How long is strictly come dancing live show
Home - Strictly Come Dancing Live!
Skip to contentHometheAdmin2022-11-24T14:01:30+00:00
Clear the dancefloor and whip out your 10 paddles, because the Strictly Come Dancing Live Arena Tour is back for 2023! For the first time ever, Anton Du Beke will join fellow TV judges Shirley Ballas and Craig Revel Horwood on the Strictly Live Tour. The tour will also see the welcome return of the sensational Janette Manrara, who will host the 31 supersized sparkle-filled shows foxtrotting around the country in January and February next year.
Opening at the Utilita Arena Birmingham on 20 January, the scintillating live show will then waltz across the country to some of the UK’s biggest entertainment venues: Nottingham’s Motorpoint Arena, Leeds’ First Direct Arena, the AO Arena Manchester, Sheffield’s Utilita Arena, Newcastle’s Utilita Arena, London’s O2 Arena, SSE Arena Belfast, culminating at the OVO Hydro in Glasgow on 12 February.
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Strictly Come Dancing LIVE
4 days ago
FULL LINE UP ANNOUNCED!We are ecstatic to announce that TV and radio presenter Fleur East, and TV presenter Helen Skelton complete the list of seven sensational stars who will foxtrot across the UK this Jan & Feb in our sparkle-filled Strictly Come Dancing Live Tour!The full line-up is:Fleur East & Vito CoppolaHelen Skelton & Kai WiddringtonWill Mellor & Nancy XuMolly Rainford & Carlos GuEllie Simmonds & Nikita KuzminTyler West & Dianne BuswellHamza Yassin & Jowita PrzystalThe couples will be joined on tour by six magnificent professional dancers - Amy Dowden, Neil Jones, Robbie Kmetoni, Jake Leigh, Luba Mushtuk and Michelle Tsiakkas!And not forgetting the FAB-U-LOUS Strictly TV judges Shirley Ballas, Craig Revel Horwood and Anton Du Beke – who is part of the tour for the first time – with the sensational Janette Manrara as host. Book tickets here: ... See MoreSee Less
Strictly Come Dancing LIVE
7 days ago
It's time! Who are you supporting in the Strictly Come Dancing Live Final? ... See MoreSee Less
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Strictly Come Dancing LIVE
2 weeks ago
Here we go! Are you ready for the Strictly Semi-Finals?We can't wait to see everyone on the dance floor again! ... See MoreSee Less
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Strictly Come Dancing LIVE
2 weeks ago
CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT We're adding two more celebs to our scintillating line-up for the 2023 Strictly Come Dancing Live UK Tour: singer, actor and presenter Molly Rainford and wildlife cameraman and Countryfile presenter Hamza Yassin. They're joining the previously announced Will Mellor, Ellie Simmonds and Tyler West; tour host Janette Manrara; and Judges Shirley Ballas, Craig Revel Horwood and Anton Du Beke for 32 sparkle-filled shows kicking off in January. Further casting still to be announced! ... See MoreSee Less
Strictly Come Dancing LIVE
3 weeks ago
Here we go! It's an extra special Strictly FRIDAY! Who are you most looking forward to see dance in the Quarter Finals tonight? ... See MoreSee Less
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Page load link Go to TopThe Line Up - Strictly Come Dancing Live!
Skip to contentThe Line UptheAdmin2022-12-20T13:26:27+00:00
Clear the dancefloor and whip out your 10 paddles, because the Strictly Come Dancing Live Arena Tour is back for 2023! For the first time ever, Anton Du Beke will join fellow TV judges Shirley Ballas and Craig Revel Horwood on the Strictly Live Tour. The tour will also see the welcome return of the sensational Janette Manrara, who will host the 31 supersized sparkle-filled shows foxtrotting around the country in January and February next year.
Speaking about the upcoming tour, Anton Du Beke said: “I’m so excited to join my fellow TV judges on the Strictly 2023 tour and have the chance to enjoy all the fun of the live experience with audiences around the UK.”
Strictly’s Head Judge Shirley Ballas said: “I’m delighted to be returning to the judging panel, and it will be lovely to have Anton with us. It’s always so much fun! The audiences at the arena shows are phenomenal and it’s so nice to get to see everyone and perform for you all – I can’t wait for January when we get the show on the road!”
Craig Revel Horwood said: “I’m thrilled to be back directing and judging the 2023 tour. This tour is going to be bigger and better than ever before – my imagination is running wild! With Anton joining the judging panel, one word, three syllables: FAB-U-LOUS!”
Janette Manrara said: “I’m so excited to be returning to host the 2023 Strictly Live Tour! It is the most incredible experience to be part of this epic production, bringing all we love about the TV series to hundreds of thousands of people around the UK. ”
L-R: Will Mellor, Helen Skelton, Hamza Yassin, Ellie Simmonds, Fleur East, Tyler West, Molly Rainford
Speaking about the upcoming tour:
Fleur East (Dancing with Vito Coppola) said: “As a huge Strictly fan, being part of the TV competition has been an unbelievable experience and I’m absolutely over the moon to have the chance to get back into those fabulous sequinned outfits for the live tour next year!”
Will Mellor (Dancing with Nancy Xu) said: “Strictly has been one of the most memorable and emotional journeys I’ve ever been on! Stepping out of my comfort zone and being a part of this massive show is something I’ll never forget. I can’t wait to put on my dancing shoes and go around the country to perform on huge stages in front of thousands of people who have watched and supported us. Bring on the tour!!”
Molly Rainford (Dancing with Carlos Gu) said: “I’m absolutely thrilled to be joining the Strictly Live Tour, performing for the huge arena crowds across the UK is going to be an incredible experience. I’m really looking forward to continuing my amazing Strictly journey and getting out on the road to meet all the
Ellie Simmonds (Dancing with Nikita Kuzmin) said: “Strictly was such an incredible life-changing and emotional experience for me – it gave me a huge confidence boost and the feeling that anything is possible! So to be able to continue my journey on the tour next year is going to be amazing. I can’t wait!”
Helen Skelton (Dancing with Kai Widdrington) said: “Strictly has been the adventure of a lifetime and I’m so happy that it will continue next year on the live tour. I’m really looking forward to seeing the fans across the country and performing my favourite dances from the series. I can’t wait!”
Tyler West (Dancing with Dianne Buswell) said: “I never realised how much dance would change my life but I can’t express how much I’ve loved it and fully embraced this opportunity to learn to dance with the best dance partner anyone could ask for in Dianne! I am so happy my Strictly journey isn’t over quite yet and I can’t wait to relive some of our favourite dances and live like a pop-star on tour performing for audiences each night! I am buzzing to get on the road with the gang.”
Hamza Yassin (Dancing with Jowita Przystal) said: “Strictly has changed my life in ways I never imagined, so to be doing the tour on top of it all is a dream come true! I’ve heard the tour audiences are unparalleled, so I’ll be relishing the atmosphere every night, and I’m so excited to share that experience with my fellow dancers – not to mention the judges.”
Vito Coppola (dancing with Fleur East)
Nancy Xu (dancing with Will Mellor)
Carlos Gu (dancing with Molly Rainford)
Nikita Kuzmin (dancing with Ellie Simmonds)
Kai Widdrington (dancing with Helen Skelton)
Dianne Buswell (dancing with Tyler West)
Jowita Przystal (dancing with Hamza Yassin)
Professional Dancers:Amy Dowden
Neil Jones
Robbie Kmetoni
Jake Leigh
Luba Mushtuk
Michelle Tsiakkas
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Beets (Mask. Dancing). Photo:
On December 18, the STS TV channel will show the 11th episode of the dance show Mask. Dancing". This is a Russian adaptation of the American project The Masked Dancer, which, in turn, is a spin-off of the musical program The Masked Singer. The latter is known in Russia under the Mask brand.
Release date of the show “Mask. Dancing"
The first release of the Mask. Dances" was shown on STS on Sunday, October 9, 2022. The eleventh will present on December 18, . Beginning at 23.00 Moscow time.
Rules of the show
The Masked Dancer show for the Russian audience was adapted by the White Media company, on whose account the same Mask, as well as the new Avatar project. As you may have guessed, the star members here will also be hiding behind masks. However, their task is not to sing, but to dance. nine0003
The contestants will be divided into groups. As in The Mask, after the dance numbers, the audience in the studio chooses the nominees for the flight. At the end of the episode, one participant will be saved by the same spectators, the second - by the judges. The third takes off his mask and leaves the show.
Participants of the show “Mask. Dances»
Total 14 participants. Their masks are not so massive, so as not to interfere with dancing. In the promotional trailer, we saw the Hare and the Lamb, but they will not be part of the project. But who will be:
- Popcorn – Shura
- Owl – Anastasia Volochkova
- Viper - Anna Semenovich
- Disco ball – Roza Syabitova
- Snow Leopard - Alexander Belkovich
- Ladybug – Anna Sedokova
- Saturn - Mitya Fomin
- Beets - Natalia Medvedeva
- Frog - Karina Cross
- Seahorse
- Zebra
- Scarecrow
- Black Swan
- Brush

Jury members
From “Mask” to “Mask. Dances" migrated Timur Rodriguez . Company to him Sergey Svetlakov , Klava Koka and the only one of the named members of the jury who understands dancing - Egor Druzhin . The fifth member of the jury, whose name was named after all, was Maria Gorban .
Show “Mask. Dances (2022). Photo: of the show “Mask. Dancing»
Who will be the host of the show «Mask. Dancing ”was not called for a long time. Many thought about Vyacheslav Makarov, but he is involved in the Avatar show. As it turned out in the end, Yuri Muzychenko, the lead singer of The Hatters, was appointed the host of the new project.
Yuri Muzychenko host of the show "Mask. Dancing". Photo: OLENIN: - Teacher's newspaper
The name of TV and radio presenter and DJ Dmitry Olenin is strongly associated with secular Moscow, the world of show business and club life. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine his difficult childhood in industrial Cherepovets, where, as a little boy, he dreamed of working as a tram driver and even farming. Today, residents of the whole country recognize Dmitry Olenin only by his one voice: professionally, for many years he has remained faithful to Russian Radio, which, by the way, recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. It was Dmitry, along with other presenters, who took part in the famous sixty-hour continuous broadcast, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Recently, Dmitry has been increasingly seen on television: on TNT, RU TV and MTV, MusicBox and Muz-TV, on Domashny, Channel One and Russia 1. However, in almost all of his interviews, Olenin admits that he loves radio too much, as well as his work as a DJ, to finally go to TV. nine0059
– Dmitry, today, in the era of the Internet and the development of podcasts, is radio also forced to change?
- When music began to go to the Internet, the first thing they said was that the radio would disappear, disappear. The same was once said about other areas of life, for example, that with the advent of television, cinemas will disappear. Nothing like this happened, on the contrary, now the radio audience is increasing. It is radio that still influences whether a certain song becomes a hit or not. The fact is that a person who listens to music on the Internet, no matter what resource we take, either listens to what he downloaded himself, or is content with the stream of music that is automatically formed based on his requests and tastes. It is unlikely that the same song will be repeated several times there. On the radio, everything is built in a completely different way: each song on the radio does not appear by chance, it first undergoes numerous tests, our specialists constantly monitor the audience - this is how they determine what they like, what they don’t like, what they like more, and what less. Based on all this research and studying the preferences of the audience, a playlist for the radio is created.
And besides, when a song appears, you hear it 3-4 times, you like it more and more. And so it becomes a hit. This is very important for the artist and for show business in general. Therefore, we see that the influence of radio has only increased. In contrast, the influence of the Internet on music has waned. Of course, you can always say that a real hit will find its own way, there really is a lot of truth in this. Yes, a good song will find its listener even without a station, but as for not an absolute hit, but a hit that needs support, and there are a lot of them, here the radio plays a very important role, unlike Internet music portals. nine0003
– 2020 has changed the lives of many. How have the pandemic and the months of self-isolation affected you, how has your life changed?
– I didn’t have isolation, I just, on the contrary, had work all the time. All the live broadcasts that I had before remained with me, everything was the same. The only thing is that it's easier to get to work. There are no cars, empty roads, everything is calm. I noted for myself that at first during the pandemic, people began to listen to news stations more because they were interested in what was happening. But this was typical only for the first months, then most of the audience left the news stations for music ones. Everyone is tired of the same words on coronavirus, scary news. People started wanting more music, less information and words. nine0003
– How can you explain your relative media closeness? Despite your active presence in the media space, you tell a little about yourself as a person, and not as a presenter...
- I don't understand this question about relative media closeness. Privacy from whom? From the audience, from the artists? In my opinion, I am not completely closed from anyone, but, on the contrary, I am as open as possible.
- As a DJ you started in the era of active development of club culture in Russia, do you have a feeling that today is a different time? (Dmitry Olenin is also known as dj O ! Lenin , who performs with his sets throughout Russia, as well as in Europe and the USA. He played in such famous clubs as Anfora and Sun - Rise (Ibiza), Heaven , Cheek 9000, (Grand Channel) , Staff (Madrid) and others - Approx. ed. )
– I can't speak for the whole of Russia, but in Moscow, where the history is always a bit different, the clubs of the early-mid-2000s no longer exist, unfortunately. It was expected, predictable. Still, small bars, cafes, small establishments changed clubs, as happened in Europe 10-15 years ago. We are following exactly the same scenario. The club culture as a whole, of course, still exists, but it is no longer widespread. Our club DJs earn much less money, although, to be honest, they invest much less resources: if I used to pay 12 euros for a vinyl record, and 1 record is 1 song, 1 track, now you can download any amount on the Internet for free compositions and already be a DJ. What happened to the club culture: DJs began to clearly divide into formats, and this is very nice. I know that this DJ plays music that I like, but this one works in a completely different style, mood. You can always find the right music for yourself: for a weekend, for outdoor recreation or for a club party. We have a lot of great DJs, including young, beginners who feel the audience very well. After all, understand, a club DJ is not the one who mixes tracks with high quality, so that you do not notice the process itself. No, the art of a DJ is to put the next track on the dance floor cooler than the previous one, so that the audience likes it more, that is, first you need to feel the audience, understand what mood they are in, what kind of music these people want to listen to today. And, having guessed this mood, already put on the music that suits right now. And each next track should be even more “breaking” than the previous one. And, of course, you need to get into the mood, be able to let people go, take a break, come back, this is also very important.
– It is known that since childhood you have been dancing, loved music, collected records…
– Yes, indeed, I have always had a love for music, since childhood. I loved to listen to everything… everything that was possible to get at that time. I even listened to music lying on the floor, because we lived on the fifth floor, and on the fourth floor our neighbor had speakers on the closet, they were optimally close to the ceiling. And when he turned on the music, I, being on the floor above, lying on the floor, could listen to it. That's how he did it. My parents sent me to dance, Cherepovets - it is generally such a city, dancing, we have a lot of completely different dance groups - both folk and modern, and our circus wins first places in various competitions. In our city, any child should study somewhere, in some section, go somewhere. It so happened that in my kindergarten there was a dance club, then at school, that is, my love for art was influenced, among other things, by my hometown and educational institutions. Hence the collection of records, today there is nothing cooler than the sound from vinyl. And until now I continue to buy records, I listen to them with pleasure, now there are more classics, I also have plenty of club music in my house. There are a lot of records, I don’t want to part with them. Sometimes I even find records that I have never played, and listen to them with pleasure. nine0003
– When did you become interested in jazz?
– Jazz appeared in my life much later, as well as classical music. The more music I listened to, the more I wanted to learn its different styles and phenomena. And now I don't understand artists who perform to the soundtrack, having the opportunity to play live sound. And, of course, I go to concerts where you can hear exactly the live sound, and just bastard from what is happening. And thank God that we have such artists more and more every day. And just a few of those who speak under the plus. Unfortunately, this is what our young musicians are famous for, who earn enough money, but do not want to bother with live musicians. nine0003
- At one time, you had to leave the university for the sake of the profession of a radio presenter. What do you think about education today: where is it better to study and how?
- If we talk about education in general, then today it is impossible to learn many professions at universities, of course, if you are not an engineer or a doctor, not a person of precise professions. I learned my profession solely through personal experience and the experience of my colleagues. No one taught me to be a presenter, no one taught me to be a DJ, I'm generally a programmer by education. Where can I go to study to be a radio presenter? I don't know of any institution of higher education where one could learn this craft as closely as possible. Therefore, I am self-taught, I always wanted to work on the radio, then it turned out that this was my vocation since childhood, I found myself and enjoy it, although I cannot boast of a diploma. And the diploma that I have was never useful to me, I didn’t work a single day by profession. nine0003
– You perform at corporate parties not only in Russia, but also in other countries, including European ones. How is this work fundamentally different?
– The distinguishing features of any work abroad, whether corporate or not, are decency, honesty and legality. The law is put above all else. If you are a DJ at a holiday in France, then you must write a complete list of songs, indicate the author, give the official name of the track, the label to which the artist belongs, and submit all this data to the report, because then the company that invites me must pay tax for using this music at your event. And this is very strictly observed, of course, not in all countries, but, for example, in France this is very strictly monitored. All your work is also regulated: how, where and how much in time. If you, as a DJ, have a scheduled exit at 2 a.m., then it is at this time that you go out to work. No delays, no explanations will be accepted. At the same time, no one will let you recycle either.