How to square dance video

Square Dance Lessons on Video DVD

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One of the most important resources available to a beginning or experienced square dancer is our video DVD that illustrates all the calls in Mainstream and Plus Level dancing. Lessons taken from that DVD are offered online here. To play these videos smoothly, you will need a high speed Internet connection.

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Mainstream Lessons
Lesson # Calls


Introduction to Mainstream by our caller, Larry Kraber
1a Designate Heads, Sides (1,2,3,4), Circle Left/Right, Do Sa Do, Forward & Back, Swing, Promenade, Promenade 1/2, Single File Promenade
1b Allemande Left, Right Hand Turn (Turn Thru), Right & Left Grand, Weave the Ring, Star Left/Right
1c Pass Thru, U Turn Back, California Twirl, Partner Trade, Star Promenade
2 Promenade, Full 3/4, Grand Square, Half Sashay, Roll Away with a Half Sashay, Ladies In, Men Sashay
3 Right & Left Thru, Courtesy Turn, Box the Gnat, Wrong Way Grand, Ladies Chain (Heads, Sides, 3/4, All)
4 Back Track, Lead Right, Circle to a Line, Bend the Line, All Around your Left Hand Lady, See Saw
5 Square Thru (2,3,4), Wheel Around, Star Thru, Slide Thru
6 Veer Left/Right, Wheel & Deal (Two Faced Line), Ladies/Gents Promenade
7 Ocean Wave, Swing Thru, Run (Boys, Girls, Centers, Ends), Pass the Ocean, Trades (Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers), Dive Thru, Extend
8 Circulates (Ends, Centers, Couples, All 8), Ferris Wheel, Zoom
9 Touch a Quarter, Scoot Back, Flutter Wheel, Reverse Flutter Wheel
10 Do Paso, Thar, Allemande Thar, Slip the Clutch, Shoot the Star, Wrong Way Thar
11 Spin the Top, Alamo Style Wave, Wave Balance, Circulates (Column, Box, Split, 1 1/2), Chain Down the Line, Sweep a Quarter
12 Cross Run, Left Swing Thru, Single Hinge, Separate, Trade By, Wheel & Deal (Lines of 4)
13 Couples Trade, Couples Hinge, Folds, Cross Fold, Centers In/Out, Split the Outside Couple, Double Pass Thru, Cloverleaf
14 Left Square Thru, Cast Off 3/4, Walk & Dodge, Pass to the Center, Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave
15 Tag the Line, Half Tag the Line, Recycle, 8 Chain 4/Thru, Spin Chain Thru

Plus Lessons
Lesson # Calls
  Introduction to Plus Level Dancing by our Caller, Larry Kraber
1 Fan the Top, Acey Deucey, Tea Cup Chain, Ping Pong Circulate
2 Grand Swing Thru, Diamond Circulate (Normal/Facing), Cut the Diamond, Flip the Diamond
3 Load the Boat, Peel Off, Linear Cycle, (Anything) and Spread
4 Coordinate, Cross Fire, (Anything) and Roll
5 Track II, Single Circle to an Ocean Wave, Spin Chain the Gears
6 Trade the Wave, Relay the Deucey
7 Explode the Wave, Explode (& Anything), Follow Your Neighbor (& Spread)
8 Chase Right, Spin Chain & Exchange the Gears, 3/4 Tag the Line
9 Peel the Top, All 8 Spin the Top, Dixie Grand

Demo Square Dance
  Putting It All Together . .. Larry Kraber Calls for the Saddlebrooke Squares using many of the calls in these lessons.

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Square Dance Lessons on Video DVD

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A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · L · O · P · R · S · T · U · V · W · Z

8 Chain 4/Thru M15
Acey Deucey P1
Alamo Style Wave M11
All 8 Spin the Top P9
All Around your Left Hand Lady (Corner) M4
Allemande Left M1b
Allemande Thar M10
Back Track M4
Bend the Line M4
Box the Gnat M3
California Twirl M1c
Cast Off 3/4 M14
Centers In/Out M13
Chain Down the Line M11
Chase Right P8
Circle Left/Right M1a
Circle to a Line M4
Circulates (Column, Box, Split, 1 1/2) M11
Circulates (Ends, Centers, Couples, All 8) M8
Cloverleaf M13
Coordinate P4
Couples Hinge M13
Couples Trade M13
Courtesy Turn M3
Cross Fire P4
Cross Fold M13
Cross Run M12
Cut the Diamond P2
Designate Heads, Sides (1,2,3,4) M1a
Diamond Circulate (Normal/Facing) P2
Dive Thru M7
Dixie Grand P9
Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave M14
Do Paso M10
Do Sa Do M1a
Double Pass Thru M13
Explode (& Anything) P7
Explode the Wave P7
Extend M7
Fan the Top P1
Ferris Wheel M8
Flip the Diamond P2
Flutter Wheel M9
Folds M13
Follow Your Neighbor (& Spread) P7
Forward & Back M1a
Grand Square M2
Grand Swing Thru P2
Half Sashay M2
Half Tag the Line M15
Ladies Chain (Heads, Sides, 3/4, All) M3
Ladies In, Men Sashay M2
Ladies/Gents Promenade M6
Lead Right M4
Left Square Thru M14
Left Swing Thru M12
Linear Cycle P3
Load the Boat P3
Ocean Wave M7
Partner Trade M1c
Pass the Ocean M7
Pass Thru M1c
Pass to the Center M14
Peel Off P3
Peel the Top P9
Ping Pong Circulate P1
Promenade 1/2 M1a
Promenade Full / 3/4 M2
Recycle M15
Relay the Deucey P6
Reverse Flutter Wheel M9
Right & Left Grand M1b
Right & Left Thru M3
Roll - (Anything) and Roll P4
Roll Away with a Half Sashay M2
Run (Boys, Girls, Centers, Ends) M7
Scoot Back M9
See Saw M4
Separate M12
Shoot the Star M10
Single Circle to an Ocean Wave P5
Single File Promenade M1a
Single Hinge M12
Slide Thru M5
Slip the Clutch M10
Spin Chain & Exchange the Gears P8
Spin Chain the Gears P5
Spin Chain Thru M15
Spin the Top M11
Split the Outside Couple M13
Spread - (Anything) and Spread P3
Square Thru (2,3,4) M5
Star Left/Right M1b
Star Promenade M1c
Star Thru M5
Sweep a Quarter M11
Swing Thru M7
Swing, Promenade M1a
Tag - 3/4 Tag the Line P8
Tag the Line M15
Tea Cup Chain P1
Thar M10
Touch a Quarter M9
Track II P5
Trade By M12
Trade the Wave P6
Trades (Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers) M7
Turn Thru (Right Hand Turn) M1b
U Turn Back M1c
Veer Left/Right M6
Walk & Dodge M14
Wave Balance M11
Weave the Ring M1b
Wheel & Deal (Line of 4) M12
Wheel & Deal (Two Faced Line) M6
Wheel Around M5
Wrong Way Grand M3
Wrong Way Thar M10
Zoom M8


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Dance resource: Dances, dance.

Dancing and about dancing

French quadrille.

Historically dance performed in square:

But, in order not to stand for a long time waiting for their turn to dance, the quadrille was modified, the music was reduced.

The six figures of this dance are performed by any even number of couples standing in two lines at a distance of five or six steps. Each figure begins with a musical introduction - an introduction.

I.P. the pairs of each line face the opposite pair of the other line (vis-a-vis). The ladies stand to the right of their gentlemen, their hands are not joined. Legs in 3 positions. LN ahead. K and D of different pairs that are closer to the leader (to the music) are considered the first, and their partners are the second.

All steps forward and meetings with partners should be done with a slight bow. The same bow is made to the standing partner after switching to his side or upon returning to his place.

Introduction. 1.2 bars Partners turn to face each other. (There are four measures in the first figure in music)

3.4 measures K takes a step to the right and bows.

5.6 cycles. D answers with a bow to the left.

7 stroke. To gives the right hand to the lady.

8 strokes D gives the left hand to the gentleman, both turn to face vis-a-vis/

1. Steps

Each step is accompanied by a rise and fall, on the "and" went up on the toes or jumped on the "count" landed or lowered on a full foot and in a small plie (plie). All steps are danced in 3 positions.

1.1 Pas chasse (Chasse)

The book is divided into 2 steps temps leve (Tam leve) and, in fact, chasse. It is performed without falling, but with ups / downs. Explanations, I hope not necessary.

1.2 Jete (Jete)

Before performing the step, the weight on one of the legs, the second is bent at the knee, the toe is looking at the floor. On "and" they jumped out on the supporting leg with the working leg moving into the 2nd position, the socks and knees were maximally extended. On the count of "one", they landed on the working leg, placing it on the side opposite to the one where it started (if it was first behind, then forward and vice versa). In this case, the second leg is bent at the knee and the toe looks at the floor.

1.3 Assembly

Same as jete, but land on both feet at the end.

1.4 Glissade

Step sideways with foot in 3rd position. Neither "and" rose, brought the leg to the 2nd position, shifted the weight for "time" and closed the second leg to the 3rd position. If the leg closes back, then the step is called Glissade Dessous, if forward, then Glissade Dessus.

1.5 Sissone (Sisson)

Jump on one leg, the second is bent at the knee and the toe is looking at the floor.

1.6 Pas eleve

Side lift.

2. Elements

2.1 Chaine anglaise

3 chasse, jete, assamble 2 times. After passing the comb, the gentleman takes the lady's left hand with his left hand and rotates with it to the right place.

2.2 Balance

glissade dessus, sissone, jete, assamble first to the right, then to the left.

2.3 Chaine de Dames

3 chasse, jete, assamble 2 times. The ladies meet in the center with their right hands, with the gentleman they rotate with their left, the gentlemen go out to meet the ladies, give them their left hands and they rotate to the right places as in chaine anglaise.

2.4 Tour de Mains

3 chasse, jete, assamble turn for both hands clockwise.

2.5 En avant et En Arriere

Forward chasse, jete, assamble, back the same, while jete and assamble also go from front to back.

2.6 A droite et a Gauche

Right chasse, jete, assamble, then left glissade desssous, glissade dessus, jete left, assamble

2.7 Traverse (Traverse)

Change of seats. If by hands, then by 3 chasse, jete, assamble, if without hands, then [chasse, glissade dessous to the left, assamble] twice.

2.8 Dos-a-dos (Dosado)

Back-to-back square walk. chasse, jete, glissade dessous, chasse back, glissade dessous to the left, assamble.

2.9 Promenade

hands are held in a basket, the gentleman's right hand is on top. 3 chasse, jete, assemble 2 times.

2.10 Chasse-croise

To the right chasse, then jete, assamble. Then left - sissone, assamble, sissone, jete, then left glissade twice, then jete, assamble. Then left - sissone, assamble, sissone, assamble. The lady at this time first glissade to the left twice, then jete, assamble, sissone, assamble, sissone, assemble, and to the right chasse, jete, assamble, sissone, assamble, sissone, assamble. The lady each time passes in front of the gentleman.


1 Figure

1 part (8 measures). 1-4 bars. English chain (chain anglaise, combed). Both pairs move to opposite sides, bypassing the other pair on the left (i.e. meeting with the right shoulder). In this case, the ladies pass in the middle, the hands of the partners are separated (2 measure). K passes behind his D crosswise, i.e. diagonally to the right (3 beats), delivers D PR and in a turn to the left (against CHS) becomes I. P. on the opposite side. (Third form pas chassd B).

5-8. Repeat bars 1, 2, then D continues, returning to its place, and K remains in the center. The dancers stand facing each other.

2nd part (8 measures). 1-4 bars. Diagonal to the right and back for everyone. Partners go to the meeting with the left shoulder; you should not go for a partner.

5-8. The partners join hands and perform the tour de main (circle of emergency situations) to their places (the fourth form of pas chasse A).

3rd part (8 bars) . 1-4. Ladies solo (chain des dames). K stand in place, D move to the side vis-a-vis diagonally to the left, meeting with right shoulders and casually serving each other on the 1st bar, then disconnect them and on the 2nd beat serve the LR to someone else's K. This K picks up the D, serving her LP and holding her PR by the waist (3 beats), and then both, having made a turn (half round) against the CS, stand in place vis-a-vis. At the same time, K performs two pas chasse, and D performs four pas chasse, starting from Mon. 9In this position, the pairs change places (the third form of chasse B), meeting with the right shoulder.

5-8. English chain. At the very beginning of the movement, the hands are released. Couples return to their original places (the third form of chasse B).

2 Figure

56 bars, time signature 2/4.

Bars 1-8 Introduction.
Measures 9-16 K1 and D1: go towards each other to the middle, then back, then they go diagonally to the right (until they meet with the left shoulder) and back.

Strokes 17-20 K1 and D1 : Traverser to opposite places. The first dancers change places, meeting with the right shoulder. They take their vis-a-vis places in the turn.
Bars 21-24 K1 and D1 : Double (zigzag) The same dancers from other places go to the right diagonal, then turn left and go to the left diagonal, meeting with the right shoulder in the center.
Bars 25-32: All four play the right diagonal and back and do the tour de main in their pairs, returning to their original positions

The pattern repeats K2 and D2 .

3 Figure
1-8 bars Introduction.
Strokes 1-4 K1 and D1 : Traverser. The first dancers change places, meeting with the right shoulder. They take their vis-a-vis places in the turn.
Bars 5-8 K1 and D1 : The same dancers walk back, going a little further than the middle and offering each other their right hand. Then both To turn to face the leader, both D - back. Everyone gives their left hand to their partners, forming a line.
Bars 9-12 pairs 1 and 2: Balancez en ligne without releasing the hands. Everyone does pas chasse, pas eleve: D - forward from Mon, K - back from LN. Repeat the movement in the opposite direction and with the other leg.
Bars 13-16 Pairs 1 and 2: Demi Promenade, K , holding RL D with the left hand (his PR behind his back D at waist level), move to the vis-a-vis side, meeting with the right shoulders.
Bars 17-20 K1 and D1: En Avant et en Arrière

Measures 21-24 K1 and D1 : Diagonal right and back.
Bars 25-32 of couples 1 and 2: En Avant et en Arrière, demi-Chaîne anglaise

Repeat K2 and D2 .

4 Figure
1-8 bars Introduction.

Bars 1-4 Right side dancing K1 and D2 : En Avant et en Arrière
Bars 5-8 K1 and D2 : Diagonal to the right and back.
Bars 9-12 K1 and D2: En Avant et en Arrière, after that K takes the lady to K2, leaves her to his left and returns to his place.

Measures 13-16: D1 and D2 : go behind the back K1 , and change places respectively on the positions K1 and D2 :
K1 : En Avant between queens to the place D1 20: K1 and D1 : Double (zigzag) dancers from other places go to the right diagonal, then turn left and go to the left diagonal, meeting with the right shoulder in the center.
Bars 21-28 All four perform the right diagonal and back and do the tour de main in their pairs, returning to their original places

The figure is repeated by the left side K2 and D1 .

5 Figure.
1-8 bars Introduction.

Bars 1-4 K1 and D1 : En Avant et en Arrière
Bars 5-8 K1 and D1 : Diagonal right and back.
Bars 9-12 K1 and D1: En Avant et en Arrière, after that K takes the lady to K2, leaves her to his left and returns to his place.

Bars 13-20 D2K2D1 En Avant et en Arrière 2 times.

Bars 21-24: K1 En Avant et en Arrière

Bars 25-26 K1 two pas chasse forward.

Tact 27 K1 delivers PR D2

Tact 28 K2 delivers LR D1

Measure 29-32 All holding hands in a clockwise gallop to places vis-a-vis.

Bar 33-36 All demi-chain anglaise in place.

6 Figure.

1-8 bars Introduction. Finish in a closed prominade position.

Bars 1-4 All 2 gallops to the center, then 2 gallops to their places.

Bars 5-8 All 2 gallops to the center, gentlemen change queens and return to their places K1D1 K2D2

Bars 9-12 All 2 gallops to the center, then 2 gallops to their places.

Bars 13-16 All 2 gallops to the center, gentlemen change queens and return to their places0010

Measures 21-28 D1 and D2 : Diagonal right and back.

Bars 29-32 D1 and D2 : change places, meeting with right shoulders.

Bars 33-36 D 1 and D2 : Double (zigzag) dancers from other places go to the right diagonal, then turn left and go to the left diagonal, meeting with the right shoulder in the center.

Bars 37-40 All four perform the right diagonal and back and do the tour de main in their pairs, returning to their original positions. Finish in a closed prominade position.

Bars 41-44 All 2 gallops to the center, then 2 gallops to their places.

Bars 45-48 All 2 gallops to the center, gentlemen change queens and return to their places.

Bars 53-56 All 2 gallops to the center, gentlemen change queens and return to their places : Diagonal right and back.

Measures 65-68 K1 and K2 : change places, meeting with the right shoulders.

Bars 69-72 K1 and K2 : Double (zigzag) dancers from other places go to the right diagonal, then turn left and go to the left diagonal, meeting with the right shoulder in the center.

Bars 73-80 All four perform the right diagonal and back and do the tour de main in their pairs, returning to their original places.

Square dance

Couple dance for children 8-9years.

Dance is included in the Rhythm Program for the 2nd grades of St. Petersburg secondary schools.


Time signature 2/4.

Basic dance elements:

  • Dance step
  • Side steps
  • Crossed steps
  • Heel Steps
  • Exposing the foot to the side on the heel, or step-heel to the side
  • "Do-for-do" (dos-à-dos - back to back)
  • Stepping over
  • Step-point (step-tap, or step-punch)


Dance recording - Kondratenko G.M. ("Dances and games for children of 6 years of age". Methodological development. Compiled by Kondratenko G.M. St. Petersburg, NOU "Institute for the Development of Education "Change", 2007. )

The composition of the dance takes 16 measures of musical accompaniment.0010

Feet in 1 (natural) position.

Hands raised to 2nd position, hands joined - "by fingers".

1 figure - Side steps to the center and from the center - 8 measures.

1-2 cycles. Count 1-2-3-4

The dancers perform side steps towards the center in pairs.

The boy starts with his left foot. The girl starts on the right foot.

1- Step from the toe to the side, to the center (boy - left foot to the left, girl - right foot to the right).

2- Step back/cross - place the free leg back, in about 3 pos. (boy - right leg, girl - left) and squat slightly on two legs.

3- One more step from the toe to the side, to the center (boy - left foot to the left, girl - right foot to the right).

4- Move the free leg to the side on the heel (the boy puts the right foot on the heel, the girl - the left). Don't lean on the outstretched leg. The supporting leg is slightly softened. The head turns towards the exposed leg (for the boy - to the right, for the girl - to the left). The movement is accompanied by a slight natural inclination of the body in the same direction.

3-4 cycles. Count 5-6-7-8

Dancers in a pair repeat the movements of 1-2 measures, moving now from the center. The boy starts on the left foot, the girl on the right foot. Before the first step to the side, you need to remove the foot from the heel, pull the toe and take a step to the side from the toe.

5-8 strokes. Count 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-8

Repeat movements 1-4 measures.

2 figure - "C-for-do" - 4 measures.

9-12 strokes. Account 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Partners separate their arms and lower them down along the body, the hands are raised.

Count 1-2-3-4-5-6-7- In 7 steps, the partners go around each other's backs, moving clockwise, and return to their places. The boy starts on the left foot, the girl on the right foot. Moving forward, partners meet with their right shoulders, moving backward - with their left. On the steps "to-for-do" the boy's hands move forward / backward along the body. The girl with each step makes a slight movement of her shoulders up / down.

On a count of 8, place your free leg next to your skating leg. The boy puts his right leg without weight to his left leg. The girl puts her left foot to her right and transfers her weight to her left foot. (Both partners have their right leg free.)

3 figure - "Window" - 2 cycles.

13-14 cycles.

Both dancers start with the right foot.

OPTION-1. Count 1-I-2, 3-I-4

1- Partners take a small step forward with their right foot (towards each other). The knee of the right leg softens. At the same time, they give each other their right hands and raise them in 3 poses. - "window". The left arms are lowered down, the hands are raised.

I-2- Partners step over in place (left foot, right foot), slightly tilting their heads to the left and looking at each other through the "window" from under the joined hands. Stepping is performed from the pad to the entire foot and is accompanied by springy movements in the knees up / down.

3- Both partners take a small step back with their left foot (from each other). The knee of the left leg softens. The connected right hands go down to level 1 pos.

I-4- Dancers perform springy stepping on the spot (right foot, left foot).

OPTION-2. Count 1-2-3-4

Instead of stepping over, you can perform a tap with the free foot (soft ball kick) next to the supporting leg:

1-2- Small step forward with the right foot and warm with the left foot next to the right foot.

3-4- Take a small step back with the left foot and tap with the right foot next to the left foot.

On a step forward, partners may not join hands in 3 positions, but move their right hands to each other from top to bottom, connecting the hands with a handshake ("hello"). On a step back, the hands are separated.

4 figure - Transition to a new partner - 2 measures.

15-16 cycles. Score 5-6-7-8

Both the boy and the girl start with the right foot.

Count 5-6- Two steps forward with the right foot, passing each other and meeting with the right shoulders: the boy moves forward along the line of dance in the inner circle, the girl moves forward against the line of dance in the outer circle. The dancers move on to new partners. On the steps, the boy's hands move forward / backward along the body. The girl with each step makes a slight movement of her shoulders up / down.

Count 7-8- Take a step with the right foot to the side (in front of the new partner) and bring the left foot to the right in 1 pos. The boy puts his left foot to his right foot without weight. The girl, putting her left foot to her right, transfers the weight of the body to her. (The boy's left leg is free, the girl's right.) At the same time, the dancers join their hands in the starting position with a new partner.

The dance composition is repeated with a new partner.


  1. " Dances and games for children 6 years of age ". Methodological development. Compiled by Kondratenko G.M. St. Petersburg, NOU "Institute for the Development of Education" Change ", 2007
  2. Educational and methodological recommendations for the organization of work with the whole class in elementary school on rhythm, rhythmoplasty and ballroom dancing . Shutikov Yu.N. St. Petersburg, 2006
  3. " Folk dances ". Series "Everybody dance". Author-compiler O.V. Ivannikov. Moscow - ed. AST, Donetsk - ed. STALKER, 2007
  4. " Rhythm at school, the third lesson of physical culture ". Teaching aid. Zh.E. Firileva, A.I. Ryabchikov, O.V. Zagryadskaya. Publishing House Phoenix, Rostov-on-Don, 2014

Poems for children about the dance "Circular quadrille "

For Russian quadrille, old
Only four pairs are needed.
Everyone will dance with you!

Video for the dance "Circular Quadrille"

Figures of the dance are demonstrated by G.

Learn more
