How can we dance lyrics
We Dance Lyrics - Once on This Island Cast
We Dance Song Lyrics
Asaka, grow me a garden
Please Agwe, don't flood my garden
Erzulie, who will my love be?
Papa Ge don't come around me.
[WOMAN (spoken)]
Ah, such powerful, such temperamental gods
rule our island.
Asaka, Mother of the Earth.
Agwe, God of Water.
Erzulie, beautiful Goddess of Love.
And Papa Ge, sly Demon of Death.
Asaka, grow me a garden
Please Agwe, don't flood my garden
Erzulie, who will my love be?
Papa Ge don't come around me
Please Agwe don't flood my garden
Asaka grow me a garden...
We dance
We dance
To the music of the gods
The music of the breezes through
The green plaintain
The murmur of the river and
The roar of rain
And if the Gods decide to
Send a hurricane
We dance. ..
We dance
To their everchanging moods
We know the gods are happy
When the green things grow
They're angry when the river
Starts to overflow
And since we never know
Which way the winds will blow...
We dance to the earth
We dance to the water
The Gods awake and we take no chance
Our hearts hear the song
Our feet move along
And to the music of the Gods
We dance!
[ANDREA (spoken)]
On the other side of the island, safe behind
high walls and iron gates, the grands hommes
dance to a different tune.
La la la la la la la
The drink champagne. Entertain tourists at
their fine hotels. And tell their servants,
"Polish up the Mercedes!"
La la la la la la la
Two different worlds
Never meant to meet.
The peasants labor
The grands hommes. .. eat!
How fine
Our clothes are!
We dance
How fast
We drive!
We dance
We dance at parties...
While we are dancing
Just to stay alive...
We dance
We dance
What else is there to do?
But plant the seed
And pull the weed
And chop the cane
And bear the child
And bear the load
And bear the pain
ANd as the rich go racing
To their own refrain
We dance to the earth
We dance to the water
The Gods awake and we take no chance
Our hearts hear the song
Our feet move along
And to the music of the Gods
We dance to the earth
We dance to the water
The Gods awake and we take
No chance...
Two different
Never meant
to meet.
But if the gods move
our feet...
We dance! We dance! We dance!
[MAN (spoken)]
Once on this island, there was a terrible
Many huts washed away! Many peasants
drowned by Agwe's angry waters!
But one small girl
caught his attention.
[MAN (Agwe)]
And she was spared. An orphan, plucked
from the flood by Agwe.
[WOMAN (Asaka)]
Sheltered in a tree by Asaka.
[WOMAN (Erzulie)]
And sent on a journey by the gods. A journey
that would test the strength of love...
[MAN (Papa Ge)]
Against the power of death...
[MAN, WOMAN (Erzulie, Papa Ge)]
On this island of two different worlds!
The story of Ti Moune!
Shall We Dance? Lyrics - King and I, The musical
Oh but it's very exciting, when you're young at your first dance,
and you're sitting on a small quilt chair with your eyes lowered,
terrified that you'd be a wallflower. And suddenly you see two
black shoes, a white waistcoat, a face, it speakes...
We've just been introduced,
I do not know you well,
But when the music started
Something drew me to your side.
So many men and girls,
Are in each others arms-
It made me think we might be
Similarly occupied.
Shall we dance?
On a bright cloud of music shall we fly?
Shall we dance?
Shall we then say "Goodnight and mean "Goodbye"?
Or perchance,
When the last little star has left the sky,
Shall we still be together
With are arms around each other
And shall you be my new romance?
On the clear understanding
That this kind of thing can happen,
Shall we dance?
Shall we dance? Shall we Dance?
Mm mm mm...
Mm mm mm...
Why'd you stop? You dance pretty , go on, go on, go on!
Oh your Majesty I didn't realize, after all I'm not a
Dancing girl. ..In England no woman would dance while a
Man is looking at her...
But you will dance with strange men, holding hands, etcetera.
Yes, but not always a stranger. Usually a very good friend.
Good, then we will dance together! You show me.
Teach, teach, teach!
Well, it's quite simple, the polka. You count one, two, three
and one, two, three and one, two, three...
Shall we dance?
One, two, three and?
On a bright cloud of music shall we fly?
One, two, three and?
Shall we dance?
One, two, three and?
Shall we then say "Goodnight and mean "Goodbye"?
One, two, three and?
Or perchance,
When the last little star has left the sky,
Shall we still be together
With are arms around each other
And shall you be my new romance?
On the clear understanding
That this kind of thing can happen,
Shall we dance?
Shall we dance? Shall we Dance?
One, two, three and one, two, three and
One, two, three and one, two, three and
One, two, three, one, two, three
One, two. .. Something wrong!
I know, I know, I forgot "AND" next time
I'll remember!
And one, two, three and one, two, three and
One, two, three and ...
Oh that's splendid, your Majesty!
Splendid! Splendid!
And one, two, three and one, two, three and
One, two, three and ...
That is not right!
Yes, it is! You're doing beautifully, your Majesty.
Not the way I see Europeans dance tonight.
Yes, it was! It was just like that!
We're not holding two hands, like this.
No. As a matter of fact...
Or no-o-o-ot like this.
Come! Last Update: June, 10th 2013
How to start dancing right now — choreographers tell
“It's easier to find yourself in dancing”.
How to take the first step towards the fact that you like
Four professional dancer
about where to find freedom and how to stop comparing yourself with the other
Text: Aina Preston
Michelle Beatz
Tagir Gindullin
Music is a universal instrument that moves the world, it is literally inscribed in our DNA. With its help, we can inspire and shape the pop culture of the present and future here and now. Music is inextricably linked with dance. Dancers feel the rhythm and are able to harmoniously complement the musical composition with movements. It is dance that gives them a powerful emotional release and helps them relax. And to feel this, it is worth taking one small risk - allowing yourself to dissolve into the music and turn off your head. How to take the first step and not be afraid to try what you are drawn to? We deal with Tommy Jeans, PRODANCES and our heroes, who found a common language with their fears and learned to express emotions through music and movements. nine0003
Choice between directions
I consider myself a versatile artist, doing several types of dance, but most of all I am known for the Vogue culture. This is not just a dance style, but a whole culture about protecting the rights of sexual minorities. This culture is very daring: here and now you can look whatever you like - fully comply with fantasies, externally and internally, carry yourself proudly, inventing new images. Vogue is a great occasion to dress up, surprise, delight. Exactly 10 years I have been developing in this direction, and it does not bother me, I constantly learn new things. nine0003
Synergy of dance and music
Good composition inspires dance. First came the music, then came the dance. But it also happens that a dance is born in silence, without sounds: when you have the right mood and a visualization of movements is born in your head. But this comes with experience. Of course, dance and music are closely related.
An alternative to dancing
Now, in parallel with dancing, I am developing as a director, producer and co-organizer of dance events, doing photography and video. Therefore, it seems that if it were not for the dance, then my activity would be connected with the organization of cultural events. I like to create, develop and bring something new, inspire myself and others, reveal people, come up with new ideas. I also love to cook, so I could be a great cook. nine0003
How the image begins
I focus on my mood, how I look: I can be in different weights, with different colors and lengths of hair. Trends play an important role here. Of course, first of all, I start from my expectations and how I want to look. I try not to repeat myself, to be different. I ask myself what kind of makeup I want: bright, aggressive, calm, romantic, defiant. Do I want to be sexy or conservative. This is how I collect the image. I take things from my own wardrobe or turn to stylists, ateliers, sometimes I can rent something from showrooms. Creating an image is always very interesting, it helps to show creativity. nine0003
Uniqueness - awareness
Comparison does not give us anything, it takes energy and strength that can be spent on developing and multiplying potential. The uniqueness must really be realized, each person defines himself. Sometimes you need to think about what you want. As soon as you realize your own value, then claims to yourself will disappear. You can’t compare your beginning of the path with someone else’s middle.
Finding yourself
It is not worth holding on to people and things, no matter how selfish it may sound. Then you will understand what you like, and what is imposed by society. When looking for your own business, it is important to start from inner feelings, focus on those very “butterflies in the stomach”. nine0003
Philosophy of dance
Dance is body language. I dreamed of being a presenter, but oratory is difficult for me, it’s easier for me not to speak, but to dance. When I hear music, I breathe, the body emits vibrations, vibrations are reflected in the plasticity of forms, in movements, emotions. Dancing helps to develop personality. It's a unique way of expressing yourself. Sometimes words are not needed to understand us.
Sports and creativity
My dancing journey began 10-12 years ago. I quit playing professional football, where I got seriously injured, burned out emotionally and physically, and could not walk normally. A friend called me to support him at a dance performance, where I saw how people can control and feel their body, I missed this in football. I think dance and football are similar: football also has a pace, a rhythm, it's a dance with a ball. But the structure is different, football is a sport, and dance is creativity. nine0003
The right music
I'm looking for music on streaming services. Usually I think about which track is more suitable for a performance, I put on performers who meet the requirements, and I look for a suitable track. Everything is pretty simple.
Usually at such moments I get distracted: I review some large-scale shows, performances of stars, listen to music. There is another way - to abstract. If everything is tired, you need to give yourself time to relax, switch to another activity. You can cook food, watch a movie. Taking a break from what you do all the time can provide inspiration and motivation. nine0003
Dance clothes
Clothes are one of the main attributes of dance. It gives character to movements, creates mood. I love to dance in jeans, voluminous t-shirts. It is very important for dancers that we ourselves like how we look, this sets the tone for the performance.
Comparing is okay
When you're at the start, it's okay to compare yourself to others. Helps you understand what you are missing. But then it is better to focus on your own feelings. Everyone has their own style, physiology and musicality, you just need to work on technique. When people follow someone, try to copy, it only leads them astray. nine0003
Tune TO
Friendship with Tommy Jeans
The first project with Tommy Jeans was something very unusual for me. I got to know the brand better, learned a lot of new things, despite the fact that I have been wearing their clothes for a long time. The collaboration was a pleasant surprise. The emotions are very cool, I hope that in the future we will be friends and work with Tommy Jeans.
The main thing is to continue
I have been dancing for 16 years and I never once thought of quitting. In 2012, I broke my arm, and after the operation there was practically no rehabilitation period - two weeks later I was already in the gym. For some time he danced only on his feet, with his hand bandaged, and two months later he already participated in the championship. With apprehension, of course, but he participated. The main thing here is to continue.
Hobby can become a profession
I have been dancing since I was 10 years old, but in childhood I did not realize what and why I was doing, did not set big goals. Some results began to appear in the first years of training. At the age of 14, I went to live in Moscow, without parents, then the realization came that dancing could become my life's work. This transition of a hobby into a profession happened very smoothly and organically, but it could not be otherwise. nine0003
Music is paramount
When it comes to performing, music is very important. If the audience likes the composition, then my solo will definitely be remembered. It is also important for me how my body and soul respond to the track. At competitions, the DJ is responsible for the music, the dancers do not know what they will perform under. This is freestyle, improvisation, connection with the composition. If you fall into a musical "pit" during a battle - this is the most difficult moment, you need the right settings. In general, music is paramount. If the dance has a great soundtrack, then there are more chances to show your maximum. nine0003
Clothing as a guide
I wear what I feel comfortable and easy to move in. I perform mainly in sports things. In breakdancing, style is very important. I always separate things: for everyday life, training, competitions, festivals. Each separate occasion requires a corresponding image.
Metamorphoses in a career
At the very beginning of the journey, it was not difficult at all: there were no obligations, deadlines, projects. I remember that in my childhood a bank was built next to my house and tiles were laid - I was happy just because I could spin on this tile. Now it is more difficult - more responsibility. You begin to treat your body differently, study yourself, fill bumps. For example, there is such an element of air twist (power rotational movement in breakdance), all my life I did it intuitively, and only after 10 years I realized that there is a technique that you just need to master. nine0003
The excitement hasn't gone away
I've competed in championships in over 30 countries, performed on big stages, acted in TV projects, but the excitement hasn't gone away. At small events, it is a little less, but at the World Cup, where legends look at you, this feeling pervades the body. I use it to my advantage - as soon as I take a step, I release adrenaline and accelerate.
Everyone is unique
We are all special, no two people are the same. Uniqueness is not something to strive for, it is already in everyone. You need to be able to feel yourself and your needs, to do what you really like. Working on oneself and realizing one's potential is what makes a person himself. nine0003
Eva Uvarova
Eva Uvarova
restrictions and freedom
since childhood I have been engaged in gymnastics (until the video with my VOG was scattered on the Internet) and today I understand - both sports and dancing require a full return. In addition, they become part of your life, which brings you a storm of emotions. The main difference is that in sports you are limited, you adhere to discipline, and in dancing you are free, open to new things. It is easier to find yourself in dancing. nine0003
Dancing is an opportunity
A professional dance career has opened up many opportunities. Thanks to dancing, I met interesting people - sport would hardly have given me such a chance. The people who appeared in my life incredibly support and inspire me, it helps to develop. I was able to visit different countries, see what other dancers are capable of. I also starred in music videos, collaborated with major brands, for example, in October I participated in the Tommy Jeans x PRODANCE project for the first time. Then I was able to show my dance to a large audience and proved to myself that I can achieve a lot. I have long liked the Tommy Jeans brand, and the opportunity to work together made me very happy. nine0003
Style is a mix
Honestly, I can't describe my dancing style in one word. I tried many directions, most of all contemporary or modern dance resonates with me. The plasticity and technique of this style are very close to me, I like the sensations during movements. To summarize, my dance style is a mix of different directions, improvisation, taking into account different dance experiences.
Motivation and willpower
Willpower helps to achieve goals. I make decisions and start working and giving my best. If you really do what you love, then no additional motivation is needed. What you love doesn't require much effort. nine0003
Clothes are a reflection of yourself
Clothes help complete the dance. If I go to hip-hop, then I choose voluminous things. I associate this style with freedom, so clothes should not hinder movement. If I go vogue, I choose tight-fitting clothes that emphasize the curves of the body and help me feel more confident.
Music guides
Place of music in dance
Normally dancers choose music first. With the help of the body, we try to convey the lyrics of the song, the mood. I first look for a track, and then I select a choreography that describes the melody, words and feelings. nine0003
Comparison is a fine line
By comparing, we evaluate ourselves, and this affects our confidence, general condition and desire to move on. Comparison sometimes helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, but most people tend to look for flaws in themselves, so more often it is quite destructive and interferes with the implementation of plans. There is a fine line here: if a person is able to objectively evaluate his own and other people's abilities, then the comparison is acceptable, but if not, it is better not to even start. nine0003
Become part of the community
Tommy Jeans Global Brand Initiative supports talented people who are disrupting the existing order for positive change.
Right now @tommyjeans is becoming a content platform where everyone can get creative and take the first step towards their dreams.
For example, take part in a competition and get the opportunity to win an online course, during which you will be supported by choreographers in a private chat. There will also be prizes from Tommy Jeans and PRODANCES. nine0003
Post your story on Instagram about why you want to dance. It can be a short video with a story, a dance, or a photo with text. The main condition is to mark three accounts: @tommyjeans,,
On March 23, we will choose the 50 most inspiring stories, and their authors will receive prizes and the opportunity to completely change their lives.
Learn more about Tommy Jeans X PRODANCE
Tommy Jeans supports those who want to express themselves in a new way, discover new talents and emphasize their own uniqueness. Look for the brand's classics and the new spring collection in branded stores in Moscow:
Metropolis shopping center
2nd floor
European shopping center
3rd floor, atrium Berlin
Aviapark shopping center
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how we tried to learn to dance / Sudo Null IT News
Hello everyone! My name is Vladislav Mosin, I am a 4th year student of the bachelor's program “ Applied Mathematics and Informatics ” at the St. Petersburg HSE. Last summer, together with Alina Pleshkova, a master student of our faculty, I did an internship at JetBrains Research. We have been working on the Music2Dance project, the goal of which is to learn how to generate dance moves that fit the given music. This can be used, for example, when teaching dance on your own: I heard music, launched the application, and it showed movements that are harmoniously combined with this music. nine0003
Looking ahead, I will say that our results, unfortunately, turned out to be far from the best models of motion generation that currently exist. But if you are also interested in understanding this problem, I invite you under cat.
From the film “Pulp Fiction”Existing approaches
The idea of generating dance from music is quite old. Probably the most striking example is dance simulators like Dance Dance Revolution, where the player has to step on panels on the floor that glow in time with the music, and thus a kind of dance is created. Also a beautiful result in this area is the creation of dancing geometric shapes or 2D men. nine0003
There are also more serious works - the generation of 3D movements for people. Most of these approaches rely solely on deep learning. The best results for the summer of 2020 were shown by the DanceNet architecture, and we decided to take it as a baseline. Next, we will discuss their approach in more detail.
Data preprocessing
In the task of generating dance from music, there are two types of data: music and video, and both need to be preprocessed, since models cannot work with raw data. Let's talk about the processing of each type in a little more detail. nine0003
Music: onset, beats, chroma
Probably the most common way to extract features from audio is to calculate the spectrogram or melgram - converting the sound from the amplitude domain to the frequency domain using a Fourier transform. However, in our task we are working with music, not an arbitrary audio signal, and low-level analysis is not suitable in this case. We are interested in rhythm and melody, so we will extract onset, beats and chroma (the beginning of the note, rhythm and mood of the melody). nine0003
Video: extracting the human pose
This is where things get a lot more interesting. A primitive approach - to try to predict the next frame from a video of dancing people - is doomed to failure. For example, the same dance filmed from different distances will be interpreted differently. In addition, the frame size of even a small resolution (for example, 240x240) exceeds several tens of thousands of pixels.
To get around these problems, extract the person's pose from the video. The pose is set by a certain number of physiologically key points of the body, according to which it can be restored in its entirety. Such points include, for example, the head and pelvis, elbows and knees, feet and hands. nine0003 Key points are marked in blue
This method allows you to reduce the dimension of the input data (after all, instead of a frame with several tens of thousands of parameters, the input is a low-dimensional vector), and also allows you to concentrate more on movements.
An important feature of this method is the way in which keypoint positions are stored. For example, if you store just absolute positions in 3D space, then the problem of non-fixed bone lengths arises: the distance between the lower leg and knee or shoulder and elbow can change from frame to frame, which is not the expected behavior. To avoid such problems, the position of one point of the person, namely the middle of the pelvis, is fixed, and the position of all the others is set through the length of the bone and the angle of rotation relative to the previous point. Let me explain with an example: the position of the hand is set through the length of the radius, as well as rotation relative to the elbow. nine0003
DanceNet Architecture
DanceNet Architecture. Source: DanceNet architecture consists of several main parts:
Music encoding;
Classification of music by style;
Video frame coding;
Prediction of the next frame from previous ones and music;
Decoding the received frame.
Let's take a closer look at each of the parts:
Music coding. The pre-converted audio signal is encoded using a convolutional neural network with a Bi-LSTM layer.
Classification of music by style. Similar to the previous point, a convolutional neural network with a Bi-LSTM layer.
Frame encoding-decoding. Small two-layer convolutional network.
Next frame prediction. The most meaningful part of the architecture, which actually predicts the next pose from the previous ones and the music.
Consists of blocks of dilated (expanded) convolutions with skip connections. nine0003
DanceNet accepts music and a set of poses as input, but it gives out not just a pose, but a parameterization of the normal distribution - the mathematical expectation and variance, from which the answer is sampled, and minus the probability of correct position is used as a loss function.
Our solution
Existing deep learning solutions have one major problem. To look realistic, you need to manually implement various kinds of restrictions. For example, the elbows and knees cannot bend in the opposite direction, with a static position of the body, the center of gravity must be between the feet, and many other restrictions. To solve this problem automatically, we propose to use reinforcement learning. The main part of this approach is the presence of an environment that will not allow the agent to make incorrect positions. nine0003 Solution architecture. Training epoch
Our solution consists of four main parts:
One of the main issues in solving machine learning problems is the choice of dataset. For the dance generation task for the summer of 2020, there were no good quality open datasets, and the authors of the existing solutions collected them on their own. In the article, which we took as a baseline, they seriously approached the issue of data and filmed several hours of professional dances. Unfortunately, they refused to share the dataset solely for the benefit of science. Since it’s quite sad to live without a dataset, I had to come up with something. As a result, we decided to create a dataset from what was at hand: a video from YouTube and a library for detecting the position of a person VIBE. nine0003
In our solution, we used the original model from the article with one small change - we removed the music classification, since, firstly, our goal was to generate dance from any music, and secondly, the collected data did not contain markup and were very diverse musically.
RL model
The task of the RL model is to correct the position of the body so that it looks more realistic. At the input, the model takes the movement (for each point, the difference between the new and old positions) and the old position of the body, and outputs the corrected new position at the output. nine0003
Consider the model in detail. Reinforcement learning has two main parts: the learning algorithm and the environment.
The structure of reinforcement learning algorithmsAs reinforcement learning algorithms, we decided to choose one algorithm that uses Q-Learning (our choice fell on TD3 as the most stable and expressive) and one that does not use (we settled on PPO ).
With the environment, everything turned out to be not as simple as with the algorithms. In a good way, there is no ideal ready-made environment for this task, and you need to implement it yourself. However, writing an environment that will be completely correct from the point of view of physics is a rather complicated and lengthy task that requires additional knowledge. In this regard, we decided to use the ready-made environment Humanoid , which is designed to teach the agent to move as quickly as possible and not fall.
Loss function
The main task of the loss function is to take into account both the reward of the environment, which does not allow accepting unrealistic positions, and compliance with the position from the dataset.
where S is the position, S real is the correct position, R is the reward of the environment.
Model in testing phase
Solution architecture. Testing eraAt the training phase, the model predicted the next position of the body from the previous and music, however, at the testing phase, only music enters the model, and there are no previous positions. To prevent this from becoming a problem, we added a few seconds of steady stillness at the beginning to all the dances. Now, at the testing epoch, we can initialize the previous positions with this most motionless stable equilibrium and predict the next one based on the music.
Unfortunately, we did not get impressive results, like the authors of DanceNet .