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WAR ON THE DANCE FLOOR - How To Rock - LETRAS.COMHome Pop How To Rock War On The Dance Floor
You can run but you cannot hide
I'm a catch you on the other side
Are you my friend or my enemy
Close your eyes and tell me what you see
I'm a beast, are you scared?
And the ties don't prevail, don't lie
I'm a beast, are you scared?
And the ties don't prevail, don't lie
The clouds are dark and the moon is full tonight, oh, yeah
There's a war on the dance floor
Are you ready for the fight, oh
Push and pull, I'm torn between two sides
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Whos in my mind all these other times?
Feel the rush and step into the light
I'm a beast, are you scared?
And the ties don't prevail, don't lie
I'm a beast, are you scared?
And the ties don't prevail, don't lie
The clouds are dark and the moon is full tonight, oh, yeah
There's a war on the dance floor
Are you ready for the fight, oh
There's something different about the way that I move
Don't recognize it, walking in the shoes
There's something different about the way that I smile
I'm mesmerized by the bright lights
Let's just enjoy the fright!
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Party dance competitions
Looking for party dance competitions?
Today we have prepared for you a large number of games that your guests will love! Remember, or better yet, write it down!
Fun box
This competition can be run as a fun lottery. Each guest present pulls out a number for himself and keeps it until the start of the competition is announced. After that, according to the "regular" number, he is given a thing from a fun box. For example, a guest who pulls out number 16 receives a baby bonnet.
The conditions of the competition are simple - during the next dance part, do not take the item out of the box, have fun and use it during the dance. Believe me, you will take many funny photos!
List of items for the fun box : ties, belts, funny glasses and hats, bathing caps, robes, shirts, capes, curlers, various horns (which are used for the new year or sold at the circus) and masks.
Ideal for a party where the audience can be divided into teams of girls and men. If the forces are unequal, divide the guests equally. The girls start the first, exposing a representative from themselves, who must show a couple of movements to the music (for 5-10 seconds), then she calls her partner and he must repeat her movement and show his own. In turn, after a solo performance, the guy challenges the next representative of the women's team to a duel, etc.
Alternating one after another, each of those present will show their dancing skills.
At the end, you can arrange a full-fledged dance department.
Music for competition : Gloria Estefan - Conga, Locksley - The Whip, Five - Everybody Get Up, Quest Pistols - Heat (DJ ED & DJ NICKY RICH RADIO MIX), Tacabro - Taca ta, Lady Gaga Manicure.
People meet, people get lost…
A couple (a girl and a guy) are called to the stage and start the competition with the first dance. After 30 seconds-1 minute of dancing, they disperse and choose any of the guests present as partners. Now we have two couples dancing. After the music stops again, already four people go out to "hunt" :). In a few minutes, all the guests are already dancing on the floor! It is best to create a mix of slow and fast songs.
Music for the contest: Lounge Cover - The Show Must Go On, Ani Lorak - Light Up the Heart, Lana Del Ray - Young And Beautiful, Vera Brezhneva - Good Day, Ani Lorak - Hug Me Tight, Secret - Spotlight.
Dance Festival
All couples wishing to participate in the competition are selected. The DJ includes a musical mix of various types of music - pop, jive, tango, etc. The purpose of the competition is to dance the most appropriate to the playing music.
For the greatest effect, you can choose a jury that will competently select the winner!
It is advisable to choose short musical sketches (choruses or characteristic passages) up to 30 seconds long.
Music for contest : The Platters - Sixteen Tons, Matia Bazar - Vacanze Romane, Bump & Stromae - Papaoutai (Samba), Vass - Rowdy Arabia (Victor Niglio Edit), Fergie - A little party never kill nobody, Sergei Prokofiev - Waltz (from movie War and Peace), Lisa Bassenge & The J - Chestra-Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps, Carlos_Gardel - Tango_Por_Una_Cabeza.
Sexy bottle
All those present are divided into two teams - girls and boys - and stand opposite each other. The host gives one of the dancers a bottle, which must be placed between the legs and transferred to a person of the opposite sex during the dance. The purpose of the competition is to make it the most colorful and erotic. The most beautiful couple at the end gets a prize :).
Music for competition : THE HARDKISS - Make-Up, Dr. John – Revolution, Elize – Hot Stuff (Donna Summer cover)
Reminds me of the Fun Box. However, in this competition, all those present dance in a circle, passing the box to each other in turn. At one point, the music is muffled, the one in whose hands the box was, chooses one thing for himself and puts it on.
Music for the competition : Elize - Hot Stuff (Donna Summer cover), Shaft - Mambo Italiano
Digital dances
Guests dancing on the organized crowd "". At the moment when the music stops, the host calls out any number, such as "FIVE". Everyone present should be divided into small groups. The guest who is left without a team is out of the game.
The last 2-3 participants are awarded.
Music for contest : Fall Out Boy - Dance, Dance, Ylvis - The Fox, Bianca - The night will come Page 750
— There is a world where we will be accepted. Yeshua replied. “Moreover, in that world we can become teachers for an entire nation. Turning savages into wanderers of the steppes and our brothers.
— And what kind of world is this?! — The former Mentor looked at him in surprise.
Chapter 67 Part 2. Known and Unfamiliar
Captain Second Rank Kai Leng (Miscellaneous Space Base Thor, Eagle Nebula, May 10, 2392)
A dull clang of magnetic grippers alerted him that the frigate had docked.
— We have arrived, Commander. The pilot reported. A very young guy who went through the war on an ordinary frigate and was subsequently transferred for additional training to the Flight Training Center under the wing of Jeffrey Moreau. Where he was trained by this genius from flying to the state of an ace pilot.
Kai took a deep breath, taking in the air from his Salamis. The ship was brand new, only two months since she left the slipway. Frigate class "Victory" MK3, the most advanced STEALTH in known space. Fast, monstrously maneuverable, well-armed and deadly in the hands of a skilled crew, and he has a cap or two of Leng, not only experienced, but also a veteran. All his guys went through the crucible of the Harvest, both the astronauts and the landing outfit.
The man remembered with a shudder that a series of trials and checks that he had to go through in order to return to duty, but it was all worth it. He was returned to the fleet, to his native Fifth Fleet, promoted in rank and handed over to the maneuver group, sent to Traverse to maintain order on trade lanes. On which pirates of all stripes and races frolicked more and more actively.
The systems of the Attic Traverse smoldered silently, too many wrecked ships left in space, many in quite repairable condition, because during the Harvest, ships with damaged engines were simply abandoned. And also transports with cargo, and much, much more. Greedy representatives of humanity and allied races hunted for this good, robbing merchants along the way.
Here he and his partners were sent to one of the new stations, to control the free space, along the way pinching the tails of especially unbridled pirate gangs. It was said that the former reapers also do this, at least there was reliable information that they destroyed the Suono turian battleship found by the pirates and restored. Having overtaken along the way the fear of the entire pirate brethren in Terminus.
— Vlad! Kai said loudly.
- Ai-Ai, commander. - He called out the sergeant-major.
- Drive the guys, I'm going to report to the local authorities. We should be given premises for housing at the station, and given plans for combat work. So, until you return for the eldest in the group. By the way, let me guys in touch. Leng said.
After talking with the sistership commanders, he went downstairs, just as the sentries reported that a messenger from the station commander was waiting for him at the slipway. Leaving the ship, he saw a turian lieutenant, who was impatiently shifting from foot to foot, looking at him.
Cap two Leng? the turian asked.
- That's right. Kai replied.
- Esvar Rokkus Emarr, the station commander is waiting for you, let's go. - The lieutenant answered, shaking the outstretched hand, and pointed to one of the exits.
As we got to the commander's office, we discussed the history of this armored monster, formerly an orbital reaper factory. The former enemy left his property in orbits and did not take it away, giving it to the Council races to be torn apart and studied. Only now, most of the stations were dismantled all the equipment and completely rebuilt. The geth were engaged in this, managing to remake such multi-kilometer pancakes into quite acceptable space bases, and in the shortest possible time. The base was still a third empty, but the empty parts were slowly occupied by merchants and various service offices, hoping to make good money in this busy place under the wing of the military. The turian complained that despite the alteration, he still feels somewhat uneasy here, but he thinks the situation will change when the base is fully settled.
The head of the base welcomed me cordially. An elderly turian, with a deep scar across his face, dressed in the uniform uniform of the Council space fleet adopted a year ago, in which Kai now paraded. He hugged the man tightly and seated him at the table, asking the orderly to bring an erg for two.
"Full General Tychus Finray," the commander introduced himself, "At last you have arrived, captain of the second rank." And then, the rest of my guys and girls, already worn out. At all, the teams have no days off, we were given too much sector for control. - Commander rumbled.
- Any problem, sir? Kai asked him.
- But otherwise, cap two, the war left too much legacy. And as it turns out, among the intelligent there are quite a few adventurers and bastards who are ready to arrange another one, just to line their pockets. Your task is to prevent them from doing this, Commander Leng. Any military vessel that does not respond to the appropriate request is subject to destruction. Transports, see according to the cargo list, your board partners must have it, the station keeper gave them the files. The turian general said.
- Who is the station keeper? Kai asked.
- It's good that they asked, there are two of them. The eldest, named Skytes, is a geth from the first generation of "gained a body." He is the head of the military administration and my first deputy. The other one is called Idalti, she's quite young by their standards and deals with civil matters. It also works with merchants and tenants of trade concessions and firms. If it's about supplying your frigates, then it's Skytes, if entertainment at the station, then Idalti. If something cannot be resolved or the issue is beyond the competence of the custodians, then contact me. Is everything clear, captain of the second rank? the commander asked.
— Yes, sir. And what about entertainment here? the man asked with a smile, receiving a sincere smile in response.
- It's not crowded yet, there are several restaurants and cafes. A dance club, which is true, only open a few days a week and naked. But there are no novelties in the theater's film library, this industry has not yet recovered. Where are you from, by the way, Commander Leng? Finray asked.
- I am a native of the metropolis, Mr. General. Kai replied.
- And how are things in the ancestral home? The base commander asked.
- There are a lot of problems, the homeland is in ruins, literally everything is destroyed. Many territories are contaminated with radiation, after thermonuclear strikes on enemy strongholds. There are especially many problems on the Japanese islands. But I heard former reapers came to the rescue. They use their own technologies and say that in ten years they will put the radiation background and the biosphere of the islands in order. Well, the common problems now, too, have not gone anywhere. Food according to the norms, a lot of cards. Most people live in underground cities, since the cities on the surface have turned into rubble. So far, forty percent of infrastructure and thirty percent of housing have been restored. But, they say that gradually the severity of the problem is reduced. - Leng answered, taking from the table a large mug of erg brought by the general's orderly.
- Everything is like in our metropolis. Well, I hope all problems are resolved. I'm glad you've arrived, captain second rank. You are an experienced person, your partners and crews too. Good luck.