone and sweep pink/peach blush color UNDER cheekbone and the sweep UP over apples of the cheeks. Make sure to use a small enough blush brush on her tiny cheeks so that blush line does not go lower than the lip line. Otherwise, your little dancer will look like they’ve got a sunburn! Blend. Blend. Blend. Oh yes, and please, no “apples of the cheeks” clown blush.
Step 6a: LIP LINER
Imagine that the lips actually have four parts to them – upper right lip line, upper left lip liner, lower right lip line, lower left lip line. Take your pink/rose colored lip liner pencil and line the upper right side of lip ridge from outside corner into center cupid’s bow. Next, line the upper left side of lip ridge from outside corner into center cupid’s bow. Then, line the lower right lip ridge from outside corner to center of bottom lip. Lastly, line the lower left lip ridge from outside corner to center of bottom lip. Now, fill entire lip in with pink/rose colored lip liner pencil. This is the easiest way to make the lips look even!
Fill lips in with lipstick color. On young dancers, using a rose-toned lipstick (See our Wild Child Mineral Lipstick!) rather than a red creates a softer, more age-appropriate look. That being said, many studio owners/directors prefer a red lipstick on stage. Be sure to check with your studio’s dance recital makeup guidelines to confirm!
AFTER: Ready for the show!
How to Do Stage Makeup for Dancers
June 23, 2020 Uncategorized
If your child is performing in a dance recital, she will need to wear stage makeup, which enhances a dancer’s features so that her expressions are visible from the audience.
Below we have provided makeup information to help you with home application tips on how to practise your stage makeup.
Preschool aged children
The key to doing children’s makeup for ballet is to use natural colours. The child shouldn’t look “made up” with loud colours; rather, the makeup should make her features stand out from far away. Makeup for children is meant to emphasize features, not exaggerate them.
Children, Teenagers & Ladies
As children mature their make up should reflect their age and become stronger and heavier dependant on age. Following the basic model below the make up application follows the same principals however should be darker and include false eye lashes and darker eyeliner for teenage aged students & Ladies.
Things you will need.
- Foundation – Skin Colour
- Lip liner – Red
- Lipstick – Red
- Blush – Pink
- Powder – Skin Colour
- Eye shadow – 3 x shades of browns.
Light, Medium & Dark
- Eye liner – Black
- Mascara – Black
- Highlighter – Ivory or Cream
- Brushes for lips, eyes, brows, blush, powder
- False Eye Lashes for Teenage ages and Ladies
- Bronzer can also be lightly used – optional
Using a makeup sponge, apply foundation in a color that matches the child’s skin tone. Use more foundation than you would for “street” makeup. Blend the foundation at the jawline. Dust on lightweight, slightly shimmery powder so the makeup will stay put onstage.
Liquid or a loose compact foundation
Use a cream/ivory shadow on the lids – Brown eye shadows in different grades are ideas. A light, medium and dark brown. Choose a relatively muted colours — too bright and the child will look garish. Finish the eyeshadow with a dusting of powder to hold the colour.
Use a cream blush in a peach or pale pink with shimmery tones to highlight the cheekbones. Blend into the foundation.
Line the eyes using a liquid eyeliner in black or very dark brown. Extend the line on the top lash slightly past the eye, but don’t turn it up. Finish the eyes with two coats of mascara a shade or two darker than the liner.
Applying Lipstick
Begin by lining the lips with a red lipliner pencil, then fill them in with red lipstick. Avoid bright reds, as these can be too bright for children. A deep but strong blood red suits most skin tones
Below we have provided 3 video tutorials that are helpful in demonstrating how to apply stage make up.
This first tutorial is ideal for mums with very young children. It is a longer tutorial but has helpful tips for how to apply make up to young children and keep them settled and still ????
This next tutorial is a fast example of how to apply stage make up for all ages
This tutorial is a little more advanced. If you are looking for a more professional look with tips and tools on how to apply your stage, make up that looks extra sharp
A sketch has been drawn below to help you with your stage makeup. Along with images as examples for Junior and Senior students. Stage Makeup needs to be a lot heavier than normal makeup because the bright lights wash out people’s facial features unless they are emphasized with dark make up. Senior students are asked to wear false eyelashes.
33 make-up schemes. In ballroom dancing, makeup is almost an art.
- 33 make-up schemes. In ballroom dancing, makeup is almost an art.
- How to make up for a dance performance. Stage make-up for different categories of performers
- Make-up for ballroom dancing in the category "Juniors-2"
- Professional cosmetics for ballroom dancing. Dancer's Makeup
- Women's Makeup
- Children's Makeup
- Make-up for men
- Basic Rule
- Preparing the Face
- Step by Step How to Apply Foundation
- Eyes in Ballroom Dance Makeup
- Lip makeup
- Blush
33 makeup schemes.

Bright and sometimes even redundant make-up is no less a component of the image than, for example, the right hairstyle or dress. Read about small tricks of eye makeup, and what schemes are used today by top couples in the European and Latin American program, in our material on the pages of DanceSport. Ru. nine0051
Professional stylists spend an average of half an hour to fifty minutes on make-up. And this is not the limit. After all, no matter how simple the makeup scheme is, it is a filigree work, since the tone is usually applied before the master starts shading the shadows. The make-up scheme always depends on many factors: the geometry of the face, the image on the parquet, the lighting features of the hall, etc.
One of the main components of the competitive make-up is the lower eyeliner: (Austria), - is used almost always.It helps to better emphasize the shape of the eyes, make them brighter.0051
photo: Spooner
True, when liner lower eyelash line should take into account the individual tolerance of the client. Some dancers immediately say: "You don't need to line my eyes from below, I cry with eyeliner." Then the master has to look for some way out - first apply a pencil, then shadows on it, or just shadows. In MAC, for example, there is a very convenient eyeliner, which in quality resembles liquid shadows.
In the standard, the eyeliner can be bright, but then it must be shaded with lighter shadows. But in Latin, such shading should not always be done. nine0051
In order to soften the transitions, it is necessary to choose natural brushes. In shape, they are usually not flat, but rounded, somewhat reminiscent of brushes for painting. As a matter of fact, that's what they are called, shading brushes." and brings it far beyond the outer corners of the eyes.Sometimes Christina also resorts to colored, green eyeliner to emphasize the lower borders of the eyelid.0003
Although the dancers use different colors in their make-up, in general, the competitive make-up is quite graphic and is often limited to black and white. And the point is not only that colored shadows sometimes look unpredictable in the evening light of spotlights, but also the convenience of using this option:
photo: Spooner
"Color options, - says Maria Emrich - options that echo the color of the dress are possible, in latin and in standard. However, top partners on average change clothes at competitions 2-3 times, and in this case it is much more practical to use a black and white version and change only lipstick". nine0003
Sufficiently contrasting eye makeup is preferred by Edita Daniute, who actively draws the lash line and eyelid crease. But Andra Vaidilaite, on the contrary, strives for softer eye makeup. Her scheme, rather, approaches the mysterious Smokey Ice. This popular makeup scheme involves shading with light brown shadows, which are smoothly distributed between dark and light shades.
But if the eye makeup is a canvas, then the eyebrows are the frame, which often becomes decisive in competitive makeup: "The shape of the eyebrow should fit the shape of the face and should be proportional to the makeup, as well as the color of the eyebrows, which must be in harmony with the makeup. K For example, in soft daytime makeup there can be no place for black eyebrows. If the model’s own eyebrows are still black, then they are usually corrected with a little shadow or a pencil, "comments Maria Strelnikova-Emrich. nine0003
Chasing fashion, choosing for yourself thin, wide, arched or rising eyebrows is not a very promising occupation. To choose the shape of the eyebrows, the geometry of the face is much more important. Makeup artists know one simple trick well. To determine where the highest point of the eyebrow is located, it is enough to attach a pencil to the tip of the nose and draw an impromptu diagonal line through the iris. It is this point that will become one of the reference points in the subsequent eye makeup.
photo: Spooner
True, if the laws of form in ballroom dance makeup remain unshakable, then the laws of color harmony are not always respected. Eyebrow color in competitive make-up can sometimes contradict the traditional rules of classic make-up. So, if we look at the finalists of the 2013 World Championships in the Latin American dance program, they all corrected their eyebrows with rich dark shades. And this is despite the fact that in classic makeup, a bright contrast between the color of hair and eyebrows has always been considered bad manners. nine0003
Of course, the competition make-up scheme is connected not only with the stage specifics of ballroom dancing. It may also depend on the age category of the dancers: “The older the dancer, the less and brighter he wears makeup to look younger. As a rule, older dancers do not use eyeliner and simply draw the lower eyelash edge at the bottom with a pencil,” says Maria Strelnikova-Emrich.
Of course, for each type of eyes (close, wide-set, etc.) there is its own signature make-up scheme. However, professional makeup artists have one little secret that will help everyone figure out where the border of a darker shade of shadows should be located approximately. By the way, many makeup artists advise doing makeup with your eyes open. No matter how good the scheme is, no matter how wonderful the transitions between shades look, it can look completely different with open eyes than with closed eyes. nine0003
Ekaterina Pechenik (photo: Spooner)
We are all very different, and therefore there are no unambiguous answers for everyone in makeup. However, within any individual scheme, some general rules can be used. For example, to create the perfect eye makeup, the rule of a triangle will help. It is very easy to draw it.
To do this, it is enough to connect two lines without closing your eyes. The first will go from the outer edge of the lower eyelid to the tip of the eyebrow, while the second will go from the highest point of the eyebrow along its outer tail. At the intersection of these lines, the same magic triangle is formed, beyond which the shadows should not go. nine0003
You won't believe it, but the most daring ladies even stick adhesive tape to mark these boundaries! However, this hardly applies to the leading duets, who, although they use the services of makeup artists today, as a rule, are able to repeat any, the most complex make-up scheme, even in "field" conditions.
How to make up for a dance performance. Stage make-up for different categories of performers
Make-up for ballroom dancing is not always used. Girls performing in the categories "Children" and "Junior-1", according to the rules of the tracksuit of the Dance Sports Union of Russia, should not use cosmetics. nine0003
Category "Junior-2" can do makeup, following certain rules.
The use of cosmetics will depend on the type of dance. For hot latin, first apply bronzer or self-tanner, then foundation and powder to match skin tone. Shadows can be applied even with incongruous shades. False eyelashes are covered with mascara twice. The long black arrow is required. A bright lipstick is applied to the lips, combined with the suit. Pencil stroke in progress.
For mothers of young dancers, they regularly hold a master class on applying makeup and hairstyles. If you follow all the rules, you can succeed on your own.
Hair is styled differently. For classical ballroom dancing, hairstyles made on the basis of simple weaving are suitable. You can add ribbons or decorative hairpins to the strands. Often a high or low beam is used. Hairpins with beautiful tips will look great in the hair.
Professional stylists do makeup for 30-50 minutes. nine0003
Make-up for ballroom dances in the category "Junior-2"
When choosing a dance look, make-up should be taken into account, which is allowed in categories starting from the age group Junior-2. According to the classification table, the Yu-2 category assumes that the eldest of the partners turns 14-15 years old this year.
At this age, it is advisable to use only natural, mineral cosmetics from well-known manufacturers for applying make-up. Lightness, freshness of youth and masking of problem areas are the tasks that must be performed first of all when creating a dance style for a partner. Aggressive juniors 2 can be used if a bright multi-color suit matches this. nine0003
Important! Chasing fashion trends, choosing images that shock the public for yourself, is not a very justified occupation. It is better to proceed from individual facial features, hair color and hairstyle shape.
What professional make-up artists offer (make-up application instructions):
- Cleanse the face skin with a toning lotion. This contributes to the narrowing of the pores and prevents unwanted reactions from appearing. All defects mask with concealer. nine0006
- Moderate use of foundation (natural), mineral powder is possible to even out the skin relief.
- Draw a visually even contour of the eyebrows with a pencil and fix their shape with gel. To choose the shape of the eyebrows, you should determine the location of the high point of the eyebrow. To do this, a pencil is applied to the tip of the nose and an impromptu line is drawn diagonally through the center of the eye. This point is a reference point in eye makeup.
- Cover eyelids with matching eye shadow up to the eyebrows. Highlight the moving eyelid with a darker shade, lighter - the lower eyelids. nine0006
- Elongated arrows on the outer and lower eyelids. Noticeable options are obtained by using arrows of several shades at the same time. To give a shimmering effect in the eye area, you can stick special rhinestones.
- Apply 2-3 coats of mascara to eyelashes. Alternatively, you can use false eyelashes.
- Apply lipstick and set with gloss.
- Blush with shimmer on the bulge of the cheekbones and glitter to complete the look.
If the skin is too pale, a small amount of luminizer or bronzer can be used. nine0003
Important! The ability to stand out on the floor and not look ridiculous at the same time is the main rule so that juniors 2 ballroom dance makeup can complement the dance image competently.
Special aids
Spectators and judges must look at the partner's eyes and lips. They need to be emphasized. Suitable super-resistant matte lipstick, glitter eyeshadow, shimmer mica.
Make-up takes 30 minutes to an hour. The duration depends on a number of conditions:
Dance makeup ideas (category Yu-2)
Men's makeup
Men's makeup for ballroom dancing is extremely reserved. Usually flesh tones are used. To add elegance, it is possible to use transparent gels for eyelashes and eyebrows. Eyeliner will be relevant for the performance of Latin dances. In this case, it is recommended to use a pencil or two-phase shadows.
Professional cosmetics for ballroom dancing. Dancer's makeup
Women's makeup
In addition to the natural characteristics of the dancer, it is necessary to take into account the color of the competition dress. From afar, the color of the performer's eyes is poorly visible, but the dress is excellent, decorative cosmetics should match in tone and match the color scheme of the costume. The foundation should match the skin tone, if you plan to use self-tanner or bronzer, you need to take this into account. Lipstick can be pink, red, the main thing is that the color is saturated. The style and direction of the dance should be strictly taken into account, gentle tones are unlikely to go for tango. Consider hair color: brunettes should opt for blue, steel, brown tones, blondes - blue, pink, brown-haired women - green, bright pink shades. In order to To achieve the desired effect, use only high-quality, professional cosmetics. nine0003
Children's make-up
Here you can buy cosmetics for children of excellent quality. The rules for applying makeup for children are similar to adults, but remember that delicate children's skin does not need foundation, it is enough to emphasize the contour of the face with blush. Do not use aggressive colors.
Men's makeup
Men also use cosmetics! But for men, everything is much simpler - it is enough to apply a tone to the skin shortly before the performance, if necessary, you need to use a corrector and tint tones of powder. Eyelashes and eyebrows can be covered with a transparent gel, it is better to use two-phase shadows as an eyeliner. They need to be blended in order to highlight the eyes, but at the same time avoid a clearly defined line. Just as training ballroom shoes are necessary, it is necessary to practice applying cosmetics correctly so as not to waste time and avoid unpleasant surprises at the competition. nine0051
Ballroom dance makeup. Photo.
Sports ballroom dance makeup has a number of distinctive features: the use of rich color cosmetics, the choice of style is based on the style of the dance costume, the sharp emphasis on the lines of the eyes and lips so that the judges and spectators can distinguish the emotions on the faces of the dancers. Of no small importance in the field of dance make-up are special means: tanning, bronzer, all kinds of glitter and rhinestones.
The basic rules for dance make-up are consistency and thoroughness. An important requirement is the presence of good artificial lighting, as the dance competition takes place indoors. Correct makeup for ballroom dancing is best done after creating a hairstyle. And you should start with the initial preparation of the skin, for this purpose it can be cleaned and toned with lotion, after which the skin is moisturized with cream and a make-up base is applied. nine0003
The next step is to shape the eyebrows with eye shadow or pencil, then apply shadow over the base on the eyelids, after which eyeliner and mascara are applied. The lips are painted at the last stage, first the lip line is drawn with a pencil, then with lipstick. The final touch is blush, which gives freshness and corrects the shape of the face.
Makeup for ballroom dancing. Photo of step-by-step execution
Step-by-step execution of make-up for sports ballroom dancing is invited to look at the photo:
Children's makeup for ballroom dancing. Step-by-step design of the face on the dance floor
- The girl's face should be as bright as possible, radiating confidence and strength, and therefore lipstick, mascara, blush and shadows are chosen in the most saturated tones;
- Under make-up, it is mandatory to apply a base to match the skin color - foundation and powder;
- Make-up colors should harmonize and complement not so much the eyes as the style of the dancer's costume.
This rule works because it is the color of the outfit that is visible to the audience, and few people can see the natural data from the audience. Another nuance is the style in which the costume is chosen, because, whatever one may say, gentle pink make-up does not suit the Argentine tango at all, but the contrast of red lips and bright eyes will be the best here; nine0006
- For the integrity of the image, in addition to the outfit, one more detail should be taken into account - the color of the hair, which is much more noticeable to the viewer than the shade of the iris. In this regard, it is better for brunettes to choose rich colors of cosmetics, for example, steel and blue, for brown-haired women - green, brown, bright pink, and for girls with light curls to face softer shades - blue, pink, yellow.
Eye makeup for ballroom dancing. What is makeup for?
The main principle of ballroom dance make-up is to focus the viewer's attention on the dancer's eyes and lips as much as possible, as well-applied stage make-up gives them the greatest expressiveness. Calm colors have no place in stage make-up - they should be set aside for everyday make-up. nine0003
Of course, everyone has their own views on what cosmetics should be, how much of it should be, and in general - should it be?! Here I immediately want to note the fact that in the case when the partners do not go beyond and perform in the category "Children" and "Junior-1", there can be no talk of makeup at all. Well, in any case, this is provided for by the rules of the tracksuit of the Dance Sports Union of Russia (STSR), which were approved by the Decision of the Presidium of the All-Russian Public Sports Organization of the CTSR, on December 21, 2012. As for the age categories, starting from “Junior-2” and up to “Senior”, it is necessary to select cosmetics for stage make-up as carefully as possible, taking into account a number of points:
- Bright colors. Lipstick can be not only red, all shades of pink look great under the color of spotlights. Eyelashes must be made up as thick as possible, it is advisable to select black mascara.
It must be remembered that spotlights "eat" the brightness of makeup - that's why it is recommended to apply it in bright light.
- Foundation should not be selected according to the natural skin color of the dancer, but according to the skin color that she will have directly at the performance. This rule is especially true if a girl uses self-tanner or bronzer. nine0006
- Stage costume color. Unlike everyday makeup, which is matched to the color of the eyes, ballroom dance makeup is selected, first of all, to match the color of the dancer's costume. This moment is very important to take into account, because, watching the competition, the spectators, sitting a few meters from the contestants, do not see the color of their eyes. Watching the performers, the audience will certainly appreciate how bright the dancers' costumes are and how much the dancer's makeup matches her ball gown. nine0006
- The style of the stage costume is also a very important criterion when choosing stage make-up.
The ball gown for the Argentine tango is absolutely not suitable for a romantic make-up, made in pale pink shades. In this case, the best choice would be a contrasting makeup with accents on the eyes and lips.
- Hair color must also be taken into account when choosing makeup for ballroom dancing. You need to select cosmetics for the hair color of the dancer, which she will have in competitions, and not in ordinary life. Brunettes are perfect for juicy shades of shadows - blue, steel, chocolate. Blondes will look great with softer tones, such as yellow, pink or blue eye shadow. Green, brown and hot pink shades should be chosen by brown-haired women. nine0006
- Professional cosmetics will help create a unique image of a dancer. Firstly, in comparison with budget brands, professional cosmetics are represented by a wider variety of shades. Secondly, makeup created with professional cosmetics is more resistant to sweat - it will not "run" and will not lose its appearance after the first few minutes of the competition.
- Rhinestones add sparkle and sparkle to a dancer's make-up. Reflecting and beautifully shimmering in the spotlights, they will undoubtedly attract the attention of the audience and the jury. nine0006
Makeup for ballroom dancing step by step. Professional makeup for ballroom dancing
Dancing is an art, and art requires not only talent, but also beauty. If you are engaged in ballroom dancing, then the first thing to consider in your own image is make-up, which on stage should be as bright as possible, but at the same time harmonious (this is a ballet, not a dance floor).
In this article, we will consider in detail what kind of makeup should be applied to girls dancing ballet. nine0051
Basic rule
Focusing the attention of the audience on the eyes and lips of the dancer
Beautiful makeup for ballroom dancing
The main task of makeup for ballroom dancing is to focus the attention of the audience on the eyes and lips of the dancer. A face with such a noticeable make-up is more expressive and conveys more emotions due to the presence of bright colors on the face.
Such cosmetics, firstly, have a denser structure than "homemade" ones, so they last longer, and secondly, they are distinguished by the saturation of shades. Everyday makeup should be postponed - it is unacceptable here. Consider the main points of bright stage makeup. nine0003
Preparing the face
Face in ballroom dance make-up
The foundation is chosen not for the natural skin tone of the dancer, but for the color that the skin will acquire during the performance when using a bronzer.
Foundation and powder must have a dense structure, so only professional cosmetics should be preferred.
Do not apply makeup in daylight, as the light in the hall is very different from it - you should find a room with the brightest lighting, and then evaluate the work by looking at yourself in the mirror in the performance hall. Before applying makeup, it is advisable to wipe the face with a tonic lotion. nine0003
Step-by-step instructions - apply foundation on the face
- Mask the face with a resistant foundation, wait for it to be absorbed.
- Now apply light loose powder on those areas of the face that need to be brightened to give it more expressiveness - the area around the eyes, nose, chin, center of the forehead.
- Use a darker shade of powder to correct the oval of the face.
Ballroom dance eyes
Make-up should be as bright as possible
Eyes in ballroom eye makeup
Make-up should be as bright as possible, and this requires some skill in application, because bright tones must be applied very carefully - any mistake will be clearly visible.
Bright colors need to be chosen as correctly as possible so that they match your image. Of course, it is desirable to choose shadows, taking into account the color of the hair and eyes (especially hair).
So, brunettes need to choose blue, purple, steel, chocolate, burgundy tones, blondes are recommended to give preference to pink (and there are so many tones of pink that it is not difficult to choose a rich and bright pink), yellow, blue, and brown-haired women - green, bright pink, brown. nine0003
Be sure to use black, preferably liquid eyeliner, which makes the eyes even more expressive. If the eyes are convex, then you need to completely circle them with eyeliner, but girls with a small slit in the eyes are not recommended to do this.
In addition, the eyeliner helps to reshape the eyes - lift the drooping corners, make them rounder or give the shape of an almond. To draw arrows, you can purchase a special thin brush, which is used by makeup artists when creating makeup. Be careful with lower eyeliner - too much eyeliner can make your eyes look a bit heavy. nine0003
Eyelashes . Girls dancing ballet, without fail, stick eyelashes, which gives expressiveness to the face.
To begin with, your own eyelashes are stained, then false ones are glued with a thin line of glue, and then covered with several more layers of mascara. Be careful with glue, as an excess of it is visible on the eyelids. Use glue with a thin toothpick.
Rhinestones in ballroom dance makeup
The role of rhinestones in eye makeup. Rhinestones are bright and creative, which is why many dancers use them in eye makeup. It is important not to overdo it here, as an excess of rhinestones will turn you into a peacock instead of a mysterious beauty with sparkling eyes. Rhinestones are applied to the corners of the eyes, along the eyelash line, on the area under the eyebrow, etc. nine0003
If you use rhinestones in a more abundant amount, do not overdo it with shadows and eyeliner - everything should be in harmony.
Eyebrows. The eyebrow line is highlighted either with a pencil or with shadows - if it is undesirable to use a black eyebrow pencil in everyday makeup, then this is not important in stage makeup. Although, of course, too black eyebrows on a blonde, even on stage, will look somewhat sharp.
Lip makeup
Ballroom dance lips
Lip makeup should be bright, but it is not necessary to use red lipstick - you can choose from numerous rich shades of fuchsia pink.
Also in this case, you can not do without a pencil, which you need to trace the contour of the lips. It is better to choose a pencil a tone darker than the shade of lipstick. It is allowed to go a little beyond the contour of the lips, if the lips are thin, which becomes noticeable when using rich lipstick.
Shading the corners of the lips with a pencil will help to make them juicy. In order for the lip makeup to be brighter, make-up artists are recommended to apply gloss over lipstick. nine0003
Of course, you can't do without blush - they add expressiveness and liveliness to the face, because often when using foundation or powder, the face seems too pale.
Blush pick up very carefully and try not to abuse them. Brown blush is best suited for a stage look, as reddish shades will look somewhat tasteless.
Of course, in order to make up for ballroom dancing, you will need high-quality and durable professional cosmetics. Below we will look at which brands of cosmetics are the most popular. nine0051
Features of ballroom dance make-up
Make-up for ballroom dancing and ballroom dancing sports tournaments is fundamentally different from everyday. The kind of cosmetics that are chic for everyday life will not work correctly on stage. There are a number of reasons for this:
- In everyday life, you do not have to go in for sports without first removing your makeup. Performing on stage is hard work, and athletes sweat, which greatly affects the make-up for ballroom dancing. nine0006
- Everyday life is no place for overly bright looks, so the choice of shades for everyday cosmetics is much more modest than for the stage.
- In everyday life, there is practically no chance of being exposed to spotlights that make ordinary cosmetics behave unpredictably. Most likely, guessing with the resulting color will not work.
- In everyday life, they do not practice bright highlighting of individual features.
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How to make stage make-up for dancers or fitness bikinis: photo ideas and tips
Brightness and durability are two main characteristics of make-up for the stage. We will talk about the nuances of creating such a make-up
- Bright stage make-up for dancers
- Oriental dance
- For fitness bikini
- How to do stage make-up: step by step instructions
- Overview of suitable cosmetics
Everyday makeup is not suitable for the stage: for the audience, the artist in this case will be faceless in the truest sense of the word. That's why actors wear makeup. They do this with the help of very bright and persistent cosmetics according to special rules. After all, the result should not fail, no matter what the stage actions. We will talk about the tricks of such makeup in this material.
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Bright stage makeup for dancers
Different artists have different stage makeup. Dancers, for example, need to consider the intensity of movement. They should not interfere with any elements of makeup or hairstyles. Therefore, the hair is most often removed from the face and fixed as securely as possible. nine0003
- When it comes to makeup, it should take into account not only the heat of the spotlights, which “melts” cosmetics, but also the activity of perspiration, which also destroys makeup. In general, make-up requires accents that will be visible from afar.
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- Professional cosmetics are most often used in dressing rooms. Choose reliable products in catchy shades.
If you're looking for long-lasting stage makeup, look for water-resistant labels on product packages. nine0006
- Don't forget to prepare your skin for makeup. You will need not only the usual base, which should be distributed over the entire face, but also primers for local application - for example, for the eyelids. If you neglect this stage, after a few minutes the arrows will turn into dark smudges on the stage, and the shadows will roll into the creases of the eyelids.
- Give preference to graphic make-up. The arrows, the underlined shape of the eyebrows, the matte lipstick applied clearly along the contour of the lips, the bright sculpting - the more clarity, the better. From the audience, smoky eyes will seem more like a dirty spot than make-up that gives expression to the eyes. nine0006
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for oriental dances
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There are some nuances of the image here. The neckline, hips, stomach in such dances are in the spotlight, so cosmetics will also have to be applied to the body. The approach may vary.
- Some people use oils with a slight shimmer some time before the performance, so that the skin acquires not only a golden glow, but also a “wet” sheen.
- Others use a fluffy brush to apply loose glitter to desired areas of the body. nine0006
- Another option: guided by the principles of strobing, highlight the collarbones, shoulders, hips in those places where the bone “protrudes”. A spectacular result can be achieved using a regular highlighter - both powder and liquid.
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Make up your face according to the way it is done in Eastern countries: with an emphasis not only on the eyes (black eyeliner and black mascara for extreme volume will help you), but also on the lips. Remember, this is stage makeup, and the one-accent rule doesn't work here. For the same reason, glitter and rhinestones are welcome. nine0003
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for a fitness bikini
The main point of stage make-up for those who go in for a fitness bikini is the tanning effect. Therefore, before the competition, when you need to go on stage in front of the judges, the athletes visit the solarium. And they also have a special make-up in their arsenal, which helps to give the skin a caramel tint. Body butter allows you to create an attractive glow. Knowing that “dark-skinned” contestants look more advantageous, the girls add darker foundation and powder to their makeup bag. nine0003
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Even though the fitness bikini is all about the figure and muscle relief, stage make-up is still customary. Most often, this is contouring, sharp and quite aggressive, with an emphasis on the sculptural outlines of the cheekbones, plus smoky eyes in dark shades and scarlet lipstick on the lips. However, there are no strict rules regarding how to do stage make-up for a fitness bikini. Therefore, the standard version is changed to your taste.
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How to do stage make-up step by step
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Start with preparation. Apply moisturizer and then primer. Separately distribute a special base (for example, Eyeshadow Primer Potion from Urban Decay) over the eyelids.
Choose a heavy foundation. It can be either a special greasy-based make-up, or just a cream with increased durability. Use the technique of stipling (“driving in”) when applying - this way the tone will last longer. nine0003
Correct using the sculpting kit. Create an emphasis on the cheekbones with a gray-brown color - in stage make-up, the diagonal of the sculptor powder under the cheekbone does not require thorough shading, as in an everyday make-up. Then the result will be visible from the stage. Do not forget about highlighting - highlights on the cheekbones in festive and stage make-up are only welcome.
Highlight the eyebrows. In stage make-up, the contour should be outlined as clearly as possible. When correcting the shape of the eyebrows with color, work with a lot of pressure on a beveled brush or pencil. nine0003
Blend the darker one at the outer corners of the eyes, darken the crease with it - this is necessary so that the makeup does not seem “flat”. Then draw a black arrow - wider and longer, so that the "tail" stretches to the temple. It would also be nice to paint over the inner contour with a kayal.6
Eyelashes - a separate item. Glue a strip of overlays (or at least bunches at the outer edges). If you decide to do without artificial ones, apply a lengthening primer to your eyelashes (by the way, it can be replaced with eyebrow gel) and mascara - in two layers.
Outline the lips with a pencil, then use it to fill them all over. Then apply a long-lasting matte lipstick. It is better to choose a product not in a stick, but with a liquid texture.
Set makeup with translucent powder and setting spray. nine0003
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review of suitable cosmetics
- Primer. Total Control Drop Primer from NYX Professional Makeup is perfect for prepping your face for stage makeup. It is lightweight, lays down in a thin layer, but at the same time mattes well, giving the skin a velvety texture;
Total Control Drop Primer, NYX Professional Makeup Maybelline New York's Superstay 24 is the right choice. The tool makes the skin smooth and is characterized by increased durability. An even coating is guaranteed by Micro-Flex technology; nine0006
Superstay 24 Foundation, Maybelline New York
- Sculpting Powder. Infaillible Sculptor by L'Oréal Paris, with a dark taupe powder to highlight the cheekbones and a lighter one to create a contrast with the shadow;
Infaillible Sculptor, L'Oréal Paris © loreal-paris.