How to dance in ohio full movie

How to Dance in Ohio (2015)

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  • 20152015
  • TV-GTV-G
  • 1h 29m






In Columbus, Ohio, a group of teenagers and young adults on the autism spectrum prepare for an iconic American rite of passage -- a Spring Formal. They spend 12 weeks practicing their social... Read allIn Columbus, Ohio, a group of teenagers and young adults on the autism spectrum prepare for an iconic American rite of passage -- a Spring Formal. They spend 12 weeks practicing their social skills in preparation for the dance at a local nightclub. Working with their psychologist... Read allIn Columbus, Ohio, a group of teenagers and young adults on the autism spectrum prepare for an iconic American rite of passage -- a Spring Formal. They spend 12 weeks practicing their social skills in preparation for the dance at a local nightclub. Working with their psychologist, they take the challenges expressed in their respective therapy groups from one level to ... Read all





    • Alexandra Shiva
    • Alexandra Shiva
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    • Awards
      • 3 wins & 4 nominations


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    new insights

    As the father of an autistic, now adult child , this documentary provided some new insights into the mind of an autistic person. Listening to the parents and their struggles and the therapist as well, this will assist me in developing more tolerance for my child and their unique challenges.



    • mudbone-42885
    • Apr 27, 2021


    • Release date
      • October 26, 2015 (United States)
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      • Jak się tańczy w Ohio?
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    Technical specs

    • 1 hour 29 minutes

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    How to Dance in Ohio Movie Review

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    Movie review by Melissa Camacho, Common Sense Media

    Common Sense says

    age 12+

    Inspirational, heartwarming doc about living with autism.

    NR 2015 89 minutes

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    What Parents Need to Know

    Parents need to know that How to Dance In Ohio is a documentary that centers on a group of high-functioning people on the autism spectrum preparing for the challenges and joys that come with attending a formal dance. Therapy and living with autism are central themes. The Amigo Counseling Center and its program are highlighted. There's nothing to worry about here, but some folks may be sensitive to some of the concerns expressed about living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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    What's the Story?

    HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO is a documentary about a group of high-functioning teens and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) preparing for, and attending, a spring formal in Columbus, Ohio. Under the therapeutic guidance of clinical psychologist Emilio Amigo and his staff, folks such as 16-year-old Marideth Bridges, 19-year-old Caroline McKenzie, and 22-year-old Jessica Sullivan work on learning how to communicate and interact with others in various social settings. With the help of their families, Dr. Amigo, and other professionals, they spend 12 weeks preparing for a formal dance at a local night club organized by the Amigo Counseling Center to help them learn how to cope with the many anxieties they have about participating in the event, and they practice how to socialize with other people. From working through their discomfort with trying to have a conversation to navigating their nervousness when choosing dresses, they all work their way toward the big event by facing their fears head-on.

    Is It Any Good?

    The film offers a warmhearted, informative look at the routines, successes, and struggles people with Asperger's syndrome and high-functioning autism have when interacting with the mainstream world. But what stands out here is the self-awareness of the cast, who understand that they need extra help and coping mechanisms to function, and who do their best to articulate their anxieties and their desires. The insights offered by their parents and Dr. Amigo also offer a broader lens from which to see how they navigate their day-to-day lives.

    Though both men and women are featured here, the fact that much of the story centers on three women leaves it feeling a bit uneven. However, this doesn't detract from the overall themes, which underscore how paralyzing basic social practices can be for people on the autism spectrum. It also shows how they, with the right support, can go to college, get jobs, and live independently. Overall, How to Dance In Ohio is a documentary that shows us how something as simple as a rite of passage can be life-changing to those who are challenged by life every day.

    Talk to Your Kids About ...

    • Families can talk about what it's like to live with autism spectrum disorder. What exactly is ASD? How can documentaries such as How to Dance In Ohio help people learn to understand it better?

    • Documentaries often inform or raise awareness about things people may not know much about. Does this documentary successfully do this about people living with ASD?

    • How does How to Dance In Ohio promote empathy and integrity? Why are these important character strengths?

    Movie Details

    • In theaters: January 25, 2015
    • On DVD or streaming: September 27, 2016
    • Cast: Emilio Amigo, Caroline McKenzie, Jessica Sullivan
    • Director: Alexandra Shiva
    • Studio: HBO
    • Genre: Documentary
    • Character Strengths: Empathy, Integrity
    • Run time: 89 minutes
    • MPAA rating: NR
    • Last updated: March 2, 2022

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    the history of the cult series of films about street dances - Movies and series on DTF

    It's like Fast and the Furious, only with breakdance instead of cars


    In 2006, the film "Step Up" was released - a musical drama about teenagers whose love of dancing brings them together and determines their future destiny. The film was the directorial debut for Ann Fletcher , who previously choreographed The Mask, was a breakthrough role for Channing Tatum's and an absolute hit with young people around the world, launching a dance pipeline on screen for the next ten years.

    Let's remember the chronology of all steps forward, wiping tears of nostalgia for Sean Paul.

    Year 2006, "Step forward"

    Before "Step Up", Channing Tatum managed to play in the sports drama "Coach Carter", light up in "War of the Worlds" from by Tom Cruise and play in a free adaptation of Shakespeare's She's the Man, but it was after the role of street dancer Tyler Gage that the actor woke up famous.

    What is the movie about?

    The plot of Step Up is the classic Lady and the Tramp story. Tyler Gage is an unlucky young man who has been acting out with his friends at the local school theater. While doing his assigned community service at the same school, Tyler spots Nora Clarke (played by dancer Jenna Dewan ), a dance student for the Arts Review.

    The piano, which jumped out of the bushes at the most opportune moment, falls right on the foot of Nora's dance partner and he cannot perform. Nora's boyfriend refuses to help, and the auditions also fail to find a new partner. And here Tyler, a street breakdancer and part-time handsome, offers his help. In the process of rapprochement, the characters will survive a break in relations, the death of loved ones at the hands of criminal elements, but in return they will gain the meaning of life and, as a bonus, each other.

    Everything will end with a passionate performance of a couple in front of a high dance Areopagus, which, of course, will enroll both heroes in dance groups: Nora - in a professional troupe, Tyler - in the best dance school.

    Final dance, "Step forward", 2006

    Main Event

    However, the cutest thing that happened in Step Up was not a happy ending at all. The leading actors really fell in love with each other and started dating. 3 years later, in the summer of 2009th, Channing and Jenna got married, and in 2013 they had a daughter, Everly Elizabeth Maisel Tatum.

    True, the fairy tale ended up not having such a happy ending - in April 2018, the couple announced a divorce. But you can always pretend not to notice the last phrase.

    Commercial success

    The film was a resounding success among the audience (mostly, of course, teenagers and young girls) and at the same time absolutely humiliating critics' ratings: 20% freshness on Rotten Tomatoes and 48 points on Metacritic. At the same time, "Step Up" earned more than $110 million at the box office (with a budget of $12) and almost $50 million more brought in DVD sales.

    The release of the first part of Twilight is still two years away, so the story of Tyler and Nora becomes the main topic of girls' sighs and discussions in all high schools on the planet. The producers, meanwhile, are already hard at work on the sequel.

    Main song

    Of course, since the film was a musical, "Step Up" had a powerful soundtrack, which eventually climbed to the sixth line of the Billboard chart of the most popular albums at the end of the year.

    Title song became " Give it up to me " by Sean Paul and Keisha Cole. Also tell me you didn't twist your butt to her at parties.

    Sean Paul - Give It Up To Me (feat. Keyshia Cole) [Disney Version] (Official Video)

    Year 2008, Step Up 2: The Streets

    The sequel comes out two years later, in February 2008, with the only thing that links the picture to the original film being the title and themes. The creators write a new love story in the old way around completely different characters, but at the same time maintain a certain continuity of generations: the hero of Channing Tatum also appears in the second film, but only in an episode that does not really affect the plot.

    This time both main roles are performed by professional dancers, Brian Evigan and Robert Hoffman . And if for Briana the role in Step 2 was the first significant one in her career, then Robert had already appeared in several films before this filming, including the second part of Dirty Dancing and another movie on the same theme, Street Dancing.

    But the funny thing is that Hoffman went through almost the same cinematic path as Tatum: both starred before "Step Up" in the series "C.S.I.: Miami Crime Scene Investigation", the comedy "She's the Man" and the drama "Coach Carter". The producers seemed to take too literally the words that they needed to find a suitable replacement for the actor from the first film.

    What is the movie about?

    The plot of the second part revolves around Andy West, a street dancer from Baltimore and a member of the 4-1-0 team, who is preparing to take part in a mysterious dance battle called "The Streets". The tournament will take place no one knows when and no one knows where: all participants just need to receive an SMS with the venue one day. Andy meets Chase Collins, with whom they form their own team of dancers from among their friends.

    Andy's former party, the guys from "4-1-0", of course, do not like the appearance of competitors and a further plot is built around the confrontation between the two teams. It all ends with an epic performance by the team of Andy and Chase at the long-awaited "Streets" tournament in the pouring rain of Baltimore.

    Main Event

    No options here: the appearance in the series of Robert Alexander III, nicknamed "Moose", the role of which is played by professional dancer Adam Sevani .

    Sevani, an Armenian by origin, has been dancing since childhood. Already at the age of 12, he starred in commercials, and then appeared in the videos of Will Smith, Missy Elliott and T-Pain. In Step Up, Sevani plays a humble nerd who suddenly turns out to be one of the coolest dancers Andy has ever met. Of course, she invites Moose to join her team.

    Moose demonstrates his dancing skills

    Sevani's character instantly becomes a favorite of the public, and in the future - the hallmark of the entire franchise.

    Also, the famous JabbaWockeeZ were supposed to appear in the film, but their dance seems to have been cut from the theatrical version of the film.

    Commercial success

    The film almost doubled its budget compared to the first part (22 million dollars against 12) and grossed almost 150 million at the box office, three of which were in Russia. The question of whether the franchise lives on is not even raised. 9.

    Flo Rida - Low (feat. T-Pain) [from Step Up 2 The Streets O.S.T. / Mail On Sunday] (Official Video)

    Year 2010, Step Up 3D

    Withstanding the traditional two years between parts, in 2010 the third series of the saga comes out. The action this time is transferred to New York, and the dances themselves - from the streets to professional venues.

    What is the movie about?

    Moose and her best friend Camilla go to university in New York, where Moose on the first day manages to cross the road " bad " to the guys from the Samurai team, battling one of them right in front of the crowd.

    Battle in the park

    After that, Elk joins the Samurai's main rivals, the Pirates team, in which Luke and Natalie dance - the main love line of the third film.

    In the third film, the producers returned to the proven scheme: a professional dancer plus a cute little-known actor, inviting the main roles of Rick Malambri , who managed to flicker in The Surrogates with Bruce Willis and the TV series How I Met Your Mother, and Sharni Vinson , Australian model with dance background.

    Adam "Moose" Sevani also returned to his role, this time given much more screen time.

    Of course, at the end of the film, the vile "Samurai" are defeated in an honest dance duel, Moose finds his true love, and Luke enters the California Film Academy and, together with Natalie, goes to conquer Los Angeles.

    Main Event

    The film was shot in 3D, which was fashionable for that time, although it is hardly possible to reasonably assess the adequacy of this technology. In those years, 3D was stuffed wherever possible, and the temptation to use an obvious chip with a triple in the name of the third part of the "steps" was too great. The use of computer graphics and voice acting of jumping dancers in the style of action movies with Jackie Chan, at the same time, according to the creators, should have made the movie more dynamic and spectacular.

    Commercial success

    The film did just as well as its predecessor, breaking the $150 million mark at the box office. At the same time, Russia has already accounted for 12 of them.

    Main song

    Slow for your first school kiss from Laza Morgan, song "This Girl".

    Laza Morgan - This Girl (Official Video)

    Year 2012, "Step Up 4: Revolution"

    The movie was originally supposed to be called "Step Up 4Ever" , playing on the 4 in its title, which was eventually changed to "Step Up Revolution". In Russia, they did not violate traditions and simply added the number 4 to the title, apparently considering that revolutions are somehow wrong, even if it's just about dancing.

    What is the movie about?

    And again, a proven scheme: a professional dancer plus an aspiring actor. For Ryan Guzman the role in "Step-4" became a debut in the movie, his partner, Katherine McCormick , was not much more experienced actress.

    According to the plot of the film, the character McCormick, an aspiring dancer and daughter of a millionaire, comes to conquer Miami, where she falls in love with Sean, the leader of the dance group MOB, which arranges various musical flash mobs (oh, those sweet, long-forgotten words from 2012). Emily's father is determined to evict all the residents of Sean's neighborhood, and Emily joins the MOB to use protest flash mobs (what?) to draw attention to housing developments and force her father to change his mind.

    The main feature of the fourth picture is the scenes of large-scale flash mobs that MOB arrange in restaurants, office centers and other crowded places.

    Step Up Revolution - Initiation Into The Mob [HD]

    Elk this time appears only in an episodic role and does not take an active part in the plot, and the film itself, like the previous one, was released in 3D.

    Main event

    Katherine McCormick, the lead actress, became the winner of the sixth season of the reality dance show Think You Can Dance? in 2015, and appeared in the music video in 2015 Muse "Dead Inside".

    Muse - Dead Inside [Official Music Video]

    Commercial success

    Despite the growing budget from film to film (this time it was already 33 million dollars), the box office remained at the same level: 140 million in the world box office, of which 8 million came from Russia.

    The fourth part became less profitable than the previous one, and the series for the first time thought about its future existence.

    Main song

    Travis Barker on drums, Busta Rhymes, Yelawulf and Twista on mic, song "Let's Go" .

    Travis Barker - Let's Go ft. Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes, Lil Jon

    Year 2014, Step Up: All or Nothing

    Since the fourth part was perceived by the public a little less warmly than the previous ones, the filmmakers decided that the motto put in the title ("All or Nothing") suited them perfectly and it was time to collect their " Avengers ".

    In the fifth part of the "steps" several key characters of the previous parts returned and almost a super team of dancers gathered on the screen.

    What is the movie about?

    Sean (the protagonist of the fourth film) unsuccessfully spends time with his MOB at castings in Los Angeles. After another setback, everyone but Sean decides to return to Miami. The stubborn Sean meets our old friend Elk and persuades him to assemble a new team to participate in the prestigious Vortex dance competition.

    The guys are recruiting dancers from the previous parts, including Andy West (the main character of the second film). In addition to her, Jenny Kido, the Monster, the Santiago Twins, the human robot Vladd and Violet (names familiar to everyone who remembers at least something from old films) come to the team.

    Main Event

    The return of everyone's favorite characters from the previous parts. Of course, it was not possible to assemble a dream team at all, Tatum or Dewan are not at least on a cameo scale, but it turned out quite well anyway.

    Final dance, "Step forward: All or nothing", 2014

    Commercial success

    With a budget of 45 million, the film grossed only 86, which, of course, can be considered more of a commercial success than . By that time, dancing alone, without the superpowers of a vampire or a flying suit made of vibranium, could no longer be dragged to the cinema.

    Main song

    The track of one of the world's most popular DJs during the final performance of Sean's team, song "Revolution" .

    Diplo - Revolution (feat. Faustix & Imanos and Kai) [Official Music Video]

    Year 2018, Step Up series for YouTube Premium

    In early 2018, YouTube Red launched the "Step Up: High Water" series , which would later become simply "Step Up" (and YouTube Red would be renamed Premium). The show's executive producers, along with creator Holly Sorensen featured Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan, the lead actors in the original film and husband and wife at the time.

    Step Up: High Water | OFFICIAL TRAILER

    The action of the series takes us to Atlanta, the plot tells about the students and teachers of the school "High Water", the most popular, and therefore the most cruel to students, school of dance arts in Atlanta, where the twins Tal and Janelle move from Ohio.

    The main cast of the series, as expected, this time consists of African-American actors, and the series itself plunges us into the world of African-American culture of dance and music. Cameos of popular black rappers happen in the series (already, for example, Rick Ross ), and Ne-Yo still plays one of the big roles in the series.

    The first season included ten episodes, and already in May 2018 it was announced that the series had been renewed for another ten episodes of the second season, which was released in 2019.

    Tragedy strikes on July 8, 2020, one of the main actresses of the series, Naya Rivera , dies while swimming in a lake in California and the filming of the third season of "Steps" is suspended. It was recently announced that a different actress would end up playing Rivera's character. Show must go on.

    Year 2019 Step Up 6: Year of Dance

    Quite unexpectedly for many, in 2019 the film "Step Up 6: Year of Dancing" is released, which is officially considered a spin-off in relation to the previous five films. The explanation for this is very simple - the Chinese bought the rights to the franchise and made a film with the participation of Chinese actors.

    The film's localized English title is " Step Up China ", which is basically fair and square. What do you think, under what title was the film released in domestic distribution? That's right, Step Up 6: Year of the Dance.

    Step Up 6: Year of Dancing - Official Teaser Trailer in HD

    The fact that it was the Chinese who bought the rights to the film is not surprising, the third and fourth parts collected almost half of the entire world box office at the local box office, and the films themselves were extremely popular in the Celestial Empire. But the choice of the director of the film turned out to be somewhat strange - Ron Yuan , an experienced choreographer of battle scenes and a specialist in martial arts, as a result made a choreography with an appropriate bias, where tricks and gymnastic exercises found more space than plastic.

    Year 2025, Step Up: Return

    Summit Entertainment 's plans seem to have a date, 2025, when "Step Up: Return" is supposed to premiere, which will be the actual sixth numbered movie in the "steps" universe. There is no clear information about the revival of the franchise, but if the creators manage to return all the old favorite characters to the film (and, what the hell, Channing Tatum himself), I'm sure we will all be happy to take another look at dancing on the big screens. Fortunately, by that time the story with the distribution of foreign films in Russia should certainly be resolved.

    The final paragraph is not mine, this is an excerpt from a review of "Step Forward" by the author Evgeny Ermakovich on Kinoafisha, written three years ago, but it seems to me that it quite accurately conveys what exactly is the cult of the "Step Forward" series and film legacy.

    Now the influence of the franchise is almost not felt. But then, in 2006, the naive but well-made up story of dancers from different social worlds really blew up. Critics could spit all they wanted: the dance virus with its idea of ​​mixing hierarchies was unstoppable. How many private schools were opened, how many shows appeared, how many kids imitated Tatum and Dewan - it's hard to imagine.

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