How does sammy die in dance academy
We Talked To Thom Green From "Dance Academy" About Sammy's Death
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If you grew up watching Dance Academy, there’s one moment from the show you’ve probably never recovered from.
It was the reason you sobbed into your pillow, the reason you developed serious trust issues, and even the mention of it to this day can cause your eyes to start welling up.
Yes, I am talking about Sammy’s untimely death.
Refresher: The day of the Prix De Fonteyn, Sammy goes for a jog to ease his nerves before the big dance competition. Everything happens off-screen, but through a series of events, we learn Sammy has been in an accident and was hit by a car.
He dies on the way to the hospital. BEFORE HE GETS A CHANCE TO DANCE!
Ugh, it’s so grossly unfair.
Seeing as it’s been six years since that horrific moment in our lives, Punkee caught up with Thom Green, who played Sammy, to demand an apology see how he’s been travellin’.
Here’s what we learned.
Thom is very aware of the heartache Sammy has caused and is sorry about it:
“People write to me almost daily on Twitter or Instagram saying they can’t believe the producers ‘killed me off’ and/or that they bawled their eyes out.
“Sometimes they even seem surprised I’m still posting on my Instagram – as if Thom Green died!”
He takes time to apologise for the tidal wave of tears:
“When I have time I usually write back to people to say I’m sorry, explain that I left the show to explore other avenues, and assure them I’m still alive and well.”
sammy on dance academy died i'm not okay
— love, lany / 11 ???? (@L0VENlCK) August 2, 2017
Thom thinks if Sammy were alive today he would’ve gone overseas to dance:
“He would’ve fallen in love with a nice young man and would be Skyping his friends back in Sydney whenever he had a spare minute. ”
Moving on from Sammy’s death, some of the best fan encounters Thom has experienced have been about Sammy’s sexuality:
“At the time we shot that storyline I remember thinking that we were doing something different in young adult television. Before us, I remember Neighbours doing a lesbian storyline and that was it. It just wasn’t seen on Aussie television.
“When Season 2 had just finished I had a couple of young men approach me and tell me that Sammy’s ‘coming out’ actually helped them accept their sexuality or helped them come out to their family/friends. I’m really proud to be a part of a show that has had that kind of influence.”
Though he thinks Aussie TV still has some way to go when it comes to representation of same-sex couples:
“In recent years we’re starting to see it a little more with shows like Barracuda and ABC’s Riot but there could definitely be more. You’ll notice that over the last 5-10 years American TV shows have just exploded with LGBTQ characters/storylines which I think is fantastic!
“Young audiences need that. They need to be exposed more to these characters – whether they’re struggling with their sexuality or not. So, I still think we have a ways to go in Aussie TV when it comes to tackling same-sex relationships.
“We’ve made some strides with shows that centre on different ethnicities/religions/cultures in recent years so why can’t we do the same thing with sexuality?”
Thom has been busy acting since
Dance Academy and splits his time between Australia and LA:He’s pretty chill on what the future holds. “I’ve been auditioning for Aussie and American projects, trying my hand at writing and working a normal job just to keep my sanity. I’m flying back over to the U.S in a couple months so I’m just going to see what happens.”
R.I.P Sammy. May you forever dance in our hearts.
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welcome to the inner workings of my mind.
Thoughts on the season 2 finale (this is long, forgive me)
“It guts like a fish to see how he’s grown…”
I watched seasons (or series’ for you other folks) one and two of the Australian drama Dance Academy this past weekend. I stumbled upon the show when I was flipping through channels and saw part of the episode Week Zero on TeenNick. I’ve kind of given up on teen dramas altogether, but something about this show intrigued me. I also recognized that it has shown up in my “Recommends” on Netflix. So I caved and started watching, and I couldn’t stop. (This is gonna be long, I warned you.)
I fell helplessly in love with the show especially during season two. (Please stop reading if you haven’t watched the season two finale or else you’re going to be horrendously spoiled. )
It was disturbing how much the death of Sammy Lieberman affected me. It was so strange, I had read about his death when I was a quarter through the season one (thank you tumblr and my uncanny knack for spoiling myself), so I knew what to expect. I just didn’t expect it to hurt so much.
I have to commend the writers on creating such a beautiful character, and Tom Green for his amazing portrayal. Tom Green expressed that the death of Sammy was something the writers and producers did with his blessing as he plans on pursuing other projects abroad. I don’t know what came first, but I do know that there was a twenty-month break between the airing of seasons one and two. It is obvious the writer’s took their time when deciding how they were going to execute this storyline.
Many times character deaths are done too suddenly, for the “shock” factor, or simply because the writers don’t know how to send off a character. So they kill them; they kill them in shootings, stabbings, car accidents, and the rest of the characters are left to cope with what happened. This is a challenge for all of the actors involved. Very rarely, in my honest opinion, are these deaths realistic. Very rarely do they prick at your heart.
The choice to kill off Sammy was a ballsy move. Since the first episode we’ve been on a journey with “weak ankles” Lieberman who just wants good friends and his father’s support. We’ve seen his ongoing struggle with dance and admired his determination to get better. We’ve empathized with his relationship struggles (from breaking up with his first girlfriend Mia, to falling in love with Abigail, to realizing that he may be attracted to men, to his rocky relationship with Ollie). He was the fun-loving character who was always there for emotional support. He was the “glue” that held everyone together. He was incredibly interesting to watch and his storylines were always thoughtful.
“And then he died… who does that?”
Here is where great writing comes into play. As a character, Sammy was one of the most consistent. He mentioned having “weak ankles” in episode two (I believe) of season one, and as a result, Miss Raine puts him on pointe. For the first half of season one, Sammy is shown dancing on pointe, despite being the only boy who is made to do so. In several episodes he is also shown practicing on the sidelines while his other classmates dance. It is made exponentially clear that he is not the strongest dancer, but he doesn’t care. It is something that he loves, and something that he is passionate about. He doesn’t come home for six months so he can support himself to attend the Academy; he defies his father and works himself to death. Many people say that Sammy’s sudden questioning of his sexuality was random and out of place, but I disagree. Sammy has always been weird (for lack of a better term) when it comes to relationships. When he was with Mia, he dumped her because of his feelings for Abigail, so I wasn’t shocked when Sammy and Abigail broke up due to his feelings for Christian. I’m not surprised he started to feel attracted to men, either.
In the footballers vs. dancers episode there is major foreshadowing at this when the football player asks Sammy for his number, requesting a date. Everything that happens with Sammy is done with a clear purpose in mind.
And then there’s Abigail. Excuse my French, but fuck Tara’s relationship drama. Watching Sammy’s interactions with Abigail were so refreshing. I think that they were the best-written couple on the show. Especially in the last six or so episodes of season two. It is obvious in the season two premiere that Abigail still has feelings for Sammy and throughout the season the writers showcased this in very subtle ways. (Her face in “The Break” when she watches Sammy dance says wonders.) In episode 23 (season 2) Sammy comments about how he wonders if he should put the Academy on his short-list of schools to consider if he wins the Prix. Towards the end of the episode, he tells her not to tell anyone that “[if he wins] [he’s] choosing the academy.” Abigail is shown smiling after him as he skates away. There is hope for their future together. I praise Dena Kaplan for he stunning performance in episodes 24 and 25 of season two. In their final scene together, Sammy and Abigail share a kiss that is so fucking cute and leaves the both of them elated. Then he dies. I could feel Abigail’s heart breaking. She genuinely loved him, and I really think that he loved her too.
Not that I don’t like Ollie, I do. But I don’t think he was the person Sammy was meant to be with. I think his presence in Sammy’s life was needed, I personally believe that Sammy was bisexual, but I think that his “soul mate” was Abigail. It just so happens that she’s female.
I’ve spent a lot of time saying how great the writers were when it came to writing Sammy, but I am not going to leave Tom Green out of this. Sammy could’ve easily been an annoying character if the wrong actor played him. He could’ve been whiny and pathetic, but Green put so much charm and charisma into his character that there was never a moment when I didn’t like Sammy. I may have been annoyed with him, and I may have screamed at my TV for his stupidity, but I always liked him. There was something that Tom Green brought to the character, I don’t know what to call it, but he made Sammy so likeable that it was magnetic. He was magnetic.
“I dance to feel connected.”
As soon as Sammy became a finalist for the Prix, I knew something bad was going to happen. Not because I read spoilers, but because of the way everything was beginning to get set up. He reconciled with his father, what’s next? He even said that he didn’t dance to defy his father anymore. He was proven to be one of the best dancers in his country, where do we go from here? His major conviction to be “better” wasn’t an issue anymore. He “chose” Abigail (I honestly think he did), what else? He may never define his sexuality, but that doesn’t matter. He found the person he was in love with. His work as a character was done.
There is nothing I hate on TV more than pointless deaths, and many people may argue that Sammy’s death was pointless, but I respectfully disagree. Throughout season two it was repeated numerously in so many different ways that the stakes are higher, professional dance is a competition, etc. Friendships were split and people were divided, unity ceased to exist anymore. (Sammy even expressed this in the episode “Love and War”). Everyone was dancing like an individual and living like an individual; they forgot that they were connected. They forgot that they needed each other.
Then Sammy died. Sammy, the one character who valued friendship above everything, the one character who was consistently there (when Abigail wasn’t eating, when Christian met his father, when Ben wanted to prove to Tara that he was good for her, he supported Tara and Kat when they fought against each other; he stood up for them) was gone. What does this mean?
Dancing means something again. It has to. And Sammy’s final solo/his tribute dance is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen on television. The inclusion of the song Easy to Love by The Jezabels is perfect. The song is about Sammy, and I give credit to whoever does music on Dance Academy, I cannot say enough about this choice of song. It’s almost like it was made for the show. (I know it wasn’t.) Sammy Lieberman certainly was easy to love.
I haven’t cried so hard over a character’s death in my life. (I bawled during The Hunger Games, but it was nothing compared to how I reacted to Sammy’s death.) I’ve cried during other TV deaths as well, but it was thing like this. This was one of the best character send-offs I’ve seen in a long time (and trust me, I watch a lot of TV).
The thing the hurts the most about Sammy Lieberman’s death is how it occurred at the height of his life. And killing him at this point made for effective storytelling, but it was painful to watch. Because we went on his journey with him, we rooted for him, and now we must say goodbye.
Goodbye Sammy Lieberman.
Who does Kat from the Dance Academy stay with? – Celebrity.

She and Ben later Charles in a hospital bed while they wait to watch Tara and NYBG's article. The two exchange flirtatious remarks and seem to be attracted to each other. Kat is last seen in Sydney, where she is picked up and kissed by Ben, confirming that the couple is dating.
So who does Abigail get into the dance academy with?
Abigail Armstrong | |
Hair color | Brunette |
Network | |
Family | Paige Armstrong (sister) Anthea Armstrong (mother) |
Relationships | Sammy Lieberman (ex-boyfriend; deceased) Ethan Karamakov (Former attraction, Kiss) Wes Cooper (Current boyfriend) |
Accordingly, why did Kat and Miles break up?
Miles is upset that he is considered "made of chewing gum". Kat inspires him to write his own music and do what he likes, not what his manager wants.
Miles Kelly | |
Information | |
Last episode | Middle, slightly raised |
Cause | Breaks up with Kat |
Played | Adam Saunders |
In what episode does Kat have bulimia?
"Dance Academy" " Abbreviated Reservation (Episode 2013) - IMDb.
So, what happens at the end of the movie "Dance Academy"?
The film ends where it all began: in Sydney, the whole team working and dancing together in Christian's studio. Ben and Tara started their own company with their favorite dancers - Christian, Cat, Abigail and Ollie - and if your heart doesn't swell in that happy ending, you're a monster.
What did Saskia do to Tara?
Little things. Saskia injured her leg in a fall during 's live performance. A video posted by Grace and Tara went viral in which she criticized Tara, stating "You're not good enough and you never will be. " She broke Tara's back in the episode "Pointe Shot Breakdown".
How many seasons does the dance academy have?
TV drama lasted 3 seasons with 65 episodes. A sequel to the television series Dance Academy: The Movie was released by StudioCanal in Australian cinemas on April 6, 2017.
Why did Ethan leave the dance academy?
“When I have time, I usually write to people to apologize, to explain it. I left the show to explore other possibilities for , and reassure them that I'm still alive and kicking."
Is the Fontaine Prize real?
Prix de Fonteyn is an elite international dance competition similar to the Dance Olympics. Saskia Duncan and Grace Whitney were the winners. It consists of 3 stages:… - International Competitions: In the year that Tara and her friends are in their second year, the international Prix de Fonteyn is held in Sydney.
Is the dance academy based on real events?
1. Dance Academy based in part on the life of writer and co-author Samantha Strauss . Like Tara, she grew up wanting to be a professional dancer, but when she was 18 she broke a bone in her back and was told she would never dance again.
How are Kat and Ethan connected?
Relations. Kat is Ethan 's younger sister. Ethan is shown to care deeply for Kat and they get along most of the time. Kat was the only person Ethan hugged as he said goodbye as he left Australia for Spain.
Will Saskia be fired?
Despite Tara asking her many times, even to Miss Rain, to apologize, Saskia refuses and leaves the Academy before she is expelled. .
Saskia Duncan | |
work | Dance teacher |
Production | |
Played | Brooke Harmon |
Who is the dance teacher at the dance academy?
Patrick teaches at the academy in the first season.
Patrick | |
Floor | M |
Hair color | gray |
Network | |
work | Former ballet teacher |
Who broke Tara's back at the dance academy?
Saskia breaks Tara's back in this episode.
Is Saskia jealous of Tara?
For example, in the Dance Academy, Saskia's cruelty stems from her jealousy of the cover of and her criticisms point to this. She constantly tells Tara, often in a patronizing tone, that she is terrible, just a child, arrogant, and the list goes on. She does this to knock Tara down, not to help her.
In what episode does Tara Webster break her back?
Turn indicators
"Turn arrows" | |
Season 1 episode 14 | |
Au.![]() | June 17, 2010 |
USA Airdate | June 18, 2012 |
Author(s) | Greg Waters |
Where was the movie "Dance Academy" filmed?
Originally planned for production in Victoria, Dance Academy was finally installed and (partially) withdrawn at Berths at Darling Harbor in Sydney .
Are Kat and Ethan half-siblings?
Ethan Karamakov is Cat 's older half-brother and one of the most popular guys in the Academy.
What happened to Grace's mom at the dance academy?
Grace mother died when she was eight . Grace's father married another woman a month after his wife's death.
Why did Saskia hate Tara?
She sees Tara as a threat to her position and the title of "the youngest soloist in history" with the Company and therefore gives Tara a hard time, even breaking her back during a tutoring lesson with Ben as a witness.
Where is the Prix Lausanne held?
This year's Prix de Lausanne 2020 will take place at Montreux, Auditorium Stravinski (2m2c) from February 2 nd to 9 th , 2020.
Who dies at the dance academy?
Sammy Lieberman | |
First episode | Learning To Fly |
Last episode | Fontaine Prize |
Cause | hit by car, died on the way to hospital |
Played | Tom Green |
How did you get invited to the Prix de Lausanne?
After listening to interviews organized from Principals of Prix de Lausanne partner schools and companies wishing to hire one or more candidates. After the awards ceremony, interviews are also held with the finalists who did not receive prizes. The competition is open to the public.
Where is the dance academy filmed?
The ABC series aimed at teens ran from 2010 to 2013 and took place in the fictional National Academy of Dance - filmed almost entirely in Sydney's Walsh Bay, a delightful view of Harbor . The story follows country girl Tara (Xenia Goodwin) from farm to academy.
Will there be a second film of the Dance Academy?
A sequel television series, Dance Academy: The Movie , was released in theaters in Australia by StudioCanal on 6 April 2017.
Last updated: 18 days ago - Authors: 13 - Authors: 8 - Links: 44 interviews and posts; 12 Video.
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Who does Kat from the Dance Academy stay with? –
She and Ben later Charles in a hospital bed while they wait to watch Tara and NYBG's article. The two exchange flirtatious remarks and seem to be attracted to each other. Kat is last seen in Sydney, where she is picked up and kissed by Ben, confirming that the couple is dating.
How did the dance academy end?
The film ends where it all began: in Sydney, the whole team works and dances together in Christian's studio . Ben and Tara started their own company with their favorite dancers - Christian, Cat, Abigail and Ollie - and if your heart doesn't swell in that happy ending, you're a monster.
So why did Kat and Miles break up?
Miles is upset that he is considered "made of chewing gum". Kat inspires him to write his own music and do what he likes, not what his manager wants.
Miles Kelly | |
Information | |
Last episode | Middle, slightly raised |
Cause | Breaks up with Kat |
Played | Adam Saunders |
In what episode does Kat have bulimia?
"Dance Academy" " Abbreviated Reservation (Episode 2013) - IMDb.
Therefore, will there be a dance academy Movie 2?
A sequel television series, Dance Academy: The Movie , was released in theaters in Australia by StudioCanal on 6 April 2017.
Why did Ethan leave the dance academy?
“When I have time, I usually write to people to apologize, to explain it. I left the show to explore other possibilities for , and reassure them that I'm still alive and kicking."
Is the dance academy based on real events?
1. Dance Academy is loosely based on the life of writer and co-author Samantha Strauss . Like Tara, she grew up wanting to be a professional dancer, but when she was 18 she broke a bone in her back and was told she would never dance again.
Is the Fontaine Prize real?
Prix de Fonteyn is an elite international dance competition similar to the Dance Olympics. Saskia Duncan and Grace Whitney were the winners. It consists of 3 stages:… - International Competitions: In the year that Tara and her friends are in their second year, the international Prix de Fonteyn is held in Sydney.
How are Kat and Ethan related?
Relations. Kat is Ethan 's younger sister. Ethan is shown to care deeply for Kat and they get along most of the time. Kat was the only person Ethan hugged as he said goodbye as he left Australia for Spain.
Will Saskia be fired?
Despite Tara asking her many times, even to Miss Rain, to apologize, Saskia refuses and leaves the Academy before she is expelled. .
Saskia Duncan | |
work | Dance teacher |
Production | |
Played | Brooke Harmon |
What happened to Grace's mom at the dance academy?
Grace mother died when she was eight . Grace's father married another woman a month after his wife's death.
Are Kat and Ethan half-siblings?
Ethan Karamakov is Cat 's older half-brother and one of the most popular guys in the Academy.
Why did Saskia hate Tara?
She sees Tara as a threat to her position and the title of "the youngest soloist in history" with the Company and therefore gives Tara a hard time, even breaking her back during a tutoring lesson with Ben as a witness.
Where is the dance academy filmed?
The ABC series aimed at teens ran from 2010 to 2013 and was set in the fictional National Academy of Dance - filmed almost entirely at Sydney's Walsh Bay, a delightful view of 's harbor. The story follows country girl Tara (Xenia Goodwin) from farm to academy.
Where was the movie "Dance Academy" filmed?
Originally planned for production in Victoria, Dance Academy was finally installed and (partially) withdrawn at Berths at Darling Harbor in Sydney .
Will there be a second film of the Dance Academy?
A sequel television series, Dance Academy: The Movie , was released in theaters in Australia by StudioCanal on 6 April 2017.
Where is the Prix Lausanne held?
This year's Prix de Lausanne 2020 will take place at Montreux, Auditorium Stravinski (2m2c) from February 2 nd to 9 th , 2020.
Who dies at the dance academy?
Sammy Lieberman | |
First episode | Learning To Fly |
Last episode | Fontaine Prize |
Cause | hit by car, died on the way to hospital |
Played | Tom Green |
How did you get invited to the Prix de Lausanne?
After listening to interviews organized from Principals of Prix de Lausanne partner schools and companies wishing to hire one or more candidates. After the awards ceremony, interviews are also held with the finalists who did not receive prizes. The competition is open to the public.
Dance Academy closed?
The next season of hit ABC3 drama series Dance Academy will be the last of . The world-famous series will end with 13 episodes, but promises to reach a new level.
Is Saskia jealous of Tara?
For example, in the Dance Academy, Saskia's cruelty stems from her jealousy of the cover of and her criticisms point to this. She constantly tells Tara, often in a patronizing tone, that she is terrible, just a child, arrogant, and the list goes on. She does this to knock Tara down, not to help her.
In what episode does Tara Webster break her back?
Turn indicators
“Turn arrows” | |
Season 1 episode 14 | |
Au. Airdate | June 17, 2010 |
USA Airdate | June 18, 2012 |
Author(s) | Greg Waters |
What did Saskia do to Tara?
Little things.