How to dance corridos
【How to】 Dance Corridos With A Partner
video which is on the spin some spinning
and then are maybe a little lift in
there you know
so get your partner get your mom your
sister your aunt whatever you guys have
get your partner and then you want to
grab them the same way so remember guys
under than here under the here put your
arm like right here not too far out not
to him and we actually said the same
instruction in the bundle so only link
that one below so you guys could watch
that one too in case you guys did it so
it's kind of the same thing as the bond
that video which is really to learn a
little bit better is dance by yourself
in here so it's just gonna be a
different puzzle which is they come it's
one two so it's kind of like going
sideways right yeah it's exactly the
same for the girls too all you got to do
is just follow the guy step and just two
steps exactly and this is how it looked
ugh you're going sideways this way it's
like one two one two one
so you're going left and right but with
the arm like this
you just keep on doing this over and
over again guys pause this video if you
have to and just keep on doing with your
partner once you get that down okay and
then once you guys think you guys got
the the basic step one two down then you
do it again and then you watch this
video again and then until you get it
and then we're gonna show you guys how
to do the spins so when we're doing
spins guys like I said it's three steps
once you get the basic step down like
she said we're gonna be teaching you
guys how to do spins and this is how we
do it so you like this so like I said
the same thing the basic one two step
right um and then you slide this way
it's kind of like of a skip motion so
what you kind of get on like this and
you kind of hop into the spin
everybody's different tongue song
whoa what are you doing like I said guys
practice by yourself practicing by
yourself makes a big difference I'm
telling you right now so just do the
two-step do the two-step and then you
want to start it looks I know
it does but it's gonna help you I
promise okay and some advice for the
girls all you gotta do is just really
follow them it's kind of like a hopping
motion or like yeah you're just kind of
just hop in and then just turning at the
same time but you have to also hold on
the guys cuz they're the ones that do
all the dance me so once you guys get
that down um like she said pause the
video practice by yourself we played if
you have to just keep practicing in the
mirror too so you can see what you're
doing exactly and once you get those two
steps down um we're gonna be teaching us
how to do a lift
not everybody does it but I'm telling
you I mean I think it looks pretty cool
right and this is how it looks so I'm
gonna show you guys first so you do the
two-step doing the two-step and then you
do a lift so you lift up the girl in
this boom and a big mistake on this that
everybody makes is that the guys tend to
lift up the girls with just their knee
like they use the power with just their
knee and that's gonna hurt them trust me
don't don't use just your knee it's all
in the hands both hands and your knees
so what you do is you grab them by the
waist right here you kind of push up you
kind of like lift it up like this I'm
sorry you lift up like that and you push
up at your hand and you do those three
at the same time and then as a girl what
you need to do is you kind of have to
like once you cuz they grab you and then
they start putting their hand in the rib
so then once you start doing this you
know it's gonna be the lift the lift and
then you just kind of hop up because
then if he just does all the work is
kind of gonna hurt your ribs so you're
and also this back leg needs to come up
so it doesn't look weird cuz then if you
leave it like this looks like a stiff
snake yeah yeah so what you do is you
bend this mean
you bend this knee and then this leg
stays straight now what you just help
jump yeah you kind of jump into toe more
like this ready like that so see how she
bend this knee and then this one stays
straight one from the time I remember
how okay and then watch how she jumps
into the lift watch see that felt so
light like I'm not the strongest person
ever but when you guys do it right when
you guys both connect at the same time
there's just two it goes out by itself
so yeah and it shouldn't hurt by the way
yeah if it's hurting the girl maybe you
guys need you know more practice no big
deal so once you guys get all those
three steps down guys try to connect all
them together I'm telling you they look
really cool so much so it's the basic
two steps right once you get that down
you already comfortable starting to spin
just to remind you guys we are not the
best dancers but we are just trying to
show you guys the basic steps so when
you guys go out you have enough
confidence to ask or throw out like to
ask her to dance cuz you somewhat know
so then this is just to help you guys
it's exactly guys it's all about having
you're just having fun having a good
time with your family with your friends
don't take this dancing things too
seriously in competitive nowadays people
will be taking this like a sport and got
it before this video ends I'm gonna be
doing another giveaway if you guys want
to win a put away down the Hat I put a
vanload shirt long sleeves are coming
out this fall the way you guys enter is
you guys have to be post this video on
your Instagram story tag me a Buddha way
down low that way I see it make sure you
guys subscribe and comment down below
when you guys are done again guys make
sure you guys like this video subscribe
comment down below we also need more
ideas like more challenges and stuff so
if you guys could like help us out and
comment on some stuff not some cheesy
things but like some you know what you
see em what you what you think other
people might want to
exactly so make sure you have subscribe
guys coming down below like this video
and I will see you guys on my next video
and third
The "Corrido de Rosita Alvirez"(text H) tells the story of a young girl who
disobeys her mother by going to a dance where she is murdered by a man with
whom she refuses to dance. This corrido emerges from the category of
ejemplo corridos, and as the word ejemplo implies, they set an example with
their "thematic content and their function in Mexican society"
(Herrerra-Sobek). Because the dance and dangers of the dance are popular
topics of the folkloric ejemplo corridos, such as "Jesús Cadena", "El
guero Candelario", "Los Pavos Reales", and "micaela", it is evident that
the dance played an important part in the socialization of the people of
The above version of "Rosita Alvirez", dated 1935, depicts a
disobedient, flittacious young woman who willfully insults and disrespects
a man in public, older versions, such as "Rosita Alvirez", from
approximately 1885 portray Rosita as an innocent victim of a man's machismo
brought forth from a hurt ego. This machismo is larger than life, similar
to the Greek mythological giant, Hippolytos. Hipolito, or the shortened
form Pólito, is used as the killer's name in all the Rosita corridos.
This name recalls the tragic life of a Hippolytos, whose troubles with a
vengeful stepmother lead his father to curse him (Herrerra-Sobek p.31) --
it seems this curse is embodied in the name.
In this version of the corrido, Rosita is portrayed as a disobedient daughter in the second stanza when she does not respect her mother's wishes for her not to go to the dance:
Su mamá se lo decía:
Rosa, esta noche, no sales;
Mamá no tengo la culpa,
que a mí me gusten los bailes.
Although this is an oral tradition, there is some question
regarding the semantics of the third stanza of this corrido. In this
particular written version, the meaning is clear because of the semi-colon
after dirigio. The meaning, thus being interpreted as: Hipólito
arrived at the dance and went straight to ask Rosita for a dance. Then she
turned him down, because she was the prettiest woman there. Thus making
her beauty her reason for rejecting him, which seems to reflect an arrogant
attitude on the behalf of Rosita, making her less likable. But in other
versions of the corrido, the lack of punctuation suggests a different
Hipólito llegó al baile
y a ella se dirigió
como era la mas bonita
Rosita lo desarió,
Rosita lo desarió.
This could be interpreted as: He arrived at the dance and went straight to her because she was the prettiest. Then, she turned him down. Thus, her beauty is the reason that he asked her to dance. This makes her excuse for not dancing with him (she does not know how to dance) more believable, and adds credibility to Rosita as the victim.
The older corridos do not include stanzas such as 4, when Rosita
injures Hippólito's ego by saying "No me inporta nada, contigo no he
de bailar," or stanza 6, when Rosita's mother calls her a pizpireta
(flirt), and saying for this she will die. Rather, the older corridos have
elements suggesting innocence such as the speech event, "No lo hago por
desaigrarte, Si es que yo no se bailar," which establishes the identity of
Rosita's genuine inability to dance. These corridos also portray
Hipólito as having a bad attitude and displaying his machismo, such
as in stanzas 7 and 8 of this text from Vicente Mendoza:
Pólito le dice así
-Rosita, no es la verdad,
Si es que no sabes bailar,
Si es la poca voluntad.
Pólito les dice así
-Señores, pongan cuidado,
ésta de mi no se burla,
no soy ningún desgraciado.
This correlates with the depiction of madness of Hipólito in the corrido on which we are focusing with the parodic line, "no mas tres tiros le dio".
Stanza 7 qualifies this corrido as an ejemplo corrido, because here
Rosita tells her story to Irene, telling her not to forget the story of
Rosita and the trouble she got into for disrespecting a man.
This "lesson" is assuredly one in the realm of men, and not of gods, because in stanza 9, Rosita goes to heaven and Hipólito goes to court to tell his side of the story. This stanza exhibits formulaic qualities, as it is found in other folkloric corridos, such as "Delgadina".
The representation of the woman in "Rosita Alvirez" reflects the
cultural and patriarchal restraints which place the female in a position
inferior to that of the male. Many of the scholarly analyses and
investigations regarding the corrido denote the gender conflicts and
oppressions placed upon the female. Maria Herrerra-Sobek, a prominent
corrido researcher, posits that the corrido has a "function of socializing
the young and, in this particular case, women into acceptable roles of
behavior" (Herrerra-Sobek, 1990). In the many versions of the corrido,
whether it be where the female is an innocent victim or where the female is
to blame, Rosita always reaches a tragic ending. Inevitably the female
always dies. Still, in another version of the corrido the death of Rosita
becomes a mockery. In this satirical version or parody, the life of the
female is devoid of any value -- reflecting the general mindset of a
traditional patriarchal dominated society.
The devaluing of women is further, but more subtly, manifested in
the manner in which the female and male figures are presented in the
corrido. From the ten corridos (including the three versions) we examined,
we have come to the realization that there exists a "shift in focus" of
character/s of the male/s. The attitude and actions of the murderer become
the center of attention. Further, the figure of the father vindicating his
daughters death becomes substantial to the corrido. In the three versions
that we encountered where the female is depicted as an innocent dame the
references to the male characters is much greater than in the others. In
"Corrido de Rosita" from the Gallery Collection, there are six stanzas
referring to the male characters and only two alluding to Rosiat's
character, four of which are direct speech events by the males and only one
speech event by Rosita. Still, in another version "Rosita Alires", from
Estudio y Clasificacion de la Musica tradicional hispanica de nuevo mexico
there are four direct speech events by Rosita compared to six belonging to
the male characters. The last and final version we encountered also
reflects an emphasis on the males. In contrast, when the female is
depicted as the culprit of her own downfall, the focus shifts to emphasize
her individual character, rather than that of the males. The female's
flaws of character are stressed; Rosita's refusal to obey her mother and
her presumptuous and coquettish demeanor become the core of the corrido.
>From the seven versions we came across, not one mentions the father and
each grants only one speech event, if any, to the character of
Instead, the stanzas used attempt to paint a picture of a
young dame who deserve to die. Stanzas such as the following are used to
describe a haughty and flirtatious Rosita:
Su mama se lo decia:
-Rosa, esta noche no sales"
-mama, no tengo la culpa
que a mi me justen los bailes."
-Rosita, no me desaires,
la gente la va a notar.
-A mi no me importa nada,
contigo no he de bailar
Su mama se lo decia:
-Ya vistes, hija querida,
por andar e pizpireta,
te habia de llegar el dia.-,
This "shift in focus" is significant in that it can dehumanize Rosita and
strip her of her individuality transforming her into an object or
possession which can only affirm her innocence through the arrogant
portrayal of the murderer and the fathers vindication of her death. Rosita
can only affirm an untainted and pure reputation by depicting the murderer
as a violent and dreadful character. In addition, the presence of the
father is essential in claiming her worth as an individual. Yet, when
Rosita is blamed for her tragic ending, due to her disrespectful ways and
haughty attitude, her individuality is emphasized. Rosita's character
alone, can affirm her culpability. The "shift in focus" is set so that
regardless of the situation, the female is always degraded and stripped of
all values. In the versions where she is innocent, Rosita is merely an
object belonging to a patriarchal society, where only through the
justification by a male, can Rosita make claims to any self worth. In the
versions where she is responsible for her own downfall, again Rosita is an
individual devoid of worth and deserving of death because of her rash and
conceited personality and unacceptable demeanor.
VicenteT.Mendoza and Virginia R. R. de Mendoza. Estudio y
Clasificación de la Música Tradicional Hispánica de Nuevo
México. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Mézico, D. F., 1985.
Herrera-Sobek, María. The Mexican Corrido: A Feminist Analysis. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1990.
care, maintenance, reproduction, compatibility, food, photo-review
The genus of corridors is limited not only by the most popular representative - speckled catfish. On sale you can find types of different sizes and colors. For example, you can start a golden corridor. He is unpretentious in care, like other relatives, but has a more interesting body color. We will talk about the features of the content of this catfish in our article.
General details
Corridor golden or bronze (Corydoras aeneus) - freshwater ray-finned fish from family Callichtovyh, or Armored, catfish. A distinctive feature of this catfish is a beautiful body color that combines brown and green tones with a characteristic metallic sheen. It gives the impression that the fish is actually cast in bronze. The rest of the golden corridor with nothing differs from its closest relatives, including in matters of care. it unpretentious fish that adapts well to various water parameters, therefore, it can be safely recommended to beginner aquarists.
live fish in the shallow waters of water bodies in South America, especially stagnant ones. In connection with these corridors have a number of adaptations: for example, some part of the intestine in they are used as an additional respiratory organ, and strong chest spikes fins can play the role of "stilts". We must not forget about the famous mustache corridors that help them navigate and find food even in the most muddy water.
External view
Fish has a body shape characteristic of most corridors: a rounded belly and convex back (with a bend "hump"). Two rows are clearly visible on the sides bone plates that are arranged like tiles. They form dense a protective shell that allows you to escape from enemies in nature.
On the head has small eyes. Mouth inferior, with two pairs of sensory antennae. The fins are slightly developed, transparent or yellowish. Maximum body size - 7 cm, females are larger than males.
General the color of the catfish is yellow-brown, with a darker back. Middle of the body a green strip with a metallic sheen stretches, in the head section there are similar spots.
The life expectancy of the golden corridor is about 10 years.
Area Habitat
Homeland bronze corridors is South America. They are believed to occur Trinidad Island, which is located off the northeastern coast of the mainland. The border distribution stretches up to the La Plata river basin to the east of the Andes.
Information about catching golden corydoras came from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, etc. True, some scientists believe that these may be other, similar species, since the systematization of corydoras has not yet been sufficiently developed. The species has geographic morphs, the most famous of which is the corydoras venezuela orange.
Golden corridors prefer slow-moving or stagnant water bodies. Fish love spend time on mudflats, where they are constantly in search of food.
Care and content
contain golden catfish at home is not at all difficult. Sometimes these fish planted in an aquarium alone, but this is wrong. Bronze corridors in live in flocks in nature, it is also preferable to keep at least 6 individuals, then they will manifest themselves in all their glory. One fish should have 10-15 liters of water.
On the bottom of the aquarium should be laid coarse river sand or small rounded pebbles. Such soil will not damage the antennae located near the mouth of the catfish, because they lovers dig it up in search of food.
Create a lot of cover in the tank. They are best made from natural stones, snags, grottoes, halves of coconuts. In an aquarium with golden corridors, it is imperative to plant groups of aquatic plants. Broad-leaved species that form a natural penumbra are well suited: echinodorus, cryptocorynes, anubias. But in general, the choice of plants is not limited by anything, because catfish do not damage them.
Corydoras prefer subdued lighting, if the light is too bright, then they usually hide in shelters.
Golden corridors need clean and oxygen-rich water, so the aquarium a suitable filter and aeration system should be installed. Very important once a week, change 20% of the water in the aquarium, which will not allow the accumulation hazardous metabolic products of fish. Use for water changes directly from the tap is dangerous, because it may contain chlorine and heavy metals. So make it safe by adding the right amount of Tetra AquaSafe Conditioner (5 ml per 10 liters of water). He instantly make tap water safe for fish to live.
Optimal water parameters for maintenance: Т=23-28°С, pH=6.0-8.0, GH=2-30.
Golden Corridor makes an excellent candidate for community aquariums. He is peaceful and calm, he will not offend his neighbors. It can be kept with guppies, danios, barbs, tetras, rasboras, gourami, etc.
A here a settlement with large aggressive fish is excluded. No catfish here will protect even a strong shell.
Not forget that it is necessary to keep corridors in flocks. intraspecies conflicts, if they happen, they are completely harmless to fish.
Feeding golden corridor
Golden corridors are considered "orderlies" of the aquarium. This is because the fish eat up at the bottom of any remnants of food falling from above. Without these fidgets such a waste can deteriorate and degrade water quality. But this does not mean at all that corridors should be fed only pasture. For good growth, health and longevity, it is important to organize the proper nutrition of corridors. Best an option would be quality dry food for bottom fish, for example, Tetra Cory ShrimpWafers, Tetra Wafer Mini Mix, or Tetra Tablets TabiMin. They are fast sink to the bottom, which does not allow fish floating in the water column to eat food (a very common problem in community aquariums). Due to the special structure of the tablet and the plates do not spoil the water and, gradually softening, allow catfish eat. It is important that dry food, unlike live and frozen food, does not can become a source of infection in your aquarium.
Because golden corridors are active mainly at night, feed them recommended after turning off the light in the aquarium.
Golden corridors looking for food at the bottom of the aquariumReproduction and breeding
B at home, you can get offspring from golden catfish. Sexual maturity occurs in fish at the age of about a year. To distinguish the female from male, it is best to look at them from above. Females are longer body, their abdomen is full and rounded.
Spawning at the bronze corridors group. One male should have 2-3 females. A week before the intended breeding, the fish are seated in different aquariums and richly fed. When the female is very rounded from caviar, it time to transplant it into a spawning aquarium.
This there should be a small volume tank with a low-power filter and aeration. Can put a flat stone on the bottom, plant a bush of a broad-leaved plant or just put a piece of glass.
Stimulate spawning will help massive water changes, while it is better if it is soft and sour. This simulates the onset of the rainy season, which is the period reproduction in nature.
Very it is interesting to watch the mating dances of golden corridors: males (active like never before) chase the female and tickle her with their antennae, thereby stimulating spawning.
Caviar laid by the female on any surface: stone, plant leaf, glass aquarium. For one spawning, the female can sweep aside several hundred eggs. After the spawning process is complete, the spawners should be removed as they can eat their own caviar.
Empty shells of golden corridor eggs after hatching B water, you can add an antifungal drug to prevent parasitic fungi destroyed the spawn. Incubation lasts 2-3 days, then another 5-7 days of larvae of the golden corridor use the stocks of the yolk sac for food, after which switch to self-sufficiency.
At when feeding fry, it is important to prevent severe water pollution: residues water is collected by a siphon, and changes are made more often.
Agassiza Corydoras: content, photo-video review
Agassiza corridor photo
Kingdom: Animals;
Type: Chordates;
Class: Ray-finned fish;
Order: Catfish;
Family: Shell catfish;
Binomial name: Corydoras;
Water parameters for keeping corridors in the aquarium:
Temperature: 20 - 25 C;
Acid pH: 6.0 – 7.4;
Hardness: 1 – 17;
Behaviour: Peaceful schooling fish;
Required: Filtration, aeration, weekly 30% water changes.
Habitat: South America, Brazil, Peru.
Aquarium size: 7 cm.
9 live in the aquarium0086 3-5 years old.
The corridor catfish family has more than 200 specimens. These fish are perhaps the most popular bottom dwellers in our aquariums. Persistent, nimble, flocking - that's how they can be characterized. There are many undescribed species that have been assigned a "C-number". This numbering system is very similar to "L numbering" , used in the identification of the Lorikariaceae. Both systems were implemented by the German aquarium magazine DATZ (Aquariums and Terrariums).
The very name of the genus Corydoras carries power! From the Greek "Corys" - helmet and "Doras" - armor. And looking at them there is no doubt about it, one can metaphorically say that the corridors are bottom aquarium knights, in armor and armor.
Agassiz Corydoras photo
Agassiz Corydoras (Corydoras agassizii) - the body is long, laterally flattened. The color of these fish depends on the habitat. Usually the body is blue, the back is olive-brown, the belly is yellow-pink. A bright blue stripe runs from the eyes and all over the body. The fins of the fish are bright orange. In males, the dorsal fin is pointed. Males are larger than females, their dorsal fin is round.
Like all corridors, it is preferable to keep in groups of 5 or more individuals. Since the fish lives exclusively in the lower layers, special attention is paid to the substrate, which should be soft and fine. Fine gravel or sand works well. The presence of living plants is acceptable, but not necessary, especially if the aquarium has enough decorations to provide places with shade and shelter - grottoes, stones, driftwood.
All types of corridors must be kept in good quality water. Therefore, an important condition is regular water changes and good filtration in the aquarium. Corydoras are very sensitive to changes in the composition of water, and it should be soft and slightly acidic. As for any other fish, a high concentration of poisons is unacceptable for cinnamon: ammonia, nitrite and nitrate . High-quality timely water changes help well in this matter, as well as drugs such as, say, Tetra EasyBalance , which converts phosphates into an insoluble precipitate and smoothly lowers nitrogenous ones. In general, every conscientious aquarist should always have on hand a set of drop tests, at least for nitrate and phosphate. Fortunately, they have now become inexpensive, there are no problems with their assortment and acquisition. For example, with a clear conscience, we can recommend you cool drip tests UHE but they are only sold online. In the shops of your city - offline, you can find inexpensive Vladox tests. Watch your friends for nitrogenous compounds, keep them in check and everything will be with you and your pets in a bunch.
Corydoras Agassiza photo
All representatives of armored catfish are undemanding in their diet. They eat everything that falls to their bottom. Therefore, if we are talking about personal feeding of catfish, it is best to use tableted, fast sinking food, such as Tetra Cory ShrimpWafers. Please note that you should not take pills for cinnamon for Lori Tetra Pleco Tablets. These foods are made entirely from herbal ingredients. Shell catfish will not appreciate this choice.
It should also be noted that when buying any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy feed by weight, and also store food in a closed state - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it .
Agassiza Corydoras photo
Breeding Agassiza Corydoras . Frequent water changes, raising the water temperature, should stimulate spawning. For breeding, you need an aquarium of 15 liters for a couple, it must be planted with plants, and have a lot of shelters. During spawning, the male dances around the female, and the female collects eggs in the pelvic fins folded like a basket. Caviar is laid on plants and on aquarium glass. The larvae hatch on the 5th-6th day, after a few more days the fry begin to swim and feed, they should be fed with ciliates.
All of the above is just the result of observing this type of aquarium fish and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also lively emotions that allow you to fully and subtly feel the world of aquarism. Register on , participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your pets in the first person and firsthand, describe their habits, behavior and content, share with us with their successes and joys, share experience and learn from the experience of others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every realization of a mistake that makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake.