Teach me how to dance in a club
How to Dance at a Club or Party
You probably know people who can dance at a club without a second thought.
They just go out, have a few drinks, get down on the dance floor, and have a great night.
Meanwhile, you're seized by panic and insecurity just thinking about dancing at a club.
And whenever you do drag yourself out, you stay glued to the wall and watch everyone else let loose on the dance floor.
But guess what? Those awkward feels are completely normal. And we PROMISE you can overcome them!
Follow these 5 simple steps and never worry about feeling left out again.
1. Find the beat/rhythm as you make your way towards the dance floor
Don't expect yourself to bust out a Step Up routine out of nowhere as soon as you step foot on the dance floor.
This isn't a movie! Start small – really small – by just bobbing your head to the beat.
Do this before you even get on the dance floor. Think of it this way: Music is the one thing that lubricates the whole experience of being at the club.
It sets the mood as soon as you walk in until the moment you walk out. You have to be comfortable with the music first.
So start interacting with the music right away. You can listen and nod your head a you're holding your drink, hanging with a friend, or even sitting down.
This is an easy way to set yourself up for success on the dance floor before you even start dancing.
Your body will already have a handle on the rhythm, so you're more likely to stay on beat by the time you do get your feet steppin'.
Watch this video to learn how to find and count beats in music:
2. Start with a small bounce / groove
Once you're on, or around, the dance floor, start bouncing with your whole body.
Think of this bounce as a bigger version of your head bob. You're still moving to that same rhythm, but now with your knees, core, and chest.
You know how a baby bounces on his knees when he hears a song he likes? Like that, but not as jolt-y.
Ease into those bounces calmly, then slowly build up your energy. This helps make your dancing look more natural.
Carlo Darang describes what a bounce / groove is in this video:
3. Learn simple steps
Got a handle on the music? Great.
Started bouncing with your body? Check. Now, let's get your feet moving!
But wait – you won't know which foot to step where without any practice.
So learn a few basic dance steps before you go to dance at a club.
This video will teach you how to do 3 basic dance moves that work with any song:
Wanna learn more basic party moves like these?
Check out Bianca's "Intro to Dance" program on STEEZY Studio! It'll teach you everything you need to know to get down on the dance floor.
Click here to take the first 4 classes for free.
4. Let loose
Now that you've got the basics of dance down, it's time to put on a few finishing touches to make sure you look comfortable and confident with every move.
These quick tips will help you refine your dancing so you look more loose, groovy, and comfortable:
5. Join the party
By this point, you've got a handle on dancing 1. on beat 2. with your whole body 3. using steps.
But you didn't come to dance at a club to do all this alone!
Once you have that base, dance with the people around you.
If you're in a crowd or a group of friends, then you can play off of their movements and energy.
Mimic the moves your friends are doing, lip sync with them, rap Nicki's entire verse in Motor Sport from memory.
And if the DJ or song lyrics tell you to do something (like put your hands up or jump), then do it!
These are little things you can't predict or practice – remember that you're out to have fun, not to play DDR in your head.
Grinding (or whatever you call it) on someone is its own topic – but whether you're dancing with one person or a whole group of people, the most important thing to do is to... Stay in rhythm!
You and your partner or friends could be doing totally different things. They could be jumping while you're pumping your arms.
She could be swaying side to side as you're 2-stepping.
But as long as you're moving to the same beat, it'll still feel like you're dancing together.
(The closer you physically get, though, the more similar you want your movements to be so that you don't end up hitting each other or creating friction between your moves. Dance with them!)
I hope these tips help you kiss those insecurities goodbye!
Follow these 5 steps and you'll realize that it's possible, and actually quite easy, to dance at a club.
You just need the right resources, some practice, and a dash of confidence. ;)
Have fun!
9 Great Club Dancing Tips for Guys
Dance clubs aren’t just for dancing. You can always have a great night at the club if you just hang out with friends and enjoy the music, have a few drinks, and meet some new people. At some point, though, you’re probably going to want to dance because the beat is so sweet or you see someone you’re interested in heading toward the dance floor. Dancing intimidates a lot of men for a lot of reasons, but it doesn’t have to. If you’re a guy who feels self-conscious about dancing at the club, try these tips.
1. Have Fun
First of all, remind yourself you’re going to the club to have a great time. Pick a dance club with an inclusive vibe that welcomes anyone with a great attitude who’s ready for fun, like Onyx Room. You’ll be a lot more confident on the dance floor at a club that encourages people to just be themselves and leave their inhibitions at the door.
2. Check Out Social Media for Dance Moves
Tik-Tok is the perfect place to find instructional videos that focus on single dance moves. If you want more detailed step-by-step instructions, search for dance moves on YouTube. Some of the most popular moves are complicated, but you’ll get better at them if you practice.
3. Loosen Up First
There’s no rule that says everyone has to dance at the club, so don’t feel like you’re required to get up and move. Some guys need a couple of drinks before they have the confidence to hit the floor, while others just want to wait until they hear their favorite songs. If you don’t get yourself into the right mood for dancing, you won’t have a good time on the floor.
4. Don’t Overthink It
Dancing at San Diego nightclubs is all about having fun and being spontaneous. Guys who think too much about dancing will never make it to the floor. If you feel like dancing when the music hits you, just follow your instincts.
5. Be Respectful of Other Dancers
Whether you’re dancing with a partner or a group of people, respect everyone else’s space. You won’t make any friends if you act like the floor is a mosh pit.
6. Know When to Lead and When to Follow
Dance styles like salsa and bachata require guys to lead their partners, but things are different with genres like reggaeton, hip-hop, and EDM. Smart guys who routinely ask women to dance at nightclubs know they don’t have to lead. In fact, they often let their partners take the lead and mirror or complement the ladies’ tempo, rhythm, and moves.
7. Take Dance Lessons
This is by no means a requirement, but guys who subconsciously feel they aren’t good dancers should take advantage of the opportunity to learn some cool moves by taking dance lessons. In San Diego, women flock to dance classes, and a lot of them would love having male partners to dance with during class.
8. Focus on the Beat
Where there’s dancing, there’s a beat. Even professional dancers know their killer moves and complex sequences are pretty lame if they don’t match the beat. For example, hip-hop makes everyone sway and bop. You’ll be fine if this is all you have to bring to the dance floor.
9. Learn Simple Basic Moves
You may have noticed nightclubs play a lot of crossover and collaboration music today. This is great for club dancers because they only need to learn a few basic dance moves. Search online for videos that teach modern dance moves like the two-step, the side-to-side rock, the triangle step, and the bounce. When you can flow between these basic moves, you’ll definitely look good at the club.
If you’re ready to hit the dance floor at the best nightclub in San Diego, check out the Onyx Room Nightclub. Onyx is a staple of the Gaslamp Quarter nightlife scene, and its clientele makes it a truly great nightclub. With music genres including hip hop, top 40, urban Latin, reggaeton, bachata, salsa, merengue, regional, cumbia, and Banda, we have something to please everyone’s taste. You’ll find that special something that attracts an open-minded, up-for-anything, and, above all, incredibly friendly crowd. Our inviting atmosphere and welcoming staff will ensure you have an experience unlike any other. To learn more about why Onyx Nightclub is the premier San Diego nightclub, call us at 619-876-8044.
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elita-fitness.ru - Aerobics room
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- Aerobics room
Fitness club "Elite" , with a rich and long experience in the field of fitness, offers a wide range of group fitness programs. The club contains all the latest technologies and developments in the field of fitness. Constant participation in international and Russian seminars, conventions helps to maintain the international level of service quality and high professional skills of the club's employees.
Variety of fitness programs:
- Cardio classes ( Fatkiller - maximum fat burning effect)
- Tai-bo - aerobics with elements of martial arts.
- Step aerobics (classical, dance) - aerobics with the use of sports equipment (step platforms, dumbbells, Body-tube, Body Bar).
- Power, interval classes
- ABS, ABL, Body sculpt, Step & Sculpt, Step + ABL (interval training) - alternation of aerobic and strength exercises, high impact and low impact load for the abdominal muscles using sports equipment (step -platforms, dumbbells, Body-tube, Body Bar).
- Body total (interval training) – medium-intensity exercise for all muscle groups using sports equipment (step platforms, fitball, dumbbells, body-tube, Body Bar).
- Super sculpt, power aerobics - aerobics with weights.
- Fitball - fitness on special gymnastic balls, which eliminate the load on the spine and joints.
- CrossFit, circuit training, functional training.
- Dance classes
An old oriental parable: “A man came to a sage and said: “Oh, sage, teach me to distinguish truth from falsehood, beauty from ugliness.
Teach me the joys of life." The wise man thought and taught the man to dance.
- Club dances (Zumba, Go-Go, R&B, Freestyle, hip-hop, MTV-dance) will help you learn how to dance organically, master your body, significantly improve your coordination and develop a sense of rhythm.
- Belly dance (oriental dances) - an activity that leads to the acceleration of blood circulation, metabolic processes in the muscles of the small pelvis.
- Flamenco - teaching the basics of Spanish dances.
- Irish dance - learning the basics of Irish dance.
- Latina, zumba - Latin American dances (rumba, mamba, cha-cha-cha).
- Folk dance - dances of the peoples of the world - movements from various dances are used in the lesson: Spanish, Irish, Latin American, Russian, Turkish, etc.
- Strip dance - stylized choreography (erotic dances).
- Mind and body
The list of activities is constantly updated based on the latest developments in the field of fitness.
Group classes in the aerobics hall are held according to a stable schedule without prior appointment (in any case, even if there is only one visitor).
Finnish sauna in the locker room free of charge, unlimited time. Opening hours - 365 days a year from 10 am to 11 pm according to the schedule.
Elite Center
st. Petropavlovskaya, 46 (stop "TC Central", "House of Printing")
Prospekt Oktyabrya, 78/3 (stop "Railway hospital")
Chernikovskaya, 18 (Svoboda stop)
Working hours
10:00 - 23:00
365 days a year
[email protected]
Service in R&B style
However, it happens sometimes that a chance acquaintance with one of those about whom a certain opinion has already been formed in absentia will throw up life. And so he throws it up and turns it in such a way that you are amazed. And then you will think about it and return to your convictions again, justifying the momentary confusion only by the fact that exceptions are not yet a reason to destroy your own worldview. But still...
Meet: Evgeny Boronenko, junior sergeant, employee of the escort service of the Norilsk Internal Affairs Directorate. To be honest, I haven't seen him in uniform, but I assure you that he doesn't look like a policeman in civilian clothes at all, even though Evgeny comes from a completely police family. But the fact that junior sergeant is able to famously dance a belly dance, I believed at first sight, firmly and irrevocably. Are you saying that it can't be? What is this anomaly, fantasy and nonsense of a drunken janitor? You say you will be wrong.
Evgeny Boronenko:
— It started after my return from the army. Before, I didn’t think about dancing at all. Just once with a group of friends came to a disco. What was my surprise when, during the evening, a woman approached me and offered to dance in her group. Of course, at first I thought it was a joke, and, of course, refused. But in the end they found me. Found me "Shape tonic" - a fitness center. I came there, they looked at me, they decided to try it in action. Imagine that I, a person with no special education, was offered a job as an R&B dance teacher! I agreed. Why not? Indeed, by that time dancing had become my hobby, and here they also offer their own hall.
Zhenya started work the very next week. It is clear that at first it was scary. I had to shovel a bunch of special literature and study a myriad of videos of real dance masters. Gradually, self-confidence came, knowledge was superimposed on natural talent, the future began to emerge brightly and clearly, without interruption from the choreography.
— A few months later, the Raduga fitness center became interested in me, this is already a higher level. There I already worked not only as a teacher, but also as an athletics coach. All this was great, but it must be taken into account that I still have my main job in the police. From there I returned at seven or eight o'clock in the evening and only after that I rushed to teach. Returned home around midnight. I worked in this mode for quite a long time, but, in the end, I had to leave my career as a teacher - there was simply not enough time.
Refusal to teach only unleashed Zhenya's hands, or rather, her legs. Now he puts on dances exclusively for himself, and fame in creative circles is already bearing fruit - he is invited to perform at various clubs and restaurants. Why not? Is it bad if you are also paid money for your favorite activity? And the money is good. In just one evening, for three dances, Zhenya managed to earn 8-10 thousand. In militia for such money "you will not dance". With money comes recognition.
— An oriental dance competition was held in Europe. There were almost three hundred participants. I'm proud that I won first place! But the jury was invited from Moscow. Moreover, after the competition they said that they were going to invite me to the capital. I am not ready for this yet, but after some time I will definitely accept this offer.
Let's not look far into the future. Much more interesting is the present. After all, if for us a policeman dancing on a restaurant podium is nonsense, then it’s even scary to imagine how colleagues in the service react to these tricks (see the description in the first paragraph).
- Colleagues are shocked! I didn't tell anyone about my hobby. For six months I managed to keep it a secret. But it turned out that one morning we were sitting in the company with the whole team, and one of our commanders pressed the buttons on the remote control, switching TV channels. Got on the local news: “Wow! Let's see". We sit and watch. And then they show a story from Talnakh - I dance a belly dance! Minute silence. I sat red. I don't even remember exactly what they told me.
They didn't call me to the carpet. And that is thank God. But the opinions in the team about the hobby of the junior sergeant were different. Someone frankly “didn’t understand something”, someone smiled and waved his hand: “Whatever the child was amused by ...”, someone condemned without explanation, and someone began to envy.
Once a colleague approached Yevgeny, according to his build (he was engaged in weightlifting), to put it mildly, not much like a ballet dancer, and suggested: “Zhen, teach me to dance. Who knows, maybe we’ll perform together later.” Whether it was a joke or a serious proposal, Boronenko did not understand, but it was pleasant all the same. There are still understanding people, which means that shoulder straps are not a hindrance to creative nature. And, after all, he's not a striptease dancer in nightclubs! Although in fairness it should be noted that they tried to drag Evgeny into this direction.
— In Norilsk we have such a show-ballet "Temptation". To be honest, very few people know about him, and even they quickly forget. Honestly, I look at them and close my eyes. There is not even a hint of choreography. I danced in this group of Michael Jackson, and the leader constantly told me: “Zhenya, you need to undress, at least to the waist.” To put it mildly, I didn't like it very much. I didn't work with them for long. I'm not interested in this depravity. I like to take the audience with classics, culture.
Communicating with Evgeny, I managed to understand that before me is a versatile person. He also wants to dance, and, as he admitted, to get a theatrical education, and so on, so on, so on. Now Zhenya is only twenty-three years old, and this zeal can be partly attributed to a hot, almost childish nature. And is it bad? I think no. In addition, Boronenko is making real plans for the future and he himself is well aware that what is happening to him now is both interesting and funny.
- I'm going to enter either the pedagogical or medical. Imagine what kind of bouquet it will be - a policeman who is studying to be a teacher or a doctor, and at the same time he also dances. I just like to discover something new in myself, I don’t want to sit still.
Evgeniy leaves no place in his life for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Why? The answer lies on the surface. It is difficult for the owner of a creative mindset to stand at attention! and master a specific "police" language, not translated into any other language in the world, including Russian. He defined his business and fits in more smoothly with the profession of a teacher or a doctor.
— Now I have a dream that is quite possible to turn into reality. I want to create my own team. It will be on a professional basis. I'll work on it closer to the fall.
Well, let's wait and see. It will be a shame if all these plans remain only in thoughts, if the harsh reality, with the help of its no less harsh inhabitants, will gobble up all the impulses of a young creative nature. But this can happen only in one case - if perseverance and determination fail in the face of the routine of life, and the desire to independently build one's own destiny will be defeated by the need to join collective coexistence, and therefore, to become like everyone else.