How to become a dancer ffxiv
Shadowbringers Unlock, Tips, & Abilities
Master the new Shadowbringers classes with our FF14 guides!
Nerium, JUNE 28, 2019
Final Fantasy 14 doesn’t play around when it comes to new Jobs. And Shadowbringers, the third major expansion for the popular MMO, brings us two very unique classes. The Gunbreaker has the distinction of being the first new tank since Heavensward, but the Dancer might just be the standout new Job this time around. They’re awfully unique! That’s why we’ve decided to put together this Shadowbringers guide to the Dancer in FF14. Now let’s sway right in, shall we?
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Machinist Job Guide: FF14 Shadowbringers Changes, Rework, & Skills
FF14 Jobs are all going through some major changes in Shadowbringers. The new expansion includes major reworks across the board, as well as two entirely new classes: Dancer and Gunbreaker. Between these additions and another massive payload of story content, Shadowbringers almost makes FF14 feel like an entirely new game. And that’s exactly why you might need help picking your new main Job or Jobs this time around. We’re here to help with another FF14 Job guide — this time for the dazzling Dancer.
Red Mage Role – FF14 Shadowbringers Guide
The Dancer is unique, even in a game full of unique Jobs. They are a ranged DPS class without long channeling times — such as those on the Black Mage and Red Mage. Technically, that puts the Dancer in the same role as Machinist and Bard players. But the Dancer brings a lot more to the table in terms of “support” — damage, defense, and healing buffs that affect allied players. This role used to be filled by the Bard, as well, but Shadowbringers reworks changed all that. Now the Dancer stands alone as one of the primary support Jobs in FF14.
Less directly, Dancers suffer from how common DPS players are in FF14. A Dancer doesn’t often get “Hero in Need” XP and gil bonuses by participating in daily roulettes — except sometimes in Alliance Raids. This makes Dancer (and any other DPS Job for that matter) somewhat harder to level up than tanks and healers in Final Fantasy 14. On the plus side, they’re a lot simpler to play than either of the other two roles.
Dancer Abilities & Job Actions – FF14 Shadowbringers Guide
Dancers function quite a lot like the Machinist in Shadowbringers. That is to say, their abilities combo into one another without the need to channel spells. This offers them much more freedom of movement than mages, but there’s a cost. Dancer combos are very dependent on RNG, or randomness, to function at full strength. Most of their direct damage skills only have a 50 percent chance of triggering a combo.
In practice, 50 percent is usually plenty. You will throw out single-target combos all day long. But it can occasionally lead to dry spells where your individual damage just doesn’t cut it. To compensate for this, the Dancer gets an ability like none other in FF14: Closed Position. This designates an allied player as a dance partner, imbuing them with all the beneficial buffs the Dancer can accrue for themselves.
Dancing this way grants a number of benefits. You and your partner can do more damage, take reduced damage, boost your crits, and heal nearby party members. It’s an incredibly powerful, versatile collection of bonuses. And it can more than make up for DPS lost to RNG.
You can read a full account of Dancer abilities in Shadowbringers here.
Dancer Tips – FF14 Shadowbringers Guide
- Keep moving.
Group content in FF14 is all about positioning. Most bosses, and even many normal enemies, will constantly bombard you with AoE attacks that need to be dodged. One great thing about the Dancer — which also helps make up for its random damage combos — is that the Job can attack and range while on the move. Learn to stay on the move while weaving in attacks, and help compensate for mages that need to stop dealing DPS every time an AoE arrives.
- Stay close. Despite being a ranged class, the Dancer actually has some very important close-up skills. Curing Waltz, for instance, is a fairly potent healing skill (for a DPS Job). But it doesn’t affect every single party member automatically. You need to stand near allies for the effect to reach them. Of course, your Closed Position partner will also provide this effect when you cast it. In short, stay close to your allies, but away from your partner for maximum coverage.
- Consider your partner.
Different dance partners will benefit more or less from your various Dancer buffs. In general, though, tanks are the safe bet. For one, healing them with Curing Waltz will take some pressure off dedicated healers — increasing your overall wiggle room to screw up. You can also easily predict where main tanks will stand (i.e. right next to a raid or dungeon boss). If you have lots of melee DPS allies, this increases the odds that you will spread the effect of Devilment as widely as possible.
- Always be dancing. Randomness can be a real pain. And the Dancer has to worry about it more than most ranged DPS Jobs. To compensate, you need to make sure that you are always dancing with Standard Step and/or Technical Step to boost your overall damage output.
How to Unlock the Dancer Job – FF14 Shadowbringers Guide
Unlike most Jobs in FF14, the Dancer isn’t accessible at the outset. Instead you need to play through the game as any normal combat Job for a while. Once you reach level 60, however, the Dancer becomes available in Limsa Lominsa – Lower Decks. Just accept the quest “Shall We Dance.” Finishing “Shall We Dance” will unlock the Dancer in FF14. And unlike base game classes, the Dancer begins at level 60.
That’s all for now, folks! Thanks for taking the time to read our guide to the Dancer in FF14: Shadowbringers. We hope it helps you master this swift DPS Job to the best of your ability. Until then, good luck learning the new reworks, abilities, and intricacies of the Dancer going forward.
Final Fantasy XIV
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Final Fantasy XIV Dancer job guide: everything you need to know
Dancing can be a powerful form of expression, or just a way to let loose when nobody’s watching. However, Final Fantasy XIV’s Dancer is rather different: this new Shadowbringers job is all about dishing out damage from afar and cheering on your allies with some inspiring moves.
The new FFXIV job was announced at Tokyo Fan Fest 2019, where we were lucky enough to get a closer look at more of the new features and content coming with FFXIV: Shadowbringers release date. The Dancer is the second new FFXIV job to come with Shadowbringers, following the already-revealed FFXIV Gunbreaker job. Dancer will fulfil the Ranged DPS role, though it also offers some support skills. It will dual-wield two chakrams as its weapon of choice and it will most likely share ‘aiming’ gear alongside the Bard and Machinist jobs.
Now, once you’ve flicked through the Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers patch notes, it’s time to hit the dancefloor and round up everything you need to know about the Dancer job in Final Fantasy XIV. Based on what’s been announced so far, we have an overview of the new job’s abilities, a guide on how the Dancer job fits in the Final Fantasy canon. Let’s boogie!
How to unlock the Dancer job in Final Fantasy XIV
You will be able to acquire the Dancer job by visiting a trainer in the Limsa Lominsa Lower Docks. You’ll need to have at least one Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic job at level 60 in order to start the quest, however.
Your trainer will offer you some initial guidance on how to play Dancer, provide you with a weapon, and give you a set of armour to get you throwing your first set of shapes. Job quests will be available for the Dancer between the levels of 60 to 70, and then a final quest will unlock once you reach the new level cap of 80.
FFXIV Dancer skills and abilities
Now that we’ve had some time with the Dancer as part of our FF14 Shadowbringers impressions, we can give you a complete idea of how the job functions. Dancer will feature a balance of damage dealing and support skills that ensure it can dish out some serious punishment while also keeping allies pepped up. The Actions Overview page on the official game site has been updated to show the Dancer Job’s full abilities list, plus the updates to the rest of the game’s jobs.
Your main ability is to – yeah, you guessed it – dance. Activating either Standard Finish or Technical Finish will replace four of your skills with different dance steps of various colours. Depending on the Finish skill you’ve chosen, you’ll then need to match either two or four of these colours to perform a brief routine. Executing this then puts you into a state called Espirit which buffs your damage and enables you to earn extra resources to use on additional attacks.
One of these resources is Fourfold Feathers, which can be spent to pull off a single target or area of effect fan attack. These are on different cooldowns to your other abilities so you can weave them in to build up a lot of burst damage against opponents. In addition, you have one massive finisher that can only be used once enough Espirit has been built up by landing basic weaponskills. Reach the threshold and you can unleash a devastating torrent of blows on a group of close targets.
To help you gain these resources even quicker, you can also assign a party member as your Dance Partner in group activities. This chosen ally not only gains the Espirit effect when you activate it to buff their damage but their attacks can then contribute to building your Espirit value to activate that big finishing move.
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While you’re managing to keep your Espirit status active, you can also empower your Dance Partner and party members with a host of handy support skills. For the Dance Partner specifically, you can temporarily buff their critical hit and direct hit rates for a massive damage bump. Or you can share a heal with them to help the healer in a pinch. As for the entire party, there’s a damage protection effect you can trigger to lessen the impact of group-wide effects from bosses.
So, while Dancer may not be the pure healer job lots of players wanted to see from Shadowbringers, there is still a lot of room for you to fulfil a support role within the party while dishing out some serious damage.
Dancer will also have access to a number of Ranged DPS role actions. As these have seen a significant rework, you’ll no longer have to choose between a wide selection. Instead, they will be steadily unlocked as you level up. You’ll be able to have them on hand to interrupt enemy attacks, better manage your threat level, and much more.
FFXIV Dancer lore
Dancer has a rich history across the series since its first appearance in Final Fantasy V. Then it was a fairly weak melee job better suited to casting magical abilities and performing one of four random dances that offered a range of effects, from confusing enemies to draining their HP.
The job was more prominent in Final Fantasy X-2, though it existed under the name of Songstress in the 2003 sequel. By dancing or singing, the Songstress could apply different buffs to allies or nerfs to enemies, though it was unable to perform attacks itself.
Perhaps the most important version of the job in an MMO context is Dancer’s appearance in Final Fantasy XI. When the job was first rumoured to be coming to Final Fantasy XIV, its history as a support and healer led many to think that would be the same for Shadowbringers. Their competency at fighting, however, allows FFXIV Dancers to fulfil a damage and support role.
While tanks lick their lips at the prospect of playing as a Gunbreaker, healers must make do with White Mage, Scholar, and Astrologian for now. According to game director, Naoki Yoshida, the team would prefer to work on balancing the current healer roles instead of adding a new one.
Dancer's Guide - Guides and Game Reviews
Here's everything you need to know about the Dancer profession in Final Fantasy 14, plus some tips and tricks for using your abilities.
The Dancer, added in the Shadowbringers expansion, is the third ranged DPS quest you can unlock in Final Fantasy 14. It's an elegant quest that focuses on using chakrams and other thrown weapons in battle, as well as supporting allies with offensive buffs.
This job is relatively easy to master. It has a simple ability rotation for most of the game and only unlocks more complex strategies to reach the highest levels. However, it's important for dancers to optimize your damage and support abilities. If you haven't opened this job yet, find out how to do it with our handy guide.
- Offensive Combinations
- Four Feathers
- Role Playing
- Shagomer
- Closed position
- Dancing partner choice
- Combat Strategies
- Dancer Equipment
- Materia
offensive combinations
The simplest rotation of the damage to the DANCENT DANCENT. to get used to. Dancers have two combinations available, each consisting of two abilities. The first is Cascade to Fountain and is designed for single targets. Their AoE combo is Windmill in Bladeshower .
Unique to these abilities is a 50% chance to unlock a more powerful move each time you use it. For example, every time you use Cascade, there is a 50 percent chance that you will unlock Reverse Cascade for one use of .
You have a total of four basic attacks, each of which can open a more powerful version of itself.
To maximize damage as a dancer, keep an eye on weapon skill icons so you don't miss an unlock in the heat of battle. A good rule of thumb is to check the badges every time you do one combination of basic moves. With a little practice, this will become second nature to you.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with other guides to popular games. Let's talk about the secrets and tricks that you can use in games to your advantage. And also about useful and interesting stories in video games.
Four Feathers
Once you learn Fan Dance at level 30, you will unlock the Four Feather Work Gauge . This bar will fill up with feathers during combat - each time you use one of the unlocked weapon skills, there is a chance to get a feather. To clarify, these are weapon skills that you unlock with your basic combos like Reverse Cascade and Fountainfall.
You can use these feathers to use Fan Dance (single target ability) or Fan Dance II (AoE ability). These attacks resolve instantly with no global recovery. As such, they are handy to use during explosion periods when you need a lot of damage.
Once you reach level 66, each use of Fan Dance or Fan Dance II can trigger a buff called Flourishing Fan Dance . While under this buff, you can cast Fan Dance III once, which does not use a feather and is more powerful than other Fan Dances. Good strategy - accumulate four feathers, and then use them all in a row , starting Fan Dance III if possible.
Role Actions
As a ranged fighter, the main role actions you should know about are: Head abrasion and arm length . The former is useful to include in your rotation during mob dungeons for a very small damage reduction on your tank and even works with some low level bosses. The latter is more useful when you know a strong push or pull is coming.
Other role-playing activities are more situational. Peloton is a good , but it gives a negligible speed boost - although it will probably be widely used in 24-man raids. Second Wind is a good panic button that can also be used in emergencies .
The Pedometer is a very important feature of the Dancer class. Abilities Standard Step (learned at level 15) and Tech Step (learned at level 70) both interact with him and are key to your DPS and to your ability to support a group.
When you use any ability, Pedometer will light up with two icons (for a standard step) or four icons (for a technical step) . Your four basic weapon skill icons will change their icons to match the step bar icons.
You must follow the steps shown on the sensor, in order to unlock the most powerful versions of the standard trim and technical trim. These are not only very damaging AoE moves, but also powerful damage buffs that last a decent amount of time.
There is no reason to avoid using the standard pitch when available . Conversely, it is recommended to keep the Tech Step for window burst due to its longer cooldown and shorter buff duration.
Closed item
Starting at level 60, you will have the "Closed Position" ability. This ability is performed when targeting one of your allies and assigns them as your dance partner .
Assigning a dance partner comes from your standard step. The self buff that this ability grants is also granted to your dance partner, greatly increasing the group's overall DPS.
In addition to the Standard Step buff, your dance partner will also receive the effects of Curing Waltz and Devilment . Healing Waltz is a healing move learned at level 52 - it's not very powerful, but can be very useful in a pinch. Devil, on the other hand, is a very nice 20% Critical Strike buff learned at level 62 that your dance partner will appreciate highly for 20 seconds.
Select Dance Partner
- You'll probably want to set your dance partner directly at the start of a dungeon, trial, or raid . The effectiveness of a pair of dance partners really depends on the skills of the chosen player, but a good rule of thumb is to choose DPS jobs that have consistently high damage, such as black mages and ninjas.
- Experience with the Dancer and Final Fantasy 14 in general will help you better recognize burst periods for different classes .
This may encourage you to choose positions such as "Summoner" and "Dragoon" for your dance partner so that you can Calculate the duration of your Devil buff for a maximum damage dealt of . as it will increase the DPS of the group and lead you to a more reliable win.
- If the party is filled with ranged professions (which tend to have lower actual DPS in exchange for versatility and support), you might even consider making Tank your dance partner - this is especially important. useful with powerful tanks like the Gunbreaker and Warrior.
Esprit Sensor
When you reach level 76, you will unlock the last mechanic that the dancer's job has, Esprit. Usually, starting at this level, your standard moves and tech moves will also give a buff called Esprit. When a player with this buff performs a weapon skill or spell, your Esprit Gauge increases by ten .
The purpose of the Esprit Gauge is to use your sword dance. It's very powerful An AoE attack that costs 50 Esprit Gauge , so it can be used twice in a row if you save 100 Esprit.
Technique Improvisation is learned at level 80 . This locking ability gives you a buff that gradually increases your Esprit Gauge to if you do nothing after using it . Another move or even moving will cancel the buff, so it's best used during periods when you can't select a boss or when you need a little more Esprit. The key to success is the ability to fight and be flexible.
Combat strategies
- At lower levels, Dancer is very easy to use in combat. Just watch your combinations and use Standard Step whenever possible. As you learn Tech Step and Devil, you'll start to get better at timing your damage burst.
- Performing a combo in the tech stage and then using Devilment will greatly increase your DPS . This is the perfect time to unleash a flurry of fan dancing and tier two weapon skills for the best chance of capitalizing on your increased Critical Strike.
You can also use here Prosperity to easily activate all your combo actions and deal maximum damage.
- At level 50 you will unlock the ability to use En Avant . This is a stylish movement ability that gets you ahead quickly. Link this to the easily accessible hotkey and use it in emergencies - the faster you can use it to get out of enemy AoEs, the faster you can get back into the DPS rotation.
- Be careful when using low level content - your standard move will do so much damage that it's pretty easy to get aggro from groups of mobs. Make sure you stick to your Tank in these cases, as you really don't want to be caught off guard.
- To reduce uptime, find out how long the game takes you to complete a full standard or technical milestone. Start combos as you move from fight to fight , and start the fight with a finishing move to keep up your combat damage per second.
Dancer's Outfit
The dancer's job starts at level 60 and continues with a crate of matching and stylish gear, which means you don't have to worry about collecting a lot of equipment to level up.
The first thing you need to do is go to Foundation (X: 10.5, Y: 11.8) where you can buy a full set of Augmented Shire Conservator 9 armor0036 . (Item Level 270) from Rowena's representative. This set costs 4335 Allagan Tombstones of Poetics and will be significantly stronger than the equipment provided by the Dancers unlock quest.
This set should last a long time as the Quest levels up, maybe even up to level 70 with a few upgrades from the Stormblood level up dungeons. At level 70, you can get a set of reinforced Skeva armor (item level 400) from Rowena's representative in Coogan (X: 12.2, Y: 10.8) . This set should be enough to hold a Shadowbringer.
Starting at level 71, you can begin confidently swapping out your gear for dungeon drops, crafted gear, and eventually level 80 final gear like Dancer's resistance weapons.
Once you reach max level and start getting gear with more slots, it's time to start exploring the material and its possibilities. you.
Merging Materia for ranged DPS is pretty easy. The ideal rule of thumb is to increase the critical hit of a piece of equipment until it can no longer be increased, and then move on to a direct hit of . This is the best way to reliably improve your DPS.
Cascade | Lv.1 | Combat Skill | Instant | 2.5 sec | - | 25y 0y | Attack with 250 power. Additional Effect: 50% chance for Flourishing Cascade. Duration: 20 sec. ※The action will change to Emboite while dancing. |
Fountain | Lv.2 | Combat Skill | Instant | 2.![]() | - | 25y 0y | Attack with power 100. Combo effect: Cascade Combo effect power: 300 Combo effect bonus: 50% chance for Flourishing Fountain effect. Duration: 20 sec. ※The action will change to Entrechat while dancing. |
Windmill | Lv.15 | Combat Skill | Instant | 2.5 sec | - | 0y 5y | Attack with 150 power to all enemies around in the radius of the skill. Additional Effect: 50% chance for Flourishing Windmill. Duration: 20 sec. |
Standard Step | Lv.15 | Ability | Instant | 30 sec | - | 0y 0y | Starts a dance, casting Standard Step on the character Duration: 15 sec. The action changes to Standard Finish during the dance. ![]() Only Standard Finish, En Avant, step actions, and role skills can be performed during dance Starts the cooldown timer for combat skills, step actions, and finish actions after performing Cannot be executed during the cooldown of combat skills, step actions, and finish actions. |
Standard Finish | Lv.15 | Ability | Instant | 1.5 sec | - | 0y 15y | Attacks all enemies around in the radius of the skill. The power of the skill varies depending on the number of successfully taken steps, dealing full damage to the first enemy, and 75% less to other enemies. 0 steps: 500 1 step: 750 2 steps: 1,000 Step Bonus: Applies Standard Finish and Esprit to self and selected party member who is tagged as Dance Partner The damage bonus from Standard Finish depends on the number of successfully completed steps. ![]() 1 step: 2% 2 steps: 5% Duration: 60 sec Starts the cooldown timer for combat skills, step actions, and finish actions after executing Cannot be executed during the cooldown of combat skills, step actions, and finish actions. ※Action cannot be attached to the hotbar. |
Reverse Cascade | Lv.20 | Combat Skill | Instant | 2.5 sec | - | 25y 0y | Attack with 300 Power Additional Effect: 50% chance to gain Fourfold Feather Can only be cast while under the effect of Flourishing Cascade. ※The action changes to Jete while dancing. |
Bladeshower | Lv.25 | Combat Skill | Instant | 2.5 sec | - | 0y 5y | Attack with a power of 100 against all enemies around in the radius of the skill.![]() Combo Effect: Windmill Combo Strength: 200 Combo Bonus: 50% chance for Flourishing Shower effect. Duration: 20 sec. |
Fan Dance | Lv.30 | Ability | Instant | 1 sec | 1 Fourfold Feather | 25y 0y | Attack with 150 power. Additional effect: 50% chance for Flourishing Fan Dance. Duration: 20 sec. Can only be done with feathers (Fourfold Feather) |
Rising Windmill | Lv.35 | Combat Skill | Instant | 2.5 sec | - | 0y 5y | Attacks surrounding enemies within the skill radius with 300 power for the first enemy and 50% less for all other enemies. Additional effect: 50% chance to get Fourfold Feather. Can only be performed while under the effect of Flourishing Windmill. ![]() |
Fountainfall | Lv.40 | Combat skill | Instant | 2.5 sec | - | 25y 0y | Attack with 350 Power Additional Effect: 50% chance to gain Fourfold Feather. Can only be cast while under the effect of Flourishing Fountain. ※The action changes to Pirouette while dancing. |
Bloodshower | Lv.45 | Combat Skill | Instant | 2.5 sec | - | 0y 5y | Attacks all nearby enemies within the skill's range with 350 power for the first enemy, and 50% less for other enemies. Additional Effect: 50% chance to get Fourfold Feather Can only be performed while under the effect of Flourishing Shower. |
Fan Dance II | Lv. | Ability | Instant | 1 sec | 1 Fourfold Feather | 0y 5y | Attack with 100 power against all nearby enemies within the radius of the skill. Additional Effect: 50% chance to get Flourishing Fan Dance Duration: 20 sec Can only be performed with Fourfold Feather. |
En Avant | Lv.50 | Ability | Instant | 30 sec | - | 0y 0y | Dash 10 yalms forward. Maximum charges: 3 Cannot be executed if the character is under movement-restricting effects |
Curing Waltz | Lv.52 | Ability | Instant | 60 sec | - | 0y 3y | Restores the HP of the character and party members within the radius of the skill.![]() Healing Power: 300 Additional Effect: A party member marked as a Dance Partner will also heal themselves and nearby party members |
Shield Samba | Lv.56 | Ability | Instant | 120 sec | - | 0y 20y | Reduces damage taken by the character and party members within the radius of the skill by 10%. Duration: 15 sec The effect does not stack with Bard's Troubadour or Machinist's Tactician. |
Closed Position | Lv.60 | Ability | Instant | 30 sec | - | 30y 0y | Places a Closed Position on the character and makes the chosen party member a Dance Partner, allowing you to share the effects of Standard Finish, Devilment, and Curing Waltz with the chosen party member. The effect wears off upon repeated execution. ![]() |
Ending | Lv.60 | Ability | Instant | 1 sec | - | 0y 0y | Ends a dance with your partner. |
Devilment | Lv.62 | Ability | Instant | 120 sec | - | 0y 0y | Increases the chance of critical damage and direct hit by 20%. Duration: 20 sec Additional Effect: A party member marked as a dance partner will also receive the Devilment | effect.
Fan Dance III | Lv.66 | Ability | Instant | 1 sec | - | 25y 5y | Attacks the target and all enemies around it within the range of the skill, with 200 power for the first enemy and 50% less for all other enemies.![]() Can only be performed while under the effect of Flourishing Fan Dance. |
Technical Step | Lv.70 | Ability | Instant | 120 sec | - | 0y 0y | Starts a dance, applying a Technical Step to the character. Duration: 15 sec The action changes to Technical Finish during the dance. Only Technical Finish, En Avant, step actions, and role skills can be executed during dance Starts the cooldown timer for combat skills, step actions, and finish actions after Cannot be executed during the cooldown of combat skills, step actions, and finish actions. |
Technical Finish | Lv.70 | Ability | Instant | 1.5 sec | - | 0y 15y | Attacks all enemies around in the radius of the skill.![]() 0 steps: 500 1 step: 750 2 steps: 1,000 3 steps: 1.250 4 steps: 1,500 Step Bonus: Applies Technical Finish and Esprit to self and selected party member tagged as Dance Partner The damage bonus from Technical Finish depends on the number of successfully completed steps. 1 step: 1% 2 steps: 2% 3 steps: 3% 4 steps: 5% Duration: 20 sec Additional Effect: Activates Esprit Gauge Starts the cooldown timer for combat skills, step actions and finish actions after doing Cannot be executed during cooldown of combat skills, step and finish actions. ※Action cannot be attached to the hotbar. |
Flourish | Lv.72 | Ability | Instant | 60 sec | - | 0y 0y | Grants Flourishing Cascade, Flourishing Fountain, Flourishing Windmill, Flourishing Shower, and Flourishing Fan Dance.![]() |
Saber Dance | Lv.76 | Combat Skill | Instant | 2.5 sec | Esprit: 50 | 25y 5y | Attacks the target and all enemies around it, within the radius of the skill, with the power of 600 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all other enemies. Esprit Gauge Cost: 50 |
Improvisation | Lv.80 | Ability | Instant | 120 sec | - | 0y 6y | Dance to its own rhythm, imposing Improvisation on the character. Improvisation Effect: Constantly replenishes the Esprit Gauge while the character is in combat Duration: 15 sec The replenishment rate of the scale depends on the number of party members around the character. In addition, increases the effectiveness of actions aimed at restoring health by 10%. ![]() |