How to do the hukilau dance
Are you ready to learn the fun art of Hula Dancing?If you're looking to learn how to hula dance then you've made it to the best destination for learning how on the Internet! You will find a selection of articles accompanied by video in this section that you can use in your quest to learn how to dance the hula. Don't worry, these are much easier articles than you've probably found on the Internet and contained dances that make learning very simple. You'll find basic steps all the way to routines matched up to one of the most
classic Hula Dancing songs of all time. Best of all, you will also find video sprinkled throughout the articles that help you visualize the hula as it's danced traditionally. These videos are meant more as an accompaniement to show you the fluid motion of the hula dance. The inforamtion in this section gives you all of the skills and guidance that you need to be dancing the hula in no time. If you're ready for a fun filled afternoon, open one of the articles below and get started right now. You'll see the descriptions of each article below so you can make a choice that goes with the skill level that you're at right now. We've numbered each of the dances in what we believe are the easiest sequence to go in. So if you're just getting started, try Hula Dance 1 for an easy to follow
sequence to get you started. After that, move on to the next dances to step up your skill level a
You may have noticed that there are several other articles on this site about
varios things such as the culture of the hula dance as well as hula dancing events listed that take place in
Hawaii. Hula is something that's lived and felt rather than just danced as you'll learn in many of the article on this site. The dancing portion is just the visual expression of the feeling inside. I reccomend that you check out the Introduction or History article to get started. Hula Dance | |||||||||
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Hula dancing is a beautiful and graceful form of dance.

There are several different styles of hula danced by Polynesian cultures like Hawaiian, Tahitian, Fijian, and Maori. In the Hawaiian hula dance style there are two types, hula kahiko and hula 'auana.
Hula Kahiko
In ancient Hawaiian times there were no written books of daily life and special events however, the Hawaiians have created hula dances and chants as ways to document events going as far back as to their first inhabiting the Hawaiian Islands 0-500ad. Hula kahiko is the traditional ancient Hawaiian style of hula which also includes chanting and percussion instruments like uli uli, puili, drums and ipu gourd drums.

Hawaiian Hula Performers in 1890
When Western missionaries arrived in the Hawaiian Islands hula was seen as indecent and immoral. In 1830 missionaries convinced Queen Ka'ahumanu to outlaw hula for the good of the Hawaiian people. Hula along with the speaking of the Hawaiian language were banned in the Hawaiian Islands. Many of the chiefs and people of Hawaii did not agree with the ban and hula and the Hawaiian language was practiced in secret.
Hula dancers at King Kalakaua's 49th Birthday Celebration at Iolani Palace
November 16, 1886
In 1851 public hula performances became regulated and a heavy fee was paid to obtain a license for each performance.

Hula 'Auana
Hula 'auana is the modern style of Hawaiian hula dance which emerged after Western contact and is often associated with slack key guitar, ukulele, and upbeat Hawaiian music. The 'auana style incorporates the traditional hand signals, steps, and percussion instruments with a more show business flare to the presentation than the kahiko style and costumes can be much more flashy. The focus with hula 'auana is more on entertainment through hula story telling rather than communicating and honoring the Hawaiian Gods.
Both styles of native Hawaiian hula dance are excellent forms of exercise.

1) Learn an easy hula dance and dance it at your celebration to entertain your guests!
2) Learn an easy hula dance and teach your guests how to hula dance!
3) Hire an experienced hula dancer to perform and/or teach a hula lesson at your celebration.
It is fun to learn to dance the hula at a Luau!
Hula dancing is popular all over the world, some people refer to this style of dancing as Hawaiian hula hula. No matter what you call it or where you are in the World, you can usually find organized groups of hula dancers, known as Hula Halau, that can be hired for hula dance lessons or to perform at a celebration. To find one, google "hula halau" + your location in the world, such as "hula halau san diego". Then contact them to find out information on how you can take lessons, join the group to perform, find out where they will be performing live, or hire them as performers or to teach hula dancing at your Hawaii theme celebration!
The hula dancers are wearing skirts made from fresh ti leaves
Now it is time to learn how to hula dance!
Hula dancing is a fun Luau activity for kids and adults.

Below are easy Hawaiian hula dance steps:
'Ami Right - rotate hips counterclockwise, one rotation for each count.
'Ami Left - rotate hips clockwise. Bent knees make the 'ami easier.
Hela: Point right foot forward, bring back, then point left foot forward, then bring back. For video instruction of Helai click here!
Huli: Rotate around while swaying the hips.
Kaholo: A kaholo is more of a sliding step, rather than lifting the foot as you move. It is used to step side to side, front to back, and diagonally.
For video instruction of Kaholo click here!
Ka'o: Sway hips by shifting weight to the right side and lift left heel. Then shift weight to the left side and lift right heel. For video instruction of Ka'o click here!
Lele: Step right, then left, either forward or back.
The hula dancers are doing the hela hula dance move
Below are easy Hawaiian hula hand movements:
Love Hand Movement: Hands cross at chest to show embracing love.

Ocean Hand Movement: hands gently beat up and down showing the rhythm of the waves.
Rainbow Hand Movement: palms of the hands meet at the left... right hand lifts and shapes an arching rainbow.
Rising Sun Hand Movement: start at the knees, both hands part and rise above the head to shape the sun.
Singing or Story Telling Hand Movement: hand gracefully gesturing at mouth for song.
Swaying Palms Hand Movement: left arm becomes the land, right arm and fingers sway showing a waving palm.
Swirling Winds Hand Movement: left hand forward while right hand circles twice over head.
Tide roll Hand Movement: hands continually roll over each other to show the rolling sea.
These boy and girl hula dancers are wearing pa'u skirts and lava lava
This instructional video teaches an easy hula dance routine to the song Tiny Bubbles by Don Ho.

There is a great resource of hula instructional videos on YouTube.
Below are a few links to continue your hula training:
What to Wear While Hula Dancing
Skirts allow for freedom of movement while dancing the hula and are worn by women, men, girls, and boys. For tops men and boys typically wear a tshirt when practicing and go topless when performing. Women typically wear a sports bra, spaghetti strap top, tshirt or tank top when practicing and for performing may wear a coconut bra, bikini top, sequined bra, or tube top. Fresh lei or silk lei accessories be worn on the head, neck, ankles and wrists.

Types of skirts worn by hula dancers include:
Pareu, Lava Lava or Sarong- a long piece of cloth wrapped around the body and tucked into the waist
Grass Skirt- made from natural or synthetic raffia. Natural is tan in color and can be dyed green or a rainbow of colors.
Ti Leaf Skirt- fresh or synthetic ti leaves are fashioned into a skirt along the stem end of the leaf.
Pa'u Skirt- a modern hula dance skirt made with colorful Hawaiian printed fabric and an elastic waist. They are worn short like a mini skirt or long which covers the dancers legs to mid shin.
The hula girls are wearing ti leaf hula skirts and have a set of uli uli hula implements
Show your Aloha for AlohaFriends. com by creating a fun creative video and we may use it for a promotional video like this one!
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Hot Hula Fitness is a new modern form of hula which incorporates traditional hula movements and performs them to upbeat Polynesian and contemporary music providing a vigorous fun low impact aerobic workout! The Hot Hula fitness style of hula isolates the larger muscle groups, increasing strength and definition to the core with specific emphasis on the abs, glutes, quads and arms.
If you are having a Hawaiian themed celebration, include hula dancing! Teach your guests a few moves or hire a hula expert to come and teach you and your guests a hula lesson. Your guests will have a fun memorable experience and learn something that is very sacred in the Hawaiian culture for a true authentic Luau experience!
Photos of people who helped to bring hula to their Hawaiian theme celebration!
Use the search box above to find additional hula supplies on Amazon!
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Send us pictures of you hula dancing or from your Luau or Hawaii Theme Wedding!
If you would like to share photos of you hula dancing or from your Luau or Hawaii Theme Wedding/Vow Renewal please email them to
Email: [email protected]
Note: all photos submitted become property of A Friend in the Islands and may be used for promotion.
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Hawaiian Hula Dance: Aloha Studio
We can't talk about hula without talking about the places it was inspired by - like Pune (Bol. Hawaii). There, Hiyaka (Pele's sister) sang the dancing hala groves, where "Puna herself dances in the wind." A dance about how friends Pele and Hiyaki danced here, which is one of the earliest references to the hula. Today, this Hiyaka chant still resounds:
Puna dances in the wind
Kea'au Hala grove of dance
Hōpoe dance in Hā'ena -
Woman dancing
Her hips spinning by the sea of Nanahuki,
Dancing with merriment
By the sea of Nanahuki,
Pune, the thundering sea.
The sound of the sea strikes the ear here
Lehua flowers everywhere
Look towards the sea at Hōpoe,
at the Woman whose hips turn by the sea
One of the first - and perhaps the first school for teaching hula was established by Kapo in Kan, Molokai .
Who is dancing the hula?
Although it is firmly believed that only men danced the hula in antiquity, stories survive of men and women, children and elders dancing the hula. When King Kalani'puu announced hula on the island of Hawaii in the late 1700s, the only people who didn't expect it were babies - it was natural to introduce children into the world of hula even before they could walk (!)
And by the way, Kalani'puu himself was still dancing at 80!
Hallau is not only "hula school"
When you hear "halau", you automatically think "hoola".
But although " Hālau hula " are hula schools, the word "halau" itself literally refers to the longhouse or congregation house. For example, a canoe is kept at hālau wa'a .
Halau hula is more than "dance schools" in the Western sense.
Hula students need to know a lot more than just the dance technique and the dance itself.
Learning and singing " ōlelo Hawai'i " (in Hawaiian) is an excellent basis for understanding mele.
Knowledge of Hawaiian history is also very important.
And in the tradition also the study of the creation of costumes and decorations for performances, all variants of execution (from flowers, kukui nuts, etc. ), and the creation of them by the students for themselves each and every time.
Hallau can also act as a performance venue: performances bring our stories to life and keep them in the hearts of the Hawaiian people. Sometimes these stories live only through mele hula and nowhere else. In this way, hālau hula helps perpetuate our traditions.
As for mele for dancing, is mele for describing all kinds of situations and expressing all sorts of feelings - and Hula gives extra depth to all of them.
School rules
There used to be many kapu (taboos) in hula training, for example:
- certain foods such as limu seaweed and squid were forbidden to eat (because their names suggest hiding (pe'e) and fleeing (he'e) from knowledge hula),
- hair and nails were forbidden to cut and shave, because these actions involve cutting off knowledge,
- and it was very important to keep yourself clean (so don't miss a swim and please put on a fresh set of clothes before class!)
In addition, students may not share their food with anyone other than members of their halau.
You can't talk to kumu (you can only listen).
One cannot criticize the way of other halau....
By following the kapu, the dancers will be blessed by the hula gods, keeping knowledge pure and cultivating in hula.
The most sacred place in the halau was the place where kuahu, or altar . Kuahu is dedicated to Laka and other akua (gods) hula, and their kinolau (special offerings) are placed on it.
If the kapu were not disturbed and the hula training went well, the kinolaus on kuahu remained green and fresh - maile, ʻieʻie, halapepe, ʻōhiʻa lehua, and palapalai did not fade.
The presence of akua on kuahu will inspire and bless the dancers.
Today, some halau follow the traditional kapu. Other halau combine traditional teachings with their own rules. The prayers and even the movements of the arms and legs are not all the same among the different halau. Therefore, it is important to remember:
“ʻAʻohe pau ka ʻike i ka hālau hoʻokahi” - not all knowledge is studied in one school.
What is kinolau and what are they like
The Hawaiian akua gods can take on more than one form (animals, plants), which is why their forms are called "kinolau" - many bodies.
Here are some of the kinolau of some of the akua hula that are traditionally placed on kuahu:
1. maile - kinolau of Lucky and the four maile sisters: Mailekhi'vile, Mailekalueya, Mailelauli, Mailepakakha
2. 'IE'I -Kinolau of lauka'ie
3. Halape -Kinolau from Kapo
4. ōhi'a lehua -kinolau laka and kūka'ahi'alka 9000 9000 5. Palapalai -kinolau Hiyaki
6. Piece of lima wood -kinolau Laka; symbol of enlightenment
Other akuis of the area and "hamakua" people in halau can also pray and ask to come and inspire.
Position and titles
There are various positions and titles in the traditional hula world. Different halau may have different definitions and kuleana for these roles. They include the following:
- 'ōlohe - the highest rank, even higher than kumu; usually an older, more mature person with a higher skill level
- kumu - teacher, leader, conductor
- po'opua'a - a person responsible for placing plants on kuahu, addressing questions-requests to the godfather on behalf of the students and responsible for carrying out the orders of the godfather
- paepae - helper po'opua'a
- ho'oulu - one who keeps the atmosphere and hall clean, who fills a bowl of kuah with fresh kava
- ho'opa'a - drummer and singer; ho'opa'a remembers mele and pule (prayers)
- ' ōlapa - dancers
More than two hula styles
Today, hula styles are often divided into kahiko and 'auana.
The word kahiko means old, so hula kahiko refers to ancient hula.
The word ' auana means to wander, and hula 'auana is a modern hula in which the dance "wanders the tradition".
But there are other styles of hula, for example:
- hula pahu (sacred pahu or drum dance),
- ʻai haʻa (high energy low position dance) ...
//and that's not all! I know for sure that there is a special style of humorous hula, for example.../
"Garbage Collection"
Hula students often go to the forests to gather plants for performances and special occasions.
If hula students are on their way to pick ferns or flowers and you ask them what they are doing, they can simply say: “I ka ʻohi ʻōpala” (I’m going to collect garbage).
This form of response probably appeared as a means of avoiding an unfortunate outcome (for example, not finding suitable plants or getting into bad weather).
This tradition is similar to the practice of Hawaiian fishermen who say they are going "holoholo" rather than fishing (hukilau).
Before a student of hula enters the forest of Laki, a prayer is chanted mele kāhea for permission to enter. The answer is the signs of nature, indicating the acceptance or denial of the request.
A similar chant is used to ask permission to enter the halau hula, which is also considered a sacred place. If the request is approved, kumu will answer mele komo (singing a permissive phrase). It is curious that in some halau these two meles are used in reverse (swap).
If permission is not granted immediately, the student repeats his mele until permission is granted.
Entrance to the sacred space requires being "makaukau", or ready.
What does kumu hula ask the group before each training session by singing:
- Ho'omakaukau?
And the students in chorus should answer "Ae" - yes.
When you are macaw you are calm, focused and free from any negative thoughts or energy. As a Macau, you are ready to receive teachings and gifts.
With teachings and gifts comes responsibility, or kuleana .
These are all indispensable parts of training in halau hula.
Hula as a profession
The hula dancers in Waikiki were not the first to make a living from hula dancing. Traditionally, the best hula dancers were at the court of the chiefs (aliyah). Their food and livelihood were provided.
Some hula dancers made a living moving from place to place and performing for spectators (the most famous of them is the Ariori clan, peace dancers).
Celebrations and other events may require hula. The biggest occasion for hula was at the birth of a high chief. The death of the paramount chief will also be an occasion for hula, in which the songs and dances written for that ali'i will be sung.
Also, in some communities it was customary to dance hula in honor of special guests.
Hawaii without hula?
It's hard to imagine Hawaii without hula. However, there was a time when blasphemy was forbidden. Among the laws prohibiting murder, robbery and other heinous acts was the prohibition of public blasphemy .
Hula was seen as a pagan practice in the eyes of Protestant missionaries.
When Queen Kaahumanu converted to Christianity, she proclaimed in 1830 along with a law encouraging her people to follow the Word of God, a ban on blasphemy in public places. Letters to local newspapers denounced the practice of hula.
In 1851, a law was passed requiring a license to speak in public. And a few years later, a license that cost $10 per performance only allowed hula performances in Honolulu and Lahaina, and not in any other public place.
But halau hula still worked, albeit in secret, on all the islands.
And only during the reign of David Kalakaua (at the very end of the 19th century) hula gained a second wind after 50 years of persecution. Thanks to his support and love for hula, hula again entered the mainstream of Hawaiian values openly distributed on the islands..
Festival The Merry Monarch in Hilo, Hawaii is named after him and is the most colorful annual hula event in the world.
Ha'ina'ia mai ana ka puana
Hula is the physical, visual expression of our stories and therefore our lives. The words and thoughts of our poets are enhanced by the dance.
Hula reflects the beauty of nature and radiates pride for our homeland.
And she still has high standards.
The halau hula has special rules and aspirations for its students.
Transfer of knowledge from kumu-hula to students.
Unity in body, mind and spirit of all dancers performing together.
The level of discipline required to study hula, in understanding what value is gained here.
Clarity, accuracy, completeness and perfection of each element of nature, and at the same time its refinement and tenderness - must be fully reproduced in hula.
There is life in blasphemy.
Our stories and language live through her.
And as we dance our hula and chant our chants, our Hawaiian world comes alive, from our wisest ʻāina and kūpuna to our future generations.
Hula is the dance of life, and for some, hula is life itself. It is a way to live and interact with the world around us with reverence and aloha.
A great way to live.
Hula-dushata on Khawai - Dancing stile
published on January 31, 2013, 9:18 hours from Aleks Vutova
Hula e choked on Khawai, depicted through movement on the dance floor. ritual. Some kind of vervat, the dance was beaten by itself from the husband, but historically it is shown that they were married and married. goals. It is exceptionally unique and different from the tov, every single movement of it has its own meaning. Through the pressure on the dancer, a plant, animals and even war can be shown. , than this or that, turning into a shark or, in response, a darvoto. Characteristically, they wear crowns from palm and clones or blooming, gender or in Hawaiian "pau", which is directed from "tapa", and "kupea" or, in fact, hryvnia for krakata, which they ruled from zbite on a shark or sea heap. In antiquity, sometimes religious dance was still beaten, training in such a school was called hula halau hula, it was a lot difficult and the discipline was huge. sa could yes si rezhat noktite and mow, they beat the abuse and keep the definitions, and sig sigurnost without sex. from the altar of light to Laka, someone beat the decoriran from flowering and palm trees. When the students finished the school, they organized a huge celebration, for some reason they ate the prase and danced the last dances, they prepared some of them before finishing their days. Nowadays, toshi dance is extremely common in Hawaii and is the main tourist attraction. In Japan, for example, yes shi is a prestigious hula dance instructor, but the toji style is extremely exotic and beautiful. And Sega is unable to be sampled by dance .. Slovsthnost is turned off the hazel -free and CAZVA Khukilau Khukilau For the Hawaiian dancers, it is characteristic, what is the Duma from the Daden's Songs of the Sluttered Kogato Dancing, Motor Motion, Cois. |