How to do a dance bun with long hair
How To Do a Perfect Ballet Bun – BLOCH Dance US
Not sure how to make a perfect bun? Follow these step-by-step instructions to help you make a secure bun for ballet. Before you start, you will find it helpful to read all the instructions first, including the instructions on how to insert hairpins. A ballet bun generally sits in the center of the back of the head and is not visible from the front.
- Hair brush
- Long handled comb
- Hair elastic
- Hairspray
- Hair gel
- Hair net
- Hair pins
- Bobby pins
Get everything you need to make the perfect ballet bun in our Hair Kit.
The most effective pins for securing a bun are hairpins. Hairpins have several crimps (waves) in the middle of each prong, which help the pin grip the hair. The thicker, less flexible pins provide the strongest hold. Bobby pins are best used to hold down flyaway hairs or fringes and to secure curls or plaits. To use the bobby pin, it is best to hold it with the raised prong on the top side and slightly open.
Step 1: Make a ponytail
The first step to making a perfect ballet bun is putting your hair up into a ponytail. Brush all the hair towards the center back of the head. Gather the hair into a tight ponytail and secure with an elastic band, ensuring that there are no bumps. To stop frizzy and fly-away hairs, apply a small amount of gel evenly from the roots to the ends of the hair, with your fingers or with the comb. Children with very curly, thick or fine hair may need their hair gelled or sprayed before securing into a ponytail. Brush or gel fringes back off the face and secure with bobby pins if necessary.
Step 2: Twist into a bun
To make the ballet bun shape, hold the ponytail at the end and twist it firmly until it is all twisted into a rope. Then coil the ponytail into a flat circle around the hair elastic, continuing the coil in the same direction as the twist in the ponytail. This will stop the ponytail unravelling. Tuck the ends of the ponytail under the bun. Then place 3-4 hairpins around the bun to secure it, without taking your hands off the bun (see instructions for inserting hairpins). Next, place a hairnet over the bun. At this stage, you can make any adjustments to the shape of the bun. A finished ballet bun should be round and even in shape, and sit smoothly against the head.
Step 3: How to secure a bun using bobby pins
The final step to creating a perfect ballet bun is securing the bun. Hold the pin at the closed end, with the prongs facing the center of the coil. Insert the prongs a little way into the edge of the bun, catching a small amount of the bun edge. Then turn the prongs in and back outwards to catch some of the hair outside the bun. Lastly, turn the prongs inwards again and push into the center of the coil. Insert as many pins as you need to all around the edges of the bun, until it feels secure. Loose hairs can be gelled or sprayed to help them stay put.
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How To Make A Bun - Easy Step by Step Tutorial
For most parents of dancers, there comes a point in your daughter’s dance life that you will make a hair bun. It may be by choice for recital, a requirement for a class, or a performance, or she may just love the way it looks – like an official ballerina and request her hair be up. I have to laugh when I think back at how I tried to create a bun on my dancer’s hair when she was younger. While a bun was not a requirement for the recital, I loved the look and would try to create the illusion that she had much fuller hair and therefore a fuller bun than she actually had.
Fast forward a few years and the bun was the style for our company dancers. I was thrilled, but unless I wanted her thin hair to look like the size of a donut hole on top of her head, we needed some help. We had tried the sock bun, which was okay, but not great. As I began researching how to make a bun, I stumbled upon the perfect product for us – the hair donut. Check out how we incorporate the hair donut below to make a bun hairstyle that works easily for dance class, school or any performance. For dancers with thick hair, that don’t need to use a bun donut, the tutorial below may come in handy as well.
How To Make A Braided Bun – Quick Tutorial
How To Make A Bun – Step by Step
The Products We Used: Hair Donut, Brush, Comb, Gel, Clear Hair elastic, Hair Pins and Bobby Pins
Step 1: Add Gel To Hair:
This is a new gel for us, but we wanted to try it out. If you have a favorite hair gel to put your hair up, I would love to hear about it. We were headed out to dinner after this, and she did not want her hair as slicked back as we typically do for a performance or a dance competition. I tend to apply gel more heavily to the front, sides and underneath the hair in back, to help prevent flyaways.
Step 2: Put Hair Up Into Ponytail
Brush hair up into a ponytail based on the type of bun you would like to have. High ponytail for a high bun, in the middle of the back of the head for a bun that is straight back and lower for a low bun. My dancer prefers a high bun so that is what we will be demonstrating in this tutorial. For her ponytail, I use the clear elastic bands you can get at Sally’s Beauty Supply. They are inexpensive and hold up well, but during competition season, I only use them once and then toss them at the end of the day.
Step 3: Pull Ponytail Through Hair Donut
Slide the ponytail up through the center of the hole in the hair donut creating a loop. Continue to pull the hair all the way through the donut until the donut is at the base of the ponytail.
Step 4: Let Hair Fall and Cover Hair Donut
Tilt your dancer’s head forward and pull the ponytail straight up and allow the hair to fall over the donut covering all sides. When buying a hair donut, make sure to buy one as close to the color of your dancer’s hair as possible so it will blend nicely if it is not covered completely.
Step 5: Cover The Hair and Donut with an Elastic Hair Band
We use clear elastics for this, but you may use a regular hair tie if you prefer.
Once the elastic is on, I pull the extra hair down so I can see how much I have to pin around the bun. I take small strands of hair then twist, wrap and secure with bobby pins around the bun.
For class, we just hairspray and go like this, adding gel to the sides if necessary.
For Dance Competitions and Performances, we add a hair net and hairpins.
Step 6: Cover With a Hair Net
I cover the bun with the hair net then twist and wrap the remaining netting over the bun and secure the end with bobby pins.
Step 7: Add Hairpins to Secure the Bun
Insert hairpins into hair and donut to secure. Typically I insert the pin in a downward motion and then push back up. This seems to work better than just sticking the hairpin straight into the bun.
The Finished Product – Spray with hairspray and your dancer will be performance ready!
Do you have a favorite hair product you use when styling your dancer’s hair?
Additional accessories other dance moms have found to be helpful – dry shampoo, spiral bobby pins, and hair extensions to create a bigger bun.
how to make a bun for a child, a bun for girls with short hair, haircuts for boys
Parents often start taking their little ones to ballroom dancing from a very young age. Parents give their children the opportunity to show their creative and physical abilities. Uniform, shoes - this is something you can not do without at ballroom dancing. But, of course, another component of the image is the hairstyle. Without it, one cannot create the impression of completeness of the appearance. It is important for performances and for training to choose the hairstyle that will be comfortable. Laying curls is not so difficult, so you should heed the advice of experts. 9Ol000 - step by step
Hairstyles for girls - photo hairstyles for ballroom dancing
If a girl is engaged in ballroom dancing, then it is very easy to distinguish her from the general mass of children. Usually girls have a good posture, all movements are smooth, the figure is chiseled, the ballroom styling is special. Such dance classes discipline girls. When the hair is well combed, they will not cause inconvenience. Moreover, such hairstyles are not afraid of rain, snow and other bad weather conditions.
What a girl's hairstyle should look like:
- Smooth, neat styling. A fluffy tail, a French braid is not suitable for ballroom dancing, there should be elegance and restraint.
- There should be no hanging strands, curly curls in the hairstyle. Long bangs and stray strands from the overall hairstyle are not entirely appropriate in this case.
- The hairstyle should be well fixed and, of course, it should be comfortable. When you collect your hair in a bun, it is very important to fix it well. This must be done so that the hairstyle simply does not fall apart during the dance. It is important to choose a good strong elastic band, invisible and hairpins. For performances, you need a varnish with a strong fixing ability.
- The hairstyle should fully reveal the face, it should be expressive.
In dancing, not only the movements of the body, arms, legs are important, but facial expressions are also very important. After all, it is often the facial expressions that are able to fully convey the emotions from the dance. Often there are no bangs in ballroom hairstyles, but it happens differently. It is allowed to use a bang, which is laid on its side. You can also see small flat-looking rings, which are also laid on their side, fixed with varnish.
For regular workouts, you don't need to do some incredible hairstyles, just make a bun or a bun. They fix such a hairstyle with the most ordinary mesh, which can be bought in the accessories department. You can also buy everything you need for dancing in specialized stores.
In the video - hairstyles for ballroom dancing:
What haircuts can be made for short hair
It is recommended to grow hair to the shoulders. This is the optimal length of hair, which is necessary for dancing. Too short curls will constantly interfere, climb into the eyes and, in general, distract from the main work. While the girl's hair is still too small and short, then you can pin up the strands with the help of invisibility.
Not very comfortable bangs are also fixed with clips. Another option for ballroom dancing hairstyles: 2 small ponytails can be made from below, the remaining ones are combed back in front and also stabbed. It is very important that the hairpins do not interfere, but at the same time are well attached to the hair and do not fall during class.
Video hairstyles for ballroom dancing master class:
For public performances, exams, final concerts, varnish is indispensable. Here, additional fixing is indispensable. Of course, such events are not held very often, so you can use varnish several times a year. The most important thing here is to choose a reliable high-quality gel, spray, varnish. Choose products from well-known manufacturers. Cosmetic oil is often used to create a smooth hairstyle.
What teen hairstyles for boys are the most popular, you can see in the photo in this article.
But what a fashionable hairstyle for a teenager boy looks like can be seen in the photo in this article.
Which hairstyles for short hair to school are best for a teenager can be understood from the content in this article: a light hairstyle for a teenager on September 1 is the most suitable, as well as how such hairstyles look on models, you can understand by reading and watching the photos and videos in this article.
This product is considered to be natural, so the hair will not be damaged.
How to do styling?
- A couple of drops are enough for styling. The oil is applied to the hair and combed well along the entire length.
- The entire surface of the head is divided into 2 parts. The parting should be located on the side.
- They need to be removed by the ears and stabbed with invisibles.
- Front hairstyle can be decorated with beautiful barrettes. Usually they choose such hairpins that will be more suitable for the nature of the dance.
- The hairstyle is ready, it needs to be treated with varnish.
As the hair grows, stop using fixatives. The child's hair grows very quickly, so parents will not need to use synthetic products for a very long time. No need to use the spray for girls under the age of 4. During this period, the hair can be easily damaged.
When they get below the shoulders, it is no longer so difficult to collect them in a suitable hairstyle. The best is the length of the hair coming from the shoulder blades and slightly below them.
For dancing, this hair length is the best. Of course, the quality of the hair also plays a huge role. If they are very thick and long, then there will be a difficulty in that the hairstyle will be very heavy. To create the desired image, you need a lot of hairpins. In the case of long and sparse hairs, it is possible that the length is slightly longer. As a result, it is very easy to make a bun from the hair, located above or below. Strands of hair are very convenient to fasten.
The “cascade” haircut for girls aged 12 is very popular, but this is exactly what you should not do. In this case, strands of different lengths will be quite difficult to collect hair in one bun. And strands of the same length can be easily put together. Usually, for dancing classes, teachers advise making simple buns or bunches. You can also make buns from braided hair.
How to make a bun?
- Comb your hair thoroughly, then make a big ponytail as high as possible.
The tail is tied with a good elastic band. The tail should not wobble or dangle.
- Now the hair needs to be divided in half and a tourniquet is made from each. First, one tourniquet, then the other must be wrapped around the elastic band and secured with hairpins.
- You can use another option to create hairstyles. In the case of thin hair, you can do the following. A pigtail is woven from the tail and it is already wrapped around. The structure is fastened with studs.
- You can do without a pigtail. Just twist the hair into one flagellum and make a bun out of it.
Now it is popular not only among girls involved in ballroom dancing, but also among adult ladies hairstyle with a donut. For girls, this is the chance to get a sleek hairstyle. You can buy an accessory made of foam rubber in a cosmetics store. You can also make a bagel yourself. To do this, you need a synthetic sock. You just need to cut off the top and roll it into a ring, the bagel is ready.
Hairstyle with the help of such a donut is quite simple.
- The best hair length is shoulder length or shoulder blade length.
- A tight tail is tied at the back of the head, the curls are combed.
- A foam rubber ring is put on the tail, on the elastic itself.
- Strands need to be tucked under the elastic and fix the result with invisibility.
- Not very wide strands need to be fixed one by one.
- After creating the hairstyle, you should make sure that the strands are all well fixed and do not fall out of the general styling.
- The resulting beam is varnished.
On video hairstyles for ballroom dancing, a bun:
What are the most popular hairstyles for long hair for teenage girls, as well as how well they look in photos and videos, you can see in this article.
It will also be interesting to know about short haircuts for teenage girls.
But what stylish hairstyles for teen girls are best to use and which are most often used by teenagers themselves, you can read in detail in this article.
If your child has short hair, you should read the article to find out what beautiful children's hairstyles for short hair are and which ones are best to choose.
But how to make a children's hair bow hair, you can see the video in this article.
Sports men's ballroom haircuts
Not only girls, but also boys go to ballroom dancing. After all, usually such dances are created in tandem with a partner. That is why it is necessary to make the image complete not only for the girl, but also for the boy. If a guy has a sporty hairstyle that meets the current fashion trends, then such a masculine hairstyle will look out of place in the dance.
In the photo - a hairstyle for boys:
Rules for creating a hairstyle for a boy
To create a hairstyle for a boy, you need to know about the rules that you need to follow.
If you look at Italian dancers, you can see that the haircuts have a straight silhouette. The back of the head and temples are often shaved. But dancers from Latin America do not like such haircuts, but prefer smoother lines. Sometimes even smooth lines along the entire length of the hair adorn the hair.
Before creating a hairstyle, it is very important to create an initial correct haircut. If the hair grows strongly and is cut unevenly, then creating a beautiful image will not work. Next, the hair must be clean. In this case, you can already start working on the hair.
When you need to do your hair at home, it is important to prepare in advance. To do this, you will need to buy combs with different calibers. We need combs of a flat shape, with wide and frequent teeth, a comb-brushing. The last type of comb helps to give sufficient volume.
In the video - a hairstyle for ballroom dancing for boys:
How to make a boy's hairstyle - step by step
Making a hairstyle for a guy seems to be simple, but at the same time difficult. If the haircut is done correctly, then you just need to lay the hair in the direction in which it is necessary, fix it and the hairstyle is ready. But if the length of the hair is slightly longer, then it will be difficult to style the hair, here you need to think about how to do it right.
Perhaps the easiest styling option is to comb all the hair back and fix it very well with varnish. The hairstyle can be made smooth, with a uniform wave over the entire surface. The effect of wet hair is also quite popular.
On the ballroom dance video for boys:
Here are some tips to help you create more volume.
- Apply a strong hold foam to clean hair. In this case, the hair needs to be washed only with shampoo, the conditioner does not need to be used.
- Dry the hair with a powerful hair dryer with a narrow nozzle. As a result, the hair can be given volume and styled in the direction you want.
- The next step is to create a parting. Parting should be done from the middle of the eyebrow, going to the crown. For this parting option, you must use a double brush. Such a brush will easily make an even parting and will not remove the resulting volume.
- If the boy has a bang, then it must be made in the form of a cornice. The bangs need to be brushed up and down. But at the same time, the whole comb should go a little to one side.
- The final stage is hair modeling. In this case, wet gel will help. It must be distributed over the surface of the hair with the help of hands, while the created volume will not disappear.
- Lacquer is the finishing touch. With it, the hair is fixed, so it can retain its beauty for a long time.
Hair for ballroom dancing can be done by yourself and at home. Hairstyle for a girl is also not difficult to do on your own. The tips above will help you get the perfect look.
Hairstyles for ballroom dancing - how to make a hairstyle, options, step-by-step photo and video instructions
In sports ballroom dancing, as in rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating, an impeccable appearance is extremely important. This helps the participants feel more confident and comfortable, does not distract the jury from non-standard solutions of stylists. Today there are detailed standards for men and women regarding costume, hair and make-up requirements for dance competitions. In the article we will look at what women's hairstyles for ballroom dancing are, which can be used both for competitive performances and in everyday life.
Standards and requirements
All requirements regarding the appearance of participants in artistic sports are established by the rules of international federations.
Each discipline is different, highlights for ballroom dancing:
- the hairstyle should look neat and perfectly styled;
- all curly strands must be straightened, and short and unruly hair must be pinned up additionally or use styling products;
- the emphasis in styling is on convenience and practicality - you can’t allow your hair to bloom right during the performance;
- it is undesirable to use bulky, uncomfortable hair designs, as well as very tight fasteners, in order to avoid unnecessary discomfort during the dance;
- styling should not cover the face, in the classical requirements there is a ban on wearing bangs;
- hairstyle should be combined with the overall style of the costume and make-up, as well as match the idea of the number. If this is a pair performance, then the outfit is selected taking into account the partner;
- some original hairstyles and minor deviations from the standard are allowed, but there should be no excesses;
- for children's competitions, all types of false hair are prohibited, as well as lush bouffants, glitter varnish and very high styling.
The choice of hairstyle always depends on the program of the performance. For example, for Latin American dances, a tail is often used. And for European classics, the golden standard is a bun or shell, which perfectly emphasize the beauty of the neck line.
The most stringent requirements for the appearance of athletes in rhythmic gymnastics. That is why most participants prefer a smooth beam, which is fixed in several layers.
Basic decorations and tools
Already from the first years of ballroom dancing, athletes are taught how to create their own hairstyles - this is important both for ordinary trainings and for small competitions where there are no professional stylists. As a rule, experienced athletes have a decent arsenal of various styling tools. Basic fixtures:
- Soft hair brush, essential for detangling and smoothing curls.
- Special long-handled comb for beautiful parting.
- Wooden or plastic hair comb.
- A set of tight and strong rubber bands. As a rule, two sets are required - transparent and the same color as the hair.
- Ordinary and decorative hairpins (invisible).
- Shade-matching bun roller.
- Nets of different colors for forming a bun.
- Strong hold gel, wax and hairspray.
These tools and accessories are suitable for creating hairstyles for ballroom dancing or ballet, as well as for other disciplines - rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating. For synchronized swimming, an additional water-repellent gel is required.
It is best to purchase a professional tool right away. It is easier to work with it, and the wear resistance and quality of the material is a level higher than household appliances.
Ballroom Hairstyles
For different directions and ages there are certain requirements for the appearance of participants.
Hairstyles that are great for a Latin American program will be out of place in a European one. Below we will look at the most common options for women.
Latin American sports classics are characterized by bright images. It is here that some deviations from the standards are allowed in order to emphasize and enhance the expressiveness of the partner. Most often it is the tail. This hairstyle is great for athletes with long hair.
Creating a tail is not difficult, but it is important to consider the requirements:
- hair should be perfectly even, and the tip should be dense and well-groomed;
- haircut is updated no later than 1 day before the performance;
- combing of the tail must be carried out before each exit to the floor;
- requires a complete and thorough licking of the hair.
Here is a classic ballroom ponytail:
- Wash hair well and dry slightly. Carefully smooth with an iron.
- Fix the front straightened strands on the back of the head with an elastic band. It can also serve as an element of decor.
- Bangs must be laid on the side or straight. After that, fix it securely.
- From several strands or the entire volume of hair, make a tail. A braid is also allowed, additionally fixed with elastic bands.
An elastic band for fixing the tail is usually selected either to match the hair or the shade of the suit. She must pull her hair very tightly so that the styling lasts the entire program. To enhance the fixation, you can additionally use varnish.
Adult participants may wear a hairpiece to match their own hair.
Braid bun
This hairstyle is suitable for both training and performances. Its plus is that styling is easy to do on your own. At the same time, the pigtail bun looks strict, but at the same time very elegant.
Step Algorithm:
- Pre-washed and straightened hair, treat with any styling product along the entire length.
- Assemble at desired height. Tie a tight tail.
- Braid some braids. They can be of different thickness, it doesn't matter.
- Twist all hair together with pigtails into a tight braid so that the weave is from the outside.
- Put everything in a bun. Fix and, if necessary, use the decor.
An additional decoration for a high and low beam can be a mesh. It securely fixes the styling, preventing the hair from falling apart during the performance. The mesh should be put on over the hair after the formation of the bun, additionally secured with hairpins over the entire surface.
The classic bun and braided version can help even out the height of partners. If the man is shorter, then the beam should be lower, and the partner should be bouffanted.
Shell bun
The easiest way to create hairstyles for ballroom dancing. The shell is suitable for almost any classical program and looks very elegant. Suitable for owners of long and medium length hair. The simplest algorithm:
- Wash hair, treat with foam or mousse to set.
- Comb all curls to one side, secure with pins. Hairpins must be fastened strictly vertically, starting from the top of the head and to the back of the head.
- If the hair is thin, then you can additionally put a roller, securing it with invisibility.
- Comb all loose strands and lay over the overlay, tucking the edges inward.
- At the end, fix the structure with varnish and decorate if necessary.
For official competitions and demonstration performances, the second version of the shell-bun is also suitable:
- Comb and straighten hair. Be sure to treat with gel to enhance smoothness.
- Divide all curls into 4 approximately equal parts: two temporal, parietal, occipital.
- From the bottom row of hair, twist the tourniquet and shape it into a shell. Fix invisible.
- Comb the hair in the parietal region, lay over the bun and fix again.
- Wrap the shell construction with strands from the temporal zone, first one and then the other.
- Fix the shell securely with hairpins, carefully varnish.
Shell - a universal option for sports ballroom dancing. Such a bundle looks advantageous both in the European program, demonstrating the neck line, and in the Latin American one - for reliable hair fixation.
This variant is more often used in Latin American dances. The second name is a cold wave, since you do not need to use an iron or curling iron.
- Treat clean hair with any fixative.
- Separate part in the center - curls will form from it.
Remove the rest of the hair in a tight bun, secure.
- Arrange the hair strands in the desired direction, trying to follow the shape of the letter S. Fix all the bends with clips.
- After the varnish has dried, use the hair dryer on a cold setting.
- Remove clips and finish your hair. Spray with varnish and decorate as needed.
A similar variant can be created with a corrugated curling iron. However, most athletes prefer the cold wave, as this method is safer for the hair.
Laying with ribs
This hairstyle is suitable for Latin American dances and modern programs. This is one of the best solutions for owners of thin hair, as the hairstyle allows you to visually add volume.
Step-by-step instructions:
- Wash your hair thoroughly, treat your hair with foam and lightly dry it with a hair dryer to make it smooth.
- Select a small part of the strands in the forehead area, apply powder to them to increase volume.
- Separating strands of hair one by one, it is easy to comb them and fix them with varnish.
- Shape the ribs as needed, gather into a bun and lightly secure with bobby pins.
- Treat the curls in the temporal region in the same way.
- Gather the remaining strands into a bun. Form small ribs.
- Hide the edges and lay them around.
- Use strong hold varnish and decor if necessary.
The hairstyle is quite difficult to do on your own. If possible, it is better to ask for help.
Traditional hairstyle for most ballroom dancing styles.
Step-by-step description:
- Separate pre-washed and dried hair with a side parting.
- Separate a small strand from the face, temporarily fix it with a hairpin.
Gather the rest of your hair into a low ponytail.
- Divide the tail into 2 approximately equal parts, lay each of them in turn. Secure the resulting bundle with hairpins.
- Divide the hair left at the beginning into several thin sections. Treat each generously with gel.
- Model a cobweb by weaving wet curls.
- Fix the styling with invisibility. After drying, they must be removed.
Finish with a strong hold hairspray. Similarly, you can create a cobweb without parting. In this case, part of the tail does not need to be removed in a bun.
Haircut for short hair
Both the European and Latin American programs allow the use of a stylish women's haircut without the use of any devices. This option is especially relevant in modern dances, for example, hip-hop. It is also possible to additionally color or shave the pattern on the back of the head, temples, but the haircut must be updated the day before the competition.
Short haircut is great for owners of short and ultra-short hair. Before the competition, it is enough to wash the curls well and lay them with a little varnish so that it does not stick the strands together.
How to make a mirror fairing?
Glitter is one of the components of many dance hairstyles. Specularity is a sign of professional styling of athletes. How to achieve it:
- First comb all hair, apply gel or thick cream. Comb again using a comb with very fine teeth or a special brush.
- Dry the gel with a hair dryer on a warm setting.
- Spray hairspray liberally at a distance of 5 cm. There may be smudges, this is normal, they can be easily removed with a tissue.
- Form a ponytail and secure it tightly with an elastic band.
- Create a smooth finish with a thick bristled comb.
- To create a wet gloss, use the varnish again, and then dry the structure with a hair dryer on a cold setting.