How to dance like a gypsy girl
Gypsy dance movements for beginners. Bright and colorful gypsy dances
Let's start with the fact that the gypsies are a nomadic people, only Lately somewhat settled: state borders impose restrictions on freedom of movement between countries. But even before that, the gypsy culture absorbed, transformed and reflected the dance culture of many, many peoples. Therefore, even if the gypsy girl did not become, strictly speaking, an international dance, then it is certainly one of the most beloved and familiar, for sure. A dance, the echoes of which can be easily found in every corner of the world.
Why study gypsy dance?
A gypsy is a kind of relaxation, a special worldview, love of freedom and breadth of nature. It is a concentrate of emotion and rhythm. And it is worth studying, at least in order to be "in the subject." After all, great festivities have Slavic peoples do not do without an incendiary solo performance or a free dance for everyone. And even if such festivities do not happen every day, even once you don't want to be on the "sidelines" of the general fun.
Who should learn gypsy dance?
"And the gypsy daughter for her beloved on the night of the kinship of the gypsy soul ..."
The philosophy of gypsy dance is inner freedom, therefore, it is worth choosing it for classes when there is an irresistible desire to be in this environment, to listen to this music and to feel its peculiar rhythm.
Where to begin?
An unequivocal answer - from listening to gypsy music: classical romances, works in the style of jas-manush, flamenco and, of course, a gypsy Hungarian woman - the famous "Gypsy".
And only in the case when the music finds a response in the soul, it is worth taking the next step in learning - finding a studio where the gypsy direction is taught. This could be the style:
- Stage
- Salon
The rest, from the currently existing directions, are usually not taught in dance studios. After all, the tabor style is a clot of improvisation, and the street style is a mix of movements pulled from the salon and tabor techniques. So, having learned the basics of stage or salon styles, you can almost certainly master the remaining two on your own.
Trial lesson
The last step in the initial phase is attending a test class in the studio. Only such experience can answer the question of the advisability of regular classes. After all, without trying, you will not know for sure. The first lesson does not require special preparation.
Clothes for the first lesson in gypsy dancing should not hinder movement. So tight and too short skirts will have to be put aside. Of course, ideally there should be a flared skirt in several layers, but it is unlikely that every beginner will have it in the wardrobe, so a free-silhouette skirt will be enough, and if not, then elastic trousers or leggings will do. There are no special requirements for the top.
Strictly speaking, shoes are not needed at all, because a gypsy dance is a barefoot dance, but in studios this is not a rule, so a comfortable pair of closed shoes with a low, stable heel, which fixes the foot well, will do.
Happy start in the chosen direction!
Like any other, this is the art of moving, stringing on the rhythm, like on a thread, characteristic, special movements... The brightest, practically business card the gypsy dance is shivering shoulders. According to researchers, this movement is almost the only author's movement, the rest were borrowed from other peoples. A prime example plagiarism is considered belly dancing, the undisputed progenitor of which is India.
Be that as it may, to the people who passed First stage common acquaintance and are now firmly convinced that the gypsy dance direction they are interested much more than any other, they are not very interested in the history of appearance and philosophy of style, it is much more exciting to start moving in a magical rhythm as soon as possible. This is later, when a certain level comes, when further improvement is required, then there will be a need to learn. In the meantime ... for now, get to class!
In reality, any business can be trained in two fundamentally different ways, in any case, at first:
- Self-education
- Learning with a teacher
Self-learning is good because
- 1.
Do not be ashamed, because no one will see the first mistakes and clumsy exits
- 2. Does not require special financial costs to pay for a subscription to the studio or the services of a personal trainer
- 3. Does not require the purchase of "decent" equipment, you can dance in your favorite clothes
- 4. There is no strict adherence to the schedule
- 5. Saves time, since it is not wasted on the road to and from the studio
Pros of learning with a tutor
- 1. The discipline of attendance based on the monetary component: the subscription is paid - it is necessary to study
- 2. Timely correction of mistakes by the coach
- 3. Interest in rapid growth, based on the desire "no worse than others"
- 4. Teamwork promotes leadership aspirations
The "solo" of training can also be a positive moment, because the gypsy dance, with rare exceptions, does not require a partner, which removes the problem of grinding in a pair for beginners.
It will be somewhat easier to learn if you have a choreographic education - basic foundations - of any other direction, simply because you have skills in possession own body, the sense of rhythm developed by past training. The shortest path to the mastery of gypsy dance from folk choreography.
At the first stages, any method is suitable, but after reaching a certain level and if you want to grow further, you can't do without a coach. The question of finding a teacher will not be easy, because not all dance studio today gypsy dance is taught. So, in order to achieve decent heights in this art, you will have to try very hard. But the road obeys those walking!
The movements of gypsy dances are quite simple, and the general purpose of the action is to create beautiful picture... And the performers succeed in this wonderfully well, because a people with such a rich culture and traditions cannot but amaze with their brightness and energy.
Cheerful male and female gypsy dances (photo)
The peculiarity of all gypsy dances is that the tempo of the movements, like the melody, is almost always slow at first. But then it gradually grows and in the end it becomes as fast and energetic as possible. Especially important is the play of the feet.
The most important movement in the male gypsy dance is the slap of his body at a fast and rhythmic pace. The basic movements in the female version also fall on the hands, but the gypsies do not touch their bodies, but gracefully and expressively rotate their arms and imitate the beating movement with their shoulders.
Gypsy dances come in several styles. The first type is tabor. This group does not have a specific system in the execution of movements. Tabor dances are designed to surprise fellow tribesmen with the manner and uniqueness of movements. That is why there are so many different combinations and improvisation.
The second direction is scenic. This type of dance is performed by artists for the audience. In this style of dance, the aesthetic side is very important - the brightness of the costumes, the automatism of movements, the effect of the show.
Another trend is the gypsy salon dance. This style is similar to the previous one, but the place where the dance is performed is not a large stage, but a modest company. The show takes place at celebrations, parties or at the client's home.
Well, the last style is street. He preceded the appearance of the stage version. Street gypsy dances are performed on the street in Everyday life... Today choreographers consider street dance improvised manner of performance. For example, a dancer knows all the basic steps, but performs them in any order. This feature street style dance makes it possible to adapt it to any situation. Artists can perform it in the most convenient manner, taking into account the number of spectators, the area of the dance floor, music, flooring, and so on.
Gypsy dances have penetrated almost all countries of the world. This is due nomadic way life of the Roma people in general. Where the Romans have lived enough for a long time, their shows greatly influenced the dances of other peoples. For example, in Spain the imprint of the Gypsy culture was reflected in the flamenco dance, and in Hungary an independent dance appeared in general - the Gypsy Hungarian. In Russia, at the beginning of the 19th century, a "gypsy girl with an exit" appeared.
Gypsy dance videos
Today we will tell you how to dance a gypsy dance with an exit, because it is this trend that is popular in our country.
The dance "gypsy with an exit" has, like all dances of this group, a slow start and an accelerated ending. That is, the action begins with a sensual soulful melody and movements that convey the whole soulfulness of the gypsies and their temperament, and then gradually picks up a rapid pace. "Gypsy Girl with an Exit" is a story show. Its purpose is to demonstrate feelings through movement. Thus, the themes of the dance are mainly human feelings especially love, jealousy, loyalty, devotion and betrayal. The plot of the dance turns it into a kind of performance.
The figures of the "gypsy" dance are performed in 8-16 measures. During male movements, the dance is filled with various sounds - these are clapping hands and tapping on various subjects, and tap dance. During the performance of the female part, the body, arms, shoulders and head rotate.
"Gypsy girl with an exit" has movements that are characteristic only for this type of gypsy dances - playing with fluffy skirts, trembling shoulders, snapping fingers and playing with monisto. Another feature of the "gypsy" is his solo performance. Yes, both men and women can be present on the stage, but they always take turns to demonstrate their skills. Pair or collective performance of the "gypsy" is not peculiar. If there are several women on the stage, they still perform solo in turn. dance elements, that is, there is always one woman on the stage, whose movements dominate at that moment over the movements of her partners.
Gypsy dance training (video tutorials)
Now let's learn a few basic steps gypsy action. People who are just learning how to perform the movements of the gypsy dance must first of all monitor their posture - it should be straight and proud. In addition, the hem of the skirt plays a huge role in the gypsy dance. Firstly, it should be long, and secondly, it should be very wide and comfortable so that the dancer can use it during her movements.
The first basic step of gypsy dance:
- We stand straight, spread our arms to the side, right hand keep the hem of the skirt.
- We wave our right hand and make a 90 ° turn, connect both hands, then separate them and return to their original position, and raise our hands up high behind our head.
- If the movement was made with our right hand, then at this time it should have been the first to make a step as well. right leg... We use it to cross and go back.
Second basic movement:
- We take the hem of the skirt in both hands and spread them to the sides.
- Then, in turn, we make a movement with each hand to the opposite shoulder: with the right hand to the left shoulder, with the left to the right.
- The legs in this movement make alternate ejections.
Video gypsy dance lesson for beginners
As you can see, the steps of the dance are really simple, but thanks to the wide gypsy skirt they look amazing.
Children's gypsy dance
Children's gypsy dance has been and will be popular at all times. The secret of his success lies directly in the spectacle. Little performers love to demonstrate their stage performances in front of their parents, educators, teachers and friends, and in return receive a standing ovation from the audience. This gives them indescribable pleasure and gives them confidence to conquer even more complex species skill.
Gypsy dance in the garden is guaranteed to give a lot of impressions to both parents and children. Just look at how artistic and temperamental the little dancers perform gypsy movements!
Habitual basic movements this incredible action can be supplemented with modern rhythms and elements so that the baby likes to learn something new.
If you plan to send your child to dance school, be sure to take a look at the gypsy dances. They will always and everywhere be relevant and spectacular, so your child's talent will not go unnoticed.
Gypsy Dance -
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from basic elements to dance sketches in the characters of Russian and Bessarabian gypsies
You will learn
- What are the characteristics of gypsy dance and why should it not be given to children under a certain age?
- What distinguishes the gypsy dance from other nationalities and what are its regional features?
- How to make a performance interesting and original and at the same time not use elements unusual for gypsy dance?
- What should you pay special attention to when staging etudes and concert numbers?
Gypsy dance - one of the most popular . But, at the same time, is one of the most difficult - both in terms of technique and in terms of execution.
A set of four lessons by Andrey Kulmanov will help you understand the intricacies and nuances of gypsy dance and prevent annoying mistakes when staging numbers in this character.
Lesson 1
contains practical material to start with.
The expert gradually and sequentially:
- introduces the participants of the master class to the main characteristic gypsy movements,
- talks about the peculiarities of the manner of performing the female and male parts and the interaction of partners in the dance,
- dwells in detail on the important points of the performance of the gypsy dance in general .
The second lesson
is devoted to staging studies in the gypsy character .
Together with an expert, you will analyze in detail which features in the construction of number should be taken into account and which movements are typical for men and which for women.
Separately study the technically complex male combination and find out what to look for when analyzing the elements of the combination, crackers.
In the course of the lesson the teacher also shares valuable additional information :
- why boys and girls were forbidden to touch each other in the dance;
- for students of what age can gypsy dance be included in the repertoire;
- How do Roma movements differ depending on the region of residence.
As a result, you will receive valuable material that you can use in preparing concert classes or for staging concert numbers .
In the third lesson
you will learn how the dances of gypsies living in different areas differ, and also, what are the common features and dance elements of the gypsy dance, regardless of geographical location.
Step by step and sequentially, you will analyze the main elements and movements of the Bessarabian gypsies , learn about the nuances of their implementation.
The fourth lesson
is devoted to staging dance etude based on the movements characteristic of gypsies of Bessarabia . In their dance vocabulary, the influence of the Moldovan folk dance is clearly traced. Material technically difficult , suitable for experienced performers.
You will take 9 from the lesson0015 a lot of interesting vocabulary , which you can use in other educational and dance combinations, etudes and performances.
In general, this set of online lessons will be useful for folk dance teachers who teach art schools and amateur dance groups . Due to age restrictions, the material is suitable for studying in high school with children from 15 years old or with adults performers who have a good base in folk and classical dance.
Who is the expert?
Andrey Kulmanov
Artist of the Krasnoyarsk State Academic Dance Ensemble of Siberia named after. M.S. Godenko. Choreographer, stage dance teacher, choreographer of cultural events and projects. Choreographer of the regional song and dance ensemble "Metelitsa". Honored Worker of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Gypsy Dance (Gypsy Girl) | Dance school "Impromptu"
Alexandra Usanova
Express your passion in dance!
Gypsy passionate dance cannot leave anyone indifferent. The dance of a gypsy girl is flying skirts, unusually beautiful hands and sparkling fractions with her feet !!! Gentle romance or fervent music call for a burning dance of Russian gypsies. Gypsy music mixed passion, pain, joy, and fun. The composition for a gypsy dance begins slowly and smoothly, a little lazily, and suddenly accelerates to the limit and dictates to the dancer a frantic dance of body and soul.
Today, various sites on the Internet abound with articles about the history of the emergence of gypsy dance, and we will not retell how gypsies came from India, enriching their culture, and gypsy dance with elements of culture and dances of other peoples of the world and Europe, in particular! We will talk about what Russian gypsy dance is like!
Many are sure that the Russian gypsy dance is to go out with a skirt to wave, and move your shoulders, that's all the movements of the gypsy dance. But in fact, people are deeply mistaken. The most difficult thing in Russian gypsy dance is the legs. Gypsies borrowed them from Russian folk dance: tunnels, tropak (trepak), rope, various crushers and crackers, rocking chair, winder, etc. The male dance is very energetic with a lot of crackers, quite complex and physically difficult, but we associate Russian gypsy dance mainly with very beautiful and passionate female parties.
The hands are very important in the female gypsy dance. The brushes can be both gentle and quite rough, but very expressive, something from flamenco, something from oriental dance.
Shaking the shoulders is also important, and for many beginners it is quite difficult to perform.
Gypsy dance is also rich in various tricks: these are all kinds of bridges and circles with the body in the stalls (on the floor), this is a spectacular fall to the floor, which undoubtedly brings the viewer into indescribable delight, and other acrobatic stunts.
And finally the skirt. Working with a skirt is quite simple, although it has some nuances, but what charm this accessory gives to the dance. Initially, gypsy skirts were not so puffy and long, but with the emergence of a pop version of gypsy dance, they became very beautiful, sewn from expensive fabrics, with many flounces and frills, and entrenched in our minds as an integral attribute of the “gypsy girl with an exit” dance.
Video from the performance of the gypsy dance group "Impromptu" with gypsy singer and pop singer Sergey Tarasov
But the most important thing that Russian gypsy dance is famous for is a special manner of performance: “Oh, I'm not afraid of frost, I go to bed in the cold”!!!
Gypsy dance training is a very intense physical activity and a lot of positive.
Gypsy dance lessons are held in the format of closed groups for beginners, intermediate and advanced students, where our gypsy ensemble trains.
Our Gypsy dance school is waiting for new students. Do not be shy, our gypsy team is very hospitable, cheerful, broken.
For those who find it convenient to work in contact - the address of the page of our school of gypsy dance in contact. Come, add, be surprised, enjoy.
Do you want to dance to the live singing of a real gypsy? In 2 months, with your great desire and diligence, you will be able to decorate our vocal dance concert with your magnificent performance.
Video from the performances of the gypsy dance group "Impromptu" with opera and pop singer Evgeny Berlin (stylized gypsy dance).
Video from gypsy dance lessons at the dance school "Impromptu".
Holding corporate holidays and team building is very important now. Very often we are asked to prepare employees for such an event, conduct a dance master class or stage a dance number for a corporate or team building. We not only put on a gypsy dance for a corporate party, but also select dance costumes for rent for employees. This is how, approximately, the costumed gypsy number prepared by us with a "bear" for a corporate holiday looks like.
Staging a gypsy dance for a corporate party, for team building in 1-2 lessons from scratch.
Online gypsy dance training by video.
And for those who live far from St. Petersburg, we have created a special online gypsy dance course so that you can learn from anywhere in the world, without leaving your home, using video, temperamental and hot gypsy dance ONLINE. The video course is already recorded. It can be purchased and practiced under the supervision of a teacher at any time convenient for you.
Up Corporate event, staging a dance at a corporate party, dancing for employees ›
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