How to do the caramelldansen dance
How to Do the Caramelldansen Dance
How to Do the Caramelldansen DanceA crazy dance introduced by the Swedish band Caramell, the Caramelldansen, has received great response over the years. Specially on Internet, this style has been admired globally.
There are hardly any difficult rules involved in this style. It is total fun, and pretty easy to perform. A lot of people practice this style at the parties to add a special fun element.
Imagine the party is going at a slow pace, and you want to do something different. Just ask the DJ to play the song “Caramelldansen” and start dancing with energy. The craziness is the heart of this thrilling dance style.
Before doing it in public, you need to learn it well. Confidence is the key, as you cannot afford to be shy at any moment. When the song plays, you just need to start dancing with full energy.
First of all, get the song "Caramelldansen" on iTunes. It is easily available on the web as well. If you are unable to get it in your iPod or MP3 player, watch the video on YouTube.
Watching the video more than a few times will give you a great idea about the song and its theme. You can download it on your computer or mobile for the later use.
Play the song at a high volume, and start moving your body. The very first step is moving your knees forward alternately, as if you are walking.
It is not as simple as it sounds. While moving your knees, you need to ensure that your feet don’t leave the ground. Lifting your feet off the surface is the thing that you need to avoid.
After moving the knees, slowly start shaking your hips.
Make sure you don’t stop moving your legs. Doing it together could be a bit difficult in the beginning, but you will surely get over it. Shake your hips from side to side, and keep enjoying the moment.
Now, it is the time to hold your fists. Do it from the sides of your hands. The grip must be gentle; otherwise, you would feel uncomfortable in opening and closing them, which is an important part of this dance. Open and close as you shake.
You have completed all the moves. Now you should increase the pace of your steps. Start dancing as fast and as you can, and this will make the Caramelldansen style.
Posted by lewis-tom in Dance
Caramelldansen | Caramella Girls Wikia
- Remake
- English
- German
- Spanish
- Piano Mix
- Christmas 2020
- Christmas 2009
- Caramell Eng.
- Caramell Ger.
- Caramell Christmas 2009
Supergott (Speedy Mixes)
Caramelldansen (Speedy Mixes)
Release Date
Original: November 16, 2001
Speedy Mixes: May 1, 2008
Music Video: May 19, 2008
Original: 3:30
Speedy Mixes: 2:55

The original version of the song was released on November 16, 2001, in the Supergott album. It had a tempo of 138 Beats Per Minute and in key E♭ major.
The sped up version was released on May 1, 2008, in the Supergott (Speedy Mixes) album. It had a tempo of 165 Beats Per Minute and was in the key F♯ major. This version is the most known and memed of.
Caramella Girls in 2008 uploaded a 3D animated video with 3 anime looking girls dancing to the beat of the sped up version, which introduced it to the internet and became a world-wide meme. The song is one of most popular and oldest memes of the internet.
Since mid 2000s the song travelled all around the world with fandubs, animations, parodies, tributes, memes, etc. In 2020, the song became a meme once more, with videos of people blasting the song with color lights while staring at the camera directly and/or blasting the song on the street.
- 1 Timeline
- 2 Lyrics
- 3 Videos
- 4 Trivia
- 5 References
- Original Version: November 16, 2001.
Released in the album: "Supergott" by Caramell.
- Speedy Mixes Version: May 1, 2008. Released in the album: "Supergott (Speedy Mixes)" by Caramella Girls. Originally sped up by an artist named Speedycake in 2006.[citation needed] Previously known as Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix).
- Swedish 3D Animated Video: May 19, 2008. Found in the Caramella Girls' YouTube Channel.
- Caramelldansen (Speedy Mixes): June 28, 2008. This was an EP which contained different remixes of Caramelldansen such as: Nordposse Remix, Dan J Goez Jump Mix and Rye Remix. These remixes were created by different people but released officially by Caramella Girls.
- English Version (Caramelldancing): September 17, 2008. Followed by a re-upload in 480p.
- German Version (Caramelltanzen): April 29, 2009
- English Christmas Version: November 26, 2009. Video was removed following the release of the 2020 Christmas music video.
- Japanese Version: December 3, 2009. Originally released by the Japanese idol group "Fruits" on July 16, 2008. This version is sung in the popular Japanese misheard lyrics and is not a direct translation of the song's original lyrics.
- English HD Video: November 1, 2011
- Swedish HD Video: June 5, 2012
- English 2D Animated Remake (10th Caramelldansen Anniversary): May 22, 2018. Ana Villanueva in collaboration with Caramella Girls made a remake of the original animated video with the 2D models of the characters.
- 2018 English Christmas Video: December 18, 2020. The original upload was deleted.
- English 4K Video (Removed): March 27, 2021
- Spanish 4K Video: April 2, 2021. This version had been requested ever since the original version, and thanks to Ana Villanueva they could finally make it.
- English 4K Video (Re-upload): April 4, 2021. Original 4K version had some audio issues and video failures that were fixed in this release.
- Swedish 4K Video: April 9, 2021
- German 4K Video: April 16, 2021
Vi undrar är ni redo att vara med
Armarna upp nu ska ni få se
Kom igen
Vem som helst kan vara med (vara med)
Så rör på era fötter
Och vicka era höfter
Gör som vi
Till denna melodi
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med
Det blir en sensation överallt förstås
På fester kommer alla att släppa loss
Kom igen
Nu tar vi stegen om igen
Så rör på era fötter
Och vicka era höfter
Gör som vi
Till denna melodi
Så kom och
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med
Så kom och
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med
We wonder, are you ready to join us now?
Hands in the air, we will show you how
Come and try
Caramell will be your guide (be your guide)
So come on, move your hips, sing
Look at YouTube clips, do it
You and me
Can sing this melody
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat
Forever and forever
Listen and learn
It is time for prancing
Now we are here
With Caramelldancing
From Sweden to UK, we will bring our song
Australia, USA, and people of Hong Kong
They have heard
This meme all around the world
So come on, move your hips, sing
Look at YouTube clips, do it
You and me
Can sing this melody
So come and
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat
Forever and forever
Listen and learn
It is time for prancing
Now we are here
With Caramelldancing
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat
Forever and forever
Listen and learn
It is time for prancing
Now we are here
With Caramelldancing
So come and
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat
Forever and forever
Listen and learn
It is time for prancing
Now we are here
With Caramelldancing
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat
Forever and forever
Listen and learn
It is time for prancing
Now we are here
With Caramelldancing
Bist du nun bereit richtig abzugehen
Komm lass dich falln und dann wirst du sehn
Sei dabei der tanz hier
Ist für jedermann (jedermann)
Tanze zu dem beat
Lass die hüfte schwingen
Machs wie wir
Spürst du die melodie
Komm tanze mit
Klatsche in die hände
Du bist dabei
Springe und fühl dich frei
Hör zu und lern
Du bist an der reihe
Jedermann liebt das Caramelltanzen
Dieser tanz wird unser liebster sein
Wir tanzen durch die nacht bis zum morgengrauen
Wir fangen gleich von vorne an
Tanze zu dem beat
Lass die hüfte schwingen
Machs wie wir
Spürst du die melodie
Und los gehts
Komm tanze mit
Klatsche in die hände
Du bist dabei
Springe und fühl dich frei
Hör zu und lern
Du bist an der reihe
Jedermann liebt das Caramelltanzen
Komm tanze mit
Klatsche in die hände
Du bist dabei
Springe und fühl dich frei
Hör zu und lern
Du bist an der reihe
Jedermann liebt das Caramelltanzen
Und los gehts
Komm tanze mit
Klatsche in die hände
Du bist dabei
Springe und fühl dich frei
Hör zu und lern
Du bist an der reihe
Jedermann liebt das Caramelltanzen
Komm tanze mit
Klatsche in die hände
Du bist dabei
Springe und fühl dich frei
Hör zu und lern
Du bist an der reihe
Jedermann liebt das Caramelltanzen
オナラでリードをトラップ (Onara de rido o torappu)
肺の中 ソースは日本人 (Hai no naka sosu wa Nihonjin)
コミケ~ (Komike~)
目を覚ませフォロミ (フォロミ) (Me o samase foromi (foromi))
ちょレコード屋さんで ワッハッハ (Cho rekodo-ya-san de Wahaha)
取りかえなヘルプをラララ~ (Torikaena herupu o lalala~)
要すに 自然なメロディ (Yosu ni, shizen'na merodi)
ウマ ウマ ああ (Uma Uma aa)
バルサミコ酢 やっぱ要らへんで (Barusamiko-su, yappa irahen de)
幼女に乗れた 仁王立ちの先生 (Yojo ni noreta niodachi no sensei)
滅相もないミサイル本戦 (Messo mo nai, misairu honsen)
滅多に逢えぬ キャラメル探偵 (Metta ni aenu Kyarameru tantei)
ウッーウッーウマウマ (Uu-Uu-Uma-Uma)
ウッーウッーウマウマ (゚∀゚) (Uu-Uu-Uma-Uma-Aa)
ウッーウッーウマウマ (Uu-Uu-Uma-Uma)
ウッーウッーウマウマ (゚∀゚) (Uu-Uu-Uma-Uma-Aa)
金融車で東名は楽勝 (Kin'yu-sha de Tomei wa rakusho)
吸い込めながら 引っ張るの (Suikomenagara hipparu no)
コミケ~ (Komike~)
少女見て 飲みてえ (Shojo mite nomite)
ウマ ウマ ああ (Uma Uma aa)
ちょレコード屋さんで ワッハッハ (Cho rekodo-ya-san de Wahaha)
取りかえなヘルプをラララ~ (Torikaena herupu o lalala~)
要すに 自然なメロディ (Yosu ni, shizen'na merodi)
そこを (Soko wo)
バルサミコ酢 やっぱ要らへんで (Barusamiko-su, yappa irahen de)
幼女に乗れた 仁王立ちの先生 (Yojo ni noreta niodachi no sensei)
滅相もないミサイル本戦 (Messo mo nai, misairu honsen)
滅多に逢えぬ キャラメル探偵 (Metta ni aenu Kyarameru tantei)
バルサミコ酢 やっぱ要らへんで (Barusamiko-su, yappa irahen de)
幼女に乗れた 仁王立ちの先生 (Yojo ni noreta niodachi no sensei)
滅相もないミサイル本戦 (Messo mo nai, misairu honsen)
滅多に逢えぬ キャラメル探偵 (Metta ni aenu Kyarameru tantei)
ウッーウッーウマウマ (Uu-Uu-Uma-Uma)
ウッーウッーウマウマ (゚∀゚) (Uu-Uu-Uma-Uma-Aa)
ウッーウッーウマウマ (Uu-Uu-Uma-Uma)
ウッーウッーウマウマ (゚∀゚) (Uu-Uu-Uma-Uma-Aa)
そこを (Soko wo)
バルサミコ酢 やっぱ要らへんで (Barusamiko-su, yappa irahen de)
幼女に乗れた 仁王立ちの先生 (Yojo ni noreta niodachi no sensei)
滅相もないミサイル本戦 (Messo mo nai, misairu honsen)
滅多に逢えぬ キャラメル探偵 (Metta ni aenu Kyarameru tantei)
バルサミコ酢 やっぱ要らへんで (Barusamiko-su, yappa irahen de)
幼女に乗れた 仁王立ちの先生 (Yojo ni noreta niodachi no sensei)
滅相もないミサイル本戦 (Messo mo nai, misairu honsen)
滅多に逢えぬ キャラメル探偵 (Metta ni aenu Kyarameru tantei)
Ahora estamos todos listos ya
Manos arriba no os quedéis atrás
Ya verás
Las Caramella son lo más (son lo más)
Mueve tus caderas, canta
Mira Youtube clips, hazlo
Tú y yo cantando esta canción
Baila al compás
Agita tus manos
Siente el calor
No pares ya no pares
Vamos allá, que nadie se canse
Así se baila el Caramelldansen
En Suecia, Inglaterra se oye esta canción
Australia, América, gente en Hong Kong
Con este meme. .. ya llegó la diversión
Mueve tus caderas, canta
Mira Youtube clips, hazlo
Tú y yo cantando esta canción
¡Ya vamos!
Baila al compás
Agita tus manos
Siente el calor
No pares ya no pares
Vamos allá, que nadie se canse
Así se baila el Caramelldansen
Baila al compás
Agita tus manos
Siente el calor
No pares ya no pares
Vamos allá, que nadie se canse
Así se baila el Caramelldansen
¡Ya vamos!
Baila al compás
Agita tus manos
Siente el calor
No pares ya no pares
Vamos allá, que nadie se canse
Así se baila el Caramelldansen
Baila al compás
Agita tus manos
Siente el calor
No pares ya no pares
Vamos allá, que nadie se canse
Así se baila el Caramelldansen
We wonder, are you ready for Christmas time?
Snow in the air and the stars will shine
Spread the light
Santa Claus is here tonight (here tonight)
So let us celebrate, sing
'Cuz everything is great, feel it
Sing with me this Christmas melody
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat forever and forever
Listen and learn; it is time for prancing
Christmas is here with Caramelldancing
This is the time of year where we're having fun
When you give a gift to a special one
Boy and girl, it's Christmas all around the world
So let us celebrate, sing
'Cuz everything is great, feel it,
Sing with me this Christmas melody
So come and
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat forever and forever
Listen and learn; it is time for prancing
Christmas is here with Caramelldancing
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat forever and forever
Listen and learn; it is time for prancing
Christmas is here with Caramelldancing
(Merry christmas! Ha ha ha!)
So come and
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat forever and forever
Listen and learn; it is time for prancing
Christmas is here with Caramelldancing
Dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat forever and forever
Listen and learn; it is time for prancing
Christmas is here with Caramelldancing
Caramell - Caramelldansen Swedish Original (Official)
Caramell - Caramelldansen (Official English Version)
360p Original
Caramell - Caramelldansen (English version) Official
480p Re-upload
Caramell - Caramelltanzen German version (Official)
Caramell - Caramelldansen (Christmas Version)
First Christmas Version later removed in 2020.
Caramell - Caramelldansen (Japanese Version)
Caramell - Caramelldansen HD Version (English Original) Official
Caramell - Caramelldansen HD Version (Swedish Original) Official
Caramella Girls - Caramelltanzen HD Version (German Version)
Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen 4K - English
First 4K Version later removed.
Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen Español 4K
Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen English 4K
Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen Swedish 4K
Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen German 4K
Caramelldansen ウッーウッーウマウマ (゚∀゚) Japan 2008 Version
Caramelldansen ウッーウッーウマウマ (゚∀゚) Japan 2008 Version (SE)
Caramelldansen 2018 (Official)
Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen Piano Mix
Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen Christmas
Caramella Girls - Who Wrote Caramelldansen?
Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen - Stage Performance
This section is incomplete and could use a lot more information
- The version of Caramelldansen from the Supergott (Speedy Mixes) album was inspired by a nightcore version made by a DJ named Speedy Cake.
- The original music video from the Christmas version of Caramelldansen was uploaded to the Caramella Girls channel back in 2009, but since the release of the 2020 video, the original one is unaccessible.[2]
- At some points during the song Boop Boy, the vocals mimic part of the melody of Caramelldansen (o-o-oa-oa).[3]
- The Japanese version of Caramelldansen is not an actual translation of the song, but instead it contains the misheard japanese lyrics which made the song popular in Japan back in 2008.
- The Japanese version of Caramelldansen was not produced by Remix Records, but instead by the Japanese idol group "Fruits" under the label "Exit Tunes".[4]
- The Japanese version of Caramelldansen has a different instrumental in comparison to the German, English and Spanish versions. This instrumental was made by the Japanese idol group "Fruits".
- The idol group "Fruits" has never been explicitly mentioned or credited by Remix Records or Caramella Girls.
Not even in the Japanese version officially released on Youtube.[5]
- Caramella Girls did mention a "Japanese partner" in some 2D animated videos of Caramelldansen but it is unclear if it refers to the idol group "Fruits" or the label "Exit Tunes" which made the animations.[6]
- ↑ Caramelldansen (Speedy Mixes) inspired by Speedy Cake
- ↑ Caramelldansen Christmas Version (2009) no longer accessible
- ↑ Caramelldansen's (O-o-oa-oa) melody in Boop Boy
- ↑ Japanese version of Caramelldansen original upload on Nico Nico
- ↑ Idol gruop "Fruits" not being credited in the Japanese version of Caramelldansen officially released on Youtube
- ↑ Caramella Girls crediting a "Japanese Partner"
rhythmoplasty and children's dances "Baby Dance" (4-5 years old, 5-6 years old), Artistic dance (6-7 years old, 8-10 years old and older)
Announcement of Events RTS Artistic Dance Championship Final RTS Artistic Championship 202 Dance News November 08, 2022 The results of the performances of studio dancers at the 10th Anniversary Artistic Dance Ball November 5-6, 2022 September 18, 2022 Dance Weekend 2022. All news | 0043 is a modern dance direction that brings together a variety of dance styles and competitive categories. The priority of this direction is the development of a sense of beauty in movements, their expressiveness and musicality. Dance Studio "Caramel" invites children from 4 years and older to dance groups in the following directions:
Following the results of Artistic Dance Awards of the past dance season, our students are among the top three in the rating of Artistic dance participants among boys and girls in the Baby (under 7 years old) and Children-1 (8-9 years old) age categories.
You can sign up for classes by filling out the form in the "Register for classes" section, or call the phones on the page "Register for classes"
Caramell - Caramel dancer | Lyrics and Translation into Russian
- Lyrics
- Caramell
- Caramel dancer
You can simply accept it like this:
It remains to raise your hands up. ..
Come -
Today we are on the way.
And you lift your legs in the same way,
And smile and swing your hip.
And - like us -
To the rhythm of the melody.
You dance
And clap your hands
And, like us,
Stomp your feet again,
Don't waste your chance,
This is the rhythm
Caramel dance!
This rhythm is going to be successful today,
Even more parties for everyone.
Come -
No options to be found.
And you lift your legs in the same way,
And smile and swing your hip.
And - like us -
To the rhythm of the melody.
So come and... again
And clap your hands
And, like us,
Stomp your feet again,
Don't waste your chance,
This is the rhythm
Caramel dance!
You dance
And clap your hands
And, like us,
Stomp your feet again,
Don't lose your chance,
This is the rhythm of
Caramel dance!
Vi undrar r ni redo att vara med
Armarna upp nu ska ni f se
Vem som helst vickan vara med
S rr p era O ftter
era hfter
Gr som vi
Till denna melodi
Dansa med oss
Klappa era hnder
Gr som vi gr
Ta ngra steg t vnster
Lyssna och lr
Miss a inte0188 Nu r vi hr med