How to pronounce dance

How to Pronounce DANCE & DENSE- American English Pronunciation Lesson

Sep 17, 2021 | How to pronounce English words correctly

Learn how to pronounce the words DANCE & DENSE with this quick English Speaking Pronunciation lesson.

These words are pronounced:

Dense: /dɛns/ and rhymes with fence, hence, pence, tense

Dance: /dæns/ and rhymes with lance


DANCE to move to music

DENSE a compacted substance


The dance crowd wanted to dance all night.


Hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question.
We have two words today:
dense which means a compacted substance and
dance which means to move to music.
So to say these words correctly both words start with the d sound. D
To say this sound you’re going to touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth, voice box is on and moving, air puffs out.
We’re going to end with the same two sounds the n – tip of the tongue is behind the back of the top front teeth, air is moving out of your nose, then you’re going to move your tongue from the back of your top front teeth, pull it away from the teeth, that is not touching, it’s either behind the top front teeth, or pointed down, and the air is going to move out of the nose, out of the mouth, excuse me for the s sound

So we have ns ns ns

The difference that we’re going to be going for here is more with the vowel sounds today. How do we say the difference between a short e a and a short a a?
For the short e open your mouth slightly and you should be able to see the tip of your tongue between your top and your bottom teeth, that is the position – the tip of your tongue right between your top and your bottom teeth, mouth slightly open, just so you can see your tongue and your lips are relaxed, you do not want to pull your lips back too much because if you pull them back and make them too tense that will close your mouth and it might sound more like an e or an ih sound.
So it might sound like that long e or that short i by accident if your lips are too tense.

For the short ah you’re going to open your mouth even wider, and the tip of your tongue is going to be low in your mouth, and the back of your tongue is going to be pulled up towards the root roof of your mouth.

So we have eh ah eh ah eh ah

So again my hand is my tongue so this is the eh sound just between my teeth; and then the ah my tongue pops way down and comes way up in the back.

So let’s put those words together dense dense dense dance dance dance dense dance dense dance
And now for a sentence: The dense crowd wanted to dance all night.
So give it a try I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful we’d love a share with your friends and give us a like check out our products on google play and itunes and our class options at Tarle speech. Thanks everyone!

How to pronounce DANCE in English

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How to pronounce dance verb in British English

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How to pronounce dance verb in American English

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How to pronounce dance noun in British English

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How to pronounce dance noun in American English

What is the definition of dance?

LEVSIA, SCACH DIFFERENTS! At the same time, the corners of the lips move apart further from each other than for the word p i faces (as if you want to smile).

Another tip: prepare your mouth for the sound / e / (for example, start saying the word in e sch ), hold the speech apparatus in this position, but say the sound / a / .

If it is still difficult to understand, then I will describe one more trick: try to “push” the lower jaw down with the tip of the tongue , but at the same time remember about the “approaching smile” (the corners of the lips stretched to the sides). Happened? Approximately this position will have your articulatory apparatus when pronouncing this sound (see the picture).

At the link you will find a very useful video from Rachel's English from which this screenshot was taken.

So, we learned how to pronounce, now we need to fix the result. To do this, I propose to say a few dozen monosyllabic words with this sound. We adjust the speech apparatus to the desired position and start training:

bad /bæd/

map /mæp/

add /æd/

plan /plæn/

lamp /læmp/

/ back /fæt /fæt /fæt /fæt /fæt /fæt /fæt bæk/

can /kæn/

man /mæn/

hand /hænd/

fact /fækt/

Crab/ Kræb/

Catch/ Kætʃ/

Trap/ Træp/

Stamp/ Stæmp/

DAMP/ Dæmp/

Lap/ Læp/



Mad / Mæd /

that / ðæt /

LaD / LQUA /

CAP / Kæp /

HAT / HQ /

Black / Blæk /

Scat / Skæt /


Rank / ræŋk/

gas /ɡæs/

rack /ræk/

Now practice your tongue twisters. Just in case, the /æ/ sound is in bold:

  • H a rry a nd P a t st a nd h a nd in h a nd.
  • a t c a t s a t on a m a t P a t h a s a f a t c a t P a t’s f a t c a t is in P a t’s h a t.
  • I h a ve to cr a m for my ex a m.

In conclusion, the promised phrase from the song, which will firmly sit in your memory and will always remind you of the correct pronunciation:

I’m the Sc a tm a n!

Sound / ʌ / - let's find it in Russian In the linguistic people it is called “lid”, but its full name is “

Open Mid-Back Unrounded Vowel” .

How the speech apparatus works: the tongue is not tense, located in the central part of the oral cavity, slightly pushed back. The back of the tongue rises to the front of the soft palate up to half the distance. The sound is short.

This time we are lucky: the sound has an analogue in Russian - it is prestressed /a/ or /o/ in words like n o went to 9023

Now it's time to practice this sound on a set of monosyllabic words.


Love/ Lʌv/

Blood/ Blʌd/

Come/ Kʌm/

SOME/ Sʌm/

Much/ Mʌtʆ/


000 9000 DALL/ DALL/ DALL/ DALL/

Gun / Gʌn /

Duck / dʌk /

Luck / Lʌk /

Puck / pʌk /

DOES / DʌZ /

Cup / Kʌp /

UP / ʌP /

Bus / BʌS /

Bun / Bun / bʌn/

Cut / Kʌt /

Fun / Fʌn /

NUT / NʌT /

HUT / HʌT /


Numb / Nʌm /

Thumb / θʌm /

DUMB / Dʌm Crumb/ Krʌm/

Nun/ Nʌn/

Done/ Dʌn/

Son/ Sʌn/

We fix the result with tongue twisters:

  • D OE U U R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R r 9 o ther M o nday
  • Don't tr ou ble tr ou ble until tr ou ble tr ou bles you. It only d ou bles tr ou ble and tr ou bles o thers, too.
  • A f u nny p u ppy r u ns in fr o nt of a p u b. A fl u ffy p u ppy r u ns in fr o nt of a cl u b.

Traditionally, a line from a song. In my opinion, the composition of Robbie Williams “Come undone” is perfect for the “lid”, where he pronounces this sound 5 times in a row at the end of the chorus:

Because I'm sc u m. And I'm yours o n. I c o me u nd o ne.

Sound / a: / - show your throat to the doctor0164 ,

hard . In terms of articulation and sound, the sound resembles that which we pronounce when showing the throat to the doctor.

How the speech apparatus works: from Russian / a / it differs in that the tongue is moved further back and down and lies as flat as possible (imagine that the doctor presses the tongue with a spoon). With the correct pronunciation of the sound, you can see the soft palate in the mirror, which is impossible when pronouncing the Russian . The sound is long.

Now let's move on to practice on a set of words. Note that this is where the differences between the British and American pronunciations will be observed. As you know, Americans replace the sound / a: / with the sound / æ / in words like dance , ask , class etc.

Another difference: in words like car , far , star - Americans use the short sound / a / and pronounce / r / at the end.

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