How to torque dance
The Easiest How To Twerk Tutorial You Need
Twerking Hip Shake Fitness /
Learn the easiest how to twerk tutorial on YouTube from our girl Nicole Steen. She will teach you the basic moves that can kick start your amazing twerk journey today.
At Home How To Twerk Tutorial
You don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to learn how to twerk. We’re bringing the twerking to you with the best booty in the biz. We’ll break down the moves you’ll be learning and then you can try the full 5 minute video yourself. Are you ready?
Learning how to twerk has helped boost my confidence and has empowered my feminine spirit. So I’m on a mission to get every woman to try a twerk tutorial at least once in their life and check that off their bucket list. It’s not just a fun dance, it’s also such a good workout. You work your leg muscles, glute muscles and even your back muscles too. I’ve got an easy how to twerk tutorial and this is actually my first Tone N Twerk video for the platform. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come and I hope you enjoy and go through the twerk journey with me.
Where my twerk queens at? Show off your moves on instagram. Use #hsfteam and tag us @hipshakefitness on your posts so we can give you some booty taps.
Learn How To Twerk
Basic Twerk Tutorial
Starting with the basics, let’s learn how to pop our booties up! Imagine trying to reach the back of your head with your butt. Keep your hands on your knees for support and start slow and really work on that arch. You will definitely feel the burn down your lower back. Then try it a bit faster and really impress yourself.
This one takes a little more brain power because there’s a lot of different movement for all your limbs. Starting with your legs, raise your right leg with your heel facing away from you then swing it towards you and this will make your hip go down too. Then your opposite arm can do a snap or a twist above your head. You got this babe!
Unleash your feminine expression by learning to dance! We’ve got online dance classes that empower women on our virtual dance studio. Tone N Twerk is a class starts with a toning routine that tightens your glutes and ends with a fun twerk dance. Get a FREE Trial Today! JOIN HERE.
Knee In Twerk
Next, we’ll give your lower back a little break and work on those thighs. I love this move because you’re free to spice it up however you want to. Go fast, low, hands up or down, just have fun and let it go.
Try A FREE Tone N Twerk Workout NOW!
Every Tone N Twerk workout starts with a toning routine that tightens your glutes. Then loosen up and learn a fun twerk dance that will surely make you feel sexy. Join us for Beginner Twerk. A 20 minute Tone N Twerk Dance Workout. You will learn how to isolate those glute muscles and get more twerk moves that you can bring with you to the club or just at home. We start with the Shuffle Twerk, Up Down Twerk, Pop Back Twerk then end with more advanced moves like the Pushup Twerk. If it’s your first time, don’t worry Nicole Steen will offer modifications. You got this babe and we’re here for you! Unlock your FREE Tone N Twerk Dance Workout video today.
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We talked to the current head of one of the very first pole dance studios in Revda "Sky Pole" Ekaterina Bondareva Which, in the understanding of people, balance on the verge of sports and hobbies, good and bad. And it seems to me that pole dance can be safely attributed to them - this is a pole dance. And not in the way that someone might think. This is gymnastics, a type of acrobatics that receives its wave of indignation and misunderstanding from outsiders thanks to the pylon (this is the name of the pole). We talked to the current head of one of the very first pole dance studios in Revda «
Sky Pole » Ekaterina Bondareva.
The constraint is gone
A pole dance studio was brought to our city about seven years ago from Yekaterinburg. Even then, the Revda residents looked at this matter with skepticism. But those who understand this sport, who like it, actively enrolled in groups and started walking. Since then, the pole dance culture in Revda has been living and flourishing. Not in a big way, without official city competitions and in the media, it doesn’t particularly shine. But he lives. As the rumor lives on that such dances are outright vulgarity.
Ekaterina Bondareva treated this hobby as something new and interesting. She first came to the studio as a student, but three years later she took over the business from her former leader.
— I was working in the office and I saw an ad for a studio. I understand that I sit for 8 hours a day and I need to move. Come, a lot of people. At first there was embarrassment. I looked at the pylon and thought: “What kind of stick is this? What should be done with her? I didn't understand anything at first. I didn't like it at all for the first three months. But I still went, because I convinced myself that I could. But when I made the first basic element, it was a wow effect! “Come on, this is so cool!” I got fired up, and began to look at training in a completely different way. They have become a big part of my life.
— So you always went to classes, were you satisfied with everything?
— The first year passed just on euphoria. Then, of course, there were periods when I wanted to quit everything. They just need to be experienced. It always motivates, for example, what your partner does (two people work on the pole during training - more on that later) or your coach. If something does not work out, look and realize - they also have two arms and two legs, like you. Then why can't you?
Gender can be different
There are several classical styles in pole dancing. The pole dance itself is acrobatics on a pole, complex elements, with stretching, flights, flips and the like. Gender sport is the same, only with more complex, power elements.
— When we say “pol dance”, we must understand that “dance” is a dance, after all,” Katya explains. - Therefore, all movements are quite smooth, elegant. In the field of sports, everything is in force. This is power, this is a lot of painstaking work. In pole dance, you can make some very simple element for a pylonist, but it just looks very cool and spectacular. And everyone says wow! And in the field of sports you will get up, you will give out something difficult. And everyone says - what, do you need to clap already?
There is another direction - exotic pole dance. This is already more of a dance, to the music, consisting of cascades and combinations performed both on the pylon and on the stalls (on the floor). And yes, in this direction, girls dance in long heels.
Bachata appeared in Revda. In the same studio. The dance has nothing to do with pylons, but it is also interesting and unusual for a small town.
By the way, children also go to the floor dance. Quite kids, from two years old, are engaged in physiotherapy exercises, health-improving gymnastics. But from the age of seven, the girls have already been practicing on the pylon in the half kids group. From the age of 13 they can attend adult groups. We divide them by age so that children would be more interesting with each other.
Who can go to the pylon?
Pole dance studio differs from the usual dance or sports studio by the presence of pylons. This is a metal pole attached to the floor and ceiling. It can rotate - to constantly be in motion, practically fly on it. And maybe in static - fixed with a special holder. For this type of floor dance, there are also exercises.
— What do you need to do pole dance?
Two arms and two legs. And the weight is not more than 100 kilograms. I have a coach, she is in the body. I am very proud of her! She is not afraid to work on the pylon. She is so cool, juicy, you want to look at her. And when people say: “I won’t go to practice because I’m fat”, please don’t! Do not be afraid!
— Well, it's gymnastics after all. Don't you need, for example, twine for this?
- There were cases when someone said: "First I will sit on the splits, then I will come to you. " But you must first come, and then the twine will appear (laughs). True, there are a lot of clichés and misconceptions in terms of pole dance. For example, proper nutrition and all that is not about us. No, eating hamburgers every day is not worth it, of course. If you want, eat. Why torture yourself? Do not think that if we are all about sports, then we do not eat anything.
Dots over " i ". Is pole dance a striptease?
— What do you think or feel when a pylon is called a pole?
- So this is the pole. Here's a moment. If a person calls a pole a pole, but understands that we are not doing striptease here, I am fine with that. And if a person says that you are jumping there without panties, I don’t accept this at all. Sometimes I just want to scream: “No, no! This is not it!” You know, from neighboring houses they love to watch what we are doing here, and they go out on the balcony to smoke . .. Well, they see - girls in shorts. Although, in fact, in shorts! They just don't understand it. Here a tenth of the buttocks is bare, everything is a striptease. The shorts actually look absolutely decent. There is a normal gusset, good fabric. Exotic pole dance yes, the clothes are a little different, they are aimed at sexuality. But this is not a striptease.
- And in this sport, as far as I know, it is simply impossible not to practice in shorts. You can't wear pants - it's slippery.
- At the first training session, the very first main element is learned - the knee hold. When your foot is, in fact, holding on to the pylon. In normal pants, yes, it's hard to do. For those who are shy, there is such an option - eco-leather leggings. It looks very decent, and you can do everything the same as in shorts. This breaks the stereotype that we are all naked here. At such moments, when someone performs in leggings, people look and think: “What is she wearing leggings for? Are they still normal?
- I see that you are really hurt by this comparison.
— Why do I get offended when our sport is called striptease. There, perhaps, everything is also complicated in terms of grace and plasticity. But we are working hard. The girls come back from training, their palms are torn off, their legs are bruised, because you constantly knock on the pylon. And it is, after all, metal. People just do not understand how much is behind this work. We do not have the goal of showing our forms or any places there. We show the capabilities of the body, its strength, endurance, while beautiful and graceful.
Difficulties of pylonists
- Regarding injuries. Do you fall often? Is it possible to climb a pylon without a mat?
- If you are confident, you can make complex strength elements without a mat. But they are, and we always put them in training, especially for those who have been training recently. Two people work on the pylon, taking turns. One is engaged, the second insures. The coach always shows how to belay correctly. When I was still studying, I had a partner - Natasha. I have always had confidence in her! There was a moment when I just flew off the pylon, I realized that I was not in control of the situation, I was not holding on with my hand or foot. I'm falling. And Natasha was able to keep me. Trust is very important here. Although mats are our safety. We make them lay.
- There is one more thing that, let's say, many people associate pole dance with striptease. It `s music. Is it required at all?
— It's always more fun with her, she charges. But it is in pole dance that music is not required. Another thing is if you put the number on the reporting concert or competition. Yes, there is music. And not only the pylon is used, but also the stalls. Such a nuance. Here, the exotic floor dance even has training - this is staging a number, its rehearsal. With us, the pylonists, everything is more complicated. Classical pole dance is the elements that you need to put together for a performance, put them on music, come up with inserts between the power elements so that your hands rest from the pole. This is how the number is built. Just two minutes of working on the pylon is very hard. We are still spinning around.
— By the way, what do you do to keep your head from spinning?
Nothing! (laughs) Somehow my sister suggested that I just look at one point. Does not help. It's all a matter of habit. At first my head was also spinning, but then it was normal.
Limited beliefs
— Can I do different types of pole dance at the same time?
— Needed! Then you will be able to do something cool on the pylon in Exotic. Or the pylonists will have no problem doing something on the ground to rest. I can do a lot of things beautifully on the pylon. But for me the problem is to move, for example, from pylon to pylon (in some competitions this is a prerequisite). I didn't know how to do it. You can't just walk from pylon to pylon. I asked for an exotic pole dance coach. She came up with something for me for 15-20 seconds, I repeated clumsily.
— Children also practice on the pylons. What do they say about them? Well, in terms of associations and everything else?
— There are no questions about children at all! I've never experienced anything like this before anyone has anything bad to say about them. Although they perform exactly the same elements as older girls. By the way, our girl goes to half kids (children), and her mother goes to exotic half dance. And now we will have a reporting concert on April 3, and both of them will perform. They come to see each other. It's cool!
- Will the time come when all people will no longer compare pole dance and pole dance with striptease?
Never. We have a lot of limiting beliefs in our heads since childhood.
— But generations change.
- Then - 40 years old. Maybe 50. My mother, for example, understands that this is not a striptease. And some other relatives are the opposite. Generations change, but beliefs remain. My mom worked with these limiting beliefs. And all is well. It's about the mindsets we set in our heads. But you understand how difficult it is to work with them and remake them if a person does not want to do this. It's easier for him to see like this. And we do not have the time and energy to try to change his prism, the angle from which he looks at the pole dance. We need to do what we love.
What is pole dance and why is it a sport?
Pole dance is a type of dance in which the performer performs on one or two pylons (poles), combining elements of choreography, gymnastics, and acrobatics. Since the 2000s, it has also developed as a form of acrobatics not directly related to the exploitation of sexuality. Pole sports or floor sports are part of the disciplines of air power athletics, developing as an independent sports direction. The performances of each participant contain a mandatory set of gymnastic, acrobatic elements, combinations and transitions.
At the end of January 2014, the Russian Federation of Pole and Workout Sports was accepted as a member of the Committee of National and Non-Olympic Sports. Paul dance was awarded the official status of Pole Sport (pylon sport).
Where and when did pole dancing first appear?
The first wooden pylons appeared in India at the end of the 11th century and were used for yoga called Mallakhamb. Initially, only men were engaged in the pole. Subsequently, wooden pylons were replaced with iron ones, which complicated the technique. Yoga with an iron pole received a new name - Mallastambha.
Oddly enough, circus performers played a big role in the development of pole dance. Traveling all over the world, they adopted the traditions of different peoples and put on new numbers based on them. Pole dancing is no exception. Spectacular performances of acrobats on wooden or cast-iron pylons delighted the audience.
In the 20th century, when the erotic industry began to gain momentum, go-go dances appeared. It was this direction that overshadowed the centuries-old history of pole dance, because now the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning pole dancing is half-naked girls with a languid look. Although it all started differently...
18 ways to cope with the autumn blues -
Summer, which did not indulge us in the heat, somehow passed very quickly, and we are already meeting autumn. Golden and crimson foliage, as usual, will not decorate the streets of Revda for long. Beauty will be followed by traditional slushy weather with frosts at night, dank winds and early twilight. Psychologists say that in autumn people are most prone to depression - along with the temperature, the mood also falls. Experts recommend this time of the year to please yourself more often - find new unusual activities, spend time with people you like, and also play sports, which causes an increase in endorphins. has collected for you 18 cool ways to cope with the autumn blues without leaving the city. Enjoy!
1. Take up dancing or yoga
Photo// Tiara StudioDancing not only liberates, relaxes and inspires - it also increases vitality and helps to keep yourself in shape. The Tiara dance and fitness studio, popular in Revda, invites you to classes in the following areas: oriental dance (children, juniors, adults, ladies of elegant age), children's fitness (1-3 years old, 3-5 years old, 10-15 years old), modern dance (6-9 years old), aerobics mix (from 18 years old), Pilates and yoga (from 18 years old). Group and individual lessons, performances at city events, participation in competitions and festivals.
- Address : st. Spartaka, 9a, 1st floor
- Phone : 8-952-149-60-70
- Website : Tiara studio
2. Start running, or at least walk more
Photo// Vladimir Kotsyuba-Belykh, to just walk the streets of Revda. Alone with your favorite music on headphones or with friends, it doesn't matter.
How to start running if you don't know how at all
3. Try pole dancing
Photo// SkyPole studioIn Revda people dance on pylons in the SkyPole studio. You can see beautiful fit girls at city events: for example, at the “I can!” race. or on a bike ride "Torque". It is impossible not to be surprised by the skill of the dancers, their dexterity and strength. We even did a big project with them to understand what is good about pole dancing ( read here). The most amazing thing: this type of dance is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age, fitness level, weight and strength. Come and try, feel special, believe in yourself.
- Address : st. Spartaka, 9a, 2nd floor
- Phone : 8(922)0-396-396
- Website : SkyPole studio

- Address: st. K. Liebknekhta, 31 (TC "Sphere")
- Phone: 8(9222)04-30-40, 8(9090)04-30-30
- Website: Zhi-Shi sushi bar
5. Try yourself in fitness
Photo// A lot has been written about the increase in the level of the "happiness hormone" after training, you can read, for example, here. But these are not all the reasons why fitness is so popular. Firstly, in training you get to know like-minded people, you have new exciting topics for conversation and study in your free time. Secondly, you noticeably change: you become both more beautiful and healthier. Thirdly, appetite and sleep improve. Finally, fitness is the key to perfect posture, which is especially important for girls. Come to classes in the fitness studio "Prestige"!
- Address : st. P. Zykina, 18a
- Phone : 8(950)551-45-52
- Site : Prestige fitness studio
6. Get Your Vitamin D!
Photo// Funky Monkey solarium What are we talking about? Of course, about the solarium. You can argue for a long time about the features of this method of tanning, but we will say this: in moderation - everything is good. Listen carefully to the experts at the Funky Monkey tanning salon, do not neglect protective equipment, and you will get a perfect tan, and most importantly, you will be able to cheer yourself up by 100 points. It's so nice to enjoy the warm rays, knowing that it's cold and rainy outside... In addition, the solarium has new modern lamps, polite consultants and a cozy atmosphere conducive to a relaxing holiday.
- Address : SEC "Kvartal", third floor, boutique 3.15
- Phone : 8(922)218-60-58
- Website : Funky Monkey tanning salon
7. Hike
Crossing in the Deer Streams park. Photo// kudago.comYes, yes, before the rainy season finally comes into its own, choose a time, take the children, tea in a thermos, food, warm clothes and hit the road. Where to go? There are many options, for example, the Kamennoye tract, a favorite route of the Revda sports club "Rossich", and here is a guide to the park "Deer Streams" from the portal The main thing - do not forget to charge your phone well before you hit the road.
8. Get creative with your children
Photo//Sunny City studio You can cross-stitch or paint with gouache at home, or you can visit a special place in Revda where you will be taught unusual types of creativity. Thus, an art studio and a pottery workshop operate in the Solar City Development Center. In the art studio, adults paint oil paintings on canvas, and children paint with gouache. No drawing skills required! Everyone will get. And you can take the picture with you. In the pottery workshop, a mug, a plate, a teapot, a sugar bowl and much more are molded from clay and covered with glaze. You can also purchase course certificates.
- Address : st. Sports, 27
- Phone : 8(922)151-62-24
- Website : development center "Sun City"
9. Buy new jewelry
Photo// Jurisdictional Center "Golden Calf" There is nothing more pleasant than shopping, especially for girls and especially with discounts. Until the end of September, the largest jewelry center in Revda has discounts of up to 15% on all products, including new items. For you: not only cool silver and gold earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants and so on, but also souvenirs. And in the windows there are very unusual decorations that appear in our city even earlier than at the All-Russian exhibitions. Take a look at the "Golden Calf" during the autumn walk! By the way, in the group of the center in Odnoklassniki right now you can participate in the competition and win earrings as a gift!
- Address: st. M. Gorky, 36
- Phone: 5-22-99
- Website: groups on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki
10. Read
Photo// Vladimir Kotsyuba-Belykh, You will be surprised how many interesting books exist that you didn't even know existed. Against the backdrop of the popularity of the film "It" you can re-read, for example, the novel of the same name by Stephen King. Well, or take up the classics: Chekhov's stories, Wilde's novel, Maupassant's short stories, but you never know! .. And so that large volumes do not frighten you, make it a rule to read 15-20 pages a day: there will always be time for this.
Addresses of libraries in Revda
11. Sing!
Studio soloists at a concert in Revda. Photo// Valentina Permyakova, Revda-info.ruWhen a person sings, he relaxes, opens up, rests. Vocal exercises train the lungs, as well as the respiratory apparatus: it has been proven that this is the best prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the singer is always an open, liberated and cheerful person, because it is impossible otherwise if you go on stage. In the popular pop vocal studio "Chance" both adults and children will be happy to learn how to sing. And you will also be able to participate in regular reporting concerts, which means that the city will know about you.
- Address: st. Lenina, 18
- Phone: 3-77-65, 8(950)547-26-43
- Website: vocal studio "Chance"
12. Train as often as you can
Photo// FC Vitamin This has been proven: sport prolongs life, makes a person healthy, which is very important in cold seasons. This will help you a network of fitness clubs "Vitamin" on the street. Zhukovsky, 22 and on the street. Kalinina, 2. In "Vitamin" there is a professional team of trainers, two large clubs, modern gyms equipped with the latest sports equipment, and also there are always a lot of ideas that the team embodies for their clients. And after your workout, visit the new infrared sauna or solarium, drink a protein shake or freshly squeezed juice.
- Address: st. Zhukovsky, 22 and st. Kalinina, 2
- Phone: 8(92)114-89-89, 8(922)138-82-81
- Site: network of fitness clubs "Vitamin"
13. Take home a pet
Right now this abandoned soul is looking for a new family in the "Cat House". Photo// Elena Petrova, VKontakte Only in Revda every week new puppies and kittens are found, abandoned by their owners. There are special volunteer communities that will help you become a happy owner of a tiny creature. For example, this is the Cat's House group on VKontakte (project In autumn, a new friend will warm you - and your heart.
How to help homeless animals in Revda
14. Go for coffee and a delicious dinner at the restaurant
Photo// one of the most popular places in Revda is the Flambe Art Cafe on P. Zykina, 32. Chef Artur Kindyashev, the chef of the restaurant, and his team are constantly updating and improving the menu, adding Eastern cuisine to European cuisine, and the cozy atmosphere of the cafe is already being talked about in the city. During the day you will enjoy a delicious business lunch (including meat and fish on teppan in the menu), and in the evening you will enjoy pleasant music, delicacies and drinks.
- Address: st. P.Zykina, 32, entrance from the street. Mira
- Phone: 28-108, 8(902)500-03-06
- Website: Art Cafe "Flambe"

You are invited to classes by the fitness studio "Exclusive". Fly yoga is a panacea for everything unpleasant (health and posture problems, overweight, blues as well). Children as young as five years of age can also play it. It is shown even to men. During classes, the whole body works, while you do not experience critical loads, as in other workouts. Pleasant, free, easy - this is how people who do fly yoga feel. Try it too!
- Address: st. Tsvetnikov, 36
- Phone: 8(922)60-777-88
- Site: fitness studio "Exclusive"
16. Have a Fun Day
Photo// Yes, you work a lot - maybe this is the reason for your blues? Gather courage and postpone things for one, but certainly all day. And go to the entertainment center "Kin-Dza-Dza". Here: a movie in three halls of the Crystal Cinema, with popcorn and 3D glasses; menu novelties in the soft and cozy restaurant "Kare"; a playroom for children who do not like to be bored; billiard room for dads and grandfathers; beauty boutique for moms. The large entertainment center of Revda awaits guests every day, here you can relax from morning to evening. Follow the announcements of events in the group on VKontakte!
- Address: st. Kalinina, 2
- Phone: 33-900
- Website: RC "Kin-Dza-Dza"
17. Order delicious rolls and watch a movie
Photo// SushiFreshFortunately, today there are many films that can be found in online cinemas! In VKontakte, we in the Revda-info community share tips on what to see, using the hashtag #Ri_what to watch. Look for advice from the townspeople. And, of course, order rolls at Sushi Fresh - after all, there is not only a large assortment of your favorite Japanese delicacies (including in various sets), but also hot pizza to your taste. Imagine: you can sit on the couch in your favorite pajamas and enjoy the classic Philadelphia, spicy Bonitos, fragrant sweet desserts ... By the way, they arrive quickly!
- Address : st.