How to dance salsa intermediate
Intermediate Salsa Videos - Addicted2Salsaintermediate salsa dance videos and lessons by the Addicted2Salsa dance instructors for both Salsa On1 and On2 dancers.
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Simple Combo Connection
This simple salsa dance video lesson will show you how to connect beginner and intermediate salsa dance moves into a simple combination. We will utilize...
Blind Hammer Bounce
This short salsa dance video we will show you a variation you can do on a simple hammer-lock combined with a copa (in-n-out). Again, you can always...
Snapalicious Dance Move
In this salsa dancing lesson we show you how to perform the salsa dance moves we call the 'snapalicious'.
Copa Check Salsa Bounce
How to salsa dance video episode 89 provides you with a simple intermediate move that combines a windmill flare with other basic combinations. We call...
Forward Travel Salsa Wrap
In episode 88 of Addicted2Salsa Salsa Dance Lesson series, we will teach you a quick intermediate move that we call the Forward Travel Wrap. It is composed...
Wind Waker Salsa Dance Moves
This salsa dance lesson video will show you a few salsa dance moves that take a few of our salsa "wind themed" moves, like the windmill and cyclone...
Pass Behind the Back Lock
Anthony Persaud and Jocelyn Rosero will teach you another intermediate salsa dancing move that will get you into a left sided hammerlock position. This...
More Ladies Styling for Salsa Dancing
And now something for the ladies! This salsa dance video will provide the ladies a few styling tricks when social dancing with a good lead. Jocelyn...
DPS Lock Combo On2 with Ladies Styling
In this salsa dance lesson video, we teach you how to dance the famous DPS lock combo but on the New York / Puerto Rican "On2" timing. In addition,. ..
Cross Body Lead 180 (Pocket Version)
This is a short reference video on how to perform the cross body lead 180 that we had shot previously. The video will take you through the steps on...
Puerto Rican Salsa Slide Step
I realized that most salsa dancers are not doing enough footwork when social dancing! This quick video lesson will teach you the basic salsa slide footwork...
Cross Body Lead with Turn
This salsa dance video lesson will teach you how to dance the salsa cross body lead with turn. Using the "Cross Body Lead in Salsa Dancing" video, this...
Basic Salsa Dance Dip
This short salsa dance video will teach you how to do the basic salsa dip. Normally salsa dips are done in the end and are usually NOT recommended for...
The Butterfly Spin for Salsa Dance
This short salsa dance lesson will teach you how to do a simple Butterfly spin move in salsa dancing. This move can be chained together with other spin. ..
Salsa Dancing for Couples
Now that Salsa Dancing Romance Day is upon us we thought it would be appropriate to add some more salsa romance into our dance steps. A lot of our fans...
Salsa Dancing S-Turn Combo
This salsa dancing lesson video will teach you how to perform the salsa dance S-turn into a salsa dance 180. We will first explain what a simple salsa...
Salsa Cuddle Body Lead Move
This week in salsa dancing, we are going back to salsa dance basics and teaching you a salsa dance beginner cuddle wrap combination into a copa (in...
Intermediate Salsa Dancing Wrap Move
Another salsa dance video lesson to help keep you engaged in salsa dancing at the night club or salsa socials. This is a very simple move comes out...
Basic Salsa Dance Hammerlock Hand Flick
In this addicted2salsa salsa dance video lesson we teach you the a very basic salsa dance hand flick coming out of a "hammerlocked" cross body lead.. .
How to Improve Your Spins in Dancing
This video will help provide you with three great ways of improving your dance spinning technique. While most of the advice presented in Julie's video...
The Windmill Combo with Ladies' Styling
In this episode of Addicted2Salsa salsa dance video lessons, we will show you how to perform a basic salsa windmill combination into what we call the...
More Fun Loop-Over Locks
In this episode of Addicted2Salsa we show you how to perform a basic blind cross-body lead with a loop-over lock salsa move. While the move may look...
The Cross Body Lead 360
In this episode of Addicted2Salsa, we go back to the basics to help you learn how to do a Cross-Body Lead 180 with a Turn (a few others call this the...
Salsa Dancing at Hot Salsa Summer Splash 2007
While attending the 2007 Summer Salsa Splash in Palm Springs, California, the great folks over at Nuevotec Productions took some video of Anthony Persaud. ..
Salsa Dancing at the Los Angeles Salsa Congress 2007
After taking the rest of the video and editing it, I am happy to start off a new series (that hopefully will continue). I had watched a DVD called
The Double-Lock Salsa Combo
This salsa combo is kind of tricky to perform, so practice it various times at home to get the timing down: especially the mechanics of moving around...
Getting out of Hammer-Locks
So I decided to release this episode a little earlier than normal. One of our members asked about different ways of getting out of hammerlock positions...
Short-Stride Salsa Dance Combo
Well, we are here again, bringing you a simple, yet slick salsa combo you can learn and use at the club (or wherever).This combo uses a lot of simple...
The Overhead Hand Combination
Well, this is a funny one I think. The name of this combo was given by our video grapher because every time I taught the combo I would make a "boop. ..
Getting out of Two-Handed dance holds
Well, say this three times fast! "Double-handed, hand holds". So it might be easy. but sometimes we get stuck in weird hand positions. Here is another...
What's My Level? Syllabus, Videos & tips
Always ask your teacher if you are ready for the next level
What Do We Teach?
Salsa on 1 Levels & Syllabus Videos
The Salsa With Silvia dance studios specialize mainly in Salsa on 1. In Salsa on 1, the first step that you take is on the 1st beat of the eight count.
Salsa on 2 Levels & syllabus
While we specialize in Salsa on 1, we also offer a taste of Salsa on 2. In Salsa on 2 (NY Style), there is a small prep step on the 1st beat of the eight count and then you step forward on the 2nd beat.
STEP 1: Bachata levels & syllabus videos
This style is the classic Bachata, which will give you the foundation. We recommend that you start with before you dive into Sensual Bachata & Traditional Bachata.
Step 2: Sensual Bachata Levels & Syllabus
This style of Bachata involves more body movement, head rolls, body rolls, sensual movement and connection between partners. We recommend that you take this style after going through our Modern Bachata classes.
Step 2: Traditional Bachata Levels & Syllabus
This style of Bachata is the root of all Bachata styles. It originated in the Dominican Republic and it features faster syncopated footwork.
We also offer Dance Fitness, Bollywood, Argentine Tango, Reggaeton, Afro Dance. Check our group class schedule to register.
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What you need to know: Our classes are typically broken down into 4-Week cycle series. For best results, please be sure to follow the levels in their correct progression. In addition to our 4-week series, we also offer ongoing practice classes to enhance your social dancing skills. Be sure to also check out our specialized workshops, designed to drill specific material and help you become a better dancer. Our social dance events are a great way to practice your skills and gain more experience on the social dance floor. In addition, we also offer private lessons where you can select an instructor and learn in a one-on-one session.
Tip: In addition to our 4-week series, we recommend that you take our series along with our
ONGOING PRACTICE CLASSES. These are the classes that don’t have the words 4-wk series in their class title.Step 1: Absolute Beginner Salsa On 1
Week 1: Absolute Beginner Salsa
During Week 1 we study foundations of lead & follow, Musicality & Rhythm & Basic step.
Week 2: Absolute Beginner Salsa
During Week 2 we study right hand turn follow, Right hand turn lead (underarm).
Week 3: Absolute Beginner Salsa
During Week 3 we study the all mighty Cross Body lead (CBL).
Week 4: Absolute Beginner Salsa
During Week 4 we review what we've learned in previous weeks.
Step 2: Beginner Level 1 Salsa On 1
Week 1: Beginner 1 Salsa
During Week 1 we study Outside Cross Body Lead (CBL) and the Suzie Q.
Week 2: Beginner 1 Salsa
During Week 2 we study Broken Left Turn (BLT) with hair comb/drape.
Week 3: Beginner 1 Salsa
During Week 3 we study Hammerlock with Enchufla (Back Break). Footwork: crossover.
Week 4: Beginner 1 Salsa
During Week 4 we review and give you styling tips, right turn variations and practice patterns.
Step 3: Beginner Level 2 Salsa On 1
Dance shoes are strongly recommended at this level! Click to purchase.
Week 1: Beginner 2 Salsa
Footwork: Forward Slide/Backward Slide. Partner work: Enchufla Double.
Week 2: Beginner 2 Salsa
Now we start looking into back breaks: Single Hand Copa, Double Hand Copa.
Week 3: Beginner 2 Salsa
Cross Body Lead (CBL) With Hand Toss. Footwork: Double Suzie Q.
Week 4: Beginner 2 Salsa
Review, Styling tips, Right Turn Variations, Practice patterns.
Step 4: Intermediate Level 1 Salsa On 1
Dance shoes are strongly recommended at this level! Click to purchase.
Week 1: Intermediate 1 Salsa
Double Cross Over. Partner work: Shoulder Check with single and double hand lead.
Week 2: Intermediate 1 Salsa
Partner work: The Wrap. Right Turn behind the lead's back.
Week 3: Intermediate 1 Salsa
Cross Body Lead (CBL) with Hammerlock. Outside CBL with double turn for follower.
Week 4: Intermediate 1 Salsa
Review, Styling, Practice patterns. Reminder to check with your teacher before you move on.
Step 5: Intermediate Level 2 Salsa On 1
Dance shoes are strongly recommended at this level! Click to purchase.
Week 1: Intermediate 2 Salsa
Footwork: Grape Vine. Partnering: Drop Catch + Windmill combo.
Week 2: Intermediate 2 Salsa
Now we build on what we know: 180 Cross Body Lead, Simple Dip, Titanic.
Week 3: Intermediate 2 Salsa
Make sure you work on core strength! Intro to double turns and application during partnering.
Week 4: Intermediate 2 Salsa
Review, Styling, Practice patterns. We are not providing a video here because your instructor will teach his or her own variation implementing a lot of what you have learned throughout the levels. WHAT'S NEXT? Check our Accelerate Series.
Step 6: Advanced Salsa
Our advanced accelerated programs are recommended for students who have gone through all previous levels or have previous experience. Click here to find out more about the advanced dance programs that we offer.
While we specialize in Salsa on 1, we also offer a taste of Salsa on 2. In Salsa on 2 (NY Style), there is a small prep step on the 1st beat of the eight count and then you step forward on the 2nd beat.
Beginner Salsa On 2 NY Style
- Week 1: body movement/timing and basic step
- Week 2: right and left turn footwork/ open and closed position partnerwork
- Week 3: beginner shines/partnerwork (progressive)
- Week 4: beginner shines/partnerwork (progressive)
Intermediate Salsa On 2 NY Style
In our Intermediate Salsa On 2 NY Style series, we practice and combine movement from our beginner level plus we add more complicated partner and footwork movement to get you ready for the social dance floor.
Tip: We recommend that you start with our Bachata classes before you dive into Sensual & Traditional (Dominican) Bachata.
Week 1: Beginner Bachata
During Week 1 we study the history of Bachata, Bachata rhythm, body movement, basic step and turns.
Week 2: Beginner Bachata
During Week 2 we study the Hug Move, Change Of Places and Hammer Lock
Week 3: Beginner Bachata
During Week 3 we study the Box Move, Switching Places and The Break Step
Week 4: Beginner Bachata
During Week 4 we review and give you styling tips, right turn variations and practice patterns.
Week 1: Intermediate Bachata
During Week 1 we study the very essential progressive body movement, body rolls and how to use them in social dancing.
Week 2: Intermediate Bachata
During Week 2 we study Hand Tosses and their application in social dancing.
Week 3: Intermediate Bachata
During Week 3 we study Bachata Footwork (Shines) and shadow in partnering.
Week 4: Intermediate Bachata
During week 4 you will work on reviewing and combining the moves you have learned into more complicated patterns and variations.
Tip: After taking our Bachata classes, you can dive into Sensual Bachata and Traditional Dominican Bachata. Please note, this syllabus is just a guideline/base. Your teacher may choose to combine moves in different order.
Beginner Sensual Bachata Syllabus
- Week 1: Connection Exercises & Waves
- Week 2: Lead and Follow Shadow Position
- Week 3: Paseala & Pinza
- Week 4: Combining combos
Intermediate Sensual Bachata Syllabus
- Week 1: Rompe and shadow position
- Week 2: Madrid Step
- Week 3: Upper & lower body isolations
- Week 4: Combining combos (Or Dips & Cambrets)
Advanced Sensual Bachata
Our advanced accelerated programs are recommended for students who have gone through all previous levels or have previous experience. Click here to find out more about the advanced dance programs that we offer.
Tip: After taking our Bachata classes, you can dive into Sensual Bachata and Traditional Dominican Bachata.
- ALL Levels Traditional Bachata
- Intermediate Traditional Bachata
- Intermediate/Advanced Bachata Footwork
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- Washington DC Location
3232 Georgia Ave. NW, Suite 104
Washington, DC 20010
Phone: (202) 643 1870
Email: [email protected]
- Bethesda, MD
4731 Elm Street (Second Floor),
Bethesda, MD, 20814
Phone: (301) 760 4423
Email: dance@salsawithsilvia. com
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Our Reviews
Reema D.
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Salsa with Silvia is THE PLACE TO BE. Whether you’re looking to improve your dancing, rent their beautiful studio for your private event, or bring your kids for an experience. You will leave feeling satisfied and happy that you took the step to come in. There is a reason this studio is the #1 Latin Dance studio in the DMV. You can feel the love that was put into the studio from starting out in just a basement to two studios! The staff is extremely friendly and helpful. The teachers are patient, understanding, and energetic.
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Salsa with Silvia is more than a dance studio. Lots of magic happens there. You’ve got all the basics- amazing instructors, good variety of classes in style and level, a professional business, and a safe and reliable environment. In addition, you learn how dancing is about much more than just moving your body. By joining the studio you enter a community, so you meet amazing people and make new friends. The owner Silvia is always engaged and she is always willing to help.
Adi A.
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The teachers are experienced and patient, and there are different levels that you can choose from. You can either stay at your own level, or try others at the same time, its very flexible. They also teach Bachata and not Just Salsa, so you can enjoy both as I did. The stuff is really nice, and they also have a Social party once a month so you can practice your moves. Best studio I tried!
Don M
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I took my first salsa lesson with Mario and it was excellent. It was obvious that he is a professional and very good at what he does. I'm an adult male and i was a bit scared because have never been inside a dance studio. He was able to teach me some dance steps and I look forward to having additional classes. The facility is new with a very nice design and professional operation.
Andrew P
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My partner and I came here for our first private salsa lesson. I was a little anxious as I have no dance experience/rhythm and also wasn't sure how they'd handle two men learning two dance together. Our instructor, David, was absolutely awesome. He didn't miss a beat (..) and had such an easy way of interacting with us. He made even a nervous nelly such as myself feel calm and confident. The studio was also very nice and modern. We could not have had a better experience with Silvia's, and will be back for another lesson from David soon!
Miriam K
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My fiance and I wanted to learn how to dance before our wedding, and we were fortunate to have Jason Potell as an instructor. Jason helped us develop choreography that matched a song we loved, and we had lots of fun working on it. The other great thing was that he helped us figure out our own style, and coached us in a way that enabled us to dance better as a couple, rather than trying to get us to follow a prescriptive routine. Thanks to Jason, we learned a lot, and we also had a blast doing our first dance as husband and wife.
Md U.
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I have now taken lessons at Salsa with Silvia for over 3 months and several classes. I have no hesitation in saying that Salsa with Silvia is one of the best Salsa schools in the Wash DC/MD area. The instructors at the studio are just amazing. I have taken classes with three of them, Kelly, Jennifer and Joffre, and I enjoy each of their classes.
- All copyrights reserved.
Salsa With Silvia, LLC, Salsa With Silvia Ballroom, LLC. All prices are subject to change. No refund policy.
Highlighting system levels. An example of dance.: ailev — LiveJournal
On Sunday, with a stream of cadets of "Systems Management and Strategy", and today with students of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, I analyzed a systematic view of dance - an example of systemic levels from my textbook. The dance is interesting in that it is more complicated than some piece of iron, but much simpler than some kind of enterprise. And it is process-based, it is not so easy to think about it, people think badly about "behaviors", highlighting parts and wholes in them. Why additional analysis in the audience? It is easier to imagine this dance in the physical world live, and the dry text enumeration of system levels in the textbook sometimes gives insight and understanding in applications to personal projects and situations, and sometimes it falls short.
In the center of Moscow in one of the clubs from 10:13 pm to 10:18 pm loud music plays, twilight reigns, and two people dance salsa. Why is it so important for us to indicate the time and place? And to make it clear that we are talking about a physical object that exists not only in space, but also in time (because students, if we are talking only about space with the qualification "somewhere", often go from a physical object to a class of physical objects, that is, they consider not a system, but an abstract object. And an abstract object does not occupy a place in time and space, and there are no parts-subsystems in it. Our dance is therefore quite physical: a dancing couple takes a place in space-time, in fact it is dance). nine0003
The doctor glances at this pair and is obviously pleased: the partner does not limp, and this is complete happiness - all the bones, muscles, ligaments, etc. intact, this doctor recently repaired everything related to the anatomical level. The rest do not care, but the doctor still cares: he is looking for evidence in the dance that the muscles-bones-ligaments and other things that he did during the treatment of a partner are working as they should. Everything seems to be OK. And the doctor leaves the party. Here we must pay attention that each system level has its own roles. And if we want the system to work, we must work out all these roles well. To dance, you need a healthy body. If the body is not healthy, the doctor must do his job. And the doctor does not care about the dance itself. Partner moving? Moves. Doesn't it hurt? It doesn't hurt. Isn't he hurting himself with this movement? Won't hurt. Everything, the bones-muscles-ligaments are intact, and the doctor can provide the body to other specialists who will take care of other things, help to assemble the dance, including from the bones-muscles-ligaments and everything that a doctor usually does. nine0003
A body practitioner carefully looks at the same dancing couple and sees the functional organs - muscle bands that transmit movement from the partner's fulcrum (feet) through his entire body to the arm, and then from the partner's arm through her entire body to the other fulcrum, leg. Does he check if there is a break in these tapes? Is the body overstretched somewhere, blocking these muscle bands? Separate muscles, bones, ligaments here are like clay, from which bricks are made in houses. We have already moved to another systemic level, where the body is healthy, but we need to put it under the control of consciousness: if I want to transfer movement from a fulcrum all the way to another fulcrum, I need to have a very specific attention to bodily sensations of tension and relaxation in the body, and you need to achieve the correct structure of the muscles in the body. A specialist in body practices, of course, prepares the control of the body and deals with the freedom of conscious movement, not only for dancing. It works for track and field athletes, and for musicians (moving your fingers when playing musical instruments is muscular work!), And for those involved in martial arts. But here it worked for the dancers, and he is pleased: the dancers' bodies move quite freely and provide connection (you can watch the video, which very briefly talks about exactly how the level of bodily practices is responsible - whether the dancer will be a jelly, heavy or light Pinocchio, or but still a dancer -- But even here, we are not talking about dance.
The dance teacher watches how his students move - they take aesthetic poses, carry out soft leading and sensitive following, do not lose balance when turning. Here we are already talking about dancing (and not judo or equestrian sports), but this is not yet salsa. It takes a long time to learn this, it is a common part for all social dances.
And then the salsa teacher stands and watches how his students step over his feet - he looks at the same couple, at the same moment in time, but he sees them with completely different eyes, not as a doctor, not as a specialist in bodily practices. He watches how the dancers fall into the rhythm of the music, shifting weight from foot to foot and performing quite specific dance movements in the process. This is what we will call "base": the way the dancers walk. So, in salsa, a step is made to the desired score in music with weight on a bent leg, and then the leg is straightened. And so the whole dance. This is taught as "the base of salsa". This can take a long time to learn. Here is a description of the fact that you can walk like in the army, the same at every step, or you can make nuances - and the whole world opens up in simple steps:
But a visiting Cuban sensei is standing nearby, who has just held a seminar, and he watches the next systemic level: he watches how the dancers perform the figures of his dance: they spin where they need to, step where they need to. Yes, all steps are done the way the dancers were taught by their dance teacher, this is the "base". But sensei taught chips, taught vocabulary. This is the level of dance vocabulary, the specific steps that the dancers perform, maintaining the base at each step, controlling the muscle bands at the moment when they dance the “base”, and using their musculoskeletal system (what the doctor looked at) to perform this bases. And all this at the same time! nine0003
The potential partner is standing on the dance floor and carefully looking at the dance as a whole as a sequence of figures, a chain of lexemes, assembled into a whole dance lasting five minutes. She evaluates whether the partner can compose a decent dance in which all the figures known to the partner are balanced, there are some tricks, there is some kind of composition. This is the level of the dance performance as a whole, the level of the composition - what story will be told in the dance, how the rhythm of the dance is combined with the rhythm of the music in some large structures (not at the level of one beat, not at the level of one movement, but at the level of musical phrases and longer structures). The composition level is described in more detail here -- And note that this five-minute performance at a party can also be called a dance (in our case, salsa). In fact, his partner / lead does: he composes this sequence of movements and leads the partner / follow, who dances according to his signals. But salsa can also be called salsa vocabulary (those figures that dancers make in a performance), and even the base (that specific way of walking with a dance step and moving arms, legs, body, which is adopted in a particular dance). So, furniture can be called all the furniture of the apartment, and a table with chairs, and only a chair - all furniture, but each time you have to clarify what is meant. It's the same with dance: you need to specify: the base / style, vocabulary / figures or performance / composition is meant by the word "dance". nine0003
And the party org stands nearby and evaluates the party as a whole. For the party consists mainly of dance performances, many of them are on the dance floor at the same time, and they also follow one after another. This org includes in its consideration these performances, and standing non-dancing partners and partners, and DJs, and photographers with videographers, and even cloakroom attendants (because a party begins, like a theater, with a hanger). What is discussed at this level? Read social networks that discuss dancing. You will find that it is this level that is discussed the most: how much you dance or not dance (because there is no one to dance with - there was no partner, or the partner refused to dance, or something else happened), what mood do you have after the party, what kind of party you need to go to in order to dance normally (that is, get a good mood), what kind of music should play at these parties so that after that you can dance normally and have a good mood. And so on: psychology rules, passions boil, everything revolves around a good or bad mood at parties, and the leading practices here are psychology (what kind of cockroaches are in their heads about themselves and others) and sociology (group behavior).
The party will not be called a dance. nine0003
The next system level no longer has those who are specifically involved in it, but sometimes some orgy parties, or teachers, or even individual dancers suddenly start discussing how they develop the dance culture of a particular dance (in our case, salsa). For all the parties, plus all the dance schools, plus all the dancers, all the orgies and other involved, make up the dance subculture. How to think about it? And here's how to think: there is a salsa subculture, part of this subculture is a party in our club on a particular evening, part of the party is a performance that takes place in this club from 22:13 to 22:18, and this performance consists of some then sequences of dance figures/lexicon that are performed taking into account the basics (how to step and move the body: in what style), which itself includes the technique of dance (and not sports) movement, which includes the bodily work of muscle bands, which includes work musculoskeletal system. All this at the same time, but here each of the mentioned objects is made by different activity roles - in the reverse order, they were a doctor, a specialist in bodily practices, a dance teacher, a salsa teacher, a visiting sensei, a partner, a salsa/salsatec party org and individual figures/developers of the subculture salsa. nine0003
Next comes the subculture of social dances in general, but we will not consider it, because it is difficult to imagine people who are involved in the development of social dances in general, the maintenance of this subculture. In every sandbox of the individual dance subculture, there are people who care about the development of dance (the three systemic levels were called dance, remember?), and the development of the level of parties and the subculture as a whole. But those who care for all the sandboxes - no. Few people are concerned that there will be more different dances, more different parties, so that a hundred dancing flowers will bloom. Although what am I? For example, I am concerned. The subculture of social dances is of interest to multidancers, who are not satisfied with the parties of one dances and communication within the framework of the subculture of one dance. So they are interested in the world of social dances as such - all parties of all social dances, all schools of all social dances, all orgs of all social dances, all information resources (chats, forums, groups in social networks, thematic websites, etc.) and everything is involved. nine0003
Are there higher levels? Of course. For example, the level of dance culture in general (including ballroom dancing, solo dancing, etc.). Although it is difficult to imagine people who are professionally involved in dance culture in general. Are there systemic levels below the anatomical/medical level? Of course! For example, biochemists can study the biochemistry of muscles that a doctor repairs.
The peculiarity of system consideration is that all this exists at the moment of operation of the target system (and in our case it is a salsa dance performance in one of the clubs) and should be considered simultaneously - but different roles around the target system consider something in this target system at your system level. Knowledge of different system levels allows you to organize the business of designing and manufacturing systems. A brick maker takes clay, makes bricks. A bricklayer makes a wall out of bricks. The foreman makes a building out of the walls. The builder makes a whole block out of buildings. The architect of the city makes the city out of blocks. These are all system levels: different people work with the city at different system levels - some with the city as a whole, some with the buildings of the city, some with the clay bricks of the city. Although it is already so far from the city in terms of system levels that the phrase "clay bricks of the city" no longer sounds - similar phrases are understood where adjacent system levels are mentioned. Clay bricks or quarter buildings. nine0003
What can you do if you think like this about the city and its systemic breakdown, think like this about the dance and its systemic breakdown? The first thing that can be done is to entrust the production of a dance (namely, to teach dancers) not to one person, but to a whole team of people professionally performing the roles of a doctor, a specialist in body practices, a teacher, a sensei, a psychologist (who will rule the brain of a participant parties, so as not to suffer for three days after some refusal to dance - because this suffering from one refusal can easily interrupt all the pleasure of a dozen performances / compositions). Actually, we did just that: we started teaching social multidance (the level of bodily practice, the level of dance movement and the level of the base for the selected seven dances), involving a couple of specialists in these three levels - And what did you get? Since we understand what we are doing, we have received a learning rate about five times higher than the average for other dance schools. The approach is purely engineering. For example, here is a short course in which two specialists (a bodybuilder and a dance movement specialist) put lead-follow in social dances: For six hours of work it is possible to do more than for six months of classes in the dance studio "as usual". At the same time, there is no music on this course for six hours! What for? Mostly the specific bodily technique in lead-follow is trained, two closely related levels of dance. And at the same time, the myths about the need to "feel each other", "know the complex world of relationships between a man and a woman", etc.
are dispelled. Leave all this to the levels of the composition (where you need to tell emotional stories through dance), the level of the party, the level of subculture. And here is purely engineering work - and this is even before a specific dance, to the level of the base, where a specific dance begins! nine0003
System levels are good just because they allow you to discuss: who does what, and what can not be done, and what can not be done. All this will be sorted out, and the super-complex will become simpler. The city can be discussed as being made up of blocks/building areas, blocks being made up of buildings, buildings being made up of walls, and no "blocks made of walls" vinaigrette. The city is easy to understand, right? Dancing is more difficult. And if you need to deal with the enterprise, then it will be even more difficult than with the dance. But it will be possible to figure it out, and the thinking about the enterprise will be the same: different system levels, which are occupied by different roles. This is the beauty of systems thinking: once you understand, and then you use it for all the systems that you meet. nine0003
Online course of systems thinking, where all this is discussed less artistically and in more detail:
UPDATE: Facebook discussion --
Latin American dance course system
What is a course?
At the Salsa Plus studio, we call a course a complete block of classes. As a rule, these are 8 lessons that fit into 4 weeks - in most groups, lessons are held 2 times a week for an hour (however, there are also weekend groups - they study once a week for two hours in a row). Those. To put it simply, a course is a month of classes. There are also special courses - this is how we call a month of classes dedicated to a particular topic or direction. For example, the special course "Rhythm and Musicality in Salsa". nine0003
Salsa course system
Our teaching methodology is based on a consistent study of the most popular styles of salsa. For training does not require any special physical training. There are no restrictions on age, complexion and other characteristics. We are not limited to teaching one style of salsa, because. we want our students to be able to dance everything (in relation to salsa - this removes barriers or awkward situations when you want to dance with a new partner (partner), but you can’t do it, because you dance different styles of salsa. In addition, only after trying different styles, you can choose the one that really suits you. nine0003
How does salsa begin?
Salsa lessons for beginners start with the Basic Course (look for Salsa 0+ in the schedule), which lasts one month. This is an introductory month of classes, here there is an acquaintance with the theoretical and practical foundations of salsa - the most basic and, at the same time, the most important concepts that need to be well learned and worked out are given. The base is like a foundation, it must be correct, strong, good. That is why we devote a very long time to the basics of salsa, so that in the future it would be easier to layer on this base leading / following, new figures and turns, plasticity, improvisation - i.e. other components of our dance. Upon completion of the Basic course, you begin to study the Cuban style of salsa - Casino. According to a number of indicators, this style of salsa is considered simpler than the others, and we recommend starting to dive into the world of salsa from it. nine0003
The minimum Salsa Casino program includes 6 courses - 6 months of study. This is the period in which you step over the threshold from beginner to intermediate - you have been going to parties for several months now (the sooner you start doing this, the better, because parties are a real practice), you gradually feel more confident, and comes the awareness of dance. You are already dancing salsa - even if without particularly complex figures or to slow melodies, but you know that even a simple dance can bring a lot of pleasure if it is danced from the heart and, most importantly, together with a partner / partner. nine0003
After 6 months, you continue your studies in intermediate level groups (Courses 7-12) and then we form a group of continuing or senior level (from 12 months).
In parallel with the casino courses, about once every six months, we recruit New York salsa groups. In them we recruit students who have dance experience from 4-6 months in other styles of salsa (for example, Casino or Los Angeles). Such a group already has an idea of what salsa is, on what principles it is built, and due to this, it masters the New York style noticeably faster and better than if it had started it completely from scratch. However, we also have sets for New York from scratch, just a little less often. In such groups, training also begins with a basic course and then there is a consistent study of New York salsa. nine0055
Closed dance groups
All of our groups are closed (i.e. we do not let, for example, newcomers into the middle group). Those who are already familiar with salsa, after consulting with our teachers, can "join" one of the current groups that best suits your level. If a certain schedule and level of the group suits you, but your knowledge is not up to it yet, you can “catch up” with the group by working with the teacher individually. nine0003
Bachata and Kizomba course system
Bachata or Kizomba training is also a linear sequence of courses, where the material is given gradually from simple to complex. Courses, as well as in the salsa program, are divided into blocks of 8 lessons (an academic month). Bachata and kizomba are a bit simpler than salsa, and the first results of active dancing here appear faster. In bachata and kizomba, it is possible to achieve a confident average level in 3-6 months of training - by this time you will already feel comfortable and actively dance at parties. nine0055
Additional development courses and practices
In parallel with the main pair dance training program, our additional developing special courses or courses in related areas are available to you. Plastique, Female / Male style in salsa / bachata / kizomba, Reggaeton, Rhythm and musicality, Pachanga, Cuban rumba, Rueda, Footwork, Show group, etc. regularly appear in the schedule grid. They allow you to delve into your chosen direction comprehensively, develop certain new skills in your body, add "goodies" to your dance, make it richer and more beautiful, and further develop your own dancing style. nine0003
We also regularly hold thematic classes and seminars - at a small intensive 2-3 hour lesson, we analyze a certain vital topic that is relevant for several groups. For example, seminars on rhythm, on the rules of leading and following, dance etiquette, handwork in solo, etc. They allow you to immerse yourself in the material you are interested in and work it out.
In addition to parties, you can work out and consolidate the received material at Practices. Practice at the Salsa Plus school is sampo under the supervision of a teacher. You come and practice - dance, remember and work out the learned figures and ligaments, consolidate the material covered in the lessons. In practice, as well as in the classroom, there is always a rotation - you dance with different partners - everything is like at parties, only under the supervision of a teacher.