How to say dance in spanish
How to Say Dance in Spanish
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Dance in Spanish is baile
Example Sentences
El viernes pasado nos fuimos a un baile.
We went to a dance last Friday. Source
Habrá un baile de etiqueta en el casino.
There will be a formal dance at the casino. Source
Este club de baile realmente va a llegar lejos.
This dance club is really going places. Source
Let's dance. Source
More Examples of
Dance in Spanish-
Además de eso, no sé bailar.
Besides that, I don't know how to dance. Source
Me gustaría bailar contigo.
I'd like to dance with you. Source
Le gusta cantar y bailar.
He likes singing and dancing., He likes to sing and dance. Source
No pueden bailar.
They can’t dance. Source
Yo no bailo.
I don't dance. Source
Baila conmigo.
Dance with me. Source
Él tiene miedo de bailar.
He's afraid to dance. Source
Me gusta bailar.
I like to dance. Source
Ven a bailar conmigo.
Come and dance with me., Come and dance with me! Source
Él quiere bailar.
He wants to dance. Source
Él quiere estudiar música y danza.
He wants to study music and dance. Source
La saqué a bailar.
I asked her to dance. Source
No sé bailar.
I can't dance. Source
Yo no puedo bailar.
I can't dance. Source
Quiero aprender a bailar como vos.
I want to learn to dance like you. Source
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In its most popular form, tai chi incorporates [...] choreographed sequences of slow, dance-like motions. aarpsegundajuventud. |
En su variante ms popular, el tai chi incorpora secuencias [...] coreogrficas de movimientos lentos, similares a pasos de baile. |
She was feeling good so she said yes and [...] their bodies came close during a slow dance. |
Ella se estaba sintiendo a gusto y dijo que s; sus [...] cuerpos se acercaron durante un baile lento. |
To slow dance to and to feel as [...] euphoric as an Olympic medal winner. |
Para bailar suave y para sentirse [...] tan eufrico como un atleta olmpico. |
In fact, he nearly single-handedly made the bachata (a [...] typical rural dance rhythm) into a slow dance favorite from [...] New York to Paris. |
De hecho, casi por s solo hizo [...] que la bachata (un ritmo y baile tradicional de los campos [...] dominicanos) se convirtiera en
[. una sensacin desde Nueva York a Pars. |
Last chance for a slow dance" is the name of [...] the new exhibition of the Brasilian artist at the Iguapop. |
Last chance for a slow dance" es el nombre de la [...] exposicin del artista brasileo que se puede ver en la Iguapop. |
Tothe accompaniment ofmysterious music spectators [...] wandered along the park lanes where people-butterflies form Polunin's
theatre were moving among the trees inaslow dance. |
Losespectadores junto aunamisteriosa msica paseaban porloscaminos [...] delparque, donde entrelos [...] rboles semovan, enunalenta danza, lagente disfrazada [...] demariposa delteatro dePolunin. |
The slow dance of Tai-Chifocuses on [...] the efficiency of movement. It stimulates physical and interior balance through the [...] fluid and soft shifting moves of the body weight guided by the Dan Tien, our energetic center situated below the belly. |
La danza lenta del Tai-Chi estimula [. el equilibrio fsico e interior a travs de los fluidos desplazamientos del peso corporal [...] y la eficiencia del movimiento dejndose guiar por el Dan Tien, nuestro centro energtico situado justo debajo del ombligo. |
Balancing the UN's intrinsic value of letting all participants "have their say" with the desire to [...] identify concrete, realistic actions for the international community to [...] undertake, has always involved a slow, delicate dance. |
Equilibrar el valor de las NU de dejar que todos los participantes "tengan la palabra" con el deseo de identificar
[. acciones concretas, realistas para que la comunidad internacional lleve [...] adelante, siempre supone un lento y delicado balanceo. |
The former is a gentle dance at a slow pace, with which the elderly start the dances, following [...] tradition. |
La primera es una danza suave, de ritmo pausado, con la que inauguran el baile los mayores, [...] siguiendo la tradicin. |
At least 3 pairs, maximally
[. and final rounds. |
Por lo menos 3 pares, mximo 7 [...] pares en de Quickrunde una danza lenta y en pre, intermedios [...] y finales redondos. |
A harmony where double stars, planets with rings [...] and satellites dance the slow cheek-to-cheek dance of the orbits [...] in the skies, where gravitational
[. tensions balance the forces, undo the eclipses of perception and avoid tripping. |
Una armona en la que estrellas dobles, planetas con [...] anillos y satlites bailan una danza lenta de rbitas en un agarrado [...] estelar en que las tensiones [...] gravitatorias equilibran las fuerzas, deseclipsan las percepciones y evitan los traspis. |
To me, the slow-paced rhythm of Ryukyu dance comes from the [...] rhythm of nature in Okinawa. |
Para m, el ritmo pausado de la danza Ryukyu nace del ritmo de la [. naturaleza en Okinawa". |
The dance starts with slow tripping on the [...] rocky ground, which made interesting sound that simply invites you to proceed with dancing. |
Empieza lentamente con puntapis cuales producen [...] sonido interesante, y este ritmo simplemente invita a bailar. |
pop dance hits, sways to slow music. 0 No |
msica pop, se balancea con la msica lenta. |
Their analytic dance was slow, often awkward, and full [...] of interruptions and missteps. |
Esta danza analtica era lenta, a menudo torpe y llena [...] de interrupciones y errores. |
Once there it must be wound up, until about 5 metres below [...] the surface, at a constant speed
(sufficintly fast for its skirts to dance, but slow enough for predators to catch it). |
Una vez all debe ser recogido, hasta aproximadamente 5 metros por debajo de la superfice, a un ritmo regular (lo [...] suficientemente rpido [...] para que las faldilla bailen pero lo suficientemente lento para que los depredadores [...] puedan atraparlo). |
I find that this flute allows huge possibilities for expression [...] when playing both rhythmic dance music and slow airs. |
Encuentro que esta flauta permite enormes posibilidades de
[. |
You have the conection concepts clear and you can make them work in the [...] social dancefloor, you use your 6 and 8 counts [...] with no problem, you can dance to slow and mid tempos with no [...] difficulties. |
Tens en claro los conceptos de conexin y podes aplicarlos en tu baile social, uss los [...] bsicos de 6 y 8 tiempos e intercambiarlos no es
un problema, pods bailar tempos lentos y medios sin ninguna [. dificultad. |
As a result, with short-barrelled weapons [...] in particular, it may be that the bullet drop of a standard calibre falls into the performance [...] group of the slow calibre. |
Por este motivo puede suceder, especialmente en armas de can corto, [...] que, por ejemplo, el residuo del disparo de un calibre estndar recaiga dentro del grupo de [...] rendimiento de calibre lento. |
Second, a certain number of problems were detected which slow down or prevent the nexus from forming. |
En segundo lugar, permiti evidenciar un cierto nmero de problemas que frenan o paralizan la creacin del nexo entre polticas y ciencias sociales. |
I have dwelt before on the slow and inefficient delivery [...] of our aid programmes. |
Antes me he [...] referido a la gestin lenta e ineficaz de nuestros [...] programas de ayuda. |
We were too slow and did not aim high enough. |
Hemos sido demasiado lentos y nuestros objetivos [...] no eran suficientemente altos. |
This technique of slow lactic acidification particularly [...] favours the action of endogenous milk flora. |
Esta tcnica de [...] acidificacin lctica lenta permite sobre todo [...] potenciar la flora endgena de la leche. |
La Llorona from the conquest to the bicentennial
[. is a show consisting of contemporary music [...] with pre-Hispanic elements, dance pre-Hispanic choreography [...] and live theater. |
La llorona, de la conquista al bicentenario, es un [...] espectculo conformado por msica contempornea con [...] elementos prehispnicos, coreografas de danza prehispnica y teatro [...] en vivo. |
A clear majority of [...] consumers feel uncertain of their position on the dance floor of trade. europarl. |
La clara mayora de [...] los ciudadanos se sienten inseguros en la pista de baile del comercio. |
It involves using the [...] ancient Indian system of dance, Natya shastra. |
Involucra el uso [...] del antiguo sistema de danza Hind, el Natya shastra. |
Taking dance classes and meeting other [. women helped me see that there was a way out. |
Tomar clases de baile y conocer a otras [...] mujeres me ayud a entender que haba una salida". |
He is a great warrior and owner of the [...] Bata Drums, owner of dance and a great dancer [...] himself; masters music and represents [...] the need for and the joy of living; the intensity of life; the beauty and virility of males; the riches and money. |
Dueo de los
[. la necesidad y la alegra de vivir, la intensidad de la vida, [...] la virilidad y belleza masculinas, la riquezas y el dinero. |
Mendez also points out that many struggling relationships have [...] been healed through dance. |
Mndez tambin seala que muchas relaciones difciles han [...] mejorado a travs del baile. |
Four dancers in
colourful clothes begin to dance when the saint leaves [. the church in procession. |
Cuatro bailarines ataviados con ropas de llamativos [...] colores empiezan a danzar cuando la santa sale [...] del templo en procesin. |
“I love flamenco and I love gypsies” – Line of Flight
The outstanding Spanish choreographer Nacho Duato barely managed to find half an hour in his work schedule for a conversation about the upcoming tour in St. Petersburg on November 16-17 of the Antonio Gades troupe.
Interview prepared by Lyudmila Mochalova
At the appointed time, representatives of the three parties interested in this meeting gathered in the service box of the Mikhailovsky Theater: the St. Petersburg TV channel, the Vaganova Academy and the Musical Theater and Art Museum.
Anticipating any questions, Nacho Duato said:
I don't know much about Hades, but I knew him and met him shortly before his death. I am always ready to talk about Hades and any other Spanish choreographer.
Then, of course, we talked about flamenco: this is the word everyone hears, this is how any Spanish folk dance is quite often called.
NACHO DUATO: Flamenco is not a Spanish dance at all , it exists mainly in the south, in Andalusia, and is danced mainly by gypsies. When flamenco is danced in, say, Barcelona, it's not really the same. Not all Spaniards can dance flamenco. My favorite type of flamenco is danced on small tablados (stages), and no more than 20-25 minutes. It's like voodoo. In other cases, one must speak of the Spanish dance; there you can make large compositions, for an hour and a half, you can put on performances - “Love the Magician”, “Bloody Wedding”, “Fuente Ovehuna”. Then they use the Spanish dance, the dance of the classical Spanish school, to tell the story. But real flamenco is different, it's not a game. It's like a religion. It's happens . You get inspired and dance for 20 minutes in a small space where the audience is very close to the artists. That's what flamenco is to me.
Flamenco means landless. These are people who worked for the rich; they didn't have their own land. They were called "flamenco". This is a dance for the minority, for the poor people, that's how they could express their life and anger and passion through dance and singing. Now flamenco has spread all over the world, there are schools everywhere, from Japan to Australia. Everyone is trying to dance flamenco. But this is not quite, or even not at all, what this dance really is. I love flamenco and I love gypsies. About two weeks ago I gave an interview on Spanish TV about the independence of Catalonia, about flags, Spanish, Catalan... I have to say, I hate flags. They can be dangerous. But I like the gypsy flag. It is blue on top and green on the bottom. This is heaven and earth. And the cart wheel in which the gypsies travel. Wherever they go, they plant this flag and that place becomes their land. How nice it would be if we didn't have borders or flags. But I understand it's impossible. I love my flag and respect yours.
Antonio Gades was called the last romantic of the genre. Do you think they imitate him today or do something modern?
Do not underestimate other choreographers such as Antonio Soler, José Antonio, Mariemma, Cristina Hoyos, and me too. I don't work with flamenco, but I am a Spanish choreographer. But I think: Antonio was the best. He made flamenco international, through dance he made our music, our literature world-famous, through such ballets as Blood Wedding, Fuente Ovehuna, Carmen. In style, he reminds me of Vicente Escudero. I really like Escudero, his dancing language; and I love Hades. He was elegant, he was a real artist, very stylish.
In November, Antonio Gades' troupe will tour our city. Do you think St. Petersburg and flamenco are compatible?
Of course! We are very far from each other, but in some way we have the same temperament: in literature, in music, in dance. A couple of glasses of vodka - and you have a Spanish character! You are very kind! And I'll tell you what: you have an incredible folklore! The dance folklore of Russia is something incredible! And Spanish too. We have flamenco, we have jotas - Valencian jota and Aragonese jota, and others, each province has its own, we have buleria ... Each province has beautiful dances. The Balearic Islands... There the dance comes from the Jews, from the Sephardim; they have absolutely incredible music, and melodies, and dance ... I think you care more about preserving your folklore, for your own reasons. But both of our countries have a load of history.
You knew Antonio Gades. Tell us about your personal experiences.
I met Antonio many times. He was a very, very nice person. We simultaneously worked at the National Dance Theater in Madrid. We were both theater choreographers, he in Spanish folk dance, I in modern dance. We worked in the same building and met from time to time. We drank, ate and talked about work. But it wasn't a real dance talk. I just admired them. I was much younger, I am now as old as Antonio then. But again, he was a very charismatic person. I also liked his ideas, I liked that he went to Cuba. There was a moment when he stopped dancing, sailed to Cuba on his own yacht and lived there for some time. He was friends with Castro, he liked both his politics and life itself on the island. I like it all too. We enjoyed talking about it.
Have you seen him dance?
Of course. He was not only a flamenco dancer, he also mastered the technique of classical Spanish dance, and could perform all the movements of classical ballet. He also had a beautiful body, very slender, with elongated proportions.
The troupe also brings his ballet based on Lorca's "Blood Wedding"…
Wonderful ballet! I saw him with him and with Christina Hoyos. I am well acquainted with Christina Hoyos. I was at her house. Her house is on a hill; we sat, drank manzanilla and ate snails, and under us was the whole of Seville ... She is a wonderful dancer, a wonderful choreographer and a wonderful person. It is impossible to separate a wonderful person from a wonderful choreographer. Great dancers and choreographers are usually great people.
What is "duende"? You have a ballet with that name.
“Duende” in flamenco is… I have already said that flamenco is a kind of voodoo, and here duende is a state of mind and connection with the universe, something like that. This is not given to everyone. But of those to whom it is given, we say: "He has a duende." These are not my words, this explanation is given by Lorca. It comes from the gypsies. But in my ballet, the meaning is completely different - it is about the heroes of Spanish folklore, little gnomes and elves.
It is said that you were one of the best students of Maurice Béjart…
Really? I was one of very many there. It's funny. When I was at Béjart's in Mudra... Maurice really liked Spain, he loved flamenco, he looked like a Spaniard, he spoke Spanish, he saw Antonio, he loved Lorca, he loved Spanish dances, he knew and loved Spanish culture and music. Bejart knew that he had a Spanish dancer at his school. And there were people of about twenty nationalities: Greeks, Germans, Italians, Koreans, Americans and one Spaniard - me. And he was on the lookout for someone who looked like a Spaniard. I don't look like a Spaniard. And he asked everyone: “Are you a Spaniard?” And my appearance is more German or Swedish. I don't look like a Spaniard. But he saw me dancing farruka, and understood everything: “So this is you are Spaniard!”
Do you use the Spanish national dance in your ballets?
No. But somehow it's in my blood. Although I'm not a gypsy and not even from the south. I feel like a man of the Mediterranean, I feel more like a Venetian than a gypsy from Andalusia. Athens is closer to me than Seville.
What about your Spanish dance in The Nutcracker?
There is a Spanish theme, but it is not a real Spanish dance. This is such a stylization, inspired in part by the costumes. Everything is made for classical ballet. This is a more earthy and more folkloric version than the classic pointe version: not pointe shoes, but shoes, a little more shoulder movement, but it's not real flamenco. This is Duato's fantasy.
On the posters of Spanish dance troupes, we most often see the word “flamenco”…
Yes, because it attracts a much larger audience.
Flamenco is sometimes combined with classical ballet or something else. But some flamenco dancers are looking for common ground with modern choreography.
Yes, that too. Lots of. I think even, perhaps, too much.
You don't like it?
Yes, not really. I was in Berlin, at the Spanish embassy, and there were two women – unfortunately I don’t remember their names – dancing something very modern, on the floor, in very strange positions, very modern, and with a little flamenco… I’ve already said, that flamenco is akin to voodoo or katakali, a kind of religious act. It cannot be mixed with anything, it must be respected.
And when Israel Galvan and Akram Khan dance together?
Yes, it's... They are completely different, but they are both very good choreographers and very good performers. Israel is a wonderful dancer, and very modern. This is modern flamenco. Everything changes with time. When I do my classical productions here, they also say that this is madness, that it is incomprehensible. So what? Everything is changing.
To keep the tradition, perhaps, you need to have “duende”?
Yes, of course. Very few people get it. It certainly was with Antonio Gades. And Christina. And Argentina, Mariemma, Esmeralda and other dancers. But these are special people. Just like in classical ballet.
Flamenco involves the improvisation of dance. How does this compare with the preservation of the legacy of Antonio Gades?
Hades did not stage flamenco. He just used his elements. This is a classic Spanish dance, bolero and the like. They have very good assistants in the troupe, and, in addition, there are accurate recordings. Everything is kept very well. Antonio's widow works for the Hades Foundation and she's very particular about it. I saw her this summer in Madrid, and she told me how they really take care of everything in Hades' performances: they keep not only the choreography, but also the costumes, scenery, lighting.
Antonio Gades' production of "Carmen" was shown here in Leningrad 30 years ago, it's scary to watch the modern version decades later.
No, no, don't be afraid. Feel free to go look. They have very good dancers. It will be wonderful!
“Carmen” is a common theme for everyone who comes to Spain as a tourist…
Yes, a common theme. But then again: Hades' Carmen is superbly directed. Excellent choreography, excellent dancers and very modern directing. In general, every real choreographer is also a director. Hades was a director, and a very good one. I certainly prefer his stage version to Carlos Saura's film. In the film, Saura was a king who treated the ballet as if it were an improvised material that cut the dance into pieces. But still, he did a good job. With his films, he helped to spread interest in authentic Spanish dance. The general public realized that this must be seen with their own eyes.
St. Petersburg, Oktyabrsky BKZ
, November 16, Carmen
November 17, “Bloody Wedding”
Lesson #6 - last time in Spanish.

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Completely repeats English and German past tenses Perfect .
Spanish for "scary": Pretérito perfecto compuesto de Indicativo.
If the word “just now” comes off your tongue ( just took a shower, just got home from work) or you clarify your phrase with the words hoy - today, esta semana - this week, then you need to use the following construction to express an action in the past:
auxiliary verb haber + participio (participle)
Yo | he |
Tu | has |
Él / ella / usted | ha |
Nosotros, as | hemos |
Vosotros, as | habeis |
Ellos, as / ustedes | han |
Participio is formed simply: one ending was removed and another was added:
verb haber
buy – comprar; comprado - bought
to dance - bailar; bailado - danced
play - jugar; jugado - played
to jump - saltar; saltado - jumped
drink - beber; bebido - drank, drank
to have - tener; tenido - had
read - leer; leido - read
know - saber; sabido - knew
to live - vivir; vivido - lived
to go out - salir; salido - went out
laugh – reír; reido - laughed
smile – sonreír; sonreído – smiled
Hablado con ella.